Friday, September 25, 2020
11:03 PM PST - Everyone is sleeping at 11pm Big Brother time! (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
09:16 PM PST - David to Kevin about tomorrows veto - I hope one of us wins. One of us wins the money and everyone else wins nothing. Kevin- Yeah while laughing. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
09:03 PM PST - Kevin is telling David that he thinks Tyler was asked to win the veto last week to secure the nominations of Day and Kevin. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
08:49 PM PST - David thinks them putting Ian on the block was a slip up but they turned it around to blame the whole Ian vote on us. Kevin thinks Dani was in on it. David agrees. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
08:38 PM PST - Kevin and David talking - David said he's looking forward to playing in veto. Kevin- You don't have to look forward to being backdoored. Kevin will pick Enzo if he gets houseguests choice for veto. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:52 PM PST - Kevin to Enzo: "Cody's so charming and attractive, he thinks that he just needs to crack a joke and show his abs and everyone's gonna think he's amazing." (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:51 PM PST - Kevin sticks his head in the love lounge door then leaves. Chat between Christmas and David ends. Christmas leaves and calls Kevin in. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:49 PM PST - Christmas telling David to pick her to play in the veto if he draws House Guest Choice. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:47 PM PST - Dani and NicF cleaning the storage room refrigerator and counters. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:47 PM PST - Christmas and David in the love lounge talking about who pick for veto. Apparently Kevin and David are nominated for eviction (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
Big Brother 22 Spoilers: Week 8 Block Nominations (9/26/20)
Big Brother 22 has had seven out of the eight weeks with The Committee in power. They have become one of the most dominant alliances in Big Brother history. There are only two evictions away from making the final six together, a rarity in the Big Brother world. Usually, big alliances stay loyal for the most part but a player or two is lost before they reach their goal of final six, final eight, or whatever the case may be.
The Committee has had a lot of distrust among their members, but no one is willing to be the first to pull the trigger on their alliance members, and also, usually, just when one player is willing to strike against another, an alliance member who has too much to lose by taking out an alliance member becomes Head of Household. This was the case this week with Cody Calafiore as Head of Household.
Cody is in the best position right now to win Big Brother: All-Stars. He just has to keep the blood off his hands. The best way to do that is to nominate two of the players that he’s not aligned with in the game, and that’s Kevin Campbell and David Alexander. Cody has one of the last easy weeks on Big Brother, because he doesn’t have to strike against The Committee and make anyone mad. Three non-Committee members remain in the house, so Cody can just nominate the two that he’s not aligned with by default.
Now if David or Kevin wins the Power of Veto, Cody finally has to show his card. For now, Cody will go the safe route of a Kevin and David nomination.
So did Cody stick to the safe route and nominate David and Kevin? Read below to find out.
Cody nominated Kevin and David. Tomorrow, the Power of Veto Competition will play out and we’ll see if Kevin or David can save themselves from the block.
Make sure to subscribe to the Big Brother 22 Live Feeds to witness the house in HD. Subscribe here. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and check our site regularly for Big Brother 22 spoilers, exclusives, recaps, and so much more.
from Big Brother Access
The Great British Baking Show Is Back to Soothe Us All With Creepy Cake Busts

from E! Online (US) - TV News
04:17 PM PST - Tyler: Were you a fan of Big Brother? How did you get on the show? Memphis: No, in college I just really wanted to get on a reality show. I made it to the semi-finals of Real World Australia. They ended up picking this big country dude. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)