Monday, July 22, 2024

Race to Survive: New Zealand Finale Recap: One Last Push

Creighton Baird with his arms stretched out on Race to Survive: New Zealand
Photo Credit: Daniel Allen/USA Network via Getty Images

Folks, it all comes down to this. Our ten-episode Race to Survive: New Zealand journey has reached its conclusion. We’ve watched these athletes spelunk through caves, bust their bodies, and starve themselves through the most punishing race on reality TV. Now, a winner has been crowned.

In Race to Survive: New Zealand Episode 10 “The Golden Medallion,” the final three teams spent their last days in the competition racing for all the marbles. The result was somewhat predictable, but either way, we were turned into every single second. Here’s what went down in the epic season finale of Race to Survive.

Race 6, Day 1

Paulina and Creighton looking at a map on Race to Survive: New Zealand
Photo Credit: Brian Finestone/USA Network

For the final race, the producers pulled out all the stops to give the racers a taste of everything that New Zealand could throw at them. With two of the frontrunners suddenly out of the competition, they had to make sure that this final race would be something worth watching

The final course was 15 miles of rugged terrain, starting with a sprint through a rocky creek. From there, the racers had to go into a cave, up an alpine pass, over a ridge, and then up into a 1500-foot climb.

It’s a daunting course, and all the racers had mixed emotions. Of course, everyone was drooling over the idea of winning half a million dollars, but they’d already spent 38 days in the wilderness. Tired would be an understatement.

Despite the juggernaut of a final course, the Smokejumpers were feeling confident and proud of how far they had come. They talked about how they learned a lot about themselves throughout the race. They already called each other “brothers,” but now, they’re even closer.

The Divorcees were also feeling a sense of pride and closeness going into Race 6. With all of the emotional baggage from their divorce, they both agreed that win or lose, this was an exciting and healthy way for them to close the book on their marriage. They probably were better at this competition as a divorced couple than they would have been as a married couple.

Meanwhile, the Oil Riggers had nothing but victory on their mind. Nik mentioned that they had to overcome a “self-doubt cycle” to get this far in the race, but at this point, they felt confident. He spoke about how he was seeing visions of him and Kennedy winning the whole thing. He said it felt like divine intervention, or maybe his brain was playing tricks on him after spending all of his time outside. Either way, the clock started and the racers were off on their final adventure.

Dead End Cavern

Creighton and Paulina in a tent on Race to Survive: New Zealand
Photo Credit: Brian Finestone/USA Network

The Smokejumpers blazed through the first part of the course and were the first team to make it to Dead End Cavern. They’ve sprinted to the front of the pack in every other race so why would this be any different?

However, when they got into the cave, it became clear that this wouldn’t be easy for even the fastest teams. According to the narrator, a straight pass through the tunnel was only 1200 yards, but the twists and turns push you into dead ends, hence the name. It’s another maze, and the Smokejumpers started struggling.

Nik and Kennedy were the second team to make it into the cave, and somehow, they zipped right through it. They passed up the Smokejumpers and went into the final hours of Day 1 with a first-place lead.

At the back of the pack, Paulina and Creighton were scrambling to get to the cave. Part of that was because Paulina fell at least 300 times trying to run through the creekbed, which dramatically slowed them down. Regardless, the cave maze gave them a huge chance to make up for that lost time.

Day 2’s game-changing decision

Paulina and Creighton going across rocks on Race to Survive: New Zealand
Photo Credit: Daniel Allen/USA Network

Although the Oil Riggers went into Day 2 with a lead, that faded pretty quickly. The Smokejumpers popped up out of nowhere and passed them up. They kindly said, “Good push, guys” as they passed up their competition, but you know that felt like salt in a wound. Nik’s vision slowly started to fade away.

The next zone presented them with a navigation decision. There were two routes. Route 1 was shorter, but it was straight uphill. You would need some serious quad strength for that route. Route 2 had a more gradual incline, even though it was technically a longer route. There was also a food cache, which on the last day, seemed like a huge slap in the face. Where was this earlier?

When faced with the navigational decision, the Smokejumpers felt confident in their endurance and their muscles. They went for the vertical option. It looked exhausting, but they pushed through. After all, they literally jump into wildfires for a living. It’s hard to scare them.

Nik and Kennedy decided to take the longer route. Not only were they starving and desperate for that food cache, but they also recognized that climbing an extremely steep hill just wouldn’t be their strength. Slow and steady has been their approach throughout the whole race, so why change up the strategy now?

