Monday, July 1, 2024

Race to Survive: New Zealand Episode 7 Recap: Pulling an All-Nighter

Tyrie Mann Merrill and Ethan Greenberg on Race to Survive: New Zealand
Photo Credit: Brian Finestone/USA Network via Getty Images

Ready for another race? Well, you better be ready because there are no breaks on Race to Survive: New Zealand!

Last week, the racers completed the treacherous Race 3, which sent them spelunking into a cave of nightmares. For Race 4, they’re keeping things fully above sea level, but it’s still full of surprises. There’s no more 12-hour race clock, meaning the survivors were free to keep racing through the jungle in the cover of darkness. What could go wrong?

Here’s what went down on Race to Survive: New Zealand Episode 7, “Kahuranghi Coast.”

Race 4, Day 1

Race to Survive: New Zealand Episode 7
Photo Credit: Brian Finestone/USA Network

After Race 3 took out both the Ultramarathoners and the Cool Moms, only five teams remained. Slowly, we’re working our way down to a final three, and Race 4 introduced one of the toughest navigational challenges yet.

Race 4 is called Kahuranghi, and although there are no caves this time around, it’s just as bonkers. First, they have to navigate to a rocky cliffside and do something called “coasteering.” This is one of those activities that we never knew existed, but it’s basically like Ninja Warrior, except you’re on the side of a cliff above a bunch of choppy water.

After coasteering, the racers have to make their way into the jungle for miles and miles of bushwhacking. After a slight break from the forest and an optional food cache, the final zone is a forest maze with a ton of winding game trails. Only one path leads out to the Survival Crate.

As if this course wasn’t already complicated, they added an extra little caveat. Rather than having a 12-hour race clock, Race 4 has no time constraints. The racers are free to run into the night, and they can choose to camp whenever and wherever they want. It sounds dangerous, but that’s what these contestants love.

Another day, another injury

Ryan Stewart walking down a hill on Race to Survive: New Zealand
Photo Credit: Daniel Allen/USA Network

As Race 4 got started, everyone was feeling the pressure. With only five teams on the course, it’s much harder to stay out of the bottom.

Of course, the River Guides have been the team to beat, so Smokejumpers felt compelled to try to give them a run for their money, literally. They took off jogging down the beach, trying to create a good pace and put distance between the other teams.

Usually, the Hunters, Ryan and Bronsen would have been right there with them. Those three teams have been at the front of the pack throughout every race. However, for the first time this season, the Hunters were showing signs of struggling.

Ryan fell during Race 2 and hurt his knee. Occasionally, we’ve heard him comment about the knee, but for the most part, he’s been pushing through. In Race 4, all of the pain came creeping up on him, slowing their pace tremendously.

At this point, we’ve had three teams sustain injuries, ranging from concussions to sprains. With Ryan’s knee acting up, it’s starting to seem like the father and son-in-law duo could be the fourth team to leave with an injury. Couple that with the fact that this course allows the racers to run into the night. This seems like a recipe for disaster.

12 hours and counting

Kennedy and Nik on Race to Survive: New Zealand looking at a map
Photo Credit: Brian Finestone/USA Network)

For the first time on Race to Survive, the race clock ticked well past the 12-hour mark. Usually when the clock strikes that 12-hour mark, the racers have to stop where they’re at and camp out for the night. Instead, they had full control over whether or not they wanted to keep pushing.

This twist added an extra element of endurance to an already grueling race. No one wanted to be the first team to call it quits for the night and risk losing their place in the race. As nighttime came, the racers pushed on, regardless of how dangerous it was to bushwhack through the jungle in total darkness.

The Smokejumpers and the River Guides maintained a lead with Pauina and Creighton on their tails. In fourth place, the Hunters were slowly making their way through the course, all while trying to mitigate the pain of Ryan’s injury.

Last, but certainly not least, were the Oil Riggers. The Canadian duo opted for a slower pace during this race, noting that they wanted to stay safe throughout all of the obstacles of Race 4. With as many injuries that have happened this season, going slow and trying not to break a bone might actually be the smartest strategy.

