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It is Kenya Moore’s first season back since taking a brief departure from Real Housewives of Atlanta and she is already bored. Her return has been a thorn in the side of co-star NeNe Leakes and her marriage took a nosedive after filming the began. She has also reportedly had conflict with Eva Marcille, who has allegedly labeled Kenya both manipulative and a compulsive liar. So basically Kenya checks all the boxes for a reality television star.
That’s not to say it’s all been awkward. Kenya and her new baby have apparently been spending a lot of time with Porsha Williams and her daughter, Pilar Jehna. She’s also palling around with Cynthia Bailey, who is seemingly floating on a cloud of sex and wedding plans, since her engagement to Mike Hill. Aside from NeNe, another gal not pleased with Kenya’s revival is the non-peach holding Marlo Hampton. This is not unusual because Marlo is NeNe’s henchwoman only remaining friend on the show. Now Kenya is saying she’s tired of the same old faces, no matter how many new faces some ladies can buy. She wants to jazz up the cast and cancel Marlo while she’s at it.
In a move that surprised no one, Bravo brought Kenya back full time for Season 12 of RHOA. During her hiatus, Kenya settled into marriage, birthed a baby, and then her marriage fell apart. Now that she is on the scene again, viewers will watch her holy matrimony disintegrate, as NeNe’s vision board probably predicted.
Despite all the action going on in her personal life, Kenya thinks the Housewife life might need some sprucing up. Fans could very well agree with her, as we gear up to watch another season of the NeNe Show. In an interview with Us Weekly, Kenya gave some details and saved a slight drag for Marlo. “I think we need Housewives or friends of the show that brings something new and we’ve seen her [Marlo] for eight or nine seasons. I’m kind of just over it,” she said.
Attention Marlo, there is some shade on hold for you. After failing to secure a peach even though she has begged been on the show since 2011, Kenya subtly implied it’s time for Marlo to go buh-bye. She added, “I’m just kind of bored with it. Yeah. I think we need something new.” Hey, NeNe has also said she wants boring people gone, so now the two finally have something in common! Though I doubt when NeNe was trolling for new players, she wasn’t planning on saving a spot for Kenya. Funny how things work out.
What about something new from Phaedra Parks? Phaedra was kicked to the curb in 2017 after she made nasty allegations about Porsha Williams and Kandi Burruss. Isn’t it funny how a nasty rumor can get you thrown out but putting your hands on someone gets you a raise? Regarding a potential Phaedra return, Kenya said, “I don’t think of her at all.” I’m sure many people agree with Kenya on this one. That said, Kandi has mentioned she would not be pleased if Phaedra was brought back to the show.
While most fans concur the show is due for a cast overhaul, the new season promises to be a warehouse of drama. Until then Kenya will read everyone to filth and NeNe will surely be on the receiving end of what looks to be a very bumpy ride. Hopefully, she and Marlo are strapped in because Kenya is back and she’s ready to play ball.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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Real Housewives Of Dallas continues to argue about etiquette that clearly doesn’t exist. Mainly because the person appointed judge and jury of how to behave and why has an obvious blind-eye towards one of the main perpetrators. I’m looking at YOU, Kameron Westcott.
Why are dinosaurs so closely linked to Real Housewives Of Dallas this season? Is this foreshadowing an extinction of friendships, social hierarchies, and trust funds?!
Maybe the first bad omen was the death of one, inappropriately named, bunny. Leave it to Brandi Redmond to throw a funeral for a deceased bunny she has been storing (wrapped in towels and tucked into a [hopefully clean] litter box), in her chest freezer. FOR SIX MONTHS. I think this beat Sonja Morgan, hoarder queeneth extraordinaire’s record. Brandi’s been trying to decide if she wants to bury Bun-Bun or taxidermy him. (You know LeeAnne Locken plans to have a taxidermied bust made of her 30-year-old face with changing weave capabilities once she passes).
Really though, Brandi probably kept forgetting about the bunny until she had to put a bag of Costco chicken nuggets in the freezer. As Easter approaches, a time which celebrates rabbits and the re-rising the dead, Brandi decides to throw an epic funeral.
Stephanie and Travis Hollman attend, and Brandi entrusts BROOKLYN to drop BunBun’s box into the ground. Shockingly no dead animals were re-injured in the process. After a moving euology Stephanie whispers to Travis that she farted, which was, I guess, her attempt to raise this rabbit from the dead.
