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Last week, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 12 reunion kicked off. Let’s discuss fashion. I like Dorit Kemsley and Crystal Kung Minkoff’s looks the most. I’m not sure what Kyle Richards is wearing.
Garcelle Beauvais wants Diana Jenkins to leave her alone. Diana pointed out that Garcelle called her “evil” after she called Sutton Stracke “the c-word.” Diana asked which word is worse. Host Andy Cohen confidently replied, “The c-word.” Lisa Rinna, Erika Jayne, and Dorit all think being called evil is worse.
Diana accused Garcelle of calling her “soulless,” but it was Sutton. Diana said that none of the RHOBH cast would ever do anything to hurt Garcelle’s son, Jax. She filed a lawsuit to discover who hired the bots to harass Jax. Diana wants to prevent it from happening to others. Regarding the lawsuit, Garcelle responded, “Good for her.”
It is time for the Beverly Hills ladies’ lunch break. Rinna and Erika chatted about how Garcelle’s belief that it was one of her co-stars that hired the bots is causing “division” in the group.
Garcelle told Sutton that she will not stop until she discovers who harassed Jax. Sutton has her back. I love this duo!
Sutton was relieved that she has been cleared regarding the “dark” comment that Crystal claimed Sutton made. Kyle and Dorit discussed how Crystal’s story was not true.
Andy talked with Garcelle about her book and getting her first Birkin. Andy asked Erika if she read any of Garcelle’s book before she tossed it in the trash.
Then, Rinna copped to putting the book in the trash. Rinna claimed that she and Garcelle had an agreement that their kids were off-limits. Garcelle mentioned a discussion with Rinna in Paris about her daughter Amelia Hamlin in the book, which pissed Rinna off.
Rinna’s lawyer contacted Garcelle’s manager. They decided to remove that section about Amelia in the second edition of the book and the audio. Both ladies have moved on.
Rinna sent the video of Garcelle’s book in the trash to the group chat. Garcelle and Sutton are obviously not part of that chat. Erika posted it to social media after Garcelle used a clip dissing Erika to promote her book. And never fear- Rinna has started recycling ever since there was backlash over a phone being in the trash.
Rinna’s beloved mother, Lois Rinna, passed away in November of 2021. A package of Rinna attacking Sutton on several occasions played, as well as Rinna crying about missing Lois.
Rinna admitted that maybe it would have been better to take time off from the show while she was grieving her loss. She apologized for being “a maniac.”
She said that she felt some closure after her mother’s memorial service in July of 2022. A viewer question asked Rinna about using her mother’s passing as an excuse for her “despicable behavior.” The actress replied that it has been a very confusing time navigating her mother’s loss, and she has been seeing a therapist. Andy asked Rinna what Lois thought of her on RHOBH. Rinna said that Lois never made her “feel bad.” Lois and Rinna had such a sweet relationship.
Next up is a package of Sutton spilling the tea about Rinna and her husband Harry Hamlin never thanking her for inviting them to the Elton John gala. As you may recall, Erika told Garcelle that Sutton was “a liability.” It also showed Sutton telling Diana that she had also experienced miscarriages.
When Kyle told Sutton about Dorit’s home invasion, Sutton made that odd remark about not having a gun to her head. She explained later that hearing that was triggering for her because of her father’s suicide. Kyle felt that Sutton’s comment was “flippant.” Sutton apologized to Dorit and said that it was the worst thing that she had ever said in her life. Dorit was glad to hear that from Sutton.
Dorit remarked that Sutton mentioning her own miscarriages was Sutton making every situation about her. Andy asked Garcelle if Sutton ever makes things about her. She admitted that Sutton sometimes does that.
Then Andy asked Rinna if Erika was a liability for her. Crystal jumped in, stating that the Fox Force Four protect each other. Garcelle agreed. Finally!
Sutton stated that she didn’t know why Rinna “hates” her so much. She added that Rinna was “brutal” to her all season. After filming ended, Rinna continued her attacks on social media. Sutton doesn’t consider her a friend.
Sutton claimed that she was a dead horse that turned into “glue.” Dorit didn’t know that they make glue out of dead horses. Oof.
Anyway, Sutton asked for an apology. Rinna did issue one, stating that she took out her emotions on Sutton.
Andy again brought up Rinna’s social media posts. He called her out for blaming production for the bot attack on Garcelle’s son. She admitted that she is impulsive and that she is trying to improve. A fan recommended putting Rinna on pause. “Put me f**king on pause! I don’t care!” Rinna exclaimed.
The discussion turned to Rinna’s social media post about how if anyone fights with Garcelle, they are called racist. Rinna claimed that she was referring to trolls. Garcelle explained that sometimes people use microaggressions without realizing it.
Crystal and Kyle started bickering again about Crystal’s feelings and her “dark” comment about Sutton. Dorit asked if Garcelle or Crystal thought that any of the ladies were racist. Garcelle replied, “No.”
Next time, Kathy Hilton joins the ladies in Part 3 of the reunion. Break out your face rollers for that episode!
