Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Survivor: Winners At War Episode 3 Recap: Now You’re Playing With Power

Survivor: Winners At War Episode 3 Recap: Now You’re Playing With Power

What started as an All-Star, all-winners season of Survivor has morphed into something even much more fascinating through three episodes. “Survivor: Winners At War” could have easily been called “Survivor: Old School vs. New School,” as much of what we has witnessed thus far seems to focus on the power struggle between those that have helped shape the game in recent seasons versus those that defined the game to begin with. It’s riveting, and at times frustrating TV, and I’d say that after just nine days in the game, one side seems to be pulling ahead.

As I do at the beginning of every recap, please heed the following: Remember that this recap assumes that you have already seen this week’s episode of Survivor: Winners at War. If you have not and don’t want to be spoiled, please come back later! It’s important to add that while we WILL hit on all of the important developments of the episode, this is not a linear “blow-by-blow” recap. It is more of a discussion and reaction of what we just witnessed together.


Survivor: Winners At War Episode 3 Recap: Now You’re Playing With Power

No! Not Ethan! With four former winners now having been sent to the Edge of Extinction, Ethan becomes the third bona fide “old schooler” to join the ranks. Both Ethan (on “Survivor: All-Stars”) and Amber (on her original season, “Survivor: The Australian Outback”) have had their torches snuffed before, despite having winning seasons on their resumé. Danni and Natalie had their torches snuffed for the very first time this season, but only Natalie can be considered a “new school” player. But both in the game and on The Edge, the “new school” is clearly winning out thus far…like…is it any contest? Not only have three “old schoolers” been voted-out, but that one “new schooler” on The Edge – Natalie – has been absolutely dominating this new “bartering” aspect that was introduced this season. And it’s not just the “speed” of the game, it’s that the “new school” just seems to be getting the results.

The biggest question coming out of tonight’s episode is clearly: Why Ethan? If they wanted to “weaken Boston Rob,” like Jeremy said to Michele, then here’s a novel idea: Vote out Boston Rob! Or if they were ultimately NOT going to vote out Adam, then why not “stick to the plan” and vote out Parvati? Surely she’s a much bigger “billboard” target than poor, innocent Ethan?

These are all valid questions, so let’s try to address them. While we didn’t get any direct answers within the episode as to why Boston Rob wasn’t targeted, I think it’s fairly obvious: Rob, more than any other player out there, along with Sandra, will ALWAYS be the biggest target in the game. Like Adam said, the truth of the matter is, there’s a friggin’ statue of Rob out there in Fiji. On a season full of winners, these players like Adam, Jeremy and Michele, are hedging their bets that it is unlikely Rob will be allowed to go too far in the game, let alone win, so why remove the massive targets early? That would just lead to greater risk that they would be exposed as targets. The danger in this of course, is that the longer you leave players like Rob or Parvati in the game, the more likely they’re going to eat  you alive. Still having us viewers knowing that players like Jeremy are aware of how The Edge works and how it feeds new twists into the game in exchange for Fire Tokens, it’s even more mind-boggling that Rob is allowed to remain in the game…his wife is on The Edge making him all the more dangerous!

Survivor: Winners At War Episode 3 Recap: Now You’re Playing With Power

From Adam‘s perspective, I think this was a case of underestimating Boston Rob, and perhaps getting a bit too cocky with his own abilities. Adam HAD to know that he was playing with fire, and that Boston Rob doesn’t like when the game is out of his control. Adam’s game just imploded before our eyes on national TV, going from an amazing spot of power, being closely aligned with Denise, to becoming that “shifty” guy on the tribe who is thought of as playing way too aggressively. And that’s not a good title to hold, when Ben is also on your tribe. Even still, Adam was the one that initiated the whole move against Parvati in the first place, and while the end result did weaken Rob’s core alliance, the fall-out of trying to play Rob will end up costing Adam dearly in the long run.

