Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Real Housewives of Dubai Season 2 Finale Recap: B*tches, Liars, and Braggers

Real Housewives of Dubai Season 2 finale recap.
Photo Credit: Yasmin Hussain/Bravo via Getty Images

The Real Housewives of Dubai Season 2 Finale, “Best Friends for Never,” has arrived. This fun, petty season consisted of switching alliances, flashing vaginas, voice notes, VIPP Beyoncé seats, stunning homes, burgeoning businesses, and new loves. It was a wild, refreshing ride for an often messy franchise. But as we sit, it is time to say goodbye, for now, hopefully (Please, Bravo people, grant us a Season 3, PLEASE). Let us now check out how these uber-rich ladies shut their season down (including the endings of a few of their relationships) via our Real Housewives of Dubai Season 2 Finale recap.

“You can’t be b*tchy and not expect to be called a b*tch” on RHODubai

Last week, the ladies headed off for a golf trip. The sun is now rising on their second day away, so as the ladies (and their men) awaken, they gather in their respective cliques for breakfast. On a 7-star overlook, Stanbury and Taleen’s men joke about their actionless night, which sees Taleen noting, “Today, we’re going to have a fun day. We’re going to Soul Beach.”

Rafael Khanoyan questions the beach call. Sergio Carrallo agrees. Stanbury asks her man why he is getting involved. “Because he is sticking up for his friend,” Taleen pointedly answers, gesturing at Stanbury.

Stanbury tells Taleen to stop inserting herself into fights. We then see a flashback of Taleen jumping into a heated debate between Lesa and Brooks, causing Lesa to read Taleen down.

In another room, Chanel and Lesa are debriefing. Lesa remains annoyed that Taleen added fuel to her fiery fight with Brooks. “None of them have worked as hard as me or have a business,” Lesa quips. The cameras cut to Brooks, reciting this line to Sara and Saba, thoroughly annoyed, as she and many others also have businesses.

At Soul Beach, Taleen confronts Lesa, causing Stanbury to say nope and exit. Taleen apologizes for interfering, but she thinks Lesa went too hard on her at their dinner. Lesa answers, “You can’t be b*tchy and not expect to be called a b*tch.”

In her confessional, Taleen talks about inventing a drinking game for every time Lesa calls her a b*tch. Back in real-time, Lesa turns to Brooks, telling Brooks that she should never have come to her business and spoken about her own. Brooks tries explaining her actions, but Chanel interjects, trying to aid Lesa.

Chaos ensues.

Chanel shows maturity in conflict

Chanel Ayan in a promo shoot for RHODubai.
Photo Credit: Chris Haston/Bravo

Sara and Saba exit. Chanel and Lesa stand up next, leaving Taleen and Brooks alone in their cabana. Taleen stretches her arms out wide, explaining that she apologized. “F*ck your apology, b*tch,” Lesa responds, walking quickly to grab her man so they can leave.

Brooks and Taleen join Chanel, Saba, and the remaining men in their cabana. Brooks asks for “no more cliquey bullsh*it” to transpire. Chanel asks, “Who’s cliquey?”

Taleen turns to Chanel, explaining that she is a part of the problem. Taleen thinks Chanel is not shutting Lesa down hard enough. Chanel disagrees, but Brooks does not. Brooks thinks Chanel changes whenever Lesa is near, as flashbacks emerge, proving their points.

“Ayan is Lesa’s puppet,” Brooks says in her confessional. She then turns herself into a hysterical, Chanel-themed Marionette puppet.

As for Chanel, she is shocked. She had no idea Brooks and Taleen felt this way. Maturely, she understands their feelings. “A monkey doesn’t see its own asshole,” she jokes as the cameras return to the pool, where those who remain are now getting along in the water.

Summer plans, a newly single Sara, and the beginnings of a crack in Lesa and Chanel’s friendship

Taleen Marie for Bravo's Real Housewives of Dubai.
Photo Credit: Chris Haston/Bravo

Summer is nearing, so many of these ladies are heading out of town. Therefore, Stanbury and Chanel are throwing a “Goodbye, Dubai” party for their cast.

Sara is not sure what her summer plans will look like, as she and her son are still traumatized from their vile nanny incident. In addition, her relationship with Akin is failing. She FaceTimes him, asking him for a break so that she can focus on her child, but he hangs up on her. In her confessional, Sara says this relationship is now over.

Stanbury and her daughter, Yasmine Habib, go riding. Yasmine and Sergio are doing well these days, which pleases Stanbury greatly. Stanbury has also decided she does not want another baby yet, and Yasmine calls her decision a good one.

