Who won Power of Veto on Big Brother on Saturday and will it change the main target for this week’s eviction? Will one of the two Heads of Household this week have to scramble to figure out a replacement nominee? Read on for the Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds!
WARNING: This post contains Big Brother 18 spoilers from the Live Feeds possibly including competition information or results, game play moves, alliances, showmances, etc. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!
This week in Big Brother, we may witness the second dismantling of a man or showmance. All season, showmances have ruled the Big Brother 18 house. It’s a miracle that two big showmances and a major duo made it all the way to the final 6. It’s basically a battle of duos on Big Brother 2016.
Corey Brooks and Nicole Franzel made the decision to align with Paul Abrahamian and Victor Arroyo instead of sticking with their alliance with James Huling and Natalie Negrotti. This move seems to have worked in their favor.
Victor won Head of Household, and then immediately set his target to Natalie and James. Yesterday, he took the first steps toward his goal to evict James by nominating him and Natalie for eviction.
Tonight, Natalie and James need to do whatever it takes to win the Veto. The odds are heavily stacked against them, since they’re going into a battle against four people. However, stranger and more impossible things have happened in the Big Brother house.
So did either James or Natalie win this week’s Big Brother 18 Power of Veto?
Corey Brooks won this week’s Veto competition.
He will 100 percent not use it, which means Natalie or James goes to the jury house this week. Paul, Nicole, and Corey already suggested that they evict Natalie instead of James. She has done better in competitions, which wouldn’t be a bad move but Victor is set on taking out James. Can he be swayed before Thursday’s episode ?
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from Big Brother Accesshttp://bigbrotheraccess.com/big-brother-spoilers-power-of-veto-results-week-11-3525111/