from E! Online (US) - TV News https://www.eonline.com/news/1170652/tyra-banks-is-the-new-host-of-dancing-with-the-stars?cmpid=rss-000000-rssfeed-365-tvnews&utm_source=eonline&utm_medium=rssfeeds&utm_campaign=rss_tvnews
The Amazing Race 32 is replacing Survivor 41 on CBS’s fall schedule. CBS also gave an update on Survivor’s production, which has not yet begun.
It’s been a little over two weeks since the faithful return of Real Housewives of New York City to our screens. New taglines and all! Since the break, fan-favorite Tinsley Mortimer has left the show and the city. The franchise has also had it’s lowest-rated episode in literal years. This week we watched the cast return to the Bezerkshires. Apparently, Jill Zarin was excluded from the trip by Dorinda Medley. Jill really has a habit of being excused from cast trips. *cough cough SCARY ISLAND cough* Sadly, I think we all would have much rather watched Jill and Dorinda grapple for the spotlight than Ramona Singer and Elyse Slaine fight over…I’m not even sure. How close of friends they are? Apparently it’s not that close, ladies.
It’s no secret that Ramona has always had a thirst for the spotlight on the show. In the previous episode, Sonja Morgan called Ramona out for always one-upping with “fake parties and fake friends.” This week Luann de Lesseps called Ramona the “queen of scenes.” She wants to make a scene and be aired doing so. Even Leah McSweeney claims Ramona tried to boot her off the show. I’m sure Leah’s “juvenile” by hysterical storylines irk Ramona to no end. Welp. Lu’s critique of the Ramona-coaster actually go beyond her self-recorded-at-home interviews.
As long as I can remember, Lu and Ramona have always had a strangely distant relationship, despite being on the show together since Season 1! Recently, Luann told Us Weekly that Ramona “has her moments, and I think that sometimes she is not thinking about other people and you know, and she’s self-centered.”
Where’s the lie tho? I mean, just this week she called Elyse “heavy” when she sat on her lap after Dorinda did the same thing. Pure word vomit. Bless. This is why we love her. But also why we hate her? I can’t even tell. But I love to watch.
It sounds like Ramona doesn’t even deny it. (I mean, how could she?) Luann went on to share, “And she’ll say that! I mean, she says it all the time, you know, ‘It’s all about me.’ What about, ‘Forget about you? It’s about me!’ So, I mean, there’s no secret there.” Lol. Ramona has never been one for secrets, has she?
When it comes to Leah and Ramona’s odd relationship this season Luann even said “Ramona loves to play mother hen. So I think Ramona is into mothering Leah a little bit. And at the same time, judges her more like she would judge her own daughter on her behavior.” The girl did chuck lit torches around a bunch of landscaping and rip a lobster off a seafood tower.
Luann says “She doesn’t give Leah a pass. … With Leah though, she’s very judgmental. So I feel like she’s harder on Leah and then she has on everybody else.” Well, the good news is that Leah is now 3 months sober. I can’t decide if Ramona just won’t give a shit or if she will be thankful she won’t have to compete with the hysteria for the camera time.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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Wow, what an episode! Lat night on Below Deck Mediterranean, we finally got the answer as to why Pete Hunziker has stuck around long past his firing from the show. And the answer is a tried-and-true reality TV staple, yachties: so we, the viewers, could witness his downfall.
That’s right, it looks like Creepy Pete is on his way out. Or at the very least, this is the beginning of the end for the disgraced deckhand, who was unceremoniously booted by Bravo after he posted a vilely racist/sexist/downright disgusting meme on social media. But let’s not get too ahead of ourselves and back up to the top of the hour, shall we?
Last week, Below Deck Med ended on a dramatic cliffhanger with Jessica More in tears after slamming her finger in a door somewhere aboard The Wellington. Now, it appears the third stew’s accident somehow managed to happen off camera. Which is honestly kind of miraculous considering there isn’t really anywhere to hide from Bravo’s cameras on board the nearly 185-foot luxury yacht. (Seriously, if you haven’t read Caity Weaver’s brilliant behind-the-scenes piece in The New York Times Style section about how the show is filmed, run don’t walk because it is a thrilling slice of journalism for any true Below Deck fan. I can’t recommend it enough.)
