Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Victim Vignettes: All Described as Kind, Loving, Full of Joy
Bedtime Tea – June 14th
Celebrities get dumber by the day – Dlisted
Amber Heard tries to un-messy things – Celebitchy
Can you smell the PR stunt 10 miles away? – Starcasm
Someone let Lindsay hang out with jewelry? – IDLYITW
Will a new girlfriend save him from a breakdown? – Celeb Dirty Laundry
The women of Earth are relieved – Dlisted
Photo Credit: Sean Thorton/
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Mike Shouhed’s Supposed Mistress Blasts Him & Jessica Parido In An Explosive Statement
This current Shahs of Sunset season is explosive. And I am weirdly invested in the demise of Mike Shouhed and Jessica Parido’s marriage. I just want to know everything that went down in this “he said, she said” battle. The infidelity accusations have been popping off. I have no idea who to believe about anything and I just want to figure out how I feel.
And if I’m this anxious about the marriage of complete strangers, I cannot imagine how these two feel. Well, shit is about to even crazier because Mike’s supposed mistress Emerald Wilson-Bey (who wrote the book My Nights with the Shah) has already come out swinging against both Mike and Jessica in a very damning statement.
Emerald released the following statement: “First of all Jessica Parido is not being honest, she knew about me before they got married. She even must’ve been surprised that he was all of a sudden ready to get married, Pronto !! In the order documented in my book !! After not wanting to get married at all !! So she kind of set herself up for what has played out in her marriage. But nonetheless, Mike is still not the victim that he has been portraying himself out to be. He was so dishonest to us both. And his inability to come clean on any of it is repulsive!!”
While I was reading the statement, I was trying so hard not to correct the grammar in my head. Once I was able to get past that I cannot help wondering what Mike and Jessica are thinking. I want to know how much Jessica knew about her clearly shady ex husband, especially considering one of her co-stars previously accused her of knowing all along and marrying him anyway. And ugh, I still can’t decide whose side I am in this bitter breakup. But as of now, I guess no one?
[Photo Credits: Bravo]
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Brandi Glanville Talks About Her Connection With Calum Best & Smoking With Snoop Dogg
Famously Single hasn’t even premiered yet (a few hours to go) and I can already tell that there’s a ton of chemistry between Brandi Glanville and Calum Best based on Brandi’s latest Watch What Happens Live appearance– where it was blatantly obvious that there was something going on with the two of them.
And now both of them are doing press for the show, so of course Brandi was hinting at a possible hookup relationship with Calum. Personally, I’m just hoping that this dude is the one since Brandi previously said that she would only go back to Real Housewives of Beverly Hills if she had a partner– but, I’ve digressed. My point is that Brandi has had a lot to say about Calum these days.
In an interview with Female First, Brandi answered a lot of questions about her possible new boyfriend. And apparently she wasn’t feeling him at first because she said, “Calum is very handsome and charming, but right off the bat he seemed the opposite of my type. I’ve never been attracted to a blonde guy and I’ve never really been into tattoos, Josh [Murray] was more my type looks-wise, I figured I’d end up with a crush on him.”
But now the two are super connected since Brandi said, “we could literally have conversations with just our eyes.” I don’t even know what to make of that one. Brandi also explained that she was very comfortable getting to know him on camera and even managed to sneak in a shameless plug for her career as an author: “I’ve been on reality TV now for about six years and I honestly forget the cameras are there most of the time. I put every detail of my life, the good the bad and the ugly, in both my New York Times bestselling books, Drinking and Tweeting and Drinking and Dating, following up with a third very soon here.” I wonder what this one will be about, but I’m going to assume that it will have the word “drinking” in its title.
I was under the impression that there was a casual relationship going on between the two of them, but Brandi said, “Calum and I had some CRAZY, CRAZY, CRAZY moments, but we became closer through them,” so maybe there is more to it than people suspect.
That very well could be true because when asked about her upcoming plans, the last sentence Brandi said in that interview was “Oh, and Calum’s coming to visit…”So she is either really good at promoting this show or the two are in a long distance relationship.
The true status of Brandi and Calum’s interaction is still a little vague, but Brandi made it a point to clear up one dating rumor: “That I was dating Snoop Dogg. I’m a super fan of his and have met him a couple times. I joked once that we were BFFs because I smoked with him on Kocktails with Khloe, but no idea where that came from.” That is something that should have been filmed for the show. Maybe Kocktails With Khloe would still be on TV.
Famously Single premieres tonight on E! at 10/9c.
[Photo Credits: E!]
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Game of Thrones' Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Sounds Off on Jaime and Brienne: "There Is More Between Them"
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Grey's Anatomy Boss Talks Meredith and Alex's Potential Romance
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Real Housewives Of Orange County Season 8 Secrets Revealed Recap – Gretchen Rossi Is Fake!
Last night Real Housewives Of Orange County took us behind the scenes of season 8 – you know the last season we were subjected to Gretchen Rossi and Alexis Bellino!
