Friday, November 4, 2016

TGIF! Link Love And Weekend Open Chat

Leah Remini Signs Copies Of Her New Book "Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology" Featuring: Leah Remini Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 09 Dec 2015 Credit: FayesVision/

Leah Remini Signs Copies Of Her New Book

Help vote for October’s hot slut of the month – Dlisted

Leah Remini is pissing off Scientology again – Celebitchy

I actually hope this is one Kardashian rumor that’s true – Starcasm

DNA evidence helps dog prove his innocence. Seriously. – Dog Time

Lady Gaga is going to play Donatella on American Crime Story – Dlisted


Photo Credit: FayesVision/



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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend's Rachel Bloom & Donna Lynne Champlin Break Down Those Massive Cliffhangers (Yes, Plural)

Crazy Ex-GirlfriendCrazy Ex-Girlfriend has wasted no time this season delivering twists that lesser shows might hold on to for months, and tonight's episode--only the third in the CW show's second...

from E! Online (US) - TV News

Peta Murgatroyd shares stunning bathroom selfie of baby bump -- See the pic!

Peta Murgatroyd is a beautiful and proud pregnant woman.

from Reality TV World latest news stories

Vanderpump Rules Drama? Mike Shay Missing – Cleaned Out Joint Account He Shares With Scheana Marie?

"Vanderpump Rules" Star, Scheana Marie, Hosts "Geeked Up" Party at Ghostbar Dayclub Inside Palms Casino Resort Las Vegas Featuring: Mike Shay, Scheana Marie Where: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States When: 10 Jan 2015 Credit: Judy Eddy/

Vanderpump Rules Drama? Mike Shay Missing – Cleaned Out Joint Account With Scheana Marie?

Did Vanderpump Rules star Mike Shay take the money and run? Just this afternoon I was wondering why Shay is almost never with Scheana Marie at events (including last night’s Vanderpump Dogs Gala), but it seems that things really are on the rocks in their marriage.

Sources close to Scheana are saying that Mike didn’t come home one night last week (and while she was grieving the loss of a friend), so she got worried and blocked his credit cards. Two days later he reportedly emptied their joint checking account and hasn’t been home since.

Shay has been sober since the beginning of the year, but Scheana is obviously worried because of his past struggles with prescription meds.

TMZ says that Scheana might be considering ending their marriage.

Shay did post on Instagram yesterday, but it was a generic post about the RTVAs, so it could’ve been a scheduled post or shared by his social media manager.

We obviously genuinely hope Shay is okay and not off the wagon. But we are always skeptical of potential “we need a storyline” bullshit.

If Mike is safe and sound, I’m sure he’ll want to share his side of the situation once he catches wind of these accusations.


Photo Credit: Judy Eddy/





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Homeland's First Season 6 Trailer Brings the Action to New York City

Homeland, Claire DanesHomeland is back on home soil for season six as the action moves to New York City, and Showtime has released the first trailer for the new season. The new footage shows quick snippets of...

from E! Online (US) - TV News

Tamra Judge: The Whole Cast Heard Kelly Was Cheating, But Never Mentioned It On Camera!

Tamra Judge on Juicy Scoop Podcast

Tamra Judge on Juicy Scoop Podcast

Tamra Judge was the guest on comedian Heather McDonald’s Juicy Scoop podcast, where she weighed in on all the drama with Kelly Dodd and shared more backstory on where rumors that Kelly cheated originated. Tamra also dished on the future of Real Housewives Of Orange County, and shared some tidbits about her past, custody issues, and more!

Apparently rumors that Kelly has a secret boyfriend named Frank have been well-known through the OC, and several cast members heard them prior to filming, during, or after.

“This is like not new news in Newport. I’ve heard it; we’ve all heard it… We’ve been hearing it forever,” declares Tamra. “For me, it’s like a rumor, so none of us brought it up on the show.” (Except Shannon)


“That’s why it’s so frustrating that she brought up all these rumors! Because we’ve heard allllll these things: her being arrested, the Frank, the running some girl off the road, beating up her neighbor… like there were so many rumors out there,” continues Tamra, “and because it’s a rumor, it’s like that’s just exactly what it is. If you have no proof, than don’t say anything.”

A random woman even told Tamra, “Kelly has a boyfriend in Newport.”

“I asked her!” Tamra says “about 3 months ago” (when the show had already wrapped filming). “I told her what I heard and she instantly said, ‘You heard this from Meghan!’ Evidently Meghan had asked [Kelly] a couple days prior to that, because someone had asked [her]. So it’s been swirling around.”

Kelly insisted she’s just “really good friends” with Frank compared their relationship to being like if Tamra were sleeping with her hairdresser, who Tamra notes is gay. “Frank’s clearly not gay,” Tamra clarifies.

Frank “actually was at one of our filmings,” reveals Tamra. “At the candle party.” (Kelly confirmed this – and said the plan was to introduce him to Vicki, but she was already dating Steve.)

Tamra says other people – she doesn’t say whom – “have pretty strong opinions they know for sure” Kelly is cheating with Frank. “I should not be the one, or Shannon should not be the one, she’s blaming. She should blame herself. You can’t cheat, and then say, ‘you’re behind this.'”

