Saturday, February 9, 2019
12:04 PM PST - 12:01 PM In CBR, Tamar to Lolo says that it is Ricky's HOH and she will respect his decision on who to evict. (Ed.: Either Kandi or Dina - even though she has issues with Kandi & would prefer that she is evicted.) (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
11:55 AM PST - 11:50 AM Lolo/ Tamar/ Ricky in CBR. Ricky: "If one of them (Ed.: Kandi/Dina) wins the Veto, I have to nominate one of you guys." (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
11:51 AM PST - 11:46 AM Dina in 5BR to cam: Gives Peace Sign. "Veto. (Indecipherable) They're all putting me up. They don't like me. ..... Most of my friends are gone. But I love you guys. Pray." (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
11:45 AM PST - 11:41 AM In KT, Ricky loads china into a bin. Kandi loads salt & pepper shakers, Champagne glasses, etc. on a tray held by Lolo. All dishes & etc. to SR & put on counter by Ricky & Lolo. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
11:41 AM PST - 11:36 AM Feeds switch back to CBB1 Re-runs after mention of nominations. Shortly back to live feeds. Tamar in CBR: "Oh my God! This nap is about to be so epic!" (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
11:38 AM PST - 11:35 AM Ricky continues dumping food in trash bag. Lolo washing glasses - says that's all she is going to wash. Mention of Mark as a guest. Cleanup of KT table continues. Ricky says nominations later today. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
11:34 AM PST - 11:30 AM All HGs in LR chatting & drinking. (Champagne?) Dina doing most of the talking. Party breaks up & some HGs go to KT. Full meal on china on table - most of which hasn't been touched. Ricky dumps food into trash bag. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
11:27 AM PST - 11:26 AM Feeds return to HGs chatting in LR. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
Celebrity Big Brother 2 Live Feeds Highlights-Day 24: The Final Five Look Ahead to The End Game
The Celebrity Big Brother 2 Live Feeds were down for the majority of the day. We didn’t have any morning action, but we’re sure they were just deciding to all vote together to evict Natalie Eva Marie, and discussing who to target next.
Then the feeds returned a little while after the double eviction.
Tamar Braxton, Lolo Jones, and Ricky Williams discussed being happy that Tom Green was finally gone. They could breathe again.
They also discussed the loud cheers and positive crowd reaction that Tom received. Lolo believed that it was a sign he would be a top contender for America’s Favorite Player along with Tamar. Tamar believed that they were just cheering because they were happy that he was finally getting out the house.
After Ricky won the Head of Household title, he made it pretty clear that Kandi Burruss was his target. He would name Dina Lohan and her as his nominees. He asked Tamar for her permission to nominate and target Kandi. She told him that it was his HoH, he could do what he wanted.
Lolo received her HOH basket, and it contained a letter from her best friend. It made her depressed because she really wanted a letter from a husband that doesn’t exist yet. Tamar comforted her and told her to be happy that she has a best friend, many people don’t have that.
Kandi and Dina knew the writing was on the wall for one of them to go this week, and it would most likely be Kandi. She really needs the Veto.
Ricky, Tamar, and Lolo agreed that the Head of Household room had bad vibes. He would be avoiding it this week. He planned to stay in his regular bed, and then Ricky offered the room to Dina and Kandi.
Later today, Ricky will make his nominations. Expect to see Kandi and Dina’s names on the memory wall.