Then out of the bushes hops a life-sized easter bunny, carrying balloons. Stephanie has some potent farts, that’s for sure! After that anyone would need a drink, so let the crucifixion by cocktails commence!
Across town, LeeAnne’s dog is now wearing an eyepatch too. OK, not quite but after scratching his cornea, it, like Rich Emberlin, is down to one eye. Why must LeeAnne endure such trials and tribulations? Does no one understand that her emotions are like a Tilt-A-Whirl, and every daaaaaaaaay she feels like she’s gonna fall off right into the Unlucky Duck pond, to drown in the filth of other people’s hope.
Kameron with more bad news: days away from LeeAnne and Rich’s couples shower, Brandi and Stephanie both canceled claiming their kids have events at school. Kameron is livid.
And just when LeeAnne had grand plans for Brandi! LeeAnne has been holding Brandi’s wedding invitation hostage until the last possible moment, apparently pending that Brandi proves her friendship. She’s also apparently imagining that Brandi had been waiting on pins and needles for said invitation. LeeAnne had planned to personally present it at the shower, instead she has to go with Plan B… texting a picture of the invite with an emoji of a party hat.
Kary Brittingham wasn’t invited to the shower, because LeeAnne and Rich don’t know Eduardo. D’Andra Simmons didn’t get invited because Rich is still devastated by her betrayal, of course.
Kameron’s entire life has also been revolving around this shower, and compounding with her fight with Stephanie, Kam imagines Brandi and Stephanie conspired to fabricate Easter events as an excuse to cancel last-minute. Also they contacted Kameron, aka THE HOSTESS, to cancel, but never told LeeAnne. If Brandi and Stephanie had told LeeAnne, but not Kam, Kam would be just as upset.
OK a few things here: First of all, this shower is happening on a THURSDAY AFTERNOON, the weekend before Easter. The only people who aren’t working or watching their children at this time are trophy wives. Kameron definitely doesn’t have friends who work, except for working the Ladies Who Lunch/philanthropy circuit. Basically fancy lunch is their jobs, so Thursday afternoon showers are a regular day at the office! BUT I’m sure even some of these ladies would blow off LeeAnne’s charity shower/gift grab to attend events at their children’s prestigious private schools.
Second of all, Kameron sent out invites a month in advance. Sometimes plans changes. Who is gonna let their child be the only one without parent representation at the Easter pageant? Taking sins of our mothers to a whole new level!
Lastly, it seems like Brandi wasn’t even invited until the last minute, once LeeAnne decided Brandi was permitted to grace her with her presence at yet another event which required presents, so it’s natural that she RSVP’d late.
Anyway, Kameron is livid and Stephanie has no idea what’s coming.
Well it won’t be worse than what Mama Dee has in store for D’Andra!
D’Andra’s plans to save money by moving Green Miracle operations out of their office backfired because Dee signed a year-long lease which D’Andra can’t afford to break it. D’Andra needs a cash infusion fast and is ready to go to the bank to ask about a loan, but needs to put something up as collateral. And she can’t use her house since Dee also owns that!
Mama Dee is shocked that they give loans to poor people. Um, those are called PayDay Loans, Mama Dee and you can gett’em at the gas station. Presently D’Andra is reduced to living off the rubble of her former splendor, aka $60k per year which is her decreased salary and a modest $5k per month interest from her trust, plus credit and borrowed time since Jeremy Lock apparently can’t support her.
D’Andra has even cashed in on most of the stock her father left her and tries to barter her art collection in the hopes that Dee can give her a collateral loan.
Mama Dee resembles a ventriloquist dummy, and the ruffled neck top doesn’t help that comparison, but when it comes to D’Andra, Dee is the one pulling all the strings!
Instead of helping or consoling Dee blames D’Andra for not knowing how to budget, even though Dee has spoiled her rotten since birth. Dee also lectures D’Andra for not being self-sufficient. Didn’t Dee marry two rich men in a row? And therein lies Dee’s real annoyance: That D’Andra married a poor man for love, to rebel against her mother, not a rich man who will take care of her so she can continue to live in the lifestyle she was accustomed to. Instead D’Andra is spending her own money, hand over fist, to maintain those standards.