As for how the story surfaced on Facebook, blogs, and finally WWHL, it originated a purloined group text message thread between Kelly, Michael, and an IT rep named Katie who was attending a work conference with Michael were leaked in a private Facebook group and then shared with Tamra, Shannon, and others. Kelly believed Michael was flirting, and in response lied that she was having an affair with Frank to make Michael jealous.

You can catch-up on all that drama here and here. Also, Heather and Tamra read the full text exchange on the podcast.

The texts are basically a ton of bickering between Kelly and Michael. IT Girl Katie eventually bows out of the conversation in the midst of Kelly’s expletive-laden accusations (towards Michael, not Katie), and chastises Kelly and Michael for dragging her into their messy personal matter. Sheesh – how freaking unprofessional, Michael!

Kelly insists they’re 2-year-old texts from when she and Michael were getting back together. At the time Michael was COO of Leapfrog (mentioned in the text thread as a time stamp, per se). However, the person who sent copies of them to Tamra and Shannon is adamant the exchange is from September of this year. Even Tamra questions this, because Michael has been retired for a couple years.

Apparently, the basis for Kelly believing Michael would cheat, is because when she started dating him he was married to someone else! Which he lied to Kelly about! YIKES.

Kelly finally ends the conversation with, “I don’t care! I’ve been f–king Frank Ultimo the whole time!” Frank is a successful OC realtor and property developer, and a close friend of the Dodds. (Is this how he’d also have a possible affiliation with Shannon or Heather Dubrow?)

Shannon was the first person to receive the texts. The sender(s) admitted “I’m a horrible person” and signed the direct message “Team Shannon.” Interesting…  Shannon was salivating over the news and immediately told Tamra. That’s when Tamra discovered she too had received them from “a group of people.”

Tamra has no idea if “the Katie-girl” (from the original texts with Michael and Kelly) was involved in them being released to the Facebook group.

Tamra also accused bloggers of being “vultures,” who “just go after everything.” And blames editing for Kelly looking like the victim of mean girls in Ireland.  “You know the power of TV and how it can really direct the audience,” she complains.

She goes on to accuse Kelly of having her brother send messages to bloggers and the press claiming to have proof Eddie admitted to being secretly gay.

Tamra accuses Vicki of having her friends call into WWHL last week (when Shannon and Tamra were the guests) to “say shit about Eddie.” She snarks that she should have had the Facebook group contact Vicki, when they asked her for advice on how to get through to WWHL.

Tamra goes on to chat about Ireland, specifically that bus ride! The entire trip was maybe 4 days, max!!!! “We literally get there and we film as soon as we get off the plane,” shares Tamra, which explains some of the extreme behavior! Heather and Tamra snark on Meghan’s Heritage Journey as the ridiculous reason given for going to Ireland.

“I blame Vicki more than I blamed Kelly,” says Tamra about the craziness on the bus, “because…  this is not the first time I’ve heard her spread rumors about my family and my husband. This is like for for years she’s been doing this and I never bring it up. Yes, we’ve had our moments, but I’ve never done anything to her.”

Vicki also reportedly spread rumors about Heather [Dubrow], which Tamra claims she can’t remember the content of, because of the chaos during the bus ride. To give perspective: All the bus footage was taken with an iPhone by a producer sitting on the bus with them! “It was cringe-y. It was really bad,” sighs Tamra.

Tamra describes screaming in Vicki’s face “a huge release” after all the lies Vicki constantly spews. ”

Moving on to discuss the season finale, Tamra wouldn’t have invited Kelly or Vicki to her real-life party, but “we’re filming a show together.”

Tamra and Heather posit that Vicki lies for attention (and casseroles!) and doesn’t remember half the things she says, which is why she makes such outlandish statements (such as David beats Shannon). “The one thing Vicki is very consistent on is that her story changes all the time,” complains Tamra.

Tamra says that what Shannon confided in Vicki “will all come out in the reunion and make sense.”

Shannon’s somebody who wears her heart on her sleeve and she likes to share,” describes Tamra. “And I think that that definitely taught her a big lesson. Me and Shannon talk about everything and I would never repeat. Same with Heather, too. When you have respect for someone and they treat you right, you can trust that person. But if you have somebody like Vicki that loves to gossip … ”

“I mean we’re on a reality show, we all have a certain level of gossip. But I have a policy: if you tell me something about my friend in front of a camera, you bet your sweet ass I’m gonna tell them. Because it’s gonna come out. It wasn’t like I told a secret! I’m not a shit-stirrer, I’m just keepin’ real.”

Tamra believes Vicki’s true character was exposed when she kept mentioning how worried she was about Shannon during the finale party. “If you have a friend that you’re worried about, you don’t spread rumors about them and make it worse. You go to them and talk to them. That was just her way of acting all innocent and victimized…” (I DEFINITELY agree with Tamra on this one!)

