This season of Temptation Island just keeps getting better and better. There has been an explosive revelation in practically every episode so far. And this episode was no exception! If you thought things couldn’t get worse for our couples, you’d be wrong. There were several rejections that spurred major drama, and another ultimate betrayal from one of the couples. So grab your favorite cocktail, because you’re going to need it!
But first, there is a bonfire to finish. When we last saw the ladies, Kate Griffith saw footage of her boyfriend David Benavidez in the hot tub with Toneata Morgan on top of his lap. Super classy. As predicted, Ashely Howland got shown footage of Casey Starchak wearing only a chef’s apron and holding Colleen Powers’ hand right next to his balls. So, did Ashley burst into tears like when she saw Casey getting lap dances the week prior?
We have a new Ashley H. in the house, y’all! She did not shed any tears. In fact, she was straight up mad. Even host Mark L. Walberg stated, “You’re not the fragile girl I saw last bonfire.” She flatly stated that Casey had broken their promise that they wouldn’t hold hands with others, and this is exactly why she has trust issues. She then sassed to the group, “They’re f*cking up.” Preach it, Ash!
At the villa, Kate lost her lunch because she was so upset about how David behaved. She shared a note from David to Ashley Goldson and Ashley H. In it, David had written he respected Kate, and that they were best friends. She quickly ripped it up and threw it in the trash.
Dominique Price comforted Kate as everyone sat around a bit mopey. Ashley G. announced she felt bad for the guys because their sadness from the bonfire kills the vibe in the house. Um, they are just here for the free trip, so I wouldn’t worry about their “vibe.” Kate immediately took that as a personal attack. Ashley G. then told her to slow her roll, she wasn’t calling her out.
You’d think that’d be the end of that, but no. Chris Novak felt the need to school all the guys to be supportive of the girls. Most didn’t take him seriously, of course, they were going to be supportive. But KB Brown did not take kindly on being told what to do. No one is allowed to put him in check! He is the captain after all. No drama ensued though because Chris immediately rolled over and apologized to him.
Last week, Mark told the couples they can ask anyone out on a date at any time. So, Ashley H. sat with her bros Deac Conti and Ben Knoblock, and mused as to who she would ask out. She wanted to take both of them, but decided on Ben. Ben smiled like he won the lottery. Deac took it in stride and teased, “Gag me!” They all had a good laugh about it and it was pretty cute.
Over at the guys’ villa, Kari Nesheim asked David if the guys were worried about what their girlfriends were seeing. David admitted he was a bit worried about what Kate would see because he’s been a bit loose, but he was still confident in their relationship. Wow. David not only lies to others, but also to himself. He can’t think Kate is going to be ok watching Toneata hump him in the hot tub.
Rick Fleur was sad about the footage he saw of Ashley G. telling KB he made it easy for her to move on. Medinah Ali put her detective hat on and said there had to be a reason why. Neither could remember the answer; Rick telling Ashley they weren’t handcuffed. Mystery solved!
Rick then decided to shake things up and asked Samantha Hoffman out on a date instead of Medinah. Medinah stared at them from a distance as this all went down. Samantha wisely told Rick she would probably need to sleep with one eye open.
Like Ashley H., Casey has his own trifecta with Payton Burgess and Rachel Hamel. But the dynamic was not quite so jovial. When Casey asked Rachel out on a date in front of Payton, instead of laughing about it, Payton looked like she wanted to stab somebody. Then she started crying in the confessional and said she felt like she got slapped in the face. If Payton was auditioning for the role of a crazy stalker, I’d say she nailed it. Hope you locked your door, Casey!

The next morning, the guys all go parasailing with their dates. Even though Rick is with Samantha, Medinah is there because Gavin Rocker asked her out. So much for Rick getting a break! Still, Rick admitted Ashley G. wasn’t thinking about him, but he was thinking about Medinah. The tides are turning, my friends.
As they flew up into the air, Gavin screamed like a little girl. Please show that footage to Esonica Veira next bonfire! While David flew along with Toneata, he seemed shaken as to why his parasailing gear was making noises like he was going to get dropped from the sky like a hot potato. Foreshadowing, perhaps?
Casey admitted he chose Rachel for his date because he didn’t want Ashley to think he had feelings for Payton. Rachel gave Casey a backhanded compliment that he wouldn’t be the first person she would approach, she preferred vampires, but she liked his personality. She also really likes comedians, so maybe the producers can hook her up with Deac when this is over?

For the girls’ dates they all go canoeing. Not as dramatic, but still nice. Esonica picked Kareem Thomas again because he’s been a gentleman to her. Kareem prodded her as to what she didn’t like about Gavin so he could share how awesome he was instead. Esonica said that Gavin doesn’t give her enough compliments, and she just wants confirmation that he cares. Esonica noted that Kareem is a smooth talker, so she takes his words with a grain of salt.