[Photo by: Isabella Vosmikova/Bravo]
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Decision day for the Married At First Sight couples is fast approaching. Each spouse spends time with friends and loved ones as they contemplate whether to stay married or get a divorce. I can’t wait until decision day. From the trailer, things are going to get real! I am literally going to be sitting on the edge of my seat with my popcorn. This will be yet another season, where things are up in the air for many. This season has been full of constant ups and downs. I am definitely looking forward to seeing what everyone decides.
The clock nearly runs out, and the couples have only a few days until Decision Day. Couples have one last chance to get answers to any remaining questions. This ruins the final night for one couple and challenges others. Let’s get straight to the recap.
Krysten is at peace ahead of decision day. But, she still wants a grand gesture from Mitch to prove that he truly wants to be married to her. Meanwhile, Mitch admits that he enjoyed going back to regular life when he left for his convention when speaking to a friend. He is confused as to what real daily life would look like wife long term. Although he cares for her, he isn’t in love. His friend challenges him not to walk away from a good thing because everything isn’t perfect.
It seems Krysten is doing everything possible to hint that she is open to staying married. To date, she has been pretty direct about what she wants Mitch to do to make her feel comfortable. But he isn’t able to give her a definitive declaration just yet. But he may be open to staying together, if she can accept that. Although she claims that she is open, I don’t believe that is completely true. She has told everyone she wanted a grand gesture and for the person to be completely into her, so I’m not sure if she is being honest with herself.
Lindy shares some of her marital frustrations with her friend. Although her friend doesn’t want to sway her either way, she encourages Lindy to weigh the pros and cons of her relationship. Later at dinner, Miguel apologizes again for his behavior at the retreat. But, he admits that Lindy’s personality can be overwhelming and draining. Honestly, I don’t know if these two are a match. I can’t see either of them being willing to make any adjustments to their personality.
Stacia talks to her friend Jewel about Nate‘s concerns about moving into her new home. She is also worried about his lack of relationship experience. Meanwhile, he seeks counsel from his dad and his friend about his fear of moving in together and having children. His dad encourages him to keep moving forward, if they care for one another.
During a group outing, Stacia reveals she wishes Nate had more life experience. She uses her opinion on traveling with a child as an example. Later at dinner, they discuss their feelings about their marriage up until this point. She shares that she worries if he will be able to get to a deeper level of affection for her. Being questioned seems to trigger him. He storms off from the table yelling he is done. I guess I can see both sides. Of course, Stacia wants passion and love from her husband. I can also see why Nate feels like his efforts have gone unnoticed.
Things escalate further when Stacia goes to speak with Nate. He lets her know he isn’t in love yet & doesn’t appreciate his motives being questioned. Stacia tries to explain what she meant when she said he goes through the motions, but it’s too late. Nate tells her not only does he not want to be stuck with her, but he doesn’t want to even be married to her. Obviously, he doesn’t think he can meet her expectations. Later, he does apologize and express regret for his words. But when Stacia doesn’t just readily accept his apology, they are right back at square one.
Justin vents to his mom about how nervous he is that Alexis will say no on decision day. They are not only having communication, but intimacy issues as well. His mother tells him flat out to get freaky. After giving up his dog, he thought things were set until his wife revealed she was still unsure. Alexis is still looking for more changes from her husband. As a self-admitted runner, she has a lot to think about before decision day.
Justin presents Alexis with her favorite flowers on their last dinner before decision day. He admits that he has been in his head a lot due to fear. Alexis actually acknowledges that he has done some self-reflection and asks what does she needs to work on. Then hits him with a curve ball by saying they may be better off as friends. Okay, I didn’t think this conversation was about to go in this direction. Sigh! This is one of the couples that I am most interested in what they will decide on decision day.
[Photo Credit: Lifetime]
The post Married At First Sight Recap: This Isn’t Best Friends At First Sight appeared first on Reality Tea.
On the heels of last week’s episode of Survivor, where Lindsay was sent home due to her own paranoia, it appeared for a minute that history was going to repeat itself this week. Cassidy was feeling worried that she was going to be voted out next, despite the fact that she was being constantly reassured by her cool, calm and collected tribe mates, Karla and James, that she was totally safe.
But things did go differently this week, thanks to the poor acting skills of island BFFs, Ryan and Geo. Even with Cassidy feeling some pressure and getting a bit worked up, Karla and James just had to act on the Geo/Ryan alliance. They were feeling so comfortable in the game, that the pair had come up with some elaborate schemes that they were super-confident would work in their favor. Ryan tried to force a totally unbelievable persona on himself, of being a “giver,” and being so noble that he would voluntarily fall on his sword. Cassidy – and the viewers – weren’t buying that bull for even a minute. And then when Geo came back to camp with the “Knowledge is Power” advantage, he decided to lie to the tribe and tell them that he didn’t take any risks, even though he then came clean to Karla. Not a good look. The sum of Ryan and Geo’s actions was too much for the others to handle, and with that, they blindsided Geo and sent him home way earlier than Geo had expected. For those that are not fans of the “Knowledge is Power” advantage, it must have also been nice to see that advantage get flushed from the game just minutes after being introduced into it.