Dee follows all that up by admitting that she knew the company was bankrupt when she turned it over to test D’Andra. Now D’Andra is 50 trying to learn to be an adult the way a 22 year old does, yet Dee takes no responsibility for how D’Andra (or her company) turned out.
Dee concludes with telling D’Andra to get her act together because “your mother’s not gonna be your bank.”
Kam and Court go to lunch, and I love that Kameron eats real food – it’s the one part of her that isn’t high maintenance. Kameron claims before she met Court she was “nature barbie” and camped all the time. Until he introduced her to Neiman Marcus and turned her into “Couture Barbie.”
Court smiles that Kameron is prettier to him today, after he worked his Svengali magic to transform her from Kameron DoLittle to Kameron DoNothing.
Meanwhile Travis finally sees Stephanie as his equal, which means her anniversary gifts become more practical. No more diamonds – this year she got deodorant. Actually an entire Hermes box full of mens toiletries like the ones Stephanie always ‘borrows’ from Travis. What a guy!
In a rare glimpse of Travis not made of stone, we learn his estranged father lives Thailand, but has heart problems. In Bangkok he doesn’t take his medicine and becomes incredibly ill. He also doesn’t contact Travis until things are dire, then Travis has to bring him back to the US. As soon as his dad is well-enough, he goes back to Thailand, and the process repeats. Travis and Stephanie know that any day now Trvis will be getting the call that his dad needs him. D’Andra is probably wishing Mama Dee would move to Thailand and contract malarial dementia.
It’s pouring rain on the day of LeeAnne’s shower, and Kam is still in a tizzy over Stephanie and Brandi cancelling. She’s even more upset because Stephanie posted a photo of Cruz wearing a dinosaur costume which is “proof” that Stephanie wasn’t attending a school Easter celebration, because what do dinosaurs have to do with Easter. Um, didn’t they walk the earth as the same time as Jesus? Stephanie should’ve just posted a photo from BunBun’s funeral instead!
Kam is momentarily distracted from her rage when she notices that once again there are THREE musicians playing when she distinctly remembers hiring a quartet. This is the second time this has happened to her, and she is confused.
I must say this shower is absolutely lovely. Even the nod to carny cocktails Kameron had curated are class personified.
Then LeeAnne arrives in a polyester dress straight from the Dynasty consignment sale. She had to buy it – all proceeds went towards botox for aging soap opera stars! Cary Deuber is also there, of course, because apparently a Botox needle pierced her brain and she’s now LeeAnne’s bosom buddy.
In the middle of this shower, Kameron asks if Cary and LeeAnne were invited to Kary’s girls night later that evening. Of course they weren’t, and Kameron already knew that. Kameron decides to get revenge on Brandi and Stephanie, by having LeeAnne and Cary crash Kary’s happy hour. Cause logic!
Why is Kameron trying to upset Kary because she’s angry with Brandi and Stephanie? Kameron rants that she hates exclusionary behavior – which is why she’s totally OK with LeeAnne excluding D’Andra from all the wedding events!
LeeAnne doesn’t even like Kary, and at the ghost hunting blamed her wedding planner for inviting Kary to her bachelorette party, so why is she offended that she wasn’t included? I get why Cary is upset – Kary is her friend.
Kary didn’t invite LeeAnne because she wanted to have fun, and there is always a weird tension between the two of them that ruins the vibe. That tension is LeeAnne’s feelings of inadequacy until she figures out a way she can control the narrative of her friendship with you. Hence why she and Brandi can nerve get along, whereas Kameron, the lap dog, is LeeAnne’s bestie.
Kameron and LeeAnne have obviously been watching too many conspiracy theory videos on YouTube and decided that Brandi and Stephanie attending getting drinks with Kary illustrates they conspired to miss the shower to hurt Kam, Dallas’ new perpetual victim! Um, is it maybe because their kids get out of school in the late afternoon, and then they were free in the evening? Kameron does have children, correct? She should be able to understand how parenthood schedules works…
It turns out LeeAnne only textvited Brandi and Kary TEN DAYS before her wedding. “She thinks she’s Willy Wonka and I finally have the golden ticket,” guffaws Brandi. A golden ticket that clearly was part of the 30% of invitations that got lost in the US Mail. “30 % of LeeAnne is usually telling the truth,” laughs Brandi, ” the other 70% is usually full of shit.” She will not be attending the wedding, because she has 100% other plans!
