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Lisa Rinna is at it again! As if we didn’t know that she would be stirring the pot like she always does, this season of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills promises more of Lisa NOT minding her own business. But starting drama pays the bills. And apparently, Rinna is very concerned about how other people pay their bills too.
In the premiere episode of the season, cast member and Erika Jayne’s nemesis Sutton Stracke came for Erika and her dating life. Sutton said she doesn’t need a man with money because she has her own, “unlike Erika.” She then added, “Maybe Erika misses her big house, all the jewelry and the lifestyle, so she has to look for someone that can provide that for her.” Ok, but where is the lie? And this is where Lisa comes in.
After the Instagram account @therealityrundown posted the story on their page, @commentsbybravo caught Rinna acting up in the comments. Lisa wrote, “Oh yeah that’s right Sutton worked her ass off to have the money she has . I guess it takes a Golddigger to know one. She’s rich honey she’s RICHHHHH!!!!!! Cuz of her ex husband. And hey- more power to her – however you get your cash just own it baby.” That’s “rich” coming from Rinna, who has never owned her own behavior a day in her life.
Sutton wasn’t about to let Rinna’s comment slide and responded to her. Sutton chided, “Now Lisa. You know that I’ve known my ex since we were kids. Don’t be doin this.” Lol. I enjoy Sutton talking to her like a child. @therealityrundown captured the rest of the exchange, as Lisa continued. Rinna responded, “So if he stopped paying you monthly- what then? You’d be in the same spot as Erika. Don’t be startin something you can’t win.”
Rinna was clearly unsatisfied with just one response so she continued, “It’s hard when the husband makes all the money it’s hard not to feel weird about it. I get it. That’s why I’ve always hustled and made my own Money. I hit a nerve.” Sutton, who clearly has better things to do, didn’t continue the conversation. So Rinna added to no one, “I hit a nerve” with a bunch of crying laughing emojis.
With Sutton still not answering her, Rinna made another comment, “Ooof your so angry. I hit a nerve.” Rinna loves using her own cast phrases! Finally, she added in yet another comment to I guess herself, “Also I thought Sutton was just too busy in her life to see this tabloid sort of stuff happening? She sure saw this now didn’t she.” Yes, and she addressed you once and then moved on with her life. While you stay in the comments arguing with yourself, Rinna.
So how is Rinna not understanding that insulting Sutton for not making her own money is also insulting Erika? Who she is tryin to defend. And we all know that if Lisa posted this on her own page it would be deleted by now. Because that’s what Lisa does – speaks without thinking. So aside from the lack of actually making a worthwhile point, Rinna just made herself look silly by continuing to comment when Sutton won’t give her the time of day. But hey, it wouldn’t be the first time and I’m sure it won’t be the last.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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This season of Real Housewives of Atlanta feels like more of a sisterhood than ever before. This cast vibes more than the group has in many years. It’s about time Atlanta got its groove back.
Kenya Moore’s planning a third birthday party tea for Brooklyn. LOVE. The event sounds a bit too extravagant for a small child’s party. The price tag on the birthday is at least ten thousand. Why? She’s barely going to remember this in the future.
Marc Daly has no limitations on when he can see her if it’s in Atlanta. He has yet to sign the papers. There’s no real reason as to why he hasn’t. Let Kenya go. Sign the papers, and let her live her damn life. What’s the hold-up?
Marlo Hampton joins Sheree Whitfield for a workout. Can we get rid of this Housewives trope? Why does every episode feature the wives eating out or working out? It gets tiring.
Marlo’s not really there to work out. She wants a toned ass, but she’s not into putting in the work. However, she wants to hear everything everyone said about her event. Marlo’s here for the hot gossip. She’s not going to let a salacious rumor pass her over. She’s going to listen closely and run with that shit.
Sheree thinks Marlo’s doing a great job raising her nephews. It’s nice to see these two on such good terms after their tumultuous past.
Marlo relays the gossip being spread by Drew Sidora about Sheree and her assistant. This is already spreading like wildfire. Marlo’s thrown off by the idea that Kandi Burruss would’ve spread this to Sheree
Apparently, the streets are talking about Kandi and Todd Tucker. Sheree is here to be the bone carrier once again. She’s ready to expose any piping hot tea about Kandi and her alleged escapades.
