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Were you confused by the Tom Sandoval and Howie Mandel interview? Apparently, you’re in good company because so was Andy Cohen. During a recent episode of Andy’s SiriusXM show, Andy Cohen Live, he shared his feelings about the unusual sit-down. Page Six covered all of the details. And it sounds like Andy is less than thrilled with Sandoval right now.
They say you shouldn’t bite the hand that feeds you, but Sandoval might have taken a little nibble by doing this Howie interview. Typically, you don’t see Bravolebrities doing tell-all interviews while their shows are still airing. But, by going on the Howie Mandel Does Stuff podcast and sharing his side of the Ariana Madix cheating saga, he’s getting ahead of any bombshells that are still to be revealed in Season 10 of Vanderpump Rules.
The entire cast of VPR recently sat down for the season 10 reunion. So, why would Sandoval now feel compelled to run to one of the America’s Got Talent judges? According to Andy, he found out about the interview at the last minute. He explained, “I found out about it last week [and] was annoyed on my behalf, on Bravo’s behalf, on the viewers’ behalf.”
It also sounds like Howie found out about Sandoval and Raquel Leviss last week. He flat-out admitted to not knowing anything about Vanderpump Rules during the interview. Between Howie’s unpreparedness and Sandoval’s meandering and contradictory excuses for the cheating scandal, Andy deduced that “neither Tom nor Howie did themselves any favors.”
When discussing the interview, Andy threw a bit of shade at Howie for not doing his homework. We love when Andy gets a little messy. He quipped, “You know what — if I was doing a Deal or No Deal reunion, you know what I would do? I would watch Deal or No Deal to find out what it’s about.”
Andy said he was surprised Sandoval decided to sit down with someone so unfamiliar with the show. “He’s like, ‘I don’t understand why this [cheating scandal] is a big deal,’ but maybe that’s what Tom felt he needed from an interview, so he could just be completely unchallenged.”
The interview with Howie may have allowed Sandoval to go unchallenged, but it was also one hundred percent cringe. So, who’s the real winner here? Andy felt Tom’s interview undermined VPR, but he’s confident that we’ll still benefit from the explosive Pump Rules reunion. He held his own one-on-one sitdowns with Tom, Ariana, and Raquel and teased plenty of drama.
Andy teased, “I’m still looking forward to you all seeing that, and hearing his perspective up against Raquel and Ariana is fascinating stuff, so there’s still more to come.”
[Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo]
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Episode 7 of Survivor was by all measures the best episode of the season. But for those rooting for the “nerd-mance” to prevail, it was quite frustrating.
Love comes in all shapes and sizes, but it rarely comes at all on Survivor. When it does, it provides players with the rarest commodity ever to be found within the game: Someone you can unequivocally trust. For Matt Blankinship and Frannie Marin, they had found that in each other. They were two self-proclaimed “nerds” who had found an instant connection. They had hoped that would be enough to carry them to the end of the game. Well, at least carry them further than what ended up happening.
From the get-go, Episode 7 was non-stop strategy and drama…exactly the way I like my Survivor prepared. YamYam Arocho was finding it hard to stomach that there had been some votes cast against him in the previous Tribal Council. With nobody in the game other than Carolyn Wiger in his corner, YamYam knew that he had to turn up his social prowess if he was going to survive another vote in this game.
But with the tribes now merged, information was flowing everywhere. Matt had believed he possessed an Immunity Idol until he learned from Brandon Cottom that the birdcage contained both a real and a fake Idol. When Matt had come across his, there was just one in there. That pretty much proved to Matt that the Idol he possessed was indeed a fake. Recalling a strange conversation he had with Danny Massa just prior, he realized that “devious snake” must have the real Idol. Suddenly, Matt didn’t feel all that safe in the game.
Matt’s fortunes wouldn’t improve over the course of the episode. As the tribes entered into the Immunity Challenge area, Jeff Probst dropped more than a few bombs on them. First, this Immunity Challenge would not be played individually, but in teams. The divide would split Matt and Frannie.
When Frannie won individual Immunity for herself, those of us shipping for Matt and Frannie nearly jumped off our couches. All Frannie had to do was throw the rest of the challenge! She had already won herself Immunity. But by letting Brandon win the bigger prize, she would ensure Immunity for Matt as well!
All the stars had appeared to align for Frannie and Matt…until Frannie just kept fighting. She outlasted Brandon, and ultimately sealed her boyfriend Matt’s fate in the game.