And to think, Geo ended up going home partially because his closest ally, Ryan, single-handedly decided to throw the Immunity Challenge. I’m sure there have been, but has there ever been a more arrogant duo pre-merge than Ryan and Geo?
Episode 5 began and ended with the Blue Tribe. We didn’t get much from Red Tribe tonight, other than them dominating yet another challenge (their third challenge win in a row). We did get to see Jesse head off on the “Risk/Reward” excursion, along with Jeanine from the Yellow Tribe and Geo from Blue, but other than that, we hardly got a glimpse of anything new happening at their camp.
Despite not seeing Tribal Council this week, the Yellow Tribe did have a lot going on. This was, in fact, Jeanine‘s episode. Up until now, Jeanine had mostly been portrayed as Elie‘s partner-in-crime, but she really had a breakout episode for herself. First, she came across the Beware Advantage, and was tasked with the same “bead gathering” mission that we’ve seen play out at the other two tribes. She ended up securing her vote AND an Immunity Idol for herself, even though her method of bead collecting was a bit unorthodox in comparison to what we had seen in the past. Sami and Owen both appeared to ponder the thought of not giving Jeanine their beads, so that she would just lose her vote. But they all ultimately went along with it, even Gabler, although Sami explained to Gabler later that Jeanine had in fact gotten an Idol after collecting all of their beads. It’s a risky play, to allow Jeanine to acquire an Idol, but Jeanine doesn’t know that everyone else knows she has it. As fate would have it, Jeanine ended up losing her vote at her next Tribal Council anyways, after she took the “risk” at the “Risk/Reward” excursion, and came up empty.
The Gabler vs. Elie drama has been escalating each and every episode, so it will be interesting to see how this ends up playing out now that we’ve presumably reached the merge.
Episode Take-Away. It looks like we’ve hit the merge, although it was the players, not Jeff, that declared “merge!” during the next episode’s preview. If it is in fact the merge, we have reached it with a pretty even tribe split: 4 Blues, 4 Reds, and 5 Yellows. The Yellow Tribe has the slight numbers advantage, and also the slight advantage advantage (you’ve read that right), with both Gabler and now Jeanine in possession of Idols. The Red Tribe has Cody with an Idol and Noelle with her Steal-A-Vote, and then Blue Tribe has Karla‘s Idol.
As to the breakdown of the dynamics within the tribe, the Blue alliance of Karla, James and Cassidy seems quite formidable, and even though Ryan is on the outs with them, he may not have anywhere else to turn and may be targeted early due to how big a physical threat he is. The Red Tribe has galvanized over the past few weeks, absolutely crushing the challenges once their backs were against the wall, which means that Noelle, Cody, Jesse and Dwight, should they remain tight moving forward, may also be trouble for the others. What occurs within the Yellow Tribe may be what shapes the rest of the season. Though they have the numbers and the most advantages, they are also the most fractured. We know it’s Gabler vs. Elie and Jeanine, and while Sami and Owen appear to be closer to Gabler, will they ultimately decide to go that route?
The merge episode is always one of the best of each season, so I can’t wait for next week! If tonight’s episode was the last “pre-merge” episode of the season, I’d say this was a pretty solid start to what looks like a promising overall season. What say all of you?
Erik Reichenbach DabuDoodles Art. We’re honored here to be associated with Survivor legend Erik Reichenbach, who just so happens to be an amazing artist. As always, we’re thrilled that he shares his talents every week on my column and with my audience with a new piece of Survivor artwork each week. His latest piece will appear here usually in the days after the show’s airing, so if it does not appear here now, check back usually by the weekend following an episode and give this page a refresh. All of Erik’s work can be found and purchased on his site, DabuDoodles.com, and I urge you to support this fantastically skilled former Survivor player!
Out this week: Geo
Won Immunity: Red Tribe and Yellow Tribe
Vote Result: No advantages or Idols were played. 3 – Geo (Karla, James, Cassidy), 2 – Cassidy (Geo, Ryan)
Current Advantage List:
Next Week’s Episode: Drop your buffs…it’s the merge y’all! But as Jeff Probst teases, this one comes with a twist…
Quick Note! I appreciate that you are reading this recap! Those that have followed me also know that I am also a TV personality in the Detroit area, as well as a RottenTomatoes-approved film critic. I encourage you to check out my past movie reviews and my movie show (episodes are also available online at the website, www.MovieShowPlus.com.) As always, the easiest way to get all of my Survivor coverage and movie reviews is to follow me on Twitter – @tomsantilli – or on Facebook.
[Photo Credit: CBS/Monty Brinton/Robert Voets/Timothy Kuratek/Jeffrey Neira/Michele Crowe/David M. Russell]
The post Survivor 43 Episode 5 Recap: A Few Bad Actors appeared first on Reality Tea.