Just when everyone is joking about LeeAnne, in she walks through with Kameron, etiquette officer of Dallas, and Cary, who would look surly if her face could move into any expression at all. I will say I love that Kam’s one devious and derring-do moment was crashing this girl’s night.
Kam, hopped up on too much cake and conspiracy, is on the warpath. Kary argues with LeeAnne about how she has no right to insert herself in an event she wasn’t invited too – like what if D’Andra had crashed LeeAnne’s bachelorette party (Um, LeeAnne would fake cry tears of joy). Kam and Brandi get into it after Kam accuses Brandi of RSVPing yes to the shower by selecting a lunch option, then cancelling days before.
Brandi has proof that she texted Kameron RSVPing no (which Kameron insists she never saw), then Brandi reveals how she was texted from a random number asking if she wanted chicken or beef, so she answered steak presuming it was a survey about what kind of meat she likes. Also she’ll be home between noon and 2 to receive her free reward for participating – medium-rare, please!
Obviously the real reason Kameron is aggravated is because Stephanie called her surface, and we all know Kam’s friendships with people go deeper then the inner cavity of a Birkin bag. Projecting, Kam accuses Stephanie of always playing the victim instead of taking responsibility for HURTING KAMERON’S FEELINGS ON A LEVEL THAT GOES TO THE PORES. Wasn’t Kam the one repeatedly shouting that she’s the victim? Can there be two victims?
Stephanie decides she has no more to add to this conversation, or her friendship with Kameron. “I’m gettin goff the Kameron hamster wheel,” she announces. From now on Stepanie will consider Kameron surface in secret.
While all this is happening D’Andra looks back and forth, eating imaginary popcorn.
[Photo Credits: Bravo]
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As you know, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is filming it’s first season sans Lisa Vanderpump. As someone with a heavy fan base who have no problems holding a grudge, the current cast will have to step it up. Thankfully we have two new ladies joining the crew. Both friends of Lisa Rinna, Sutton Stracke and Garcelle Beauvais are getting their feet wet in the shark pond.
Everyone else will be returning, including Denise Richards. Last year Denise graced us with too many stories about her husband’s alleged massive penis situation but she was mildly amusing and didn’t stir up too much controversy. She seemed to be a bit of a Switzerland kind of gal with leanings towards the Dark Side. So what will Denise bring us this year? Will she find herself huddled under Kyle Richards’ crown? Will she join Erika Jayne’s back-up dancers? Probably none of the above, she’s busy working at her day job.
Denise has really been hustling lately. Season 9 of RHOBH gave us a glimpse into Denise’s workhorse kind of life. She got married, did a Hallmark Christmas movie, and escaped a fire in 13 episodes. Now that the cast is in the middle of filming again, people have noticed Denise isn’t around very much. While she did travel to New York to walk in Kyle’s caftan collection runway show, Denise has otherwise been off the RHOBH radar. Don’t worry, she’s not hanging out in court with everyone else. Denise might actually be earning a living.
I guess it’s safe to say we will see little if any of the legal drama some of the major players are experiencing. It might be safe to say we won’t be seeing a lot of Denise either. According to HollywoodLife, the mom of 3 has a lot going on and supposedly it has impacted her presence on the new season of Real Housewives.
A source commented, “Denise has actually been MIA from filming [Real Housewives] a lot just because she’s so busy filming her other projects.” Denise has been rocking the soap opera life since March and apparently, the schedule is pretty intense. Side-note, how great would Susan Lucci be on this show…
The source also shared, “She [Denise] really loves doing Housewives but being an actress is her first priority when it comes to her career and [RHOBH] has opened even more doors for her.” It must have because she is also doing a sci-fi series and two other television movies.
Denise has bills to pay, you guys! So apparently she has been bigtime MIA in Encino Beverly Hills. “She’s barely filmed RHOBH so far this season and missed a few events just due to her own acting career which has picked up even more since she signed on for Housewives,” the source explained.
The insider added Denise is still on the crazy Housewives train and hopes to get back to filming with the ladies soon. “The [RHOBH] women love her and are hopeful that she’ll be at more events in the near future.” Her other option is to sit around and watch Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave hold herself accountable for being pregnant. Look on the bright side, if she isn’t there, she can’t be blamed for anything. And we all know how the Blame Game goes with this crew. Good for you, Denise!
[Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo]
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The tribes swapped, the Island of the Idols disappeared, and both reward challenges and product integration returned to Survivor.
At the beginning of this season of the Real Housewives of Orange County, I thought Braunwyn Windham-Burke was going to be an interesting, but sedate addition to the show. She was in a long-time marriage to hubby Sean Burke, had seven children and seemed to be relatively normal. Boy, was I wrong! As we have gotten to know Braunwyn, we have come to find she is not the quiet soccer mom she first appeared to be. In fact, Tamra Judge might finally have a run for her money for the Orange County Exhibitionist Trophy!
Our first clue to Braunwyn not being what she seemed was her odd relationship with her rather unusual mother, Dr. Deb. A second clue was her hot tub escapade with Tamra in Arizona. A third indicator to Braunwyn’s freakiness came when she dressed in black lingerie for family photos–you know, like all our moms did! The final evidence came when Braunwyn engaged in a public, on-camera make out session with fellow married attention seeker Tamra. So, what is behind the make out session and what do the two RHOC cast members really think about each other?
On a recent Real Housewives of Orange County After Show, Braunwyn was asked if she had told Tamra she wasn’t interested in men anymore. Braunwyn replied, “I’m more attracted to women than men. I’m attracted to my husband, but I’m more attracted to women.”
As Braunwyn has been open that she and Sean have done a bit of threesome swinging, this is probably not news to him. Whenever I think of this situation–which I try not to–I get disturbing visions of 1970’s key parties, crab fondue, gold chains and polyester. Thanks, Braunwyn!
Braunwyn was also asked if she had always been attracted to women. She explained, “I think always. I mean, when I was young, I don’t really remember when I was growing up. But at least, like since 18 on. I’ve always been more attracted to women than men. I’m very rarely attracted to men.” Tamra can firmly attest to that!
Despite her attraction to women, Braunwyn has never actually dated someone of the same sex. She revealed, “But, I’ve never dated a woman. I don’t think I ever would ever want to date a woman.” Hopefully, at least not while you are married!
Braunwyn went on to add, “They’re [women] just too much work. I mean, I’m a lot of work.” I don’t think anyone would argue that point, Braunwyn. We are all exhausted by your behavior. Second only to your mother’s wacky shenanigans.
Another reason Braunwyn would not date a woman is her husband. Which seems like as good a reason as any! She shared, “I like having the stable husband that I have. I love Sean. Sean, the minute he walked into the room, I knew I was going to marry him. I mean, it’s hard to explain unless you’ve experienced it. It was just knowing Sean was the man I was supposed to be with. He’s the person I was supposed to be with.” And maybe the occasional friendly Orange County Housewife, too. Just for fun.
If Sean had not come along, where might Braunwyn be today in the love department? She stated, “Now, if I hadn’t have met him, would that have been different? Would I have ended up with a man or a woman? I really don’t know.”
One thing Braunwyn is sure of, however, is her feelings for Tamra. When asked if she would ever date Tamra, she exclaimed, “Oh, in a heartbeat! In a heartbeat. Yeah, absolutely. I’m so attracted to her, but I told her that. She knows that. This isn’t some secret.”
I can’t help but think that all of this is no longer a secret to your children, either, Braunwyn. Yikes! I don’t think Shannon Beador or Emily Simpson would share all this information on the show. Kelly Dodd might after a few cocktails, though!
So, how does the object of Braunwyn’s affection, Tamra, feel about Braunwyn’s fan clubbing her? When asked if she was attracted to Braunwyn, she answered, “I think Braunwyn’s hot! There’s no doubt about it. I think she’s totally hot. Am I gonna leave my husband for her? No. Never gonna happen. No.” When Tamra takes a wedding vow, she means it! At least this time. Lucky Eddie Judge.
Tamra also cleared up her comments about fantasizing about Braunwyn while having sex with Eddie on the night of their make out session. Shockingly, the comment was not true. Tamra admitted, ‘Yeah, jokingly, I did say that. I had to explain that one to my daughter.”
That statement may be the truest declaration in this whole tawdry affair. No one should have to explain these things to their children, because their children should never find out about them. Keep it at the Motel Six, ladies! Like other respectable Orange County residents.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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