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Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Nashville Is Losing 2 Regular Characters When it Moves to CMT
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Bethenny Frankel Gushes Over Ramona Singer; Talks Divorce And More On WWHL
After tonight’s episode of The Real Housewives of New York, Bethenny Frankel made a stop at the clubhouse to chat with Andy Cohen about her Berkshires meltdown, Jules Waintstein’s divorce, her medical issues and more.
Andy starts off asking if Bethenny noticed that Luann de Lesseps has her name misspelled in her phone? “Well, I don’t have to, I have Twitter for that. I didn’t notice but so many people did. It’s so funny the things people pick up on.” Was she surprised by that after all these years of being friends? “No. Maybe she had it like that originally, I don’t know. I don’t really think about things like that.”
Bethenny shares that Ramona was the best person to help her when she was sick. “Every single day she texted me, called me, for probably six weeks. Brought me hummus because it had iron in it, brought me flowers.”
When she said she “blacked out” while ranting at Luann in the Berkshires, did Bethenny really not know what she was saying? “Often I don’t remember the things that I’ve said. When I watch the show, I don’t remember saying something. And yeah, I didn’t remember exactly because, to be honest, I think I only said whore when I went upstairs. I recanted that I said slut and whore, so I could’ve taken off slut.”
Anything she regrets saying? “Maybe those words. I don’t have regret on this show because it’s what was happening in that moment and it’s this group of women all together and it’s a long time coming.”
When she was talking smack about Luann to Ramona, did she not realize Luann was two feet away? “I don’t know if I cared.”
What did she think about Luann texting her an apology from downstairs? “It was amazing. It was like When A Stranger Calls. She’s in the house, the text is coming from inside the house.”
Did the ladies apologize to Dorinda’s housekeeper? Pretty much no. Bethenny also says she doesn’t regret sneaking off. “This is what happens in real life with these women.”
Andy played a clip from next week of Bethenny breaking down over not having those “family contacts” to call in case of emergency. Bethenny says she’s embarrassed watching the clip. She says it’s common but it was serious and she was scared, she just didn’t have that much familiarity with surgery and things like that. She says she just had the surgery on May 20th and she has recovered well.
Does Bethenny regret or feel bad for not giving Sonja a chance to say she’s sorry and for icing her out this season? “There’s a lot you don’t see on the show that happens in between seasons and Sonja has had some of her less than fine moments. I’m in the liquor business and I do take it seriously. And about the trip, I have a responsibility to be with my partners and we were worried about irresponsible drinking. I think Sonja knew she had to pull it together in a bunch of different ways and we weren’t just all making it up. We were talking about it because we cared about her and no, like I said before, I don’t believe in regrets and I was making a decision that if I were ever in that same circumstance, I would make it again.”
Has she given Jules any advice now that her divorce is getting pretty messy? “I texted her and said to get out. Not meaning from Michael, I like Michael. I meant get it over with as fast as you possibly can because the minutia doesn’t matter. But it’s really not my business. I just sent a text to acknowledge I knew it was going on.”
Andy asks her how long her own divorce has been going so far. She says she thinks it’s 3 1/2 now. Andy asks if the end is in sight, “I think so. I hope so.”
Did Bethenny see it coming with Jules and Michael? “I was told before they came on the show that it was happening.” She says they did see signs of it during filming the show. “They came over to my house a few times and I kind of talked to them a little bit.”
Poll Question: Who would you bring to the doctor with you? 40% chose Dorinda.
Photo Credit: Twitter
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Big Brother Season 18 Premiere: Former Houseguests Return for Crazy New Twists
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Bethenny Frankel's Health Problems and a Dog Wedding Is Real Housewives of New York City at Its Best
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Wednesday Night Tea Time – June 22nd
Claudia Jordan is likely on Jamie Foxx’s shitlist now – Celebitchy
Selma Blair is totally embarrassed after plane meltdown – Dlisted
Why do we keep giving him attention? – Starcasm
Take your dog to work day is a real thing! – Dog Time
Are you a fan of his work? – Dlisted
Photo Credit: Instagram
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Big Brother Spoilers: Full Season 18 Cast Revealed!
The entire Big Brother 18 cast has finally been revealed, including those four mystery houseguests we’ve been hearing about forever! Although we learned who the twelve new cast members are last week, the names of the veterans returning this season were not released until the Big Brother 2016 premiere episode on Wednesday night.
