Monday, July 8, 2024

Race to Survive: New Zealand Episode 8 Recap: Rules Weren’t Meant To Be Broken

Corry Jones holding his head and looking over a cliff on Race to Survive: New Zealand
Photo Credit: Daniel Allen/USA Network via Getty Images

As reality TV fans, we’ve all experienced an uncountable amount of shocking, on-screen moments. Villains have been unmasked. Marriages have been upended. Backs have been stabbed. It’s what we expect from this genre. However what went down on the latest episode of Race to Survive: New Zealand takes the trophy for one of the wildest things we’ve seen this year.

In Race to Survive: New Zealand Episode 8, “A Rule Was Broken,” four teams crossed Race 4’s finish line. However, the producers interrupted their Survival Camp celebrations with a shocking announcement. A team violated the rules, leading to a surprising disqualification that totally upended the competition. Let’s get into it.

Race 4, Day 2

Paulina and Creighton looking at a map on Race to Survive: New Zealand
Photo Credit: Brian Finestone/USA Network

The episode picked up at the start of Race 4, Day 2. Four of the five remaining teams were still on the course, waiting to bushwhack their way to the finish line. Meanwhile, the Smokejumpers were already chilling at Survival Camp. They navigated through the nighttime to make it to a first-place finish, so they were just chilling and snacking on the kiwi fruit they earned as their first-place perk.

The Divorcees and the River Guides were tied for second place. After spending the entire competition in first place, you could tell that the River Guides were feeling a little salty about sitting in second. They quickly took off into the forest, reluctant to get too close to their competition.

A few minutes later, they had a change of heart. They realized that navigating a mazelike forest would be easier with four people navigating. Swallow that pride, Corry and Oliver.

Eventually, the foursome crossed the finish line, and they did it together, tying for 2nd place. We don’t always see teamwork like this on Race to Survive, and we surely didn’t expect to see it between these two teams. Creighton said it felt like a “fellowship.” It certainly looked that way, too.

Elsewhere in New Zealand, the Oil Riggers were comfortably at the back of the pack, intentionally taking their time through the course to avoid injury. So far, that tactic seemed to be working. The worst thing they were dealing with was a stubbed toe. That’s not too bad considering people have exited the race with concussions and swollen ankles.

The Hunters bow out

Ryan and Bronsen walking down a hlll on Race to Survive: New Zealand
Photo Credit: Brian Finestone/USA Network

Father and son-in-law duo, Ryan and Bronsen, started Race 4, Day 2 off on a completely different note from the rest of the teams. After battling knee pain for the majority of the season, Ryan made the emotional decision that their time in New Zealand should come to an end.

This decision came just in the nick of time. The camera zoomed in on his knee, and it literally looked like a grapefruit. He also said his wrist started acting up too, which made him concerned for his career. He’s a “hunting guide,” and you can’t do that professionally with injured joints from a reality TV show.

The Hunters gave the signal to the producers, and a helicopter came to take them away to safety after racing 100 miles through the New Zealand wilderness. Like most of the eliminations on this show, it didn’t really seem like a defeat. They made it this far, and that’s worth celebrating.

In an emotional interview, the duo reflected on the importance of exiting the race when they did, and the special bond they’ll share forever after the experience.

“We weren’t brought out here for money. We were brought out to learn what the true meaning of life is,” Ryan explained, before returning home to his career of killing animals for sport.

The Wolf and the sheep

Nik and Kennedy on Race to Survive: New Zealand
Photo Credit: Brian Finestone/USA Network

Speaking of killing animals, the Oil Riggers came across a major discovery during their snail-like journey through the racecourse. They knew they were in last place, but when they stumbled upon a huge flock of sheep, they recognized a huge opportunity. Instead of trying to push ahead and get in front of the next team, they decided to take some time to hunt down a sheep. Food is fuel, and in a race like this, that’s just as important as pace.

We certainly don’t recommend trying this at home, but Kennedy and Nik sat on the hillside and strategized their attack on the sheep. Nik distracted them by running in one direction, and then Kennedy swooped in like someone out of an action movie. She chased down the slowest sheep, tackled it, and slit its throat.

