Sunday, July 7, 2019

05:37 PM PST - (TV) Jack goes to the DR and finds his Whacktivity Comp power card -- (Continues..)

05:37 PM PST - (TV) Jack goes to the DR and finds his Whacktivity Comp power card -- (Continues..)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:34 PM PST - (TV) Jack comes into the target room where Holly & Michie are laying on the beds. Jack lies to them and tells them that his lantern turned red. They believe Tommy or Sam have it. (NT)

05:34 PM PST - (TV) Jack comes into the target room where Holly & Michie are laying on the beds. Jack lies to them and tells them that his lantern turned red. They believe Tommy or Sam have it. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

Big Brother 21 Spoilers: Whacktivity Week 2 Results

On Sunday’s episode of Big Brother 21, we learned that Whacktivity is played out in three different competitions. For the first three weeks of Big Brother 21, they have to face off in groups of five (or however many players are left). The first week was a smelling competition that put houseguests against each other to win the Nightmare activity and prize.

For the first week, Cliff Hogg III, Kathryn Dunn, Ovi Kabir, Nicole Anthony, and Isabella Wang tried their hardest to identify different disgusting smells. In the end, Ovi was the winner.

With his win came the prize of the Nightmare prize. This prize allows him to make the week a nightmare for the current Head of Household. After nomination ceremony (not after Power of Veto ceremony), he can wake the entire house up, and then force the Head of Household to make new nominations. The two previous nominees become safe for the entire week.
Ovi had six weeks to use this power. Unfortunately, Ovi didn’t get to use it before he was evicted from the game. He might come back and still get to use it, but for now, let’s hope the next winner has better luck with their prize.

This week, Holly Allen, Jack Matthews, Jackson Michie, Sam Smith, and Tommy Bracco compete for the Chaos prize. With four out of the five competitors in this one being part of Gr8ful, then there is a good chance one of them will win the prize, and put it in the hands of that alliance.

However, Sam already won the Veto against what seemed like strong players, so we might have a repeat of that win with this win.

So who won the Chaos Whacktivity prize? And what is the prize?



The houseguests had to go to their cabins then come out and search through a snake pit. They had to find a match for each of the three special snakes that appeared in front of them. They had to then find that snake and put it in the box next to their match.

The houseguest that matched the snakes correctly in the fastest time won the Whacktivity prize.

Tommy went first. He got all his matches in the first run, but he was a little scared of them.

Sam went next. He also was a little nervous of being bitten, but got all his correct once he matched them.

Holly went next. She also got hers on the first try, but struggled to get one of them in their box.

Jackson went next. He struggled to get the last snake right, but got it on the second try.

Jack went next. He also got his on the first try.

The person with the fastest time was Jack. Jack won the Chaos Whacktivity. 

His prize is that the Chaos forces a new Veto picking draw. He could force everyone to redraw and pick players. It’s also good for six weeks.


It’s Big Brother 21 season, so keep it here all summer for news, recaps, exclusives, spoilers and much more. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!!

from Big Brother Access

05:33 PM PST - (TV) All HG's back in their cabins. Announcer is giving the results with a buzzer if they were not the winner and a red light in the lantern. Sam -- 1:22 Tommy -- 2:10 Michie -- 1:51 Holly -- 1:41 Jack -- 00:49 Jack wins the Whacktivity comp. (NT)

05:33 PM PST - (TV) All HG's back in their cabins. Announcer is giving the results with a buzzer if they were not the winner and a red light in the lantern. Sam -- 1:22 Tommy -- 2:10 Michie -- 1:51 Holly -- 1:41 Jack -- 00:49 Jack wins the Whacktivity comp. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:31 PM PST - (TV) Multiple clips of Jack moving through the bins searching for the red snake. He finds it, drops it in the box and as he is closing the lid, the snake snaps at him but hits the lid. Jack locks in and gives a 'Lets GO!' (NT)

05:31 PM PST - (TV) Multiple clips of Jack moving through the bins searching for the red snake. He finds it, drops it in the box and as he is closing the lid, the snake snaps at him but hits the lid. Jack locks in and gives a 'Lets GO!' (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:30 PM PST - (TV) Jack last to go. He starts with the green snake. Moves quickly through and closes the lid. He moves pretty quick through the grey snake as well. (NT)

05:30 PM PST - (TV) Jack last to go. He starts with the green snake. Moves quickly through and closes the lid. He moves pretty quick through the grey snake as well. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:29 PM PST - (TV) Michie goes for the last red snake, holding it only by the finger tips and drops it and locks in, however he gets a 'HISS' sounds because the red snake is not correct. He removes the wrong snake and finds the right one, locks in, claps his hands together and fist pumps with a 'YES'! (NT)

05:29 PM PST - (TV) Michie goes for the last red snake, holding it only by the finger tips and drops it and locks in, however he gets a 'HISS' sounds because the red snake is not correct. He removes the wrong snake and finds the right one, locks in, claps his hands together and fist pumps with a 'YES'! (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:28 PM PST - (TV) Michie moving quickly through the green snake saying the snakes in the house are more of a concern than the snakes in the comp. He completes the grey snake quickly as well. (NT)

05:28 PM PST - (TV) Michie moving quickly through the green snake saying the snakes in the house are more of a concern than the snakes in the comp. He completes the grey snake quickly as well. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:26 PM PST - (TV) Holly starts off opening the box lids to each answer. She says in the DR she doesn't like snakes. She gets the green one and red one done quickly (with scene cuts). She has trouble getting the grey snake into its box but eventually locks in. (NT)

