Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Teresa Giudice One-On-One With Andy Cohen; Teresa Understands Why She Went To Prison And Holds Herself Accountable

Teresa Giudice on WWHL

Teresa Giudice on WWHL

Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice is one-on-one with Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live tonight. Andy jokingly points out the irony in Teresa wearing an orange jumpsuit before he asks any questions.

They laugh, they catch up a little, and then Andy mentions, the last time he saw her, it didn’t seem like Teresa was preparing herself for prison. “No, not at all,” she admits. “I was just in the moment and focusing on my daughters. I felt like I was dying. In reality, that’s who I felt. I wanted to, every weekend, do something special with them. Especially with my little baby. I did not want her to forget me.”


“When I first got there, I was pretty much numb,” shares Teresa. “I was going through the motions. When you first get there, they strip search you. You have have to bend down, cough, something I’d never done before. I felt humiliated.”

Teresa says she didn’t get to her room until 4:30 in the morning. “I look at my bed, there were urine stand and blood stains on teh mattress. It was disgusting. The other girls helped me make my bed. After I made my bed, I passed out for a few hours. Then I got up again with the girls around 6:30 because they were getting ready to go to work.”

Andy reminds Teresa that she told Joe prison was like a low-budget spa. “I just said that to him because I didn’t want him to worry. It really wasn’t like that.” The best thing about prison? “Being able to work out three times a day.” The worst thing about prison? “Being away from my daughters, and Joe, of course.”

Does Teresa understand why she went to jail? “Yes. In the beginning, I didn’t understand. Just because I’ve never been in trouble before. I didn’t understand the legal system. Believe it or not, once you get there, you become so knowledgeable about the legal system and just by talking to the other girls. But I know the reason why I was sent there.”

Teresa adds that “of course” she holds herself accountable. “I signed papers without reading them. Before I even do that again, I’m going to make sure whatever I put my John Hancock on, that I understand fully before signing any other papers in the future. I pleaded guilty to what I did. I got sentenced. I served 11 1/2 months. I apologized to the judge. I did my time. My restitution is paid.”

What does Teresa say to people who say she shouldn’t be back on the show? “Listen, no one’s perfect in life. We all fall down. Obviously, I fell down, and now I’ve picked myself back up. I think we should all encourage each other and pick each other up. I hope that’s what the world’s going to do with me.”

Andy asks Teresa about the shiny new Lexus waiting for her in her driveway when she got home. “My lease was up on my car and I needed a car. Joe got me a new lease and he got me a new Lexus. It’s a lease. Lexus decided to put up that big red bow. They were smart, they knew tons of paparazzi was gonna be at my house, so they got a lot of press for that.”

Teresa claims that she understand why people were upset about the Lexus. “I even said to my husband, ‘Why did you put that red bow on?’ He said, ‘I didn’t put it on, Lexus did.'”

Who was Teresa more worried about – herself or Joe? “Believe it or not, I was totally numb with it. I didn’t even think about it. I am more worried about Joe than I was for myself. I think women are stronger and different and they will just walk away from situations. I don’t know how mens prisons are.”

About prison fights, Teresa says they happened, but she wasn’t in any.

Did being in prison teach Teresa how to handle conflict differently? “It did. I was not going to give anybody anything in order to ruin my good time. There was no way I was going to jeopardize that.”

Andy asks Teresa what she means by her “good time” in prison. “Good time… meaning staying there longer,” she explains. “My sentence was 15 months, but then you take off good time, so that’s why I was only there 11 1/2 months. Whatever sentence you get, you don’t do that full sentence, you get good time plus home confinement. Then some people get halfway house, but they denied me halfway house.”

Did Teresa watch Teresa Checks In? “I did. At first I didn’t want to watch it. I thought it was going to be hard on me. But I have to say that all the girls there supported me and we all cried and laughed through the whole show.”

Teresa says seeing her family cry over her absence broke her heart. She says hubby Joe did a good job taking care of the girls and brother Joe did a great job taking care of their parents. “When something like this happens, from now on, I just want to live every day like it’s my last day,” she adds. “Don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s nonsense.”

Why didn’t Teresa put Melissa on her visitors list? “By the time she sent it in, it was like three months later and my list was full at the time. I took my brother-in-law Pete off the list to add my brother. When I left, things weren’t the greatest between Melissa and I. You’ll see it on the show, I ended up saying it [to Joe Gorga], I really didn’t want to spend five hours sitting with Melissa and chatting with her in the visitation room. We laughed about it. Now you are going to have to tune in and see what happens on season 7.”

Teresa claims she was happy to see Joe and Melissa with her kids on Teresa Checks In. “Family means the world to me. I love my brother. I love Melissa. I love my nieces and nephews. I want them in my life.”

Andy shares that Teresa said nice things about other Real Housewives in her book, but she did not even acknowledge Jacqueline Laurita. “While I was there, I didn’t hear from her,” says Teresa. “When I left, we weren’t speaking. I haven’t really spoken to her in three years.”

