Monday, March 28, 2016
Dancing with the Stars: Who Was Season 22's First Elimination?
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All About That Supergirl Cliffhanger--and Whether We'll See Another Flash Crossover Soon
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Cold Justice cancelled by TNT
from reality blurred
Bedtime Tea – March 28th
Robert de Niro pissed off the anti-vaxxers – Dlisted
T.I. & Tiny welcome baby #3 but T.I. is pissed – Babyrazzi
Is this the real deal? Or a creepy publicity stunt? – Celebitchy
Another Buckwild star in trouble – Starcasm
Ivanka Trump welcomes baby #3 – Momtastic
Ha! yep, publicity stunt (see above) – Dlisted
Photo Credit: Twitter
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Mark Ballas Sits Out Dancing with the Stars Due to Back Injury: "I'm Hopeful I'll Be Back"
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Jussie Smollett Gives You An Empire Finale Refresher in 10 Seconds
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Big Brother Canada 4: Weekend #5 Recap
After Thursday’s eventful fake double eviction of Kelsey and Loveita, the house dynamics have completely shifted and there’s been no shortage of drama! If you’ve missed or need a rehash of the events since Thursday night, don’t worry: we’ve got your weekend update right here!
Source: Global TV Canada
Please be advised that there are live feed spoilers below, including events that have not yet aired on the television show. If you do not wish to be spoiled, please do not continue reading on.
Shortly after the feeds came back Thursday night, Tim was crowned as the new Head of Household! Fans and houseguests alike were all interested in how Big Brother Australia winner Tim would handle his first HoH experience! And he has certainly made it a reign like we’ve never seen before!
Tim decided that he’d bring some of the Australian version of Big Brother to Canada by implementing a similar nomination system. He had the other houseguests use gummy koalas to distribute nomination points to the other eligible houseguests for nomination. If they refused to participate, the nominations would go towards them instead.
After Tim announced this, some houseguests revolted and said they had no desire to be a part of the circus. Dallas in particular was resisting and started asking other houseguests to nominate him so that he’d have an opportunity to play for the Power of Veto. And many of the houseguests followed suit when they met with Tim, whether or not it was at Dallas’ urging.
In the end, Dallas ended up with the most nominations via Tim’s system by far. Ramsey and Maddy had the second and third most gummy koalas respectively. Tim would use this as justification for his nominations and ultimately followed what the house wanted to do, despite other’s urging him to follow different paths.
Cassandra, Mitch, and Jared were selected to play in the Power of Veto competition, alongside Head of Household Tim and nominees Dallas and Ramsey. Ultimately, Ramsey won the Power of Veto competition and Dallas seemed to think this might be the final nail in his coffin. Although he has not given up in the slightest, proposing deals to anyone who will hear him out. He does seem somewhat resigned to his fate but with a replacement nominee being necessary, it’s not a slam dunk.
Because she got the next highest number of gummy koalas via Tim’s nomination system, she was slated to be the nominee, which pleased Cassandra and Nikki who wanted her up from the get go. Tim wants Dallas to go however, and urged the girls to keep Maddy if she were to go up as the replacement, to which they agreed despite their wishes to get rid of her due to her nasty attitude. Tim arranged that Maddy would promise to not nominate Cassandra and Nikki in exchange for their votes to stay. Nikki and Cassandra wanted to make the same deal with Dallas, but Tim seems firm in wanting Dallas evicted this week.
Cassandra and Phil had some interesting conversations about the future of the game, with them wanting to focus on Dallas, Ramsey, and Maddy in the weeks to come with Joel and Mitch in their crosshairs as the weeks go in. They realize that Mitch is playing the best game but that it’s not the right time to make a move against them. They feel comfortable with Nikki, Tim, and Jared moving forward in the game. They also discussed with Dallas and Nikki how stupid Maddy’s decision to evict Loveita was. (Yup!)
Tim approached Maddy to reveal to her that she’d be the replacement due to the gummy distribution, and she was upset but understanding. They discussed that it was stupid for Dallas to ask to be nominated, and Maddy thought it was not ideal that her, Ramsey, and Dallas were the targets this week. Maddy began to complain about Cassandra, but Tim advised her to play nice with people and not react to things as much as she does. He explained to her how evicting Loveita was a bad move for her, but she didn’t seem to get it. She mentioned that Raul and Jared promised her votes since she got rid of Loveita, which Tim said to make them hold to their end of that.
