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Wednesday, September 26, 2018
A Fazenda: 'Resolveu atormentar a pessoa errada', dispara Rafael Ilha
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'Big Brother' Season 20 finale: Kaycee Clark wins over runner-up Tyler Crispen in split jury vote!

Big Brother crowned Kaycee Clark its Season 20 champion over runner-up Tyler Crispen during Wednesday night's live finale on CBS.
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American Horror Story: Apocalypse Finally Gives Us the Witches We've Been Missing

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Who Won Big Brother Season 20?

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Big Brother 20’s Bayleigh Dayton and Swaggy C Engaged!
Bayleigh Dayton and Christoper “Swaggy C” Williams only had 23 days together, but they fell fast and hard. Swaggy left the house week two, while Bayleigh remained in the game through jury. While Bayleigh was in the house, and then the jury house, Swaggy integrated himself into the Dayton family. Any Swayleigh naysayers had to know that Bayleigh and Swaggy were going to go to distance. He was already part of the Dayton family.
While outside in the real world, pregnancy rumors followed the couple. Bayleigh spoke a few times about the fear of being pregnant. Then Swaggy and a few others seemed to give this rumor life by hinting that Bayleigh was indeed pregnant. Fans eagerly waited for confirmation or for this rumor to be disproved. We know that fans would have to wait to find out more during the Big Brother 20 finale night.
Swayleigh fans also thought the pregnancy wouldn’t be the only major announcement from Swaggy C and Bayleigh. Swaggy hinted on various social media platforms that he might be about to propose to Bayleigh on finale night. Every one who was a fan of their romance was on the edge of their seat waiting for the big moment. And they got it.
#bb19 winner @JOSHMBB19 weighs in on the showmances on #bb20! (We want @SwaggyCTV to propose to @BAYLEIGHDAYT0N! No pressure…)
Full video: #bigbrother
— ExtraTV (@extratv) September 26, 2018
During tonight”s live Big Brother 20 finale, Swaggy C got on one knee and asked Bayleigh to marry him. She said yes!
We didn’t hear anymore news on the pregnancy rumors, yet, but we’ll be following the development of Swaggy and Bay. Congrats to the happy couple on their engagement.
Keep it here all summer for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Big Brother 20. We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!
from Big Brother Access
Big Brother 20 Finale: America’s Favorite Houseguest Is…
The America’s Favorite Player vote is always a major topic in the Big Brother community. Even before voting opens, fans start to campaign to get their favorite player the win. Some fans breathe, sleep, and eat campaigning for their favorites. It’s there last chance to show their favorite player some love and make a statement. Every year, it’s an intense battle to the very end.
Prior seasons, Big Brother fans believed that the first place and second place finishers were ineligible to win the America’s Favorite Houseguest prize. However, during Celebrity Big Brother, Ross Mathews finished in second place and won AFH. This was the first time that ever happened on Big Brother.
Earlier this season, Big Brother Network interviewed Allison Grodner and received confirmation that the first and second place finishers could also received the America’s Favorite Player $25,000 prize money. This seemed to intensify the voting for America’s Favorite Houseguest. All season long, Tyler Crispen has won most popularity votes.
Level 6 has also dominated the votes, and the Hive/Foutte members have been on the bottom. However, every week, Haleigh Broucher has climbed her way up on the polls. She, for some, was the only hope of a Hive member placing in the top three and winning America’s Favorite Player.
To make things more intense, Vegas4sure, the spoiler account, has been keeping people updated on the voting results. She revealed that Tyler, Kaycee Clark, Brett Robinson, Sam Bledsoe, and Haleigh were in the top five, with Angela Rummans a close sixth place. According to Vegas, no one else was even close to winning it.
The positions changed slightly as the finale edged closer, but Tyler retained his number one spot. Was there any hope for anyone else to take America’s Favorite Player prize?
Nope. Tyler Crispen won America’s Favorite Player along with $75,000 and a new girlfriend. It’s a good year to be Tyler.