Rumors have been flying for quite a while that there would be veteran players returning to the Big Brother house for season 18. The names of the former houseguests reportedly returning changed from week to week over the past month, although the allegedly ‘confirmed’ identities of four returnees were relatively consistent the last week before the premiere.’
According to the most recent alleged Big Brother spoilers, the veterans coming back this year were supposed to be Da’vonne Rogers (Season 17), James Huling (Season 17), Nicole Franzel (Season 16) and Frank Eudy (Season 14). However, their role on the show was totally unknown. While it seemed rather certain from some things said by executive producer Allison Grodner in various interviews that we would not be having another ‘coaches’ season, the uneven number between newbies and vets seemed very odd.
On the Big Brother premiere tonight, our questions about the four mystery houseguests were finally answered at last. Looks like the latest spoilers were indeed true. The returnees will not be coaches, they will be competing for the half million dollar prize just like the rest of the new houseguests: Paul Abrahamian, Paulie Calafiore (Cody Calafiore’s brother), Corey Brooks, Jozea Flores, Glenn Garcia, Michelle Meyer, Zakiyah Everette, Natalie Negrotti, Victor Arroyo, Bronte D’Acquisto, Tiffany Rousso (Vanessa Rousso’s sister), and Bridgette Dunning. (Check out detailed profiles with backgrounds, photos, videos, social media, and more on our Big Brother 18 cast page.)
And the first returnee is revealed when she pops out of a luggage trunk! One of the returnee rumors has indeed been confirmed, it’s Nicole Franzel (Season 16). Next secret houseguest revealed is James Huling (Season 17), who was another of the rumored returnees this summer. He says he’s all business this season and he’s in it to win it. Third houseguest is Da’vonne Rogers (Season 17), who was also one of the spoiler rumor HGs returning. The last returning houseguest is Frank Eudy (Season 14), and that completes the set of houseguests that were ‘confirmed’ as coming back in recent Big Brother spoilers.
Now that you know who the final four houseguests are that will be competing for the half million dollars, get the scoop on what happened during the first night of the Big Brother 18 premiere in our full recap of the show!
Now it’s time for the next twist to be revealed! Julie tells the returnees that they were the first twist of the night. She says your summer vacation is only as good as your travel companions. So this season, they will be playing in teams of four! For the first time ever, they will all play a part in choosing their teams. How that will happen, and how it will affect their gameplay will be revealed later. For now, it’s time to get changed for the first competition of the season.
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* Only east coast CBS All Access viewers will be able to watch the premiere live on CBS All Access. CBS live television is not available in all markets.
from Big Brother Access
This Is Why Ben Higgins and Lauren Bushnell Are Perfect for a Bachelor Spinoff Show
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Big Brother 18 Premiere Live Blog: Let the Games Begin!
The Big Brother 18 premiere has arrived at last! Time for all those rumors and alleged spoilers to be put behind us, and the new season to officially begin. We have a good feeling about the newbies of the Big Brother cast this year, and hope if there are indeed returning veterans as everyone suspects, they won’t disappoint.
We’ll be live blogging the two-hour premiere episode right here, including the reveal of those four ‘mystery’ houseguests CBS keeps promoting in their commercials. The Big Brother 2016 premiere is going to be absolutely nuts, according to executive producer Allison Grodner, so strap in folks and get ready for a crazy ride.
>> Watch the Big Brother 18 season premiere LIVE on CBS All Access!* <<
The new Big Brother 18 houseguests moved in back on June 15, so they are already deep into playing the game. CBS, of course, will make it look like tonight is a live show of them entering the house for the first time and facing their first challenges of the season. But we know better!
#BB18 sneak Peek
— IdolKnights (@idolknights) June 22, 2016
Grodner has promised there will be a lot of new twists and turns revealed on the season premiere, but we likely won’t have some of our questions answered about what’s been going on in the house until the Big Brother Live Feeds late on Sunday night. However, she has stated that we will find out who all the houseguests are during tonight’s two-hour first episode.
>> Meet the Big Brother 18 Cast! (Photo Gallery) <<
Stay tuned right here for our live blog of the season 18 premiere. Be sure to refresh this page often once the show starts for the latest updates!
More coming soon in our Big Brother 18 premiere live recap starting at 8PM ET/5PM PT!
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* Only east coast CBS All Access viewers will be able to watch the premiere live on CBS All Access. CBS live television is not available in all markets.
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02:55 PM PST - Live feeds are expected to start 10PM PST Thursday night. (NT)
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Kenya Moore Denies Meltdown On ‘Worst Cooks In America’; Responds To Vivica A Fox Insulting Her Career!