What was left out of the equation then, was exactly why Jeremy and Michele just didn’t go for Parvati and instead voted for Ethan. It seems like a head-scratching move at first, but I feel the question might again have a fairly obvious answer. Knowing that Amber is on The Edge might make them think that there was a good chance Rob had an Idol of some kind. Pair that with the fact that Parvati pulled off the absolute best Idol-play at Tribal Council in the show’s history. Then factor in that Rob knew the plan was going to be Parvati. If Rob or Parvati DID have an Idol or an advantage, odds are that they would have played it on Rob or Parvati, so Ethan becomes the target…nobody would suspect he’d be the target, and it still fulfills the end goal of weakening Boston Rob’s alliance in the end.

Survivor: Winners At War Episode 3 Recap: Now You’re Playing With Power

Most ironically of all, Adam and Rob may end up needing each other more than ever in the short-term, now that Rob is in the clear minority and now that Adam is Public Enemy Number One. And while Jeremy and Michele enter a position of power, you’ve got to love and respect the game that Denise is playing right now. Calm, cool and under-the-radar, on a season where EVERYBODY is on the radar. She’s aligned with the power players, still has the option of working closely with Adam, she has an Idol, and she could easily turn the game on its head should she want to, by bringing in Adam and jumping on-board with Rob and Parvati. It’s not a likely scenario, but Denise has options…and plenty of them.

All of this and we didn’t even get to Tony. You just have to love this dude. From the shark (and his amazing Tony-rendition of the “Baby Shark” song) to his camouflaging of Sarah during her secret night-time mission, we’re all so much better off when he’s on our screens and on this show. He’s a clown, that’s for sure, but oddly enough, these antics are putting him in a better spot than one might give Tony credit for thus far. With bigger fish to fry like Sandra and Tyson, if Tony makes the merge and happens to team up with a desperate Boston Rob and Parvati? OMG one can only hope for such a scenario.

Survivor: Winners At War Episode 3 Recap: Now You’re Playing With Power

Legacy Watch: Since the game of Survivor will forever be changed as this season rolls along, I’ve added a new segment where we’ll take a look at whose game legacy’s have taken a hit, and whose have risen, based on the actions of this week’s episode. Clearly, Ethan falls in that “untouchable” legacy category of Survivor winners, and overall players. It’s impossible not to like Ethan and to eternally root for him. He’s battled and defeated cancer, and as he stated at the end of the episode, this guy knows what it feels like to be on and battle back from the edge of extinction, let alone the Edge of Extinction. I was shocked to see him go so early, and I felt he had a lot more game left in him. But in no way is Ethan’s legacy tarnished. If anything this episode, Natalie‘s legacy went up a few ticks, because she is clearly a savvy player who is positioning herself more than anyone else thus far to make her way back into this game.

Survivor: Winners At War Episode 3 Recap: Now You’re Playing With Power

Saving Private Zohn (Stay in your Bunker!)


Episode Take-Away: Another solid episode in a spectacular season that makes me pinch myself each and every week thus far. I just can’t believe all of these great players are playing against one another, and each and every week it hurts knowing that someone will be voted out. It will only get harder from here.

In addition to all of the drama between Adam, Rob and their Tribe, this episode gave us a great, exciting Immunity Challenge finish, some great moments (like Sarah and Tony‘s secret mission) and some next level strategy. It also might have planted a few seeds between Sandra and Tyson.

Speaking of Sandra, she was definitely The Queen tonight. I know a lot of my readers strongly dislike Sandra (to put it mildly) but I have always been a huge fan of Sandra’s and defend her “Queen” status. She won twice dude. Until the end of this season, she is the only player ever to have done that. If she wins a third time, debate over. Sandra also sits out of more challenges than nearly any other player in the show’s history, has NEVER once won an individual Immunity Challenge, and yet still has players referring to her as “Queen” during the game. Now that’s royalty!