Keep it here all summer for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Big Brother 20. We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!
from Big Brother Access
'Big Brother' Showmance Couples Now: Who's still together? Who's split? Where are they now? (PHOTOS)

Big Brother Showmance Couples: See who is still together and who broke up!
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Big Brother 20 Finale Spoilers: And the Winner Is….
After 99 days, we finally have a winner of Big Brother 20. The night started with JC Mounduix, Tyler Crispen, and Kaycee Clark as our final three. In the next 90 minutes, we went from three to two. We also looked back at the season, saw the jury roundtable, and got the return of the pre-jurors. It was a intense finale as we watched the final three compete in three competitions to get to the final two.
Round three resulted in Kaycee and Tyler sitting next to each other as the final two Big Brother 20 players. Then they both had to argued their case and tried to win back the Big Brother 20 jury. With some hurt feelings, this wasn’t going to be an easy task for either. Host Julie Chen-Moonves turned down the lights and read the results.
Bayleigh Dayton voted for Kaycee
Angie “Rockstar” Lantry voted for Kaycee
Faysal Shafaat voted for Kaycee
Scottie Salton voted for Kaycee
Haleigh Broucher voted for Tyler
Brett Robinson voted for Tyler
Sam Bledsoe voted for Kaycee
Angela Rummans voted for
JC voted for Tyler
Kaycee Clark won Big Brother 20 by a vote of 5 to 4. Congrats to Kaycee, the latest Big Brother champion. Do you agree with the Big Brother 20 winner?
Keep it here all summer for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Big Brother 20. We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!
from Big Brother Access
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A Fazenda 10: João Zoli e Felipe Sertanejo dormem na baia
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Who Won the Final Head of Household Competition on Big Brother Last Night (09/26/18)?
Since Thursday, JC Mounduix, Kaycee Clark, and Tyler Crispen have competed in a series of challenges to face off in the final part of the Head of Household competition. Part one involved who could hold themselves on a platform the longest. It resulted in Tyler winning it. This was despite the deal he made with Kaycee to throw it to her.
For a few days, Kaycee and JC stressed about facing off in part two. Part two involved questions and speed. In the end, Kaycee beat out JC by a narrow margin (less than 40 seconds). Then the houseguests had to wait until tonight, the Big Brother 20 finale, to see who would be crowned the final Head of Household winner.
As usual, Kaycee and Tyler had to face-off by picking between A or B answers based on how they thought the Big Brother 20 jury members would respond to certain questions. The player with the most points after eight rounds became the new Head of Household. That player then had to decide who to evict and who to take to the finals with them.
So who won the final Head of Household competition? And who made the final two? Read below to find out.
This competition was like the one from last year. They had to figure out what part of the video made by jury members were wrong or right.
Round #1-Both got it right and a point.
Round #2-Both got it right and a point.
Round #3-Both got it right and a point.
Round #4-Both got it right and a point.
Round #5-Both got it right and a point.
Round #6-Both got it right and a point.
Round #7-Both got it wrong, and still tied at 6 points.
Round #8-Both got it wrong, and stil tied at 6 points.
They got to a tiebreaker question.
Kaycee is the new Head of Household. She chose to take Tyler to the final two and evicted JC. Soon, the Big Brother 20 jury will pick between them and crown our Big Brother 20 winner.
Keep it here all summer for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Big Brother 20. We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!
from Big Brother Access
Big Brother 20 Episode 40 Live Recap: Finale Night 2018
Here we are folks! After a season that brought us great thrills, secrets, and plenty of blindsides, we are ready to find out who will be crowned the season 20 winner of Big Brother and walk away with $500,000 tonight. As you know we are left with Tyler Crispens, JC Moundiux, and Kaycee Clark as our final 3 houseguests. One of the them will walk away with a half a million dollars this evening.
The last Head of Household competition consists of 3 separate rounds. All 3 remaining houseguests compete in the first round only. The winner of the first round gets to sit out the second round and await the winner of round 2. The final round will be between the winners of the first and second rounds. The loser of the first 2 rounds will not compete in the third and final round but is not evicted from the Big Brother house just yet.
