Monday, June 10, 2024

Race to Survive: New Zealand Episode 4 Recap: Maungakaura Madness

Race to Survive: New Zealand Episode 4 recap Eels, Heels, and Deals.
Photo Credit: Daniel Allen/USA Network via Getty Images

Reality TV’s toughest competition, Race to Survive: New Zealand, delivered a supersized episode this week. That meant more entertainment for us but more suffering for the competitors. Those poor, unfortunate souls were still in the throes of Race 2: Maungakaura, traversing the treacherous course after a sudden knee injury forced the Brooklyn Climbers to exit the competition.

This week, the remaining seven teams pressed forward to Survival Camp, hoping to avoid elimination. For the teams leading the race, the perks in the End Crate set the stage for some interesting strategic decisions. Meanwhile, the teams in the back of the pack were just fighting to stay alive. Here’s what happened in Race to Survive: New Zealand Episode 4, “Eels, Heels, and Deals.”

Pushing through Race 2

Oliver and Corry walking through water on Race to Survive: New Zealand
Photo Credit: Brian Finestone/USA Network

After the Brooklyn Climbers exited the competition, the rest of the racers saw their helicopter flying over the racecourse. That sent shockwaves throughout the course because no one knew who left the race and how that would impact the final standings. Would that mean there’s one less medallion at the End Crate? No one wanted to find out the answer to that question.

The only two people who weren’t feeling the pressure of Race 2 were River Guides, Oliver and Corry. They made it to the End Crate in first place with plenty of time to spare. After another first-place finish, they officially became the frontrunners for this entire competition.

As the number-one team, they had their choice between four perks: steak, an eel fishing kit, a possum trap, or a set of camp chairs. Without hesitation, they chose the steak, and a few minutes later, they turned Survival Camp into a Morton’s Steakhouse. Those two grilled up their steaks and dined like kings. The River Guides might have made Race 2 look easy, but you could see the life coming back to their faces as they ate that steak.

With the clock ticking on Day 2, the Smokejumpers tried their darndest to make it to Survival Camp. According to the narrator, they were just “1000 yards” away from the finish line when the Day 2 race clock hit zero. Bummer. They wound up having to spend another night on the racecourse, kicking themselves for not moving just a little bit faster.

Race 2, Day 3

Coree and Jeff descending a mountain on Race to Survive: New Zealand
Photo Credit: Brian Finestone/USA Network

The third day of Race 2 started with all of the teams nearly getting blown away from their campsites. It seems like every day, these racers wake up and are faced with another dramatic weather situation. One day, it’s cold downpours. They shiver all night and then the next day, it’s sunny and hot. New Zealand is truly a wild place.

The Cool Moms and the Canadian Oil Riggers camped out near each other after Race 2, Day 2. At night, they were all kumbaya, but when the sun rose, they put their game faces on. The Moms asked the Oil Riggers if they’d be willing to talk strategy, and that quickly got shut down.

“We promised we wouldn’t do that during the races,” Nik told the Moms, completely brushing them off.

Privately, the Oil Riggers admitted that they didn’t want to risk having Rhandi and Ashley ride off of their coattails. Why risk landing in the bottom? There’s $500,000 on the line!

Kennedy told the cameras, “I’m not here to make friends. I’m here to make enemies.”

With that line drawn, Rhandi and Ashley pushed ahead and came up with a plan of their own. They decided to trail behind the Oil Riggers for a little bit, and then pass them up at the last second just to be “annoying.” That’s the level of pettiness we appreciate here at Reality Tea, so kudos to Rhandi and Ashley for bringing a little shade to the race.

Steak, eel, or possum?

Tyrie and Ethan looking at a map on Race to Survive: New Zealand
Photo Credit: Daniel Allen/USA Network

The River Guides might have secured a few helpings of steak when they came in first place during Race 2, but the real meal was in the actual river. On Day 3, the Smokejumpers made it to Survival Camp and chose the eel fishing kit for their perk. They chose that option because they’d “rather eat eel than possum.” Maybe if the only other option is starvation.

Surprisingly, the fishing kit ended up being the best perk in the box. Ethan and Tyrie went out into the water, set up their trap, and before they knew it, they had a 23-pound eel on their hands. Yes, you read that right.

Watching this scene from home, that eel looked like something out of a horror movie. It didn’t look edible, let alone something that anybody should touch with their hands. For the competitors on Race to Survive, this little monster was 2,000 grams of protein gold. They gutted it, cooked it up, and celebrated. With all that meat slinging around, the Smokejumpers quickly became the stars of Survival Camp.

