Monday, June 24, 2019

Big Brother 21 Rumors: Did Someone Get Evicted Already?

Big Brother 21’s pre-season has been filled with rumors and theories. We only got a sprinkle of legit spoiler with a feeds audio leak happened a few days ago. It revealed to us who won the first week Big Brother 21 Head of Household, but the rest of the audio just made us more confused about what happened in the first few days of Big Brother 21.

One thing that was discussed, during the leaked audio, was that the HOH did not want to send someone home and make them the first GUY to go home. It also made it seem like one player had to nominate four people and one of them got evicted on premiere night. This sent Big Brother 21 fans in a tailspin trying to guess who might have been the poor unfortunate soul.

During Christie Murphy Head of Household talk with Nicole Anthony, she mentioned that possibly Jackson Michie won some power during the Big Brother 21 move-in night, and then had to nominate four people. One of those people were Cliff Hogg III, but remained in the house. This lead people to speculate that either Analyse Talavera or Kemi Faknule was the first player evicted.

Christie went over a list of people she thought would keep Cliff if he was on the block against Kathryn Dunn. She mentioned all of the women except Analyse or Kemi, but she called one of them “sis,” so that made fans believe that one of these women were evicted. Later in the week, a Reddit user claimed to have insider info and that David Alexander had been booted from the game for breaking Big Brother rules. Many people didn’t believe this anonymous Reddit user, but the Big Brother 21 swimsuit and bikini photos show some interesting clues.

Based on the photo editing, it looks like David was inserted in the group photos. This similar to what happened with Cameron Heard in Big Brother 19. Later the user clarified that he had misspoken. David was not expelled but the first player evicted. A Reddit user also claimed that David’s swimsuit photos were taken way after everyone else, which aligns with the theory that he already left.

Take a closer examination of David’s swimsuit photos. Was he the first person evicted from Big Brother 21?

Big Brother 21 Cast Bikini and Swimsuits

It’s Big Brother 21 season, so keep it here all summer for news, recaps, exclusives, spoilers and much more. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!

from Big Brother Access

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