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Last week was not good for Big Brother fans on The Challenge USA. Big Brother 23 winner and Cookout alliance member Xavier Prather was sent home. Worse, Xavier was selected by his fellow Cookout members, Kyland Young and Alyssa Lopez, to compete in the arena. Xavier and his partner Shan Smith (Survivor), lost the competition and were eliminated from the competition.
This was pretty early in the game to start targeting your own show’s alumni. There is no question that Xavier won Big Brother 23 with a lot of blood on his hands. His pick to enter the arena last week proved enough that Alyssa and Kyland are still bitter toward the fellow Big Brother alumnus. Will another Big Brother alumnus go home this week? Let’s find out.
This week’s main challenge is called Barreled Treasure, and here’s how it works. The pairs will jump off a barge into the water and swim 150 yards to a buoy. They must memorize the code on top of their buoy. Then, they must swim another 75 yards to a cargo ship to search for their code on 100 different barrels. Once they find their code, they will lift the lid on that barrel to find puzzle pieces. They must swim those puzzle pieces back to the barge and repeat the entire process again to collect the second set of puzzle pieces.
Once they return to the barge with both sets of puzzle pieces, they can begin to put their puzzle together. If the pair picks the wrong lid on the cargo ship, they must swim back to the barge to retrieve their code once again. The first couple to complete their puzzle will win.
Even after opening the wrong lid and having to make an extra trip between the ships, Tyson Apostol (Survivor) and Cashay Proudfoot (Love Island) won the challenge. This is Tyson’s third win in just 5 weeks of the competition. His performance is more than impressive so far.
The last couple to finish the challenge included another Big Brother alumnus. Azah Awasum of Big Brother and her partner Cinco Holland from Love Island came in last. They will be facing off against another pair in the arena. The loser will be eliminated.
After much discussion with other players and careful consideration, Tyson and Cashay decided to select Leo Temory (Amazing Race) and Sarah Lucina (Survivor) to face off in the arena. They will compete against Azah and Cinco.
This week’s arena challenge is called A Dark Turn, and here’s how it works. The teams will be tied together. They will race across the field to enter a dark container. They will feel around to find a giant stack of film reels. There are 4 different sizes of reels. They must memorize the order of the stack of film reels and recreate it outside the container. The first team to finish will stay in the game.
After Leo came up with a brilliant way to shorten the time it took to memorize the order of the stacked film reels, he and his partner easily won the challenge. This means another Big Brother alumnus was eliminated from The Challenge USA.
Join us again next week to find out if your favorite alumni stay in the game.
Make sure to keep it here all summer for news, recaps, exclusives, spoilers, and much more. Make sure to subscribe to Paramount+ to get your Big Brother 24 Live Feeds to enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!
The post The Challenge USA Spoilers: Episode 5 Eliminations first appeared on Big Brother Access.
Monte Taylor is the latest Head of Household in the Big Brother 24 house, which is excellent news for the newly formed Leftovers alliance. They should maintain control in the house this week and eliminate the houseguest of their choosing.
At the block nomination ceremony, Monte nominated Festie Besties Indy Santos and Alyssa Snider to the block this week. However, that is not his intended target. His ultimate plan is to evict Nicole Layog from the Big Brother 24 house. This evening, the Power of Veto competition will dictate whether or not that plan will come to fruition. Will Nicole be the backdoor target this week? Let’s find out now.
Monte and the Leftovers decided to target Indy and Alyssa this week because they are the only Festie Bestie remaining in the Big Brother 24 house that does not have a member of their alliance. He made it clear during his nomination speech that Neither Indy nor Alyssa was his target this week.
If the Leftovers plan to evict Nicole, Taylor Hale will have to return to the block again. She and Nicole are Festie Besties. Monte plans to tell the other side of the Big Brother 24 house that Taylor is the target, not Nicole.
Kyle Capener and Alyssa have a brewing showmance in the works. Kyle swears he will not get wrapped up in a relationship while playing Big Brother, but he can’t see to control himself when it comes to Alyssa.