How was the food in prison? “The cooks did the best they could with the food that they had. It was different every day.” What’s the first thing Teresa ate when she came home? “Rino sent food from his restaurant. What I remember specifically going after was the lobster.”

Does Teresa resent Joe? “No. I lived with the man. I know that he didn’t mean to harm me in any way. He took full responsibility – but the government saw it a different way. What else can we do?”

About reports of Joe cheating on her, she says, “If I didn’t want to be with Joe, I wouldn’t be with Joe. If Joe didn’t want to be with me, he wouldn’t be with me.”

Are Teresa and Joe worried about Joe possibly being deported? “We are just taking day-by-day and focusing on our children right now.”


Photo Credit: Twitter

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10 de Fevereiro

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Ana Paula vence paredão do bem do ‘BBB 16’

Ana Paula foi escolhida pelo público, com 74% dos votos, para ficar no segundo andar e saber tudo o que está acontecendo na casa. Como Pedro Bial disse no “discurso de eliminação”, os confinados do “BBB 16” “não sabem de nada mesmo, da missa um terço”. Após o anúncio, Ana Paula se despediu de quase todos os companheiros de confinamento, menos da líder, Juliana, que a indicou, Renan e Daniel.

Ao falar com Ronan, que ficou visivelmente emocionado, a jornalista pediu para ele mostrar quem é de verdade. Mas o choro de tristeza logo virou de alegria, ao ouvir a boa notícia de Bial.

“Você vai ficar nesse quarto, numa boa e mais: vai poder assistir a tudo o que rolar na casa. Depois vai voltar para o jogo com imunidade e para a prova do líder”, avisou o apresentador. “Ai, povo, muito obrigada”, respondeu Ana, aos prantos.


Durante a edição, foi exibida a discussão de Ana Paula e Daniel que aconteceu ontem de manhã. No bate-boca, a mineira voltou a dizer que o empresário só escorrega, não se compromete e que queria voltar para enfrentá-lo no paredão.

“Se tiver julgamento vai ser entre mim e você”, avisou a loura.

A edição também não deixou escapar o triângulo amoroso da casa, denominando Renan de “Bananan”, após ele ter desistido de ficar com a Pequi Munik e Julina, chamada de Abacaju.

from Extra Online - BBB http://extra.globo.com/tv-e-lazer/bbb/ana-paula-vence-paredao-do-bem-do-bbb-16-18642241.html

The Clinton Team’s New Hampshire Pressure Test

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Evening Tea – Daily Link Love



Photo Credit: Matt Cowan/Getty Images

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Até então apagado no ‘BBB 16’, Tamiel cresce no jogo após discurso afetuoso com Ronan

“Quem está falando não é o Tamiel que está no ‘Big Brother’, é o cara que tem 41 anos e que já passou por muita coisa nessa vida. E que achou que tudo era um beco sem saída”. Ao resolver aconselhar Ronan, o professor de Ecologia, que afirma não entender nada do jogo, deu sua melhor cartada. Até então apagado no programa, ao se posicionar, ganhou destaque na edição e teve a chance de cativar um público que ainda não o conhecia.

“Adorei a atitude do Tamiel, escutem bem: um futuro candidato ao prêmio”, escreveu @MelhoFelipeh no Twitter num dos posts das redes sociais que repercutiram a postura do goiano na casa.

— Estou orgulhoso do meu pai. Hora nenhuma o vejo falando algo que não falaria para mim — diz Thamiel Filho: — Na conversa, ele foi sincero. Notou que Ronan estava sendo excluído e quis balancear.

Cabeludo, tatuado, roqueiro e vindo de uma família de classe média baixa, o professor sabe o que é se sentir excluído de um grupo.

— Na época em que ele se formou, as pessoas em Goiânia eram muito padronizadas. Dentro do curso de Agronomia, os alunos usavam fivela, chapéu... Tamiel nunca reclamou, mas demorou muito para fazer amigos — revela Wendy Baiocchi Jacobson, irmã mais nova do participante, lembrando-se das pedras no caminho do brother até o doutorado: — Como a nossa mãe não tinha uma renda fixa, nós vivíamos altos e baixos. Nunca passamos fome, mas às vezes a gente ia para a faculdade apenas com o dinheiro da passagem de ida. Precisávamos batalhar a grana da volta. Durante o doutorado, como ele ganhava só a bolsa de estudos, nossa mãe teve que ajudar algumas vezes.

Separação doída

Outra situação em que Tamiel se encontrou num beco sem saída foi sua primeira separação. Ele foi casado duas vezes.

— Meu irmão era muito novo, tinha 18 anos, e o casamento era uma idealização de vida. Na época, teve que dar um tempo em tudo. Parou até de estudar — explica Wendy.