This segues into a discussion about the controversy over Kill All Cancer. “The rumor is… you had to put all your information in to get a bracelet and then [Vicki] was probably gonna use it to solicit you to sell insurance,” describes Tamra. “It was a way to get leads. I don’t know… ”

Tamra is shocked Vicki would “touch anything with the word cancer on it!” after the drama with Brooks and believes it was just another scheme to convince people she was innocent in Brooks’ lie. “It’s like she purposely did that just to prove it.”

After being disgraced, Brooks has been in hiding. “He tried to contact me through somebody else saying ‘I have so much dirt on Vicki…'” but I don’t care.”

“He was charming,” Tamra admits. Heather McDonald recently saw Brooks at a Black Tie event with a blonde woman – another Vicki-type. “I think he latched onto another successful woman,” she predicts. “Probably,” agrees Tamra. “It’s all so shady.”

Tamra shades that , “Suddenly Vicki is a die-hard Christian and she’s eating healthy. And I’m like can you just please find your lane and stick to it – stay out of mine.”

Going WAY, WAY back Tamra is asked about what really happened in the bathroom between Gretchen and Tamra’s son Ryan on Naked Wasted night. Apparently they made out. Did we know this already?

Speaking of Naked Wasted, Tamra is adamant she’s changed her ways. “I forgive really easy, unless I’m drinking. Which is why I limit my alcohol. I’m just not a person who can handle my alcohol – I’m like a big asshole on alcohol.”

On new Housewives joining the show, Tamra announces,  “They are casting right now!” She thinks it’s best when producers hire women the existing girls would have a “natural” connection with, or already know, instead of throwing wild cards into the mix.

“They start casting every single year, well before we even get asked back,” explains Tamra. “If somebody during negotiations drops out, or if somebody gets let go, then they have all these back-ups of people… because going through casting, it’s time-consuming.”

‘New recruits’ drop out all the time. Producers and Bravo want people whose families will also participate “unless it’s like Kobe Bryant’s wife, or somebody like that,” declares Tamra. Apparently RHOC has been trying to get Vanessa on the show for years, but she’s never been interested!

Tamra doesn’t know if Meghan is coming back, but hints probably not.

Also, the reunion is a three-parter, “which is good, because we always like extra money,” laughs Tamra.

Onto personal matters!

Sarah and Ryan are “together. This week. They live together,” sighs Tamra. “It’s good one day, bad another… They’re sticking it out. Ryan is working full-time and going to school at night.” Sarah, Ryan, and ALL FOUR little girls live together in a 2-bedroom apartment since Eddie Tamra cut-them off financially. Then Tamra claims “money’s not a huge issue” for them because Sarah had two jobs, and Ryan also has a full-time job as a machinist.

“Honestly I feel like [Ryan] just really had a bad rap on the show. Because he was a kid who got in trouble once in a while. He hates the show because they always want him to look like an asshole and he’s not! He’s like super chill, hangs out at home…”

Tamra goes even way-wayer back to discuss how she first joined the show. She filled out the casting application without telling Simon. “I did it as a joke!” She was shocked he agreed to do it since “he’s really private,” but Simon initially encouraged her. They had watched the show before joining, but it wasn’t very popular yet and was a very different show, so they had no concerns about participating.

“I think he enjoyed it in the very beginning… but our relationship, the longer we were married, the worse it was getting. And it was bad before we even started the show. And then, after we filmed, of course it was taking me away and he didn’t like that,” recalls Tamra. “I had never been away from him. I was really, really a stay-at-home mom, that had my real estate part-time. He just never was good in front of the cameras. He’s just a very serious person.”

Tamra says initially being part of the show “didn’t take a lot of time away” but Simon acted as if she was ignoring the family for fame. “He took advantage of it. He was trying to make me look bad.”

She describes their present-day custody drama as “pretty screwed-up.” Sydney lives with Simon full-time, and Spencer lives with Tamra; they share joint custody of their their youngest, Sophia.

Tamra says, “I’ve tried everything I can – she won’t budge. She’s not seeing my family either – it’s not just me. My mom’s really hurt too.” Sadly, Spencer and Sydney barely communicate with each other and seldom see each other. “They pass each other in the hallway,” Tamra reveals.

Tamra still texts Sydney “as if we’re still talking.” She turns 18 this month, which Tamra hopes will bring a turn-around in their relationship. Tamra’s trainer Mia has been really supportive of helping her deal.

Tamra isn’t worried about her, Shannon, or Heather’s jobs being in jeopardy for next season, and thinks the close and real friendships between them makes the show better because it’s more natural drama.

Interestingly, Tamra has never been to Heather’s new house! She’ll be making her first pilgrimage to the Mecca of Materialism next week.

There was some weirdness that happened with Jeff Lewis decorating Shannon’s new house. Tamra dishes, in a spurious voice, that the scenes were filmed for RHOC, but were cut.

Shannon wasn’t too happy about that. I’m sure Jeff wasn’t either. The rumor is so much happened… Like we filmed with Ava [another new castmember who was cut last minute] all year and they showed a glimpse of her, so I’m thinking there’s gonna be a ‘Secrets Revealed’ or ‘Lost Footage’ episode that’s really kind a light and fun, and not too much drama.”

