Saturday, March 23, 2019

'Married at First Sight' star Jasmine McGriff: I think Kate Sisk is still confused about her relationship with Luke Cuccurullo and it's sad

Married at First Sight star Jasmine McGriff feels Kate Sisk was still "confused" about her relationship with husband Luke Cuccurullo at the time of their mini-moon in the Pocono Mountains.

from Reality TV World latest news stories

Cardi B applies to trademark her 'Okurrr' catchphrase

Cardi B has filed an application to trademark her signature catchphrase, "Okurrr."

from Reality TV World latest news stories

Ex-BBB Danrley comemora um milhão de seguidores no Instagram: 'É uma loucura'

Danrley perdeu a disputa pelo prêmio oferecido pelo "BBB 19", mas ganhou um milhão seguidores no Instagram e uma legião de fãs. Na sua volta para a Rocinha, onde mora, ontem(22), ele foi recebido pela população com muita festa.Danrley na Rocinha— É...

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from Extra Online - BBB