Thanks for joining us all summer long for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Big Brother 20. We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Join us again for Celebrity Big Brother 2 on Jan 21, and Big Brother 21 in the summer of 2019. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!
from Big Brother Access
08:31 AM PST - CBB1 reruns begin. Last night Tay alluded to this morning being the time where they'd get together to reminisce about past HG's. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
08:26 AM PST - 5 minutes ago - Kandi, Lolo, Tamar in the BA getting ready for the day. Ricky on his Celeb BR bed in quiet contemplation, joined briefly by Lolo. (NT) (IMG)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
08:12 AM PST - 8:02ish In CBR Lolo made a Natalie using pillows, clothing, & cowboy hat with Tay's head & wig last night & laughingly changes her snacks she had laying on her to a cup of tea. Ricky tells fake Nat good morning. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:45 AM PST - 7:44 AM Feeds return to HGs up & about in 5BR & CBR. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:29 AM PST - 7:23 AM Main House Lights go on. 7:27 AM From sleepy HGs in 5BR & HBR to CBB Music Screen. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:10 AM PST - 5:05 AM Ricky out of HOH & downstairs to WC, wash hands, into CBR off cam. Visible HGs in 5BR & HBR quiet in beds. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:06 AM PST - 5:00 AM Ricky back up to HOH, eventually back to bed & listens to his HOH music. 5:02 AM Main House Lights go off. CBB Music Screen video only on Ricky cams. Video returns to Ricky in bed listening to & mouthing along with his HOH music in a dark HOH. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
04:53 AM PST - 4:48 AM In HOH bed, Ricky removes his mic & continues listening to his HOH music while keeping the beat. HOH lights remain on. 4:56 AM Ricky up for a snack, sways to the music, puts on HOH robe, to BA, down to KT, Main House Lights go on, looks outside. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
How Mister Rogers' Life of Quiet Grace Turned Him Into an Unlikely Pop Culture Hero 16 Years After His Death

from E! Online (US) - TV News
04:25 AM PST - 4:17 AM Long Lolo/Ricky convo ends as Ricky goes to HOH & Lolo into CBR off cam. "See you in a couple of hours." Ricky sits & listens to his HOH music & enjoys a cool one. Soon continues relaxing on bed & enjoying the music. 4:21 AM Main House Lts go off (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
04:18 AM PST - 4:14 AM Lolo to Ricky says she is the only one (in the House) without a family. Her HOH pic & letter was her best friend. Lolo says she should have said she wanted a picture & letter from her dog. "Woof woof woof bark bark." (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
04:14 AM PST - 4:10 AM Lolo/Ricky talking about noms. Ricky says one of those two (Dina/Kandi) have to win Veto. Ricky says he is not worried about winning - just state his case & congratulate the winner if it isn't him. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
04:09 AM PST - 4:06 AM Lolo/Ricky talk about Mooch & how much he is worth. Lolo: If he is (a billionaire), he's the coolest rich guy I've ever known. Lolo says she has a Gucci belt - needs to go back to her TJMaxx days. Lolo wants to talk more to Mooch at finale. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
04:05 AM PST - 4:01 AM Lolo to Ricky says that she was glad to nom Tom to honor Natalie. Ricky says Tom was trying to get close to him so he could backdoor Ricky. Lolo says Tom said he had watched just a few episodes. She soon found that was not true - he was a big fan. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
04:02 AM PST - 3:58 AM Ricky to Lolo: He (Tom) was good at the competitions but horrible in the social game. Ricky says Tom had good comps but couldn't turn that into a good social game. Ricky says if she were against Tom at the end that she would win. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:59 AM PST - 3:54 AM Lolo to Ricky says there were times when she thought Nat was closer to Tay than to her. Nat pushed Lolo during workouts. Lolo & Ricky criticize Tom for his "meetings" when he already knew who he was nominating. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:56 AM PST - 3:51 AM Lolo says & Ricky agrees that the mood in BB House has changed for the better. (After recent evictions.) They talk about possible upcoming comps. Lolo did not like Dice Game comp. They talk about HGs not being "up" for late nite comps. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:50 AM PST - 3:44 AM Ricky asks Lolo if she cleans when she can't sleep normally. She says no - watches TV - but there are cameras. (Ed.: In BB House.) They talk about Nat & Tom evictions. Lolo says they have to wake up at 7 AM. Lolo talks in code about a "track meet". (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:45 AM PST - 3:41 AM Ricky on balcony & Lolo in KT talking about remaining schedule. Then talk about performance of HGs in HOH comp. Lolo wants to know if anyone is watching them now. Ricky says maybe overseas. Lolo says she can't sleep - is going to continue cleaning. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:41 AM PST - 3:36 AM Lolo takes hangers to SR & looks over food. Lolo cleaning in LR then to KT & continues cleaning. Lolo to BA for more cleaning. Ricky passes Lolo on his way to WC. Lolo to SR & drops off more hangers, back to KT. Ricky on balcony chats with Lolo in KT. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:37 AM PST - 3:27 AM Lolo takes an armful of trash to SR. Lolo with broom & dustpan sweeps floor outside of SR. Back to SR & cleans. Takes armfuls of clean towels to BA. Tidies up in BA. Collects hangers , takes off her shades & studies pictures on MW. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:28 AM PST - 3:19 AM Lolo alone in downstairs Lounge. Plucking strings on a ukulele. Finally says: "Oh I give up. It's not a cello."(Ed.: ? - Difficult to hear.) Begins typing on Tweet device. Takes trash to KT & tidies up KT. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
02:25 AM PST - Lights off in Ricky, Lolo & Tay's room (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
02:11 AM PST - HGs done going through Ricky's HOH room & disbursing. Sounds like Ricky's planning to bring down his pictures & letter & sleep downstairs. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
02:02 AM PST - All 5 HG in Ricky's HOH room just talking with the girls drinking wine. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:41 PM PST - (TV) Tie-breaker -- Number answer -- Rounded to the nearest second, how long in seconds is the time between the moment Ross starting saying the word "hello" of the cousins sitcom, to the moment he places his chin on his fist at the end Answers -- 124 Rickey - 234 Tamar - 50 Correct answer - 124 Tamar wins the POV (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
Celebrity Big Brother 2 Spoilers: (02/09/19)-Week 4 Head of Household Results
Tonight two Celebrity Big Brother 2 houseguests went home. This zoomed us to the final five players. They are Tamar Braxton, Kandi Burruss, Dina Lohan, Ricky Williams, and Lolo Jones.
Now we have two more evictions before we get to the final three players, and crown one of them the winner of Celebrity Big Brother 2. The houseguests have had one intense day with two evictions, a Power of Veto Competition and Ceremony, and now another Head of Household competition. The winner of this competition secured their spot in the final four, and gets one step closer to the final three.
The final competition of the night didn’t play out on the feeds. So around 8:20pm BBT the feeds shut down for another Head of Household competition. Host Julie Chen announced during the Live Eviction that two more HOH competitions would play out. The first happened tonight, and it will result in one more eviction. This HOH reign will include the normal schedule of HOH competition, Power of Veto Competition and Ceremony, and then live eviction during the Celebrity Big Brother finale.
Then on Wednesday, two additional people will be evicted after the final Head of Household is crowned. So who won this Head of Household competition?
Ricky Williams won Head of Household!
Thanks for joining us all summer long for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Big Brother 20. We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Join us again for Celebrity Big Brother 2 on Jan 21, and Big Brother 21 in the summer of 2019. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news
from Big Brother Access
Who Went Home On Celebrity Big Brother 2 Tonight-Double Eviction? (02/08/2019)
On the last episode of Celebrity Big Brother 2, the newly crowned Head of Household, Tom Green, nominated Natalie Eva Marie and Ricky Williams to the block for eviction. Now that Tom’s ride-or-die, Kato Katelin, was evicted, he has been a target himself in the house. He ran away with the last competition called Celebrity Tumbling Dice which saved him from eminent eviction.
Now that Ricky and Lolo are on the block, they are desperate to win the Power of Veto to save their 3 person alliance with Lolo Jones. Tonight’s episode will be a doozy as we will have an action packed 2-hour episode with two LIVE evictions coming our way. Buckle up and enjoy!