Creighton’s killing spree

Creighton Baird crouching inside of a tent on Race to Survive: New Zealand
Photo Credit: Tim Williams/USA Network

Throughout this season of Race to Survive, Creighton has made it very clear that he’s motivated by food. He was the first person to track down goose eggs. He learned how to hunt for eels. This week, Creighton went on a full-blown killing spree.

As he and Paulina were making their way through the forest, he spotted the cutest little hedgehog, just chilling and minding his own business. Thanks to the pressures of this show, Creighton didn’t see an innocent forest-dwelling creature. He saw dinner, and he killed it, right there in cold blood.

Moments later, Creighton spotted another hedgehog. He killed that one too. Paulina couldn’t watch, and all of a sudden, their divorce started making more sense.

Eventually, the Divorcees caught up with the River Guides, something that rarely happens. Upon their arrival, Creighton revealed that he had killed four hedgehogs! Four. His backpack was covered in blood. Someone from PETA is probably somewhere filing a complaint right now.

After showing off his bag full of hedgehog corpses, he decided to walk down to the river and clean out their guts. Then, the unthinkable happened. An eel swam right up to Creighton, and he caught it with his bare hands. Truly, insane stuff.

We’ve seen a lot of triumphant moments so far on Race to Survive, but Creighton’s enthusiasm about catching the eel will go unmatched. New Zealand has changed this man.

The Smokejumpers cross the finish line

Ethan and Tyrie on Race to Survive: New Zealand
Photo Credit: Brian Finestone/USA Network

While the rest of the competitors decided to call it quits for the night, the Smokejumpers kept pushing on through the course. Who needs sleep when there’s a Survival Crate to push for?

Helping motivate the Smokejumpers was the fact that it was the death anniversary of Ethan’s father. Both Ethan and Tyrie said they were drawing on the strength from their departed loved ones to push forward in the race. It worked. In an incredible feat of athleticism, the Smokejumpers crossed the finish line in first place after traveling 25 miles in just over 20 hours.

As the first-place finishers, they got the first pick at goodies in the Survival Crate. They opted for a big box of kiwis. Would they have preferred a giant block of bacon? Probably. Either way, the Smokejumpers were on cloud nine thanks to their first-place finish. Meanwhile, the rest of the racers were scattered around the course, eating hedgehogs and nursing their injuries. Suddenly, it’s starting to look like the dynamics of this race are shifting.

Race to Survive: New Zealand continues on USA Network, Monday nights at 11/10c.


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Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 14, Episode 9 Recap: A Wedding and a War

Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 14, Episode 9 recap
Photo Credit: Astrid Stawiarz via Getty Images

Welcome back to the city that knows how to hold a grudge like a champ, unless someone’s swayed to change alliances, because the taking down of Margaret is hard, people! That said, this week on Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 14, Episode 9, “Behind Frenemy Lines,” Jennifer and Danielle share some conflicting narratives over their physical altercation. Don’t they know the cameras were rolling? Meanwhile, Danielle’s Boujie Kidz relaunch party brings in even more drama, which shocked me zero. Catch what I mean now via this RHONJ Season 14, Episode 9 recap.

Love is love, and hate is hate

Teresa and Luis have a lot to clean up, since their Tulum party wrecked havoc in New Jersey. As for the physical altercation between Tre’s two friends though, Tre remembers very little.

Across town, Margaret’s anxiety is ramping up. Joe B’s numbers have shot up, so tests for prostrate cancer are underway. He won’t let her “fondle away” her concerns on him though. Sads.

Down another road, Danielle’s still ticked off at Jennifer. “She’s out to destroy,” Danielle notes, adding that she went into “complete self-defense mode” once Jennifer threw that first hit. Danielle thinks that overall, Jennifer “has no use for her” now, since Danielle’s refusing to play dirty anymore. So guess what Jennifer, you can’t come to Danielle’s party now.