Once a final HOH is crowned, the winner will pick, between the remaining two contestants, as to which one he/she wants to take with them to the final 2 and ultimately the jury vote. The houseguest that is not picked for the final 2 will immediately join the Big Brother jury and will have a vote as to which houseguests wins Big Brother. The jury will consist of 10 members, and each member will cast one vote for their pick of the winner for Big Brother 20 after both final 2 houseguests have given their final speech to the jurors. A few select jurors will also have an opportunity to ask questions to the 2 remaining houseguests before the vote is cast.
Final HOH Competition
Round 1 of the HOH competition is an endurance comp called Jet Pack Attack. The jetpacks aren’t exactly easy to hang onto either as they move in all directions including tilting forwards and backwards. In addition, spurts of air and slime are extra details the players must contend with during the competition. JC only made it a little over 54 minutes in the competition.
Kaycee revealed in the diary room that she and Tyler had a plan for the final HOH comp whereas she was supposed to win the first round and he was going to win the second. However, when JC fell in the first round, Tyler was waiting for the right moment to drop to make sure it looked legitimate. He waited too long for Kaycee’s burning arms, and she fell before Tyler could drop out of the comp.
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LeeAnne Locken Has A LOT To Say About The Drama With D’Andra; Plus, Tonight’s Episode Promises More Crazy
The Real Housewives of Dallas is back tonight with a new episode that promises a lot of drama, but first we are checking in with LeeAnne Locken to get her take on last week’s chaos.
Instead of writing a summary blog, LeeAnne basically did a live recap of the entire episode. We’ll pare it way, way, way down for you! She starts off with a dig at D’Andra Simmons, “Welcome back to Dallas where we will now begin calling it Double Standard Dallas because of Double Standard D’Andra Simmons!”
LeeAnne defends her desire to have the smashing party, “My Smashing Good Time Party was about coming together not growing apart! Instead of listening to what I am saying she takes the first opportunity she can to poke jokes at meditation and my past anger. So I had to EXPLAIN meditation and the actual THERAPEUTICAL PROCESS of Smashing Things! Seriously y’all! Google it! And NO GIRL, no one was gonna “throw plates at your head” so why even put that out in the universe? Oh, that’s right, to continue the mission of explaining to the world how you are so much better than everyone. Got it!”
She then rips D’Andra about her business issues, “So when I asked what THE PLAN is to take HNGM on your own, I got a lot of mumbo-jumbo about starting over, how scary it is, blah blah blah. I asked what your PLAN was. Kinda like a nicer version of how you DEMANDED to know what my Wedding Plans are.”
LeeAnne does regret calling D’Andra lazy when the word she should’ve used is scared, “When I told her she was lazy what I should have said was YOU ARE SCARED! You have the same fear of starting from scratch that I had of getting married. Wouldn’t it have been easier for us to lean on each other and help one another rather than you attacking me? Guess not.”
She is irked that D’Andra has no clue how much household expenses are. “please don’t tell me how -you pay for your household expenses when you don’t even know how much they are! Your step-father left you enough money to take care of your home and lifestyle for the rest of your life, you aren’t “earning” it!”
LeeAnne watched the scene between Cary and D’Andra and shared, “D’Andra walks in with the intention of being stressed out, sad D’Andra, she even cries, UNTIL Cary tells her about the moment I went to Cary for help! Then suddenly, IT ALL STOPS. We went from Cary having to wipe your tears to a very odd laughter that just takes over and then the denying begins. So if you have FIVE bank accounts and you shovel money around WHY were you FREAKING OUT in Beaver Creek?”