The most hotly debated topic following Episode 7 was: Did Frannie make the right call in trying to stay in the challenge to win it after she had already won Immunity for herself? This ended up being just Blunder #1 that her alliance would make in this episode. As mentioned before, it is so incredibly rare to see a true power-couple form in the game of Survivor. It has of course happened, but it’s rare…more rare when it’s a romantic duo. The further the pair would last, the bigger the targets they’d become. There’s no doubt of that. But the trade is that their bond becomes stronger too, not to mention their voting numbers.
Frannie exposed Matt to being voted out. She also painted herself as a larger physical threat by winning a challenge. On one hand, I get it…you are on Survivor. You are out there for an adventure and to prove to yourself what you’re capable of. But if you are “in it to win it,” you have to think bigger than personal glory. It was just too risky a move to leave Matt as one of just four eligible people to get voted out.
For Matt, the other big twist was that he wasn’t allowed to even return to his camp, where he had left his personal bag. So whether his Idol was fake or not (it was), he didn’t get the chance to play it. Also in his bag? His “shot-in-the-dark” which would have given him at least one last gasp at staying alive.
The most painful element of all was that Matt and Frannie did not get a chance to even say goodbye. Matt desperately clung to hope that Frannie might bring his bag with her to Tribal (she did not). Matt’s torch was then snuffed. Poor Matt even sank so low as to offer up a papaya to Jeff Probst, in hopes that his fruity gift might make Probst call off the Tribal Council.
At least viewers and fans can take comfort in the fact that Matt and Frannie will be able to see each other moving forward, with Matt becoming the first member of the Survivor 44 jury. Matt and Frannie will either reunite at Ponderosa (if Frannie is voted out), or Matt will help cast a vote for her to win the game. Either way, things did not shake out the way that Matt and Frannie had envisioned, and it sucks knowing that Frannie had multiple chances to keep him alive in the game, even for a little while.
Even with Matt’s fate seemingly sealed, the game provided yet another twist that nearly saved him. It was a mad-dash through the jungle looking for keys, to open a new birdcage which provided the game a new advantage. It was Heidi Lagares-Greenblatt – a player we’ve seen tragically little of thus far – who found the correct key. The advantage? The ability to “control” a player’s vote at just this Tribal Council.
Heidi – along with ally Frannie – had a chance to use this advantage to save Matt, or at least make things interesting. Everyone in the game knew that Lauren Harpe has an Extra Vote advantage. So had Heidi taken control of, say, Brandon‘s vote and used it against Lauren, that would have sent a signal to YamYam and Matt that they needed to band together and vote for Lauren as well. There’s no guarantee this would have happened, but had it happened, that would have been three votes on Lauren (Matt, YamYam and Brandon’s controlled vote)…enough to send her out of the game. Even if she were to have used her Extra Vote, it would just be her voting along with Jaime Lynn Ruiz…not enough to save her.
So Lauren was able to hold on to her Extra Vote, YamYam was ultimately saved (yay Team Carolyn!) and Frannie must now manage the rest of the game without Matt in her corner. Despite winning, this seems to be a terrible episode for Frannie’s game, no?
Significantly, Danny was exposed during Episode 7 as someone in possession of an Idol, and someone categorized as a “snake.” That’s not good for Danny. Meanwhile, the longer YamYam and Carolyn slip through, the more powerful they become. Carolyn still has a real Idol that nobody knows about, and together they form the unlikeliest of power couples. That is the epitome of danger.
It was good to see Heidi a bit more this week, to see what kind of player she is and where her head’s at. But with all the talk of wanting to make a big move, it seemed like everyone played this week safe. Matt and Frannie are endlessly cute but are maybe the least strategically-minded couple the show has ever seen. At least a power couple was broken up. I for one am still rooting for Frannie, and only time will tell if this was ultimately a good move for her or the beginning of the end of her game.
The Survivor Official Podcast that followed this week’s show had Jeff talking all about the “big themes” that the show has used over the years…think “Redemption Island,” “Ghost Island” or “Winners at War.” Again, this is a must-listen for die-hard Survivor fans and casual fans alike. You can find the podcast on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts.
Former Survivor, Erik Reichenbach, honors us each and every week with his exclusive artwork! He is an amazing artist in addition to being a Survivor legend. Sharing his talents every week in my column and with my audience is a huge honor and thrill. If you don’t see his art below, that means that it isn’t ready yet (one does not rush an art-eest). But it will appear once ready, so check back if you don’t in fact see it.
DabuDoodles.com is where you want to go to find all of Erik’s work. I urge you to support this fantastically skilled former Survivor player!