The hot water in the house was turned off due to rulebreaks, although it’s possible that Loveita and Kelsey may have been able to control that. The two of them, locked in their private suite, have had several confrontations about their differences and where they went wrong in the game. It all goes in circles, but they’ve agreed to disagree somewhat and have tried to set similar agendas like going after Tim and Mitch. They feel that both are dangerous players moving forward. They also agreed to a cover story about what happened so the others won’t know that they were together watching them all in a secret room.
Maddy has complained about Cassandra and Nikki hating her to anyone that will listen, despite the continued advice that she needs to not react to them. Meanwhile, Dallas has been working on votes and feels that he has Ramsey, Joel, Cassandra and potentially the brothers keeping him, and wants to focus on Nikki and Mitch because he believes they could come through for him.
There’s been some tension between Cassandra and Ramsey as well, he speculated (correctly) that Cassandra gave him gummy koalas towards his nomination which really upset him and she’s been on the warpath requesting that he needs to go next week.
Ultimately, as expected Tim nominated Maddy in Ramsey’s place when he removed himself from the block earlier today. After the ceremony, Phil, Tim, and Jared discussed that Dallas needed to go this week. They worried about Cassandra’s vote but she confronted them and told them not to worry and she’d vote the way that they want her to. But later spoke to Phil and said that it was better for Dallas to stay, though Phil was concerned about him going after Jared (which should not be a concern, but whatever). She told Dallas that her pushing for him to stay was falling on deaf ears, he said he’d work people the best he could.
Dallas approached Tim to asked what he’d do in the event of a tie and proposed working with him and that he would not be scared to target Jared. Phil and Tim discussed that Cassandra is adamant that Maddy leaves this week, which Tim was not pleased with. He said he had no tolerance for people that go against their alliance. (It’s ironic that Tim is being so much of a dictator about Dallas being evicted after his commentary about the house being able to decide who leaves in previous weeks.)
Tim and Cassandra had a sit down though it didn’t go great. She and Nikki still want to keep Dallas, but that the guys aren’t listening to her and she cannot be around them. Nikki suggested talking to Tim again but if they don’t change their minds that they’ll have to vote Dallas out. Cassandra mentioned that Maddy mentioned targeting Nick/Phil and Cassandra next week if she stays. Nikki then spoke to Tim and he said he’d listen if they had reasons for keeping Dallas other than wanting Maddy to leave. Nikki stated that she trusts Dallas more and knows where they stand with him.
It’s sure to come down to it once again as it’s not at all clear who will be evicted at this point. And this Thursday we’ll have the added excitement of Loveita or Kelsey returning to the game. It’s going to be a good one!
from Big Brother Access
The Walking Dead Finale Death Odds: Who's Kicking the Bucket?
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Why You Absolutely Need to Be Watching Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
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Cynthia Bailey Confesses Her Marriage To Peter Thomas Is “Not In A Great Place”
Cynthia Bailey and Peter Thomas are hot and they’re cold, they’re on and they’re not! During the Real Housewives Of Atlanta reunion, the couple admitted to living in separate cities, but denied being ‘separated’. “I love my wife,” Peter said defensively to Porsha Williams‘ accusation that he was cheating on his wife with waitresses all over Atlanta!
After Peter was caught on video caressing a woman not his wife, Cynthia insisted they were working on things. When she was a no-show to Peter’s daughter’s recent wedding, rumors of divorce started swirling again.
“The finale was filmed some months ago – that’s not real time. At the finale, when that was filmed, we were in a better place. I will say now that Peter and I are not in a great place,” Cynthia admitted on Amy Phillips‘ SiriusXM show Reality Checked. “We are not in a great place.”
I don’t think anything about that kitchen massage probably done with Kroger EVOO was an indication of a happy marriage, but whatever CynthiBot…
Cynthia and Peter blamed “businesses” for the reason they’re living apart presently. Uh-huh.
“Honestly, I don’t know what’s going to happen with us right now – we’re still trying to figure it out,” Cynthia continued. “It’s kind of complicated. We’ve been married for five years, we’ve been together for eight. We’re the only couple on the Real Housewives Of Atlanta that actually was married. We’ve never been married outside of the show. And, I don’t think that has helped us a lot.”