Block Nomination Fallout
Needless to say, Ricky and Lolo are not very happy with Tom for nominating them to the block for eviction. Thanks to Kandi Burruss, Tom changed his mind on who to nominate at the last minute. She told Tom that Natalie was lying to him and was going to come after him as soon as she gets the chance. Taking her advice, he nominated Ricky and Natalie instead of Ricky and Lolo. Tom is hoping that he or one of his alliance members (Dina Lohan, Tamar Braxton, and Kandi) can win the POV, and they can back door Lolo for eviction.
Lolo knows if she can win the POV, she can at least save herself and either Ricky or Natalie from the block. On the other hand, if Tom or one of his 4 alliance members can grab the POV, they can surely send one of the athletes home. Who gets chosen to play this critical for the next eviction.
Power of Veto Competition
Tom, Ricky and Natalie are automatically playing in this POV competition. By random draw, Tamar, Kandi, and Dina were selected to play in this comp. That leaves only Lolo as the only Big Brother houseguest that will not compete in the POV. She can not save herself or one of her alliances from the block. The odds are definitely in Tom’s favor now and Lolo knows it.
This competition is called Color Blast. During each round, the houseguests will be shown a sequence of colors that they must try and memorize. After the colors are shown, they will be asked a question about the exact sequence shown to them. Answer incorrectly, and the houseguest is immediately eliminated from the competition.
In the first round, Ricky was kicked by answering the wrong color and was shot with colored slime. Round two was not so good to Tamar or Kandi as both answered incorrectly. Round three got Natalie and Dina leaving only Tom after just three rounds. Tom has won the golden power of veto.
POV Aftermath
Tom reveals to Kandi that he definitely wants to go after Ricky. He thinks Ricky is running the alliance, and the leader should be the first to go. He also told Kandi that he wanted her to vote out Ricky or else he would pull down Natalie and replace her with Tamar. That info did not go over well with Kandi who went right to Tamar with the info.
As expected, Tamar blew up at Tom. Tom kept trying to tell Tamar that this is just a game, but she wanted no parts of what he had to say. In the diary room, Tom informed us that he was no longer telling anyone any of his moves…even us via the diary room. We all love a good surprise, right?
POV Ceremony
Before the ceremony, Tom did divulge to the cameras in his HOH bedroom that everyone in the Big Brother house was in for a big surprise at the POV meeting. Here we go!
Tom chose to use the POV and veto’ed Ricky from the block. In Ricky’s place, he nominated Lolo to the block for eviction. Now, either Natalie or Lolo will be evicted tonight.
First Live Eviction Results
Kandi voted to evict Natalie
Tamar voted to evict Natalie
Ricky voted to evict Natalie
Dina voted to evict Natalie
By an unanimous vote of 4 to 0, Natalie was evicted from the Big Brother house. During her exit interview with Julie Chen Moonves, Natalie is upset with herself for not winning HOH or the POV to save herself.
Breaking News Alert
The final Celebrity Big Brother twist was announced. The houseguests gathered around to hear the news from Julie. One of the remaining houseguests will be safe by winning Big Brother first…a safety competition. The twist is that for their safety, they must sit out of the upcoming HOH competition.
Living Art
The houseguests will all enter the house at the same time and count the number of people disguised as art inside the Big Brother house. The first houseguest to return back to their station with the correct answer wins this unique safety competition. There is a limit of 90 seconds to compete the quest.
Tamar guessed 19 and was the closest to the correct answer of 22. Tamar has won the safety competition. She is guaranteed safety during the second eviction tonight, but she cannot participate in the upcoming HOH competition.
Head of Household Competition & Nominations
This HOH competition will be very similar to the Living Art Safety competition just played. This time, the houseguests will enter the house and count how many of the living artists have left the Big Brother house. The celebs have 90 seconds to count the number currently in the house and return to their station with the correct answer.
Lolo answered the question correctly and is the next Head of Household. She had to nominate 2 houseguests to the block immediately. Lolo put up Tom because he wins all the competitions. Next, she nominated Kandi to the block after Julie almost took her newly won power away from her for taking too long.