Also, Tamra is planning to write a fitness bible about her journey.

photo of Frank and Kelly from his Facebook. Or listen to Heather’s interview with Tamra here.


[Photo Credit: Instagram]




The post Tamra Judge: The Whole Cast Heard Kelly Was Cheating, But Never Mentioned It On Camera! appeared first on Reality Tea.

from Reality Tea

Mariah Carey to perform on 'VH1 Divas Holiday' special

Mariah Carey is returning to the "VH1 Divas" stage.

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Big Brother Spoilers: America’s Care Package Winner! 11/04/2016

On Big Brother Over the Top, it’s hard being head of household. Not only do you make an enemy, and make yourself a target, but America can completely screw up your plan with their care package. So far, only two out of the last five Big Brother Over the Top heads of households have gotten out their main target. They have basically held no power while supposedly holding all of it.


This week, America will completely cut Shelby Stockton’s power in half. This week’s care package contains the ability to name a second person as the head of household. They will be able to sleep in the HOH room, make a nomination, and name a replacement. Shelby will not be happy knowing that she has to share her power with someone else, especially if that someone happens to be a Late Night Jamboree member.

This week, the care package came down to Whitney Hogg versus Jason Roy. There was a lot of support for both of them, but it seems like Jason may have had a little more of it.


Jason won this week’s America’s Care Package. Shelby and him will  have to work together to come up with their nominations. It should be a very fun or intense week, depending on how everyone reacts to this new development.

Join us on Big Big Brother for all your Big Brother Over the Top spoilers, news, recaps, previews, pictures and much more! Find us on Twitter and keep up with us on Facebook. Don’t forget Big Brother Over the Top live feeds for even more Big Brother fun, but uncensored! Every sign up helps support this site to keep bringing you Big Brother 2016 spoilers, news and gossip all season long.

from Big Brother Access

9 Reasons Why We Can’t Wait Until Real Housewives Of Atlanta Season 9

Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 9

Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 9

With season nine of The Real Housewives of Atlanta coming to our TV screens this Sunday, we are looking forward to new drama from the familiar faces we’ve grown to love (and scream at) for years. Although there won’t be any new women, there will be new alliances, new divorces, and some fresh shade. Based on the previews alone, this looks like a season not to be missed.

Here are nine reasons why we cannot wait for Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 9!




Main Photo Credit: Mark Hill/Bravo


The post 9 Reasons Why We Can’t Wait Until Real Housewives Of Atlanta Season 9 appeared first on Reality Tea.

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Kanye West booed in Los Angeles after ending concert early

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The Vanderpump Rules Cast Describes Lisa Vanderpump in One Word

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First Annual Vanderpump Dog Foundation Gala – See The Photos! Plus, Lisa Weighs In On Newbie Dorit Kemsley

HOLLYWOOD, CA - NOVEMBER 03: Lisa Vanderpump (L) and Ken Todd attend Vanderpump Dogs Foundation Gala at Taglyan Cultural Complex on November 3, 2016 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Tasia Wells/Getty Images)

HOLLYWOOD, CA - NOVEMBER 03: Lisa Vanderpump (L) and Ken Todd attend Vanderpump Dogs Foundation Gala at Taglyan Cultural Complex on November 3, 2016 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Tasia Wells/Getty Images)

Last night Lisa Vanderpump celebrated her first Vanderpump Dog Foundation Gala with friends, family, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and Vanderpump Rules co-stars and former co-stars.

Lisa was joined by past RHOBH stars Taylor Armstrong and Joyce Giraud, current co-stars Eden Sassoon, Kyle Richards and Dorit Kemsley, and most of the Vanderpump Rules cast: Lala Kent, James Kennedy, Jax Taylor, Tom Sandoval, Katie Maloney, Scheana Shay and more. Sidenote: Why is Shay almost NEVER with Scheana?

Also spotted: Mohamed Hadid, Little Women: LA star Christy McGinty, Million Dollar Listing star David Parnes, Lance Bass (who is on the 2016 Honorary Board for the foundation), Real Housewives of Dallas star Stephanie Hollman and more.

The event included music, cocktails, a silent auction and more, all benefiting Lisa’s new foundation.

The foundation’s mission:

Founded by Lisa Vanderpump, her husband Ken Todd, and their eight dogs, The Vanderpump Dog Foundation’s mission is to provide for a more humane world for dogs worldwide. Through both our domestic and international campaigns, we feel that the organization can make a positive impact on global legislation, education and treatment of animals.

On the red carpet Lisa shared a little insight on new Housewife Dorit Kemsley. She told Access Hollywood, “I haven’t known her that long actually. I’ve known her husband far longer.  They only recently got married just a couple of years ago. I think you’re going to enjoy her, I really do. She’s got a great sense of humor. She’s pretty outspoken. She’s a lot of fun, she’s beautiful. I think they definitely add a new dimension to the group. She does get in a little bit of trouble, though, I have to say.”