Fearing the third stew’s finger may be broken, Captain Sandy Yawn immediately sends poor Jess to the hospital. She also opts to hold a preference sheet meeting for the upcoming charter while we wait for news on the stew’s condition because if there’s one thing we’ve learned over the past 13 seasons of the Below Deck franchise, it’s that charter season waits for no man. And from the looks of it, the crew’s fourth charter may be their most difficult yet. Via the preference sheets, the charter guests are described as a “fabulous group of Miami’s most elite entrepreneurs, models and designers” led by real estate mogul Bernardo. That’s right, no last name. Just Bernardo. So this sounds like it’s going to be just delightful.
Meanwhile, Jess comes back from the Mallorca’s closest E.R. with bad news in the form of a cast. Turns out her finger suffered a hairline fracture and she’ll be down a hand for anywhere between a week and 15 days. This curveball creates a major problem for Captain Sandy, who calls an emergency meeting with Hannah Ferrier to discuss the possibility of replacing her third stew. With just hours before the next charter, they don’t have time find someone new right away, but Sandy leaves it up to her chief stew to let her know when Jessica needs to get the boot.
Now here’s where Pete‘s undoing turns into a game of musical chairs disguised as a series of meetings. So follow along closely.
Meeting #1 & #2: While Sandy and Hannah discuss poor Jess‘s fate, Bugsy Drake pulls Malia White aside to have a frank chat about Party Pete‘s inappropriate language and treatment of women. The second stew felt rightfully violated by the lead deckhand vulgar come-ons and locker room talk in the crew mess last week. In Bugsy’s eyes, he particularly crossed a line by detailing what he planned to do to former stew Lara Flumiani once he got off the boat (it’s gross, I’m not repeating it) and now Pete is getting reported.
Meeting #3: After a quick smoke break on the dock with Chef Kiko Lorran, Hannah holds an interior meeting…in the interior. Basically, the chief stew has decided the best way to demonstrate her leadership is to let Bugsy pick up the slack and manage Jessica and her broken finger. Because Hannah can’t be bothered, especially when she’s too busy declaring her distrust of everything Bugsy does and says. Oh and one more thing. Bugs has to handle service all by herself this charter because Jess can’t exactly hold a tray. She can’t exactly fold laundry and turn down cabins with a broken hand either, but again, Hannah can’t be bothered.
Meeting #4: Now it’s Bugsy‘s turn to relay everything she said to Malia about Creepy Pete to Captain Sandy. On the bridge, the second stew explains that she found Pete’s behavior in the crew mess slightly threatening, and she’s concerned for the safety of all the girls on board. That being said, she’s also willing to give Pete a second chance. Captain Sandy is rightfully appalled to learn of Pervy Pete’s, well, general perviness and calls the lead deckhand to the bridge for a confrontation. Leading us to…
Meeting #5: Captain Sandy is fuming, while a clueless Pete has no idea he’s about to get the fear of God instilled into him. When confronted, Slippery Pete only admits to maybe kinda sorta possibly saying a few “inappropriate things” about females on board. A furious Sandy would rather leave the misogynistic deckhand behind to rot on the dock, but considering the charter is hours away, he gets a stern warning. But oh, the consequences are far from over…
Meeting #6: Thoroughly dressed down by Sandy, Pete now has to face the wrath of Malia. The bosun promptly demotes him, taking away his title of lead deckhand with a reminder that this is happening because he’s now endangered the environment on The Wellington with his toxic masculinity. Sexism will not be tolerated, sweetie. Particularly when every person above you in the ship’s hierarchy is a self-assured, powerful female. In the words of Beyoncé, tell him, boy, bye.
Meeting #7 & #8: Now stripped of both his power and his pride Creepy Pete decides to pull Bugsy aside for an apology. Meanwhile, Malia updates Alex Radcliffe and Rob Westergaard on the changing deck team situation. Like she said, Bugs is all about second chances this season; Malia wants to give the other deckhands their first chance at stepping up to lead. And honestly, at this point, either Alex or Rob is bound to do a wildly better job than their predecessor. At least neither can be worse, right? But can Pete actually redeem himself? Based on what’s happened in the past few weeks, I’d say the answer is a resounding no.
The charter guests arrive and immediately turn into the high-maintenance nightmare they were predicted to be. One is gluten free/dairy free. One is a vegan. Another is weirdly particular about juice. All of this sends Chef Kiko‘s confidence into a nosedive. Early in the charter, the chef confesses that when he’s not confident, he’s more prone to mess up. And this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as things in things in the galley start spiraling.