When Paulina and Creighton got to the decision point, they decided to take the steep route as well. They do this kind of stuff for fun, so they weren’t phased by the idea of climbing up that insane hill. It proved to be a smart choice because they caught up to the Oil Riggers right ahead of the next challenge.

The Battle on the Dome

Tyrie on Race to Survive: New Zealand standing on top of a ridge
Photo Credit: Brian Finestone/USA Network

As if they hadn’t already broken their bodies enough, the final challenge in Race 6 was a vertical rock climb. They called it The Dome. It was the last obstacle standing in between the racers and the final sprint towards the last Survival Crate.

The Divorcees were stoked to see another rock-climbing challenge. This is their element, so they felt confident that they could quickly get up the wall and gain some ground in the race. They did and wound up settling in a solid second-place position. The Oil Riggers struggled and fell further into third place. Nik’s vision was completely dead.

Such a physically demanding challenge could have very well been another race-defining moment where someone could pull ahead of the frontrunner. However, that didn’t happen. Each of the Smokejumpers climbed up the wall Spider-Man style and pushed forward with a tremendous lead. At this point, it became super clear who was about to win the $500,000.

A final push to the Golden Medallions

Tyrie and Ethan on Race to Survive: New Zealand
Photo Credit: Daniel Allen/USA Network

As if it wasn’t obvious, the Smokejumpers pushed through the final part of the race and were the first team to make it to the last Survival Crate of the season. They popped it open and were awarded two Golden Medallions and a grand prize of $500,000.

Although the grand prize had been determined, the other two teams still pushed forward through the course. Everyone seemed excited to try to cross the finish line, except for Nik who seemed over it. He got grumpy when the producers tried to talk to him, and he moaned about how he was just going to push through to the end for Kennedy.

“I no longer cared about anything because the jungle took Nik’s soul,” he admitted.

Ultimately, the Divorcees wound up making it to the finish line in second place. They didn’t win the money, but they were still celebrating their major accomplishment. As the last hurrah of their marriage, they both said they felt happy and healthier with their relationship as exes. The money would have been nice, but crossing the finish line together was still the ultimate closure for those two.

Once the Oil Riggers reached the finish line, the final three teams all embraced each other in a huge celebratory moment. Just like the previous eliminations on the show, losing doesn’t feel like defeat on Race to Survive. After finishing a 40-day, 150-mile race through New Zealand, how could you not feel proud?

Now that the race is over, let’s hope these teams got a huge meal, a warm shower, and a good night’s sleep in a real bed. They deserve it.

Race to Survive: New Zealand is streaming on Peaacock.


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Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 8 Recap: Cashmere in the Dryer

Chief Stew Aesha Scott having fun on Below Deck Med Season 9.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo via Getty Images

Welcome to the Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 8 recap! In this week’s episode, called “Dirty Laundry,” after making a tricky exit from the harbor to escape the wildfire smoke, Captain Sandy has to pull off an even trickier docking in Hydra. Sandy gives Joe a morale-boosting opportunity, and Ellie tells Aesha about Bri’s laundry notebook. Who’s stirring the pot: Ellie or Bri? Here are some of the highlights from Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 8.

Close maneuvers

Below Deck Med star Captain Sandy Yawn.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

As the wildfire approaches the city, Sandy needs to get the guests out of the smoke and into somewhere sunny and clear. It’s a short charter, and they only have one night on the boat.

The Mustique is wedged in between smaller boats on one side and a massive superyacht directly in front. It’s a tight squeeze amidst the other boats and their lines in the water, but Sandy somehow pulls it off. The guests are impressed with her navigation, but Sandy is impressed with Nathan’s bow skills. He was on top of keeping her informed about distances and other small boats passing by.

Joe’s a little upset about having been replaced on the bow. Nathan has more experience “on paper,” but Joe’s determined to prove his worth as a deckhand.

Laundry mistakes

Below Deck Med's Bri on laundry duty in Season 9.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Sandy calls Bri to her cabin. Something happened to Sandy’s white pants in the laundry, and they’re now gray. “They must have been put in with the darks or something,” the captain explains.

Can’t somebody teach that girl to do laundry? Maybe Ellie needs to help Bri instead of scolding and power-tripping her all the time.

Aesha says Bri had “one good charter” where she was “on fire,” but ever since then it’s been downhill. The chief stew takes the lessening in hostilities between the two stews as a positive sign, but she hasn’t had a chance to “rest easy” with her two helpers. She’s got to stay on top of them at all times.

