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Thursday, February 4, 2016
Project Runway Junior's First-Ever Winner Is...
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This Pic of Drake & Josh's Big Grandfathered Reunion Is Making Us Emotional
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American Idol Reveals Season 15's Top 24 and They'll Blow You Away
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Nova líder do ‘BBB 16’, Juliana quer dividir cama com Renan e Adélia
Juliana foi a mais rápida na hora de formar a palavra “abominável” na prova do líder e é a primeira mulher a assumir o posto no “Big Brother Brasil 16”. Além de ficar no grupo Tá com Tudo, ela levou R$ 10 mil como prêmio. Com o poder do “não”, o então líder Daniel teve que vetar quatro pessoas da prova. Os escolhidos foram Ronan, Ana Paula, Geralda e Munik, nesta ordem.
A disputa era de agilidade. Os participantes foram colocados dentro de um globo que simulava uma tempestade de neve: os flocos eram bolas de isopor e cada um trazia uma letra diferente. Os brothers tinham que pegar os flocos e colocar embaixo do seu respectivo boneco de neve. Vencia quem formasse a palavra “abominável” primeiro. A pessoa podia pegar mais de uma bola com as mãos, mas não podia guardar na roupa nem catar as que caíssem no chão.
A prova foi interrompida uma vez porque Maria Claudia só estava com uma mão na grade no início da disputa, e a ordem era que ficassem com as duas. Todos tiveram que voltar e recomeçar. Depois, Adélia foi eliminada por pegar um floco no chão.
Após a prova, em conversa com Adélia, Juliana cogitou levar a amiga e Renan para dividirem com ela a cama no quarto do líder.
Durante a edição de ontem, o programa mostrou o envolvimento da bailarina com o modelo. É esperar e ver se eles virarão mesmo um casal!
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Evening Tea – Daily Link Love
- Doesn’t anyone have original ideas anymore?! – dlisted
- Kanye West is trolling Rolling Stone – IDLYITW
- A fake reconciliation after a fake breakup – Celeb Dirty Laundry
- Lisa Edelstein as Carrie Bradshaw? – Celebitchy
- So scary! I just saw a Lifetime movie about this! – dlisted
Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo
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from Reality Tea
Nova líder, Juliana quer dividir cama com Renan e Adélia
Juliana foi a mais rápida na hora de formar a palavra “abominável” na prova do líder e é a primeira mulher a assumir o posto no “Big Brother Brasil 16”. Além de ficar no grupo Tá com Tudo, ela levou R$ 10 mil como prêmio. Com o poder do “não”, o então líder Daniel teve que vetar quatro pessoas da prova. Os escolhidos foram Ronan, Ana Paula, Geralda e Munik, nesta ordem.
A disputa era de agilidade. Os participantes foram colocados dentro de um globo que simulava uma tempestade de neve: os flocos eram bolas de isopor e cada um trazia uma letra diferente. Os brothers tinham que pegar os flocos e colocar embaixo do seu respectivo boneco de neve. Vencia quem formasse a palavra “abominável” primeiro. A pessoa podia pegar mais de uma bola com as mãos, mas não podia guardar na roupa nem catar as que caíssem no chão.
A prova foi interrompida uma vez porque Maria Claudia só estava com uma mão na grade no início da disputa, e a ordem era que ficassem com as duas. Todos tiveram que voltar e recomeçar. Depois, Adélia foi eliminada por pegar um floco no chão.
Após a prova, em conversa com Adélia, Juliana cogitou levar a amiga e Renan para dividirem com ela a cama no quarto do líder.
Durante a edição de ontem, o programa mostrou o envolvimento da bailarina com o modelo. É esperar e ver se eles virarão mesmo um casal!
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Intriguing Facts You May Not Know About the Making of The People v. O.J. Simpson
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4th Feb 2016
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Source: Christina Aguilera Was Not a Diva During The Voice Photo Shoot
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Freelance Writers Needed
Are you a reality TV fan who loves to write and share your opinions on the latest reality TV news and gossip? Are you looking to make some extra cash? We’re looking to add 2-3 freelance writers on Reality Tea!
