Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Traitors Season 2 Episode 5 Recap: A Killer Move

The Traitors Season 2 Episode 5 recap
Photo by: PEACOCK

The Traitors Season 2 Episode 5 has arrived, and with it comes a lot of emotions. The first four episodes had us on the edge of our seats, shouting at the screen. Just last episode, Phaedra took Parvati and Dan to task for their roundtable behavior. Were they able to put their differences aside and come together for the greater good of the Traitors? Or were the Faithful finally about to start exposing some cracks in the armor? Here’s everything that went down in The Traitors Season 2, Episode 5: “A Killer Move.”

Who was murdered in The Traitors Season 2, Episode 5?

The Traitors Season 2 Episode 5
Photo by: Randy Shrophsire/Peacock

Tamra Judge was the fourth celebrity to be murdered in The Traitors Season 2.

After Parvati convinced Phaedra she was “not trying to sabotage” her in “any way,” and delivered an apology, things got back to normal in the Traitors turret. Phaedra did promise, however, that if it happened again, she wouldn’t forget it. Dan noted in confessional about how he could use their fractured relationship in the future, to throw them under the bus if the time came to deflect attention away from himself.

As a “peace offering,” Parv wanted Phaedra to lead the kill. Who would cause the most confusion? Turns out, a fellow star of The Real Housewives. Tamra cried actual tears upon learning of her fate. I suppose there’s a first time for everything.

Janelle threw some Bravo shade at the breakfast table, quipping that Housewives “don’t have the skill or the strategy” to be Traitors. But she was suspicious of her fellow Big Brother legend, Dan. She’s not the only one. Dan keeping his cards so close to his chest is beginning to rub the other players the wrong way. CT asked him to give just one theory, but he wasn’t willing to do it.

Peter said in confessional that Dan was “playing a really, really good game,” in “laying super low [and] flying under the radar.” And Janelle pulled Trishelle and Bergie aside to say Dan being a Traitor was “obvious.” She can see the moves he did in Big Brother all over again, adding that he was the most “devious” person she’d ever played with. The spotlight’s getting hot!

A mission success for the Faithful

Alan Cumming in The Traitors
Photo by: PEACOCK

In this week’s mission, the contestants had to split into two groups. Only one of them would be eligible to win shields, which led to some fighting. Janelle, of course, wanted a shield for herself. She strong-armed her way onto the correct side, but it was actually a different pair who snatched the protection.

Trishelle and Bergie would be safe from murder after tonight’s banishment ceremony. But the outside teams had a plan. They weren’t going to tell those on the inside who was safe, because if the Traitors were inside, they might try and kill somebody who was protected. It was a great idea, but would it work out?

“No one likes a selfish Faithful,” said Dan. “That could get Janelle in trouble.”

The actual mission was a fun watch. The pairs outside had to imitate bird calls for the group inside. Those inside then had to find a matching bird statue, and bring it to host Alan Cumming. Each correct answer would add money to the pot. After all was said and done, along with the shields claimed, $10,000 out of a possible $15,000 was added to the prize. This left the total standing at $75,500.

Who is banished in The Traitors Season 2, Episode 5?

The Traitors Season 2 Episode 5 Recap
Photo by: PEACOCK

Janelle Pierzina is the fourth celebrity to be banished from The Traitors Season 2, in Episode 5.

Before meeting for the nightly roundtable, Peter put a plan of misdirection in action. He told those he was suspicious of – Dan, Parvati, and CT – that he trusted them enough to tell them he and Janelle had the shields. It was a lie, to try and trick the Traitors into shooting elsewhere.

MJ was also planting some seeds. She was slowly becoming sus of Janelle, and told as much to Dan, Shereé, and Sandra. She told them Janelle was “gunning hard” for Dan. But, he hit back that she did the same to Larsa, who was a Faithful.