“I have to try to figure out what I can do to change this,” Aesha interviews.

The notebook

Below Deck Med deckhand, Joe Bradley.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

While both Ellie and Bri are in the laundry, Aesha calls Bri up to the bar. She tells Bri to go on break, which Bri is more than happy to do. That tiny laundry room is too small for the two of them, especially with Elena always throwing her weight around. Why can’t she just be nice?

While Bri is gone, Ellie sneaks a peek at Bri’s laundry notebook. She thinks Bri is recording mistakes made in the laundry so she can blame them on Ellie. Paranoid much?

After the guests are done playing in the water, Sandy has Nathan haul the anchor. She calls Joe to the bridge, and his heart sinks because he thinks she’s going to “yell” at him for something else he’s done.

But when he gets to the bridge, Sandy shows him the steering controls on the panel and leaves him alone on the bridge while she goes for another coffee.

Wow! Talk about a morale booster. Joe’s thrilled. Now that’s the way you lead, Ellie. A little positive reinforcement goes a long way.

Sandy realized Joe was feeling down about being taken off the bow, but she wasn’t demoting him. He just needs to get more experience under his belt.

“She’s still giving me responsibility even after everything that’s gone down,” Joe interviews happily. “She’s got trust in me, and it just makes me feel at ease. Give me more time on the wheel!”

Sandy doubts Iain’s abilities

The bosun giving Captain Sandy Yawn directions on Below Deck Med.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Going into the port at Hydra, Sandy has to back in so they can tie up the stern. They’ll also drop two anchors in the front of the boat to keep it off the rocks at the back.

As they approach the dock, Sandy asks if they can throw the heaving lines, and Iain thinks there’s no one to throw to. But Gael sees two men in white tees ready to catch the lines.

“What the heck? They’re literally right there,” she interviews. Finally, he sees them, and they can throw the lines.

“Iain sometimes doesn’t look before he speaks,” Sandy says in a confessional. “There were two people on the dock. Pay attention. Be aware. I’m definitely keeping my eye on him.”

Interior chaos on Below Deck Med

Chief Stew Aesha Scott on Below Deck Med Season 9.
Photo Credit: Bravo via YouTube

Meanwhile, Aesha’s starting to feel the pressure of having to be everywhere at once. She finally decides she’s got to give some responsibility to her stews and let go, for her own peace of mind.

After giving Bri instructions, Ellie admits, “I have never run a lunch service before, but with Bri, the energy is just not matching. I’m not trying to be mean toward Bri in any way.” Aren’t you though, Ellie?

While she’s in her cabin supposedly resting, Aesha’s listening to her walkie and hears Ellie running Bri ragged. She’s sent her to collect laundry from a guest cabin, as well as sending her running after ingredients for the bar. Are her feet nailed down? Why can’t she do some of this herself? Aesha’s getting irritated.

“This is why I don’t like taking breaks,” she huffs. “I feel so stressed out because the person I left in charge doesn’t even know where things are.”

A graphic on the screen shows it’s only 15 minutes until lunch, and Ellie hasn’t even started setting the table yet.

“Ellie’s running lunch service today,” Aesha tells Chef Jono. “But I can’t relax ’cause I’m feeling stressed.”

“Why is the table not set for lunch?” she asks Ellie, who explains she’s been making cocktails.

Aesha decides she needs to cancel her break and help out. Otherwise, lunch isn’t happening.

“I learned my lesson,” she interviews. “They’re not ready.”

“She’s given me a chance, and now she’s taken it away. It just crushes my soul a little bit,” Ellie complains in a confessional. “She could have given us just five more minutes. We would have had it under control.”

“If I was Aesha, I definitely wouldn’t trust me and Ellie,” Bri interviews.

Ellie stirs the pot on Below Deck Mediterranean

Ellie sets the table on Below Deck Med Season 9.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Aesha checks in with Ellie at the bar. “Did you have a good day?”

Ellie tells her that she just kind of “checked out from the drama.” But then she adds that when her boss sent her to check on the laundry, Bri got a little territorial and wanted her to leave. But Ellie said she was just doing her job and to “stop chasing me out.”

“She eventually just stormed out of the laundry room,” Ellie adds, which is not what happened at all. “This is really disrespectful, the way [she’s] behaving.”

Aesha explains that if other people go into the laundry, Bri kind of “loses her place.” She’s trying to create a system.

Then Ellie tells Aesha that Bri has a notebook and seems to be writing down all of Ellie’s perceived mistakes. Though Aesha wants to know what’s happened, she wants to be sure she listens and assesses both sides, before making any decision.