This sheep was just the latest victim of the Race to Survive contestants. First, a goose had her eggs stolen. Then, they started going after the eels. In a previous race, Creighton wiped out an entire family of hedgehogs.

If you’re an animal in New Zealand, you should be terrified. However, the Oil Riggers felt like they just conquered the world. They basically harvested a year’s supply of mutton.

After butchering the lamb, the Oil Riggers pressed forward towards the End Crate, with not much hope of having a medallion waiting for them. After being in last place for the whole race and then spending hours making lamb chops, how could there be a medallion left for them?

Well, strange things happened in New Zealand, and there sure was a medallion waiting for them after all. A producer showed up and flipped the game upside down with some shocking news about one of the teams.

Dismissed and disqualified

Oliver and Corry walking away from a helicopter on Race to Survive: New Zealand
Photo Credit: Brian Finestone/USA Network

We’re still over here trying to scrape our jaws off the floor from the information that the producers shared with the group. They came over and announced that the River Guides, Oliver and Corry were disqualified from the race, effective immediately, because of a violation of a major rule.

We knew this moment was coming because the trailers teased it, but who would have predicted that the first-place finishers would be the ones facing disqualification? How could that happen? Apparently, Corry ate something he shouldn’t have.

It seemed like the show intentionally tried to avoid the grisly details, but they’ve mentioned weka birds multiple times throughout the show. They made a point to tell us in previous episodes that they were off-limits. You can’t hunt them or eat them, but they’ve been scurrying around survival camp all season long. We’ve seen them causing chaos and tempting everyone with their big juicy bodies. In Episode 4, Corry joked that they looked like they would make a good sandwich.

Although they never outright said that Corry ate a weka bird, it certainly seemed like that’s what they were implying. Perhaps they kept the details vague because there’s a hefty fine for killing one of these birdies.

“So, I made a mistake. It was shortsighted. It was foolish, but the competition is very real and the difficulty of this is real. Survival in the bush of New Zealand isn’t easy,” Corry explained.

“We did have strategies in place for the racing, but we didn’t prepare for the hunger,” he continued.

Ultimately, Corry admitted that his instincts took over. He knew he was breaking a rule, but in his mind, eating seemed more important. Perhaps he didn’t think he would get caught amid the rest of the bloodshed happening on the course? Either way, he offered a heartfelt apology before he and Oliver made their exit.

“What I did disrespected New Zealand, and I’m sorry,” Corry told the cameras.

And then there were three

Racers running along a coast on Race to Survive: New Zealand
Photo Credit: Brian Finestone/USA Network

The Hunters, the River Guides, and the Smokejumpers have been the frontrunners throughout this entire competition. With two of them eliminated in one swoop, this game just changed dramatically. Suddenly, we had our final three, and everyone felt confused.

Technically, there should have been one more race to determine who would go into the finale. Instead, the Divorcees, the Oil Riggers, and the Smokejumpers automatically survived their way to the final gauntlet to determine who would take home the $500,000.

At Survival Camp, the emotions were all over the place. The Oil Riggers felt relieved to still compete and were riding high on the fact that they had a whole sheep to fuel them through the final race. The Smokejumpers were also feeling positive because their biggest competition had been eliminated. They’re the team to beat, and they know it.

Meanwhile, the Divorcees were in a good place emotionally, but perhaps not in the best spot for the race. In a heartfelt conversation, they talked about how the pressure of the race helped heal some of the trauma from their divorce.

To be clear, it doesn’t sound like they’re getting back together anytime soon, but they’re not enemies either. That’s worth celebrating, even if they didn’t have much food to eat at Survival Camp.

At the end of Episode 8, our final three prepared for the grand finale of Race to Survive: New Zealand. Of course, it’s bringing them their biggest twist yet. It’s a time trial, and they’ll have to navigate part of the course without their partner. As if this show wasn’t dangerous enough, now they’re going to send them into the jungle alone? Thankfully, there’s an end in sight for this complicated race and a $500,000 check waiting for whoever crosses the finish line first.

Race to Survive: New Zealand continues on the USA Network, Monday nights at 11/10c.