Photo Credit: Tasia Wells/Getty












The post First Annual Vanderpump Dog Foundation Gala – See The Photos! Plus, Lisa Weighs In On Newbie Dorit Kemsley appeared first on Reality Tea.

from Reality Tea

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Vicki Gunvalson On The RHOC Finale…Too Many Apologies, Not Enough Calling Out Tamra Judge’s Behavior!

Vicki gets 'jigged on'

Vicki wants sex

She may be reveling in being crowned Reality Queen at the 4th Annual Reality TV Awards, but Vicki Gunvalson still claims to be smarting from this season of Real Housewives of Orange County. Deserved or not (and I’m still not sure which side I’m on), the OG of the OC came into the season as quite the outsider thanks to her former relationship with Brooks Ayers. She befriended newbie Kelly Dodd, resumed her feud with Shannon Beador, and was the epitome frienemy goals with her on-off-on-WAY OFF former bestie Tamra Judge.

All of these women are ridiculous, in my opinion. I’d call them high school mean girls, but I think seventh grade girls are even meaner. Maybe that’s a better comparison. Each clique is so concerned with accusing the other of same exact things both are doing. I want to scream, “You’re all talking shiz! You’re all horrible friends! You all need a stylist who knows the meaning of the term ‘age appropriate’!” They’d do better just walking around holding a mirror up to one another because they are all the same: gossipy, insecure, hateful, and, of course, constantly the victim. Duh.


Vicki breaks it all down in her blog this week, starting with her take on what went down on the season finale. Her post is about a paragraph shy of being a novella, so I had to cut out portions of it, but you’ll get the gist. People talk crap about her, she is tired of apologizing, and Tamra is a nasty bully who can dish it but can’t take it (Nail. On. Head.). Sigh. She begins, “Watching this episode was really hard for me. I didn’t want to go to Shannon’s, but I wanted to support Tamra because she had asked me to go. Hindsight I should have just gone to dinner with Briana and Steve alone – it would have been a lot more fun. I know often times at these parties someone is always the target and I absolutely guessed it would be Kelly or I, so that’s why I wore red. I’d be easy to find.”

She continues, “These women don’t scare me, and I’m tired of Tamra and Shannon saying that all I do is talk about them. The truth is I don’t, but if they want to continue to assassinate my character and call me a liar, I will continue to speak my truths. I don’t care about their personal life, I really don’t, but I’m fed up with ‘S & T’ attempting to tarnish my reputation. All they do is talk about me. Whether I’m there or not, I’m always talked about, and it’s exhausting to hear them continuing this bantering. I don’t know what their motive is, but I have my own gut instinct, which I will share at a later time.”

Apology-gate is a real thing with this group, in case you didn’t know, and Vicki has felt its crushing burden. She writes, “There is a lot that you the viewers don’t know on how hard it was to start this season without having to discuss my past relationship. It was lingering problem and it had a residual affect. The beginning of the season, I always felt like I was always trying to win these girls over. The truth of the matter is, I DID want to get back into social graces with them, but after seeing what I did on this week’s episode it’s not something I want to do anymore. It’s tough to swallow how mean and hurtful they can be. I never heard once from Shannon or Tamra, but they continue to expect apologies from me (which by the way they continued to receive). It’s so lopsided it’s a joke.”

Turning her attention (more so) to Tamra, Vicki admonishes, “I’ve counted the last few episodes that Tamra has said she wants to ‘kill’ Kelly or I more than three times in the past two weeks, and that’s only what we have seen. I can’t imagine really how many times this woman says ‘I want to kill her/him’ in her normal activities. Her outbursts and her foul language is frightening. Watching Tamra lately, I see someone who is fighting so hard to be relevant, to be the bully, the one who likes to attack, likes to stir up problems and go after others as her mission in life. I’m done with her antics and I see right through her. Tamra telling me to ‘stop talking about her’…is she serious? Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black? That’s all this woman does is talk about people. Over and over again, she’s talking bad about people including me. She is never at peace with anyone. She always has someone she is upset with. Is that how she wants to be remembered?”

Whatever you do, DO NOT drink every time one of the RHOC cast calls out a co-star in her blog for being classless. No one wants you to get alcohol poisoning. Recalling Tamra’s tees, Vicki shares, “Tamra passing out her stupid t-shirts was a joke. What was I supposed to do when she hands me a t-shirt saying I’m guilty of lying? What was her mission here? She knows me longer than any of the other ladies and although it hasn’t always been easy on us, I would have expected more from her. For her to do that to me in front of my new boyfriend Steve and the other guests, was embarrassing. I decided to laugh it off at the time, but realized this was a friendship I did not want any longer. I was done and for her to do that to me, is just disgusting and classless. Typical Tamra though. She loves to be hurtful. Needless to say, I don’t understand why she would go to the trouble of printing something like that when she knew it would go in the garbage…which is actually where it went.”

She explains, “I told Kelly about my volatile, unpredictable friendship with Tamra. I told her that I don’t think she can be trusted in a group of women. Tamra one on one is great and we always have fun together, however once she gets around other ladies, her mission is always to conquer and divide. I always feel like I’m a ‘game’ with her and I never really know what her end motive is. I think she likes conflict, I really do. Ask any of the past ‘Wives of their relationship with Tamra and they will tell you the same thing. She’s hurtful and says whatever she can to cause chaos and drama season after season.” Vicki then lists a laundry lists of former OCers who have been on Tamra’s receiving end…Vicki’s too, though.