Por essas e outras, o goiano se sentiu à vontade para dar um toque em Ronan. “Você não pode perder o seu brilho. Não quero que se afunde nas próprias trevas. Existem dois Ronans. Um espalhafatoso e outro sombrio, estilo Darth Vader. Você precisa encontrar um meio termo entre eles” , sugeriu.

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Yolanda Foster Compares Lyme Disease To Syphilis; Erika Jayne Performs Tonight On Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Yolanda Foster

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Yolanda Foster

It’s Tuesday, which means Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is on tonight.

Also, it’s a day that ends in -y, which means Yolanda Foster is on Instagram.

Yolanda shared the picture above, adding, “When the Google Search in your brain fails you……..  #NoWordRetrieval  #MemoryLoss  #SlowMentalSpeed #NeuroBorreliosis #TheInvisibleDisease #LYMEDISEASEAWERENESS A recent study indicated chronic neurologic abnormalities may emerge anywhere from 1 month to 14 years after infection. Like syphilis, Lyme Borreliosis may remain latent and asymptomatic for a long period of time, despite having received long term antibiotic therapy. #WeMustFindACure


It should come as no surprise to know that Yolanda‘s health problems, and the speculation surrounding them, will remain a hot topic on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills tonight.

Kyle Richards and Lisa Vanderpump undergo cryotherapy with Yolanda. Yolanda says it’s one of the “fun things” she does every week. According to the doc, cryotherapy exposes your body to ‒140° Celsius temps, which supposedly forces your body to produce its own anti-inflammatory molecules. Sounds fun.

RELATED: Brandi Calls Lisa Vanderpump and Kyle Richards Cowardly Bitches

Then, Lisa Rinna goes on a mission to find out who said what to Yolanda after she’s accused of throwing Lisa and Kyle under the bus. Ugh. I’d rather sit in a freezer than sit through more talk of Munchausen Syndrome, Bella and Anwar, or anything else related to Yolanda’s health.

Also tonight, Erika Girardi invites her co-stars to an “over-the-top” gay club in San Diego to see Erika Jayne perform. We will be live-tweeting – join us. 


Photo Credit: Instagram

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Andy Cohen Says Teresa Giudice Deserves A Second Chance; See Teresa And Andy Reunite Tonight On Watch What Happens Live

Teresa Giudice

Teresa Giudice

Teresa Giudice is making the press rounds today to promote her new memoir, Turning the Tables: From Housewife to Inmate and Back Again, and is planning to reunite with her boss, Andy Cohen, on Watch What Happens Live tonight.

Andy talked about their reunion on his Sirius XM radio show yesterday morning.

It’s old news now, but Andy announced the return of the Real Housewives of New Jersey, with Teresa, Melissa Gorga, and Jacqueline Laurita returning as full-time housewives. “There’s been a lot of questions about will Teresa be a housewife. Yes, she will. She’s back. We’re not shooting a special kinda like Teresa Checks In. We are shooting Real Housewives of New Jersey. It is officially in production and you will see it later this year on Bravo,” he added. “We were shooting when Teresa left Danbury, when she got home, we’ve been shooting for the last few months.” Any new housewives will be announced later.


“The last time I saw her on television was at the Jersey reunion, which was like a year and a half ago,” shared Andy. “The last time I saw her in person, we had a little top-secret lunch about ten days before she went to prison. I went out to New Jersey and we had a very late lunch. I haven’t seen Teresa in person since that day. It was very emotional saying goodbye to her.”

RELATED: Teresa Giudice Talks Prison, Deportation, and More on GMA

Andy has decided to share his reunion with Teresa with tonight’s Watch What Happens Live viewers, “I was emailing with my producers yesterday and I said, ‘You know what? I think I want to see her tomorrow night for the first time live on the air.’ I think I will not say hi to her before the show. I want to bring her out and just see her and have that real moment play out.”

Part one of Teresa‘s interview airs tonight at 11/10c. “It’s really just going to be a conversation between the two of us,” said Andy. “It will be live.” Part two – the questions from viewers – will air tomorrow at 9:30/8:30c.

Andy did not hesitate to defend his beloved Teresa against naysayers, “Say what you want about Teresa and what she has done, what I say is, she paid her time. Some would argue that she got way more time than she might have gotten had it not been such a high profile case.”

RELATED: Teresa’s Vision for The Future – Beach House and $40 Million

“She went to jail for 11 months. She served her time. She was by all accounts a good prisoner. She gave up everything,” lamented Andy. “The woman has served her time and she is paying back her debt to society and the government and I think that like everyone Teresa deserves a second chance.”


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Bethenny Frankel, Dorinda Medley, & Ramona Singer React To Luann de Lesseps’ Engagement!



Over the weekend Luann de Lesseps got engaged to Thomas D’Agostino Jr. with an 8 carat canary diamond ring. The Real Housewives of New York star met Thomas through their mutual friend Dorinda Medley, and after a whirlwind romance they fell madly in love.  