Chanel rings up her sister to share her Huda Beauty news. Her sister is thrilled, and Chanel cries. Hearing sweet words helped her heart, and her ticker is still struggling after hearing what Taleen and Brooks had to say.

Chanel then reveals that she called Lesa, telling her friend that Taleen and Brooks find her behaviors different when Lesa is in her presence. But according to Chanel, Lesa said, “Don’t bring that up.” Lesa thinks it makes her look like a bad friend, so she wants these statements squashed.

Chanel is now annoyed. She thinks her friendship with Lesa feels like a one-way street.

Stanbury and Chanel’s Goodbye, Dubai party arrives

RHODubai cast filming Season 2.
Photo Credit: Yasmin Hussain/Bravo

In a borrowed mansion, Stanbury and Chanel begin preparing for their Goodbye, Dubai party. As their guests arrive (including Nina Ali), they take their seats on matching thrones, extending their royal hands to each approaching guest.

Sara tells the ladies she ended things with Akin, but he is still trying to fix things. She does not know what to do. I do, girl. Run.

Speaking of likely fast runners, Brooks shows up with a young piece of meat named Max. She tells the cameras there is nothing romantic going on. Her costars ask her about her 12-year-old date, as Brooks laughs, asking them to “Stop it.”

When Lesa arrives, she refuses to kiss Stanbury and Chanel’s hands, which Stanbury boils down to jealousy on Lesa’s behalf. As for Lesa, she thinks the kiss the hand move is “giving thirsty” and “forced,” with a side of “nothing.”

Settling down the room, Stanbury and Chanel announce a surprise. They filmed a video for everyone to watch. As it airs, Sara jokes that it looks like a Tampon ad, making an unimpressed-looking Lesa chuckle. Brooks admits she cringed, but she thinks Lesa is about to explode.

Lesa thinks this video aimed to “rile” her up. She tells Chanel to enjoy her ride with Stanbury but to be careful not to fall off. Chanel is over it.

Everything comes to a head, closing out RHODubai Season 2 on a negative note

The ladies of Real Housewives of Dubai Season 2.
Photo Credit: Chris Haston/Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Chanel approaches Lesa to talk in private. Lesa says no. A bothered Chanel walks away as her costars take notice. Taleen encourages Lesa to have that talk after all.

Lesa finally approaches, and Chanel speaks on what Taleen and Brooks noted earlier. Lesa tries to shut her down, saying they agreed not to discuss this. She then grows hot, saying this is the second time Chanel has thrown her under the bus with their cast.

Cue Lesa, ushering in her tit-for-tat era. In an earlier chat, Chanel allegedly told Lesa that Stanbury felt like Lesa was bragging about buying an estate in the Cotswolds. So Lesa called Stanbury out on these claims, but Stanbury denied using those words. Chanel agrees, telling Lesa she twisted this story.

“You used the word bragging,” Lesa adamantly stresses. In her confessional, Stanbury says she never said bragging. Chanel agrees.

As Chanel digs in, insisting she never used this word, Lesa’s top blows. “I swear on my children’s lives. May God strike them dead,” she yells, as I cringed. Chanel, however, does not back down, even when Lesa calls her a liar and says this will end their friendship.

Chanel finally explodes. Brooks laughs, saying, “Ladies and gentlemen. I am not the problem.” Lesa sobs as the credits roll on RHODubai Season 2. To date, Lesa and Chanel remain at odds.

The Real Housewives of Dubai Season 2 Reunion Part 1 airs next Tuesday, September 10, on Bravo at 9/8c.


The post Real Housewives of Dubai Season 2 Finale Recap: B*tches, Liars, and Braggers appeared first on Reality Tea.

from Reality Tea https://www.realitytea.com/2024/09/03/real-housewives-of-dubai-season-2-finale-recap-best-friends-for-never/

Why Sam McKinney Will Go down as One of the Biggest Villains in Bachelorette History

Sam McKinney, Bachelorette villain supreme.
Photo Credit : Bachelor Nation via YouTube

Sam McKinney won the title of the ultimate villain on The Bachelorette Season 21. On night one, Sam made a strong impression on both leading lady Jenn Tran and viewers. Sam explained that he dreamed of becoming a husband and father, and even snagged Jenn’s first impression rose. At first, it seemed like Sam would be a real front-runner this season, which he was for a while. However, it didn’t take long for Sam’s true colors to start showing.

After his first date with Jenn, it became apparent that Sam had a lot of red flags. As the season continued, Sam’s behavior only got worse. In addition to messing with Jenn’s feelings, Sam consistently found himself in conflict with the rest of the men. Sam is not only the worst villain this season, but after his shenanigans, he is arguably one of the worst in Bachelorette history.