Two things about Kenya Moore: 1) Nothing is ever her fault, and 2) A grudge is a grudge is eternal. Luckily she has met her match in Vivica A. Fox! But first up – what happened with Kenya after being eliminated from Worst Cooks in America: Celebrity Edition? Sources claim she had a massive meltdown over the judges criticisms and being axed.
Kenya called into V-103Atlanta’s Ryan Cameron Morning Show and said “hell no!” she did not have a huge fit after being kicked off the Food Network show.
“There’s no truth to this story,” the Real Housewives Of Atlanta star insists. “It’s mostly made up. Yes, I had on 6” heels, and yes I cooked fish… but the temper tantrum? That’s not me. I’m not gonna act a fool because that’s unprofessional.”
“I don’t overcook seafood,” Kenya, added, laughing. “It’s the one thing I’m good at cooking!”
Kenya dismisses the story as “a little publicity stunt” and implies it was spread from someone else on the show.
So did Kenya have beef with one of the other contestants, or hosts? She says absolutely not. “It was the nicest group of people ever. We laughed from the beginning to the end, so I have no idea where that would come from. I actually had a really great time.”
In fact, Kenya was allegedly so successful at being a bad cook, she may be turning this into a spinoff. “The producers and the network are actually talking to me about doing my own cooking show,” she claims. ‘Claims‘ being the operative word here…
Switching subjects, Kenya is retaliating to Vivica‘s latest comments mocking her career. The drama between Kenya and Vivica initially started on Celebrity Apprentice, but these two just keep dragging it back into media. Recently Vivica told Wendy Williams she was too busy having a “real career” and hadn’t seen Kenya lately.
“C’mon stop Vivica – worry about how you’re gonna fix your face,” Kenya snarked, borrowing a line from Sheree Whitfield.
“If she’s so busy having a ‘real career’ – why’s she doing a reality show of her own?!” snapped Kenya. Why is she still doing bit parts in movies and on TV shows? Why are you worrying about someone else’s career when you’re in the same place I am right now?”
[Photo Credit: Instagram]
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Ramona Singer Says Sonja Morgan Never Told Her She Dated Tom D’Agostino
The ladies are really bringing it on the current season of Real Housewives of New York. Every episode is more ridiculous than the one before. I don’t know about you, but I’ll never get over the weird love square between Luann de Lesseps, her fiance Tom D’Agostino, Ramona Singer, and Sonja Morgan. I still can’t believe that Luann found her “soulmate” and got engaged within eight weeks.
I feel like no matter how “cool” Luann claims to be in regard to Tom getting with two other cast members, it is still weird. And I can’t imagine Sonja and Ramona thought it was cool either. Since Sonja got with Tom first, I wondered if Ramona followed suit to get revenge on her frienemy turned enemy, but apparently she had no idea about Sonja’s history with Tom.
It is still up for debate if Luann had any prior knowledge about Tom dating Ramona. It honestly seems like she did know and just went in for her own conquest, but whatever. I don’t feel like we will really get a consistent story on that one. Ramona claims that she had no idea Sonja used to get with Tom or she wouldn’t have dated him herself.
Ramona wrote about this in her Bravo blog: “I could not believe Tom did not tell me that he was lovers with Sonja. I never would’ve gone out with him had I known that information. Sonja never told me until after the fact. I had no clue that he was one of her lovers.” I don’t really feel like Sonja has a great attachment to any one of her lovers and she really does seem like the kind of person who just wants her friends to be happy, so I’m not really shocked that she didn’t tell Ramona about her hook ups with Tom. As far as Tom goes, I don’t really know anything about him, but clearly he didn’t want to cock block himself by sharing the truth with Ramona.
RELATED: Ramona Says Luann de Lesseps Can’t Be Trusted Around Men
So how did Ramona find out about Tom and Sonja’s previous love connection? Ramona writes, “Before Luann even went out with Tom, Sonja and I went to lunch at Barneys. She asked me if I was dating anyone in particular. I shared with her I was dating a nice man from Connecticut ironically enough also named Tom. I told her I also went on dates with Tom, but it never went anywhere and we were just friends. Sonja then revealed to me she had been lovers with Tom.”