Power of Veto Competition
This competition is called Cousins. The houseguests must watch a video about a new Big Brother sitcom called Cousins starring Metta World Peace and Ross Mathews from Celebrity Big Brother 2018. Julie will ask true or false questions pertaining to the sitcom shown to them. The houseguest with the most correct answers wins the Power of Veto.
In the first, second and third rounds, everyone answered correctly. In the fourth round, Kandi, Tom Tamar and Dina all answered incorrectly. In the fifth round, Lolo and Dina answered incorrectly. The sixth round only Kandi and Tamar answered correctly. There was a 3 way tie between Kandi, Ricky and Tamar going into the last round. In the final round, Ricky and Tamar were tied and had to answer a number question to break the tie. Their question was about the number of seconds of the sitcom. Tamar won the POV.
POV Ceremony
Tamar did not use the power of veto so either Tom or Kandi will be evicted from the Big Brother house.
Second Live Eviction Vote
Dina voted to evict Tom
Ricky voted to evict Tom
Tamar voted to evict Tom
By an unanimous vote of 3 to 0, Tom was evicted from the Big Brother house. During his exit interview with Julie, Tom said he is rooting for Lolo to win the competition. He also said he learned a lot about the way humans behave. He loved the opportunity.
Julie spoke to the final 5 about finale night. They will have one more HOH and POV as usual. Then with the final four remaining, they will compete for the final and most powerful HOH of the season. The winner of the final HOH will have to immediately evict 2 houseguests and take one with them into the vote. Come back and join us Monday night for another episode of Celebrity Big Brother 2.
Thanks for joining us all winter long for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Celebrity Big Brother 2. We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Celebrity Big Brother. Join us again for the next episode of Celebrity Big Brother 2 on February 11th, 9 PM/ 8 PM CST. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!
from Big Brother Access
Celebrity Big Brother 2 Spoilers: Double Eviction Results (02/08/19)
Tonight is the first and only Celebrity Big Brother 2 double eviction. The week was already filled with drama as Tom Green once again gained power. And once again, it resulted in everyone mad at him. He started off the week trying to evict his arch-rival Ricky Williams. Things took a turn for the unexpected and Ricky was removed from the block…by Tom.
Natalie Eva Marie became the target for the week, and Lolo Jones went up in Ricky’s place. Now one of them will be the first victim of the two hour episode, double eviction extravaganza.
We have a full recap of tonight’s events, but for just the winners and losers of this week’s double eviction, read below.
First Eviction Results
By an unanimous vote Natalie Eva Marie was evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother 2 house.
Breaking News Twist Results
Julie announced that a new competition wil take place to keep someone safe from eviction. Tamar won safety.
Head of Household #1 Results
Lolo Jones won the Head of Household competition.
Lolo nominated Tom Green and Kandi Burruss for eviction.
Power of Veto Competition Results
Tamar won the Power of Veto after a tiebreaker came down to her and Ricky. They had to watch a show called “Cousins” featuring Metta World Peace and Ross Mathews from Celebrity Big Brother 1.
Power of Veto Ceremony Results
Tamar did not use the Veto.
Second Eviction Results
By an unanimous vote, Tom Green became the second evictee of the night.
Thanks for joining us all summer long for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Big Brother 20. We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Join us again for Celebrity Big Brother 2 on Jan 21, and Big Brother 21 in the summer of 2019. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!
from Big Brother Access
Celebrity Big Brother 2 Spoilers: Week 3.5 Eviction: Which Two will Go in the Double [POLL]?
We are down to the final seven Celebrity Big Brother 2 houseguests. Lolo Jones, Kandi Burruss, Ricky Williams,Tom Green,Tamar Braxton, Dina Lohan, and Natalie Eva Marie all want the Celebrity Big Brother winner title. They are so close to the end with only five more days left until the houseguests can see other humans again. For now, they must continue the battle.