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Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 6 Recap: Free-Falling

Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 6 recap.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo via Getty Images

Welcome to the Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 6 recap! In this week’s episode, called “Running Aft-er Time,” Elena continues bullying Bri. But Aesha doesn’t have time to deal with them and says, “Just get over it and do your job.” When Joe tells Gael he might be interested in Elena after all, she advises him to pick a girl and stick with her, or he’ll just cause trouble. The Bosun is already on thin ice with Captain Sandy, but when he makes a couple of major mistakes that could endanger the boat, this might be the end of the line for Ian. Here are some of the highlights from Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 6.

The war continues

Interior stew, Elena on Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo via Getty Images

In the crew mess, Elena sees Joe and asks, “What’s going on with this Bri sleepover situation?” Bri’s been camping out in the boys’ cabin since she can’t stand to be in the same room with Elena.

“She’s just creating drama for no reason,” Ellie says. “She’s just going out of her way to be like, ‘Oh, I’m a victim.’ Nobody has done anything to you. Shut the f*ck up, [and] get to work … It has nothing to do with me.”

Next, Ellie complains to Aesha, “I’m sorry. This Bri situation is going to have to stop. She’s sleeping on the floor in the boys’ cabin.”

“Again?” Aesha asks. “Oh, my gosh!”

“She’s telling me I’m belittling her,” Elena continues.

“Are you?” Aesha asks.

“I am not,” Ellie insists. “I am not that person, and I will not stand for that. That’s where I draw the f*cking line.”

“I know it’s hard, but you both need to just get over it,” Aesha counsels. “We can sort it after the charter.”

“Bri and Ellie just have this annoying rivalry that is circling around Joe,” Aesha interviews. “When people are emotionally distracted, it’s not like you can discipline them out of their emotions. Put on your game face, and let’s focus on the guests who are paying a lot of money to be here.”

But Ellie can’t let it go. As she prepares to go with the guests on a cave excursion, she starts in again.

“By the way,” she tells Aesha, “Bri also mentioned that she’s been fired from a boat before for causing too much drama.” Who’s causing the drama now, Elena?

“Really?” Aesha says, pretending to care. “I’m sorry, but we’re on charter … We have to focus on the guests.”

Iain annoys the Captain

Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9 Bosun Iain.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Meanwhile, Iain has his own problems. He told his crew to blow up the floating dock upstairs so it would be “out of the way.” But this doesn’t fly with Captain Sandy who thinks it’s messy to store things in the guest area. She’s right.

She tells Iain to move it down to the swim deck, where it belongs. Joe’s happy cause that’s what he tried to tell Iain in the first place. He feels vindicated.

Finally, when the deck crew is situated and ready to go on the excursion, Iain tells Aesha they’re ready for the guests.

“Well, go and get them!” she tells him. It’s like he’s never been a bosun before.

When Sandy tells him, “We need to get quicker at this,” his argument is, “I just had a different plan in my head …”

“Well, your plan wasn’t working,” Sandy says. “[The swim deck] always goes in [the water] first. That’s just how it works.”

That’s just yachting on Below Deck Mediterranean

Bri doing laundry on Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

While Ellie’s off the boat with the guests, Aesha meets with Bri in the upstairs pantry. Aesha doesn’t want to get into the details of their fight while they’re on charter. But she says Ellie mentioned that Bri slept in the boys’ cabin again last night.

“Why are you doing that?” the Chief Stew wants to know.

Bri explains that she just needed some space from Ellie, and it was fun to sleep in the boys’ cabin.

“Are you doing it to prove a point to Ellie?” Aesha asks.

“No, I’ve tried saying something to her, but she doesn’t want to hear it.”

Aesha tells Bri she needs to sleep in her own cabin, partly to pacify Ellie but also because they’re on charter and they all need their rest. When Bri complains about having to share a cabin with someone who’s so different than her, Aesha responds, “But that’s yachting. If you guys can’t sort your sh*t out, I’m gonna have to make some changes … I can’t have you guys fighting all season.”

So the next time Ellie comes in giving Bri orders about getting ready for dinner, Bri decides the best way to get along is to just say, “Aye aye, Second Stew … Whatever Ellie wants, I will do.”