While she cops to telling Kelly about her toxic friendship with Tamra, we know Vicki really told Kelly a lot more, which she (sort of ) admits. Poor Eddie. He just wants to work out and not have to constantly hear his wife’s shrieking. Can’t we cut the guy some slack? Captain Obvious Vicki reveals, “Rumors about Eddie have circulated for years now. Let me get this straight with all of you…I don’t care one way or the other of his sexual preference, but WHY would Tamra continue to not hit it head on and talk about it? She’s heard it, everyone has heard it. If it’s not true, then laugh it off and/or discuss it. Why yell and spit in people’s faces and scream at them if they discuss the ‘rumor’? If she’s trying to hide some things she is aware of or knows about him, then why is HE off limits when she doesn’t allow other people’s ‘stuff’ to be off limits? When Tamra said that ‘I want the guys to look bad so my ex didn’t look so bad’, that’s the farthest from the truth. Tamra said she doesn’t want me spreading rumors about people, which I agree that I shouldn’t, and NOR should they. I shouldn’t have told Kelly anything about what I heard about Eddie and I should have let her find out for herself. In fact, what is interesting is Kelly had already heard about the ‘rumor’, and it wasn’t just me ‘repeating a rumor’ because she already knew of it.” That makes it better, right?

Vicki adds, “I was shocked at Heather [Dubrow] as well. Heather and I have never had negative words to each other, but from the party it looks like that has changed now too. The truth is I like(d) Heather, however I am shocked at her negativity and rudeness towards me when there was no reason for it. We have never been super close, but we have always shown a level of respect for one another. It looks like Tamra has worked her little manipulation magic to have Heather speak so ill of me. This has Tamra written all over it, I can see it a mile away. This is not something I would have expected from her. Now, is that classy?” DO. NOT. DRINK.

I’m going to revisit a time where Vicki thought, in hindsight, she should have not spread gossip. And by revisit, I mean read up a few paragraphs. My sarcasm in no way forms my alliance to Vicki or the ladies she’s gossiped about (and oppositely, the women who have gossiped about her), but hypocrisy in general is amusing. Vicki asserts, “Now, onto Shannon. I ended last season with Shannon in a really bad place. For some reason, she took it upon herself to try and portray that she was a victim in what I went thru with my ex. It’s been a long time now, and the fact that she wouldn’t move on over a year later was interesting to say the least. Was this something that really affected her? Has she ever sat back to realize how it all affected me? NO!”

Trying to atone for that volatile tidbit she shared with Kelly about Shannon’s relationship with David, Vicki, states, “She tried in the beginning of this season to be steadfast on convincing the ladies I was a ‘liar’ and for them not to be around me. I’ve done my very best to enter 2016 on learning from my past, and attempting to be aware of the red flags in any future relationships and to keep those relationships more private. When Kelly and I talked, I told her how quick Shannon was to judge me, when in fact her marriage to David was anything but stellar. Hindsight, I should have never told Kelly about them and what I experienced with Shannon and let it come out on its own…because it would have eventually. I never expected Kelly to share that with her, but it is what it is. I’m not mad at Kelly for telling Shannon what I told her, I’ll take the responsibility for sharing it with Kelly. When I talked to Kelly about it privately, it was to tell Kelly how I never revealed something that would hurt Shannon, and how I chose to not share it with the other women even after how mean and vindictive she had been towards me. I never expected it to ‘get out’, and hindsight should have just kept it to myself. Problem is, Shannon continuing to call me a liar and saying ‘she doesn’t lie’, is not being truthful.'”

In conclusion (if you disregard the actual conclusion I cut out which was basically a promo for Vicki’s insurance company,” Vicki summarizes, “The reunion show was taped last week, and I’m glad it’s behind us. This season took a turn for the worse towards the end which no one could have predicted. Although Ireland turned out not so nice for Kelly, it was a decent trip for me and one that I felt some fences were mended which was nice which obviously now are not,” adding about the season finale, “If I could have done anything different, I would not have shared what I know about Shannon and David with Kelly. I wish truthfully I never knew that information about them.”

Remember when I said I had to cut this post for length? I didn’t do a great job, so I apologize. And I apologize without blame shifting to another Reality Tea writer or calling out inaccuracies in her blogging skills. And this is why I’d never make it as a housewife. I’d be the chum ready and waiting for all (ALL!!) the sharks to pounce. So, on to the next season?!?!


[Photo Credit: Bravo]







The post Vicki Gunvalson On The RHOC Finale…Too Many Apologies, Not Enough Calling Out Tamra Judge’s Behavior! appeared first on Reality Tea.

