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I didn’t think we would be reunited again so soon, but here we are! Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Your Card Has Been Declined stars Dorit and PK Kemsley are in recovery mode. They have recently ended two long term financial legal cases that have followed the couple for multiple years. Finally settling with previous money lender Nicos Kirzis (#neverforget), over the nonpayment of a $1.2 million debt, as well as ending the beef Dorit had with a former business partner over her swimwear line.
Things were looking dicey for PK and Dorit, yet by all accounts they remained unbothered. Their denials of salacious money laundering financial transactions were loud as they continued luxurious vacations and shopping sprees. Even though the couple suffered the humiliation of having their finances examined, frozen bank accounts, and threats of seized assets, PK and Dorit remained a united front. Now Dorit explains how the haters never got her down, thanks to overseas accounts the love of her man.
Dorit still isn’t having it, you guys. Now she is basically serving a big slice of suck it cake to anyone who doubted the integrity of her wallet! Statistics may show that trouble with money is the main cause of divorce, but PK and Dorit are here to say their sketchy bank accounts only brought them closer together.
In an interview with Us Weekly, Dorit shared some thoughts. “PK and I are super tight. We’re super strong and most of it, it’s just really blown out of proportion.” But was it super blown out of proportion? I have to admire Dorit’s firm commitment to lie, lie, and deny her husband. At the end of the day, their many legal battles could have put even the strongest marriage under pressure.
But PK and Dorit aren’t regular people because they live in a bubble! A bubble of delusion, you might ask? No silly, it’s a FABULOUS bubble. Dorit explained, “So you learn to be numb to it and you just carry on with life. And our life is a pretty fabulous bubble, you know, with our two beautiful kids and I’ve got a great husband and it’s easy to stay strong.”
Dorit maintains that people who hate on their lifestyle don’t matter anyway, so it’s all Chanel unicorns and Gucci rainbows in her world. “[And] they don’t know me. And some people just want to be vicious,” she explained. Oh right, vicious. Kind of in the same way it would be vicious to create a storyline to avoid having your money problems on television? Dorit continued, “You understand that comes with the territory and I ignore it. It just doesn’t have any affect on me.” Um, Dorit, have you guys paid your taxes yet? She might want to ask someone about that because jail will most definitely but a wrench in Dorit and PK’s super fabulous lifestyle.
Now Dorit has her sights set on the future and growing her swimwear line. “Beverly Beach is growing. It’s turning into a lifestyle brand,” Dorit mentioned. “I’m working on a lot of new products to launch soon. I’m getting involved in a lot of new projects. Some things I can’t really talk about, but they’re all very good and I’m very excited.” Oh boy, a lifestyle brand by Dorit! Can we expect some shiny new hair clips that read, Paid In Full or Cash Only? Perhaps a line of t-shirts, Debt by Dorit?
It’s all happening for Dorit and PK! I know we are breathless with anticipation to see what the designer and her husband have in store for us on the next season of RHOBH. Hopefully the couple will remain strong and keep anything from penetrating their bubble of deception honesty and strength.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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Real Housewives of Atlanta returns for Season 12 (wow, 12 seasons!) on November 3. The trailer has dropped and soon enough fans will be blessed with new episodes and new taglines. However, the latter is still a work in progress.
RHOA OG NeNe Leakes has turned to the viewers for some tagline suggestions.
NeNe shared a not-at-all-subtle photo of herself wearing a crown and holding peaches. She told her followers, “HELPPPP! I NEED A TAGLINE PLEASEEE! Ok so it’s that time again when us peach holders need something to say holding those peaches. Here’s some helpful hints…in the circle, out the circle, pressure, spiritual journey, i know who i am, survival, diamonds, pressure.” I’m shocked that the word “closet” wasn’t included in the list. It also seems like she’s taking a break from. bragging about how rich she is.
Recently retired New York Housewife Bethenny Frankel suggested, “Life is peachy keen when you’re the peachy kween.” That’s cute. Not amazing, but cute.
A fan commented, “You all may have a peach, but it was pulled from my tree.” That is such a NeNe tagline. She is all about being the RHOA matriarch.
This one has to be the most NeNe statement of all time: “Who need to be in a circle when everything revolves around me?” It all comes back to NeNe. Somehow.
A different IG user incorporated one of NeNe’s famous lines with their suggestion. “How can I be out of the circle when I am the circle? Bloop” sounds so NeNe.
Another fan gave NeNe credit for the show with their suggestion: “You can push me out the circle, but don’t EVER forget who created it.” She is the only OG who’s still on the show (even though she did take a break in the middle). Plus, she actually did make suggestions for many of the OG cast members.
