from Extra Online - BBB https://extra.globo.com/tv-e-lazer/bbb/affair-de-jessica-do-bbb-18-critica-postura-de-lucas-esta-usando-ela-no-jogo-22414604.html
Real Housewives Of New York is currently filming in the wake of Luann‘s arrest and rehab stay, so naturally their epic cast trip was postponed, and they were reduced to cruising on a subpar yacht and all getting seasick (and sick of each other) along with other, way more dangerous matters! Captain Lee did not come to the rescue obviously!
The cast (sans Luann apparently) is vacationing in Cartagena, Columbia which seems to me like an odd choice for luxury, and indeed it was when they took a day trip on a boat that CAUGHT FIRE and literally began to sink! I’m guessing that in the midst of fearing for their lives there was no time for turtle time, but talk about an amazing metaphor for Real Housewives excursions (and Real Housewives relationships… ).
The ladies sensed problems from the beginning when they realized the boat was an old thing who’d never had a facelift. “Once they were ushered on board, the boat couldn’t even move. The anchor got stuck, so the crew had to saw the anchor off before they could sail anywhere,” reveals an insider. As if that wasn’t bad enough the boat’s seats weren’t properly secured, so those along with other things, “started flying about.”
“When they got out to sea, the engine caught fire. It was a huge blaze and the crew was fighting to put it out. They didn’t have a fire extinguisher nor did they speak English,” the insider continued. Once the fire was out, in the process of returning to land, the boat then started taking on water, “and there were only two or three life jackets for everyone on board.” This included the producers and film crew. So, um Bravo DOESN’T conduct safety checks?!
“They all thought they were going to die and they were hysterical,” Page Six reports. “Bethenny [Frankel], Ramona [Singer] and Dorinda [Medley] were soaked and screaming hysterically, Carole [Radziwill] and Tinsley [Mortimer] were literally throwing up from seasickness. They were far out to sea and they thought they were going down like the Titanic.” Talk about a Ramonacoaster!
The ladies were finally rescued by another passing boat. For Bethenny, this is actually her second disaster at sea, so maybe she needs to stay on land!
Shockingly, a Bravo rep confirms the incident did indeed take place. “The Real Housewives of New York City’ cast was recently on a boat in South America and encountered turbulent water,” their statement reveals. “Thankfully, everyone is fine and was able to continue their vacation as planned. The safety of our cast and crew is paramount and, to that end, we are doing a full investigation.” They’ve also offered the ladies counseling to deal with the trauma.
Well, so much for lifestyles of the rich and bravo-famous, but, as always, at least the RHONY trip will be epic!
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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The last week of Celebrity Big Brother is underway, and we still have eight celebrities living in the Big Brother house. After one of the most targeted celebrities in the house won the last Head of Household (HOH) competition, we should see some chaos as the houseguests scramble to save their games. HOH Omarosa nominated Ross Mathews and Brandi Glanville to the block for eviction with Ross being Omarosa’s primary target. Can Ross save his game and will his power alliance remain intact after Omarosa’s reign in the Big Brother house? Let’s find out.
Omarosa’s top priority while acting as HOH is to break up any pairs and alliances in the Big Brother house. She has not been at all shy about telling the houseguests exactly what her plan entails while HOH. By planting seeds of doubt, Omarosa hopes that the alliances will start to question one another, therefore falling apart.
Brandi did a lot of Omarosa’s work for her when she went against the house majority and placed a rogue vote to evict Mark McGrath instead of Shannon Elizabeth. This sent some shock waves through the house majority and power alliance she has with Ross, Ariadna Gutiérrez, and Marissa Jaret Winokur. Brandi’s last minute sympathy vote has her alliance unsure if they can trust Brandi any longer in the Big Brother house.
The house is aware of the deal James Maslow made with Omarosa at the HOH competition, but they are questioning whether or not Mark has made a deal with Omarosa also. Mark had expressed concern about Omarosa nominating him to the block for eviction. When Mark was not nominated for eviction, many of the houseguests began to speculate he made a last minute deal to save his game.
James began to question his deal with Omarosa as to whether or not evicting Ross was best for his Big Brother game. He and Mark decided that evicting Brandi is better for their game. To ensure Brandi’s eviction, they needed one more vote and approached Marissa with a final four deal that would include Ross.