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Siggy Flicker Thinks Jacqueline Laurita’s Delivery Was Wrong On Real Housewives Of New Jersey Season Finale

Siggy is shocked by Jacqueline

Siggy is shocked by Jacqueline

I think it is great that Siggy Flicker is a “relationship expert” for a living. I love that she enjoys helping people and mending their problems, but I don’t need that on Real Housewives of New Jersey. Also, it is not something that the cast members want. Teresa Giudice and Melissa Gorga happily want nothing to do with Jacqueline Laurita, but Siggy just can’t accept that.

Siggy came on this show as a friend of Jacqueline’s so I understand why she wants people to see Jacqueline’s side in situations that are unfavorable to her, but she wouldn’t know Melissa and Teresa if she wasn’t a cast member on this show, so I don’t get why she is so torn up by them not getting along.


If Siggy didn’t want to be around people arguing, then she shouldn’t have joined the cast. This is not the kind of show that works if everyone is in perfect harmony all the time. Nevertheless, Siggy does have some (super slight) criticism for her girl Jacqueline after the finale episode.

As per usual, Siggy’s Bravo blog entry had a lot about her trying to mend everyone, feeling in the middle, and growing as a person, which is great and all, but once again, I have to emphasize that it’s not why people watch this show. Or at the very least, no one wants to watch her do that on this show especially since she has no other story line – AT ALL. She literally contributes no compelling story line of her own.

Siggy revisited the traumatic Vermont trip and talked about how Jacqueline is “hurting” and all this nonsense that makes no sense to me. Nevertheless, the captain of #TeamJacqueline actually had some criticism for her girl. Siggy wrote, “It all happened so fast. I know that Jacqueline was still so hurt from the Vermont trip and she wanted to talk to the girls one on one so that both Teresa and Melissa couldn’t gang up on her, but Jacqueline’s delivery was wrong.”

Well, no kidding. She kicked Melissa out of the room before she fully stepped in it and ordered Teresa around about where to sit. Siggy organized a GROUP GATHERING not a one-on-one sit-down. Jacqueline hijacked Siggy’s event and was extremely hostile toward Melissa and Teresa before they could get a single word in.

Siggy was either totally clueless or completely genius with her attempt to stir shit up for the sake of the show. Teresa asking her “Is c-nt better?” after Jacqueline ripped off her iconic “Is bitch better?” line from the Country Club debacle in Season 2 was one of the best moments of the season (which isn’t saying too much), but my point is that it gave us the explosive finale that we were hoping for. No one wanted to watch these ladies having a Siggy-lead lunch. No one. Nevertheless, the whole scene was a bad look for Jacqueline no matter how good the episode was.

RELATED: Teresa Thinks Jacqueline Laurita Reported Her To The Feds

Siggy also remarked, “She was giving orders and neither Teresa nor Melissa was having it and it didn’t end well.”

Well, yes. Teresa and Melissa had further justification for completely disregarding Jacqueline and Jacqueline looked like a fool and a half when she went off on them both. Clearly this was not the most well laid plan.

Siggy explained why she and Dolores Catania decided to run after Jacqueline when she evacuated the restaurant: “When Jacqueline left, Dolores and I chased after her because we wanted to tell her that her delivery was off in hopes that she would come back inside and we could start all over again.” Couldn’t they have just called her? That was just way dramatic. No one wanted Jacqueline to come back that badly, especially Melissa and Teresa. That whole scene was a little much, but I loved Dolores taking her shoes off before she ran. That woman adds no plot to the show either, but at least she has given us some gems of comic relief this season.

Siggy wrote, “I may be a relationship expert, but I am not a magician. I can’t pull a rabbit out of a hat, and I can’t make people behave in ways I wish they would. They have to want it in order for it to work!”

EXACTLY. They “have to want it,” which no one does. No one asked for Siggy’s intervention. No one expressed a desire to renew old friendships. Melissa and Teresa were perfectly fine staying away from Jacqueline which is probably the best thing for all three of them, so I just don’t see why Siggy got so involved without ever being summoned. If she can’t deal with people screaming at each other, then Real Housewives of New Jersey is not the show for her.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]

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Captain Lee Says He Would Have Fired Ben Robinson If He’d Seen His Treatment Of The Psychic Last Charter

Captain Lee's blog

Captain Lee's blog

Captain Lee Rosbach is not one to mince words, and in this week’s blog, he serves it up straight, with a twist of snark!

Essentially, Lee‘s disappointed with his Below Deck crew, and specifically, with Ben Robinson’s utter lack of professionalism. Lee claims that if he would have actually borne witness to Ben’s petty treatment of one guest – a psychic who told Ben news he didn’t want to hear – Ben would have immediately received “a plane ticket home.” End of story. Ouch!


Captain Lee begins by apologizing on behalf of his crew.

“First off, I must say I am embarrassed by some of the behavior of my crew. I offer my apologies to our guests. They deserved better. No matter what your beliefs about mediums or the hereafter are, or how anyone may or may not communicate with them, your opinion as crew does not matter. I would never voice my opinions to them even if I didn’t agree with their beliefs. You need to be neutral as charter crew. Anything less is not acceptable. I found some of my crew’s behavior arrogant and condescending, and totally unacceptable.”