Monte, Joseph Abdin, and Terrance Higgins as HOH and Festie Besties are automatically on the POV lineup. As block nominees, Indy and Alyssa are too. Monte randomly picked one more set of Festie Besties to compete: Daniel Durston and Kyle.
This POV is called Trippy Watch Party, and here is how it works. Played in pairs as Festie Besties, one bestie will eat a spoonful of Psychadelic Pslop and go on a trip of a lifetime. During their trip, they will remember all the details they can. Once they return, they will have limited time to share this information with their bestie.
The bestie that received the information will have to answer 5 rounds of questions using only the information given to them by their “tripping” bestie. The pair with the most points will both win the golden POV.
After the questions about the trip had ended, Kyle and Daniel had the most points and won the POV competition. This is great news for the Leftovers because Kyle is a member, but their target for eviction, Nicole, is besties with Daniel. They will have to sell him hard on putting up Nicole and Taylor, but hopefully, it will help when he is told Taylor is the target.
Kyle certainly wants to save Alyssa from the block, while Daniel wants to keep the nominations the same to keep Nicole off the block.
In thinking of the best way to protect their alliance, Monte thought of getting rid of Alyssa this week. Here’s why. Michael Bruner and Brittany Hoopes, members of the Leftovers, are the only two houseguests paired with another alliance member. That means that if they go on the block, one of them will definitely go home. They will lose a member of their alliance.
If they get rid of Alyssa and keep Indy this week, and she picked Michael and Brittany’s Festie Bestie to join, they would all have the protection in the game should one of the group end up on the block.
The alliance pitched this scenario to Kyle, and he did not take it very well. They tried to convince him that this was the best way to protect their alliance and all its members. He didn’t seem happy, but he wanted to help his alliance.
On the other side of the veto is Daniel. He also has the power to use the veto. Monte wants to convince him not to use the power of veto. They met in the HOH to discuss with Nicole.
Monte explained that he is less confident about where the votes lie to evict Taylor. Therefore, he would rather keep the nominations the same. Nicole is convinced she has the numbers to stay and wants Taylor gone this week. They want to use the veto and evict Taylor. They don’t know that the Leftovers have the controlling vote in the Big Brother 24 house.
Daniel spoke with his bestie Kyle and explained his conversation with Monte. Kyle loves the fact that Daniel wants to use the POV to save Alyssa and Indy because his showmance will be saved. Not to mention, Daniel will be helping the Leftovers backdoor his ride or die in the Big Brother house. Oh, Daniel!
As expected, Daniel and Kyle chose to use the golden POV and took Alyssa and Indy off the block. In return, Monte nominated Nicole and Taylor to the block in their place. The Leftovers plan to backdoor/blindside Nicole. She is confident that she is staying in the Big Brother house.
Tune back in tomorrow evening, Thursday, August 4, at 9 PM EST for the live eviction.
Make sure to keep it here all summer for news, recaps, exclusives, spoilers, and much more. Make sure to subscribe to Paramount+ to get your Big Brother 24 Live Feeds to enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!
The post Big Brother 24 Episode 11 Recap: A Trippy Veto Opens The Backdoor first appeared on Big Brother Access.
Yolanda Hadid has been struggling with Lyme disease for many years. She was officially diagnosed with the severe, chronic neurological condition in 2012, when active infection was discovered in her brain. After four years of treatments, Yolanda underwent a TVAM of Transvascular Autonomic Modulation which uses a catheder insertion into the jugular vein to relieve patients of debilitating symptoms, including fatigue and brain fog.
Some of this arduous journey was captured on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Yolanda fluctuated between periods of feeling well, and periods of flare up of her condition. This nature of this chronic disease was beyond the logic of some of her cast mates. Most shockingly was Lisa Rinna’s uneducated diagnosis of Munchausen syndrome, basically accusing Yolanda of faking her symptoms and gas-lighting her suffering.
Yolanda left the show to focus on her health, and has enjoyed periods of feeling well again. Sadly, after a nine-month social media hiatus, the mother of three returned to say that she had suffered a relapse.