So here’s a run-down of the behind-the-scenes reveals:
1. The producers lie to everyone. Case in point: Alexis Bellino. Alexis insists she quit; Heather Dubrow and Tamra Judge insist she was fired. At the CUT Fitness party, the opening party for season 8, after Alexis flees following the onslaught from the ladies, she is overheard telling the producers, “This is why I didn’t want to come back!” The producers admitted they worked behind the scenes to convince Alexis to return – including that Vicki Gunvalson would befriend her, and by hiring Lydia McLaughlin.
2. TamRetchen was never real. Just in case there were two or three people left who actually believed Tamra and Gretchen were sincerely friends – last night confirmed it was all an onscreen partnership of convenience. Producers admitted these faux-friendships are a normal occurrence every season, and the other women are always desperate to expose the fakers. In season 8, Tamra and Gretchen used each other, but then Tamra was all too willing to throw Gretchen overboard once their ‘friendship’ served her its purpose. Gretchen didn’t catch on fast enough.
Basically Tamra decided Vicki was a more valuable ally. Oh, and Vicki became friends with Alexis to piss Gretchen off. CUT-A-Bitch Fitness, anyone?
3. “The Alexis Conspiracy” was legit! For years it’s been rumored that Tamra, Gretchen, and Heather were conspiring to get Alexis fired. Heather wanted one her friends on the show, and was furious that Lydia was cast instead. Lydia admitted she knew in advance no one liked Alexis and was nervous about being introduced as her ‘friend’.
Gretchen was mad at Alexis for allegedly stealing personal appearance gigs from her in between seasons.
At the CUTthroat Fitness party, Alexis brought Tamra flowers believing they were “wiping the slate clean.” Meanwhile Tamra and Gretchen hd been plotting to confront Alexis and expose her ‘fakeness’ and lies. Unfortunately during the party, Gretchen backed-off and let Tamra’s mouth do all the dirty work. According to production that was the beginning of the end of Tamwretchen because Tamra realized Gretchen had used her and was never planning to participate in ‘ganging up on Alexis’ and get her hands dirty (other than clapping!) As Alexis was fleeing, Gretchen was clapping thinking “they” had succeeded in ridding the show of Alexis, and Heather even chased down one of the producers and begged them to replace Alexis with one of her friends. Nice, ladies – nice.
4. Tamra is a bad friend. Remember when Vicki peed on Tamra’s bed – after ditching Heather and Gretchen – and hijacking Tamra to ‘whoop it up’ at Andales during the Bachelorette trip to Puerto Vallarta. Yeah, well, as suspected that was all pre-planned by Vicki. But Vicki peeing on the bed – camera and crew never would have noticed if Tamra didn’t point it out and demand they film the pee spot. Even the camera operator wondered, “Who would want Tamra as a friend?”
5. All crazy leads to Vicki. Holy HELL was Vicki’s plastic surgery scary was in the beginning – it looked like her face had melted off! Almost as scary: Vicki’s temper – and the way she dominates production with an iron handbag and makes her own rules! (“Kevin Lee is a monkey f–ker!”) Despite her demanding, raging outbursts I still got the feeling production liked Vicki – more than they like Tamra, at least!
6. The Dubrow’s glossy surface is a million-dollar facade. Heather almost quit RHOC over Terry. She never wanted to be on Real Housewives, but Terry FORGED HER SIGNATURE on the contract. Obviously Heather was more obsessed with her acting career, and wouldn’t let her guard down – which bothered Terry who wanted her to participate desperately and was pushing her to get into the mix more. “The Big D” (Divorce) fight from season 8 happened when Heather threatened to quit the show because it was detrimental to their marriage, and Terry threatened to quit Heather in retaliation!
One producer gossiped that Heather controls every aspect of Terry’s life so he was seeking revenge and a little control by forcing her to be uncomfortable on TV. So essentially two things 1) Production has no love lost for Heather; 2) Terry and Heather are a hot-ass mess and need a built in therapist installed in their mega-mansion (and it seems like Terry dupes Fancy Pants McGenius into tons of stuff).
7. Lauri Peterson is conniving! In Season 8 Lauri exposed Vicki and her low-down dirty sex life. (Vicki was still lying about dating Brooks at this point.) Lauri clearly conspired with Gretchen in a last-ditch effort for Gretchen to gain some relevance and cast support, and for Lauri to return to the show – even Tamra was in on bringing Lauri back initially! Sadly it all back-fired!
Gretchen pretended to be innocent after Lauri’s salacious allegations against Vicki, but no one believed her. That became the final nail in the Gretchen Christine Bootay coffin and all the women turned on her for being fake and manipulative! Even Andy admitted Vicki’s ‘Multiple partners threesome’ was innocent and she actually was in bed with her sister and her husband – fully clothed. But what about that Greek guy with no teeth? Is Lauri really a scheming, mastermind, manipulative genius like producers intimated (all signs seem to point to yes!)?
8. Everyone was tried of the Gretchen and Slade Show. Gretchen is a FAKE! FAKE! FAKE Liar Face and Slade dragged her down.