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The Lonely Island Is Bringing More Sketch Comedy to Saturday Nights with Lorne Michaels' Blessing
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'American Idol's first winner Kelly Clarkson chooses show appearance over the Grammy Awards!
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Lisa Vanderpump Calls Out Kyle Richards; Expresses Disappointment In Erika Girardi
In her blog, Lisa Vanderpump called out Kyle Richards for all the nonsense she spewed on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills this week.
Lisa snarked, “So, here we are in the kitchen of my disco, aka Villa Rosa. Kyle comes to pick me up, we are jovial and tease each other, which is the foundation of our friendship, but I was eager to resolve the issue regarding the invitation of Faye Resnick to the barbecue at her house the week previously.”
Lisa reiterated that she never expected to see Faye at such a small gathering – and she was not happy about it when she did. “It’s not “holding a grudge” as Kyle frequently states, perhaps in order to paint me in a negative light. I believe, as you reconcile your feelings that have been provoked by somebody, you can move forward, and moving forward without them is your prerogative.”
“The point I was trying to impress on Kyle was two fold, one being I had spoken to Kyle just prior and would’ve appreciated the knowledge that Faye would be attending,” explained Lisa. “Maybe I would’ve declined the invitation, feigning a headache, or honestly stating that I would prefer not to be in her company.”
Lisa shared that she had driven to Kyle‘s dinner with Kathryn Edwards, and when Kathryn expressed concern about Faye being in attendance, Lisa assured her that Kyle wouldn’t have invited her without giving Lisa a head’s up.
“So, as we arrived and came face-to-face with Faye,” bemoaned Lisa, “I felt Kathryn might interpret it as a clandestine move, orchestrated by the two of us. Kathryn had been thrust into the middle of a tragedy, a spotlight put upon her previous marriage since her husband was named as a possible catalyst in that awful scenario. Faye wrote about that in her book, and I’m sure Kathryn had no choice but to address the fact if she ever encountered her.”
Lisa felt there was no reason for her to be in the middle of Kyle and Kathryn‘s drama. “That subject rears its ugly head once more at the Moulin Rouge party. I had little understanding of why I should be drawn into any negative interaction between Kyle and Kathryn. I was not siding with the new girl as Kyle stated, and Kyle wasn’t being attacked. She had no need for me to step in.”
“It was a difference of opinion regarding that contentious character, which I had rather rudely referred to as an orangutan earlier,” continued Lisa. “Shame on me, I shouldn’t have.. but I did. Her orangeness always conjures up that picture in my head. I should delete it and apologize. I should, but I won’t.”
Lisa ended with her opinion on Erika Girardi‘s lacking-in-details version of the conversation about Anwar and Bella. “Viewing Erika reiterate the conversation was disappointing,” she admitted. “It was not an accurate depiction of what transpired. You witnessed my reticence to engage in any speculation regarding the children. That inaccuracy will ignite further conversation, which you will see in due course.”
Photo Credit: Bravo
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Is LuAnn de Lesseps Getting Married Again?!
Is there another wedding by Bravo in our future? Luann de Lesseps has only been dating boyfriend Thomas D’Agostino Jr for a few months, but the Real Housewives Of New York star is madly in love!
“I’m so excited. I found love the second time around,” gushed Luann. ” He’s really just my soulmate. I’m so lucky.”
Apparently Tom feels likewise about The Countess. “I was married for 16 years the first time, and very lucky and had my two beautiful children and I never thought it would happen to me again, but I found love again,” Luann continued. “I’m a hopeless romantic.”
The big news: “It looks like we’re gonna get married, ” Luann exclaimed, while appearing on TheFABLife.
While Luann eagerly revealed that she and Tom are planning to tie the knot, they’re not engaged just yet. Luann’s rep confirms the businessman is “still looking for the right ring.”
Luann and Thomas’ relationship has been developing while Real Housewives Of New York films. Coincidence? Luann reportedly met him through Ramona Singer. They’ve had a whirlwind romance which includes trips to Palm Beach and other luxury destinations. “They are very much in love,” reveals a source.