Natalie: 3 FT (Fire Tokens)

Boston Rob: 2 FT

Denise: 2 FT, two-halves of an Immunity Idol

Parvate: 2 FT

Jeremy: 1 FT, 1 “leave Tribal before it begins” advantage

Everybody else: 1 FT

Sandra: 0 FT, 1 Immunity Idol (expires after 1 more Tribal Councils)

Sarah: 0 FT, a “Steal a Vote” Advantage

Ethan: 0 FT

Amber: 0 FT

Danni: 0 FT

Voted Out This Week: Ethan

Won Immunity Challenge: Red Tribe

Vote: No advantages or Idols played. 4 – Ethan (Ben, Denise, Jeremy, Michele), 3 – Adam (Ethan, Rob, Parvati), 1 – Parvati (Adam)

Survivor: Winners At War Episode 3 Recap: Now You’re Playing With Power

Next Week’s Episode: We know Adam is on the outs, and next week’s preview proves it. Over at the Red Tribe, could Tyson be forming the most unlikeliest of alliances, with Tony and Sandra? And The Edge of Extinction is a brutal place, and next week’s episode will drive that point painfully home.

Quick Note! I appreciate that you are reading this recap! Those that have followed me also know that I am also a RottenTomatoes-approved film critic, and I encourage you to check out my weekly movie reviews as I am the film critic and Executive Producer of the TV show, “Movie Show Plus,” the #1-rated local program in the Detroit-market (episodes are also available online at the website, As always, the easiest way to get all of my Survivor coverage and movie reviews is to follow me on Twitter – @tomsantilli – or on Facebook.


[Photo Credit: CBS/Monty Brinton/Robert Voets/Timothy Kuratek/Jeffrey Neira/Michele Crowe/David M. Russell]

The post Survivor: Winners At War Episode 3 Recap: Now You’re Playing With Power appeared first on Reality Tea.

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Melissa Gorga Exposes Teresa Giudice For Orchestrating Margaret Josephs Hair Pull On Real Housewives Of New Jersey Tonight

Melissa Gorga Exposes Teresa Giudice For Orchestrating Margaret Josephs Hair Pull On Real Housewives Of New Jersey Tonight

Sadly, Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 10 is coming to a close. The ladies really came through for us this season. Well, most of them did, anyway. Dolores Catania and Melissa Gorga, I’m yawning in your direction. Neither of you deserves that second seat on the reunion couches, but I guess that’s seniority for you.

Danielle Staub brought more to the season and she’s not even an actual cast member. During last week’s Real Housewives of New Jersey episode, Melissa told Danielle that none of the Housewives want to hang out with her anymore. She even stretched the truth, indicating that Teresa Giudice was one of those people. Meanwhile, Teresa had been blindly standing up for Danielle. Well, in response, a scorned Danielle shared that the boutique owner told her to pull on Margaret Josephs‘ hair and that Teresa encouraged the idea. Initially, it seemed like Danielle was lying, yet again. However, we were all shocked by the flashback footage of Teresa giggling while she told Danielle “Do it, do it.”

Instead of sharing Danielle’s revelation with Teresa privately, Melissa pulled a classic tactic from the Real Housewives handbook. She shared this scoop with the entire cast during the Season 10 finale party. Obviously, the women are shook and this is before they got to watch that flashback footage.

If I was Margaret, I would be absolutely done with Teresa. Then again, those lawsuits will not pay for themselves. Marge needs that Real Housewives of New Jersey paycheck.


RELATED: Check Out Photos From The Real Housewives Of New Jersey Season 10 Reunion


And after we are all through with Teresa for her antics, we will get to see Teresa and her four daughters visit Joe Giudice in Italy. What a perfect moment for sympathy! Clearly, Teresa is checked out of that marriage, but Joe wants to sleep in the same bed during their visit. How awkward!