Another possible tagline is “It’s survival of the fittest and honey I’m the QUEEN of this jungle!” She certainly does think she’s the queen.
Someone else seemed to channel Lisa Vanderpump with their idea: “The girls will keep running in circles while I’m leading the pack.” This one would work too.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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Well, by now you’ve heard the news that Real Housewives of New Jersey star Joe Giudice has been deported to Italy. Teresa Giudice’s husband made several attempts to avoid exactly this, being sent away from his family. As soon as Joe finished serving a 41 month prison sentence after being found guilty of fraud, he was immediately transported to an ICE detention facility. Joe’s little problem about not becoming a legal citizen in his youth wound up being a bigger problem than jail in his adulthood.
Joe repeatedly requested to wait out the court’s decision in his own home, though he was denied. Then Joe pleaded with the courts to let him travel to Italy while the latest appeal is still pending in court. Thankfully for Joe, he was granted one wish. Last week a skinny and non-juicy Joe boarded an airplane and traveled back to his homeland. A few snaps of Joe have appeared on social media, courtesy of his daughters. Now Joe is speaking out for the first time since his long-awaited release.
If you thought “old school values” Teresa was going to stand by her man, you would be wrong. Joe is back in Italy and Teresa is nowhere to be found. But she will go ahead and schedule an interview with Andy Cohen for a check to keep her fans current on her marriage. Teresa and Joe’s daughters are thrilled their dad is no longer in jail. Still, he isn’t exactly down the street either.
Joe has yet to respond to media inquiries, but Bravo’s The Daily Dish shared a video he just released. In the clip, a much healthier looking Joe said, “Life, it’s always better to look through the windshield and not through the rear view mirror.” Did someone just open a fortune cookie? I’m guessing in Joe’s own profound way, he is saying how we should look to the future, and not into the past. Seeing as Teresa is done currently in a marriage holding pattern, this might be good to remember if he finds himself in divorce court.
Joe gave us more window metaphors with, “It’s a much bigger picture when you’re looking through the windshield. But at the end of the day, people make mistakes. Nobody’s perfect.” So very true and such a deep sentiment from Joe. I assume he is referencing his own mistakes. You know, like the mistakes he made that wound up giving him a view of steel bars. But enough about that, he has paid his debt to society. Face it, the guy will most likely never hear the end of how he “ruined Teresa’s life“, so I’m willing to cut him some slack here.
In certain ways, I sympathize with Joe. He isn’t some criminal mastermind, I think he really just wants to see his kids at this point. Of course now he has extra drama due to the boyfriend that Teresa absolutely does not have. Though he’s been through a lot, Joe said, “I’ve learned a valuable lesson from all this and I know my family is the most important thing to me, but it’s better that I’m out here than in there,” he said. Agreed. Now he can pursue his dream of becoming an MMA fighter. No word on whether or not he has plans to use those MMA moves on a young guy seen holding hands with his wife. Allegedly.
The father of four ended with a message to his family. “I just want to let you know that I love you and I’m always here for you. You know that.” We will hear from Joe again when the interview with Teresa and Andy goes down. Hopefully Joe can get some answers about Teresa’s side-piece the state of his marriage and give viewers some insight on what he has been through.
In any event, it looks like Joe’s deportation and resulting marriage woes will be heavily featured on the upcoming season of RHONJ. Lucky for Teresa, I guess. Don’t forget, The Real Housewives of New Jersey Special Event: Joe and Teresa Unlocked will air Sunday night at 8pm on Bravo. Get your popcorn ready.
[Photo Credit: Instagram Story]
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Oh my Below Deck where on earth do you find these people? I think it’s safe to say that Helen Hoey‘s friend Brandy is not just sipping on the al-al-al-alcohol, but adding in a little something extra. So that’s where chef Kevin Dobson‘s “extra” went!
Helen and Richard are back, pretending to be foodies who are rich and fabulous. They have brought with them a literal motley crew of cougars. Actually, I think these women were Motley Crue groupies back in the 80s. (Psssst… I think even Tommy Lee quit partying… Maybe?)
While Kate Chastain is conducting a boat tour that doubles as a sort of booze crawl, Brandy is literally passed out on a random sofa. Kevin keeps radioing to announce that lunch is ready. Yes, but Kevs, the guests – they’re not!
Kate is showing remarkable composure in biting her tongue against all of Kevin’s eccentricities and hypocrisies, I might add.
