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Tuesday, July 4, 2017
52 Stars Who Played a U.S. President in a Movie or on TV
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Big Brother 19: Week 1 Alliances Updates
Usually the first week of Big Brother runs smoothly. We see a big alliance form, flirtation starts, and a few people make early final two deals. We don’t see alliances start to fall apart until at least week 3. This first week of Big Brother 19 feels like Big Brother on adrenaline, especially with everything being so heighten and intensified.
On Thursday’s Big Brother 19 episode, Head of Household Cody Nickson mentioned wanting to form a power alliance with Christmas Abbott, Mark Jansen, Matthew Clines, Elena Davies, Raven Walton, Dominique Cooper, and Jessica Graf. Everyone else he considered outcasts.
The Power Alliance
When the Big Brother 19 feeds started, we saw that Cody got his wish, with one additional player: Paul Abrahamian. As the week progressed, Cody’s alliance seemed strong…until Sunday. Cody tried to nominate Paul for eviction, but the Pendant of Protection stopped him, and then he had to nominate a new person, Christmas.
This completely shattered the power alliance. The members knew that Cody couldn’t be completely trusted. They started to see him playing both sides.
On Monday, Cody’s alliance started to really pick up the pieces, but there is still a lot of mistrust within it. Paul and Christmas also no longer trust anyone in that group, despite their claims of not knowing Cody’s plans.

Chart created by 89razorskate20
Within that alliance, there are subdivisions based on the showmances and friendships. Mark is most loyal to Cody and Dominique. Cody also seems most loyal to Mark and Dominique. He switches his loyalties between Matt and Jessica. He also has some respect and admiration for Alex Ow. They aren’t an official duo or alliance, but he tries to protect her.
Matthew and Raven are the strongest showmance with complete loyalty to each other. Mark and Elena seem to not completely know if they can trust each other. We already stated that Mark is more loyal to Dominique and Cody than Elena, and she seems more loyal to Raven and Christmas than Mark. So there is a bit of an unofficial alliance between Christmas, Elena, Raven, and Matthew going on behind the scenes.
Playing the Middle
Ramses Soto, Josh Martinez, and Jason Dent are all playing the middle at the moment. Alex is as well but she’s only loyal to Jason, and Jillian Parker, if she stays. So we don’t consider her a middle player but not in a real alliance. Ramses and Jason seem to be playing the middle by choice, but Josh is in it by circumstance. Kevin Schlehuber is also playing the middle but he has a lot of loyalty to Jason and Paul.
In Search of Loyalty
Paul was completely loyal to the power alliance, but now he has no solid alliance. However, he’s popular enough to stay in favor of the majority. The same seems to be true for Christmas. Paul and Christmas could become an unofficial power duo.
Right now that’s where the divisions lie. However, things could change at any moment on Big Brother 19.
Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news!
from Big Brother Access
Big Brother 19 Speculations: Who Will Win the Den of Temptation’s Ring of Replacement?
On Sunday night’s Big Brother 19 episode, we saw the official opening of the Den of Temptation. It released the Pendant of Protection into the Big Brother 2017 house, and created havoc in the game.
We saw Sunday night that Paul Abrahamian received and took the temptation offer. At random, Paul then selected a number, which led to Ramses Soto facing a Big Brother 19 punishment.
Ramses revealed to most of his housemates that his punishment results in him going on the block within the next two weeks (it was a three week penalty, but he chose not to go on the block this week). This punishment hasn’t had game repercussions for Ramses yet, but Paul’s power caused major waves.
It exposed Cody Nickson’s plans, destroyed his relationship with his alliance, and shook up the power structure. These Den of Temptation powers have the potential to have great effects on the Big Brother 2017 game. Therefore, Big Brother fans need to make wise choices.
Also on Sunday’s episode, CBS showed a promotional video for the newest Den of Temptation power: the Ring of Replacement. This power allows one Big Brother 19 houseguest to swap someone out of a Power of Veto competition. They then get to take their place and play in it.
The Ring of Replacement works well for someone who may be a backdoor target. Voting for it ends on Friday, July 7, 2017 at 1:00 PM EST; you can vote ten times per day.
According to a Big Brother Network poll, the four players with the current leading votes are Alex Ow, Christmas Abbott, Kevin Schlehuber, and Cody Nickson. Alex and Christmas are way ahead of everyone with about 24 percent of the votes each.
Of course, this is a small poll compared to the CBS Big Brother viewing audience. The Big Brother social media fans and the viewers who only watch the show may have a different view of who they believe deserves this power. However, we do expect to see one of those four players, especially Alex or Christmas, get the offer for the Ring of Replacement.