Right now, the Celebrity Big Brother 2 battle revolves around which member of the infamous trio will leave. At the beginning of the week, Tom nominated Ricky and Eva Marie. After some of Kandi and Dina’s influence, he removed Ricky from the block and nominated Lolo. Now this Unbreakable duo will be broken up.
Kandi and Dina want to vote to evict Eva Marie. They believe that she has the best chance to win competitions between the three. She also knows the game a little better than Lolo and Ricky. Eva Marie is also a little more well liked than Lolo and Ricky, so she could get some votes at the end.
Tamar and Ricky want to keep Eva Marie, basically for the reasons that Dina and Kandi want her out. They see her as a tool that could help advance their games. They don’t see that potential with Lolo, especially with her intense emotional outbursts.
Kandi and Dina don’t seem to want to switch their vote, nor does Ricky and Tamar. It could come down to a tie, which Tom will have to break. However, we expect them to all agree to vote out Eva Marie.
Going into the double eviction, it could go any way, but we think this is the most likely order of possible eviction:
1. Tom-He is the most likely to go as he’s most player’s big target. However, he’s the best at competitions, so he’s also most likely to win the Power of Veto. Since only six people are left, everyone will be playing for it tonight.
2. Ricky-Tom spared him as the first target. However, if people can’t get Tom out, they’re most likely to go for Ricky next. He seems like a strategic masterminds compared to some of the other players. Kandi and Dina are also more likely to go after him to show Tom their loyalty, and that he made the right move getting out Eva Marie first.
3. Kandi-She’s been rubbing people the wrong way by getting so close to Tom. Only Dina fully trusts her.
4. Tamar-It’s highly unlikely that Tamar is going anywhere, but if somehow Ricky, Tom, and Kandi are safe, then they might have to go for Tamar by default.
5. Lolo-She seems too emotional for anyone to take serious as a game threat. However, her emotional outbursts may annoy everyone so much that they just get rid of her to make it more peaceful in the house.
6. Dina-The only way she becomes a target is if someone really wants to weaken Tom’s numbers.
Who do you think will leave tonight? Comment and vote below.
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.Thanks for joining us all summer long for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Big Brother 20. We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Join us again for Celebrity Big Brother 2 on Jan 21, and Big Brother 21 in the summer of 2019. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!
[contact-form]from Big Brother Access
Celebrity Big Brother 2 Live Feeds Highlights-Day 23: Kandi Ends the Trio
Yesterday was all about trying to figure out who to vote out the Celebrity Big Brother house. The houseguests were surprised when Head of Household Tom Green removed Ricky Williams from the block. This immediately started suspicion that the two men were working together.
Tamar Braxton told Kandi Burruss that she would nominate Ricky and Tom together if she won Head of Household, and she told her that she should do the same. Ricky made it clear that he wasn’t aligned with Tom, and that he would target him if he won the Head of Household. He said that this made them even. He even credited his manipulation skills with saving him. No one realized that Kandi was the one that orchestrated this big move.
Natalie Eva Marie was willing to die on her sword for Lolo Jones. Their close bond, and the fact that Lolo didn’t have anyone to go home to, made Eva Marie feel sorry for the Olympian. Ricky and Tamar snapped her out of it. They wanted her to fight to stay in the Celebrity Big Brother game.
Tamar and Ricky discussed who they wanted to stay. They both agreed that they want to keep Eva Marie. Meanwhile, Kandi and Dina Lohan want to keep Lolo.
When Eva Marie finally decided to fight for her game, she asked Dina and Kandi about their votes. They both were vague but made it clear enough that she didn’t have them…yet. Eva Marie and Lolo really didn’t want Tom to have the final say. They wanted to pick who went by agreeing and getting everyone to vote that way.
Once again, Kandi wasn’t going to do that plan. All the talks and vote questioning created even more distrust. Kandi and Dina weren’t sure if they could trust Tamar because she kept trying to influence their vote, when they were set on evicting Eva Marie. Tom was sure if he could trust Kandi, because she told Tamar about their conversations.