Captain Lee continues, “I must say, their behavior was less than stellar once again. I have received posts on social media as to why I am so hard on the crew. Well, there you have it.”

Going in on Lauren Burchnell first, Lee asks, “Where in the world do you get off as a junior deckhand making demands on anyone in front of senior staff?”

Outlining Lauren‘s role in the burning panini maker and pizza trail, Lee scolds, “And then in the aftermath you think that because you didn’t know it since you were drunk, you have a ‘what’s the big deal?’ attitude. This behavior is unacceptable in my book. Anytime you would like to chat about this is totally acceptable to me.”

As for Nico Scholly, Lee wonders how he can defend co-deckhand Kyle Dixon for recklessly letting a pool float away? “Maybe if it was lost and came out of your paycheck, you may feel differently. Kelley [Johnson] didn’t defend him because he was wrong. I called him on it, and where do you as junior deckhand get off questioning me? Kelley was not even on board at the time. I stood on the aft bridge deck and watched it all unfold. Lines were not tied properly. We all knew it, but you wanted to undermine Kelley even though Kyle was at fault.”

Although he does commend Nico for intervening in the panini maker situation, Captain Lee thinks he needs to sort out who he reports to (Kelley) and who deserves his loyalty (apparently, not Kyle!).

Lee addresses Kyle next. “Kyle, I really don’t care about how many babies you have, whether you hook up with Sierra [Storm], with men, women, or both. I do care about how you do your job and interact with the guests. It’s not about you and your history, or where you live or lived or your story. Trust me when I tell you, you are not the sole driver in how much tip we get. If you think you are the sole driver of our tips, you are sadly mistaken. Don’t over-inflate your own self-worth.”

“To say the least I’m disappointed. And by the way, get over Sierra, she wasn’t into you and it sounds like you already have someone waiting back home, so get over yourself,” admonishes Lee, who seems to be sniffing out a bit of Kyle‘s shadiness.

RELATED: Captain Lee And Kate Chastain Dish On Their Crew

Concerning Kelley, Captain Lee says he still holds out hope for his management growth. “Kelley, you have not had it easy, but I am not quitting on you. You are finding out that when you try to be a friend and a boss it doesn’t always work out. You can be friendly but not always friends. Our chat in the wheelhouse you took well, and then you called a meeting with your staff to present your concerns. You started out the meeting with giving them praise, which had it been me, would not have happened, but I commend you for doing so and taking the high road. Their actions have so far have been weighed, measured, and found wanting and you are paying the price. I hope they take what you are saying seriously, but I fear that is not the case.”

Moving on to Kate Chastain’s arguments with Ben and Kelley, Lee has some criticisms: “Kate, I was not pleased with your confrontation with Ben in the galley. You needed to rise above that as it was not the time, nor the place. It’s something I feel you knew after the fact. I also thought that when you had you conversation with Kelley, that it should not have happened in the presence of Ben. He had nothing to do with this department at all and it was none of his business.”

Lee does concede that the crew’s disrespect for authority is playing into these altercations, as is Ben’s “overcompensating” about his disdain for Kate (in front of Emily) by starting arguments.

As for Ben’s behavior in general last charter? Well, Captain Lee is not at all pleased, to put it mildly! “Ben, what in the world am I ever going to do with you? Your job is to prepare exquisite meals for guests that pay a great deal of money to eat them. And you do that so well. Does it really make a difference whether they call it brunch or breakfast? They are eating at different times. It’s not easy on anyone, but you seem to be the only one with your nose out of joint on what it’s called. Please stop with the nit picking. You are a brilliant chef. But your personal life and opinions have no place here.”

Lee then calls out Ben’s “arrogant, condescending attitudes towards our guests. You may express your opinions to Emily or anyone else in private about our guests, I can’t prevent that, but to set out to deliberately humiliate a client and embarrass her intentionally was so over the line. Had I been there and witnessed it, as soon as the charter was over, you would have received a plane ticket out of there. Totally unacceptable behavior from a senior crew member who is there to serve at the clients’ pleasure (clients who by the way pay us). Such arrogance and condescension was appalling to witness.”

Lee continues his rant on Ben:”You were just plain obnoxious and rude period. Especially after she didn’t think you and Em had a future. Then you not only wanted to embarrass her, you put Em on the spot to help you do it. No excuse, and if I see it again personally, we will part company. Under no circumstance do you set out to deliberately humiliate a guest and get away with it on my boat.”

Emily Warburton-Adam, although fairly innocent in Ben’s beef with the psychic, should have also called Ben out on his bad behavior – according to Captain Lee. “Emily, what were you thinking telling Ben that you didn’t think his behavior was out of line? By any sense of decorum, it was wrong and for you to condone it left me astounded.”

But, what about Sierra? Well, she gets off pretty easy in Captain Lee’s blog! “Sierra, I thought for the most part you acquitted yourself quite well this week, managed to stay above the fray for the most part. I thought you had a good week,” Lee closes. So, she can breathe a sigh of relief, I guess!

Meanwhile, the rest of the crew better get their sh*t together before Captain Lee throws them all overboard. Yikes!


Photo Credit: Bravo

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