Both Cynthia and Peter acknowledged the show – which even showcased Cynthia’s mother and sister attempting to thwart their nuptials (too bad that didn’t succeed!) – made their marriage harder. They’ve been plagued by repeated financial and legal issues, including bar closings and bankruptcies, as well as infidelity rumors. Peter was recently investigated by police for a brawl in his Charlotte, NC bar Sports One.
“Maybe if we had been married for a few years before the show, that would have been better,” Cynthia suggested. Doubt it. After all, she would still be married to Peachter! “It’s been difficult. The wedding was difficult. Everything about our marriage has been difficult.”
Too bad they didn’t take their own advice from their marital memoir!
As for what Cynthia is hoping the future holds, she admitted she isn’t sure. “I usually have all the answers for all the questions, but when it comes to my marriage, I just don’t know right now. I just know that it’s not good right now.”
I personally think Cynthia will wait until the next season of Real Housewives Of Atlanta is filming to file for divorce. That will give Cynthia a guaranteed storyline, and a reason to remain on the show. I also predict we’ll see her becoming closer to fellow-divorced housewives Porsha and Phaedra Parks as a result! I also believe we’ll see more concrete evidence of Peachter’s alleged cheating…
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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Last Call to Vote in Alpha Male Madness 2016: Stephen Amell or Sam Heughan?
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Is Another Dancing With the Stars Fan-Favorite Going to Appear on Fuller House?
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Kim Richards Is Going To Be A Grandmother; Brooke Weiderhorn Is Pregnant!
Kim Richards just found out she’s about to become a grandmother! Her eldest daughter Brooke Weiderhorn, who married Thayer Weiderhorn last year, announced the news on instagram.
Brooke and Thayer announced that they’re expecting a boy by sharing a cute Easter basket full of blue items. This is especially happy news for the family who just lost Brooke’s father Monty Brinson after a long battle with cancer. Kim, who has been appearing on The Mother Daughter Experiment with Kimberly, has admitted her sobriety strained relationships with her children, but perhaps becoming a grandmother will finally help her get it together!
Brooke shared, “Happy Easter! Can’t wait to meet our baby BOY!” [Credit: Instagram]
Brooke and Thayer wed in Kathy Hilton‘s backyard on last season’s Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills in a very intimate affair so Monty would be able to walk Brooke down the aisle.
Later that year, Brooke and Thayer celebrated again with another wedding in Mexico, which included more friends and family. Unfortunately that event was dominated by Kim’s drunken messiness and her fighting with Kyle Richards.
In fact, its been a dramatic year for the entire Richards-Hilton clan. After Kathy disapproved of Kyle airing the family’s dirty laundry on Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills, and her husband Rick’s reported feud with Mauricio, Kyle was nearly disinvited from Nicky Hilton‘s wedding this summer. Kyle attended without her husband and two of her daughters. They also spent a strained Thanksgiving and Christmas season barely speaking.
It seems Kim, Kyle, and Kathy are finally moving forward by agreeing to maintain delusion – they celebrated Kim’s birthday together.
[Credit: IAmKyleRichards Snapchat]
Kyle shared on Snapchat that Kyle, Kathy, and Kim and many of their children spent Easter weekend at Kim’s stolen house in Palm Springs reports E! News. This should be a happy time for the entire family since Nicky is also pregnant, which means more generations Hilton-Richards dramatics. Let’s hope Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills goes on forever and ever!
Kim, Kathy, and Paris get into the Easter spirit! Hopefully that is NOT Kim’s dog! [Credit: Instagram]
The family reuniting for Whitney’s birthday last week [Credit: Instagram]
Congratulations Brooke, Thayer, and Kim!
[Main Photo Credit: Instagram]
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Mark Ballas Suffers Dancing With the Stars Injury, May Not Be Able to Perform
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Reality TV Stars Celebrate Easter – Photos
While some reality TV stars make a huge production out of going to church on Easter <cough-Jenners-cough-Kardashians-cough> for the paps, others enjoy quality time with family. Of course, they are still reality stars, so they share pics on social media. Here is a roundup of our favorite pictures from the weekend.
Above: Kim Richards shared, “Happy Easter from our family to yours! Missing our Kimberly today! Hurry home little one!”
Below you’ll find pics from Heather Dubrow, Jenelle Evans, Melissa Gorga, Tori Spelling, Courtney Stodden, Torrei Hart, Lisa Vanderpump, & more.
