Drama’s for Nerds part 31 (because that’s what it feels like). This episode of Teen Mom 2 we get all the behind the scenes reunion footage of our Ladies of Class (aka Briana and Kail) screaming at each other. We are teased with numerous fights, lose Chelsea DeBoer midway through, and watch Briana’s unmentionables get blurred, which seems unnecessary since she’s showed it all to the world on Snapchat.

Briana DeJesus: Kail and Briana have been fighting online and in social media posts because the season started airing. The crew plus Shirley are at the hotel for the reunion. Briana feels she’s being painted as the ‘bad guy’ and that Kail started this feud.
Jenelle Evans: Jenelle is walking the streets holding coffee with Jamie. She is over the drama and David can’t go so obviously she isn’t going to the reunion. She’ll fulfill her contract by making everyone come to her.

Nathan/Barb: Nathan and Barb are going to the reunion though! Barb thinks the reunion will be peaceful and calm because Janelle won’t be there. We hear and see some footage from the gun incident but we don’t need to go back through that again. Nathan filled out court papers. He mixed up the use of ‘defendant’ and ‘plaintiff’ however, so they are making him ‘redo the whole thing, can you believe it?’ I mean yeah, Nathan, I do believe it because that’s a pretty big thing to mix up. Barb is rendered silent by this information. Kristen tries to fill the silence, but luckily we get some passerby’s who recognize them and yell as they drive by and who doesn’t love Barb getting recognized on the streets of New York?

Chelsea: Chelsea is 24 weeks pregnant. They brought the kids along and Cole’s ‘Drama’s for Nerds’ t-shirts. She meets up with Kail and Lindsie to do their podcast. Kail is worried about unseen moments because they’ll all be together and she’s upset that Briana made claims on social media that she gets beat up by Chris in front of her kids. Chelsea doesn’t want to be there if there’s an issue. Considering she’s pregnant I can’t say I blame her.

Leah Messer: Leah’s kids are with their dads. She looks to have had something done to her lips. Did they look like that last episode?
Backstage: Apparently MTV has learned something and they are working to keep all the girls separated until the Unseen Moments special to reduce the amount of hallway fighting.
Kailyn Lowry: Kail is still mad at Briana but she reached out to see if she wants to talk off-camera. Morgan talks with Briana to try and cajole her into meeting and put things to rest. Briana finally agrees. When Kail tells Becky she is going to talk to Briana she laughs in her face and tells her to tie her hair back. Interestingly enough, she does put her hair back as she walks out of the room…

Finally, we get to Briana and Kail in a room with a closed door. The audio quickly devolves to yelling. Briana taunts ‘You’re not going to do sh*t’ over and over before saying ‘stay away, stay away’. After some more yelling Briana walks out of the room calling Kail ‘corny’. Kail comes out still fired up and we get a good old-fashioned hallway fight! Security has to hold them all back. It does seem convenient that they can all lunge at each other when a security guard is there to hold them back and prevent anything real from happening though.
Briana: Briana and Shirley tell Brittany about the fight. She immediately points out the previous statement, with security there nothing is going to happen.
Kailyn: Kail goes back to her corner of the studio, rejects a hug from Bone, and tells Leah she’ll still sit with Briana on stage. She says she offered the fight and Briana wouldn’t do it.

Unseen Moments: As we prep for Unseen Moments, Briana tells her executive producer that she can go on stage without fighting. Brittany makes the same promise. Leah, Kailyn, Chelsea, and Barb all take the stage. We cut and then Brittany comes out (Joe has also appeared). Once Briana’s name is called she goes from perfectly calm in the hall, to screeching at Kail that she won’t do anything on camera. Kail pops up and offers to fight her and Briana screams and screeches like crazy as her dress comes fully up. Chelsea got off that stage like a ninja! She was gone right away and dressed in black so you hardly saw it happen! Barb was shortly behind her with a silent exit. Leah just sat on the couches for awhile, watching it all happen, which was equally epic. I think I missed Brittany pulling Kail’s hair from behind because I’ve seen comments on the internet but will go back to look for it!

Briana just screams and screams while fake fighting the security guards to go after Kail (I don’t believe she was even trying). Then she breaks a bunch of stuff in the dressing rooms. For some reason her rage just rang as staged for the camera. It seemed so hot and cold and conveniently timed for when she knew nothing could happen because of security. We get the black screen telling us Chelsea left. Brittany tells Briana that she should have waited until after the taping to fight and she and Shirley try to tell her how bad she made herself look. They are right. But you know what is wrong? Briana’s shoes with that dress. Maybe they are just too flat?
Leah just sat there for the fight and her team tells her that was the best thing she could have done. She is kind of funny as she talks to them, but those lips are just distracting.

Javi goes to talk with Kail (with cameras following him). She tells him what happened. He asks if Kail thinks she would have won? This is a valid question. Perhaps this should be the question of the week? Who would win in a theoretical fight between Kailyn and Briana? I’m going with Kail, but it’s a trick question since we know from this reunion they’ll make sure to only threaten it when they both know it can’t happen. Speaking of, Kail and Javi eventually end up fighting as well and she kicks him out of her room. It had an air of familiarity about it since Kail fighting with an ex-baby daddy/husband is just so integral to this show.
Larry tries smoothing things over with Briana. Briana is using her whisper voice and is acting refined and like the victim. She and Brittany go on with Dr. Drew and Brittany calls her out!

Kail leaves but agrees to come back later to shoot with Javi and Leah. Nessa and Leah talk things over while in hair and makeup. Leah still hasn’t filmed. All she’s done all day is walk out on stage and back off. We end seeing Briana sob on the couch with Dr. Drew and then pack up and leave.
Recap author: Jeannie S.
Photo Credit: MTV/Teen Mom
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