Rumor has it Luann’s proposal was filmed for Real Housewives Of New York, and Thomas dropped down on one knee in front of the Housewives – which is hilarious considering he once dated Ramona Singer and Sonja Morgan! He is, as Bethenny Frankel described him, “the new Harry Dubin.” Oh my… 


Ramona’s  dated him, and Sonja used to be his friends with benefits, so they kind of gave a little intel recently,” Bethenny added while she was a guest on Andy Cohen’s radio show

“Yes, I did date him, but we just didn’t have any chemistry,” Ramona confirmed. “I do think he’s a nice guy.”

Ramona told E! News she finds it funny that “Luann and I overlapped.” Ramona also dished that Launn knew right away Thomas was the one.  “She seems incredibly happy. You can see it all over her face.” 

Dorinda agrees that Luann and Thomas are a perfect match – although she hints that Ramona is suffering from sour grapes over Luann’s newfound love! 

“I knew from the beginning that they had met each other’s match,” Dorinda declared. “I always thought they were practically mirrors of each other — very similar personalities, tastes, and definitely sense of humor.”

As she told Bravo’s Daily Dish, Dorinda thinks the wedding will take place in Palm Beach, where Thomas lives part of the year. However, since the couple already considers themselves “mentally and emotionally ‘wed,’ so to speak,” Dorinda doesn’t believe “there’s necessarily a rush” to tie the knot but they’ll get hitched “sooner than later.”

As for the details Dorinda predicts that because Luann and The Count eloped, Luann will go all out with “a truly magical” and “almost-fairy-tale classic, old world wedding.” Filmed by Bravo, of course! (My prediction). 

Bethenny, who insists she’s happy for Luann and Thomas, couldn’t help but snark that Luann called Page Six immediately after Thomas popped the question. “I’m actually, I’m happy though,” she continued. “What’s funny is that you know how I can’t hide my feelings about things or opinions, and I feel happy. Like, I feel excited for her. She’s having a moment. It’s exciting.”

Bethenny snarking that Luann told the media? This from the woman who admitted to marrying for a television spinoff, has sold her personal life out at every turn, including peeing on camera to take a pregnancy test. Try again, Phony Frankel!

“[Luann] wasn’t that happy this summer, and I feel like, who knows?” Bethenny elaborated. “Like, if she’s happy… I had a good feeling, I don’t know about him or them or whatever…” 

Bethenny also acknowledged she’s not exactly qualified to judge (and managed to plug her self-help book, of course), “I suck at relationships. I’m not one to talk about anybody’s relationship. I’m in the 12-year divorce.”

Luann isn’t letting the naysayers dampen her excitement. Instead she and Thomas are “celebrating jetting off for a ski vacation in Vail, Colorado,” says her rep. 

You can see a close-up of Luann’s ring at People


[Photo Credit: Instagram]

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Ana Paula chora durante leitura de 'O Pequeno Príncipe' Todas as notícias | gshow

Brandi Glanville Calls Lisa Rinna A Bitch, Tells Her To Get Help; Brandi And LeAnn Rimes’ Ex Are Doing A Cooking Show?

Brandi Glanville and Lisa Rinna Twitter War

Brandi Glanville and Lisa Rinna Twitter War

Brandi Glanville has had enough of her former The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills co-stars talking about her – that’s rich coming from her, no? – so she launched a “Brandi Fires Back” segment on her podcast last week. Brandi said she just wanted a chance to defend herself, but true to form, she used her platform to call Kyle Richards and Lisa Vanderpump cowardly bitches.

Lisa Rinna, whose lips fingers were made for talking tweeting, took to Twitter to stick up for Lisa and Kyle. “Shut up Brandi Glanville,” she tweeted. “Leave Lisa Vanderpump and Kyle Richards alone.” Lisa also told Brandi to use her podcast to “educate and inspire” and to move on. We knew it was only a matter of sobering up time before Brandi told Lisa to STFU. That time has come.


Brandi tweeted to Lisa, “Bitch get help! You are 51/50,” later adding, “Or just STFU”

Brandi Glanville

Brandi went on to say that all would be fine if Lisa and Kyle would stop talking about her and her bestie, Kim Richards, on the show. Then she made it be known that as long as they do talk about her and/or Kim, they will have to deal with her wrath. “I’m a mother 1st & a fighter 2nd,” tweeted Brandi. “Don’t come for me or those that I love without expecting retaliation.”

Brandi Glanville Twitter

In “look at Brandi be the better person” news (sarcasm), Brandi announced on Twitter that she and Dean Sheremet (that would be LeAnn Rimes‘ ex) are collaborating on a cooking show and/or a cookbook. Brandi shared a picture of Dean‘s book, Eat Your Heart Out, adding, “My day is looking up! Look what my friend Dean Sheremet just sent me in the mail! Be sure & they urself a copy!!” 

