Thursday, September 10, 2020
05:54 PM PST - (TV) Before commercial, Julie said HG's are going on a power trip for the HOH. BY live shot of the wall comp upcoming. HG's on a ledge with a highway billboard behind them to set the stage (NT) (IMG)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:54 PM PST - (TV) Julie asks why Bay came back to play again. She said on the first go around she had a lot of emotions with Swaggy leaving and wanted to prove to herself that she could still play this game and that those emotional experiences would not define her. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:51 PM PST - (TV) Julie informs Bay about the committee and shows her the 6 HG's on the screen. She asks Bay who her untouchable was because she was never told. Julie tells her it was Tyler. Bay says that Tyler is everyones untouchable. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:43 PM PST - (TV) Before commercial Julie said there is a big announcement for the HG's as they prepare to battle for the HOH (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:42 PM PST - (TV) Bay gives hugs to everyone, including a long hug to Christmas before she departs. Bay puts on her mask, Cody hands her the duffel bag and out she goes. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:41 PM PST - (TV) Kevin with the final vote, makes it unanimous for Bay. Day- 0 Bay-9 (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:40 PM PST - (TV) NicF, in her Sloppies box, casts for Bay. Day- 0 Bay-8 (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:40 PM PST - (TV) Memphis with another vote for Bay. Day- 0 Bay-7 (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:40 PM PST - (TV) David up next and casts for Bayleigh. Day- 0 Bay-6 (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:39 PM PST - (TV) Tyler with the official vote to evict Bayleigh. Day- 0 Bay-5 (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:34 PM PST - (TV) Enzo continues with another vote for Bayleigh. Day- 0 Bay-4 (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:33 PM PST - (TV) Cody up next. Julie offers her condolences directly to him. He casts for Bay. Day- 0 Bay-3 (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:33 PM PST - (TV) Ian up next and casts another vote for Bayleigh. Day- 0 Bay-2 (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:32 PM PST - (TV) Dani voting first tonight. She votes for Bayleigh. Day- 0 Bay-1 (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:30 PM PST - (TV) Voting group -- HOH -- Christmas (not voting tonight) Noms -- Day - Bay Voting -- David, Cody, Dani, Kevin, Ian, Tyler, Enzo, Memphis, NicF (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:29 PM PST - (TV) Live vote and eviction starting now. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:15 PM PST - (TV) Julie offers their condolences to Cody & his family before the commercial break. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:12 PM PST - (TV) Clip of Cody called to the DR with a letter waiting for him to inform him of his grandfather passing away. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
Who Was Evicted Tonight on Big Brother All-Stars? (9/10/20)
Tonight, another fan favorite Big Brother All-Star will be evicted under the house majority controlled alliance that has been in control for weeks now. Either Da’Vonne Rogers or Bayleigh Dayton will be gone after tonight’s live eviction, and Head of Household Christmas Abbott is the one responsible for putting them on the block.
Bay and Day had a final two pact they called Black Girl Magic that they hoped saw them all the way to the end of the Big Brother game. Unfortunately, there weren’t any rabbits pulled out of any hats during this week’s Power of Veto competition that could have saved at least one of them from the block. Now, they must battle one another for votes to stay inside the house. Which popular Big Brother All-Star will be sent packing?
Week Five Power of Veto Fallout
Once Christmas decided NOT to put Tyler Crispen on the block after she won the POV, and Tyler requested to leave, Day was livid with the situation. Tyler decided to re-dedicate himself to the game and concentrate on what he needs to do to play better now that he is staying in the Big Brother house.
Bay was very emotional with the reality that either herself or Day would be evicted from the house this week. She was really upset because she feels as though her ride-or-die, Day, is only on the block because of her. Bay is the one that told Christmas that Day was her untouchable. Consequently, Christmas put both of them on the block.
Day went to have a one-to-one with Christmas to see where her head was and who the target was for the week. Christmas swore to Day that she was targeting Bay, and Day was her ally. Day didn’t know if she was trusty worthy enough to believe her, but what choice did she have?
Black Girl Magic In Head-to-Head Showdown
Bayleigh was rightfully upset with Christmas about the noms this week, and Day stepped in to defend her to Christmas. Day explained that her and Bay looked at Tyler’s offer to leave the game as a gift. When Christmas ignored that request from Tyler and kept both Bay and Day on the block, feelings intensified.
Day kept trying to explain that Bay gave Christmas personal game information. Meanwhile, Christmas kept saying there is no such thing as personal game information. An ugly fight ensued and Day had a breakdown in the backyard while Bay continued on with Christmas. Fingers were put into faces, and the entire house was trying to calm down the three as they went at it. It got ugly, lines were crossed, and things were said.
Week Five Live Eviction
Week Five Head of Household Competition
Make sure to subscribe to the Big Brother 22 Live Feeds to witness the house in HD. Subscribe here. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and check our site regularly for Big Brother 22 spoilers, exclusives, recaps, and so much more.
from Big Brother Access
Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki Say Goodbye to Supernatural on Final Day of Filming

from E! Online (US) - TV News
05:03 PM PST - (TV) During opening credits announcer confirms that tonight's HOH will be an endurance competition. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:01 PM PST - (TV) Julie's opening -- Da'Vonne and Bayleigh. They were a sworn ride or die from the beginning, but by the end of the night only one will be left to fight on. Welcome to Big Brother All Stars. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:00 PM PST - (TV) CBS LIVE 5th eviction episode starts right....NOW! (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)