There’s a tiff between Hannah and Bugsy over unordered lemons for the interior and poor Jess is forced to unpack a guest’s suitcase one-handed, but everything that really goes wrong starts and ends with dinner. Anchored at Sa Foradada, Kiko is forced to wait for new mushrooms to be delivered after the ones he got turned out to be chewy. This delays dinner’s 9:30 start time and he’s a bundle of nerves. Time ticks by as the guests grow more agitated, even with Bugsy distracting them with more booze and good service. Eventually, it’s after 10 o’clock by the time they’re seated and waiting for their first course.
Kiko serves up mushroom teriyaki that’s literally on fire. Despite the wait, the guests still love him, cheering his name as he brings their food to the table. The entree for the evening comes out at 10:45 — a grilled sea bass with asparagus and purple mash. Sandy is already upset at Kiko for his poor time management. Hannah is on his case about portion sizes. And then the primary bites into his fish…and it’s raw. Pink. Inedible. He quietly sends the plate back to be cooked properly, but it’s the last straw that Kiko can handle. Declaring the meal the “worst day of his life,” he knows he’s going to be in hot water. Because that will all have to wait until next week. And until then we have Professional Pete taking the late watch to watch over our nightmares…
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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It was only two months ago that we were reading stories about Stassi Schroeder saying she was tired of being called a “mean girl”. Back then, it was towards Kristen Doute. It feels like a lifetime ago. In those days, Kristen’s biggest concern was the fact that Vanderpump Rules wasn’t showing her friendship with Ariana Madix. Now fast forward. Both Stassi and Kristen have been fired after racist actions towards former cast-mate Faith Stowers. Seriously. It’s only been two months since this whirlwind. Time flies when you’re holding people accountable!
Of note is the fact that Faith has decided to start over with former (current? who cares?) hostess Lala Kent. These two were fast friends originally. If you missed it, Kristen reached out the Faith as well. At that time Faith declined to speak with her. Sort of sad, since even Scheana Marie, says Kristen has never been one of the mean girls. Anyways. While Stassi continues to focus attention back on her boring basic bitch cookie-cutter life, Kristen is still trying to share her feelings and reflections on the entire situation.
US Weekly shared an interview on the not-yet-released Hollywood Raw Podcast with Kristen. In the interview, she said, “I think the biggest thing that I’ve learned is that I have so much to learn.” Good for her! As the wise people who started Stassi’s petition to be rehired once said, “When you know better, you do better.” (Actually, they ripped off Maya Angelou, I digress).
Kristen continued, “I know that’s super cliché and a lot of people say that but it’s absolutely true because I think that I thought that I understood racism but now I’m really learning about unconscious bias.” Maybe she is doing some work on this topic. Is she actually admitting she may not know it all? I mean this is just a couple of weeks after she whined about cancel culture. Do people change? Let’s see…
When addressing her past actions Kristen admitted, “It was definitely none of my business to take anything to social media [and] essentially send a mob out to this person. Especially because she’s black” She even added, “It was really just not my place to go there.”
We even got some more info on the specifics of Kristen’s new wokeness. She said she’s been “Learning about anti-racism. Learning about how we can do things locally to really truly make changes and putting work into your community locally to make those changes I think [are] so important.”
Kristen said, “At the end of the day I’m not a f–king saint.” She claimed, “I’m doing the best that I can. I’m human and I make mistakes all the time and I’m just trying to do something every day that makes this a little bit better for everyone.”
Well, she had me. But if you really want to show some growth, Kristen why don’t you answer for your rekindled friendship with Stassi and Katie again? One of you is reaching out, expressing remorse, discussing your growth. The other one is announcing her pregnancy via a new shit-riddled PR firm and an #ootd onesie. Personally, I think they both could be doing more than talking about their feelings on a podcast. But at least it’s something.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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Grant Imahara, who competed on Battlebots before becoming part of Discovery’s Mythbusters’ build team, died at age 49. His work spanned television, theme parks, and films, including Galaxy Quest, Star Wars, and The Matrix.
Last night’s episode of 90 Day Fiance The Other Way was filled with equal parts of disappointment, meltdowns with a splash of normal. This episode gave me just enough crazy to be able to make it through the week thankful for small annoyances. I spent half the episode just shaking my head in pity. There is one cast member who may have sealed the fate of their relationship after a fiery confrontation.
Biniyam‘s apartment options shock Ariela and her mother. Armando Rubio prepares for Kenneth Niedermeier‘s arrival. Jenny Slatten is out of patience with Sumit‘s excuses about his divorce. Deavan Clegg is done with Jihoon Lee‘s lies. Brittany Banks‘ visit with Yazan Abo Horira‘s parents doesn’t go as planned. Let’s get straight to the recap!