A fan gushed, “Would be so cool to see you two have a cooking show together! Please! And a cookbook!!,” and Brandi replied, “We’re going 2!” Um, well, I guess “all will be fine” as long as Dean and Brandi don’t talk about LeAnn and Eddie on their show. 😉


Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo

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Kristen Doute And Katie Maloney On Watch What Happens Live; Kristen Kicked Out Of PUMP By Lisa Vanderpump

Vanderpump Rules stars Kristen and Katie

Vanderpump Rules stars Kristen and Katie

Vanderpump Rules stars Kristen Doute and Katie Maloney and Saturday Night Live star (and Vanderpump Rules super fan) Bobby Moynihan were Andy Cohen‘s guests on Watch What Happens Live last night.

We learn that Bobby is a huge Lala Kent fan.

About the purple, all-lace dress Lala wears in her talking heads, Bobby says, “Dress is crazy. I just can’t understand how a human being can be so confident to just wear an outfit that’s just like, ‘Here’s what I got!’ I am a big Lala fan. I can’t find anything that Lala’s done wrong yet.” In response to a dirty look from Katie, he concedes, “I get it. I do not work with her; it is just a TV show to me.”


What does Bobby think about Scheana Marie‘s “be sober and be boring OR have a few drinks and be fun” attitude towards Shay‘s drinking? “I can’t take it. I’m team Shay on that one. I feel for the chubby dude who needs help.”

Katie shares her thoughts on Tom Schwartz‘s chat with Stassi Schroeder, “I was impressed because he’s not a confrontational person whatsoever, so to see him standing his ground and just sort of laying into her in a way that was so eloquent and almost poetic was amazing.”

Bobby, Give Em A Hobby –

Jax Taylor – “He should take up crocheting to keep his hands busy so he can’t steal stuff.”

Lala – “I think politics. She’s never said anything wrong.”

James Kennedy – “Meditation so he’ll be quiet.”

Stassi – “Hosting or something.”

Kristen – “She should take up the hospitality business, start a B&B cause she seems like the coolest. I would stay at her place.”

A caller wants to know how many times a week Katie and Tom have sex.

Naturally, Andy thinks this is a GREAT question. Not as excited, Katie stumbles over her words, “This is a… I mean… Since people have been making it so much of their business… uhhh… I’m not going to tell… like, every day, 16 times a day… We have a healthy sex life.”

“We did actually try to consummate our engagement, but we had had too much celebration drinks; that’s why the tacquitoes got burned,” continues Katie. “So, without being too explicit, we consummated it but not to completion.”

Saturday Night Live star Vanessa Bayer calls in and asks Bobby who his Vanderpump Rules bestie would be, “Tom and Ariana, I love them with all my heart. I love them very much. I think I want to spend some time with Katie and her soon-to-be man. I have a little Tom Schwartz crush. I think he’s a real nice guy, so I think him.” Whose drama would Bobby not be able to tolerate? “I can’t go near James. Ever.”

Who would Kristen save from a sinking ship – Tom or James? “Tom.”

A caller asks Kristen why she said her life is a rom-com. Is it because guys pay for their dates? “That’s a huge plus,” she says. “Because I’m being treated well. I’m being wined and dined.”

Poll – Do you think Katie should forgive Stassi?

No – 55%
Yes – 45%

In other news, we learn that Lisa Vanderpump kicked Kristen out of PUMP this past weekend, but when asked why, Kristen pleads the fifth. Boo. Come on, Andy, you could have tried harder to get her to spill.


Photo Credit: Twitter

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Teresa Giudice Says Being In Prison Was Hell, First Paycheck Was $1.60; Talks Joe’s Possible Deportation And More



Teresa Giudice is going to be everywhere this week.  When I opened a particular website this morning, there were at least a dozen articles about her and her book!  Teresa did two interviews with GMA’s Amy Robach – one pre-taped at her home and then she appeared live in the studio this morning, too.  Her pre-taped interview is split into two parts – the second half will be on Nightline tomorrow.  In her interviews today she opened up about how she spent her days in prison and still maintains that she didn’t know what she was signing way back when.  The Real Housewives of New Jersey star also called prison “hell.”  She talks about whether she and the girls will move if Joe is deported and so much more.

Amy asks Teresa if she knew she was breaking the law and committing a crime.  “Definitely not. I didn’t know I was committing a crime.  The government saw it differently, I got sentenced, I served time.” 

How did it feel to go from reality star and mother to an inmate number?  “It broke my heart.  Growing up I was the good girl.  I always did everything right.” 

Teresa said she was fine being stripped away of everything and just being herself in prison.  “I was fine being just who I am.” 

Teresa says the prison was no country club as it’s sometime described.  “There’s mold in the bathrooms, there was not running water constantly, showers were freezing cold.  It was hell. It was definitely living in hell.” 

The worst part? “Being away from my daughters and Joe.”

