Friday, September 20, 2019

07:23 PM PST - Nicole: "Change of plans, change of plans. Did you guys hear?" Fish again. (NT)

07:23 PM PST - Nicole: "Change of plans, change of plans. Did you guys hear?" Fish again. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

07:23 PM PST - Fish and feeds return to Nicole picking out her dress and heading to change into it in the shower. (NT)

07:23 PM PST - Fish and feeds return to Nicole picking out her dress and heading to change into it in the shower. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

07:21 PM PST - Nicole says she likes to wear undies and that's how she was brought up talking to the cameras in the RV. She says she's getting so rebellious she's going to change her glasses to sparkly ones. (NT)

07:21 PM PST - Nicole says she likes to wear undies and that's how she was brought up talking to the cameras in the RV. She says she's getting so rebellious she's going to change her glasses to sparkly ones. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

07:13 PM PST - Holly is eating sliced melons. (NT)

07:13 PM PST - Holly is eating sliced melons. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

07:13 PM PST - Jackson: "Don is so wise and full of knowledge." (NT)

07:13 PM PST - Jackson: "Don is so wise and full of knowledge." (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

07:13 PM PST - Jackson: "Hey Don." BB: "Yes?" (NT)

07:13 PM PST - Jackson: "Hey Don." BB: "Yes?" (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

07:12 PM PST - BB: "House guests did you know that more that 1500 batteries will be used this summer to power your wireless microphones?" Holly: "So random." Jackson: "Sick." Holly: "That was so random." Nicole: "1500 batteries?" Holly: "That is crazy. I've thought about that before. 1500." Nicole: "Wow." Holly: "That was a random fact, Don. What else you got?" BB: "You are welcome." NT (NT)

07:12 PM PST - BB: "House guests did you know that more that 1500 batteries will be used this summer to power your wireless microphones?" Holly: "So random." Jackson: "Sick." Holly: "That was so random." Nicole: "1500 batteries?" Holly: "That is crazy. I've thought about that before. 1500." Nicole: "Wow." Holly: "That was a random fact, Don. What else you got?" BB: "You are welcome." NT (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

07:09 PM PST - Nicole and Jackson keep their eyes open while Holly closes hers again. (NT)

07:09 PM PST - Nicole and Jackson keep their eyes open while Holly closes hers again. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

07:09 PM PST - BB: "No napping." (NT)

07:09 PM PST - BB: "No napping." (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

07:08 PM PST - Jackson now snoring on top of Holly who is also asleep in the BA. (NT)

07:08 PM PST - Jackson now snoring on top of Holly who is also asleep in the BA. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

07:03 PM PST - Nicole fallen asleep in the BA. Jackson looking at Holly next to her. (NT)

07:03 PM PST - Nicole fallen asleep in the BA. Jackson looking at Holly next to her. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

07:01 PM PST - Jackson snuggles up to Holly to get comfortable. (NT)

07:01 PM PST - Jackson snuggles up to Holly to get comfortable. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

06:56 PM PST - Nicole and Jackson lay quietly in the BA. Holly asleep. (NT)

06:56 PM PST - Nicole and Jackson lay quietly in the BA. Holly asleep. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

06:54 PM PST - Nicole says it would be easier to enjoy themselves if someone came in who knew the future and told them how they place. (NT)

06:54 PM PST - Nicole says it would be easier to enjoy themselves if someone came in who knew the future and told them how they place. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

06:54 PM PST - Nicole says it makes sense now why the jury would be surprised by who comes 3rd because its all live. (NT)

06:54 PM PST - Nicole says it makes sense now why the jury would be surprised by who comes 3rd because its all live. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

06:52 PM PST - Nicole: "If I win I would be happy but disgusted I had to choose between you two. What's that all about?" (NT)

06:52 PM PST - Nicole: "If I win I would be happy but disgusted I had to choose between you two. What's that all about?" (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

06:51 PM PST - Holly seemingly passed out in the BA. Jackson and Nicole laying in the BA. (NT)

06:51 PM PST - Holly seemingly passed out in the BA. Jackson and Nicole laying in the BA. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

06:51 PM PST - Nicole imagines the TSA opening her bag and smelling her dirty clothes and thinking she's weird. (NT)

06:51 PM PST - Nicole imagines the TSA opening her bag and smelling her dirty clothes and thinking she's weird. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

06:50 PM PST - Nicole considering ways to do laundry with the yard closed. Nicole: "I'm an especially smelly person." (NT)

06:50 PM PST - Nicole considering ways to do laundry with the yard closed. Nicole: "I'm an especially smelly person." (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:58 PM PST - Nicole, Holly and Jackson playing a card game in the BA. (NT)

05:58 PM PST - Nicole, Holly and Jackson playing a card game in the BA. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:42 PM PST - Nicole is joined by Holly and then Jackson at the dining table. (NT)

05:42 PM PST - Nicole is joined by Holly and then Jackson at the dining table. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:33 PM PST - Jackson showering. Nicole in the kitchen. (NT)

05:33 PM PST - Jackson showering. Nicole in the kitchen. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)

05:29 PM PST - Jackson brushing his teeth. Nicole up. (NT)

05:29 PM PST - Jackson brushing his teeth. Nicole up. (NT)

from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)