After the guests finish the tour, Helen and her friend Kelly slide onto the bridge to invite Captain Lee Rosbach to dinner. They really, really, really want him to be there. They really, really, really want to make an impression on him. This is evidenced by how many times Kelly stamped her fingerprints on Captain Lee’s ass. I’m surprised his wife Mary Ann doesn’t have an electric fencing installed in his dress shorts. He’s simply irresistible! If you’re simply desperate!
Meanwhile there is more trouble for Abbi Murphy. Poor Abbi apparently never had walkie-talkies as a kid, a tragic by-product of being raised in the cell phone age. Therefore, understanding these complicated, fussy, retrograde electronics taxes almost all of her available brain cells. The entire time Captain Lee is attempting to communicate with the deck crew someone is holding down the button on their radio, creating a communication lockdown. Ashton Pienaar has to run over to Abbi and tell her to let it go, like Frozen, so they can move forward.
Once they manage to get out of the port, Captain Lee calls the entire deck crew to the bridge for yet another lecture on radio rules and safety. He keeps referring to Abbi as “hun” and is literally talking to her like a child, which I mean… if the shoe fits!
Because Abbi also struggles to comprehend the labyrinthine of putting on a polo shirt! There’s, like, buttons. More than one! And the um, collar thing – does it go up… or down? Or halfway. And then there’s the head holes and the arm holes, and which goes where. And also like what does one do with the waistband? Does it go next to the pants parts? Or into it, or over it? Or does the radio go beside it or on top. How does one fit an earpiece around one’s massive enormous hair?
Abbi’s hair is basically another island in Thailand. Maybe Helen can have a seafood extravaganza on it!? Or use it as a net to catch some fish. The guests have already eaten some of it in their horseradish dip, and frankly, I’m sure Abbi’s shampoo combined with the sea air and salty sweat made a wonderful accompaniment to Kevin’s flavor profiles.
Abbi’s hair getting caught in things is precisely what Captain Lee is worried about when he instructs Ashton to talk to her about putting her hair up! Needless to say with all these little issues, Abbi is feeling bad about herself so her work begins to suffer more. She stops understanding basic instructions. She’s distracted, she’s wandering aimlessly, taking breaks that don’t belong to her, and forgetting what she’s supposed to be doing.
Later that night, Ashton gently asks if everything is OK after noticing that Abbi doesn’t seem like herself. He encourages her to stay positive and keep trying. After another pep talk from Tanner Sterback, Abbi realizes mistakes happen and at least she didn’t get scalped by an anchor chain in the learning curve!
Losing track of what’s going on seems to be a reoccurring problem on Valor. For instance Brandy: she doesn’t even know what planet she’s on! Brandy wakes up from her, uhhh, slumber to stumble around bellowing that she “pays for everything Jeff!” (who is Jeff?), and demands to know where the hell is she? Clearly, being human trafficked by a sophisticated organization called the Blue Man Group. Brandy tumbles onto the tender in time for the afternoon’s entertainment of fishing for their supper. A supper with the theme of “Seafood Extravaganza!”
Unfortunately, Kevin has drastically over-estimated the skills of these guests in presuming they will actually catch some fish, fish which he will then prepare for their dinner. Kevin was so ebulliently optimistic he didn’t even bother ordering any additional seafood. Because Kevin doesn’t seem to understand the “extra” in the extravaganza! “Extra” is kinda the operative word. As Kate explains, he’s only serving the “ganza.” As a result Kevin whips out some CANNED CRAB (who is he, Mila from Below Deck Med?!), frozen prawns, and a random pice of halibut that caught in Abbi’s hair when she was loading the tender. Captain Lee is unimpressed with these menu plans.
Courtney Skippon is appalled. As a bi-weekly seafood extravaganza partaker she is a consummate expert in the towering piles of aquatic life one is to selfishly expect in such ritual over-consuming. Who cares if the oceans are over-fished?! Kevin’s flagrant disregard of such an important culinary experience renders him dead to her. Next, Courtney will be taking over the kitchen, as a third stews do on this show, to serve Kevin to guests on a platter and call it a Humanfish Extravaganza. Helen would so eat that right up!
You know how Kevin told Kate he had a relative who went down cooking on the titanic…
Well, the guests did manage to catch one, lone slippery eel, but they tossed it back just about the time Brandy almost slipped through their fingers and fell off the boat. She literally came to tell Ashton and Brian de Saint Per that she’s a single cougar, before literally falling off her seat. It’s like Weekend At Bernies, but at sea with Brandy. Seriously, though, why wouldn’t Kevin just call provisions when he realized his mistake? He had hours while the guests were out fishing and all he did was nervously titter about it while defrosting frozen shrimp. As a seasoned yacht chef, one just assumes he’d know better!