Sam McKinney displayed selfish tendencies during his one-on-one with Jenn

In New Zealand, Sam received a one-on-one date with Jenn, where things quickly went south. After Jenn arrived at the table, Sam wasn’t romantic and didn’t even move the chair for her to sit. Jenn was excited to be on her first date with him, but Sam quickly ruined the mood. Jenn explained that while she and Sam had a strong physical connection, she wasn’t sure how deep their emotional connection could go.

After someone jumped from the top of the tower where they were, Sam declared that they would jump as well. Jenn was scared of the jump and felt frustrated that Sam didn’t understand why she didn’t feel comfortable with it. Sam didn’t care as he was only thinking of himself and just wanted to jump to get an adrenaline rush. Once Jenn and Sam got to the top of the tower, he only worried about hanging off the building. He didn’t care that Jenn was terrified, and barely comforted her.

Sam McKinney said hurtful things to Jenn during the group date in Seattle

Sam managed to secure a rose from Jenn after his one-on-one and later made it to the top seven. Despite getting a second chance, Sam completely ruined his chances with Jenn during the group date in Seattle. During the radio group date, Jenn asked Sam a series of questions to try to see where he was at with their relationship. While no one expected him to do great, no one saw what was coming next.

For some reason, Sam thought it would be smart to start by saying that he hadn’t been falling in love with Jenn the entire time. While this is fine, it was a strange statement for Sam to make. Sam stuck his foot in his mouth even further when he proclaimed that upon seeing Jenn, he thought that she wasn’t his type. If that wasn’t bad enough, Sam went as far as saying that he was expecting either Daisy Kent or Maria Georgas to be the Bachelorette.

Sam’s behavior during the radio date was unacceptable, especially since his words were so hurtful to Jenn. The Daisy or Maria comment was particularly insensitive since Jenn faced a lot of negativity after she was announced as the Bachelorette. There aren’t many men in Bachelorette history who have chosen their words as poorly as Sam. All in all, this makes him a huge Bachelor Nation villain.

Sam couldn’t back up his words

After the radio date, Jenn felt that she needed more answers from Sam. Jenn decided to have a chat with Sam before the rose ceremony, which caught him off guard. When she sat down with Sam, Jenn asked for clarity on him spontaneously proclaiming that he loved her. Jenn felt confused by the whole ordeal, but Sam kept saying that he meant to say it. After the insensitive things Sam had said during the date, it was evident something didn’t add up.

When Jenn asked Sam why he loved her, he couldn’t come up with a concrete answer. Sam kept playing with words and began discussing irrelevant things like his love for his family and friends. Ultimately, Jenn decided she couldn’t take any more of Sam’s nonsense and sent him home. Sam made a bad impression on Jenn and viewers, especially after he couldn’t remember anything Jenn opened up about during their one-on-one. The Bachelorette has seen some troubling characters over the years, but Sam is one for the books.


The post Why Sam McKinney Will Go down as One of the Biggest Villains in Bachelorette History appeared first on Reality Tea.

from Reality Tea https://www.realitytea.com/2024/09/03/sam-mckinney-biggest-villains-bachelorette-history/

Kyle Richards Looks Stronger Than Ever in New Workout Selfie

Kyle Richards shows fitness progress on social media.
Photo Credit: Elyse Jankowski/Variety via Getty Images

Kyle Richards has been focused on her health and wellness and fitness is a big aspect of her regimen. In a newly uploaded photo, fans can see that the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star is looking strong, fit, and fab.

And it looks like losing weight is just part of Kyle’s fitness goals. She’s focusing on getting stronger, working out more, building muscle, and living well. And it looks like it’s paying off as Kyle is showing the fruits of labor.

Welcome to Kyle Richards’ gun show

Photo Credit: @kylerichards18 via Instagram

In the latest mirror selfie Kyle shared on her Instagram stories, the Bravo star is sitting in her gym set up and showing off her lean stomach and the defined musculature of her arms. The weights are paying off as you can see the cuts in the muscles.

Building muscle seems to be the next part of Kyle’s fitness journey. In July, she celebrated two years of sobriety as part of her ongoing wellness commitment.

In a post on Instagram, the star shared that she was proud of having the willpower to stay on the sobriety path. When before she couldn’t imagine two weeks without alcohol, she’s now at two years and counting.

And keeping the alcohol away coupled with a structured workout regimen and healthy eating helped her achieve a slimmer and more toned figure.

“My mental and physical health became a lot more important to me,” she added. “I’m not going to lie… the fact that I looked better because I wasn’t drinking was also an incentive to not veer from the road I am on. But the real reward is how I feel inside. I feel strong, energetic, and grateful for my body.”