RELATED: Former Real Housewives Of New Jersey Villain Kim DePaola Says Danielle Staub Has “About 25 Personalities”; Says Margaret Josephs “Got What She Asked For” When Danielle Pulled Her Ponytail


Watch Real Housewives Of New Jersey tonight at 8 PM on Bravo. Comment throughout the episode on this post. Tweet us with your thoughts. Follow us on InstagramLike our page on Facebook. And make sure to check our site tomorrow for our Real Housewives Of New Jersey recap!


[Photo Credit: Greg Endries/Bravo]

The post Melissa Gorga Exposes Teresa Giudice For Orchestrating Margaret Josephs Hair Pull On Real Housewives Of New Jersey Tonight appeared first on Reality Tea.

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Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills Star Teddi Mellencamp Gives Birth To Third Child; Bravo Stars React

Teddi Mellencamp Edwin Arroyave new baby

Teddi Mellencamp Edwin Arroyave new baby

Yesterday, Teddi Mellencamp started her day as she usually does: documenting her morning workout on Instagram. Throughout the day, she posted weight loss progress photos from her clients. She continued to post selfie videos for the remainder of the day. The usual stuff, you know? Well, except for the end the day. That was a little different than her usual routine.

Teddi gave birth to her third child, with husband Edwin Arroyave by her side. Yes, she actually got in a workout session and documented her day, even giving a post-epidural update. Talk about some, ummm, “unique” content. But then again, this is 2020. I’m sure she’s not the only documenting her birth on social media. At least she didn’t have a glam squad on hand, which is a #TotalHousewifeMove

Teddi announced her daughter’s birth with an Instagram post this morning. She shared a photo holding her baby girl, with Edwin hugging them both. Teddi wrote “Guess what, baby girl. You are stuck with us because we are absolutely in love with you.  #aboutlastnight.”

She has not released her daughter’s name at this time. She’s probably saving that reveal for another Instagram post or a paid an exclusive interview with a magazine. My money is still on “Kyle.” And I’m gonna assume that “Lisa” and “Lucy” are not contenders.


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Teddi’s boss BFF Kyle Richards commented on her announcement twice. Once with a crying emoji and in another comment, she wrote, “I can’t wait to meet her!” Kyle’s husband Mauricio Umansky wrote, “Congratulations so cute.”

The newest Beverly Hills Housewife Sutton Stracke wrote, “I woke up this morning thinking of y’all!!! The biggest congrats to you and your family!” The other new Housewife Garcelle Beauvais joked, “Congratulations. She can marry my grandson.” Garcelle’s son welcomed a baby boy a few days ago.


RELATED: Stassi Schroeder Dishes On Inviting Lisa Vanderpump & Teddi Mellencamp To Her Wedding


Dallas Housewife Stephanie Hollman commented, “Congrats on your sweet blessing.”

New Jersey Housewives Melissa Gorga and Dolores Catania congratulated the Arroyave family on their new addition.


RELATED: Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave Reacts To Denise Richards & Brandi Glanville Hookup Rumors; Says Their Drama Is A “Very Small Portion Of What Is Going On” During RHOBH Season 10


Monique Samuels, a Potomac Housewife, congratulated Teddi as well. So did OC Housewife Braunwyn Windham-Burke.

Vanderpump Rules star Stassi Schroeder, who is randomly good friends with Teddi and Edwin thanks to her fiance Beau Clark, wrote, “Yes!! You guys!!! Congratulations!!!”


RELATED: Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave Says Her Dog Died In Accident While She Was On Vacation



[Photo Credit: Instagram]

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Vanderpump Rules Recap: For Worse Or For Worser

Tom Sandoval Vanderpump Rules

Jax Taylor Vanderpump Rules

Last night’s Vanderpump Rules was a doozy. I thought last week was bad, but well, I should’ve known better.

Why on earth does Jax Taylor think it’s a punishment to be kicked out of his trashy-ass wedding? He’s horrific so not being associated with that wad of human filth – a literal hairball pulled out of a 50 year old drain who isn’t even inviting his OWN MOTHER to his wedding – is the best thing that could possibly happen to a decent human being like Tom Sandoval.