On the other side of Survival Camp, the Hunters arrived in third place and chose the possum trap as their perk. That was 100% on brand for those two, but they had no luck catching anything with the rudimentary trap. The New Zealand possums were too smart to fall for their tricks, and the Hunters were left dreaming about their 3 pounds of bacon from the last Survival Camp.

A broken NDA

Creighton crouching in a yellow tent on Race to Survive: New Zealand
Photo Credit: Tim Williams/USA Network

When Paulina and Creighton arrived at Survival Camp in fourth place, they got stuck with the camp chairs as their perk. However, they smelled the sweet aroma of cooked eel, and their stomachs started grumbling. They decided to cook up a plan to try to trade a chair with the Smokejumpers in exchange for food. Creighton said he couldn’t survive much longer off of the bland almonds and oatmeal in the food caches.

After a little bit of strategizing, Tyrie and Ethan decided to set up an eel trap in exchange for half of the divorcees’ jerky and half of any harvested eel. This whole situation is good practice for the Divorcees for when they have to divide up their assets after this competition. Ultimately, they agreed to the deal and signed an “NDA” so that the other team wouldn’t know about the strategy.

A few minutes later, the Smokejumpers caught another river monster. Creighton couldn’t believe it and nearly burst out into happy tears. In his eyes, this giant helping of protein could be enough to fuel them through to Race 4. Then, in his excitement, he completely forgot about the NDA and told everyone at Survival Camp about the eel deal they made with the Smokejumpers. So much for keeping a secret!

The foot race to the finish

Ashley Paulson smiling at the camera on Race to Survive: New Zealand
Photo Credit: Daniel Allen/USA Network

Staring Race 2, Day 4, there were only two teams left to finish the race: the Cool Moms and the Oil Riggers. As soon as the clock started for Day 4, both teams were racing for that End Crate, hoping they would avoid elimination.

Ultimately, sixth place could have gone either way. Kennedy and Nik lost a lot of time by navigating in the wrong direction and bickering about it. Ashley twisted her ankle the day before so that slowed their team down, too. These teams were neck and neck, but Kennedy and Nik made it to the End Crate, secured sixth place, and scored their medallions.

Moments later, Rhandi and Ashley ran up to the End Crate, and surprise! They got a medallion, too. It turned out that the Brooklyn Climbers leaving the competition cleared the way for everyone to move forward to Race 3. That whole threat from the beginning of the race about there still being an elimination ended up being a huge misdirect. Everyone lived to race another day.

Here’s a quick look at how everyone finished Race 2.

  1. The River Guides, Oliver, and Corry
  2. The Smokejumpers, Ethan and Tyrie
  3. The Hunters, Bronsen, and Ryan
  4. The Divorcees, Creighton, and Paulina
  5. The Ultramarathoners, Jeff, and Coree
  6. The Oil Riggers, Nik, and Kennedy
  7. The Cool Moms, Rhandi, and Ashley

Race to Survive: New Zealand continues at 11/10c on the USA Network.


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Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 2 Recap: A Rose Between Two Thorns

Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 2 recap.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo via Getty Images

Welcome to the Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 2! In this week’s episode, called “Sneak, Sip, and Sink,” Elena and the crew learn to “never wake the chef.” Captain Sandy sends Joe and Nathan over to a neighboring superyacht to see if they can beg, borrow, or steal some rosé since the provisioner still hasn’t come through. Following a talk at the dinner table about fidelity and cheating in the yachting industry, Nathan and Gael (who has a boyfriend) sneak off in search of “a few wee strawberries” back on the boat. Here are some of the highlights from Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 2.

Never wake the chef

Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Last week the guests were drinking and wanted midnight snacks. Overwhelmed and under-experienced, Elena attempted to wake the chef to help her, but he refused. He’d just spent close to 18 hours in the galley and needed his rest. He has to get up at 6:00 for breakfast, so no.

Deckhand Gael is on the overnight shift, so she volunteers to make grilled cheese while Elena makes the drinks. One of the guests also comes down to help.

Finally, the guests have their drinks and sandwiches, so everyone’s happy. I just hope they clean up the galley. Chef will not be pleased to find a mess when he needs to prepare breakfast.

At last, Elena gets to bed at 6:30, just as the rest of the crew is getting up for the day. Jono’s proud of himself for standing firm and refusing to cave to pressure.

When Aesha says hello to Jono, he tells her what happened last night. “Ellie came in,” he says. “She asked for mac and cheese, and I said, ‘No, I’m sorry, I can’t … I was waking up this morning at 6:00. I couldn’t.”

Aesha reminds him that “late-night snacks” were specifically requested on their preference sheets. In a flashback to the preference meeting, Jono says, “If there’s any, like, cooked snacks, I’ll take care of it.” Whoops. Busted! Aesha suggests that, in the future, he could prep something in advance for Elena to warm and serve.