She says sticking with a routine helped.  “I had a job in the kitchen, I wiped tables three days a week.  I got paid twelve cents an hour, I spent it at the commissary.  My first paycheck was $1.60. The only thing they’d give you is toilet paper and maxi pads.”  She added, “I have to say the girls were amazing there.  Anytime anybody new comes, we all help each other. You think that people are terrible in prison, which isn’t true.  I totally don’t feel that way now.” 


Did she ever fear for her life?  “I wasn’t scared. I know I could hold my own. There was fights that went on. Believe me, they were trying to start drama with me, but I just walked away.”  Amy quips that Teresa is used to drama.  Teresa half-laughs and says it was nothing like being on the Real Housewives of New Jersey. And I thought The Real Housewives of New Jersey was drama.  When you go to prison it’s a whole different…there’s a lot of drama.”

Amy says that Teresa writes in her book about the chaos with paparazzi and unfairness, etc, so she asks Teresa why she chooses to stay in the spotlight? “Good question. It’s my life now, it’s what I know.  And I live in New Jersey, I don’t live in Hollywood, so the paparazzi isn’t always staked out at my house.  During this legal situation that’s where the paparazzi came around a lot more.” 


Will Teresa and the girls move to Italy if Joe is deported?  “We’re just taking it one day at a time.  I’m just happy to be home.  We’re just enjoying every moment.  Living in the moment.” 

The rest of Amy’s taped interview with Teresa is airing tomorrow night on Nightline (11:35 pm EST). 

Teresa then appears live on GMA this morning in another segment to chat some more. Amy asks her how it feels to be off house arrest.  “It feels great.  It’s great to be home with my daughters and my husband.  Even though I was on house arrest, i got to do things.  I just had to let my probation officer know what I was doing.  Now there’s no schedule.  I can take my kids to all their activities.  That’s my biggest thing – I wanted to drive them to their activities.” 

Amy mentions her $400K in restitution, her house almost being in foreclosure and asks what their financial situation is right now.  “Restitution is paid off, the house is not in foreclosure anymore, thank God, and everything’s good.” 

Amy reads questions from viewers for Teresa.  What lesson will you teach your daughters from your experience?  “Before you sign something, make sure you completely understand it and read everything.”

Since Teresa told her younger girls that she was going away to write a book and not prison, what will she tell them about Joe going away for three and a half years?  Will she tell them he’s going to jail (prison)?  “No, we told them that mommy was going to work first. I told them I was going to write a book.  I had to live at ‘camp,’ which is prison, obviously.  I had to go through the experience and that’s what mommy was writing about.  And when mommy comes home, daddy’s going to work.” 

Does she blame Joe in any way for what happened to her?  “No, I don’t.  There was legal people around us also when I signed those papers and it’s something that happened.  I’m not going to look back, I’m gonna move forward and look at the future.” 

What impact has it all had on her marriage?  “If anything, it’s made it stronger.  It really has.  We’ve been married 16 years and it’s going strong.” 

After she got home what was the first luxury she treated herself to?  “Just spending time with my daughters and spending time with Joe, that’s all I wanted to do.”  Amy tries to ask her what she was most afraid of living without (aside from her daughters), but Teresa says again, “just my daughters and Joe.  I didn’t care about the food, I didn’t care about clothes.  I was fine not wearing makeup every day, I just missed my daughters.  They’re my life, I live for them. It’s amazing, after you give birth you can’t live without them.” 

How did you pass the time?  “I worked out three times a day.  I did yoga and it changed my life.  I am getting certified in yoga.  I did a lot of pilates, I did a lot of running.  We had a track and we were allowed outside.” 

How much of her experience in prison will she show on season 7 of RHONJ?  “I’m an open book. I’m gonna share my whole life and when you read my book you’ll see, everyone is going to get to know me from my upbringing to my 20s to when I gave birth, and how it was when I was away and being on Real Housewives of New Jersey.” 

Amy then clears up this last name pronunciation business.  Teresa laughs it off and says that the Italian way is too hard for people so her and Joe are fine with either pronunciation of it.

I should add that ABC is adamant that they did not pay Teresa for the interview as many had speculated.  I do believe that part.  I think Teresa went with GMA first because of the huge audience she’d reach for book promotion

Remember Teresa will also be on WWHL with Andy tonight and tomorrow night. 


Photo by Twitter

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Vanderpump Rules Recap: Pout And Pout

Katie Maloney launches Pucker & Pout

Katie Maloney launches Pucker & Pout

Last night on Vanderpump Rules Katie Maloney launched her beauty blog Pucker & Pout. I’ll let “Katie Maloney + makeup and fashion tips” sink in a bit before moving on… But anyways, congratulations! 