Also Ariana Madix is the only person on Vanderpump Rules who truly understands with a toxic cesspool it is. It is the drain! The drain where a thousand strands of hair that wouldn’t pass a drug test and the dead skin of dead souls collects into an impenetrable mass that just traps a person there. Ariana is realizing that she’ll barely escape alive. That she is one scowl and a Hot Cheeto and tequila sundae away from turning into Katie Maloney, marrying a man she detests to prolong the only thing that pays her enough to buy a track home in the way-out Valley.

Ariana recognizes that in order to preserve whatever shreds of positivity and self-esteem she has left she needs to leave Vanderpump Rules, but unfortunately if she leaves she’ll take with her some of the only shreds of positivity and dignity that remain on this show.

The problem is that Tom 1, for all his internal yearning to swim away, isn’t really sure how to detach from that hairball. I mean, he’s been living in it for so long, collectivating (which sounds like what Brett Caprioni wants in a relationship), he probably doesn’t see any other way. That’s why Tom can look at a man like Jax. A man who slept with his live-in girlfriend on his sofa – TWICE! – and question his own ethics and morality. Tom is full-on suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Thankfully he has Ariana to remind him that identifying with your brain captors is the fastest way to be subsumed in the brainless hive mind. A hive led by Stassi Schroeder that is all sting, sting, sting, but insists you’re not being stung.

RELATED – Vanderpump Rules Recap: Bi, Bi, Bye…

In watching last night I realize something that has eluded me for so long: Jax and Stassi kinda were perfect together. They were a dynamic, unstoppable villain duo that catapulted this show to the must-see echelon we all got sucked into. They are both so manipulative they can’t even discern when they’re manipulating. The only thing that matters to either of them is getting what they want, and in the process they will steamroll over any and everybody. Best friend today; kicked off the wedding guest list tomorrow! Convenient that this happened after Tom 1 paid for the Miami bachelor party! Mother of the year today; virtual stranger tomorrow. If you don’t roll with the threat of JaxAssi’s punches you’ll find yourself banned from SUR and spinning Goodwill records from a Costco toilet paper palette in the closet of Tom Tom while everyone calls you names.

So, Jax and Brittany Cartwright are in full victim mode and going around LA screaming that Tom 1 owes them an apology for daring to question how they could hire a pastor who made homophobic tweets, which they chose to ignore for six months. Jax is further incensed that Tom has gone 4 whole days without reaching out to beg forgiveness, so now he’s officially removed as co-best man.

Brittany’s mom has been married 4 times – FOUR! – one of them on a fucking Carnival Cruise Ship that was probably headed to Disney World and should have been detained for carrying Corona Virus. Also Sherri wears frosted pink lipstick like this is the year 1984 and she’s still Coal Mining Queen of the Poverty Kentucky County Fair. Yes, that is a real place, and yes, I know this because I am from West Virginia. Don’t fuck with me on Appalachian nonsense y’all (and pepperoni rolls beat beer cheese any old day). What I mean with this long spiel is that Sherri is hardly in any position to judge the sanctity of marriage or decide who has the right to marry, yet she sits there nodding along as Jax rants about Tom’s ‘misbehavior.’

There is also a Lemon, Kentucky. Which is where Brittany needs to take her sour-ass face and ‘shocked to the unholy hell’ eyebrows. Brittany thinks Ariana also owes her an apology because Ariana dared to defend Tom in questioning them 2 weeks before their weeeeeeeeeeeeedin’.

RELATED – Scheana Marie Says This Season Of Vanderpump Rules Was The Hardest For Her To Film

Brittany and Jax are behaving as if their wedding is the most important day of the 22st century, and all their other so-called friends are defending their nonsense! Jax has spun the argument with Tom into such a huge behemoth lie (like everything he does) that he’s now claiming Tom made Brittany cry (she was already crying) by accusing her of knowingly hiring a homophobic pastor, then ignoring his offensive tweets (she did). Brittany needs to get a life and grow the hell up. What is she gonna do when this wedding is over and she realizes she’s yoked to a verbally and emotionally abusive scumbag, who’s a pathological liar that can’t hold a job and will cheat on her constantly? Hopefully she’ll get divorced and get half his Bravo money in alimony, which she’ll use to fund a halfway house for LGBTQ youth. Pipe dreams can live, right?