As for Elena not getting to bed until 6:30 am, “[A stew] should never be to bed more than an hour after the guests,” Aesha says in a confessional. “If she’s with them the whole time, she’s getting nothing done.” She’s cautiously hopeful that, with time, Ellie will keep learning and improving.

Still no rosé

Photo Credit: Bravo via YouTube

Captain Sandy and Aesha are both texting with the provisioner to see if they can get some wine. The provisioner says he can get it to them “later this evening,” which is totally unacceptable. Are these people supposed to be professionals? They don’t seem to understand the urgency of the situation.

Sandy calls Jono to the bridge and says she heard there was an issue last night with the guests wanting late-night food. “I’m gonna address that in the meeting,” she says. “When you go to bed, you’re down.” It’s okay to wake the chef if he just went down or if he’s on a break. But if he’s been asleep for a while, it’s forbidden. She also suggests that he prepare snacks in advance for the night stew.

Meanwhile, Sandy gets a text from the inept provisioner. “Do you still want the wine delivery at 5pm today?”

“That’s too late!” she texts back. “Our charter is over in 3 hours.” Under her breath, she mutters, “They’re f*cking fired.”

Excuse me, neighbor, do you have any gray poupon rosé?

Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

It’s the guests’ last lunch, and they specifically asked for rosé for lunch. Sandy suggests they send someone to the big superyacht that’s anchored behind them and beg “nicely” for four bottles. It’s worth a try. Iain sends Joe over to try to charm the other boat out of some wine. It’s the yachting version of borrowing a cup of sugar.

Sandy tells Joe, “Meet me on the bridge, and I’ll give you some money.”

Joe pulls up to the side of the yacht and addresses the officers looking over the side, “We need four bottles of rosé. What do we need to do to get that from you? Name a price, we’ll put it in your pocket.”

When the captain quotes not less than €75 a bottle, Joe responds, “What if I see the brand, and it’s no more than 20 quid?”

“If you’re interested, okay,” the captain answers. “Otherwise, we’re gonna take off here in a minute.”

Finally, Joe accepts the deal, hands over the money, and shakes hands with the captain, who looks kind of familiar. Is Captain Lee moonlighting on the Greek Islands?

The end of a chaotic charter

Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Bri’s struggling with the laundry. One of the guests is missing some articles of clothing, and the third stew hasn’t been able to find them. Ellie makes a point of letting Aesha know (tattle tale), but the chief stew is working on being positive. She doesn’t want to be endlessly nagging, so she tries to compliment where she can to build confidence in her two green stews.

Despite all the provisioning struggles, the guests are cheerful as they disembark. The primary especially praises Jono’s food and shakes his hand in appreciation. He admits they were disappointed in the lack of provisions and “a few clothes went missing when they went for a press,” but they had an “amazing” time otherwise.

At the tip meeting, Sandy tells them, “It’s easy to do a good job when things are going your way. When they’re not, and you still show up … that’s what people look for in character.”

After congratulating the deck crew (“good job”) and Aesha for “leading with kindness,” Sandy adds, “Never wake the chef.” She explains the plan for Jono to make paninis ahead of time, which the late-night stew can heat in the panini maker.

“No, Captain,” Ellie interrupts. Uh oh, don’t do it. But she does. “It wasn’t just the paninis. It was a whole thing, that’s why I woke the chef.”

“Never wake the chef,” Sandy reiterates. “Maybe on big boats, cause they have more than one chef.” But not here. Got it?

The tip is €13,000 ($15,000), $1250 per person. Not bad for a short charter where nothing seemed to go right.

Jono extends an olive branch

Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Heading back to work, Jono tells Ellie, “Just know not to wake me up ever again.” But graciously, he adds, “The lesson is that I will prepare stuff ’cause I’m empathetic that you were under a crazy situation, and I don’t want that to happen to you ever again.”

That was very kind of him, but of course, Ellie doesn’t take it that way. I can see she’s going to hold a grudge and make trouble for herself.

As predicted, she’s upset that she didn’t get any sympathy. “What about the fact that I was up for 25 hours? It was all about waking up the chef!” Bri tries to comfort her, but she pushes her away. Maybe she’s just tired from being up all night and getting too little sleep, but she’s losing her sh*t.

And she just can’t let it go. “I feel like Jono has affected the captain’s perception of who I am,” she interviews. “It’s not Captain Sandy who’s making me upset. It’s Jono who’s making me upset.” She needs to just get over it, or she’s gonna find herself on a tender back to the dock.