Ellie accuses, “She twists it into making it look like it’s me causing problems.” Poor Ellie’s such a victim. Meanwhile, all she does is bully Bri.

Since none of this happened in front of Aesha, she has to think about it.

Time to bring in Captain Sandy

Captain Sandy Yawn and Cheif Stew Aesha Scott have a discussion on Below Deck Med.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Following a five-star dinner and an awesome dance demonstration by Gael and Joe, the guests retire to their cabins.

Once everyone’s gone, Aesha runs down to the laundry room to check out Bri’s notebook. “What is this?” Aesha wonders. “This looks like a book of receipts. Is this a burn book?”

“I can’t tell if Bri is stirring the pot or Ellie is,” she adds. “I see cashmere in the dryer and this burn book … Things are out of control. It’s time to involve Captain Sandy, ’cause I honestly need help with this.”

Below Deck Mediterranean airs Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo.


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Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 14, Episode 11 Recap: An Ominous Lawsuit and a Sleepover

Jennifer Aydin and Teresa Giudice from Real Housewives of New Jersey
Photo Credit: Bruce Glikas via Getty Images

Welcome back to the Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 14, Episode 11 recap. In this week’s episode, “Sleepover With One Eye Open,” Jennifer [Aydin] is starting to feel abandoned by Teresa. Meanwhile, Tre is also in her feelings, but not about Jennifer. Instead, Luis is stressing her out because his legal battles suck. Not stressing us out was this episode because, dare I say it, RHONJ Season 14, Episode 11 was peaceful.

The Aydin boys and the Real Housewives of New Jersey tots

Frustrated with Teresa, Aydin meets up with her brothers for lunch, and holy cow, these boys remind me of their sister. Immediately, she fills them both in on her beef with her costars. “Danielle and I got into a huge fight. I called her out on a few things. She came up in my face, very aggressive, very hostile, and I pushed her as a reflex,” Jennifer explained.

Thank the Jersey gods that this happened on film. Amiright?

“She then smacked me upside the head with her drink in her hand,” Jennifer added. Next, she brings up Teresa’s live show, where Danielle joked about the whole place burning down due to Jennifer being in it. However, the part that bothers Jennifer the most is how little Teresa does to support her. “It’s like no one’s got my back,” she stressed.

Her brothers encourage her to talk to Teresa about her feelings.

Across town, Danielle and her children head to Rachel’s for a playdate. Once their children are behind her closed playroom doors, Danielle fills her in on her fractured family. In doing so, Danielle notes that she wishes she and her dad were speaking because she knows he would have had her back with this messy Jennifer situation.

But also, Rachel is stressed, and she wants “to bring everybody together.” Therefore, Rachel is hosting a sleepover. Jennifer gets an invite, but not Teresa.

Joe Gorga on Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 14.
Photo Credit: Bravo via YouTube TV

Gia Giudice is studying for her LSAT. Teresa is proud of her kids. They’ve been through a lot. And yet, they never stopped moving forward.

In other news, Luis’ ex is dragging him through the legal system. Teresa has proof that Margaret is behind this, claiming that Margaret has been speaking to his ex behind closed doors. Teresa’s attorney has been following the case. He agrees to chat with Teresa’s costars whenever the time is right.

Speaking of Marge, Mellisa and Joe arrive at her house. Joe cuts down one of Marge’s trees while Melissa and Margaret catch up on the couch. Naturally, Joe runs in, covered in fake blood, but the ladies clock his antics immediately. Nice try, Gorga.

A few baby steps forward

Jenn Fessler looking confused on RHONJ Season 14.
Photo Credit: Bravo via YouTube TV

Dolores and Jenn [Fessler] meet to reminisce about the good times, but the live podcast event comes up, ruining the vibes. Dolores is upset because Teresa’s anxiety is climbing the charts. She knows Luis’ court case is the cause. Yet Dolores does not want to know anything about this legal mess.

The less you know, the greater your peace can be.

Speaking of peace, Jenn reveals that she texted Rachel. She hates that Rachel got mad over her attempts to stand up for John. That said, Rachel only responded after Jenn declined her sleepover invite. Trying to play nicely, Jenn changes her mind, saying she is now a yes to this sleepover.

As for Dolores, she only wants peace. Cue a retreat.

Rebuilding on Real Housewives of New Jersey

Teresa Giudice looking confused on Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 14.
Photo Credit: Bravo via YouTube TV

Finally, Aydin and Teresa meet up to clear the air. Teresa apologizes for not standing up for Jennifer. Jennifer wants to “feel it” though.