Anyway, Jax decides he’ll go over to SUR to give Tom one last chance to apologize thus preserving a spot on the wedding guest list. Oh my stars – what a consolation prize! The confrontation does not go as planned. Despite heavy pressure from everyone else in his life to literally “roll over,” Tom doesn’t cave. He stands his ground because he’s defending Ariana’s sexuality. Nobody else in their so-called friend group, including Lala Kent, sees it that way though. Tom lets Jax berate him out by the dumpster of dream deaths, then he says, “hypocrites and people with bad credit are the only people that don’t like talking about the past!” Jax is both, so, Jax leaves declaring that Tom is uninvited.

RELATED – Tom Sandoval Responds To Rant From Jax Taylor; Says Jax Was “Angry & Projecting”

Vanderpump Rules Tom Schwartz

Afterwards Tom 1 scuttles over to Tom Tom where he cries in Tom 2‘s arms and vows to support him as best man from afar. Tom 1 offers to tie all the bow ties in advance knowing that Tom 2’s hands sweat when he’s nervous. He offers to write the best man speech, knowing that when Tom 2 is stressed the only word he can think of is “fart”. Which is the perfect way to encapsulate Jax, anyway. Tom 2 is crushed that now, for the first time in his adult life, he’ll be a Tom without a Tom and forced to wrangle a particularly unstable Jax on his own, but no amount of begging Tom 1 to just apologize and suck it up can persuade him.

Tom 1 Vanderpump Rules

The next day, trying to save himself as much as Tom 1 (and Jax, who honestly needs Tom’s sobering influence) Tom 2 makes one last attempt to convince Jax to change his mind, but Jax is resolute. Plus he’s already replaced Tom by inviting Randall Emmett be a groomsman. That’s right — after knowing Randall for a few months and being wooed by his generosity (aka providing of private jets and luxury vacations) Jax and Rand are BFF. Lala acts as if this is something to be proud of. Getting along well with Jax is the opposite of an accomplishment. Although it is rather amusing to realize that Jax and Rand are close in age. Rand has a career, a huge house, and an almost-second wife, whereas Jax has… a tyrannical fascist wedding?

RELATED – Randall Emmett Says He Should Have Joined Lala Kent On Vanderpump Rules “A Long Time Ago”

Lala Kent Randall Emmett Vanderpump Rules

Jax and Brittany go out to dinner with Rand and Lala where Jax rants nonstop about how much shit he’s “put up with from Tom.” Then he has the nerve to claim that Tom needs to be focused on controlling Ariana, who doesn’t even know if she’s gay or straight. Lala, who has “chomped” Ariana’s cookie and vowed to defend her, sits there and says nothing to Jax’s tirade, then claps and cheers when Jax gets down on one knee to officially invite Rand to be in the wedding party. Yeah, I was so enraged at Jax I forgot to mock Rand finally appearing on Vanderpump Rules. Quite a far cry to the first season when Lala wasn’t even allowed to say his name and just ran around screaming My Man Range Rover at everyone. I do wonder what Lala’s ‘buddy’ Brad Pitt thinks of his acquaintance with Jax and his Kentucky Qweef?

With Tom uninvited Ariana is torn about whether or not she even wants to attend. Brittany has been sitting at home in her plastic inflatable throne, brushing her hair and asking the fun house mirror ‘who’s the fairest one of all?’, just waiting for Ariana to come groveling. Instead Ariana comes over baring hard truths that she might just skip the whole thing to stay home with Netflix and Postmates. Trust me — you should do this, A! Brittany cries because it’s not faaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaair that ever’onez ruinin’ her weeeeeeed-din.

