We are so not ready for this. When E!'s Ryan Seacrest was joined by Emilia Clarke on the red carpet at the 2019 Oscars, he asked the Solo: A Star Wars Story star what she thought the...
You want some Game of Thrones footage, you got some Game of Thrones footage. Sure, it's like three seconds long, but it's something, and it comes along with sneak peeks of all of...
Married at First Sight expert Dr. Pepper Schwartz admits she's worried the bright light inside Kate Sisk is going to burn out in her unhealthy marriage to Luke Cuccurullo on the show.
A dinâmica que rolou no "BBB 19", dias atrás, em que os confinados verbalizaram pela primeira vez o que um achou do outro logo que entrou na casa, soou como um bálsamo para o ouvido deles. Apesar de algumas críticas iniciais, as declarações de amor...