We’re only a few days into the Big Brother 24 game. It feels like it’s been a month. The Big Brother 24 Live Feeds have been busy with alliances forming, targets emerging, and players being ostracized. On Saturday, the Big Brother Live Feeds kicked off with an early Power of Veto Competition.

Nominee Michael Bruner knew that it was do or die for his Big Brother game. He did what he needed to won the Veto. This forced Head of Household Daniel Durston to need to find a replacement nominee and a potentially new target.
Daniel has a fear of going after the big male physical threats. He doesn’t want to set a precedent this season of picking off big male players because that puts him in jeopardy. He’s also in an alliance with a few of them.
He planned to nominate a woman. He narrowed his choices to either Indy Santos or Taylor Hales. Indy became an option after Brittany Hoopes pointed it out that Indy was more about the fame that the show could bring than actually playing the game and winning money. Daniel also knew that Indy was one of the houseguests whose nomination created the least waves in the house.

Matt Turner proposed the idea of Taylor going up because he said their alliance wanted it. Daniel had already heard Taylor’s name before this because other houseguests mentioned not liking her.
Daniel then had meetings with each houseguest. Some of them, he let give him the names of the players that they thought should be nominated, but for most of his meetings, he told them that he was torn between nominating Indy or Taylor.
Many seemed fine with either going up, but there was definitely more passion for Taylor to be the nominee. After all of his meetings, including with Indy and Taylor, Daniel seemed set on nominating Taylor.

Prior to the meetings, Daniel wasn’t going to nominate Taylor. Daniel and Nicole Layog made the decision to nominate Indy because they felt Taylor was a better player for their game. They also decided that with Taylor’s target being so big, she became a shield for them. They also had enough info that if Taylor won HOH, they had so much dirt on everyone else that they wouldn’t be on her radar. They also could leave her for some else to make an eviction priority in later weeks.
After Daniel finished his meetings and the decision seemed set, the Taylor discussion continued. It became a Taylor bashing session that involved many of the houseguests. At one point, Taylor was seen alone crying. It wasn’t clear if she heard some of the things being said about her or whether her emotions were for another reason. Either way, Taylor likely can sense that she’s public enemy number one in the house.
There is still one more full day before the Power of Veto Ceremony, so Taylor could still escape the block on Monday. However for now, with the house firmly against her, it isn’t looking good for her game. However, we still know none of the details of how the Backstage twist could still end up with Alyssa Snider, Paloma Aguilar, or Brittany going home this week.
This long Big Brother 24 premiere week still has a lot of game left.
Note: all images used in this post were screengrabbed by bbscreenshots

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The post Big Brother 24 Live Feeds: The House Turns Against Taylor first appeared on Big Brother Access.
from Big Brother Access