Katie has been working hard to build her blog wants to have an industry launch party to debut it to the world so she can start making money. What Katie really wants, however, is an exclusive party with a tightly-controlled guest list, so she can wander around SUR pointing at people with her new Scheana Marie witch’s talon nails snapping, “Invited!” “Not Invited!” as she plucks the leaves, one by one, off Lisa Vanderpump‘s 100 year-old custom-cultivated tulips originally cuttings from Josephine Bonaparte’s garden, once watered with the blood of Napoleon (can you tell I’ve been watching War & Peace? It’s like Vanderpump Rules with more complicated names, more conniving, decent fitting clothing, more lying, and swords instead of cocktail stirrers). 


James argues with Lisa about Jax

Obviously James Kennedy and Lala Kent are off the guest list. Poor Lala – it reminds her of that time in elementary school when they made her wait outside a party. Lala could smell the cake from the curb where she sat like the trash can. Wasn’t that the plot of a Roald Dahl book? There were no parents at Lala’s elementary school parties? Lala cries, but James accompanies Max and Lisa to the dentist where he starts rangy-shrieking about Jax Taylor being an embarrassment to SUR who needs to be euthanized. Oh and if James stopped DJing at PUMP no customers would come. Riiiiight, ego boy. Lisa is all, “Excuse me – get your panties out your arse! You telling me how to run a business? You can’t even manage a relationship with Kristen Doute!” 

Which brings me to Stassi Schroeder who loves couching at Kristen’s. Kristen is never home. She spends her days rambling around LA, drinking, then randomly hooking-up before wandering home at 6am to clean up before passing out on the floor in a puddle of free perfume samples, yesterday’s tequila shots, and someone else’s saliva. Stassi steps over her to access the liquor cabinet, than goes on her merry way, sitting outside SUR staring at Katie through the binoculars app on her iPhone. If only Katie would let her in. Let Stassi’s love open your door Katie!

Except: DENIED! Katie is too busy latching onto Scheana’s every mean girl breath. Scheana is now Katie’s indispensable ruler friend – she helps with her blog, assists her in throwing the launch party, and is planning Katie’s engagement party. Scheana is even hiring security to keep Stassi out of Katie’s life. In a pageant thrown in her own mind, while she pranced the SUR hallways late at night wearing high-waisted hot pants and a croptop, Scheana has anointed herself Miss SUR 2015. She will NOT let Stassi strut back into Katie’s life and cast Scheana aside! Stabbing Claire’s Boutique earrings into her Stassi Voodoo doll, Scheana cursed Stassi with a million Jaxings and Patrick publicly proclaiming her bad in bed. 

Stassi doesn’t understand how she got lumped into a category of heinous people which includes Satan, Brooks Ayers, and the inventor of BumpIts. (Speaking of, Katie was wearing a BumpIt for 3/4 of this episode… ). It’s not like Stassi stole all the pinot from Southern California thus forcing these bitches to drink whiskey! She’s innocent, y’all!

Speaking of innocent, Jax is bored while suspended from SUR. He sitting on the stoop, staring at the sunset, waiting for Brittany Cartwright to come home from Hooters and bring him a Slurpee. Brittany sure picked a winner! Jax complains that Brittany’s parents are so uber-Southern they don’t even drink and they’re like some kinda religion that starts with “C” – maybe Kabala –  he thinks they celebrate Kwanza. Brittany must be the black sheep in that family – working at Hooters, living in LA, and wearing lingerie as outfits to job interviews? Oh, and living with Jax. Plus paying Jax’s bills. Brittany, honey, lemme tell you about this little thing called self-esteem. In fact, maybe Kristen can tell you about it since she has some now. Allegedly. 

Kristen goes on a date with Aleks, who was on the first season of Below Deck and left the show to start his own yachting company. Apparently he’s successful enough to now own two Rolexes which he uses to entice women like Kristen to move in on the first date. Yes, Kristen packed a bag and proposes sleeping… “on his couch” after their first dinner date. “We’ll see,” he says dryly. Kristen gushes from here to Magic Mountain about how manly, mature, and grownup Aleks is and she is finally FINALLY ready for adulthood with a REAL MAN. 

Tom 2 is not ready for adulthood or real manhood, but he is ready to get over his fear of bartending to serve drinks at Katie’s party. A party which Kristen will be attending with Aleks, her real man boyfriend man of two minutes. Tom 1 and Ariana Madix are also attending, and lo and behold, they are not throwing tantrums because Kristen was invited, but instead are helping Katie with the preparation of said party. Adulting!

Meanwhile Katie is bemoaning the horrors of Stassi whom she can never, ever, ever forgive after abandoning her. I think Katie and Lala need a support group for their abandonment issues. Just to remind everyone: Katie absolutely refuses to even acknowledge Stassi’s texts and will never be friends with her again because Stassi ditched her for Patrick, yet Katie was yelling at Tom 1 and Ariana for holding onto their resentment and hostility towards Kristen because they need to get over it. Katie refusing to be friends with Stassi is like totally NOT the same thing, you guys! Katie is mature now, and like an adult who is a grown up engaged person who like gets complicated things. Just ask Scheana!

