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Saturday, July 22, 2017
The Flash Is Putting Iris in Charge in New Comic-Con Trailer
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Arrow Debuts Awesome New Trailer at Comic-Con, Featuring Oliver Being a Dad
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Who Won Power of Veto On Big Brother Week 4? 07/22/17
Jessica Graf shocked Big Brother 19 Live Feed watchers when feeds returned to reveal that she nominated Josh Martinez and Ramses Soto for eviction. All season, Josh has butt heads with Cody Nickson and Jessica. However, Jessica and Cody seemed to agree that nominating and evicting Josh was a waste of a Big Brother Head of Household. They didn’t see him as a strong physical or emotional competitor.
We suspect that Josh poked the bear one too many times. During the Big Brother 19 Head of Household competition, Josh antagonized Cody and Jessica. They couldn’t take his personality anymore in the Big Brother house. Ramses just went on the block as a pawn, or so they thought.
In reality, Christmas Abbott, Matt Clines, Raven Walton, and Paul Abrahamian are planning another Big Brother 19 blindside. They want to flip the votes to evict Ramses over Josh. Unbeknownst to Ramses, he really needs to win this week’s Big Brother 19 Power of Veto competition.
Earlier today, Christmas, Jason Dent, and Alex Ow were picked to play in the Power of Veto competition alongside Jessica, Josh, and Ramses.
So who won this week’s Big Brother 19 Veto competition?
It’s a three for three for Jessica Graf. She won the Halting Hex, the HOH, and now the Power of Veto!!! It’ll be interesting to see if Jessica puts all her trust in the house voting out Josh, or will she make a bold move and try to backdoor someone else. We’re hoping for the latter.
Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news!
from Big Brother Access
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Kelly Dodd Says Shannon Beador “Takes Offense Where No Offense Is Intended”; Questions Her Karma
Two episodes into Season 12 of Real Housewives of Orange County and I’m just waiting for Kelly Dodd and Shannon Beador to come face to face. I get my wish on next week’s episode during an explosive fight at a restaurant, but I still have a couple days until I get to watch the drama go down.
Even though Kelly hasn’t seen or talked to Shannon so far this season, she still has plenty of opinions on Shannon’s Feng Shui and her fight with Lydia McLaughlin at Tamra Judge’s granddaughter’s birthday party.
Kelly had a lot to say about Shannon in her Bravo blog post. Kelly said, “First, I want to share my thoughts on Shannon’s affinity for the Asian mystical arts and her efforts to purify her life. Whether it’s cupping to remove toxins, crystals for positive energy, purified air, organic foods, or Feng Shui (for promoting a harmonious life), nothing seems to work. Nine lemons in a bowl? Isn’t the number eight lucky in Chinese numerology? Not nine. Didn’t the Beijing Olympics start on 8/8/8? Despite her best efforts, Asian mysticism seems to be backfiring. Could it be Karma?” Yeah those lemons don’t really seem to be doing much for Shannon, but if they are working I couldn’t imagine how things would be going without them. I guess it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Then Kelly got to the major conflict of the episode: Shannon vs. Lydia at a baby’s birthday party of all places. Kelly declared, “Shannon sometimes takes offense where no offense is intended. I don’t believe Lydia meant any harm when discussing Tamra and Shannon’s relationship with Vicki [Gunvalson].” Even if Lydia didn’t mean any harm, she clearly has zero social tact since she brought up someone’s known enemy within five minutes of meeting her. No matter what her intentions were, it was not the best social move.
Kelly continued, “Shannon interpreted Lydia’s comments in the worst way. It’s unfortunate that Shannon and Lydia got off to such a rocky start.”
The only thing Kelly did in this last episode was work out with her husband Michael Dodd. On one hand, it was cute that they made the time to do this three times a week together. On the other, Kelly’s jokes at his expense might not have come across in the best light. Obviously she was kidding, but Kelly is very polarizing, so I’m sure she got a lot of hate on social media for calling her husband fat.