05:26 PM PST - (TV) Holly starts off opening the box lids to each answer. She says in the DR she doesn't like snakes. She gets the green one and red one done quickly (with scene cuts). She has trouble getting the grey snake into its box but eventually locks in. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:25 PM PST - (TV) Sam quickly completes the 3rd/green snake and locks in his time. He's exited to finish (NT)

05:25 PM PST - (TV) Sam quickly completes the 3rd/green snake and locks in his time. He's exited to finish (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:25 PM PST - (TV) Sam gets the red snake done first, and quickly. The grey snake gives him some issues as it's buried below other snakes in the left bin. A yellow snake makes a move at him when he's trying to retrieve the one he needs. He eventually gets it and drops it

05:25 PM PST - (TV) Sam gets the red snake done first, and quickly. The grey snake gives him some issues as it's buried below other snakes in the left bin. A yellow snake makes a move at him when he's trying to retrieve the one he needs. He eventually gets it and drops it

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:24 PM PST - (TV) Sam up next. Sam said he likes them, he used to catch them when he was little. He said he would get a snake tattoo if he could. (NT)

05:24 PM PST - (TV) Sam up next. Sam said he likes them, he used to catch them when he was little. He said he would get a snake tattoo if he could. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:23 PM PST - (TV) Tommy gets through the second snake pretty quick. The 3rd snake is red and skinny. The bin holding the matching snake is filled with larger snakes, however Tommy is able to retrieve it, drop it into the box and lock in his time. He gives a big "YES" with his hands up after locking in. (NT)

05:23 PM PST - (TV) Tommy gets through the second snake pretty quick. The 3rd snake is red and skinny. The bin holding the matching snake is filled with larger snakes, however Tommy is able to retrieve it, drop it into the box and lock in his time. He gives a big "YES" with his hands up after locking in. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:21 PM PST - (TV) Bell rings and Tommy starts telling the snakes 'So nice to meet you'. He starts with the green snake and finds the match -- calls her 'Ronda'. Tommy picks it up and drops it in the box. (NT)

05:21 PM PST - (TV) Bell rings and Tommy starts telling the snakes 'So nice to meet you'. He starts with the green snake and finds the match -- calls her 'Ronda'. Tommy picks it up and drops it in the box. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:20 PM PST - (TV) Tommy turns the corner into the game sees multiple pits filled with snakes. 3 boxes sit side by side to the front of the picture. Each contains a different type of snake. Competitors will have to find the matching snake somewhere around the camp area , pick it up and return it to the box to match. Must hit a button to lock in their time. Whoever matches the fastest will win the comp and a secret power. (NT)

05:20 PM PST - (TV) Tommy turns the corner into the game sees multiple pits filled with snakes. 3 boxes sit side by side to the front of the picture. Each contains a different type of snake. Competitors will have to find the matching snake somewhere around the camp area , pick it up and return it to the box to match. Must hit a button to lock in their time. Whoever matches the fastest will win the comp and a secret power. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:18 PM PST - (TV) Tommy is first to go into the comp - solo run (NT)

05:18 PM PST - (TV) Tommy is first to go into the comp - solo run (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:17 PM PST - (TV) Bugle sounds and everyone runs to the LR for the Whacktivity competition -- Michie, Holly, Jack, Sam & Tommy will be playing. (NT)

05:17 PM PST - (TV) Bugle sounds and everyone runs to the LR for the Whacktivity competition -- Michie, Holly, Jack, Sam & Tommy will be playing. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:15 PM PST - (TV) Nicole gives Ovi a heads up that the guys he thought he was working with were really giving him the runaround. Ovi says in the DR that it will change the way he plays the game (NT)

05:15 PM PST - (TV) Nicole gives Ovi a heads up that the guys he thought he was working with were really giving him the runaround. Ovi says in the DR that it will change the way he plays the game (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:09 PM PST - (TV) In the DR, Ovi said that his Nightmare power is not gone -- it is just dormant (pending his return to the house) (NT)

05:09 PM PST - (TV) In the DR, Ovi said that his Nightmare power is not gone -- it is just dormant (pending his return to the house) (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:09 PM PST - (TV) Conversation in the SR with Michie and David. Michie asked him what happened in the comp? David said it was rough. Michie said he was trying to set him up to come back. David doing nothing but smiling. (NT)

05:09 PM PST - (TV) Conversation in the SR with Michie and David. Michie asked him what happened in the comp? David said it was rough. Michie said he was trying to set him up to come back. David doing nothing but smiling. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:03 PM PST - All 4 cams swap to the outside hammock with Bella. Nick is on the grass next to her and is giving her multiple kisses (NT)

05:03 PM PST - All 4 cams swap to the outside hammock with Bella. Nick is on the grass next to her and is giving her multiple kisses (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:01 PM PST - Up in the campers room, Christie and Tommy appear to be working on a b-day cake for Jack. They both notice the mix is a lumpy. Tommy said it's OK and they keep on stirring. (NT)

05:01 PM PST - Up in the campers room, Christie and Tommy appear to be working on a b-day cake for Jack. They both notice the mix is a lumpy. Tommy said it's OK and they keep on stirring. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:00 PM PST - Sam, Kemi, Ovi, Jackson & Nicole in the KT starting to feast on a salad buffet. Kat joins from outside and Jessica wanders in to get started as well (NT)

05:00 PM PST - Sam, Kemi, Ovi, Jackson & Nicole in the KT starting to feast on a salad buffet. Kat joins from outside and Jessica wanders in to get started as well (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)