Kandi’s acting career is continuing to take off. The next character she’s going to play is a female into other females. Thanks to Kandi’s blossoming career, Todd’s feeling left out. However, he’s the one who cut her out the first time.
Todd’s being so annoying and showing some fragile masculinity. Is he resentful of her success? You married a mogul. Deal with it. Recognize the talent possessed by your wife, and move on.
Drew’s on the guestlist for Kenya’s invite which is surprising after their relationship last year. She’s being messy as hell though when it comes to bringing this former assistant of hers around. This man is dragging her name in the streets, and Drew’s running with this narrative that she doesn’t pay people.
While Drew’s out shopping with THE assistant, Sanya Richards-Ross frantically calls her. AN 18-WHEELER DRAGGED HER CAR DOWN THE STREET. THAT’S HORRENDOUS. Drew’s being a good friend though and dropping everything to come to pick her up.
Sanya says the car experience is one of the scariest of her life. I can’t even imagine. Her life probably flashed before her eyes at that moment. Thank goodness she wasn’t injured.
Monyetta Shaw is on the scene. I’ve heard great things, so I expect her to be a solid addition to the group. I’m here for the cast this season!
Ralph Pittman’s on another out-of-town trip. Go figure. This man is so sketchy, and Drew can’t be that naive. Stop it.
The group is going to play a shady tea game which is an awful idea because there are kids everywhere. Nobody’s going to like this. This isn’t the time or place for a raunchy party game like this.
SOMEONE WROTE ON A CARD THAT KANDI SUCKED DICK IN A LOCKER ROOM. WHO SAID THAT? It had to be Marlo. I’m on the floor, and I cannot breathe!
Nobody’s owning up to issuing this accusation toward Kandi. Before we can get some answers, Kenya moves on to a shady comment toward Marlo. They’re going at each other over nothing. It’s getting old. Kandi’s sick of it too.
The next card is about someone not paying their assistant, and it’s obvious that’s from Drew about Sheree. Update, it was Kandi who wrote it to get Drew to be honest. Sheree’s denying everything being hurled at her and tells Drew to shut the fuck up.
Apparently, the same assistant is going around saying Ralph is gay! The tea is so hot at this party. Monyetta is ripping into Drew about this, and I need to get my popcorn ready. Are they insinuating that’s what Ralph is so secretive about? This is maybe TOO messy.
There’s so much bad blood brewing between Drew and Sheree now. Kenya knew what she was doing by holding this game at the party. She set everything in motion to be the ultimate pot-stirrer in the group.
Drew says the stuff about her is a lot more serious than the money claims about Sheree. This is a rumor that directly affects her marriage which is already on the rocks. There’s so much that could go wrong now that this is out. We have no idea how Ralph’s going to react to someone slandering his name in the streets.
Sanya thinks this is a side of Drew that she’s never seen and getting in Sheree’s face is crazy. Drew goes from 0 to 100 so fast, so I’m not surprised that she did that. At the end of the day though, this is so messy. Forever here for this women.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
The post Real Housewives Of Atlanta Recap: These Streets Were Made For Talking appeared first on Reality Tea.
Last night’s episode of 90 Day Fiancé left me wondering if anyone discussed what their lives would look like in the U.S., before they decided to move. Either they went into things with rose colored glasses or someone lied to them. This week several of the foreign fiancés met their in-laws-to-be and got a taste of what it would be like to be fully incorporated into the family. For some, it may not be the welcome they were expecting.
Kobe and Emily argue over her breastfeeding habits in front of her parents. Bilal introduces Shaeeda to his kids. Thais lies to her dad and travels to America. Kara‘s family grills Guillermo. Mohamed meets Yvette‘s son. Let’s get straight to the recap.
Now that Emily and Kobe are in one place, their cultural and personal beliefs are beginning to clash. When he brings up his concerns about her pumping in public and still breastfeeding he is quickly dismissed. Emily’s dad immediately intervenes into their conversation and takes her side. They are going to have to learn to navigate through their differences without the parents getting involved if they want a healthy relationship.