I still think it’s super weird that Sonja didn’t say anything before this though. Ramona addressed this in her blog as well: “I asked Sonja why she never shared this information with me. Sonja said, ‘Well I read in the press that you were dating him, and I thought maybe you liked him and he liked you, and I didn’t want to get involved and ruin anything for you and him.’ I told Sonja that she should have told me as soon as she knew we were dating. I told Sonja I would never get involved with someone that she was with.” I get that Sonja probably just wanted her friend (at the time?) to be with whoever she had an interest in, but she definitely should have told her the truth since we all know that information was bound to get out and it just doesn’t look great for anyone involved – no matter what they knew and when.
Tonight on Real Housewives of New York, Sonja and Ramona work on their friendship, Jules surprises Michael with a secret business project, and Bethenny suffers a health scare. Reality Tea will be live-tweeting all the drama.
[Photo Credits: Bravo]
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It Was Love at First Sight for Luann de Lesseps...But She Had a Boyfriend
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Big Brother 18 Spoilers: What We Know So Far!
The Big Brother 18 premiere is just a few short hours away, but for those who just can’t wait for a little spoilers info on what’s coming up… Here’s what we know so far! While we don’t have any seriously major Big Brother spoilers coming out yet, if you don’t want to know ANYTHING, then go ahead and move along please!
We already know from previous Big Brother 18 spoilers hints dropped by the executive producers that the house decorations this year will factor into the game like never before. The usually reliable spoilers sources out there that we know and love have revealed the likely names of the mystery houseguest returnees joining the 12 new cast members during the premiere.
Now, just hours before the season kicks off, executive producer Allison Grodner has dropped several more interesting Big Brother 18 spoilers for us to ponder before the show premieres tonight. In case you weren’t aware, the houseguests moved into the house back on June 15 and have already been playing the game for a week. So a lot has been going on that we won’t know about until the two-night premiere is over and the Big Brother Live Feeds are turned on.
#BB18 sneak Peek
— IdolKnights (@idolknights) June 22, 2016
What we do know is that the premiere for season 18 is apparently going to be quite different than previous years. According to Grodner, there will be “more challenges on opening night than we’ve ever had in the history of Big Brother.” Apparently, some of the new twists happening during the premiere and later in the season will actually involve the whole ‘Summer Vacation’ theme of the house, and objects and decorations inside and out.
>> Go Inside the Big Brother 18 House! (Photo Gallery) <<
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Grodner says the two-night premiere is packed with “a lot of action, a lot of fun competitions, there’s twists and turns and reveals, and you’ll find out whether indeed there are just 12 [houseguests] or if there will be more than that.”
THR notes, as we have as well, that there are no blondes among the newbie players this season. However, Grodner hints that those rumors about Nicole Franzel being one of the returning players, along with Da’vonne Rogers), James Huling, and Frank Eudy might indeed be true. “Well, yeah, you never know,” she says.
However, the whole idea that having two siblings of previous cast members means something special seems to be a wash, according to several quotes from Grodner in a few different interviews. Apparently it just happens to be a ‘coincidence’ that both Tiffany Rousso and Paulie Calafiore ended up on this season. We’ll see soon if that’s actually true.
As far as the Big Brother 18 cast diversity in general, Grodner says this is one of the “more diverse” groups of houseguests in the show’s history. “We have a gay man, a bisexual woman, people from all different backgrounds: Armenian, Filipino, Venezuelan, Puerto Rican, and African-American.”
>> Meet the Big Brother 18 Cast! (Photo Gallery) <<
While we are pretty certain Jozea Flores is the gay man in question, we read somewhere that the ‘bisexual’ female cast member is Tiffany Rousso, but don’t have the link to that for proof. We’d certainly love it if there might be another bi-curious lady hiding in the cast, because a fun girl/girl showmance would be a nice change this season!
During the past week the players have been in the house, Grodner says they have been quite the busy little bees. “There’s definately already alliances happening. There’s definately sparks of a showmance happening,” executive producer Rich Meehan tells THR. “There’s certainly blooming flirtations that could be showmances,” and dropped a few hints that houseguests Victor Arroyo and Natalie Negrotti might be involved.
>> Big Brother 18 Cast In-Depth Profiles, Backgrounds, Videos, Photos & More <<
There are apparently some folks that are already rubbing some of the other houseguests the wrong way, according to some comments made in the Diary Room. But it “hasn’t exploded or anything in the house yet,” according to Grodner. “There’s definately lines drawn in the sand, the game has gone on quite quickly, which is interesting, and [there are] strong opinions.”