The twist was revealed by Julie Chen for the Power or Veto (POV) competition. The viewers voted for the VIP POV which grants the winner of the veto the ability to use the veto twice if they so chose to do so. Needless to say, the celebrities were a bit taken back with the twist and were desperately trying to figure out the impact this twist would have on the Big Brother game.
The POV, called Invitation Only, required that the houseguests raced against one another to put together a puzzle in the fastest time. The first houseguest to bring all of their puzzle pieces down the red carpet to their puzzle board and correctly complete their puzzle wins the VIP veto. In addition to Ross, Brandi and Omarosa competing in the veto, Marissa, Metta World Peace, and Mark were also randomly chosen to compete.
Ross barely beat out Omarosa to win the VIP veto by just a second or two. Not only can Ross pull himself off the block and save his Big Brother game, but he can also save Brandi’s game. If he pulled both himself and Brandi off the block, Omarosa would then have to nominate two new houseguests to the block for eviction.
As assumed, Ross used the POV to pull himself off the block. Omarosa nominated Metta in his place for eviction because Metta wanted to leave the game to be home with his family. Surprisingly, Ross opted not to use the ability to save Brandi from the block. Therefore, the houseguests will vote for either Metta or Brandi for eviction from the Big Brother house.
The live vote for eviction was unanimous to evict Metta with a vote of 5 to 0. During his exit interview and through the tears of joy, Metta revealed that the mental aspect of the game took it’s toll on him. He also shared with Julie that he is rooting for Ross to win the title of Celebrity Big Brother.
Keep it here all winter for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Celebrity Big Brother . We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!
Oh man, all season on Vanderpump Rules I have really been loving James Kennedy … Until last night, that is! Down goes the Jack Daniels, and James’ decency follows suit. He wasted being a horrible ATROCIOUS drunken buffoon to Lala Kent and Raquel Leviss when he should have reserved that treatment for Scheana Marie. If only so Rob Valetta could rush in to be knight in shining armor and fix it. I hear he’s good at those sorts of things!
Scheana Marie invited a select group ‘non-assholes’ to Rob’s cabin in Big Bear. After the Toca Madera cheating non-scandal, she’s desperate to prove that some of her non-friends are capable of behaving like decent human beings. Except slim pickings. She can’t invite the Three-Headed SheBeasts who are too busy bedazzling scooters while fake crying apologies after their birthday party breakdowns (plus they started the rumor), so Scheana was forced to choose Jax Taylor and James?! Scheana is a cesspool of failed logic and I really believe all the therapists on this show are being wasted on Jax. Absolutely he is in need, but um… spread the ‘py, because there’s a six car pileup of people needing psychiatric attention.
After screaming at Katie Maloney and Kristen Doute, then fleeing her birthday party in a Patrick-induced drunken breakdown, Stassi Schroeder has been crying into her ranch dressing (and probably mixing it with vodka). Along with her checkbook, she comes in peace to decorate motorized scooters and beg forgiveness. Envision this scenario fast-forwarded 40 years with this same dysfunctional group riding bedazzled Rascals to terrorize the poor people of Boca. Luckily, I’m sure by then Lala will be living in the old Vanderpump Mansion with her third rich hubby.
Stassi grovels into her glue stick, because without Patrick what else does she have left in her life? Please believe if he had run off into the sunset with her, she’d never have come crawling back to Vanderpump Rules or Krazstie! After she hands over $1400 to repay Katie and Kristen, they of course forgive her, because without Stassi they are a wheel without its axis. But it is funny that post-Patrick, Stassi is stripped of all her power like lint-covered tape. I mean in theory it’s still sticky, but nah. Patrick’s dismantling of Stassi’s facade made everyone realize she’s a paper tiger. Or maybe it’s that Katie and Kristen have grown-up a bit? Again, nah.
With SUR under construction following the fire, Lisa Vanderpump has her all-star team of Scheana (snort), Ariana Madix, and Tom 1 working at Villa Blanca. Jax is apparently salty that he’s still in time-out, so even the prospect of a little vacation with Super Rob won’t revive his feelings of inadequacy. But doesn’t Jax feel blessed and exalted?!