In addition to working out alone and staying away from alcohol, Kyle is also working out with friends. Teddi Mellencamp shared Instagram stories of her hiking and jogging with Kyle and another friend. 

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills can be streamed on Peacock.


The post Kyle Richards Looks Stronger Than Ever in New Workout Selfie appeared first on Reality Tea.

from Reality Tea https://www.realitytea.com/2024/09/03/kyle-richards-stronger-than-ever-workout-selfie-rhobh/

DWTS Hosts Alfonso Ribeiro and Julianne Hough ‘Really Close Friends’

Alfonso Ribeiro and Julianne Hough are "really close friends."
Photo Credit: Christopher Willard/Disney via Getty Images

Alfonso Ribeiro is looking forward to another year of enjoying the ballroom, enjoying the dances, and cohosting Dancing with the Stars. He’s especially looking forward to doing it all alongside cohost and close friend Julianne Hough.

Alfonso participated in season 19 of DWTS with Witney Carson in 2014. He went on to win the competition and returned to cohost season 31 with Tyra Banks. Julianne took over hosting for Tyra in 2023 for season 32 and joined Alfonso. The two have become great friends.

Alfonso Ribeiro is embracing his hosting era

“I can’t wait to tackle that stage with Julianne,” Afonso told US Weekly. “The both of us together — especially over the last year — we’ve gotten to be really close friends. And we enjoy working with each other,” he shared. “I think it’s going to be a magical season for both of us.”

Although winning the mirrorball trophy was a red-letter day for Alfonso, he’s quite happy to be firmly in his hosting era. Especially since that means he gets to come back every season.

“I like hosting because that job gets me to come back every year,” he explained. “Competing, you get one shot at it. I love this job. Becoming a host has been, truly, what I think I was destined to do from the beginning.”

Additionally, he said, “I think all the other jobs I’ve done in my life kind of led up to me becoming a host and allowing me to do that specific job.”

Alfonso said that he loves being part of the “highs and lows” and getting to “connect with the pros and the celebrities” throughout the competition.

All in all, the former star of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is excited about Season 33 and the upcoming cast reveals. He was thrilled with the first casting announcement — Olympic athlete and pommel horse specialist Stephen Nedoroscik.

“So excited to have him,” Alfonso shared. “Every year it’s always a great cast.”


The post DWTS Hosts Alfonso Ribeiro and Julianne Hough ‘Really Close Friends’ appeared first on Reality Tea.

from Reality Tea https://www.realitytea.com/2024/09/03/dwts-alfonso-ribeiro-julianne-hough-really-close-friends/

Tamra Judge Unrecognizable With Facial Swelling From Plastic Surgery

Tamra Judge shows off new plastic surgery.
Photo Credit: Eugene Gologursky/Bravo via Getty Images

Be advised, this article contains a video of Tamra Judge that some readers may find graphic. If you have dermatophobia or other fears related to skin conditions and treatment, this may not be the article for you.

Nevertheless, the Real Housewives of Orange County star felt just fine broadcasting some facial swelling to her Instagram followers. Everyone knows that reality stars tend to have work done. It’s all part of the entertainment industrial complex, pressuring stars to look their best.

So, there are certainly problems with the system. Nevertheless, fans tend to clown stars for their cosmetic work, especially when it’s noticeable. So, this time, Tamra decided to just confront her fans head-on.

Tamra Judge left barely able to open her eyes after facial surgery

On September 1, Tamra gave fans a very personal update. While folks know that reality stars engage in plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures, Tamra showcased an up-close look at the process. She took to Instagram, sharing a video just days after a recent procedure. “Day three and the swelling’s making a statement,” Tamra wrote in the caption.

“Progress isn’t always pretty, but it’s happening.” In the video itself, Tamra faced the camera and said, “Okay guys, this is day three. It’s supposed to be the worst of it when it comes to swelling.” Tamra’s voice was noticeably hoarse. “The swelling is from the CO2 laser,” she explained. She showed how the effects spread down to her chest as well.

“You can imagine what it feels like,” she added. Later, she broadcasted from bed at “the end of day three.” Tamra said she felt like her skin would “burst. You can see it’s getting oozy. I can barely open my eyes.” She also mentioned the tube in her throat, causing her pain. Nevertheless, this was all according to plan.

Real Housewives of Orange County continues Thursdays at 9/8c on Bravo.


The post Tamra Judge Unrecognizable With Facial Swelling From Plastic Surgery appeared first on Reality Tea.

from Reality Tea https://www.realitytea.com/2024/09/03/tamra-judge-unrecognizable-facial-swelling-from-plastic-surgery-rhoc/