Kate smirks that now that Kevin is unprepared he’s suddenly decided a plated supper is the way to go so the guests don’t notice the lack of extra.
Luckily for Kevin, these guests were so drunk they couldn’t taste the difference between canned crab and the freshest thing to come out of the Atlantic seaboard, so they oohed and aaaahhhed, and also didn’t notice Captain Lee‘s raised eyebrows. Just in case, though, Kate instructs Kevin to come out to the dinner table to explain his fantastic food to the guests. Obviously, Brandy slept through the entire meal. She’s on a passed out extravaganza!
As the guests head down to bed, Helen tells Kate they’d like a late breakfast around 10 or 11. I’m not sure if Kate didn’t communicate this to Kevin, or what, but the next morning everyone is up bright and early. Kevin is preparing a giant fry-up breakfast and Simone Mashile is running ragged trying to figure out how to make mimosas and coffee while the guests demand them constantly.
Simone was getting it from both ends: the guests want their drinks and were literally following her into the kitchen to demand liquor. Meanwhile, Kevin was following Simone out of the kitchen to demand she get the table set and put out the food. Things got so harried that the deck crew was caught in the cross-fire and Abbi had to wakeup Kate for assistance.
OK, so many thoughts here! Yes, Kevin is an over-reacting ass who overcomplicated the situation. Hemade things worse by yelling at Simone, treating her like an idiot, and insisting she do things his way instead of trying to diffuse the situation by pitching in. HOWEVER, what the hell kind of second stew on a super yacht can’t make a basic mimosa!?
If Kate knows Simone is so inexperienced with service and drinks that she can’t even work the juicer or the coffee maker without struggle and get the table set at the same time, she needs to have a second person on service. This is only the second charter, so I’m cutting Kate some slack. But, what is going on that Simone can’t do anything except laundry!? It was literally a Monty Python of breakfast service up there. The guests were even offering to service themselves.
Of course since Kevin failed in the basic responsibility of ordering fish for a seafood extravaganza, he really has NO PLACE instructing Kate or her stews on how to do their jobs and should worry about his own-damn-self. Something Captain Lee agrees with when a salty Kate runs up to tattle on him. Good for you, Kate.
Kate is not happy about being woken up early, without showering from the night before, to immediately rushing into rescuing service, but damn is Kate not a professional?! She whipped that disorganized breakfast mess into tip-top shape without breaking smile or a sweat. Within minutes, food was served, drinks were made, and Brandy was handily sat down somewhere to nod off in safety.
Back in the galley, Kate fumes that Kevin needs to mind his own beeswax. She wants him to keep his opinions and directives out of her service team. “I’m done being nice. It’s time to do me,” she warns. At least Kevin apologized to Simone for yelling at her.
By the time the guests are ready to leave for the beach picnic, Ashton finds one of them passed out in the hallway.
He has to put her to bed. Then, he hops in the tender to carry all the supplies to a nearby inlet. In the hour it takes them to set up the tables, chairs, and table decor, the tide has changed. The tender gets stuck in the rocks. It requires a complicated pushing process from Ashton and Brian to finally dislodge it.
While they’re birthing a boat baby, Kate radioed Courtney and to have guests and food ready to come over. Therefore, food and alcohol is sitting in the sun while the boys struggle with the tender. Kevin is back in a tizzy about how disorganized service is.
But alas everyone gets to the beach. Just as lunch is being served, Brandy nods off at the table and starts drooling on herself. Her friends kind of mop her up and push her to the side, but Tanner and Kate are seriously concerned. As a former life guard, Tanner knows this is not good. He has Brandy lie down on her side (in case she vomits), wraps her in towels and then puts a bag of ice on the back of her neck. Helen & Co. keep eating as Kate radios the boat to tell Captain Lee that Ashton and Brian will be bringing a passed out Brandy back in the kayak to get her out of the sun.
As Brandy is being pushed out to sea Helen’s friend demands that no one cries or feel sorry for Brandy. This leads me to believe there are some serious demons and dark times in this friend group. What is up with this woman?! Why would you bring someone like this on your trip? So irresponsible! She needs medical attention, and fast.
[Photo Credits: Bravo]
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As strong as the rivalry is between Kenya Moore and NeNe Leakes, there’s never actually been a real reason for their issues. There has been a lot of shade throughout the years on Real Housewives of Atlanta…. and in the press…. and on social media. Nevertheless, RHOA viewers have seen way worse between the other Housewives, yet NeNe and Kenya have never managed to get along for more than five minutes.