Kelly wrote, “Speaking of rocky, my relationship with Michael is complicated, to say the least. It’s sufficient to say that we have been through a lot. We are two very different people. We are proof opposites attract. At times our personalities compliment each other, but at other times we can be oil and water. Having said that, one thing we have in common is a love of working out. We have worked out together since we first got together.” In regard to that fat joke, Kelly admitted, “However, I do regret calling Michael fat, because I couldn’t push the sled far with him on it. I was joking of course. Anyone can see Michael is in great shape. Michael gets my jokes.”
In the trailer for the season, Kelly screams “You want to throw a bomb, I’m going to throw a nuke” at new girl Peggy Sulahian, so it’s surprising that Kelly included “Welcome to Peggy Sulahian as the 100th Housewife” in her blog post. Still she teased, “You can expect the Armenian beauty to add a lot of bling and spice to the mix.” Clearly.
For now, I’m just counting down until Kelly and Shannon’s restaurant stand off. Kelly teased, “Yikes, that teaser for next week’s show was intense. Watching Shannon curse me out makes me question whether she forgot all those etiquette classes she took as a cotillion :-)”
The post Kelly Dodd Says Shannon Beador “Takes Offense Where No Offense Is Intended”; Questions Her Karma appeared first on Reality Tea.
from Reality Tea
Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 21 Highlights: Is Another Blindside Coming?
On Thursday night, the Big Brother Live Feeds went down for over 24 hours. It was all to set up for the Big Brother 19 Battle Back. On Friday’s episode, we saw Cody Nickson return to the Big Brother 19 house.
We knew that Cody’s return could create chaos and havoc. We also knew he was pretty safe this week with Jessica Graf secretly holding the Halting Hex. However, it could have still been a bumpy ride if anyone but Jessica or Cody won this week’s Big Brother 19 Head of Household.
Luckily, Jessica did in fact win Head of Household. As the feeds slowly unfolded, we pieced together what happened with Jessica’s HOH reign and nominations.
A More Social Cody
The Big Brother Live Feeds returned to a smiling Cody and Jessica. They even engaged in some conversations with other houseguests. However, Paul Abrahamian, Christmas Abbott, Matt Clines, and Raven Walton were already plotting against them.
We found out that Jessica nominated Josh Martinez and Ramses Soto for eviction. The nominations seemed to be to appease the Big Brother 19 house, and to get Josh, who has constantly picked at them, including in this week’s HOH, out of the game. Ramses seems to have gone on the block as a pawn.
Once Jessica and Cody decided to stop socializing, they went to the Head of Household room and discussed not isolating themselves. However, they still don’t like the other houseguests. They just want to play nice for their games. They seem to want to take the lay low and strike later strategy, but that might not be possible for them with such huge targets on their backs.
Another Blindside?
Christmas and Raven were very much plotting to get Ramses out, instead of Josh. In fact, they stated that they weren’t going to vote Josh out and would evict Ramses. They didn’t want to tell Cody, Jessica, Elena Davies, or Mark Jansen their plans.
If Ramses doesn’t win the Power of Veto, there is a good chance that he will go home this week. This means he will suffer the same fate as Jillian Parker, and we will see another epic blindside come Thursday night. However, if Cody wins Head of Household, Jessica and him could be safe for two more weeks. If not, Jessica will use her Halting Hex to save either one or both of them next week.
We could have another two to three weeks of dramatic Big Brother 19 feeds coming up.
Friendship Talks
Kevin Schlehuber seems to have blended Dominique Cooper’s former Big Brother 19 show with Paul’s Big Brother 18 show. Kevin’s new show is called Friendship Talks. Kevin sits in a circle with the houseguests and asks them questions like ‘what do they look for in their ideal mate?’ and ‘what is their biggest fear?.’ Each houseguest in the room answers these questions and the audience reacts to them.
It’s an interesting show if you care to learn more about the Big Brother 19 players as people outside the house. I do not.
Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news.
from Big Brother Access
Housemates nominated for fake eviction revealed - Big Brother 18 [bb 2017]
After Ellie and Chanelle's eviction Big Brother called a face-to-face eviction where housemates had to decide which two would leave via a back door eviction tonight. However, unknown to the remaining housemates, they would actually be leaving the house to enter the attic. From there, they’ll spy on the...[Read more]
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