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Hello yachties! Due to some technical difficulties last week, we’re starting Season 3 of Below Deck Sailing Yacht a bit behind. Apologies for that. But if you missed having a recap last week, we’re officially back on board the Parsifal III. And lots of the gang is actually back! Joining Captain Glenn Shephard in Menorca are Gary King, Daisy Kelliher and Colin Macrae as, respectively, first officer, chief stew and chief engineer.
Three returning yachties might be the most we’ve ever had back since the earliest days of the franchise. We’re talking before Bravo ever explored the Mediterranean or busted out the sails. And in my professional opinion as a recapper, the continuity is a welcome difference. Particularly in someone like Daisy, who feels like the right face for Sailing Yacht. And Colin is a steadying force amid the crew who just so happens to love watching the drama play out. Gary, on the other hand, is a wild card. But if Captain Glenn trusts him, then that means we’re in for another season of his shenanigans. But maybe he’s grown after seeing how he came across last season…
The rest of the crew is brand new. We have Chef Marcos Spaziani, a tattooed Venezuelan who definitely seems like an improvement in the galley. Second stew Gabriela Barragan and third stew Ashley Marti make up Daisy‘s interior team. And Kelsie Goglia and Tom Pearson round out the deck crew. Out of all the newbies, Ashley and Tom have so far made the most memorable first impressions. Tom because he got too drunk on the crew’s very first right and threw up all over the bathroom he happens to share with Captain Glenn. And Ashley because it feels like she definitely watched last season and came on board with an agenda or two. Firstly to be Gary‘s newest boatmance. And secondly to stir up trouble in the interior.
The good news is that, because of all the introductions, you didn’t miss much in last week’s premiere. The first charter group arrived. They ooh-ed and ahhh-ed at the sails. Tom was hung over yet determined to salvage his reputation on board. And Ashley already pressured Gary into a kiss before the ship even left the dock. From the very first meal, Chef Marcos had his work cut out for him thanks to the guests’ giant appetites. And poor Gabriela found herself on lates with the drunk primary asking all sorts of sexual, inappropriate questions of her despite making it clear he wasn’t into girls. OK, now consider yourselves caught up.
Gabriela rather masterfully shut down the primary’s commentary and coaxed him to go to bed. By the next morning, he was mortified and actually came to apologize for his behavior. And it’s a good thing he did, because the second stew had to set up a whole entire beach picnic for him and his friends later that day with some help from Kelsie. The thing about the two stews under Daisy is that neither of them really has that much experience. A year at most for each.
To Ashley, that means they’re basically equals and she’s already started resenting the hierarchy between second and third stew. Even if her hospital corners have to be corrected during turndowns. Gabriela, on the other hand, is approaching her new job with a “fake it till you make it” mentality. So what if she’s never set up a beach picnic before? It can’t be that difficult, right?
On the beach, the topic of age comes up amongst the crew. Because, see, while Ashley has her sights set on Gary, Tom‘s actually interested in Ashley, too. But the third stew won’t give him the time of day because they’re essentially the same age. And she simply does not date men who aren’t older than her. All of Bravo’s press materials keep promising a big “love pentagon” this season. As if Gary’s never ending love triangle last season wasn’t hard enough to sit through week after week. I’m just praying to the Bravo gods that this season’s boatmance drama doesn’t result in yet another paternity scandal.
Back on the boat, we learn that — in addition to cooking for the likes of Beyoncé, Shakira and Jennifer Lopez, Marcos also happens to be a political refugee who hasn’t been back to Venezuela or seen his family in 20 years. Because he used to be the chef for the dictator who has now fallen out of power. And here he is cooking a big dinner to try to satiate some charter guests’ bottomless appetites. After dinner, Daisy throws a hip-hop-themed pajama party to celebrate one of the guests’ birthdays. And to help secure a good tip, Tom takes one for the team and strips down to his underwear for the festivities. Frosting on his nipples included!
The next morning, it’s the final day of the first charter. And wow that went by fast when you don’t recap the premiere! Chef Marc0s is determined to send the guests off the boat so full that they’re literally begging him to stop feeding them. So of course he’s preparing thirteen different dishes for their final brunch. Meanwhile, Tom runs into yet another problem during the crew’s first docking. Despite Gary insisting the process will be relatively simple all season, the deckhand doesn’t feel like he’s given much instruction. He puts out the fenders too early. He can’t work the hose properly. And basically just fumbles and guesses his way through until Parsifal is secured to the dock.