Lisa Vanderpump Vanderpump Rules

Even Lisa Vanderpump is bailing last minute. Lisa has unexpectedly lost her mother and must fly to London for the funeral. She openly sobs as she tells Jax and Brittany to focus on what matters and have the wedding of their dreams. Jax misinterprets this to mean Lisa is condoning his decision to cut people who dare to question him out of his life. I think what Lisa was implying was not to sweat the small stuff… Poor Lisa. My heart breaks for her family.

Charli Burnet Vanderpump Rules

Let’s do a brief interlude to discuss what happened with the new people. Dayna Kathan is upset that Max Boyens isn’t taking their exclusivity seriously enough. After Max asked her to go steady, he started ignoring her. Dayna wants to have a talk with him. This will do wonders to put Dayna in ‘Scheana Category,’ so let’s hope she didn’t buy him monogrammed AirPods to seal their love. Brett, who honestly has eyebrows as weird as Brittany’s, asks Charli Burrnett on a date, and she reluctantly attends because some Emmy producer told her to try anything once. He meant sleeping with him but Charli is actually as dumb as we think Raquel Leviss is.

Charli brags about being Latino, then says she’s never eaten an avocado. She also spends the date flicking her hands around and valley girl voicing all the things Brett is doing wrong. I think she thought he was a podcast about adulting, or something. Meanwhile Charli read the Scheana Marie primer of how to behave. Annoyed, Brett informs her that Scheana actually said he shouldn’t trust her. What Scheana really said, in her Scheana Does The Valley voice, is that Brett needs a more mature woman. Someone like her, perhaps. So that’s enough about them, back to the oldies but not goodies.

Ariana meets Stassi and Lala for drinks at Tom Tom, because they want to hear her decision on attending Jaxney wedding. They both think Tom and Ariana should of course just eat crow, apologize, and focus on how important this day is for Jax and Brittany. Um, Stassi was just defending Brittany’s right to scream at Tom and insisted she did absolutely nothing wrong in the handling of the ‘pasture.’ Stassi needs to STOP eating so much crow and try a truth serum instead.

RELATED – Stassi Schroeder Says Vanderpump Rules Cast Was More Vocal About Jax Taylor & Brittany Cartwright Pastor Controversy Than What Was Shown On TV

Ariana Madix Vanderpump Rules

Ariana is finally forced to explain that it’s not just about the wedding, it’s about her own mental health and how she won’t be able to handle it without Tom there. Also it’s about the way Jax and Brittany are treating her sexuality. You know principles! Something Stassi and Lala don’t have.

They don’t hear what Ariana is saying – meaning they don’t internalize just how depressed and fucked up she’s been. Instead they start talking about how they’ve both been there. Maybe they have been? I don’t know them, and if they have I am truly sorry, but the reality is Lala and Stassi still think Ariana is a “wet blanket,” as Lala just called her the previous night, and a “Debbie downer.” Which is what Ariana means when she tries to explain that there are no “safe spaces’ in this friend group to truly be open and vulnerable, which is why she keeps her distance. She is right not to trust them. Look what happened to Kristen Doute, after all!

After the conversion Ariana finds Tom, who has just finally caved; sending a groveling text to Jax (I blame Tom 2 for this!), and she bursts into tears. Ariana confesses that she just wants to get in her car and drive away from this life. To escape these people who are not the life preserver, but the undertow pulling her down into their drain of oblivion. Tom tells her he loves her, and that he’ll always support her, but that he admits he just reached out to Jax. Ariana is crushed, and disappointed, but she concedes that Tom is not ready to detach yet, so if she loves him she has to be the one there to pull him out of the hole. I truly think these two need to leave this show, side-car off into the sunset, and open The T&A Bar in NYC. They’re too good for Vanderpump Rules.

RELATED – Tom Sandoval Wants To Open A Bar On The East Coast


[Photo Credits: Bravo]




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