LeeAnne then shares, “Let me clear with you about what happened in BC when I went to Cary. DAndra came back from Vail drunk and crying about how much money she had to put on the company, her mother’s company, credit card. She was freaking out at how mad her mom was going to be at her. Then she blurted out that she only had $200 in her bank account and she was totally stressed out. At that point, what I thought would be a “good friend” aka smart move was to go to Cary, with whom I was developing a friendship and ask for her to HELP ME to HELP D’Andra return some of the items to the store. Sadly, I was too tired to think about how I said things so I told the truth. “she is in her room right now crying because she spent too much money and she only has $200 in her bank account and will you help me get what we can return?” is exactly what I asked of Cary. I did not say it in a condescending way or making fun of her way! I said it in a help me, help her way! Was this how it was repeated? Guess we will find out soon enough.”
She continues, “In the sit down what I don’t understand is the word “humiliating.” Why is it humiliating to only have $200 in a bank account? I have had much less than that in my lifetime! This is where the cracks of D’Andras truth start showing. This saddens me. I was never her friend because she had money! I never asked for a dime the entire time we were friends! Money doesn’t make a friendship, honesty does!”
LeeAnne is amused by the car ride scene between Brandi and D’Andra, “Watching the car ride with Brandi Redmond & D’Andra is hilarious. They are both trying so hard to talk crap about me and my party but for what reason? For Brandi to make fun of this actually unique form of therapy shows you how unwilling she is to just accept that I am still a part of this group. That is sad to me. Then WAIT! What did D’Andra just say? That’s right, I REPEATED EXACTLY what she TOLD ME. If it was just her “shopping account” WHY were you SO STRESSED OUT? You can’t HAVE MONEY and be stressed about SPENDING MONEY you don’t have! Double Standards.”
She blasts, “why are both Brandi and D’Andra saying I am insecure about MY finances? I have worked HARD my whole life! I am not insecure about my finances at all. This is an insightful moment of them bonding over BS about me! Keep making stuff up!”
LeeAnne added, “I did not tell “people” how much money you had, I told Cary! Then she says almost exactly what I said- “Oh D’Andra came back from shopping and she is so upset because I had $200 in my bank account”. THAT IS THE TRUTH! Then it gets blown out of proportion to “everybody in Dallas says D’Andra has $200 to her name”, then there is that word again, humiliating. I just don’t get it. Then the tears. So while I am trying to explain it to her, she doesn’t want to listen. She doesn’t care what was actually said because the drama has taken her over and that is so much more important right now. She isn’t actually sad, she is just loving the attention and hoping to make everyone hate on me.”
She’s almost hopeful that she and Brandi have something to bond over: growing up poor. “Then words of wisdom from Brandi … “It shouldn’t be humiliating. I grew up in a trailer.” Me too Brandi! For several years! You see how we could actually connect on some level to try and help her? I can dream!”
LeeAnne then loses her shit watching D’Andra’s confessional. “WAIT, WHAT? Did D’Andra just say in her confessional that she is “having financial trouble right now” again, I am SO CONFUSED! You have money? You don’t have money? You aren’t in financial trouble? You are in financial trouble? MY GOD I’M DIZZY!”
She ends her blog with a bit of a peek into tonight’s episode, “Well that’s about all I can take for this week. Dust off the drama and get some sleep cause next week it’s gonna be a DOOZY!”
Seriously, this blog was hellllllla long, so if you want to read the entire thing, check it out on Bravo.
Join us back here tonight to snark our way through the new episode of The Real Housewives of Dallas.
“Brandi invites all of the ladies to sip n’ spend at her Brandiland pop-up shop. Stephanie encourages the women to focus on self-care and hosts an epic spa day at her newly remodeled home. LeeAnne takes “L’Infinite” dress to the next level by modeling it in a special stop-motion photoshoot, while Kameron faces off with Court in a fight for the future of Sparkle Dog. D’Andra confronts LeeAnne about spreading rumors about her finances and Cary tells Kameron about a secret gag gift that sends Brandi over the edge.”
Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo
The post LeeAnne Locken Has A LOT To Say About The Drama With D’Andra; Plus, Tonight’s Episode Promises More Crazy appeared first on Reality Tea.
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Here are the phone numbers for the vote to evict.
Lewis F
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