The conversation shifts to Luis’ case. His ex wants a restraining order against him, but on the other details, Teresa is still being mum. She promises that soon, she will air it all out publically.

So they all rolled over and one fell out

Rachel Fuda in pink pajamas, RHONJ Season 14.
Photo Credit: Bravo via YouTube TV

The ladies arrive at Rachel’s house for her slumber party. Jenn kicks things off by clearing the air with Rachel. It works. Rachel apologizes for everything, and Jenn does as well.

A lipstick reader arrives. Each lady kisses a card, and the “initiative empath” gives them a reading. Margaret’s reads “romantic” and “passionate.” The other readings must have gotten lost in the edits.

Jennifer [Aydin] tells Jackie that she read and loved her book. “You just get better and better,” Jackie responds.

Danielle finally arrives with a baked cake in tow. On the top sits seven ladies, all lying in a bed. “Is that Jennifer, the fallen one,” Margaret asks, noting that a brunette character is falling off the side of her creation. “No comment,” Danielle quips.

She did do this on purpose, she reveals in her confessional. Her passive-aggressiveness is strong. I approve.

They then play a game where they have to eat a fruit roll-up without their hands. Jennifer wins. “I swallowed, and I don’t do that,” she jokes, revealing that Bill “eats a lot of spicy food,” so, that.

They ask Dolores about her business with Paulie. Their company is moving forward, but she is not “milking his prostate” in his office. “I should have known. Something to do with cock would bring everybody together,” Dolores jokes, before bringing up the topic of her retreat.

Everyone wants in. And for the first time in a long time, RHONJ ends on a high.

Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 14 continues Sundays at 8/7c on Bravo.


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Alexis Bellino Net Worth 2024: How Much Money Does RHOC Star Make?

Alexis Bellino Net Worth 2024: How Much Money Does RHOC Star Make?
Photo Credit: Bravo via YouTube

Alexis Bellino, renowned for her time on The Real Housewives of Orange County, has recently piqued interest regarding her net worth in 2024. Beyond her reality TV fame, Bellino has ventured into various business enterprises and media projects. Fans are keen to uncover the sources of her financial success and see how she has built her wealth over the years.

Here is everything fans need to know about Alexis Bellino’s net worth in 2024.

What is Alexis Bellino’s net worth in 2024?

Alexis Bellino has an estimated net worth of $1.5 million in 2024.

Alexis Bellino’s net worth in 2024 consists of earnings from her career as a reality TV star. She has also earned money from her business ventures.

Alexis Bellino is most famous for her appearance on The Real Housewives of Orange County.

What does Alexis Bellino do for a living?

Alexis Bellino is a television personality and entrepreneur. She earns money through her TV appearances and entrepreneurial ventures.

Alexis Bellino recently shared that she and her boyfriend, John Janssen, are planning to get engaged soon after dating for nearly a year. The 47-year-old expressed that her relationship with Janssen has significantly strengthened over time. In an interview with E! News, she said, “We’re amazing. It gets better every day. We both are kind of like ‘pinch me’ in the fact that we truly found like a best friend and someone that we want to ride the rest of this life out with together. It’s pretty amazing.”

Alexis Bellino’s earnings explained — how does she make money?

Alexis Bellino earns money from several professional pursuits, including her reality TV career and business ventures.

TV Star – Alexis Bellino joined the cast of The Real Housewives of Orange County in 2009 and remained until 2013. During her time on reality TV, she expanded her acting portfolio. Her acting credits include General Hospital, Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars, Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, What’s Up Orange County, Jeff Lewis Live, Lopez Tonight, Big Morning Buzz Live, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Poker Night Live, Below Deck, and more.

Business Ventures – Alexis Bellino has shown her entrepreneurial skills through various successful businesses. She started the clothing lines Alexis Couture and Alexis Casual. During her marriage to her now ex-husband Jim Bellino, they opened several Sky Zone trampoline parks. Bellino also created Jimmy Blooms, a luxury flower arrangement business for events like weddings and galas, which now has an online store. She partnered with designer Tal Sheyn to launch a jewelry line, Alexis by Tal Sheyn, featuring high-quality pieces. Her latest venture is a skincare line called What’s Your Why?, offering high-quality, cruelty-free products.

The post Alexis Bellino Net Worth 2024: How Much Money Does RHOC Star Make? appeared first on Reality Tea.

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