Once Slade took over ‘managing’ Gretchen’s career, she turned into the plastic blow-up doll everyone wanted to pop and deflate. (I.E. Gretchen’s Bentley).
While the other women had raw and emotional ‘put it all out there’ storylines, Gretchen was living in a Barbie World where everything was plastic, but nothing was fantastic, and the other women started resenting that she was hiding behind them while giving nothing real; Slave was calculating every move.
Gretchen’s ‘surprise’ proposal was the icing on the cardboard cake. Tamra claims she counseled Gretchen about having ‘nothing’ going on in her life and needing to do something – like get engaged! – for a storyline. Gretchen insists their love is real and she would never do anything just to make money.
Off-camera Gretchen and Slade even said they couldn’t get married for financial reasons.
Gretchen chose not to invite the other women. Production said she didn’t want them questioning her motives and sincerity. (Gretchen claimed producers told her not to invite the ladies) So how real was the proposal? As Andy mentioned, “It’s been three years and they’re still not married yet – maybe if someone offered to put their wedding on TV… ”
I majorly got the feeling that most of the women, and production, would have liked Gretchen a lot more if it weren’t for Slave’s interference and constant presence. As Heather said they never made a move without each other, and Slade was always there… scheming. One producer believed Gretchen was traumatized because she was so raw and honest in her first season while Jeff was battling cancer, but Tamra accused her of cheating and using Jeff for money, and Gretchen was put through such judgement she was afraid of opening up her ‘real’ life again. Even Heather agreed Gretchen could be great on TV, if she would have let her guard down and stopped being so fake and staged.
By the Winter Wonderland Finale party no one had any need to salvage a relationship with Gretchen and everyone was icing her out. The reunion was worse.
The bottom line: Production and the women were tired of Gretchen not being honest about her reality, or owning up to what was happening in her real life in order to keep it off camera. Unsurprising, Gretchen is still upset. We finally saw her cry real tears for once – sadly it was about the demise of her reality TV career!
9. Heather threatened to sue Bravo! Heather, with latex gloves and an industrial sized Lysol can, cried “Sexual Harassment!” and vowed to take legal action if one of those horny hornito Mexican strippers at Tamra’s bachelorette party touched her!
10. Alexis is glad it’s over. Alexis is glad she returned for season 8, and glad she left after. It was a mutual decision between the show, Alexis, and the ladies that her storyline had come full-circle. Unlike Gretchen, Alexis has moved on with no hard feelings.
11. I like Lydia, but I’m glad she bailed. Lydia, that sweet sparkly little snowflake, is too nice and normal for this show. I’m happy she realized it and didn’t allow the allure of Bravo to corrupt her. Although I do think the show needs someone who is a legitimate voice of reason.
[Photo Credits: Bravo]
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CBS announces 12 Big Brother 18 cast members
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LeeAnne Locken Continues To Hate Cary Deuber Because She Doesn’t Want To Be Her Friend
I am so over LeeAnne Locken using her life story as some sort of valid justification for hating on Cary Deuber. Clearly she just hates the woman because she refused to comply with LeeAnne’s made up social rules for the “charity world” that she incessantly clamors on about.
This is so obviously a case of a scorned child acting out because someone does not want to be her friend. Cary did not actually do anything to incite this nonsense. And now LeeAnne finds an excuse to bring up rumors about Cary’s marriage whenever she possibly can and somehow thinks it’s okay.
I have no idea how LeeAnne continues to come up with reasons to excuse her behavior, but she is just an unstoppable force when it comes to defending herself. And of course, LeeAnne went in on Cary in her Bravo blog.
And once again LeeAnne started talking about some bullshit rumors about Cary’s marriage with no regard for her husband or children: “First of all, I did not START the rumor about Cary and her marriage. That rumor has been going around Dallas for the LAST 10 YEARS. It’s been going around since before Mark [Deuber] got divorced and before Cary annulled her second marriage.” You may not have started it, but you CONSTANTLY brought it into conversations when it was never relevant and YOU put it on a nationally televised reality show with no concern for her family members who are watching the show.
LeeAnne then decided to talk about the always popular buzzword “bully” and create a defense for herself: “Cary is constantly calling me a bully, but let me point something out, Cary: I stand up for myself. Standing up for oneself is not being a bully. A bully attacks someone for no reason. A bully attacks someone because they want to create harm. I NEVER want to create harm. I have never started a single fight this season, except for when I yelled at Marie [Reyes] which, by the way, took awhile for me to forgive myself for.” LOL. This is the furthest thing from true. She instigated so much shit the entire season. In fact, she instigated every single issues that happened. We must not be watching the same TV show.
Then LeeAnne did the opposite of convincing the viewers that she is a victim in all confrontations when she wrote, “So you know what? I’m not a bully. Stop calling me a bully. You’re right, Cary. Next time, I will come to you every time there’s a problem. So my suggestion is for you to get REAL PEACE in yoga because every time I have a problem or question that involves you, I’m going to bring it straight to your doorstep.” Right, LeeAnne. You are not at all an instigator….. This woman is a walking contradiction and as much as I really can’t stand her, I just have to admit that she makes amazing television and without her this show would be boring as hell.