Luann divorced The Count in season 2 of Real Housewives Of New York. She then dated Jacques Azzoulay for several years, but they split up over differences about their future. Luann has been single – and mingling – until she met Thomas this fall. Congratulations Luann!
[Photo Credit: Instagram]
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‘BBB 16’: Adélia acredita que namorado de Juliana já desistiu da sister
Sozinhas no segundo andar, Adélia resolveu conversar com Juliana sobre os acontecimentos da festa Paranormal, que rolou na última quarta-feira. A advogada alerta a amiga por não vê-la se comportando com os outros brothers com a mesma intimidade que tem com Renan.
“Então, só quem vive isso sabe o que é isso, mas eu sou muito centrada. No sentido em não magoar. Já devo ter magoado, mas tipo, se eu ‘caguei’, não ‘caguei’ 100% entendeu? E não vou ‘cagar’ 100%. Então estou meio quieta porque eu estou meio que pensando. É um lugar que não tem para onde correr e ele está vindo em cima pesado, ele não está me deixando quieta”, disse Juliana.
“A gente está aqui na terceira semana. Vai resistir até a quarta, quinta, mas não passa da sexta”, disparou Adélia, que acredita que Daniel, namorado da Juliana, já desistiu da bailarina. “Se sou eu lá fora, já larguei. Ele não vai ver que você resistiu”.
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'The Voice' coach Blake Shelton vents frustration over ridiculous "lies" on Twitter
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‘BBB 16’: Adélia acredita que namorado de Juliana já desistiu de sister
Sozinhas no segundo andar, Adélia resolveu conversar com Juliana sobre os acontecimentos da festa Paranormal, que rolou na última quarta-feira. A advogada alerta a amiga por não vê-la se comportando com os outros brothers com a mesma intimidade que tem com Renan.
“Então, só quem vive isso sabe o que é isso, mas eu sou muito centrada. No sentido em não magoar. Já devo ter magoado, mas tipo, se eu ‘caguei’, não ‘caguei’ 100% entendeu? E não vou ‘cagar’ 100%. Então estou meio quieta porque eu estou meio que pensando. É um lugar que não tem para onde correr e ele está vindo em cima pesado, ele não está me deixando quieta”, disse Juliana.
“A gente está aqui na terceira semana. Vai resistir até a quarta, quinta, mas não passa da sexta”, disparou Adélia, que acredita que Daniel, namorado da Juliana, já desistiu da bailarina. “Se sou eu lá fora, já larguei. Ele não vai ver que você resistiu”.
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Why Project Runway Junior is the best Project Runway
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Amanda Stanton's ex-husband Nick Buonfiglio dishes on failed marriage and warns 'The Bachelor' Ben Higgins
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Ana Paula acha que está sendo evitada por Juliana no ‘BBB 16’
Parece que a relação de Ana Paula e Juliana não é das melhores, no “Big Brother Brasil 16”. A jornalista percebeu que durante o dia a dançarina não falou com ela.
“Eu estou achando a Juliana esquisitíssima comigo. Desde ontem à noite. A princípio, achei que era por que ela estava meio bêbada”. “E hoje?”, Adélia questionou. “Continua a mesma coisa, meio que esquivando sabe? Eu vi que não é loucura da minha cabeça, não”, respondeu.
Geralda interferiu. “Outro dia ela estava assim comigo também”. “Igual ontem também, estava você, ela e Cacau, eu ia sentar, ela levanta. Aí estava eu e Dona Geralda, passou e olhou estranho e não é coisa da minha cabeça. Mas eu também não estou afim de perguntar”, disse Ana Paula.
Já no quarto, em conversa com Geralda, ela volta ao assunto.
“Não estou entendendo qual é a da Juliana de antipatia comigo”. A professora aposentada também criticou a sister: “Outro dia ela estava assim comigo também. Eu peguei e isolei. Não quer conversar? Problema! Quando ela viu que não dei confiança, se aproximou. Parece que ela é de lua e pega um pra cristo”.
Ana Paula continuou: “E aí fica olhando torto e sai de perto”. Geralda aproveitou o momento para aconselhar: “É só você ignorar e pronto. É só não esquentar seu sangue. Fica de boa”.