As for Dolores, she is starting her new company with Paulie. She’s “emotionally drained,” but not enough to hide her curiosity, wondering if the uninvited guests have heard about the physical altercation yet. Right on cue, Rachel calls, saying that she knows, because the bloggers are talking. But Rachel cares little, because she’s volunteering with a juvenile arthritis group, mentoring children who might feel less-than, simply because of their joint troubles.

The rain then arrives in New Jersey, right in time for “Father Joe’s” turn at the pulpit. Melissa’s cousin is walking the aisle, and he asked for Joe to officiate. As this cousin came out to Joe, and his partner “doesn’t have a family,” Joe feels close to these two grooms.

He explains this in his confessional, saying “She [Teresa] won’t be at my kid’s weddings. My nieces will be getting married, and I’m not gonna be there.” Joe then praises Melissa’s clan for filling in this family-sized hole within his heart.

The wedding itself provides a gorgeous scene, and a great way to bring Pride Month to a close.

Jennifer’s side

Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 14, Episode 9
Photo Credit: Bravo via YouTube TV

Teresa and Jenn Fessler arrive at Jennifer’s mansion, starving. Jenn asks Jennifer how she’s doing, and Jennifer responds that Danielle “crushed her freakin’ drink on me, girl.” Unable to understand how this happened, Teresa asks Jennifer to “show her.” They stand, and Jennifer acts out how Danielle got into her face, explaining that this is why she simply pushed her away, because Danielle needed to back up.

Jennifer then explains the “red flags” between Danielle and her hairdresser, which Teresa understands. Yet, she hates that she’s now stuck in the middle between Danielle and Jennifer. Even still, Teresa is going to attend Danielle’s party, which saddens Jennifer. She “would never” befriend someone who had hit one of her friends.

Bad news

Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 14, Episode 9 recap
Photo Credit: Bravo via YouTube TV

Margaret calls Joe’s doctor for his test results. They are ordering an MRI, because “it was abnormal.” There’s a chance that it’s prostrate cancer, but if so, it’s very early, so, in Joe’s words, “it’s not the end of the world.” It is to Margaret though, who weeps, overcome with anxiety.

Cancer and I have a longstanding hatred. Sending you hugs, Marge and Joe. This was a tough watch, but the pair have done some great work in raising awareness. Get your checks, men! The big C doesn’t discriminate.

A Boujie Kidz blow-up

Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 14, Episode 9 recap
Photo Credit: Andrew Eccles/Bravo

Finally, Danielle’s Boujie Kidz relaunch arrives. Cue Messy Fessy, telling Danielle about how Jennifer described their fight. Danielle disagrees, saying she wasn’t pushed, as instead, “she [Jennifer] yoked” her. And Danielle “couldn’t punch her,” because she “had a drink in” her hand.

Jenn then tries to bring peace to Teresa and Gia Giudice, explaining that John didn’t bring up Gia’s name to start a fight. Jenn then heads to the other side, retelling her costars about this latter conversation. Rachel exclaims “You’re obsessed with me,” and walks away.

In her confessional, Rachel explains that she has asked Jenn multiple times “to not get involved,” asking “what part of don’t defend my husband are you not understanding?” Margaret also tells Jenn that she’s “gotta stop campaigning for her [Rachel].” Likewise, a fully frustrated Melissa asks, “Why are you talking to a child about adult conversations?”

Jenn heads over to Dolores, who stands confused. Jenn was only trying to bring the peace, right? Margaret walks over to explain, reminding Jenn to not “talk about John Fuda and Gia in the same sentence.” Mad, Jenn strongly stresses that “they said it,” so don’t hate on her.

Melissa and Rachel are over it. Rachel thinks Jennifer is “up Teresa’s ass.” Jenn then hysterically mocks Rachel in her confessional.

To the window (from a wedding), to the wall (to this war). ‘Til the sweat drop down my balls everything (Sup, Florida). ‘Til all these b*tches crawl (back into their places of Namaste), I’ll be here, recapping this mess as it airs.

Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 14 continues every Sunday on Bravo at 8/7c.


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