LeeAnne is just one of those people who cannot take responsibility for her own off-putting behavior. She treated everyone like they were auditioning to be her sidekick and none of the ladies wanted to take on that role… Well, except for Tiffany Hendra who I imagine LeeAnne has some serious dirt on. Either that or Tiffany is just the most loyal friend in the world.
LeeAnne tried to explain why everyone dislikes her and I can’t even handle it since none of it adds up at all: “Cary doesn’t like me because I’m real, honest and blunt and that irritates Cary beyond her capacity to stand it. This is why Cary calls me fake and has started this mob mentality with Stephanie [Hollman] and Brandi [Redmond]. I feel sorry for Stephanie and Brandi, because they’re never going to be able to open their eyes and see who Cary really is. Maybe in the future, Cary will give me a chance to really sit down and get to know her. I’m certainly going to take the opportunity.”
I don’t understand LeeAnne. It is so blatantly obvious that LeeAnne is desperate to be friends with Cary. And at the same time, it’s absurd because LeeAnne is nothing but horrible to Cary. I was hoping that she would watch the first season and learn from her behavior and correct it, but based on this season full of blog entries and social media posts, that seems to be the opposite of what is happening here.
[Photo Credits: Bravo]
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Daily Update: Day 7 and Live Twist - Big Brother 17 [bb 2016]
On tonight’s show: The start of this week’s haunted shopping task
Also, at 10pm Big Brother: live twist revealed: The OTHER HOUSE is revealed and one of the housemates will be captured by THE OTHERS and lose their housemate status
...[Read more]TONIGHT! Watch @Channel5_tv at 9pm for action from the #BBUK House of horrors, & stay tuned:
— Big Brother UK (@bbuk)
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Reality TV Stars Family Pics Of The Week – LeAnn Rimes, Teresa Giudice, Heather Dubrow, Robyn Brown, Kail Lowry, More
Our favorite reality TV stars love to show off their adorable kids and family photos on social media. It is tough to narrow them down, but here is our pick for the sweetest photos from the past few weeks.
Above: Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes shared, “Sushi celebration! We are so blessed and so grateful. Nothing better than laughing with family. Happy 13 Mason! #thecelebrationcontinues #happybday #family #stepsonlove #beach”
Below you will find pics from Coco Austin, Teresa Giudice, Farrah Abraham, Kail Lowry, Heather Dubrow, Robyn Brown, Caroline Stanbury, and more.
Main Photo Credit: Instagram
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Sutton Foster Reveals What She Absolutely Needed to Have From Gilmore Girls Revival Set
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Teen Mom 2 Reunion Recap Part 1 – Leah and Jenelle
Last night was the first Teen Mom 2 reunion episode of the season and featured Jenelle Evans and Leah Messer, the moms who need the most help. Too bad the doctor in the house – Dr. Drew Pinsky – didn’t offer them any guidance. Rather, he avoided any deep discussion with them and tried to convince everyone that David Eason has been a stabilizing force. Hang up the white coat, Dr. Drew, you’re done.
The reunion starts with all the girls on the couch watching highlights from the season. Dr. Drew asks what jumped out for them watching the recap. For Leah, it was hard to see Ali getting worse throughout the season. Kailyn Lowry says there hasn’t been an easy moment for her the entire season. Jenelle gives the non-answer that they can all learn from each other, which prompts Dr. Drew to bring up social media drama between Kail and Jenelle, who are now pretending to be in a better place (they’re also on opposite ends of the couch). Chelsea Houska, who also had her own issues with Jenelle, tries to avoid more Jenelle rage and simply says all the girls follow each other on Instagram and Twitter. Leah attempts to cut the tension by sharing how nice it is to have the other girls to talk to. Chelsea adds that if she needed something, she could talk to these girls. I just imagine the producers giving them a pep talk before going onstage: “Ok, girls, let’s all pretend we’re best friends and the greatest support for teen moms in their twenties is other teen moms in their twenties.”
First up for a one-on-one with the worthless doctor is Jenelle. He points out that she dealt with some major issues this season, primarily an assault charge and two custody battles, all of which are still ongoing. When asked about her relationship with Barbara Evans, Jenelle says a lot of anger came from Barbara and David not getting along. But they’re doing better now after going to dinner and having a talk and clearing the air over David calling the cops on Babs. Jenelle explains that she was in the bathroom doing her makeup when Babs showed up. But Babs accused David of holding Jenelle hostage and became defensive. David made it clear to her that if she didn’t stop yelling in front of his kids – “or the kids and his daughter,” Jenelle quickly corrects herself – he was going to call the cops to have Babs escorted off the property, but not arrested. Jenelle told him to do what he has to do. Apparently, Babs has since apologized for acting out, but it’s not clear whether David has apologized for calling the cops on her or if Jenelle has apologized for hiding out and letting her mother and boyfriend go at it.