Page Six reported that Yolanda took a break from Instagram following the death of her mother, Ans van den Herik, to “reevaluate” her life
“After the loss of my mother i really struggled with depression followed by a lyme relapse…. the emotional stress and grief strongly effected my immune system,” Yolanda wrote alongside a photo of the former model in a summer-friendly outfit of white shirt, denim shorts, and a straw hat.
Yolanda wanted to work on the presence of mind as a means of healing. She identified her time on social media as a hindrance to it. She explained, “My phone addiction didn’t help either, it started to take so much time away from being present in my life … I realized that we are slowly starting to lose the art of communication and its creating a deep loneliness within us.”
Yolanda credits the hiatus as a chance to “break the habit of picking up [her] phone 50 times a day,” a change that she described as a “wonderful reset.”
And the benefits to her physical body have been tremendous. “Learning to focus on myself, my health journey and being present in this moment of my life,” Yolanda added. “Time has slowed down and feels a lot calmer, more time to just sit and actually read a book, time to reconnect with people, be creative and most importantly time with my family. I am excited to be back and see what you’ve all been up to.”
It’s great news that Yolanda is in a better place. Earlier in her battle with the chronic illness, the RHOBH alum was so desperate as to contemplate suicide. She detailed her journey in a memoir titled, “Believe Me: My Battle with the Invisibility of Lyme Disease.”
Describing her turmoil at the time, Yolanda wrote, “I’m such a fighter, but I had to surrender. God please just take me away in a wave. I can’t live like this one more day. Please carry my body away. I just want to disappear.”
Yolanda credits her love of children Gigi Hadid, Bella Hadid, and Anwar Hadid as what gave her hope. She revealed, “My next thought is a clear image of my three children. It shifts my consciousness immediately and that’s the only thing that keeps me from letting myself drift and drown.”
Yolanda’s two younger children, Bella and Anwar, also have Lyme disease.
[Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo]
The post Yolanda Hadid Reveals Lyme Disease Relapse appeared first on Reality Tea.
It’s been on for twelve seasons, but the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills has a reigning original cast member. After the departure of Lisa Vanderpump, the true queen of the series, Kyle Richards is the last one standing.
Season 12 is well under way, and the mother of four seems determined to take on a mentorship role. Meaning Kyle is getting more involved in others’ drama than usual. And she’s policing any criticism of Erika Jayne, for some inexplicable reason.
And wow, is Garcelle Beauvais calling her out on it. Despite Kyle having no response or feeling that she should take a step back, it’s delightful to watch. Kyle has little self-awareness. Us hardened RHOBH viewers expect this from Kyle, but newbie Sheree Zampino has some questions.
The RHOBH cast member shared her opinions on Behind the Velvet Rope With David Yontef during the August 1st episode. Entertainment Tonight reported that Sheree saw Kyle as interfering in Garcelle’s conflict with Erika. Especially when it came to Erika’s drunken tirade against Garcelle’s 14-year-old son Jax, an incident Sheree called, “completely inappropriate.”
“I like Kyle, but sometimes I think Kyle needs to sit down somewhere,” Sheree said. “She’s an OG, she’s been on every season, she’s very connected to the show…but she acts as the moderator.”
Then there was the incident between Diana Jenkins and Sutton Stracke. Kyle came in, mid-conversation, to police what was being said. One can’t take sides without seeing it from the beginning, but Kyle has been throwing Sutton under the bus for awhile now.
Sheree called Kyle out on it. “Why are you even here?” she said. “I didn’t understand. I don’t think they needed that. Sometimes you need somebody to come in and be a moderator—and I mean, she’s got the experience, she’s got the knowledge and the information—but it’s not always necessary. We don’t always need a moderator.”
As for any upcoming RHOBH drama, Sheree managed to side-step one major s–t storm because she was “sleeping soundly” at the time. Could it be the infamous Aspen trip fight that we are anticipating in the latter part of the season?
Sheree didn’t say, but explained, “Garcelle and I had the foresight to take our butts back to the house,” Sheree added. “So I don’t know…I don’t know how that’s gonna play out.”
[Photo Credit: Leon Bennett/Getty Images]
The post Sheree Zampino Thinks Kyle Richards Needs To Sit Down And Stop Acting Like A Moderator appeared first on Reality Tea.