Once the guests depart, with compliments all around, it’s time for the first tip meeting. Captain Glenn has nothing but good things to say, too. In particular, he singles out Marcos for making a great first impression. And also Gary and Daisy for working so well together, particularly given their often-rocky relationship last season. The guests seemed to agree, because the first tip of the season totals $17,600. Which totals out to just under $2,000 per person. Not a bad start for a freshly-minted crew at all. And now it’s time to let loose…
For their first night out, the crew heads ashore to a restaurant called Pierro, with Captain Glenn‘s advice to moderate the drinking a bit ringing in their ears. Tom‘s still on a mission to redeem himself from his sloppy first impression, but even he got a pat on the back from the captain for not letting his hangover affect his work. Around the table, the crew is still feeling each other out and playing get to know you games. But Ashley makes it no secret to Colin that she’ll be gunning for Gabriela‘s job just as soon as she gets her sea legs under her. Yeah, this one’s going to be a troublemaker.
Heading back to Parsifal, the crew celebrates the successful completion of their first charter with a hot tub party. Which is all the excuse Ashley needs to flaunt her body in a pink bikini and flirt as much as she can with Gary. During a rather ill-advised game, Daisy predicts that her two stews will eventually clash this season (and she’s probably not wrong). Tom, meanwhile, points to Gary and Daisy as the potential source of tension for the season. But if you’ve seen the trailer, you already know that somehow, the returning vets’ relationship takes a wildly drastic turn in the other direction.
Seeing Ashley bat her eyes all night at Gary, Tom decides to go for broke and put it out on the table. Why is Ashley interested in Gary but not him? (It’s a fair question. Tom is arguably better looking.) But Ashley uses the opportunity to go out of her way to insult Tom. Just to make it clear he has no chance with her whatsoever. Because while they may be the same age, she’s positive she’s more mature than him. The episode ends with a shouting match between the two over who’s actually immature. See? It only took a single charter for the drama to break out…
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
The post Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Young For Your Age appeared first on Reality Tea.
Love her or hate her, Lisa Barlow makes Real Housewives of Salt Lake City go ’round. Personally, Lisa was on the bottom of my list in season one. And the beginning of this season with that poorly choreographed Cameron Williams tattling on Mary Cosby display…I didn’t think it was possible she could rebound. But she’s determined that one.
Lisa has been extremely messy this season. However, in the context of everything that’s going on, I’m here for it. Her behind closed doors tirade was camp. And let’s look at the landscape. One woman is giving us our 75th “sex with my husband” storyline. One is arrested for felony charges.
We have someone accused of running a cult by former church members. Someone acting racist. Times are tough. And Meredith Marks has jumped the shark in my opinion. So sure, maybe that hot mic moment was staged…but who isn’t acting on this show at this point?
Tamra Judge is team Lisa this season as well. Are we that surprised? Lisa is a masterclass in what Tamra was trying to achieve for years. Tamrat let out a series of tweets that started with her saying Lisa was “made for reality TV.”
She added, “Pot stirring is apart of the job. Some are just better at it than others. From one pot stirrer to another, Lisa does a great job…” I love this retired fired Housewives superiority complex Tamra is branding.
Someone replied to Tamra saying that pot stirring is an “art form” to which Tamra said, “100%” I didn’t know getting your cast mate so drunk they want to cheat on their husband with your son was art…but go off I guess. Tamra’s pot stirring is abrasive shiver screams and wine throwing. Lisa is far more elevated, let’s be real.
Tamra also seemed to think she has fans, and they want her back on camera. She sent out another tweet that said, “People hate Lisa for doing her job and want her gone but the second she’s gone, you’ll be begging her to come back. Sounds familiar…” The ex-Bravo-employee then shared an image of Lisa at the reunion with a caption that said, “Best dressed for this reunion goes to…”
[Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo]
The post Tamra Judge Praises Lisa Barlow For Being A Pot Stirrer; Says Lisa Is “Made For Reality TV” appeared first on Reality Tea.