Rob’s family owns a cabin in Big Bear, but naturally because Scheana envisions herself the self-titled Mrs. Rob, it’s her cabin too. Scheana is obsessed with impressing people using an image that, not for one iota, anyone buys into! Like if I buy a giant blown-up photo of Scheana and Shay at their wedding poster of a Rembrandt, I know damn well it’s a cheap copy – Scheana doesn’t realize everyone is equally well-aware that she’s a cheap copy of happiness and success. While Ariana and Tom look on in bemused horror, Scheana actually Freudian slips and refers to Rob’s cabin as “ours,” while waxing poetically to Lisa about the ELEVEN years they’ve spent going there together. What Scheana neglects to mention is that she went as SHAY’s wife!
Lisa is not impressed by Scheana’s determined amnesia, but she’s even less impressed when Jax texts to complain that as a 38-year-old man with a “bad back,” who is in a serious relationship, he will NOT be reduced to sleeping in a twin bed whilst Ariana and Tom have non-sex in the only other queen bed. Ungrateful much?
Jax is not coping well with his reduced station in life – he’s finally ousted from Lisa’s affections, in the doghouse with Brittany Cartwright (no sandwiches!), and his reiki teacher hasn’t succumbed to his charms. Yet. I diagnose that Jax feels insecure next to Rob. Rob, who has a boat and magic hands which can hang a TV in 7 minutes or less (a useful skill in the apocalypse), when all Jax has is T&A, and cheap beers on the couch.
To Jax happiness is convincing himself that women somewhere are still willing to fall for his lines, offer their services (and sandwiches!), and be his ‘cheat,’ but stacked up next to a ‘real man’ – one who can, um, what was it? Move Scheana’s suitcase from the floor to the bed, poor Jax is noticing his shortcomings! For some reason I just keep hearing Coolio’s Gangsta’s Paradise replay in my head as it relates to Jax. Among such poignant lyrics: “I take a look at my life and realize there’s none left. ‘Cause I’ve been brassing and laughing so long that even my mamma thinks that my mind is gone…” And going the way of Coolio, Jax seems preoccupied that he will finally fade into the obscurity he belongs in! I’m just shocked Rob’s not capable of ‘fixing’ Jax too – being like a ‘real man’ mentor!? Don’t think Scheana hasn’t suggested it to Brittany!
Did I mention that Scheana also invited James to Big Bear? As if that will make the right impression on Super Rob!
While Scheana is cuddling her delusions, and showing off her summer body while rambling to her girlfriends about the Power of Rob, Katie gives him some competition in the fix-it department! Is an HGTV show in their future?!
As always Katie, Stassi (and the oblivious Tom 2) are in a strange co-dependent Sister Wives relationship, where Katie is the ‘hubs’ to both Tom and Stassi. Or maybe sometimes Stassi is the ‘hubs’? Basically the one who wears ‘the metaphorical pants.’ Since Patrick has abandoned Stassi to nervous breakdowns (again), it is Katie who must screw together the wobbling bench in her apartment. Alas, no amount of twisting the allen wrench can set Stassi straight, so she turns to the supernatural where delusion is nurtured and encouraged. They visited some blonde woman’s apartment to sit on of the floor of her spare bedroom on top of a floral sheet to have their futures told by a pack of tarot cards the woman bought on sale at Anthropologie. I’m venturing to guess the floral floor covering came from the same sale rack?
This tarot woman, who can safely make her predictions as a person who has definitely not watched Stassi’s disaster relationship on TV, and ‘draws’ The Fool card, featuring Stassi swinging a pinot Grigio bottle while wearing a broken crown, and places it next to a card with Patrick’s face on a serpent’s body which is named The Douche. This reveals that despite endlessly trying, Stassi will never make things work with Patrick. But she will get prego sometime in 2019 so her condition of ‘dating assholes’ may have a cure! Or maybe Jax’s assholism will be cured and they’ll reunite to make babies? (I’m gagging myself here)
Meanwhile in Big Bear, James starts hitting the bottle the moment he gets out of the car and um, doesn’t stop until 6 in the morn. It was almost as tragic as Scheana constantly bragging about how amazing Rob is while her friends sat, eyes glazed over, wishing they weren’t contractually trapped in a cramped lake house with her. During a game of ‘I Never’ Rob was asked if he’d ever be a swinger. He wouldn’t because he doesn’t want his dick to fall off (he can’t reattach it and fix it with his super magic skills?). Like a soulless blow-up doll Scheana is, she recited how much she loves Rob’s dick too. Oh, really – I couldn’t tell. While Scheana is just SO pathetic, even worse is Raquel.