Well, now Kenya has a legitimate reason to be at odds with NeNe, if the recent reports are true anyway. NeNe has formed a secret alliance friendship with Kenya’s soon-to-be-ex-husband Marc Daly.
HollywoodLife recently reported that Kenya found out Marc and NeNe had been communicating throughout her marriage while they were on the cast trip in Greece. How did Kenya “find out” about this? I can’t help imagining that NeNe told Kenya herself just to rub it in her face.
Kenya A source told HollywoodLife, “Kenya was stunned on the cast trip in Greece when she found out that her now ex husband Marc was conspiring against her by speaking to NeNe and Gregg Leakes behind her back during their marriage.”
That same person also said, “Kenya and NeNe are nowhere near in a good place, but she couldn’t believe that any of the parties involved would do this to her. She found out and approached NeNe and that’s when the fight ensued and escalated quickly.”
It gets worse though. Apparently, “NeNe also told Kenya that Marc told her and Gregg that he didn’t even like his wife among other things.” That’s cold and surprising for a guy who supposedly didn’t want any involvement in reality TV drama.
The insider told HollywoodLife, “They were having issues in their marriage, but she felt so shocked to learn this. Kenya was so hurt that he would conspire behind her back with her known arch enemy and deliberately give her private info about them as a couple and about Kenya. Kenya has definitely had it with Marc and with NeNe.” Damn.
Things are getting super messy on RHOA. Season 12 is shaping up to be a dramatic ride.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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No white DWTS contestants have been up for elimination before last night, when two contestants with the two highest scores landed in the bottom two.
The friendship between the Real Housewives of Orange County’s Gina Kirschenheiter and Emily Simpson has hit a few bumps in the road this season. Gina, whose life has been a disastrous mess of DUI and divorce issues, does not think Emily has been supportive enough of her deep well of despair. Emily was upset with Gina for not attending her R-rated Las Vegas dance debut.
Matters came to a head between the two pals when a planned date between Gina and Shane Simpson’s cousin fell through, as he reportedly backed off after suffering a toe(!) injury. Or maybe Gina’s Mystery Date just Googled her and wisely ran for the hills of the OC. Gina, acting like a jilted bride, took great personal offense to being stood up, wondering if Emily had set her up to embarrass her. Orange County pot-stirring queen Tamra Judge was only too happy to spread gossip about the situation, which is her favorite pastime.
Recently on Twitter, Tamra continued to add to the drama between Gina and Emily. A Bravo fan account user had asked, “Why in the world would Gina just assume Emily was out to hurt or embarrass her. I cannot see Emily doing that on purpose.”
Tamra, never one to shy away from controversy, had to jump into the fray with her own take on the matter. In response to the tweet, she claimed, “Because she is! I have the messages of Emily trying to dig up dirt on Gina her bff. So when Emily says she’s not manipulative…bullshit! That’s why No one wants anything to do with her. #victim.”
Emily does not strike me as particularly vindictive or manipulative. Other than threatening to kill Kelly Dodd last season, we haven’t seen a lot of major drama from Emily. Could Tamra’s claims be true? And how far would Emily really have to dig to find dirt on Gina? She is an open book of chaos, bad decisions and messiness.
Another Twitter user chimed in to respond to Tamra, stating, “You came into an old friendship and messed with it. You’re horrible. This is why you have no real friends.”
Ouch! Tamra, of course, took the time to thoughtfully ponder the feedback and declared, “Keep thinking that (with a laughing emoji). I’ve done nothing to her. Just because someone plays victim doesn’t mean they are innocent. I’d rather be a strong survivor.”
Does Emily really play the victim? I guess it is all a matter of perspective, but Emily has certainly been on the receiving end of some nastiness on the show. Shannon Beador gave her the cold shoulder last season. Emily’s husband Shane has been snarky to her in his interviews. Gina has begun to turn on Emily. Is that playing a victim? It doesn’t seem like it to me, but it is certainly possible Tamra has more information than the viewers do. Maybe there is more to Emily then meets the eye. Or, maybe Tamra is just stirring things up. Again.
Tamra did not share the messages she claims that are damning to Emily, so were are left to ponder her alleged misdeeds. Maybe Tamra will divulge the messages as the season progresses. Or dramatically reveal them at the reunion. For now, Emily’s dark side is a little murky. Tamra’s dark side, as always, is as clear as glass.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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