Nathan wants “a few wee strawberries”

Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

On the first crew night out, Gael walks out in street clothes, makeup, and her hair in waves. She’s stunning, and Nathan’s drooling.

“Gael?! Holy f*cking sh*t, she’s attractive,” Nathan interviews. “She has a boyfriend. But I owe no loyalty to anyone.”

At dinner, Joe and Nathan tell Gael, “We’ve got a bromance.”

Gael says, “I think I’ve got a bromance with you two also … I’m a rose between two thorns.”

Aesha and Gael have an in-depth conversation about how hard it is to have a relationship in the yachting industry. “We’ve just got to see how it goes,” Gael says.

“Interesting to say the least,” comments Nathan, who views Gael as a challenge.

When they return to the boat, Nathan asks Gael, “Are you gonna keep me company?” She agrees, but the cameras are following them, so they return to their respective cabins.

As he’s getting ready for bed, Gael texts Nathan, “For the record, keep your eye on me.”

“Where should we meet that has no cameras?” he texts back.

“The starboard bow locker has no cameras,” she responds. “Let’s go there … Tell me when you get there and if you get caught.”

“All this for a few wee strawberries,” he texts back.

“Maybe I like him, like a little tiny bit,” Gael interviews. “Maybe I just want to hang out with him. I’m not harmin’ anyone.”

When she gets Nathan’s “All clear,” up the stairs she goes to meet him in the storage locker. How romantic.


Below Deck Mediterranean airs Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo.


The post Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 2 Recap: A Rose Between Two Thorns appeared first on Reality Tea.

from Reality Tea

Why We Want To Be Brynn Whitfield When We Grow Up

Why we want to be Brynn Whitfield.
Photo Credit: John Nacion/Getty Images

We were all trepidatious when Bravo fans were told their beloved Real Housewives of New York franchise was not getting the boot but being rebooted. Luckily, the new group of women really won fans over, particularly Brynn Whitfield. The loveable singleton cracked jokes at her own expense and never took life too seriously. In my opinion, Brynn is the whole package: Beautiful, funny, and flawed in an honest sort of way.  

She looks like Meghan Markle

Okay, maybe not everyone in the world wants to be compared to the woman who single-handedly rocked the royal family recently. But hey, Brynn could be the spitting image of Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. Correction: the pre-royal version of Meghan Markle. You know, the girl who held briefcases on Deal or no Deal. The two have a lot in common.

What would Jesse Solomon Do?

He’s hit on her, of course! In a recent post, Brynn captioned a black and white photo of herself asking, “Finance. Trust fund, 6’5, blue eyes.” The new season of RHONY showed Brynn opening up her heart for love and bringing much-needed levity to the season. When Jesse Solomon slid into the comment section with the simple question, “Should I get color contacts?” fans were here for the match made in heaven. I mean, if you get one of the hottest guys from Summer House hitting on you, she must be doing something right.  

I actually love this pairing for a hookup. Brynn has her choice of men. So, I don’t necessarily think Jesse is her type. But she always said she was looking for an Abe Lichy. And that could be Jesse. Brynn knows precisely what she wants, and she isn’t about to settle on a Bravolebrity, in my opinion. But it must be nice with a smile or wink of your eye to have multiple men standing on her front stoop at any given moment. 

Brynn is our generation’s Jessica Rabbit

Some women just have the IT factor. Like Brynn, these women come across with a girl next door vibe mixed with a vixen. No matter what Brynn chooses to wear, she looks great. Between a lime green dress and jeans and a baseball cap, you just don’t know what kind of girl you’re getting. Brynn can keep everyone on their toes as they try to figure out her next move. Which they won’t. Without a doubt, Brynn is a smokeshow, but she also comes across as extremely kind.

I imagine she has some sort of superpower that I can only dream of. Not only is she drop-dead gorgeous, but she is also the kind of girl you want to be friends with. The freshman season showed Brynn opening up about her tough childhood and embracing new friendships. She was comfortable in her own skin, which is something to be admired. So many of us nowadays second guess who we are due to being bombarded with images or ads. But Brynn makes being herself look easy, and I’d like to imitate that. 

Brynn gives single girls hope

I swear Brynn makes looking single easy. Even though she is more than open to finding her perfect match, she isn’t about to stop having fun while waiting for it. The fashionista embraced her relationship title. And shared all the benefits that go along with not having to think about a partner. She showed how fun living on your own could be, including learning chess and searching for the perfect rare book for her collection. Honestly, watching Brynn share her single life was a breath of fresh air for those who are tired of being told, “Oh, you’ll be next.” 


The post Why We Want To Be Brynn Whitfield When We Grow Up appeared first on Reality Tea.

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