At the roundtable, Below Deck’s Kate Chastain made her grand return to the game! It was fabulous to see the most glamorous contestant The Traitors has ever had make a comeback. She’ll be playing as a Faithful, but the rest of the group are told she could be a Traitor.

“Tell me everything! Who do we hate?” she asks. What a way to kickstart a discussion. Kevin immediately throws Janelle under the bus, saying she rallies “people up in the evening” to deflect from morning conversations, that may land her in hot water. When Kate whispers to MJ, asking what Kevin’s name is, he snaps at her and tells her to “listen.” You do not want to come for Kate, Mr. Kreider. Step very carefully.

After Janelle defends herself, saying she’s not “a mastermind,” Kevin points to his biggest “red flag.” That’s Dan. He has “contributed the least,” and Janelle adds that he gives nothing. Trishelle jumps in, and says even if Dan is a Faithful, he’s not a good one, because he’s not helping the group.

The time’s come for Dan to finally name somebody he thinks is a Traitor. “I’m saying Janelle. I think I’ve been blinded by my friendship with Janelle.”

Then came the vote! After Sandra voted for Janelle, they got into a back-and-forth of “fuck off,” and, “you’re the biggest fucking Traitor here.” It was hilarious.

In the end, Janelle was banished. Taking to the circle of truth, she said: “Much like in Big Brother, I played a very competitive game. But just like in Big Brother I was loyal, and I was honest. I’m a Faithful you idiots.”

Bergie finds his voice: “Good job guys, you guys are trusting the Traitors.” Kate just thinks it’s pure “comedy” to watch everybody play so badly.

Dan promises to “fix” the rumors surrounding him

The Traitors Season 2 Episode 5 Recap
Photo by: PEACOCK

When the Traitors came to meet, Phaedra was quick to tell Dan he needed to up his game. While he says he can fix it, in confessional, it looks like he might do that by trying to throw Phaedra to the wolves.

Dan and Parvati relay Peter’s message to Phaedra about who he said has the shield. “He’s lying,” Parvati astutely points out. But Dan doesn’t believe it. He doesn’t think Peter is “savvy enough” to make such a move. And so, he wants to take a shot at Bergie. Parv thinks John is a safer option. But Dan is relentless in his pushing for Bergie to go. If they do go with Bergie, it’s going to backfire and everybody will be back for the next breakfast. I can’t wait to see how this all turns out…

New episodes of The Traitors stream on Peacock on Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET.


The post The Traitors Season 2 Episode 5 Recap: A Killer Move appeared first on Reality Tea.

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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 13, Episode 13 Recap: Annemarie Tosses Crystal Under the Bus

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 13, Episode 13 recap
Photo by: Nicole Weingart/Bravo via Getty Images

Hello again! Let’s jump right into The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 13, Episode 13 recap. Last week, Crystal finally confronted Annemarie about her unhealthy fascination with Sutton’s esophagus. This week’s episode, titled “Tapas and Tattletales,” is set in Barcelona, Spain. Annemarie comes in hot after Crystal. And the ladies are afraid of some creepy supernatural company. Here’s everything that you need to know about RHOBH Season 13, Episode 13!

Sutton brings a friend

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 13, Episode 13
Photo by: Nicole Weingart/Bravo

As Sutton was packing, she told her property manager, Avi, that she was bringing someone else with her to Barcelona. She is bringing along dancer and choreographer Merce Cunningham. Sutton worked for his studio back in the 90s. Now Avi is tasked with fetching Merce, or his ashes, to pack in Sutton’s suitcase.

Poor Merce isn’t even in an urn. He has spent 12 years in a baggie in Sutton’s closet. How undignified! Finally, she is ready to release him.

Welcome to Barcelona

The villa is located in Sitges, which has a special meaning for Sutton. It was one of the first places in Europe where the Merce Cunningham Dance Company performed. The property is over 700 years old and gorgeous.

As the property manager started to warn the group, Erika was freaking out that the place is haunted. She can “smell” different spirits- and not the sipping kind. Meanwhile, Dorit was nearly convulsing and gripping Erika’s hand. Annemarie was terrified, and so was Garcelle.