Lastly, we know there is a new competition replacing Battle of the Block that will air on Sunday night episodes, but so far all we have is speculation on what that might be. Apparently we may have to wait until this Sunday before we’ll find out, as Grodner hinted the new comp would not be revealed during the two-night premiere. (Although it’s likely we’ll get some clues from the Big Brother Live Feeds after they are turned on Thursday night.) However, Grodner did admit that “it will definitely change how everyone plays the game.”
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Meghan Edmonds Is Skeptical Of Kelly Dodd’s Connection With Vicki Gunvalson
There really wasn’t much happening during the Season 11 premiere of Real Housewives of Orange County. Sure, we got to catch up on what was going on with the ladies’ private lives, but there wasn’t a lot of interaction between the Housewives. I missed the OG’s, but I was bored to death.
Nothing really happened other than the introduction of the new girl, Meghan Edmonds’s friend Kelly Dodd. Aside from me feeling a little confused and wondering what Cheryl Burke was doing on RHOC – you have to admit that they look alike, right? Or maybe that’s just in my mind. I don’t know, but I just didn’t know what to make of Kelly and I honestly couldn’t picture her being good friends with Meghan. This was especially true after I saw Kelly and Vicki Gunvalson hitting it off during that yacht party. I am so curious to know what Meghan thinks of the immediate connection that these two seemed to have.
Kelly came on to RHOC as a friend of Meghan’s so I figured she would have loyalty to her – at least for the first episode, but this chick is way too green to be on reality TV. She was trying way too hard to be funny and quotable and it’s so evident that she was very familiar with the show. She definitely knows what she’s doing when she decides to befriend the most controversial cast member. And on top of that, Vicki started off Season 11 with zero friends in the cast, so I’m sure she would accept anyone as an ally at that point.
Meghan wrote about introducing Kelly to the squad in her Bravo blog: “I was excited for everyone to meet Kelly, but I was actually shocked when Kelly immediately bonded with Vicki. I warned her that Vicki might be using her since she was the only person left for Vicki to use to weasel her way back into the crew. So far I’m right on point with that thinking…”
In all honesty, it’s a win-win for Kelly and Vicki to be friends. At that point, they both had nothing to lose and it’s going to get them a lot of camera time. I just wonder how Vicki and Kelly’s bond will affect Kelly’s relationship with Meghan.
[Photo Credits: Joe Scarnici/Bravo]
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Bethenny Frankel Talks About Her Mystery Illness And Miscarriage
During the last episode of Real Housewives of New York, Bethenny Frankel told Luann de Lesseps that she was late to get drinks because she was profusely bleeding. She did not know what was causing the issue, but she mentioned that she was going to get it checked out.
That sounds very serious. Bethenny‘s mystery illness was highlighted in the trailer and it looks like the viewers will find out what’s going on with her pretty soon. What has been going on with the skinnygirl’s health these days?
Bethenny has a lot going on, so she initially attributed her problems to fatigue and stress, even though she was sent to the emergency room more than once. The RHONY star was diagnosed with a uterine fibroid condition back in 2013 and she kept it private until recently, which is very rare since she’s usually such an open book when it comes to sharing her life.
In an interview with People, Bethenny said, “No one really talks about them. I didn’t realize how many people have them. It’s still something women don’t share.” So I guess that means that she is sharing her struggle on the show to raise awareness about this health issue.
RELATED: Bethenny Frankel’s Thoughts On Jules Wainstein’s Marriage
So how bad did things get? Bethenny revealed, “I’d lost 10 percent of my blood, my uterus had doubled in size, and my fibroids had grown larger. I was scared.” Wow, that sounds terrifying.
Also, Bethenny believes that it was the fibroids that caused her miscarriage in 2012.
It’ll be interesting to see how Bethenny‘s struggle with fibroids will be depicted on the show. It seems like medical issues have been heavily highlighted on Bravo shows these days, so I’m just hoping this is handled in a sensitive matter and that it is not overly exploited for a story line like we have seen on Shahs of Sunset and other Real Housewives shows.
[Photo Credits: Charles Sykes/Bravo]
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TV Scoop Awards 2016: Vote For Your Favorite TV Breakout Stars Now
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Stephanie Hollman Is Over LeeAnne Locken Blaming Her Past To Avoid Apologizing
Stephanie Hollman is one of the few people who can pull off being a genuinely nice person and an entertaining cast member on Real Housewives of Dallas. I didn’t know what to make of her at first, but I really am a fan now and I am #TeamStephanie when it comes to her issues with LeeAnne Locken.