Raquel makes Kristen’s crazy outbursts seem positively sane, because Raquel has one mode: JamesBot. Once again she silently accepts being the Tom 2 (aka third wheel) to James’s drunkenly mauling others. It’s Logan Dejavu, except even stranger given James and Lala’s complicated past.
During dinner and all throughout the night, as James gets increasingly trashed and belligerent, he’s also increasingly inappropriate towards Lala and touching her constantly. Lala doesn’t seem to mind until James starts making little digs at her and telling to “shut-up.” Lala and James just have such a weird, untenable relationship. They’re like siblings, but flirty friends, and it’s just uncomfortable. Raquel tries, timidly, to explain to James that he’s upsetting her, but Raquel’s standards are so low she accepts being called a “skinny hot bitch” by Lala the ultimate compliment.
The bottom line is that James + booze x insecurity = James Kanteddy. Eventually Lala has enough and decides James needs a ‘Come To Jesus, Madonna, and Lala’ talk about the status of their relationship. She lays it out for him that they’re both in other relationships, the past is the past, and he has to stop making comments about her man, and “coming for” her. Her words were impotent (zing!). Instead of apologizing and agreeing that he’s out of line, drunk James basically confesses that he’s still in love with Lala and he can’t respect her relationship because he thinks she deserves better than a guy who used her as a sidepiece while allowing her to be harassed for being a mistress. That could be a sweet sentiment if it weren’t for the fact that James mostly seems jealous because he isn’t rich enough to be Lala’s man. Keep spinning those C-U-Next Tuesday tracks…
Do I think Lala is weirdly defensive about her “man”? Yes. Do I think a part of Lala loves being adored by James and relishes in his attention, no matter how toxic? Yes. Do I think James is out of line and needs to probably stop double-fisting shots and beers (and also Raquel and other people)? Yes.
While James and Lala are “talking,” Scheana whines that the noise is keeping Super Rob awake. He needs his rest because he’s driving the [tiny] boat all day tomorrow – the boat which HE FIXED WITH HIS OWN BARE HANDS! Jax is also frustrated – he confides to Tom 1 that he’s feeling leftist that Tom and Tom are moving along with the bar investment, while he’ll probably be bartending at SUR forever. All the reiki is putting Jax Jason in touch with his emotions for the first time, and he is eager to show how he’s creating distance between himself and James, instead of engaging. But no one is impressed by Jax is finally doing what he should’ve been doing all along. Not even Brittany, who was exhausted from trying to mediate between James and Lala, and just wanted to go to sleep.
Who wants to bet that after Brittany passed out Jax called Kelsey, his reiki therapist, for an emergency Skype ‘session’?
Rob Sought Advice From Lala’s Man About Appearing On Vanderpump Rules!
[Photo Credits: Bravo]
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Seasoned reality TV viewers are well-aware that STD tests are common on shows where the contestants are sequestered, especially for dating shows, but Bravo is taking the STD precautions a step further- allegedly.
Supposedly, Bravo has an “STD clause” that prevents the shows’ stars from suing the network if they contract an STD while filming.
That sounds like overkill, but there so many sue-happy people these days that I don’t blame the network for being cautious. According to an article from Page Six, “such provisions are common across all networks, especially on dating shows.”
Does Bravo even have any “dating shows” these days? Sure Millionaire Matchmaker used to be on the network, but what constitutes a “dating show” at this point? I guess the antics on Vanderpump Rules and Summer House could justify this STD clause, but neither of those shows are (officially) focused on dating.
Page Six also reports “the contracts also officially warn stars that their fellow combatants aren’t tested for sexually transmitted diseases.” Oh. Apparently reps for Bravo had no comment.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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Yesterday, the Celebrity Big Brother houseguests were still trying to figure out who to evict. Omarosa really wanted Ross Mathews out of the Big Brother game. She just needed to secure three out of the five votes to make it happen. Omarosa had two votes guaranteed, but getting that third vote would be the issue.