Main Photo Credit: Instagram
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Acusada de racismo, Munik sacode a web, e Adélia diz: ‘Afirmação nojenta’
from Extra Online - BBB
Where's Danny? The Mindy Project's New Season 4 Promo Finds Our Heroine on Her Own
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Real Housewives Of Atlanta Reunion Part 2 Recap: Let’s Talk About Sex Bae
Last night was part 2 of the Real Housewives Of Atlanta reunion. The conversation was all about sex and who’s having it with those they shouldn’t be! Thank you Bravo for giving me d–k in a box for Easter. Or should I say d–k in a basket?
Andy begins by asking Cynthia Bailey and Porsha Williams about their boat brawl. Despite spending the season pretending to be friends, Cynthia and Porsha now dislike each other for some mysterious reason, so MONTHS later they are now arguing over who’s at fault.
Kandi Burruss admits that the other ladies convinced Porsha to go and talk to Cynthia after she walked away from their verbal fight.
Porsha blames Cynthia for escalating things by grabbing her wrist, which prompted her to straddle Cynthia’s chair. Cynthia argues that Porsha stuck her finger in Cynthia’s face. But you guys, Porsha was just talking with her hands very very very close to Cynthia’s face, because Cynthia was doing it first! Kenya Moore, who cannot shut up for the love of money nor mommy, gets on her crumbling soapbox about how violating personal space is uncalled for — said the woman who shoved a bullhorn and scepter in someone’s face, threatened to beat a pregnant woman, and tried to yank Kim Fields‘ chair out from under her over a job she never applied for. I guess what I’m saying is, those in Moore Manors without glass shouldn’t cast stones.
A viewer even reads Kenya for being the instigator on all the physical altercations that have happened on the show in the last few seasons, so Kenya reminds us that Porsha beat up her assistant.
Porsha retaliates by calling Kenya out on having an affair with a one-eyed African who’s married. Lest you think ‘one eyed African’ is a pet name for male genitalia, you’re wrong. He really is an African with an eye patch, who also happens to be a preacher. And a married preacher at that.
Sheree Whitfield fans herself in shock. (I love Sheree!) Kenya plays dumb and then starts ranting about who paid for Porsha’s Rolls (I thought it was a Bentley?) and all the married men she’s been with, because the internet spreads rumors as much as Porsha spreads legs.
Why are there more mysterious African sugar daddies on this show than there are Housewives? What kind of operation is Andy Cohen running here? Security!
Although I do agree that Porsha can never take responsibility. Cynthia complains that Porsha exaggerated her injuries like blaming her for the bruises on her arms and legs – which came from being tackled by a producer – not from being kicked in the stomach by Cynthia (which resulted in a contusion), but apparently it was Phaedra Parks who was telling everyone how roughed up Porsha was. Do we really care? No we don’t.
Finally Porsha halfheartedly apologizes. Boat trips with Real Housewives should never be allowed.
Andy then chooses this moment to discuss Kenya’s relationship with her mother. He wonders about Kenya’s decision to bring cameras to surprise her mother, and if that may have been the reason Patricia didn’t open the door. Kenya disagrees, because her mother has always denied her. Kenya is still frustrated by Aunt Lori‘s perspective and feels she can say whatever she wants about Patricia so long as it’s the truth. I agree with that.
Porsha defends saying Kenya‘s issues are linked back to never knowing a mother’s love (although she has seen A Mother’s Love as produced and directed by Kandi and starring Porsha!). Kenya disagrees, claiming she is the apple of her father’s eye and he adores her, which is why they hadn’t spoken in years and were shown on Real Housewives Of Atlanta reunifying and working on their distant and unhealthy relationship? Porsha believes Kenya’s lack of relationship with her parents is the reason she shows so little compassion to others. I agree but that’s an ironic statement coming from Porsha.
Then, we move on to Peter Thomas and His Women. Peter comes out, hardly wearing Cynthia Bailey Eyewear which is a metaphor for his hardly convincing us that he loves Cynthia. Cynthia and Peter are NOT separated – NOT AT ALL – they’re just working super super hard on their businesses while permanently residing in different cities and barely seeing each other at all. Porsha calls out Peachter for cheating with every woman in Atlanta who is over 19, which is apparently the gossip all throughout Atlanta. Porsha would like to personally interview Peter’s waitstaff to see if they’re being paid with d–k. Apparently she’s become the Bar One Human Resources department, conducting deep probes into the Peachter Problems!