Tonight’s first eviction will likely end in Eva Marie being evicted. Whether it’s via Tom breaking a tie or an unanimous vote is yet to be determined.
Thanks for joining us all summer long for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Big Brother 20. We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Join us again for Celebrity Big Brother 2 on Jan 21, and Big Brother 21 in the summer of 2019. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news
from Big Brother Access
11:44 PM PST - Tamar and LoLo in kitchen cooking. Dina is in her room alone tidying and packing her things. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
11:37 PM PST - Ricky, pensive, makes his way back downstairs through the empty house to his, LoLo's and Tamar's room. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
11:31 PM PST - Ricky on Skybridge staring at the chess board alone. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
11:30 PM PST - Kandi and Tamar in Bathroom taking showers and chit chatting. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
11:20 PM PST - LoLo tells Ricky and Tamar that she is going to bed because Tamar says that they must be up in eight hours. She changes her mind when she remembers that she wants to stay awake for Ricky's HOH Room Opening. She tells Ricky that she must stay awake for the opening because this HOH is the only one that she's cared about....Tamar makes a hurumph noise and LoLo corrects herself--except for Tamar's HOH, of course. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
11:17 PM PST - They point to Nat's bed and say "this was for you!" (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
11:07 PM PST - Ricky smiles and tells LoLo that they took the day. "We won the whole day," he says. Both seem happy. LoLO says what an incredible day. (Ed: they forgot NEM very quickly-later they think of Natalie and point to her bed and say "this was for you.") (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
11:04 PM PST - Ricky tells LoLo that Kandi should not have called him out. "Kandi better win the Veto or she is going home", he says. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
11:00 PM PST - Ricky wearing HOH Key (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
10:58 PM PST - 10:55 Feeds back Lolo Tay and Ricky jumping up and down in their bedroom (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
10:12 PM PST - CBB1 reruns (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
08:02 PM PST - Feeds back (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:53 PM PST - Feeds switched to celeb reruns a few minutes ago. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:40 PM PST - Feeds back (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:14 PM PST - 7:14pm. Feeds still on BBCeleb1 reruns (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:00 PM PST - (TV) As CBS show is ending, Lolo chatting with Rickey in the back bedroom. She asks him if they are still good together knowing that Tamar can swing to Kandi and they both cannot. Rickey confirms they are good together. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:00 PM PST - (TV) Monday night episode will have a surprise visit to the HG's by Melissa J Winokur & Mark McGrath (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:58 PM PST - (TV) Julie informs the HG's that they have all made it to finale night. All HG's, except Lolo, will play for the next HOH. Whoever is evicted first on finale night will join the jury. Final 4 will play for the last HOH. HOH winner will evict 2 people and pick who they will be sitting next to as the final 2. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:53 PM PST - (TV) Julie informs the HG's that the vote is 3-0, Tom is evicted. Tom giving everyone hugs. Tamar dancing around out of control. Tom thanks her for the dance. Out Tom goes to a huge ovation from the crowd. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:52 PM PST - (TV) Tamar with the final vote. She said she 'gladdddddddly' votes to evict Tom Green. Tom-3 Kandi-0 (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:51 PM PST - (TV) Rickey voting next and also casts for Tom. Tom-2 Kandi-0 (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:51 PM PST - (TV) Dina voting first. She votes to evict Tom. Tom-1 Kandi-0 (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:50 PM PST - (TV) In Tom's speech, he reminds Rickey that he took him off the block (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:50 PM PST - (TV) 2nd eviction starting OTB -- Tom - Kandi Voting -- Rickey, Tamar & Dina (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:46 PM PST - (TV) Veto meeting beginning. Tamar visibly excited holding up her veto. Tamar says "In the name of my home girl Natalie who went home tonight and my new friendship with Kandi and trust, I will not be using this POV" Tamar places veto in the box. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
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