To be honest, I’m usually with anyone who is against LeeAnne since LeeAnne is typically the one to start the drama and take her digs too far. Case in point: During the RHOD reunion episode, LeeAnne decided to insult Stephanie while she went in to hug Cary Deuber and apologize for spreading rumors about her being a homewrecker. That was beyond ridiculous and Stephanie is rightfully offended that she got dragged into that moment.
I didn’t even notice Stephanie reacting to LeeAnne’s attempt to smooth things over with Cary via hug, but LeeAnne was all about it. She couldn’t even have one nice moment without cutting someone down and discrediting them. She actually interrupted herself and stole her own shine just to hate on Stephanie – how mature. *cue my own eye roll*
Stephanie wrote about this incident in her Bravo blog: “I was pleased that Cary was given the opportunity to confront LeeAnne. While it was nice to see LeeAnne apologize after much deliberation, I found it laughable that she apologized to Cary while attacking me. It seemed to me that she skirted taking ownership making accusatory remarks for why it was ok for her to gossip before finally gave up and said the words.” At this point (only one season in), it’s clear that this is just textbook LeeAnne. She stirs shit up, refuses to apologize, blames her past, and does what she can to come up with a distraction.
RELATED: Reality Tea’s Exclusive Interview With Stephanie Hollman
Stephanie echoed all of our sentiments when she wrote, “I wish she would take ownership, apologize, change her behavior and then move on. After a while the words ‘I apologize’ seem insincere especially when we are asked to excuse it because of her past with the knowledge that the apology is only good until we make her mad again. She definitely owed Cary and Mark [Deuber] an apology.” I was hoping that watching her ridiculous behavior on the show, would give LeeAnne a chance to reflect and revise many of her habits, but that is not what happened at all. She just refuses to grow up and take any responsibility for her own actions.
LeeAnne is just so annoying and hypocritical. In my opinion, the woman just needs to grow up and learn to apologize and Stephanie agrees with me: “Her anger and insecurities appear get the best of her. It’s sad to watch her lash out, hurt and emotionally injure others along the way only to apologize by blaming her past. She gets her anger and hurt out in a couple of hours and is over for her but this leaves others devastated and trying to make sense of it for days or weeks to come. I do think that people can change and I pray she finds peace and healing in her journey.” EXACTLY. Everyone has some issues and hard times in their past, but they don’t all use those problems as a crutch to excuse consistently poor behavior.
[Photo Credits: Bravo]
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HBO Cancels Vinyl--Yes, This Comes After Renewing the Drama
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Famously Single Recap: Blues Cruise
Last week, on the premiere of Famously Single, we met the cast of “celebrities”, who are really just a hodge podge of randos desperately clinging to what little notoriety they once had. We were left with the cliffhanger of finding out who their new dating coaches would be and (plot twist!!!) it’s two of the people they met while out boozing it up and misbehaving in some run down VIP section of a club.
SURPRISE! It’s Laurel, who was sexually propositioned by a sloppy drunk Willis McGahee and Robert, who was dismissed by Aubrey O’Day. The dating coaches begin to share their feedback and Robert admits that he found it refreshing that Aubrey could go deep in their conversation but was disappointed that she didn’t think he was good enough for a goodbye. Laurel basically told Willis in the nicest way possible that he is gross. She also had interactions with Calum Best, who she thought was playing for the cameras and Josh Murray, who was downright rude. Dr. Darcy Sterling explains to everyone that Laurel and Robert are here to give the Singletons the nuts and bolts of dating while they go through the process.
As the gang unwinds in the kitchen, Somaya Reece and Brandi Glanville have put their beef behind them and unite to talk about Brandi’s favorite subject: sex. Brandi likes to be bossed around and Calum thinks they will get along great for that reason. Somaya, who confuses being white with being blonde haired, seems to approve and sees a hookup in the making. Brandi is already on the outs with the women in general because well, she’s Brandi, and Jessica White wastes no time gossiping about her with Somaya and Aubrey when she is out of ear shot.
Aubrey seems to think that forty is too old to have your cleavage out and believes she has a more sexualized reputation than Brandi, but still wouldn’t be handling herself like Brandi does. Oh, Aubrey… 1) can you remind me again what you think you are famous for? and 2) Brandi is your very own Ghost of D List Celebrity Future. Take note, because you are just one marriage, a few thousand bottles of wine, and a row of messy hair extensions away from the exact same fate.