I wonder if Porsha’s sudden animosity towards Peter has anything to do with Kordell? Kenya shrieks about Porsha being a gold digging harlot who is working hard for her money – on her back. “You need to shut your mouth, Porsha, because if there’s not a d–k in it, you don’t even know what you’re saying!” So thanks Kenya for bringing all the class – she is dragging it to this show in garbage bags! I’m sorry, I cannot even pay much attention to what Kenya is squawking over because her hair needs some Moore frizz-eaze and a little less re-purposed, re-scented tap water.
Porsha challenges Kenya to worry about the d–k she’s tucking and instructs Cynthia to worry about the waitresses in Atlanta who are giving Peachter the peach strudel on the side.
Andy asks if Cynthia feels like a hypocrite for spreading cheating rumors about Phaedra Parks last season when she’s now on the receiving end? Cynthia admits she does, and apologizes. Phaedra nods imperceptibly which I assume indicates she accepts? Kenya and Porsha are too busy slinging d–ks at each other to notice this moment of women actually behaving like women.
Then throwing all shade, and not the Cynthia Bailey Eyewear variety, Andy wonders if Peachter would leave Cynthia if she quit the show – you know implying that he’s using her for TV! They both claim that Real Housewives Of Atlanta makes their marriage worse. Reality check – they both need that check and Peachter ain’t leaving Cynthia until that check stops coming! Then they’ll be on Marriage Bootcamp.
That touching cheating footage is interrupted by Ayden stopping by to say hello to Phaedra and read fun silly questions to the ladies such as is Sheree wearing She By Sheree (No – it doesn’t exist and she is not about to be She By The Empress’s New Clothes.).
Moments after Ayden departs, Andy grills Phaedra about Apollo. According to Phaedra the visit to Ft. Dix went OK, but was less emotional than expected. The boys were happy to see Apollo, but got bored after an hour. Unfortunately they had to stay, and even more unfortunately, some inappropriate behavior took place in the back row when someone got caught with their hand down someone’s pants. I guess the guards caught the perpetrators in the act? Phaedra was not thrilled to be non-explaining that to Ayden and Dylan! Everybody knows it’s best to keep your hands out of the cookie jar during prison visitation, and instead keep your hands filled with vending machine snacks!
Phaedra has filed for divorce, although Apollo has not signed papers. Phaedra is sick of people judging her for the choices she is making with her children – specifically people who have not reached out to her or the boys. People like … KANDI. Kandi’s perspective is that Apollo will be getting out eventually and the boys would then have no relationship with their father.
Phaedra, rightfully so, reminds Kandi that it was APOLLO’S CHOICE to commit crimes that took him away from his children, and also APOLLO’S CHOICE to run around town with other people’s huzzzzbands getting UP to no good. Kandi argues that it was Phaedra’s choice to be with Apollo – true, but when she chose to be with him, he wasn’t breaking the law and getting himself sent to jail. Once that happened – different story. Her children come first, not Apollo’s feelings!
Apparently only Gregg Leakes and Kim’s husband Chris have offered to spend time with the boys. Kandi and Cynthia didn’t think Phaedra would be receptive of them offering to help out. I call nonsense on that – ESPECIALLY from Kandi. Her garage is full of Apollo’s crap, and so is her mind. Oh, and Phaedra will not be paying Apollo any conjugal visits – even to convince him to sign those divorce papers!
Andy brings up the scene of Phaedra taking Ayden to his first day of school. Phaedra cries thinking about how much she loves her sons and what a good boy Ayden is. I love Phaedra the mom, and whatever anyone wants to say about her, she is absolutely a devoted and loving mother who has a really good relationship with those boys. Good for her for accepting that she must move on from Apollo – she has planted the peach stones and is now growing a beautiful tree.
Finally it’s time to discuss Glen Rice Jr. in Miami, and this is where Phaedra loses me completely. I don’t care WHAT provocation happened between Glen and Kenya, his behavior was gross and inexcusable! He should have been man enough to tuck his d–k and walk out the door if he was feeling so unhappy with Kenya’s ‘flirtations’ or comments.