Regarding the assault of Nathan Griffith’s girlfriend, Jessica, Jenelle claims her buttons were pressed for too long. Pretending he’s a therapist again for a second, Dr. Drew scolds Jenelle that it’s not okay to hit people. But he lets her off the hook when Jenelle explains that Jessica came after her. According to Jenelle, they had two or three prior altercations and Jessica was told not be on Jenelle’s property. Stirring the pot, Dr. Drew asks if she thinks Nathan had something to do with Jessica following through on the assault charges, because why else would anyone hold Jenelle accountable for her actions, right doc? Of course, Jenelle thinks Nathan had a hand in it to help with his custody case, which is pending mediation.
Speaking of Nathan, Dr. Drew asks about the meeting in the restaurant. Instead of asking why she seemed high or why she thought it was appropriate to drag David along, Dr. Drew notes that there appeared to be some tenderness between the two of them. Jenelle denies having any romantic feelings for Nathan, especially in comparison to David, who wants to settle down and is all about family. When Jenelle says David is hands on with the kids, Dr. Drew has the perfect opportunity to ask about “Creepy Uncle Dave” and the fact that he may be a little TOO hands on with Kaiser, after only being in his life for a brief time. Instead, Dr. Drew asks if David wants more kids. Jenelle doesn’t know how many David wants but Jenelle just wants one more. Dr. Drew points out that three is a lot, each one with a different dad. I mean, just tell her to stop.
Nathan comes out with his greasy slicked back faux hawk in a tiny ponytail and he and Jenelle sit as far from each other as possible. He claims he tried to make it work with Jenelle, but she was very toxic. The he alludes to her cutting her own wrists. Jenelle accuses him of trying to choke her, which he denies. “You never slapped me in the face when I poured water on your face when you were sleeping?” she snaps. I wonder what reason she had to pour water on his face while he was sleeping. Apparently Tori was there and bit Nathan’s back while Jenelle slit her wrist. Jenelle doesn’t really deny any of this; she just says that Nathan met someone new. If any of these accusations are true, Jenelle is somehow a bigger mess than I imagined.
Nathan takes offense to the insinuation that he cheated, so he calls Jenelle out on cheating on him with Kieffer Delp. Jenelle admits Kieffer was at her house at 4 a.m. when Nathan climbed into her bathroom window. Nathan also accuses Jenelle of talking to David around that same time, which Jenelle denies.
Onto a much more important issue, Dr. Drew asks about Kaiser. Nathan says Jenelle is keeping Kaiser away from him just like Babs keeps Jace away from Jenelle. He didn’t think sending pictures of highchairs and the other baby stuff Jenelle demanded he have would be effective, so he texted David and offered to buy everything in front of him. So he doesn’t have the stuff he needs after all and he doesn’t have a license either, even though he could have gotten it back in January. So why hasn’t he? It’s pretty clear now that if anyone is going to save Kaiser, it’s not going to be Nathan. At least he feigns concern about his kid being in an unstable environment with drug addicts. He saw weed in the background while watching the show. I missed it, but I guess Nathan knows where Jenelle keeps her stash. He also thinks she’s incapable of taking care of Kaiser with her mysterious illness. “Just like your lawyer wrote in the complaint that my sex is painful?” Jenelle snarks. “What does that have to do with Kaiser?” I’m not even sure what it means that her sex is painful. Nathan chides that she shouldn’t be discussing her sex life on national TV. Jenelle thinks Nathan is just upset because she doesn’t want to be with him anymore, but Nathan says he’s not interested because she’s gained 30 or 40 pounds. It’s a cheap shot, but they’re both horrible people so I don’t feel bad for her in the least.
After more bickering, Dr. Drew says he’s glad they’re not together anymore and asks Nathan if David has been a stabilizing force. Nathan doesn’t think so because David can’t see his own son and should not be involved with Kaiser. But Jenelle defends that David had told Nathan before they got on stage that he could see Kaiser after filming. How is this David’s decision? And if he’s just conveying Jenelle’s decision, why didn’t she say, “I will let you see Kaiser after filming”? She claims David is trying to be a mediator, but Nathan reads texts where David has called him a deadbeat and a female (because “female” is an insult to David). Dr. Drew kind of thinks it’s weird to put David in the middle of their relationship, but Jenelle just cannot deal with Nathan. “Let’s get my mom out here,” she says, but Nathan threatens to walk off set.
Barbara replaces Nathan on the couch with Jenelle and immediately goes in on Nathan. “He’s such a liah! And he’s an alcoholic. I’d go over to Jenelle’s and he’d have a bottle of vodka. He’d be doing shots morning, noon, and night, almost 24/7. He left, cheated on Jenelle, had a new girlfriend, was climbing in her windows, taking knives and slitting screens.” And about Kieffer being at Jenelle’s house at 4 a.m.: “He came to do a one night visit. Nathan was so angry, he was choking Kieffer so bad, he almost killed him.” They haven’t seen Kieffer since.