Luckily, the ghosts are friendly “little people.” Whatever that means. This is going to be a fun trip! Hopefully one of the ladies will get their prank on.

Stormy weather

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 13, Episode 13 recap
Photo by: Casey Durkin/Bravo

Dorit was further traumatized when she saw what her good friend Kyle had packed. Kyle has lots of leather leggings and a bathing suit with a g-string. “Is Kyle looking for her next husband in Spain?” Dorit quipped.  

The ladies gathered outside for drinks. But when the cast members met Storm, the chef, some of them were drooling. “We can tag team him,” Garcelle said of Storm. Erika replied, “Anytime you want.” Well, at least no one is worried about the little people now.

After the ladies sat down for dinner, Sutton opened up a container to introduce her guests to Merce. She shared that she was his studio manager for six years. He loved her dancing, and they bonded over that. Even Garcelle was shocked that poor Merce was spending eternity in a Ziploc. Please bring back Storm!

Crystal was in the hot seat

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 13, Episode 13
Photo by: Nicole Weingart/Bravo

Annemarie wanted to bring up the Homeless Not Toothless Gala again. Sutton checked her for her comment about single people being “lonely and insecure.” Garcelle also wasn’t a fan of Annemarie’s latest pearl of wisdom.

But Annemarie’s real target was Crystal. “The first thing that Crystal said to me about this group of women was that you ladies were not intelligent, nobody was educated and you’re very shallow,” Annemarie said.

While Crystal looked stunned by Annemarie’s claims, Dorit sounded off in her confessional. “You’re nowhere near more educated than the rest of us. By the way, child bride, while you were getting married at 12, the rest of us were building businesses, graduating college,” Dorit stated. “Doing things, you know, to educate ourselves.” Crystal’s wedding photo to her husband Rob flashed on the screen. She was only 24 years old while Rob was 45 years old when they wed.

When asked if she said it, Crystal responded, “I would not say that to someone I just met. I don’t feel that way.” In her confessional, she said, “That’s false. I never said those things.” Shout out to the producers, who showed a clip from 2020 of Crystal calling her co-stars “clearly not highly educated.”

Garcelle detected some truth in Annemarie’s comments

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 13, Episode 13 recap
Photo by: Nicole Weingart/Bravo

Garcelle noted that in the past, Crystal seemed to believe that some of the ladies weren’t well educated. But Annemarie wasn’t done. She also claimed that Crystal referred to herself as “the only true socialite” in the group. Sutton, of course, is a socialite, and no one is taking that title away.

Still, Annemarie insisted that Crystal wants people to think that she is better than they are. Once again, screaming Crystal was back, and she wanted control of this conversation. She slammed Annemarie for referring to herself as a physician and not a nurse.

Annemarie told Crystal, “I want a thank you for giving you something to talk about and making your ass relevant.” Oh, Annemarie. Please. Stop.

Erika’s earring update

Before heading to church, Erika wanted to share some information with the group, particularly Crystal, about her famous earrings. Back in 2022, Crystal and Garcelle both pressed Erika about not getting rid of the earrings to help the victims.

Erika was thrilled that the district court issued a ruling on her appeal. The court demanded that the trustee prove that the funds to purchase the earrings came from Tom Girardi’s clients’ money. Erika was tooting her own horn for being right, and she was pissed off that no one was acknowledging it.

The group set off for the church in two Sprinter vans. The road to the church was twisty and windy, and Crystal started to feel ill. She asked to be let out of the car, and the veins in her hands were popping out. Annemarie looked at Crystal’s hands as Kyle dialed 911. For what reason, we don’t know, as the ladies are in Barcelona. Not the United States.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills continues on Wednesdays at 8/7c on Bravo.


The post Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 13, Episode 13 Recap: Annemarie Tosses Crystal Under the Bus appeared first on Reality Tea.

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