Kenya was correct – if Glen had come at any one else, the other ladies would unequivocally stand behind her. I also think Kim was lying that she didn’t feel threatened by Glen’s behavior!
However, Kenya can deny, deny, deny, but initially she did have an interest in Glen – she invited him to the house, tried flirting, but when he rebuffed her, she started antagonizing him. That doesn’t condone Glen’s reaction – he was so wrong on so many levels – but I see what the other women were saying, and I do believe a lot of the story was left out. A few things were cleared up in the discussion at the reunion, but it’s definitely clear that some serious pieces were edited out.
We all know Kenya LOVES to call security (apparently only when she doesn’t need it, which makes her The Girl Who Cries Security, right?), so why at the time when security was actually necessary, did she choose to confront Glen herself? She previously asked Tammy to have Glen leave – and he was complying, yet as he was walking out the door, why did Kenya comment to him again? That is odd, because if she felt so uncomfortable around him – rightfully so because he was crazy, drunk, and irascible – why go near him again? Basically, as Kim said, there’s a difference between instigation and information.
For the other women to dismiss his behavior as odd, or not threatening, is bizarre however. He was charging Kenya, calling her bitch and other nasty things. Clearly behaving like someone unhinged.
Regarding Phaedra and Sheree’s conversation comparing Glen to Michael Brown, that was idiotic beyond belief. Perhaps there was a more relevant point made that was edited out or overlooked by me? Maybe it was how Glen’s behavior is not indicative of black men, and by instigating, as they believe Kenya did, she was reinforcing those stereotypes? I mean… I’m baffled by what comparison is there but I’m [thankfully] not in Phaedra’s head.
“At the end of the day”: it’s extremely disappointing that the women rallied against Kenya here, out of their dislike for her (because she has, as Kandi said, “done so many crazy things”), instead of using this moment to rally with her to point out how GLEN is the one giving “white ladies in suburbia” a negative opinion about black men, and to show that men should NEVER behave aggressively towards women – even if provoked.
I mean, hell, as Kandi said that crazy loon even came at her – a pregnant woman who was minding her own business on the sidelines!
[Photo Credits: Bravo]
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Real Housewives of Potomac Recap: Fifty Sense
It seems like The Real Housewives of Potomac are not only obsessed with etiquette, but also race. Last night, the tension that has been brewing all season came to a head between Katie Rost, Gizelle Bryant, and Robyn Dixon at Charrisse Jackson-Jordan’s 50th birthday party – with none other than Ashley Darby’s husband Michael (and honorary housewife, at this point!) – at the center of the debate. Meanwhile, Karen Huger is just trying to figure out what her identity will be now that her youngest child is flying from the nest.
Robyn and Gizelle meet for lunch to review the future of Robyn and (ex hubby) Juan’s relationship. Gizelle spoke with Juan recently and was suspicious of his intentions with her bestie. Are they in it for the long haul? Will they reconcile? Robyn loves Juan (and he, her), but she doesn’t trust him 100% yet. His cheating past haunts her. Gizelle thinks that no matter what Robyn and Juan do, they need to stop lying to their children – who think mommy and daddy are still married.
Over in the land of delusion, Katie is catching up with her friend to discuss how the entrapment things are going with Andrew. He’s not ready to propose, but he is playing a lot of golf. And men who play golf are ready for marriage! Huh? Um, perhaps he’s simply trying to escape the insta-family Katie has foisted upon him?
Karen and her hubby Raymond are in the garage drinking their Lipton, discussing how successful her “gala” launch party was. Cut to Katie dogging Karen’s event, snarking that Karen needs her help more than Katie needs Karen’s. (As cray-cray as Katie is, I have to almost agree with her on this point.)
Karen recaps what went down with Ashley at the end of her event. “Shaka,” Karen’s alter-ego, was ready to slap Ashley. But the Beautiful And Glamorous Karen – self dubbed title, of course – stayed in check, merely tossing Ashley out the door instead.
A pouting Katie is over ALL of the women now that they’ve summarily rejected her and her faux gala planning. She thinks they’re obsessed with race, and she’s still smarting from Robyn and Gizelle grilling her on owning her mixed race heritage. They’d prefer she check the black box, she thinks.