Sounds like a plan.

Ellie makes excuses

Ellie in a promo shot for Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

When Aesha returns from break, she’s surprised that Ellie hasn’t yet decorated the dinner table, like she told her to. She asks Bri what they’re up to, and Bri says they’re “pulling plates” for dinner.

“Why wasn’t that done ages ago?” Aesha asks. She asked Ellie to pull everything for dinner nearly three hours ago. What’s Ellie been doing?

“It’s difficult with Ellie,” Aesha interviews. “I don’t know if she’s distracted, or if she’s just not as capable as she lets on. I’ve just always got to keep an eye on Bri and Ellie, and it’s exhausting … How about doing your job? Just work!”

When Aesha locates Ellie and asks why the plates aren’t yet pulled for dinner, Ellie says, “Because I was serving the guests the whole time.”

“You couldn’t do it in between serving them?” her boss asks.

“And then I was cleaning up the bar,” Ellie says, “and it just didn’t happen yet.” She sounds like she’s making excuses.

“We need to be completely done in an hour,” Aesha concludes, walking off to pull plates for the chef.

After she leaves, Ellie mutters, “Well, I’ll be finished in an hour. I just didn’t have the time.”

“Time has definitely gotten away from me,” Ellie says in a confessional. “But at the same time, Bri is just literally getting away with murder.” Literally, Ellie?! That’s one of my biggest pet peeves. Who did Bri “literally” murder, Ellie?

While Bri’s “getting away with murder,” Ellie goes on, “I’m out here getting put on a cross for, like, the smallest mistake. It’s bullsh*t.” Are we starting to detect a bit of a bad attitude with Ellie? I just hope Aesha starts to see it, too.

Joe considers switching girls

Below Deck Mediterranean's infamous Joe Bradley.
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

In the meantime, Joe repeats his earlier conversation in the tender with Ellie for Gael. He says he wanted to get her side of the story. He asked her, “Why’s [Bri] got to sleep in my cabin? What’s going on?”

Elle told him that Bri broke girl code by making out with him, and now Bri’s “playing the victim.” Um, isn’t Ellie also playing the victim here? I mean, with the cross and all.

“But that’s between them two,” Joe finishes. Um, no it’s not. The whole crew seems to be involved at this point. He also thinks they’re being “unprofessional” and “very immature.”

Gael reminds him there’s always “two sides to a story,” and they really don’t know the whole story. But Joe thinks he does. Mostly because he wants to get into her pants.

“And it’s all over you, man!” Gael teases.

Then he asks for her advice. “If there’s any potential with Elle, do I crack on with that?”

“Whoever you’re gonna bang,” Gael advises, “it’s either gonna be the person you continue to bang, or it’s gonna cause a lot of [trouble].” He can’t go back and forth between the two girls, or it will be an all-out war.

The anchor goes rogue on Below Deck Mediterranean

Captain Sandy on Below Deck Med talking into a walkie talkie
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

When Captain Sandy’s ready to haul up the anchor, Joe realizes the starboard windlass isn’t working. He radioed Sandy, “Captain, I have no power on the windlass.” The “windlass” is like a big spool that winds up the anchor chain. One of the engineers suggests they use the port windlass with a line to haul the anchor up.

“Worst case scenario,” Sandy says, “if I can’t get the anchor off the bottom, I have to leave the anchor.”

One of the other engineers discovers that the windlass batteries were left on overnight, “so it’s probably run flat.” Sandy’s not happy about this. “Seriously? F*ck!” she exclaims.

The batteries are also dead in the tender. Sounds like somebody f*cked up shutting things down last night. “Who left the battery on?” Sandy wants to know. “Who was the last one to dock the tender?”

Neither Joe nor Nathan can remember, so Sandy tells Joe to go wake up Iain. When Iain checks in with the captain, she asks him, “Who was the last one in the tender?”

“Probably me,” he confesses.

“You’ve got to turn off the battery,” she says. No excuses. She just needs him to “go sort that out.”

But when they try to haul up the anchor using the other windlass, the skinny-ass little rope they tied to the chain snaps like a rubber band, sending the anchor into free fall.

