Things are about to start getting even more INTERESTING! We are finally at my favorite part of the show. The phase where the Married At First Sight couples are forced to move in with their stranger spouse never disappoints. Some of the matches continue on their honeymoon phase, while others start going downhill fast. It’s only their first day back in the real world and things are already starting to get crazy.
Pastor Calvin guides each of the couples into the next chapter of marriage. From what I saw in this episode they are going to definitely need a lot more hand holding. Things are starting to get real and participants are starting to be more observant. I guess when you are no longer distracted by a wedding and a beach that tends to happen. Let’s get straight to the recap!
Katina and Olajuwon

Katina and Olajuwon have moved into their new shared apartment. Within a short time, he is already reinforcing his expectations for his wife. Although she isn’t a cook, for some reason she is going along with it for now. I don’t know why she doesn’t just tell him she isn’t going to be the sole cook in the house. She has admitted in previous episodes that she doesn’t even know how to cook. If he wants a cook meal every day, he would need to get acquainted with the kitchen himself.
Olajuwon takes Katina to his house to see where he lived pre-marriage. Needless to say, his home definitely needs a woman’s touch. When he asks her to rate his place, he is shocked by all of the changes she would make. I agree with her. The house wasn’t bad, but could use some upgrades. But they both plan to live in his house after the experiment.
Pastor Calvin Roberson stops by to meet with Olajuwon and Katina at their apartment. Immediately, the issue of her cooking and the way he speaks to her is addressed. It almost comes off as if she is nervous to say anything that may upset him. Even Pastor Calvin admits that he doesn’t like what he witnessed at times. After digging deeper, we find out that it is Olajuwon is the one pumping the brakes on a sexual relationship. He is worried about going to the next level and then things not working out. Katina admits that his way of thinking makes her feel less secure.
Alyssa and Chris

Chris has moved into the new apartment alone. I’m sure it’s no surprise to anyone, but Alyssa has declined moving in with her husband. Later, in an effort for more camera time, they both meet with people separately to discuss their marriage woes. Alyssa tries her best to convince her mother that Chris is a horrible person who treats her poorly. Her mom isn’t quite buying it and even says he seemed like a nice guy. Alyssa then goes as far to say he has no respect for the police based on a tweet on social media. Meanwhile, Chris meets with his best friend who is a police officer. He explains that he doesn’t believe she has gotten the chance to truly get to know him because she doesn’t want to talk to him. This man doesn’t even have his wife’s phone number.
Pastor Calvin meets with Alyssa and Chris at the apartment. Alyssa is asked to explain how and when she discovered that things were not going to work out. The first thing she mentions is that he isn’t her physical type. Duh! She then begins to peddle a load of bs and act as if she was willing to get to know her husband. She even tries to say she didn’t want to live together because she is allergic to dogs. Huh? Girl, you don’t like him and you have made that clear in every way. She couldn’t even think of anything positive to say about the guy. After listening to the lies, Chris determines that it’s decision day for him. He then confidently asks for a divorce. Of course, Alyssa tries to play victim and change the narrative. This chick is crazy if she believes anyone is buying those crocodile tears. I am proud of Chris for the way he handled this situation. Most people would have run for the hills a long time ago.
Jasmina and Michael