In a far more lighthearted scene, we find Ashley picking up her mom for a cruise in her birthday Porsche! Their conversation turns serious once they get to lunch though, as they discuss her mom’s bankruptcy. Ashley offers financial help, but mom is too proud to accept it. Not hearing her mom’s answer, apparently, Ashley announces that she and Michael will be buying her a house. Mom is not comfortable with this, but Ashley wants to share her husband’s blessings with her mother. “I just don’t want to be your burden – ever,” her mom cries. But she thanks Ashley and Michael for the gift in the end.
At a crossroads of her own, Charrisse is facing her 50th birthday soon. She’s planning a huge birthday party and has hired a photographer to take pics of her children and her for the birthday slideshow. After their photo session, Katie pops over to share some champagne, style advice and…Judaism lessons? They discuss the party, which will involve dancing and drinking. But no Eddie Jordan (Charrisse’s husband). Despite his absence, Charrisse is going to make the best of the situation. And Katie plans to bring her “white girl moves” to the dance floor. Hmmm. Now, who’s obsessed with race?
Back at the Black Bill Gates Estate, the Hugers are prepping for their daughter Rayvin’s goodbye party, as she’s leaving for college soon. As Raymond picks up balloons at Stop-N-Shop (just like the REAL Bill Gates!), Karen is confused by the hired bartender who shows up. Who hired this lady in the United Flight Attendant reject uniform? So, the planning is going well! Maybe ya’ll should just head to Applebees?
Post-bartender meltdown, the family toasts Rayvin’s journey. Karen’s first son, Brandon, offers some sweet words, and Aunt Dot throws some shade about Karen being a hot mess when Brandon left for college years ago. After the guests depart, Karen sobs on Raymond’s shoulder about the momentous shift they’re all about to experience. Despite Karen’s diva attitude, I can’t help but feel for her in this moment. These look like real tears, not #BravoTears, and my heart goes out to her. It’s a bittersweet time for any mom.
Speaking of motherhood, Gizelle has gathered her three daughters to discuss her dating life. Seems totally appropriate! Unlike Robyn, Gizelle doesn’t want to keep secrets from her kids. How do her kids think about her dating? They want her to join Gizelle’s like, Hell to the No! Men ask her out all of the time. No need for the internet.
Charrisse stops by Gizelle’s to further discuss her dating scene, which is going to get very active in the next week when her girls go stay with their father. Alrighty, Gizelle – we get it. People date you! You date people! #ThisIsNotNewsworthy
Charrisse’s love life isn’t so active these days, considering Eddie has been out of the picture for years now. Is he coming to her 50th birthday party? Gizelle wonders. No, Charrisse admits, although she’d love for him to be there. Frankly, Charrisse looks downright miserable, but is going to take her revenge out on Eddie’s wallet to soften the blow. He allotted her $80K for her soiree (WHAT!?), so she’ll be sure to spend every penny! #HitEmUpStyle
In an effort to discuss the fate of their future, Robyn and Juan meet out for lunch. Juan aspires to be a head coach, but to work his way up the ladder, he may need to move out of state. For now, there’s not much opportunity out there for him. Their financial state is shaky, but Robyn doesn’t want to see Juan move away. Despite their divorce on paper, this couple is obviously still in love. And they look a lot damn happier than most married couples that grace our Bravo screens, franchise-wide.
Whoa – it’s suddenly the night of Charrisse’s 50th! Before sucking face with Andrew (which WILL happen, so preview pic below…you’re welcome!), Katie b*tches about staying far, far away from Gizelle. Meanwhile, Ashley is ready to face her frenemy head-on, greeting Karen with a perky smile as soon as she enters the party. Promptly turning her back on Ashley, Lady Huger delivers the message that she is not trifling with Ashley tonight. How did she become the bad guy in this group? Ashley wonders.
Ashley admits she may have gotten the details wrong about Karen forbidding the women from hanging out with Rayvin (it was only about Ashley, not all of them). But she’s young! She’s ditzy! She’s confused! At least, that’s what Gizelle chalks it up to, who tries to smooth the waters over with Karen – to no avail. Gizelle doesn’t trust Ashley though, regardless.
Because no one puts Baby in a corner, Ashley says she’s not scared of any ole’ Karen Huger! So she marches right up to confront her nemesis. Karen tries to play Ashley off with some shady backwards etiquette, ala: I’m enjoying the night with my husband, so scram b*tch! But Ashley presses: Why does it have to be so hostile? she demands. Stomping away, Karen reiterates how DONE she is with Miss Ashley.