Someone who didn’t recognize a smooth talker when they saw one was Ashley G. On her date with KB, she shared that she might have thrown away a four-year relationship with Rick because of her attraction to him. And then things took a turn. KB told Ashley that they are always going to have a good time, but she should be open to having a connection with someone else. Translation, KB got what he wanted, so buh-bye.
On Ashely H. and Ben’s date, Ashley said she wanted to make a connection with someone else besides Deac. Unfortunately, instead of connecting with Ashley, Ben spent most of his time talking about Deac. Not a good strategy to get out of the friend zone Ben!
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Back at the guys’ villa, the girls egg Payton on to confront Casey for picking Rachel over her. And of course, right on cue, Casey and Rachel walk in. As one of the girls asked Casey which date he liked better, Payton paced back and forth like a caged animal waiting to strike. Time to run and hide Rachel!
Then Payton made her move. She pulled Casey aside and asked why he thought it was okay to ask Rachel out in front of her, and if her feelings ever crossed his mind. That would be a no. Casey stumbled through his answer and blurted some nonsense that it’s part of the process and she should understand. Payton nodded that she understood completely. She responded, “I personally think you’re being an asshole.”
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At the girls’ villa, Chris Grant is by Kate’s side listening to her complain about David. Then Dominique cut in to talk to her. Dominique shared that Kate is pretty popular with the guys, so he’s not sure if he should muscle in or not. Sounds pretty similar to David’s situation with the girls. Dominique shared that he is looking for love on the island and it’s someone like her. Kate appreciated it, but said she would stay respectful to her relationship.
Ashley H. asked KB to go find out where Ashley G. is. KB reluctantly wandered into the bedroom to find Ashley hiding under the covers again. The entire conversation consisted of KB trying to get Ashley to talk about what’s wrong, and Ashley asking if she could touch his penis. Get yourself together girl!
At the guy’s villa, Mia Metcalf chatted with Gavin about how she really wanted to go parasailing. He told her not to worry, there will be other dates in the future. But you could tell Mia wasn’t really interested in Gavin, she just wanted to get out of the house and have some fun. Poor Gavin, you almost feel bad that he’s not connecting with anyone. But this just builds onto my hope that he and Esonica stay together.
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Meanwhile, Medinah is throwing herself onto Rick to get him into bed. But Rick held strong. He said he used to hook up with girls when he was hurt, but this time he wants to do things the right way. Good for you Rick! It will be really interesting to see if these two leave the island together. Things are definitely looking serious between the two of them.
Speaking of leaving the island, that’s on Ashley G.’s mind. She sat down with KB and asked what he thought if she said she wanted to leave the island with him. A long pause before a response is never a good thing. KB politely rejected her and informed her it’s best for them to just be friends. What a sinking feeling. Ashley shared she was “tempted and bullsh*tted.”
On the opposite end of the spectrum, Ashley H. asked Deac when did he know he had feelings for her. I can’t wait to see the look on Casey’s face if they show him that footage! Ashley is holding Deac’s hand as he replied he liked her since day one. The vibe is intense, and not at all the friend zone vibe she shared with Ben.
There’s a change in the air over at the guys’ villa. Casey acknowledged that other people actually have feelings, and it would just be easier if he focused on Ashley H. Gavin sat with Samantha and listened to her complain that she likes David, but he has a connection with Toneata. She decided she needed to step up her game with him.
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And boy did she ever. Later that night, they have a blackout / glow party. Any party called a blackout party is not going to end well. Creeper David approached Payton and asked if she would reject him if he asked her out on a date. I’m guessing that David would take any girl on a date as long as she had a pulse. Payton admitted she would go with him, but would rather be with Casey.
Rachel shared with Casey that she thinks Payton is threatened their connection. To say the least! Casey’s not sure how to navigate Payton, all he knows is he doesn’t want to push her away. You can’t reason with crazy.
Then things start getting wild. The alcohol is flowing, and everyone is jumping and twerking in the pool. Gavin thought it would be a good idea to put half of Payton’s foot in his mouth. This caused the girls to start shrieking, “Gavin’s sucking on toes!” Guess we know who in the house has a foot fetish!
Then Samantha decided to use her secret weapon to get David’s attention, getting naked. And because David has no respect for Kate at all, he went with it and got in the shower with her. Afterward, Payton stopped by to see what was going on. David kept asking her to come in and join them, and finally, she relented. It’s obvious Payton wanted to hurt Casey with what she was about to do, but you can’t make a narcissist jealous.
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As Samantha and Payton jumped into bed with David, they joked they never had a threesome before. David was mum, which made me think this wasn’t his first foray into adding another person into the mix.
The whole thing was beyond weird. After David made out with Payton, he asked her who Casey was with right now. Like he was bragging she was with him and not Casey. In the confessional, Samantha said about David, “I guess he does want to break up with his girlfriend.” We’ll have to wait until next week to see if there is a bonfire. But once Kate sees that footage, it’s game over.
[Photo Credit: Mario Perez/USA Network]
The post Temptation Island Season 2 Episode Recap: Something’s In The Air appeared first on Reality Tea.
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