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Behind-the-scenes with Rylan in the House | Day 31
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Kathryn Edwards Has No Regrets About Telling Kyle Richards What She Thinks of Faye Resnick!
It may have been 20-plus years ago that Faye Resnick capitalized on wrote a book on the death of Nicole Simpson which mentioned Kathryn Edwards’ (and her ex-husband’s) name, but Kathryn was not done processing it all when the cameras were rolling on this season’s Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Having only met Faye in person this year at Kyle Richards’ barbecue, Kathryn says she needed some time to get over a wound that goes deep, and she frankly doesn’t care whether Kyle understands that or not!
The newest addition to RHOBH, Kathryn prides herself on being honest and says she’ll always “‘have the balls’ to speak the truth.” And if she’s not quite done holding a grudge against Faye, well…she’s in good company: Lisa Vanderpump is still not over Faye coming for her at her anniversary party three years ago (nor should she be, in my opinion!).
Kathryn begins her blog by reviewing Lisa Rinna’s visit to Erika Girardi’s home. “Erika and Lisa Rinna…gorgeous home, tough conversation. I feel for Rinna. I don’t think she meant to start this whirlwind, but it’s out now, and she has to do the right thing and own it with Yolanda [Foster]. Yolanda deserves an apology, and Lisa feels remorseful–should be no problem, right?” (Sure, Erika! That’s how things work on the Planet of the Real Housewives! #LostInSpace)
While Kathryn remarks, “Yolanda and Erika walking on the beach warmed my heart,” she does admit she didn’t understand the whole conversation (Erika relayed to Yolanda) about Yolanda’s children. And their Lyme Disease. And whether they have it. And who’s questioning their illnesses. (And – oh god! Make it STOP!) “If you have a question, ask Yolanda,” instructs Kathryn. “Surely she knows what’s going on with her children better than anyone. That’s the stuff that starts problems. We’ll see how that one shakes out.”
Kathryn sees both sides of the Rinna/Yolanda situation, though. “I do feel like Rinna owned it and sincerely apologized but regardless, it doesn’t make it right, and Yolanda has every right to feel hurt and disappointed,” she writes.
As for “The par-tay…OK, we all dressed like two-bit hookers in ridiculously expensive, trashy outfits, but we looked pretty damn good if I don’t say so myself,” comments Kathryn. “I was so happy to see Eileen [Davidson]. She was the one that I felt the biggest affinity for from the start, and I was happy she was back from a heartfelt trip. I know she had jet lag, and she was a trooper to show up.”
Kathryn has also grown close enough to Erika these days to give her a pass on the C-word! She reveals, “Erika using the c— word…um, ya…I don’t like the C-word. It’s really harsh to me, very degrading, but somehow at this stage of the game, meaning today, Erika has gotten me used to it. I heard her say it so much, along with a few other choice words that somehow (I can’t believe I’m saying this) don’t seem that awful anymore. I know, strange…but it’s true. I won’t be using the word myself but nonetheless it seems funny when Erika says it.”
Finally, on to the Resnick dirt! Kathryn asserts, “My conversation with Kyle regarding Faye was completely organic and honest. I’m sorry if Kyle didn’t or doesn’t understand my feelings, but I’m not going to smile and act like I don’t feel that way. I defend and protect those I love, too. I get it, but if Kyle and I are going to have a friendship, I’d rather she knows me for who I am and what I believe in. Trust me when I say, I’ll always ‘have the balls’ to speak the truth. Everything I said that night was true to who I am. I don’t agree with what Faye did in writing that book…honestly, I think Faye probably regrets it. She sullied Nicole’s memory.”
At this point in her life, Kathryn says she’s truly moved on. “I do believe Faye is in a completely different place now. I’m happy to say that, but people whom you’ve affected have a right to voice their grievances regardless of the time that passed. I’m over it…I feel no ill will towards Faye anymore…I wish her happiness, honestly I do.”