Charrisse’s daughter, Skylar, offers a sweetly giddy toast to her mom, followed by a three-tiered birthday cake. Unofficial housewife Brynee then asks Charrisse to bust out her rap skills, which – she hilariously does! It’s Housewife slow jam meets Biz Markie meets…oh, who knows? But I am weirdly loving it! Heeeee!
Also loving the vibe of this party is a probably drunken Michael, who is getting down so hard he decides to grab a butt. Not any old butt. Andrew’s butt! Gizelle and Robyn bear witness to this act and are like, HUH!?!??!?!? They call Ashley and Katie over to discuss the butt-grab, which is all kinds of shady and bizarre, in their opinions. Ashley plays it off as no big deal, which is her go-to reaction for all things Michael (pants dropping on the yacht, crashing girls’ night, and now, unsolicited hiney grabs).
Oh, no. Robyn takes the conversation alllllllll the way left when she asks, “Is that like a white guy thing?” Reminiscent of wondering whether Ashley grinding up on her on the dance floor was due to her hanging around “too many white people,” Robyn’s remark is starting to reveal a disturbing pattern in her thinking. Aw, man, Robyn! I am liking you so much this season, don’t take it here! Alas, take it here, she does.
Katie jumps all over Robyn’s comment, claiming that Michael’s indiscretion has nothing to do with him being white. She argues that black guys hit each other’s butts all of the time! Which is no less of a ridiculous, misguided argument. But it’s Katie we’re dealing with now, so. Yeah.
Katie then gets all up in Robyn’s face about her probably being biracial, even though she says she’s not, because who is this blonde (um, dye job, Katie!) with green eyes!!?? Katie is flailing around, finally snarking at Robyn, “You don’t end up looking like this if you’re straight out of Africa!” Oh, God. There’s not much to say about this entire exchange – on either of their behalves – except that it’s unfortunate the conversation had to devolve in this manner.
Side note: It’s interesting that this franchise, unlike Atlanta, has harped on race as much as it has in its debut season. But I wonder if the tension partly has to do with the relatively small number of African Americans in Potomac, which more than one woman has commented on. This situation is worlds away from the Atlanta community, which may feel small when it comes to rumors and drama, but is decidedly strong in actual numbers – at least when compared to Potomac. Just a thought. (But NOT an excuse.)
Offended, but somehow managing to take Katie’s incendiary comments in stride, Robyn laughs her off as ignorant. Katie walks off in a huff after tossing out a final insult about Robyn and Gizelle not understanding who their ancestors are. But wait – how did the issue of Michael grabbing Andrew’s butt turn into a forum on racial heritage? Ashley continues to defend her husband’s consistently strange behavior as just “Fun Michael!” so Robyn and Gizelle drop it for now.
As the ladies go their separate ways, Katie corners Brynee and Andrew to dish about Robyn and Gizelle – the most racially obsessed duo she’s ever met. Meanwhile, Ashley confronts Michael about groping Andrew. Which he outright denies! Then he kinda-maybe admits he “may have patted” Andrew’s bum as they were dancing. “It’s not a big deal!” chirps Ashley. Though Gizelle and Robyn wonder if it’s because he’s white that he thinks this behavior is normal, she confides to him. Michael, who is feeling no pain at the moment, just smiles his creepy smile and brushes their comments off as not worth discussing. AintNobodyGotTimeFoThis! He’s got bums to pat, girl!
After Katie’s foolishness, Gizelle says it’s time for her to go. She peaces out with Robyn, bidding adieu to Charrisse outside, who is enjoying every dollar of this $80 grand birthday bash – husband, or no husband.
Back inside, Michael tells Ashley that when they first got together, they had to learn to accept each other’s differences – and it had nothing to do with color or race. If the other ladies have an issue with him based on their racial biases, he doesn’t give a whit. Ashley is his sexy young thang, and he loves her very much.
Katie is over these ladies as well, fit to be tied over no one taking her seriously. As mad as Katie is, Robyn and Gizelle seem to have let her comments roll off their backs as they crack up out on the curb over Michael enjoying a little too much of Andrew tonight. Hmmm. Maybe that’s what Katie’s really upset about, no?
Photo Credit: Bravo
The post Real Housewives of Potomac Recap: Fifty Sense appeared first on Reality Tea.
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