Brandi sits down with Katie Maloney, I mean, Dr. Darcy for her camera time one-on-one. Dr. Darcy asks about what’s going on in the house and Brandi admits that Aubrey and Somaya need to check themselves when it comes to how famous they think they are. Amen to that! She can’t relate because even after becoming famous, she was still going about her life, picking up dog crap, and getting cheated on.
We are treated to yet another trip down Cheaters Lane and Brandi relives how she found out ex Eddie Cibrian was cheating on her with LeAnn Rimes. Even all these years later, Brandi still gets emotional and cries openly while Darcy soothes her with tutting, “jeez Louise”. They move on to Brandi’s dating issues and she confesses that she always picks guys who she doesn’t expect anything from because she is scared to get hurt again. This whole exchange reminds me of the original Brandi Glanville, from her first season on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, before she was all drink throwing and LVP slapping. I miss that Brandi.
The next day, the Singletons meet Dr. Darcy to troll for dates in a public place with their dating coaches (and an entire camera crew) so they can find someone to invite on a yacht with them.
Calum isn’t worried, Aubrey immediately thinks she is too good for this, and Jessica, in a Pocahontas deerskin poncho and dreamcatcher earrings, is feeling uncomfortable. Calum approaches a young woman on a bench and immediately strikes out (hee hee). Brandi approaches a cute guy and invites him but he asks if he can bring his girlfriend. No, dummy – Brandi Glanville just asked you out, show some respect! Josh isn’t approaching anyone because he’s too picky and Pauly D decides to team up with Calum. Two douches for the price of one! They manage to find two girls who begrudgingly agree and they can call it a day. Jessica finally scores and so do Josh, Willis, and Brandi.
Time for the sunset cruise on the Good Ship Awkward. Aubrey is the only one who didn’t bother to find a date and that little detail isn’t lost on Dr. Darcy or the rest of the cast. Brandi’s date is adorable and smart but while Brandi tries to get to know him better, Aubrey swoops in and tries to flirt but immediately abandons the conversation when she realizes this guy has no idea who she is. Like 98% of America, BTW.
Jessica, who “loves cerebral conversation,” can’t take too much of it and pretends to go to the bathroom so she can get a break from the action and readjust her poncho. Robert tries to coach her back into being a normal human being having normal human being interactions and she eventually apologizes to her date. The cruise ends without anything notable happening like Aubrey throwing herself overboard (wishful thinking on my part).
The gang meets for group therapy and talks about how out of their comfort zone it was to talk to strangers. God, these people are out of touch with reality. Jessica keeps clarifying that she didn’t really go to the bathroom when she said she was (ummm, we got it) and gets an attitude when the dating coaches challenge her to express her emotions instead of using a fake excuse.
Aubrey doesn’t think she learned anything and Brandi calls her out for thinking the lesson was beneath her and for also being miffed that her date didn’t know who she was. Aubrey goes into full diva mode and says Brandi just doesn’t like her and she doesn’t need to elaborate on her success to anyone because no one cares. Aubrey immediately goes in on how she doesn’t like Brandi and a bunch more that I couldn’t hear because my ears started bleeding, so you all will just have to use your imaginations. Aubrey is giving me so much Kim Zolciak Biermann, and I’m not just talking about the wig and overdone lip injections. Dr. Darcy jumps in and tells Aubrey she’s catty.
Aubrey doesn’t get it and goes back to Somaya to complain about Dr. Darcy acting like she is in high school.
Aubrey sits down with Dr. Darcy for her one-on-one and Dr. Darcy wastes no time telling her what an A-hole she is. Aubrey fancies herself as the deliverer of truth and claims to be able to curse someone out and have them completely respect her delivery. Then she turns on Dr. Darcy and says she isn’t fair. Talk about high school behavior! Dr. Darcy has bigger fish to fry and isn’t happy that Aubrey didn’t participate in the exercise. She asks why Aubrey is even here. Ummmmm, the paycheck? You don’t need to be a doctor to figure that one out.
Dr. Darcy stops short of telling Aubrey to go the eff home but instead, awkwardly forces a hug and wedges into the same seat as Aubrey so they can have a “real moment”. That’s where we end for the night and if you’ll excuse me, I’m about to go have a real moment with a bottle of wine after surviving this episode.
Photo Credit: E!
Author: Karen
The post Famously Single Recap: Blues Cruise appeared first on Reality Tea.
from Reality Tea
Big Brother 18 Premiere Tonight: Mystery Houseguests Revealed!