So how does she feel about David? Well, she doesn’t think you should call the cops on your girlfriend’s mother. But she does laugh about the whole situation. When the cops saw her, they were just like, “hi, Barbara,” because every cop in that town knows her and Jenelle. Babs and David have since turned things around.
Regarding her dating life, Babs says “they” tried to get her to use Tinder. She wanted to meet someone with a boat, but all these “sea captains” wanted to do was have stinky fishy sex on the boat. Changing the subject, Jace has been diagnosed with ADHD and ever since being put on medication, has been doing much better in school. He even made “Student Role Model of the Day.” Jenelle’s annoyed that she wasn’t involved with his doctors’ appointments and is afraid of him being on a controlled substance because – wait for it – his friends might ask him for some. And then there will be none left for her?
Before bringing out David, Dr. Drew asks again whether David has been a stabilizing force. No, he hasn’t! Stop pushing your agenda, “Dr.” Drew! David sits between Jenelle and Barbara and has a crazed look in his eyes, which is more or less just how David looks. He was watching backstage and some of what he saw made him mad, “some of it was comedy, some of it was sad.” #deep. He takes care of Kaiser every day, so he doesn’t understand why it’s weird for him to be involved in the Jenelle/Nathan/Kaiser situation. Dr. Drew points out that Nathan and Jenelle are Kaiser’s parents. “But they don’t get along,” David responds, still puzzled. So what does he think of Nathan calling him an addict and other unsavory things? He doesn’t like it, which is why he doesn’t like Nathan, but he wants him to have a relationship with Kaiser. He had his son taken away from him when he was incarcerated, so he understands it’s important for Kaiser to have a relationship with his dad.
Babs confirms again that she’s in a better place with David, but does not want him involved in discussions about Jace’s custody. That’s between Babs, Jenelle, and Jace. Jenelle says the only reason he asks why Jenelle doesn’t have custody is because he doesn’t know her (but he’s raising her kid) and doesn’t know the story. After eight months, isn’t it time to clue him in (assuming Jenelle’s telling the truth). Jenelle and Babs are still going to court over custody of Jace, which Jenelle is clearly upset about. Dr. Drew gave up on helping them a long time ago, so he just wraps it up by wishing them luck in settling it.
Next on the couch is Leah. She watches a recap of some of her scenes and looks shocked and upset when she sees Ali fall off the swing. She says it’s hard to look back and watch Ali do things that she can’t do anymore. Corey Simms’ family has finally come to terms with Ali’s illness and has lightened up on Leah since the custody matter was resolved.
Dr. Drew notes the awkwardness of her dinner with Jeremy Calvert. At that time, Leah still loved him, but now she’s over it. Unfortunately, they’re co-parenting situation isn’t going well. Leah has full custody of Addy and Jeremy hasn’t seen her much since moving to Ohio with his new girlfriend, Brooke. Leah says Jeremy wanted her to meet Brooke because they didn’t want to treat her the way Corey and Miranda Simms treated her. So even though she, Corey, and Miranda are getting along now, she still thinks they victimized her and doesn’t own any responsibility for her actions that led to how Corey and Miranda “treated” her. Leah’s disappointed that Jeremy isn’t spending more time with Addy because she knows what it’s like to grow up without a father, which is the reason she has abandonment issues. Dr. Drew says Jeremy has always been a workaholic, which has typically been his excuse for not seeing his family. But Leah says he got laid off when he asked to come out to the reunion. Dr. Drew detects BS – if he were laid off and not working, then what excuse did he have to not be there? Who knows, Leah shrugs.
Corey didn’t show up to the reunion either. Instead, he calls in via Skype sans beard, which looks better, but at the same time, it’s kind of weird to see him without it. Leah previously said Corey couldn’t come out because he was coaching the girls’ baseball game, but Corey says it’s because last season was stressful. Everyone is in a happy place now and he wants to keep it that way. He also feels like Dr. Drew has portrayed him in a bad light on numerous occasions and is done with his s–t. Dr. Drew apologizes to Corey and acknowledges that he has always stepped up as a father. Speaking of which, Remi is doing great.
Corey reports that Miranda and Leah are getting along well. Leah confirms and says when they’re all together for the girls, she feels so at peace and the girls seem to be happier as well. Dr. Drew asks where Miranda has been this season. Corey explains that last season wasn’t positive, so they chose to back off a bit this season. Smart. Dr. Drew asks Corey to turn the camera to Miranda, but she runs away before she gets caught.
Next week we’ll get to hear about Kail and Javi Marroquin’s divorce and Chelsea’s and Cole DeBoer’s wedding. Can’t wait!
Photo Credit: MTV
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Real Housewives Of Dallas Finale Recap: Glitter Farts And Golf Balls
Last night was the season finale of Real Housewives Of Dallas. Shockingly we weren’t subjected to a charity event where LeeAnne Locken berated everyone for not knowing their place in the Dallas Charity Scene. Instead Stephanie Hollman and her husband Travis threw an adult kegger-rager to celebrate the Byron Nelson PGA golf tournament being literally in their backyard – which is coincidentally also the Four Seasons.
