10:46 PM PST - 22:30ish Nick, Bella, Christie, Tommy, & Sam in HOH talking game. Nick comes up with alliance name for them but checks if it's okay with Tommy & Christie, 'Flaming Five' they all laugh. They want to keep it under wraps until later in the game though. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28385017
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
10:35 PM PST - 10:10pm in HOH: Christie, Tommy, Nick, Bella and Sam are speculating about who has the nightmare power (Christie and Tommy already know that Ovi has it). (NT)
10:35 PM PST - 10:10pm in HOH: Christie, Tommy, Nick, Bella and Sam are speculating about who has the nightmare power (Christie and Tommy already know that Ovi has it). (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384982
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384982
10:06 PM PST - Holly and David move to KT. They are joking about Nicole/Ovi/David alliance FFA (feed the fish alliance) (NT)
10:06 PM PST - Holly and David move to KT. They are joking about Nicole/Ovi/David alliance FFA (feed the fish alliance) (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384915
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384915
10:03 PM PST - Holly in SR with David. Holly is questioning him on what he knows about his position/purpose in the house in the new camp. He is very vaguely answering some of them, and hints that in order for him to tell more he needs info. (NT)
10:03 PM PST - Holly in SR with David. Holly is questioning him on what he knows about his position/purpose in the house in the new camp. He is very vaguely answering some of them, and hints that in order for him to tell more he needs info. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384898
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384898
10:01 PM PST - Christie also said he wants to take a shot at the couple's with Sam's help. And that he said he thinks Christie and Tommy had a final two. (NT)
10:01 PM PST - Christie also said he wants to take a shot at the couple's with Sam's help. And that he said he thinks Christie and Tommy had a final two. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384891
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384891
09:59 PM PST - Christie said she heard Cliff talking to the cameras about Ovi having a power. She said it confirmed that he doesn't have the power. (NT)
09:59 PM PST - Christie said she heard Cliff talking to the cameras about Ovi having a power. She said it confirmed that he doesn't have the power. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384884
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384884
09:52 PM PST - Christie, Sam and Bella complaining about how Jessica goes off into tangents. (NT)
09:52 PM PST - Christie, Sam and Bella complaining about how Jessica goes off into tangents. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384865
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384865
09:49 PM PST - Jackson, Holly, Kat and Analyse talking about how Analyse slept most of the day. (NT)
09:49 PM PST - Jackson, Holly, Kat and Analyse talking about how Analyse slept most of the day. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384858
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384858
Love Island USA Is Here and We're Already Obsessed

from E! Online (US) - TV News https://www.eonline.com/news/1055623/love-island-usa-is-here-and-we-re-already-obsessed?cmpid=rss-000000-rssfeed-365-tvnews&utm_source=eonline&utm_medium=rssfeeds&utm_campaign=rss_tvnews
Love Island: CBS’ version starts brilliantly
From the exceptionally well-chosen soundtrack to the cheeky, self-aware narration, Love Island had a lot of fun, something we don’t get too often from network reality TV.