The anticipation is finally over and the Big Brother 18 premiere kicks off tonight at 8PM ET/PT! We’ve already met the twelve new players entering the house this season, and this evening the final four ‘mystery’ houseguests will at last be unmasked. There have been so many rumors and speculations over who they will be, let’s just hope the big reveal doesn’t end up being a big disappointment.
Possible returning veterans as mystery houseguests is just one of the many twists and surprises we’ve been promised this season by Big Brother 18 executive producers Allison Grodner and Rich Meehan. We also know for certain that the Battle of the Block will NOT be back this year, and has instead been replaced by a brand new competition that will air on Sunday nights.
That’s just the tip of the twisty twist iceberg, however. Apparently the newly renovated Big Brother 18 house itself will be part of the surprises in store for both contestants and fans throughout the season. Some of the secrets of the ‘Summer Vacation’ themed house will reportedly be uncovered during the two-night Big Brother premiere. Other hidden unknowns, however, will not be discovered until later in the season.
>> Go Inside the Big Brother 18 House! (Photo Gallery) <<
This will be the longest season on record for Big Brother USA, with the cast expected to be trapped in the house for 99 days. That means the 90-minute 2016 finale won’t take place until September 21, right after the premiere of the new season of Survivor.
#BB18 commercial with "mystery guests"
— Lisa (@LisaBreezy) June 18, 2016
If we were stuck in a tiny studio house with that many other people for nearly 100 days, you can bet the claws (and maybe even the knives) would be coming out — and you can bet we’d be looking for a nice showmance for some human companionship. So we’re hoping for some really terrific entertainment and drama on the Big Brother Live Feeds this year.
The Big Brother 18 premiere will span two nights, with the first two-hour episode starting at 8PM ET/PT on Wednesday, June 22nd, followed by a one hour episode on Thursday at 9PM ET/PT. After that, the show will settle into it’s normal Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday night schedule. The Big Brother Live Feeds and Big Brother After Dark will premiere on Thursday night (Friday morning on the east coast) after the west coast airing of the show.
Commercial promo for #BB18 featuring some of the houseguests.
— Big Brother Watch (@BigBrotherWatch) June 15, 2016
We’ll be here with you for the Big Brother 2016 premiere, live blogging every episode as it airs. Just bookmark us at for all the latest recaps, spoilers, Live Feeds highlights & more all summer long. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Google+ for up to the minute news throughout the season, and join our Facebook fan group to hang out and chat with other Big Brother fans!
from Big Brother Access
Heather Dubrow Shares Her Thoughts On RHOC’s Season 11 Premiere Episode
After an explosive tenth season, I was really expecting more from the first episode of Real Housewives of Orange County’s eleventh season. Nothing really happened and it’s clear that no one is over Vicki Gunvalson playing the victim after Brooks Ayers admitted to faking medical documents to “prove” that he had cancer.
The one thing that I really wanted to see ended up at the end of the episode in a “to be continued” moment. I was dying to see what Vicki had to say to Heather Dubrow when she took her aside on that yacht party. I can’t believe that I have to wait a whole week for something interesting to happen, however, Heather had some things to say about about the premiere episode in her blog.
Heather explained why she invited Vicki to her yacht party and I’m sure it has nothing to do with any obligations she has a cast member…. But anyway, Heather wrote, “Of course I invited Vicki, because even though I don’t condone her behavior of last year, I feel everyone deserves an opportunity to exonerate themselves. Also, I thought about how Vicki stuck by Shannon [Beador] when she wasn’t included in Meghan [Edmond’s] charity event last year, so the decision was easy.” Plus, everyone talking shit on Vicki and possibly confronting her is a fundamental part of the show…not that anyone is going to openly admit that.
RELATED: 11 Times Heather Dubrow Was The Most Awesome On RHOC
Heather also shared her thoughts on the new girl’s first appearance: “We meet Kelly Dodd in this episode, a friend of Meghan’s. Any friend of Meghan and Jimmy [Edmonds] would always be welcome at a party of mine – I adore them. I didn’t get a lot of time with her that night, but watching the episode it’s clear she enjoys a good catch phrase and a good pun.” Umm yeah, this girl was way too eager to be on TV. It seemed like was trying out every fun phrase possible with the hopes of getting turned into a meme or quoting herself on some sort of message t-shirt. It was a little too much for me, but I’m going to chalk that up to nerves and hope that she comes through in future episodes.
[Photo Credits: Joe Scarnici/Bravo]
The post Heather Dubrow Shares Her Thoughts On RHOC’s Season 11 Premiere Episode appeared first on Reality Tea.
from Reality Tea