We expect Wednesday’s episode to sway the votes in Christmas’s favor. If she leaves on Thursday, we see Alex getting the power because she should receive the second highest votes.
We also expect whoever receives the offer to accept it. Since Ramses punishment was almost the inverse of Paul’s reward, we expect the same for the Ring of Replacement, which may mean someone cannot play in the next couple of Power of Veto competitions.
Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news!
from Big Brother Access
Day 29, Mon 4th July 10pm Highlights Preview / Recap [Joe - Andrew argue] - Big Brother 18 [bb 2017]
Shown: Tonight, Tuesday 4th July 10pm on Channel 5
More pictures from Day 29 will appear HERE
Headlines from tonight’s show include:
Ellie & Sam Talk In Private About Their Relationship
from ThisisBigBrother News Articles
Happy 4th of July
To our U.S. readers: Happy Independence Day! We hope you all have a wonderful day celebrating the 4th of July with your friends and family.
Posting will be on the lighter side as our readers enjoy cookouts, fireworks and spending time with their families today.
Photo Credit: Gary Hershorn/Getty Images
The post Happy 4th of July appeared first on Reality Tea.
from Reality Tea
Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 4 Highlights: Christmas Secures Her Safety
It is rare to see a dull moment in the Big Brother 19 house. CBS may have picked some of their most ‘unique’ contestants yet. We have had nonstop unpredictable moments since the Big Brother 19 Live Feeds started. Yesterday was no different.
The Big Brother 19 day started with a huge shock: Christmas Abbott was injured. It set the house in complete disarray as they tried to figure out if Christmas would return, and what that meant for their Big Brother 2017 game.
The Near Cancellation of Christmas
Jason Dent told Kevin Schlehuber that Christmas and him were doing their usual routine of running around in the backyard. She was on his back, and then he slipped from the grass, which lead to Christmas’ foot injury.
Christmas disappeared from the Big Brother house for about five hours: She returned in a cast and walking on crutches. She has to get an MRI later in the week, which could still lead to the end of Christmas’ game, but for now, she seems okay enough to continue playing the Big Brother game.
Christmas Continues
After returning to the house, Christmas began campaigning even more. Prior to her return, Paul Abrahamian worked on her votes. Jessica Graf and him had a discussion about her voting out Christmas.
Jessica is done with Christmas because Christmas made it known that she’s going after her. Jessica also wanted to stay loyal to her showmance partner Cody Nickson.
At the beginning of the day, Jessica and Mark Jansen were Cody’s only secure votes against Christmas. However, as the day progressed, Dominique Cooper talked with Mark about keeping Christmas. She made him listen to logic.
An interesting point to note is that Mark was working on convincing Elena Davies to vote out Christmas, and she was leaning more towards it, until Mark changed his mind. After talking to Dominique, Mark went to have a discussion with Christmas.
They had a long heart-to-heart that resulted in both of them shedding a few tears. Mark was now in total devotion to Christmas. Meanwhile, Matthew Clines and Raven Walton talked more about not trusting Cody or Jessica.
They were going to join team Paul and Christmas. Matthew even betrayed Cody’s trust by telling Raven that Cody told him that he wanted to eventually use Jason and Alex Ow to get Jessica out. We expect this to get back to Jessica sooner rather than later, which would take away Cody’s one final ally.
As the showmances planned out their votes, the middle, or outcast players, were still on the fence, but leaning towards voting out Christmas over Jillian Parker. This makes sense considering the fact that she is their friend, and one of their few true allies. However, there was another element to wanting to keep Jillian over Christmas: their distrust of Paul.
Paul worked very hard yesterday to get Jason as a vote against Jillian. His effort annoyed Alex and Jason. Alex even told Kevin that she and Jason don’t like that Paul is trying to control their group. Ramses Soto also wasn’t a fan of Paul’s pushiness. At the moment, they seem to be sticking with their plan to vote out Christmas.
It’s a little ironic that Cody worked hard to form his ‘power’ alliance, but now the ‘outcasts’ will be the ones who actually vote with him. We wonder, if after all Cody’s friends betray him, he’ll try to join the outcast, or stay a lone soldier for the rest of his time in the Big Brother 19 house.
We also wonder if after Paul’s safety ends if the outcasts (and maybe Dominique) will end up being the ones to try to take out Paul.
The Have-Nots Get Food
At midnight, the Have-Nots (Ramses, Josh, and Jillian) could eat again.
Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news
from Big Brother Access