from reality blurred https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2019/07/love-island-premiere-recap/
America's Got Talent Hands Out Final Season 14 Golden Buzzer

from E! Online (US) - TV News https://www.eonline.com/news/1055618/america-s-got-talent-hands-out-final-season-14-golden-buzzer?cmpid=rss-000000-rssfeed-365-tvnews&utm_source=eonline&utm_medium=rssfeeds&utm_campaign=rss_tvnews
07:56 PM PST - 7:50pm in the Bathroom, Bella tells Sam about the Gr8ful alliance (NT)
07:56 PM PST - 7:50pm in the Bathroom, Bella tells Sam about the Gr8ful alliance (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384419
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384419
07:08 PM PST - Hg's in KT having dinner (NT)
07:08 PM PST - Hg's in KT having dinner (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384268
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384268
06:49 PM PST - Holly/Kat....they think it would be stupid to get rid of Jess b/c she is a number for them. They are scared of what Sys might do if she gets HOH. (NT)
06:49 PM PST - Holly/Kat....they think it would be stupid to get rid of Jess b/c she is a number for them. They are scared of what Sys might do if she gets HOH. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384207
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384207
06:46 PM PST - Holly telling Kat she doesn't quite trust Christie because she runs her mouth to much. She also really doesn't trust nick after Nicole said he had mentioned her name. They think Sam and Tommy are in the running for top 3. Kat thinks Bella is disgusting. (NT)
06:46 PM PST - Holly telling Kat she doesn't quite trust Christie because she runs her mouth to much. She also really doesn't trust nick after Nicole said he had mentioned her name. They think Sam and Tommy are in the running for top 3. Kat thinks Bella is disgusting. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384198
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384198
06:43 PM PST - Kat and Holly in HOH BA. Kat says Sys is coming off as a B*tch, especially to the other girls. She doesn't think she means it, but after the Jack convo earlier, Sys needs to watch herself. (NT)
06:43 PM PST - Kat and Holly in HOH BA. Kat says Sys is coming off as a B*tch, especially to the other girls. She doesn't think she means it, but after the Jack convo earlier, Sys needs to watch herself. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384187
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384187
06:17 PM PST - Kat listening to music in HOH room. Nick and Bella curled up in bed with Sys in front of them. Nicks hand is petting Sys's head. They are watching HOH monitor laughing at Christie cooking. (NT)
06:17 PM PST - Kat listening to music in HOH room. Nick and Bella curled up in bed with Sys in front of them. Nicks hand is petting Sys's head. They are watching HOH monitor laughing at Christie cooking. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384037
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28384037
06:03 PM PST - Cliff Tommy Jack down in KT working on food. (NT)
06:03 PM PST - Cliff Tommy Jack down in KT working on food. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28383980
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28383980
05:55 PM PST - Michie talking to Sam in HOH bedroom. Michie is trying to convince him to come to Nashville and party. Sam tells him he's married and has kids so that probably is not an option, unless he was single. (NT)
05:55 PM PST - Michie talking to Sam in HOH bedroom. Michie is trying to convince him to come to Nashville and party. Sam tells him he's married and has kids so that probably is not an option, unless he was single. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28383939
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28383939
05:50 PM PST - Jess/Kemi/David talking in trailer about kids and travel (NT)
05:50 PM PST - Jess/Kemi/David talking in trailer about kids and travel (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28383909
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28383909
05:49 PM PST - Nicole talking to cameras in boatroom alone (NT)
05:49 PM PST - Nicole talking to cameras in boatroom alone (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28383906
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28383906
05:39 PM PST - 5:15 Jack talking to Sys in archery BR. He begins by telling her he had dreams last nite and realizes he has baggage. He is worried about them and the integrity of their games. Jack says he doesn't want to stop spending time with her. Sys says it's a game so she realizes it. Jack says he still wants to protect her. (Sys's eyes are watering) But they need to find balance so they aren't targets. Sys having trouble explaining herself. Jack says in his DR sessions he said he wants to get to know her better, but they have now brought too much attention to themselves. (NT)
05:39 PM PST - 5:15 Jack talking to Sys in archery BR. He begins by telling her he had dreams last nite and realizes he has baggage. He is worried about them and the integrity of their games. Jack says he doesn't want to stop spending time with her. Sys says it's a game so she realizes it. Jack says he still wants to protect her. (Sys's eyes are watering) But they need to find balance so they aren't targets. Sys having trouble explaining herself. Jack says in his DR sessions he said he wants to get to know her better, but they have now brought too much attention to themselves. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28383867
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28383867
05:01 PM PST - In the HOH, Christie Sam and Tommy laying on the HOH bed while Nick, Bella and Kemi move a dice around a checkerboard practicing for what they believe will be the dice roll game. Jackson is icing his foot near the HOH bathroom. Cliff exits the bathroom and takes a seat in the middle of the room and uses the long fur throw as a blanket. David listening in to the random chatter (NT)
05:01 PM PST - In the HOH, Christie Sam and Tommy laying on the HOH bed while Nick, Bella and Kemi move a dice around a checkerboard practicing for what they believe will be the dice roll game. Jackson is icing his foot near the HOH bathroom. Cliff exits the bathroom and takes a seat in the middle of the room and uses the long fur throw as a blanket. David listening in to the random chatter (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28383654
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates) https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/gotothread.php?gotopost=28383654
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