If you take a gamble in the Big Brother house, you have to be ready for the consequences. Faysal Shafaat took a risk and eliminated Scottie Salton, his ally. In Faysal’s mind, Scottie had been the person flipping votes all Big Brother 20; he wasn’t a player Faysal could trust. He also worried that Scottie would influence Haleigh Broucher too much, and result in his elimination.

Haleigh warned Faysal that Tyler Crispen, Angela Rummans, and Kaycee Clark were lying to him. The minute they got the chance, they would take her out. Now it looks like Faysal will finally believe Haleigh because Angela plans to not only nominate Haleigh but him as well.
Haleigh is sure that the house would take her out of the Big Brother 20 game. And that was true about a week ago, now it looks like Faysal has made himself a prime target. Angela plans to keep Haleigh and Faysal in the dark until nominations time. Before nominations, Angela told Faysal and Haleigh that she would go up as a pawn, but Sam Bledsoe would be the real target.
Things will not be fun and dandy for Faysal and Haleigh once they learn that they were completely fooled this week, and every week. So did Angela stick to her original Big Brother 20 plan and put the showmance on the block? Read below to find out.
Angela nominated Haleigh and Faysal for eviction. Now they’re going to have to battle it out for safety this week.

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