Kobe is really starting to see a more controlling side of his fiancée, Emily. After a disagreement earlier, she demands that he go in the kitchen and help her mother prepare dinner. He doesn’t appreciate her tone and the manner she is speaking to him, but helps nonetheless. I find it funny that the dinner was in Kobe’s honor, but she was giving directives with the help of her family. Even at dinner when he is telling the story of him proposing, she yells out the ring is fake. SMH… Honestly, I am not feeling Emily right now. Kobe seems to be a genuine person who wants a relationship with his son. I don’t feel like the family is truly giving him a fair chance, right now. The man just moved from another country to a small town where no one looks like him. He is joining a family that is already established and already has their way of doing things.
Later that night, Emily strikes yet again. She kicks Kobe out of the bed with her and their son, when he begins bonding with him. Instead of seeing it as a positive, she continues to say he is distracting them from their bedtime routine. If she intends for them to build a life together, one would think now is the time for them to establish a new one together. Naturally, he feels hurt and left out. I don’t know if she is just controlling or is jealous of him wanting a relationship with his son.
Shaeeda meets Bilal’s children and things get a bit awkward. She requests that they call her Umi, which means mother in another language. Naturally, at their age they don’t feel comfortable calling another woman that word. At least he picks up on his kid’s discomfort and reassures them that they don’t have to use that term. Honestly, she is getting more caught up in a word than actually forming the bond that would make her a mother figure in their eyes. Later, she calls her older sister to vent about Bilal avoiding the conversation about having more children. According to her, when they previously had this conversation, he was open to the idea and now that she has arrived it’s a different story.
In preparation for Thais’ arrival in two days, Patrick buys her a dog as a companion. Sigh! If he thinks a dog will serve as a distraction from her jealous ways, he is in for a rude awakening. Meanwhile, she visits with her family before leaving to start her journey in America. The only issue is she hasn’t told her father that she plans to get married and start a new life there. When she arrives at the airport they have an emotional reunion. I can’t wait to see how this living situation is going to work. It is obvious that Thais does not want to deal with his brother.
Guillermo finally meets Kara’s family for the first time. Although everyone was very nice and welcoming, it seems like she was going out of her way to try to make him afraid of her uncle. For now, I think he passed the test because everyone seemed to like him. But Kara’s mother worries about how they will support themselves in the future, if Guillermo can’t work.
Mohamed is left frustrated and disappointed on his first day in America. His second mommy/fiancé had the nerve to expect him to cook his own breakfast and fend for himself while she was at work. SMH… I don’t think Yvette fully understood what she was signing up for when she brought her man to the U.S. Despite her being the sole provider, he clearly has some very specific expectations of his wife-to-be. Later, Mohamed meets Yvette’s son who absolutely adores him. But when she wants him to help her with her son in the afternoons, he agrees but admits in a post interview he isn’t prepared to take on so many “female” duties. Whew! Did either of these people discuss their expectations with one another before this move? It seems like no one is on the same page.
Biniyam and Ariela have arrived in the U.S. and she is ecstatic to be home. Her parents have rented a 2 bedroom apartment for them, until they get on their feet. Instead of being grateful, when Ariela finds out they will be expected to get a job to pay for their home, she isn’t happy. She even questions why they would get an expensive, large apartment that would put stress on them immediately. Insert side eye emoji. I guess Ariela’s bratty ways weren’t just reserved for Ethiopia.
Photo Credit: TLC
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My absolute favorite couple to come out of MTV’s The Challenge is Kam Williams and Leroy Garrett. “Killer Kam” and Leroy met back in 2017 on the show. While they started a friends first, things ultimately turned romantic. Right before Christmas in 2021, the happy couple announced they are having a baby. It will be their first child, a boy, who is due to arrive in June of 2022.
Now People is reporting that the lovebirds got engaged at her baby shower. Former costar Nelson Thomas posted Kam showing off her new ring in an Instagram Story. In the clip, Nelson yells to Kam, “Show me the ring! Show me the ring!” To which she happily obliged. The Challenge regular Kaycee Clark was also present and shared a shot of Kam’s ring to her own Instagram Stories. A happy Kam said, “That’s my man, and I’ll stick beside him!” Her quote is a nod to the popular Tik Tok sound that has been used over 90k times on the app.
A few other Challenge competitors attended the baby shower, including Johnny Bananas, Jordan Wiseley, and Nany González.
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