Out this week: Matt
Won Immunity: Frannie and Brandon win individual immunity, with Frannie winning immunity for her team, Heidi, Danny, Kane Fritzler , and Carolyn
Vote Result: Heidi used her “Control a Vote” advantage to force Lauren to vote for YamYam. 3 – Matt (YamYam, Jaime, Brandon), 2 – YamYam (Lauren, Matt)
Current Advantage/Disadvantage List:
Next Week’s Episode: Frannie deals with the fall-out of Matt‘s departure, Carson Garrett appears to get sick, and Danny tells someone, “We need to make a big move!”
Quick Note! I appreciate that you are reading this recap! I am also a TV personality and Film Critic in the Detroit area and a RottenTomatoes-approved film critic. Check out my past movie reviews and my movie show (episodes are also available online at the website, www.MovieShowPlus.com.) Follow me on Twitter – @tomsantilli – or on Facebook.
[Photo Credit: CBS/Monty Brinton/Robert Voets/Timothy Kuratek/Jeffrey Neira/Michele Crowe/David M. Russell]
The post Survivor 44 Episode 7 Recap: Love Hurts appeared first on Reality Tea.
Ever since the Vanderpump Rules #Scandoval broke, Tom Sandoval proves more and more every day that his thought process is concerning. He seemingly has no remorse for cheating on Ariana Madix with Raquel Leviss after he and Ariana spent years building a life together. Sandoval somehow thinks he can come out of this unscathed and able to move on with a relationship with Raquel without anyone batting an eye. Thankfully, he was wrong and we as VPR fans are crucifying him accordingly. And karma is giving Ariana everything she deserves for having to deal with Tom for so long.
Sandoval recently decided to risk what little of his reputation he had left (including potentially his Pump Rules career) to speak to Howie Mandel about the affair. Did Raquel advise him to do this? Otherwise, I have no idea why he thought it would be a good idea. Sandoval spent the episode of the Howie Mandel Does Stuff podcast throwing more wrenches in the #Scandoval timeline and trying to defend his selfish ways. He also dropped a slight bomb that conjures up even more questions than answers. As if we VPR fans have the wherewithal at this point.
On Howie’s podcast, Sandoval admitted that he and Rachel first hooked up prior to Scheana Shay and Brock Davies’ wedding. He claims that right after the event, he did some soul-searching, according to People. “I got my ass into therapy immediately to try and figure out what the hell I’m gonna do,” he revealed. And the subsequent #Scandoval fallout was the result of all of this deep thought and introspection? Make it make sense.
Sandoval doubled down that he’s head over heels for Rachel or something stupid. I’m going to throw up. Another particularly gross part was when Sandoval tried to claim that during the affair, he had a healthy relationship with Raquel. “The environment it created — the lying, sneaking around —was very unhealthy,” he said. The AUDACITY of this man.
Tom also said that he and Ariana went to couples therapy to work on their issues. While they were discussing their relationship, Sandoval admitted he never mentioned that he was now in love with her GOOD FRIEND RAQUEL. He even said he tried “planting the seed” in therapy that he wanted to split.
Do you want to know the best way to let someone know you don’t want to be with them? You freakin’ TELL THEM, SANDOVAL. Don’t be a coward and enter into a new relationship while you’re still knee-deep in your old one. I want to know if he ever told the therapists about the cheating because, if not, I’m sure they have plenty of thoughts about those sessions in retrospect.
[Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo]
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Last night’s episode of Married At First Sight was juicy! There was a lot to unpack in this one episode. This season is full of all types of drama. It seems like everyone insists on having some type of issue, even if they have to create one. This week, DeVon Franklin steps in to speak with all the couples and help them to navigate through their lingering issues. He definitely had his work cut out for him!
With less than two weeks left until Decision Day, flowing whiskey at a couples’ get-together leads to shocking confessions. One husband’s dancing “misstep” leaves an already unsteady marriage teetering on the edge. Another groom admits that he is in love with his wife, even if she doesn’t believe it. Let’s get straight into the recap!
Chris was left totally confused when Nicole tried to explain she may not always mean what she says. In her previous relationships, she was left to self-soothe so her default is to separate herself. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want validation and support. Sigh! I can appreciate that Nicole really tried to communicate about her issues and her past. But, this could actually backfire and make Chris fearful of the future with her, if she keeps warning him away.