Not getting it. At all. Is James. James is furious when he learns Lala hooked up with her ex-boyfriend. James tells everyone – including Lisa – that Lala tossed this guy’s salad. Lisa is just like we don’t serve that at SUR, but I hope she wore gloves before touching the food! 

James sent Lala a 3 foot text listing her infractions, then confronted her at SUR for being “disgusting” because she had a guy in her bed who wasn’t James. James who brags about his one-night stands. Lala reminds they agreed whatever happens to his droopy dong is his business, just like whatever with salad is hers. James stomps off. 

James needs a time out, anger management, and therapy. Lots and lots of therapy! Sadly James decided Max is his shrink, so he pour his heart out and vents all his woes and frustrations to Max, while Max works. Lisa needs to get a restraining order against James on Max’s behalf. James was so arrested develop-demented that he was ranting and whining about Lala while Max was getting dental surgery! Dude – perspective. Get some! Pass it along to Scheana when you’re finished.

The argument with Lala makes James realize he’s madly in love with Kristen (HUH?!) and he can’t live without her. 

On the night of Katie’s party World’s Most Self-Absorbed and Selfish Friend Tom 1 helps bartend while Scheana runs around directing people mimicking J. Lo from The Wedding Planner. Katie arrives, late, in an unflattering romper. Meanwhile, Stassi slumps on Kristen’s bed, slurping Kristen’s backwashed cocktail, while watching her get ready and whining that she can’t go. Life is not fair and Stassi Schroeder knows it! 

James confronts Kristen at Katie's launch

Not letting a little thing like an invitation or being wanted stop him, James decides he must beg Kristen for another chance and he must do that begging at Katie’s party. James’ life has fallen apart after Kristen stopped mommying him. He proposes to Max that they crash Katie’s launch. Max, who knows being Lisa’s son gives him an eternal pass, agrees. Hey – free booze and eyebrow waxing!

The party is supposedly for industry insiders but seems mostly comprised of Katie’s friend. Lisa arrives with Ken trailing her grumbling about having to be there. Lisa does what all wives do – fibs that they’ll only stay for 10 minutes. Lisa must encourage these SURvers to flee the coop, which means getting them gainfully employed somewhere else. Otherwise Vanderpump Inc, will be paying social security to the likes of Jax and Stassi and forever supporting their mooching. 

To Katie’s party James wears a hood and stomps in swimming a bottle of wine (which he opens and begins drinking himself). James swaggers over to Kristen, introduces himself to Aleks then asks Kristen to talk. Kristen clutches Aleks, grabbing his face, kissing him like it’s the Titanic and this is her last kiss before drowning. She begs Aleks to look out for her in 5 minutes. “Set your watch,” she calls frantically following James down the stairs. Instead Aleks checks his watch for how much longer he had to put up with her desperate stage-5 clingonagains. 

James freaks out and berates Kristen for not loving him anymore. He accuses her of lying about how happy she is and insists he’s a man! When Kristen thinks your crazy it is time to seek help. IMMEDIATELY. James made no sense and Kristen was literally standing there shocked and excited, like, “OMG – someone who made me look sane! I just looked like the non-crazy one! OMG – I just looked like the rational person.” Kristen decides this is proof that she’s really changed and grown up. 

Lisa praises Katie for creating her website and blows glitter up her romper about how proud of her she is for finally emancipating herself from  Stassi to become an independent person. Has Lisa met Scheana? Katie admits Stassi took over her life so she wasn’t able to accomplish things. Ummm..  that sounds like Katie’s fault, not Stassi’s! Then lo and behold, in the middle of Katie’s emancipation party, Stassi texts Tom 2 asking him for a chance to explain. 

Tom 2 meets Stassi, and since Stassi is about to look like an ass (and get hers handed to her) we’re treated to some footage of her ass in a thong. Better Stassi’s than James! 

Tom 2 and Stassi meet for drinks

Over drinks, wearing, ironically rose-lensed glasses, Tom 2 rips Stassi a new one over her egotistical, entitled, bitchy behavior and basically says she not only doesn’t deserve Katie’s friendship, but everyone is well-aware that she’s only crawling back because her life is in the shitter. Stassi tries to make excuses about why she did what she did  – I mean she’s not like poking holes in Jax’s condoms-horrible! – but Tom cuts her off, telling her to stop the shit. Dang – Tom 2 being assertive. I’m not sure how to take this. This is more head-spinning than seeing Kristen appear sane. 

Stassi cries sulky tears, swearing to Tom that she feels so bad and is humble now. Tom 2 relents and invites Stassi to their engagement party, but warns her that Katie isn’t in the forgiving mood. Perhaps celibacy has made Tom 2 a real man? #Adulting 


[Photo Credits: Bravo]

The post Vanderpump Rules Recap: Pout And Pout appeared first on Reality Tea.

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