James Maslow and Mark McGrath were actively trying to go against Omarosa’s wishes: They were trying to save Ross and evict Brandi Glanville. Omarosa spent most of the pre-eviction feeds trying to reform the Celebrity Big Brother all-women’s alliance.
She emphasized the danger of Ross staying in the game, especially if he now had an all-men’s alliance with Mark and James. Metta World Peace also backed up Omarosa with hher claims about Ross.
Ariadna Gutierrez and Brandi were already onboard for a new alliance, but Marissa Jaret Winokur was the issue. She didn’t want to betray Ross. Without Marissa on their side, they didn’t have the numbers to evict him.
Metta and Ari were going to vote to evict him, Marissa would be the deciding vote. The early Celebrity Big Brother Live Feeds ended on a cliffhanger with viewers not being sure who would get voted out that night.
The debating wouldn’t even matter in the end, because Ross won Power of Veto and saved himself. This led to Metta’s eviction. The “four” would take America voting for the VIP veto as a sign that America wants their alliance to stick together. They couldn’t betray Ross.
James and Omarosa were once again the targets. However, Ross desperately wanted Omarosa out the house, and the rest of the alliance saw James as more of a threat. When the Head of Household competition ended, Mark held all the power.
Ross would use his influence to once again try to rid the house of Omarosa. And once again, he would get brushed off. Mark and James see Ari and Brandi as more of a threat. So Mark intended to nominate the beauty queen duo, and put up Omarosa as a replacement nominee.
Keep it here all winter for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Celebrity Big Brother . We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!
For months, people were speculating about Kylie Jenner’s pregnancy. She never even publicly confirmed it until she gave birth to her daughter Stormi Webster. The lip kit mogul who gained notoriety from her constant social media posts stepped away from the spotlight and now people want to know more about the twenty-year-old new mom.
Kylie posted an Instagram with a confirmation of the pregnancy (after Stormi’s birth), a photo with a slight glimpse at her daughter, and video tribute to her daughter documenting the pregnancy. Other than that, Kylie has been tight lipped since the birth announcement and her man Travis Scott has said even less. Until now.
He didn’t wax poetic about his first child or anything, but when TMZ photographers were pushing Travis to answer questions about Stormi and how she is doing, he replied, “Oh. She’s beautiful,” which is brief, but very sweet.
Kylie’s most infamous ex Tyga has a new album to promote and since very people have questions about that, and he was asked a lot of questions about Kylie and her baby on the radio show, Everyday Struggle with DJ Akademiks. After years of drama, Tyga said, “She has her new life, I have my new life, and that’s it. There’s no bad blood, no problems.”
Tyga also shared, “We communicate here and there.’ When asked about Kylie’s current man Travis, Tyga commented, “He’s cool.” He also responded with “Word” when DJ Akademiks said, “It seems like there’s no drama.” Again, very brief commentary, which is ironic for such a highly publicized situation.
RELATED: Kylie Jenner named Her Daughter Stormi
[Photo Credit: Instagram]
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Earlier this week, Omarosa took a shot at Ross Mathews and Brandi Glanville. This resulted in her not taking out any of her targets, but instead losing a friend, Metta World Peace. Going into this Celebrity Big Brother Head of Household competition, everyone left in the game really wants to win Celebrity Big Brother, so it’s going to be a long battle for victory.
Heading into the competition, Ross and Brandi had second lives, but still really needed to win the HOH. Ross needed it because everyone now sees him as a major threat in the game. He’s already won two competition in a very small pool of them, putting him in the lead with competition wins.
Brandi needs to win it because James Maslow and Mark McGrath really want her out the Celebrity Big Brother house. The other players that really need this Celebrity Big Brother HOH powers are Omarosa and James.
Omarosa, unfortunately as outgoing HOH cannot play in this week’s Head of Household competition. Fortunately for James, he can play it, and will probably win it. Before the competition started, the houseguests speculated that it would be the slip-N-slide competition. The two players with the best chance to win this, based on their athleticism, are Ariadna Gutierrez and James. We would give James the slight edge to win, since this is an endurance one and he has shown himself quite capable with these types of competition.
So who won this week’s Head of Household competition?
Mark McGrath is this week’s Head of Household. Mark has been floating around, so it’ll be interesting to see what he does with his power.
Keep it here all winter for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Celebrity Big Brother . We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!