Monica Garcia may have been a newcomer on The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 4, but that did not stop her from taking a front-and-center role. While Monica played it cool all season, the RHOSLC newbie was actually hiding a huge secret all along.
During the women’s trip to Bermuda, Heather Gay took it upon herself to expose Monica’s lies. Heather confronted Monica at dinner with the rest of the women, and told her co-star that she knew she was behind the Reality Von Tease Instagram account. The account had gone up about three years prior, and mainly targeted former RHOSLC star Jen Shah. However, it also targeted the other RHOSLC women, though those posts have since been deleted.
Monica initially played dumb, but then admitted that she was one of the people behind Reality Von Tease. The RHOSLC newbie insisted, however, that there were multiple individuals behind the account. The other women were extremely hurt by the revelations, and understandably so. Monica betrayed the RHOSLC women in many different ways, including her former boss Jen.
Monica Was Fake Toward The Women All Season Long
The most obvious issue with Monica’s involvement in Reality Von Tease, is of course that she lied to the RHOSLC women all along. While Monica never outright denied being involved, it was wrong of her to pretend to be best friends with the women while knowing what she had done. The women had no way to know that Monica was behind the account that had haunted many of them, which is outright wrong.
While Reality Von Tease only has posts about Jen at the moment, there is proof that Monica had shared insensitive things about her RHOSLC Season 4 co-stars as well. The account referred to Whitney Rose as a “swinger” at one point, which is no small insult. Monica was extremely fake toward Whitney, as well as the rest of the women she had previously threw shade at behind the alias.
As Heather pointed out during the finale, it was strange that Monica felt so comfortable celebrating her birthday with women she had back stabbed. We agree Heather, Monica did not deserve a seat at that table!
Monica Also Lied About A Lot
In addition to being insensitive toward her fellow castmates, Monica outright lied to them on more than one occasion. One instance of this was with Meredith Marks, who caught Monica on videotape in her store on a prior occasion. Earlier during RHOSLC Season 4, Monica claimed that she had never been in Meredith’s store before. This just goes to show Monica’s sneaky and deceitful nature, and proves that she can’t be trusted by the other women.
It’s also worth pointing out Monica’s odd reaction to being called out by Heather. Initially, Monica pretended to have no idea what Heather was referring to. Mere seconds later, Monica changed the story and said that Heather was “partly right.” Monica should have just come clean from the jump, since she obviously knew she was guilty. Nonetheless, Monica did her best to avoid the truth coming to light for as long as possible.
Monica Did Some Pretty Creepy Things
At the beginning of Monica’s RHOSLC journey, we all knew that she had ties to Jen. Monica was her former assistant, which would come to play a huge factor in the Reality Von Tease scandal. After all, Jen was the main target of the account, and many of the posts criticizing the former RHOSLC star are still up.
Lisa Barlow initially pointed out that Monica had done drive-bys of Jen’s house, which she felt was creepy. Monica fired back by saying she didn’t need to do a drive-by since she worked for her, but the evidence was already out. Several posts confirmed that Monica had in fact driven past Jen’s house to take pictures for Reality Von Tease on multiple occasions. To make things even weirder, Monica drove past in a disguise with a scarf covering her head.
Monica’s actions are pretty creepy, especially taking into account that she posted pictures of Jen’s home on Reality Von Tease. It is understandable that the other women would be alarmed by this, as there is nothing stopping Monica from doing the same thing to them.
The post Everything That Made Monica’s Instagram Account Such a Betrayal appeared first on Reality Tea.
from Reality Tea https://www.realitytea.com/2024/01/14/everything-that-made-monicas-instagram-account-a-betrayal/