Only rich people would pay a zillion dollars to regularly have random men strolling through their backyard hitting balls and swinging clubs near their bedroom window, right?!
The party planing consists of Travis micromanaging Stephanie and constantly reminding her that it’s her responsibility to pick up dog poop. Forcing Stephanie to constantly deal with poop is a pretty good euphemism for their marriage because Travis constantly treats Stephanie like poop! Honestly next time he hands her a list and a pooper-scooper, she should just rip it up and snap, “Don’t bring that shit into my house” (ala her cutting comment to LeeAnne in Austin).
Instead Stephanie was all like adult and stuff (which is ironic considering Travis treats her like a child) – she reminds him that she’s capable of handling mundane details and he’s not her boss, he’s her husband. Stephanie invites Brandi Redmond over for a poop pick-up pre-party. They paid the kids in candy to scour the yard on dog poop reconnaissance.
Brandi and Stephanie are still disgusted by what happened in Austin. Unfortunately LeeAnne is invited to the Byron Nelson party even though Stephanie wishes she had uninvited her! She should just leave some dog poop on LeeAnne’s chair and she’ll never hear from her again!
In Brandi’s life things are finally going pretty well. She and Bryan reconnected and he’s being more present in their lives which means not storming out of the room when the rabbit poops all over the carpet, then going bowling where he’s got one hand in his pocket, and the other handing out high fives! BabySteps, BabySteps… or should I say bunny hops.
Aaaand at LeeAnne the delusion is still a big ol’ stinking pile of turds. She sobs to Rich about how hard is for her to get over Austin but she realized she has anger management issues related to abandonment issues related to being at carny child related to being an attention-seeking nutcase. But priorities because instead of counseling she’s meeting with a PR rep to see about marketing herself as a motivational speaker.
During the meeting LeeAnne rants that she is a victor, not a victim because she was “Designed To Shine” – which is coincidentally also the title of her upcoming memoir.
LeeAnne actually shines so hard and so tough that she farts glitter! What Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper did she read that message from? At first the reps aren’t buying LeeAnne’s “Story” and mention that doesn’t seem healed yet, but LeeAnne turns on her Carny death stare and hypnotizes them with her tilt-a-whirl vortex eyes, and they decide her message is powerful. What about “gutting someone carny-style?” – is that a powerful message? Somehow I can see LeeAnne arm wrestling that PR Rep into submission while demanding “GET MOTIVATED BITCH, OR ELSE I’LL SHIT MY RAINBOWS ALL OVER YOUR REPUTATION!” Just me?
Then LeeAnne and Tiffany Hendra go workout and blame LeeAnne’s entire Austin outburst on Marie Reyes, and it’s all Cary Deuber‘s fault that Brandi and Stephanie don’t want to be LeeAnne’s friend anymore. LeeAnne decides she has to go to the Byron Nelson party, because otherwise she’d be admitting that she’s guilty of bad behavior. #VictorNotVictim
Cary and Mark talk about how great they are, while laughing at their own jokes, and cooking dinner (Mark plates it like a Top Chef challenge). Even their three-year-old gets tired of hearing about how amazing Cary and Mark are, and ditches them to go sneak-watch Frozen. They don’t bother to make her eat dinner – which I found rather umm… well, nonchalant parenting. Over dinner they discuss summering in Switzerland, and Mark has already started looking at properties to but when Cary stops him with the brilliant idea that they should get a Swiss real estate agent first. Poor Mark – Cary is like so SUPER perfect she is the rainer on his parades, the dasher of his dreams. No wonder LeeAnne hates her! I kid… If Cary would let her guard down and stop with the Ms. Perfect act, I’d like her, but instead it’s all yoga and Mark is my bitch [HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! fake laughs]. She needs to find zen and the Real Housewives and get real if she returns next season.
Speaking of FAKE – Tiffany and Aaron pretend they’re rich enough to afford a $650,ooo home in an up-and-coming Dallas neighborhood, which is surrounded by construction sites and wishful thinking. Tiffany runs around the potential house in thigh-high boots demanding Aaron call everything sexy, outside they makeout to the sound of dump-trucks after Aaron agrees he wants to set-down roots in Dallas. Tiffany declares that everyone is jealous of her amazing life because happiness is waking up next to Keith Suburban’s beautiful hair, ripped abs, and other hotnesses – including his JESUS TAKE ME AWAY which we can know no more about!
On Byron Nelson day (which must be said like “Catalina Wine Mixer”!), Travis is panicking about mini pudding cups and Stephanie having enough booze for 500 of their most alcoholic friends, but it seems like everything goes off without a hitch – even after LeeAnne shows up. Stephanie is a good hostess, Brandi stops drinking after like 9 margaritas, and Cary even manages to eat a carb while making small talk.