“Put the brake on!” Sandy screams. “Stop the anchor! Stop the anchor!”

But the chain continues to unwind, faster and faster. There’s no stopping it.


Below Deck Mediterranean airs Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo.


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Bethenny Frankel Slams ‘Ridiculous’ Claims She’s Wearing Engagement Ring From Ex-Fiancé

Bethenny Frankel, who has denied wearing her engagement ring from her ex-fiancé
Photo Credit: Roy Rochlin/Getty Images for iHeartRadio

One thing about Bethenny Frankel that remains consistent is her love for oversharing aspects of her life on the internet. The Real Housewives of New York alum doesn’t hold back much from her social media followers these days. Whether she’s feuding with her old boss or getting banned from the Chanel store, Bethenny is going to let her fans know all of the ins and outs.

Bethenny has also been pretty open about her dating life. She was in a longtime on-and-off relationship with Paul Bernon most recently. Paul put a ring on Bethenny’s finger and all seemed to be going well for the pair, until earlier this year when they called off the engagement.

Now, Paul has seemingly moved on to a new relationship with Aurora Culpo. However, some fans have been wondering if Bethenny is holding out for another reconciliation with her almost second husband.

Bethenny Frankel clears up engagement ring confusion

Bethenny recently posted a series of beach snaps on Instagram, as she’s one to do, to show off her amazing figure and fashion sense.

Some eagle-eyed fans noticed that the former RHONY star appeared to be wearing an impressive rock on her finger that resembled her engagement ring. Once the comments started to trickle in, Bethenny took to Page Six to clear up any confusion.

“It’s amazing how people assume things. She’s not wearing an engagement ring. She has a ton of jewelry. This is ridiculous,” Bethenny’s representative told the news outlet.

So, the B is still single in NYC for now while Paul moves on from his Real Housewives ex. Bethenny’s Instagram followers will likely be the first to know if that status changes anytime soon.


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Shereé Whitfield Net Worth 2024: How Much Money Does RHOA Star Make?

Shereé Whitfield Net Worth 2024: How Much Money Does RHOA Star Make?
Photo Credit: Bravo

Shereé Whitfield’s net worth in 2024 has piqued the interest of fans and followers. Renowned for her appearance on The Real Housewives of Atlanta (RHOA), Whitfield has established herself as a successful entrepreneur, author, and fashion designer.

Here is all the information on Shereé Whitfield’s current net worth.

What is Shereé Whitfield’s net worth in 2024?

Shereé Whitfield has an estimated net worth of $800,000 in 2024.

Shereé Whitfield is a multifaceted American television personality, author, fashion designer, and entrepreneur. She gained fame through her role on The Real Housewives of Atlanta, where she has been a prominent cast member for multiple seasons. Outside of television, Whitfield has made her mark in the fashion industry with her clothing line, She by Shereé.

Shereé Whitfield’s departure from Season 16 of RHOA has left fans shocked and curious. Neither Whitfield nor the show has provided an official explanation for her departure, fueling further speculation among viewers.

Shereé Whitfield’s earnings explained — how does she make money?

Shereé Whitfield has achieved financial success through her different ventures as a TV personality, fashion designer, and author. Her prominent presence on several reality shows has made her a well-known figure. Outside of television, Whitfield has ventured into fashion with her clothing line.

TV Star

Shereé Whitfield has been a prominent figure on The Real Housewives of Atlanta since its debut in 2008, which significantly boosted her fame and made her a household name globally. Apart from RHOA, Whitfield has made numerous appearances on other television programs, including Life After, Iyanla: Fix My Life, The Game, Ghost Hunters, The Bonnie Hunt Show, Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, The Wendy Williams Show, and more. She also served as an executive producer for the show Selling It: In the ATL.

Fashion Designer

Shereé Whitfield expanded her brand by launching her own clothing line, She By Shereé, which featured both apparel and jewelry collections. Additionally, she has established several brick-and-mortar boutiques to further showcase her designs.


Beyond her television career, Shereé Whitfield has explored various entrepreneurial paths. She has written a novel titled Wives, Fiancées, and Side-Chicks of Hotlanta.

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