Photo Credit: Andrew Eccles/Bravo
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'The Bachelor' star Ben Higgins: "What happens next week really rocked me to the core"
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Alicia Witt Joins The Walking Dead As Robert Kirkman Warns "People Gotsta Die"
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Miley Cyrus to serve as key adviser on 'The Voice's upcoming tenth season
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Kenya Moore Apologizes To Kim Fields; Admits Cynthia Bailey “Deeply Hurt” Her Feelings
The center of most of the tension on Real Housewives of Atlanta this week, Kenya Moore took to her blog to share her thoughts about Kim Fields‘ ego, NeNe Leakes‘ surprise return, and Cynthia Bailey‘s refusal to call her a best friend.
Kenya apologized to Kim, “I took things too far by pulling her chair. Although I didn’t touch her that could have gone in a very bad direction, and I thank God it did not. There is no excuse for my behavior and I am deeply embarrassed. I do wholeheartedly apologize to Kim.” Kenya apologized on Watch What Happens Live as well.
That said, Kenya made it be known that she is not a fan of Kim‘s self-righteous attitude. “I have always had the ability to read energy and see the subtle nuances in one’s behavior,” shared Kenya. “I have previously stated that she is often condescending, self-righteous, and judgmental. She tried to blame me for “provoking” the man who was threatening and aggressive with all the women in Miami; she has made nasty comments about Life Twirls On despite all the work and money that went into it and the immense love I received for it from fans and industry professionals; she judges and lectures all the women on some level.”
About Kim‘s husband, Chris, Kenya added, “Nothing is lost on my eyes and ears. Including her husband coming for me every episode calling Matt ‘a mutant I found off the street.’ Let the record show he came for me first and I didn’t send for him.”
“When Kim went to the room and ranted to her equally delusional husband, she stated ‘I’m Kim Fields!’ I think that says it all about what she thinks of herself,” said Kenya. “I’ve never heard Meryl Streep, Shonda Rhimes, Oprah Winfrey, or even Tyler Perry say something so arrogant. Who does she think she is?? Oh, that’s right…Kim Fields. Womp Womp.”
Moving on, Kenya said she was surprised to see NeNe, “I knew NeNe would be back, I just did not know it would be so soon and in Jamaica. I was so bored with the table that I almost didn’t notice her walk in.”
Kenya admitted that Cynthia‘s rebuff “deeply hurt” her feelings. “A true friend not only defends you in your presence but in your absence. This is a woman I have adored for over four years and I consider her my sister. When she denied me, it just felt a little too much like rejection, and I am all too familiar with that. I was surprised and crushed that she would treat me that way,” lamented Kenya. “She not only embarrassed me but deeply hurt me. I just hope our friendship is strong enough to withstand this test.”
There’s no denying Kenya acted a fool with Kim and Cynthia. I’ve seen tired, hungry, bored toddlers exhibit more self control than Kenya. I do agree with her assessment of Kim, however; I’m not a fan. I hope not to see her next season.
Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo
Reality Tea’s Commenting Do’s and Don’ts
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Jodie Sweetin reportedly going 'Dancing with the Stars'
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The Problem With TV Revivals—Is There Too Much Love?
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Jodie Sweetin from 'Full House' reportedly going 'Dancing with the Stars'
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Ex-Fiance Of Matt Baier Speaks Out About His Manipulative Ways; Warns Amber Portwood To “RUN!”
Amber Portwood‘s fiancee Matt Baier has quite the scandalous history. Recently the 44-year-old Matt was exposed as being the father of 7 children, to whom he owes unpaid child support. When Amber learned of Matt’s past the Teen Mom OG star panicked. Recently Amber declared that she loved Matt, despite his past, and would stay with him no matter what. Now Matt’s ex-fiance has forward to reveal his patterns of manipulation and cautioning Amber to be careful.
Matt’s ex-fiance, a woman named Kelly who alleges Matt is also the father of her 8-year-old daughter (bringing his total illegitimate child count to 8), gave an exclusive interview to The Ashley, revealing Matt’s secrets and MTV’s plans to involve her story in Teen Mom OG (Note Kelly will not be appearing on the show in any capacity).
“He gets into your head, he’s a good conman,” concedes Kelly. “I thought he was the one for me, that we belonged together. He has this way of making you think that everyone else is crazy. [And] He loves you like no one else.”