Michael will be staying in the new apartment for the first few days all by himself. Jasmina claims to need to go back to her own apartment to figure out the daycare situation for her dog. Sounds a little like bs to me. Michael lets her know that he doesn’t want to start things off on the wrong foot. He hopes that in the future if there is an issue they won’t create distance from one another. She reassures him she isn’t leaving to get space, although that is an added benefit. Call it whatever you want honey, we all know you just aren’t ready to jump right in. I’m sure their disagreements during the honeymoon have something to do with it, as well.
Michael takes Jasmina to see his bachelor pad. It definitely gives off single vibes. His room even has neon painting of a nude woman. Things get a bit awkward when Jasmina discovers that he has a female roommate he never mentioned. Given her own male roommate, she found it odd he left out that detail. Later, Jasmina realizes it’s not just one female roommate, it’s actually two. Strangely, in a previous conversation, he claimed he never lived with a woman. Yikes! Michael, you are coming off as someone who is a bit sneaky. During the discussion, she becomes visibly irritated when he confused by why she is questioning him.
Michael and Jasmina meet with Pastor Calvin Roberson to discuss the state of their marriage. Things instantly get tense when she says he yells and acts differently off camera. He emphatically disagrees and thinks she has painted a picture of him in her head. Hmm… Someone is lying. The red flags are starting to sway in the wind. If he indeed yells when angry and also chooses when to omit things, that isn’t a good sign. What I can’t understand, is why? He seems so mild mannered on camera, so it’s hard to know what is truly going on. Pastor Calvin steps in and offers some coaching on communication. Something tells me this isn’t the last we will hear about this.
Noi and Steve

As Noi and Steve move in together, he is noticing that she has very high expectations in relation to her pampered pup. He has gone from being a bachelor to being a married, dog dad now. When they arrive at Steve’s home, it is the standard bachelor pad. He excitedly shows off his colorful LED lights. LMAO! Noi, much like myself is shocked he is so enamored with these gaudy lights. He even suggests they take his lighting or buy new ones for their new apartment. Insert side eye. There is nothing wrong with lighting when done in a tasteful way, but that is way too much going on.
When Steve and Noi meet with Pastor Calvin, I am shocked when she says she will not budge on having 3 children. Steve makes a lot of great points about it just go over her head because it’s outside of her vision. Pastor Calvin has to explain that things don’t always go as planned for a variety of reasons. They then dive into her fears about struggling for money. Steve not being employed triggers that fear. He has the ability to use his skills for self-employment, but Noi would prefer something more secure. This is a really interesting situation. I can understand both of their viewpoints. More and more people are starting their own businesses and being successful. You don’t only have to have a 9-5 job in order to be financially stable. But I think if Steve intends to go that route, he will need to have a plan. He will also need to show her that his method can yield financial security, as well.
Lindsey and Mark

Lindsey and Mark go to his apartment in hazmat suits to combat the bedbug situation. Because the home was treated while he was away, everything is all over the place. As soon as they arrive, Lindsey begins taking control. She gets right to bagging things up and throwing his belongings away. Mark, of course, gets frustrated with someone else in his space taking over. Honestly, I think she just was trying to get in and out as quickly as possible. In a post interview, she mentions she has anxiety about bringing things into a new house that could be contaminated. I don’t know what I would have done in that situation. In my mind, I would want him to just throw everything away and not bring it into a new space. But I guess it’s not realistic to ask an adult to move in with just the clothes on their back. Sigh! Hopefully, there is something being done in the background to ensure they aren’t transferring the issue to a new location.
Lindsey takes Mark to her home and I am shocked. Her home is small and eclectic. I don’t know what I was expecting, but Mark describes it as “mother earth” vibes. He is disappointed that it wouldn’t be an option for a place to live after the experiment. Nonetheless, they will now be living in a new apartment along with their five cats.
In a post interview, Lindsey reveals that Mark is under a great deal of stress. His landlord and family issues have him behaving in a way she describes as hot and cold. She also feels like he has been behaving differently off camera. She finally confronts him and it doesn’t go well. Pastor Calvin arrives shortly after their argument to speak to the newlyweds. Lindsey becomes emotional while explaining how she feels neglected. Mark on the other hand feels overwhelmed and wants to take things slowly. He also says that he is afraid to say things to her, which only infuriates her. Sigh! Girl, I know you have been told all of your life that you are a lot. I understand you want to go 0 to 60 because you are happy, but marriage is a marathon, not a sprint. Pastor Calvin does a good job of mediating and explaining how they each feel. Hopefully they can work things out because I think they have something worth exploring.
[Photo Credit: Lifetime]
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