After Brittany’s explosive first night in Jordan, Yazan surprises her at the hotel with an apology and flowers. They both agree to put that unfortunate night behind them. Yazan decides to take Brittany to speak to his parents. This has trouble written all over it. No later than Brittany and Yazan get into the car, they get into another fight. Sigh! Yazan asks her to refrain from hugging men in the future because it makes him jealous. She immediately goes into defense mode. She makes it clear that no one is going to change her and her customs. She even tells Yazan he owes her $900 for making her put a hijab over her expensive wig. What? Clearly Brittany doesn’t realize that she isn’t in America anymore. Honey, it may be time to click your heels three times and go back home. Brittany’s argument would make more sense, if she hadn’t agreed to move to Yazan’s country fully aware of his beliefs. Something tells me she is going to look back at her behavior on this show and be downright embarrassed.
When Brittany and Yazan arrive at his parents’ home everyone is all smiles. When the topic shifts to the date of their wedding all hell breaks loose. Yazan’s parents want the happy couple to get married in a matter of days. Brittany continues to push back the date and becomes irritated with Yazan. When his mother feels like her son is being rejected, she becomes enraged and starts screaming. Apparently his mother has been waiting a year for her son to get married and have grandchildren and her daughter-in-law to be is ruining her plans. Brittany doesn’t understand the conversation, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know it’s nothing good. Feeling attacked, Brittany storms out of the house in tears. WOW! This scene was intense, to say the least. What a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive. Brittany, why didn’t you just stay in America until you finalized your divorce? Yazan told you in advance his parents expected you to convert and get married quickly, once you arrived in Jordan. This little secret is only making Brittany seem as though she doesn’t truly want to get married. Although Yazan tried to defuse the situation, it was obvious he was embarrassed. Brittany, if you had no intention of accepting your fiance’s cultural beliefs, why agree to marry him? Did she think Jordan was just a place for new Instagram photos? I can’t wait until next week to see how this night ends. Yazan, just drive Brittany to airport and move on with your life. This relationship is beyond doomed. Anytime your father think will thinks people will think your fiancé is a prostitute, things aren’t going well.
Ariela’s mother is in shock when she visits Biniyam’s apartment. As a nurse, she fears the worse for the health of her pregnant daughter. Biniyam asks for their patience while he secures better living arrangements. I hope Biniyam is worth the sacrifice the future mother of his child has made to be with him. I have to admit, I would have ran to the first hotel to put up my swollen feet when I saw that bathroom.
It turns out that Biniyam had a larger plan in place. He wanted to surprise Ariela with their real apartment, that he has been renovating for them . But currently it’s in a state of disarray. Although he estimates the completion of the work to take two weeks, its obvious it won’t be ready for months. The apartment has the potential to be nice, if Biniyam has professionals complete the work. But considering he has been doing all the work himself, I doubt that is in his plans or budget. In my opinion, the apartment will be fixed to all of mother Ariela’s specifications on the 21st of Never. But i do feel bad for Biniyam. He is really trying to make Ariela happy, but continues to fail to do so.
Armando excitedly sets up the new house for Kenneth’s arrival. He even makes him the sweetest homemade framed gift to represent their long distance love. They house is in a nice gated community to ensure their safety as they embark on their new journey together. Meanwhile, Kenneth is driving to Mexico while reflecting on the life he has left behind. Kenneth still feels guilty for leaving his adult children behind. But for once in his life he wants to put his happiness first.
Deavan is still steaming after learning that Jihoon deceived her about his finances. He attempts to explain his position, but she doesn’t want to hear it. Deavan has worked multiple jobs to save money, while Jihoon worked part time at his leisure. When Jihoon admits that he gave his mother the money he earned, while Deavan paid for everything, she is enraged. In an effort to calm down, she decides to take her family to a hotel for the night. With virtually no money it’s a mystery on whether Deavan will chose her comfort or her husband. Personally, I wouldn’t trust Jihoon to pick produce, let alone a house for me and two children.
Sumit takes Jenny to meet with one of his friends, Neeraj. Jenny questions why Neeraj never told her about Sumit’s wife. Neeraj admits that asked Sumit to tell her the truth several times. He also admits that his own personal divorce took four years, which alarms Jenny. At that point, Jenny demands to see Sumit’s divorce paperwork. Something is definitely fishy. Sumit keeps avoiding proof of his claims. Given his history of lying, I would have expected Jenny to demand proof BEFORE she moved to India for the second time.
[Photo Credit: TLC]
The post 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way Recap- I’m Not Your Baby appeared first on Reality Tea.