After seeing Amber and Matt’s whirlwind romance unfold on Teen Mom OG, Kelly noticed some striking – and alarming – similarities to her own past relationship with Matt. “The speech he gave before proposing to Amber was almost verbatim to what he told me when he asked me to marry him,” she reveals.
Matt and Kelly met at work in 2007. After they started dating, “Within a month he had moved in,” recalls Kelly, then he quickly proposed. She wanted to wait until after they were married before trying for children, but “he was really pressing to have a baby.”
Kelly relented and got pregnant quickly. That’s when Matt disappeared. “I found out I was pregnant in September and by October, Matt was GONE!” Initially they kept in touch, with Kelly believing Matt would come to his senses. (Note: At that time Kelly wasn’t aware he had so many other children.)
Matt did not meet their daughter until she was a month old. He introduced himself as “her sperm donor,” recalls Kelly. Still, Kelly remained hopeful that eventually Matt would want to be involved in his daughter’s life.
“I never heard from him,” concedes Kelly, until their daughter was two when Matt reappeared, apologizing and begging for forgiveness. After agreeing to give him a chance, Kelly and their daughter took a trip with Matt so he could connect with her. Things ended early, however, when Matt confessed that he “didn’t feel anything” for their daughter. Kelly never spoke to him again.
Shortly after Kelly learned Matt was also involved with another woman, who he would eventually father another child with!
OK – seriously – WHAT IS SUPER SPERM’S DEAL?! If he wants to bang without condoms – get a vasectomy! And Lord, I hope all involved have been thoroughly tested!
Kelly, now married, and happily distant from Matt (with no interest in a relationship of any kind), was watching Teen Mom OG “her guilty pleasure” when to her shock Matt appeared on the show. “It was surreal,” she says. “When I saw him on there I almost died.”
After the episode Kelly found him on twitter – he blocked her – but then emailed her and asked to talk. “Somehow, he managed to make me feel bad and crazy for being mad at him. He’s very good at turning things around on you.”
This time, however, Kelly wasn’t letting Matt get away with his manipulations. “He has all these kids that he’s not paying for and doesn’t see, yet he’s off attending the MTV Movie Awards,” reminds Kelly.
After Kelly decided to come forward, a friend secured her the number for Teen Mom OG producer Morgan J. Freeman. Kelly called him and spilled the truth about who Matt really is!
Kelly was soon contacted by another producer, then a “team of people from the show.” The producers formulated a plan to confront Amber with Kelly’s story. “They left it that they would mention on air to Amber that they were contacted by me and see what she wanted to do.” MESSED UP MTV!
Kelly insists her motivation was not to upset Amber, but because she’s concerned Matt will do to Amber what he’s done to so many other women in the past. Essentially, hit and quit it!
“My advice to Amber would be to RUN! Don’t get pregnant, that’s the big thing,” warns Kelly. “When you’re with him, you don’t see the red flags. It wasn’t until afterward that I saw everything and I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t seen it before.”
“He didn’t do the shady stuff all at once, this is trickling in for her,” Kelly adds.
On January 21 Matt received a summons to appear in court over the seven other child support cases from various states. On March 22 a hearing is scheduled. As of today, Kelly has decided to add her names to the list of women suing Matt for child support. A Teen Mom OG producer assured Kelly, “Matt is not yet getting paid for being on the show” but “they will be garnishing his wages” once he’s compensated.
“His life is seriously like one giant episode of The Jerry Springer Show,” laments Kelly. “Amber needs to get as far as she can from all of that!”
For a list of the children Matt is currently being taken to court over click here.
Among some other tidbits Kelly revealed: Matt was briefly a radio DJ whose call name was “The Big Mattress” – Oh the irony! Also he uses alias, including “Grey Baker“, under which he once wrote a book. The Ashley has proof to substantiate both these claims. The Ashley also learned that another woman has recently come forward claiming Matt scammed her out of a lot of money. Currently Matt is allegedly helping Amber run her real estate business…
Unfortunately Amber is still standing by Matt. After last night’s episode she defended him on twitter.
[Photo Credit: instagram]
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