Cary and Stephanie are still reeling from LeeAnne’s crazy, and since Austin LeeAnne has been spreading rumors all over Dallas that Cary’s definitely a homewrecker. Of course, LeeAnne won’t acknowledge Cary and avoids eye contact while glaring at her, which makes no sense to Cary. She wants LeeAnne to have the balls to confront her.
It’s obvious to Stephanie that LeeAnne is simply pissed that Cary doesn’t fear her wrath, and after Cary called her out, LeeAnne wanted to knock her down to size and get revenge.
Over the mac & cheese, which both of them pick at desperately, Tiffany and Cary agree they’ll never be friends – even though they like each other – because of the LeeAnne factor. LeeAnne, through Tiffany, is blaming the Austin-Carny-Outburst on Marie’s betrayal after spreading the poop pants story, when Cary counters that LeeAnne still has to take ownership of her reaction – Tiffany argues that LeeAnne lashed out because she felt ganged up on by all the girls. “You can’t be the victim if you’re the one whose bullying,” reminds Cary.
Tiffany and Cary go their separate ways – Tiffany to sulk in the corner eating chicken with LeeAnne, and Cary to take tequila shots with the fun girls who have taken poor abused Marie under their wealthy wings.
Tiffany is disgusted that Marie isn’t taking any heat for betraying LeeAnne with the poop story and confronts her. Marie continues to deny spreading the story. Cary decides LeeAnne is playing scairt and asks to speak to LeeAnne one-on-one – in the middle of the party! Luckily Travis was too drunk to micromanage.
Their discussion includes LeaAnne screaming about “MY STORY,” then she bites Cary’s head off that her life is not a STORY (It’s her LIFE!) when Cary calls it a story. LeeAnne also yells that Cary hates her and is out to destroy her, but insists she doesn’t care. The entire thing was so ridiculous.
Then Cary leaves. Later when LeeAnne is leaving she tries a eleventh hour attempt to salvage her friendship with Brandi by apologizing for Austin, and insisting she takes ownership. Brandi is kind in response, but as soon as the door is closed on LeeAnne’s glitter-farting ass, she and Stephanie run skipping into the house, laughing that they’re free. They do a shot, then celebrate by leaping into the pool fully-clothed. Brandi is glad her best friend is normal (and fun).
In the updates we learn Cary and Mark got Switzerland confused with Swahililand and went to the wrong place, but Cary perfected scorpion pose and is ready for LeeAnne.
LeeAnne is still talking about herself and hoping someone wants to hear it (apparently not Rich!). Surprise, Surprise – Tiffany and Aaron did not buy the house.
Stephanie would rather pick up dog poop than do sexual favors for Travis, so she’s remained on Poop Patrol, and drunk Travis is definitely not getting any because he’d probably pass out on top of her and then she would die. Brandi and Bryan renewed their vows, even though Stephanie is her true love. Alls well that ends well… until the reunion where Cary has a sobbing meltdown over LeeAnne spreading rumors and storms off stage.
[Photo Credits: Bravo]
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Big Brother 18 Cast Spoilers: Meet the Houseguests! [Live Blog]
The Big Brother 18 cast is finally being revealed! CBS is sending out the first details on the new Houseguests today and we’ll be living blogging the bios, photos and first interviews throughout the day. So bookmark this page and keep checking back for all the latest updates!
If you don’t have your Big Brother Live Feeds turned on yet, right now is the time to do it. Hop on over to the CBS All Access page and sign up so you can watch the exclusive cast interviews happening rolling out at 4PM ET/1PM PT. You don’t want to miss out on the first videos of your new Big Brother 2016 cast!
After more rumors than usual there would be returning veterans this year, and some very odd behavior from CBS this year, we were sure there would be more than just a normal newbie crew of Houseguests for season 18. We anticipated that we would probably end up with some kind of mix of newbies and veterans again like on seasons BB13 and BB14.
So far we don’t have any solid evidence about those returning vets yet. However, we are starting to see some possibly legitimate Big Brother spoilers about the cast reveal coming out in advance of the official info release later today.
6:40 AM: We have another round of very well done but very probably fake spoilers going out on Twitter this morning. Whoever the troller is, and we do think it is most likely a troll putting out clever fakes, is trying to get us to believe it’s a Survivor Blood vs. Water type cast with relatives of former Houseguests involved, like this alleged “Bella Zimmerman” — supposed relative of GinaMarie Zimmerman. Not saying that might not possibly be true maybe, but we don’t trust these so-called spoilers, based on clues from the images that reveal them to be almost positively frauds.
6:45 AM: The probably fake clever spoilers posts continue with alleged relatives of former Big Brother cast members like this one of “Callie Borzotra” — supposed relative of Amber Borzotra from BB16.
7:00 AM: The fake spoilers have calmed down and we’re just hoping CBS Big Brother will start releasing the official photos and bios of the cast sometime this morning in advance of the interviews on the Big Brother Live Feeds this afternoon.
Stay tuned for profiles on each cast member coming up, as well as our first impressions of the new cast!
More coming soon…
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