Nicole went shopping with Kirsten for some lingerie to spice things up with Chris. While there, she expresses some doubts about her body. But when she comes out of the dressing room, she looks great. Why are you hiding all of that Nicole? Kirsten does a great job encouraging her to achieve self-love and gave some sexy tips for the bedroom. I truly hope that Nicole can find a way to let her past go and accept that her future can hold great things. If she allowed herself to accept it. It is clear that she is self-sabotaging out of fear, despite Chris being in love with her. Nicole, he is going to get tired of you always creating an issue. He isn’t those other men that hurt you! If Nicole isn’t in therapy, she could benefit from going to work through some of her trauma.
Jasmine spoke with DeVon about the state of her marriage. She has revealed to the other women all of her frustrations but has yet to fully explain them to Airris. She experienced some issues with self-esteem, due to bullying in her life. DeVon catches the correlation between her suppressing her feelings when she is in stressful situations to how she shuts down with her husband. After some thought, she is finally able to admit she is afraid of hearing a negative response to her feelings. But Jasmine has to have the confidence and courage to confront the issues head-on. Hopefully after this pep talk, she will attempt to have this discussion.
Airris had an interesting conversation with DeVon regarding his marriage. He wants a partner to share his life with, yet he admitted that he wasn’t putting in a lot of effort with Jasmine to potentially have that. One of their major issues is communication. Jasmine is afraid to get hurt. Airris almost seemed content with the way things are. Yes, he made efforts to go deeper in their conversations recently, but what is his intention behind that? Is it truly getting to know and possibly building something with his wife? Or is it just to make conversation? Jasmine seems to think it’s the latter and I agree.
Related: Married At First Sight Season 16 Episode 14 Recap: “The Rope, The Feather, And The Bidet”
During a group outing, Jasmine admitted in front of everyone that she has been emotional due to the state of her marriage. Immediately, Nicole jumped to her defense and she and several others advised her that it is important to be vulnerable with others. I love how everyone shared their own stories in order to support her. Later, Jasmine reached her limit with Airris. While everyone was dancing, she attempted to dance with him, but he danced with the female instructor instead. Needless to say, he spent the night on the couch. The next day, Dr. Pepper Schwartz came to visit and they discussed the incident. Airris was disappointed Jasmine made a scene and she was proud that she finally stuck up for herself. Let’s hope that Dr. Pepper can make some sense out of this because I have already given up on them as a couple.
When Clint and Gina met with Dr. Pepper, she tried to convince them that despite being in the friend zone they could still fall in love. Has she not observed these two during the entire experiment? I think this couple falling in love in the last week is highly unlikely, no matter what they do. Chemistry has to be natural and if you need exercises and pep talks to establish it, then it may not be there. They already stated they are not attracted to one another. Did Dr. Pepper suggest they watch Driving Miss Daisy together to create intimacy? Insert side eye here. What??? It may be time for her to retire if these are her suggestions. Somehow, I doubt that movie nor any other is going to save this marriage.
Shaq’s mom called Kirsten and told her that she needs to be more supportive of her son. He was still upset that she didn’t attend his work event. Kirsten claimed that she has tried to make up for him feeling that way by sending him affirmations and checking in with him throughout the day. But apparently, Mama and Shaq didn’t think it is enough. Now… I don’t know how to feel about this interaction. It is too early for Shaq’s mother to get so involved in their relationship.
During the group outing, Shaq revealed he was once in a dark place and decided to seek therapy. Nicole jumped in and said that she will speak on Kirsten’s behalf and that she is willing to be a support for him. Shaq became visibly upset and walked away. He was hurt another woman had to say what his wife should have said at that moment. He has a point. To be fair, Kirsten didn’t ask Nicole to do that, but it was her silence at that moment that was loud. There is no way I would let another woman tell my man what I can do for him, without affirming that myself. Apparently, on Shaq’s last trip, he found out that he would not be graduating on time. So, he felt very alone when she didn’t come to his event to support him.
DeVon met with Kirsten and Shaq and explained that they need to communicate their expectations clearly to one another. If they aren’t able to do that, neither will be able to meet those expectations. Shaq explained he wants his wife to fully understand his work and show up to his events. In turn, she mentioned that she has shown up for an event and she has supported him in other ways. Devon gave them some great advice. He challenged Shaq not to diminish things that she has done because she missed one event, because it is counterproductive. To be fair, I think it is a bit demanding to expect someone who has only known you for a short period of time to attend every work event if they are out of town. She has attended an event and asked him questions about his job, but personally, I think that expectation is high at this point. Kirsten does convey that although she has been supportive, it will only grow with time.
[Photo Credit: Lifetime]
The post Married At First Sight Season 16 Episode 15 Recap: “Whiskey A No-No” appeared first on Reality Tea.