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Sheree Whitfield Thinks Marriage Looks Good On Kenya Moore
The Real Housewives of Atlanta fans can rejoice! It seems like we are (finally) in an era when there isn’t a rivalry between Chateau Sheree and Moore Manor.
The back and forth barbs between Kenya Moore and Sheree Whitfield about baseboards, light fixtures, and unfinished basements dragged on for way too long. Aside from putting the mansion battle behind them, it actually seems like the two RHOA costars on good terms. Sure, they’re still throwing shade, but the tension between has definitely thinned out.
Sheree discussed the last RHOA episode in a Bravo blog post. She even paid Kenya a compliment: “I can honestly say that marriage does Kenya good.” Minus the part where Kim Zolciak questioned if Kenya’s husband actually existed. Sheree added, “I am in such a happy place in life and I am willing to put bygones aside to keep my happy!”
With Kim and NeNe Leakes back in the mix, it feels like a throwback to the good old days when the show first started. Even OG cast member Lisa Wu came out of the woodwork for NeNe’s all white party.
Sheree shared, “It was amazing. I run into Lisa Wu from time to time, and we have hung out on several occasions. She’s always a fun time. Kim and I keep in contact regularly. We were only missing DeShawn [Snow], but hopefully we can all get together soon.” Yes, please. I would love to know what DeShawn is up to these days and what she thinks about her effort to raise a million dollars in one night at a charity event she threw in her home. I’ll never forget that effort from Season 1.
There wasn’t a huge fuss made about Lisa’s appearance at the party thanks to Kim’s “surprise” appearance that led to a John Legend infused argument with Kenya. Sheree and Kim have been cool for years and at the same time, Sheree and Kenya are finally getting along, so witnessing the shade fest had to feel awkward for Sheree.
Sheree wrote, “I’ve known Kim for many, many years so I know that she is definitely not one to back down from a confrontation, especially when it involves her children. She will rumble with the best of them. I do know that she is an awesome mom, wife, and friend.” She forgot to add “John Legend super fan” to that list of Kim’s titles.
When it comes down to it, it’s clear that Sheree is on Kim’s side, but she did admit, “I just wanted to make sure that she didn’t get to Kenya and tear up NeNe’s house! LOL!” She did break some glassware though.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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'Survivor: Borneo' winner Richard Hatch splits from husband of 14 years, Emiliano Cabral
Survivor's first-season winner, Richard Hatch, has split from his husband.
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Captain Lee Rosbach Regrets Promoting Nico Scholly; Says He’s “Extremely Disappointed” After Watching The Season
It’s been a rough season of Below Deck for Captain Lee Rosbach. He thought all had ended on a good note – and even promoted Nico Scholly to the much-coveted Bosun position, but Lee now reveals that if he’d known everything that was going on behind the scenes Nico never would’ve gotten those stripes! Yowzers.
In a tweet about his decision to promote Nico, Lee admitted, “I think betrayed would be a good adjective here. I got played. Doesn’t happen often, but you be the judge. Not ashamed to admit it. #honestplayer”
“You need to keep in mind I didn’t see things unfolding as you did in real time,” he added. “I saw them as the episodes unfolded. Not making excuses for myself, I should have been better than that, but I’m not perfect and the first to admit that.”
Captain Lee also warned, “Wait for the reunion.” Oh we will – OH. WE. WILL.
The good Captain went into more details in his blog, where he confessed to having “doubts” about whether the Valor crew would even make it through the charter season. “Wow, is all I can say. And we survived. I learned a lot this year as well.”
“One of the things I learned is that just when you really think you may know someone, you can find out that you don’t really know them at all,” expands Captain Lee. “There was a lot of that this year. Some people surprised me in a good way, others not so much.”
Predictably Lee doesn’t spare anyone’s feelings as he breaks down his final thoughts on each crew member. The only person who earned an unequivocally glowing review was his beloved Kate Chastain.
But let’s start with the bad. As in Nico! Captain Lee calls out his downlow dirty deeds, and is shocked by what he witnessed as the season unfolded. “I had such high hopes for you,” begins Lee, “and to witness your behavior on board was extremely disappointing. Your behavior caught me so much by surprise that it left me speechless.”
“Had someone come to me and told me that you were behaving in that fashion, I would have called them out on it, because I simply would not have believed it,” Lee continues. “And you carried the charade right up to the very end. Obviously you got the promotion you so eagerly desired, but after watching you behave in this fashion, I’m wondering if I may have made a mistake. You did your job well on this last charter and I appreciate that. I just wish that same Nico had been with me all season, not just the last charter. That was the Nico I thought I knew.”
I personally never thought Nico was very professional, skillful, or nice. On that note Captain Lee offers EJ Jansen a thank you for putting up with Nico’s shenanigans. “Thank you my friend for coming on board into a difficult situation and handling it like a pro. I know it wasn’t easy. Can’t thank you enough for the help. You were such a big part of why this season was a success.” Yes, an actual bosun – Nico, take note!
The other person getting seriously called out is Jen Howell. Obviously. Shockingly he begins by letting Jen know that she has “enormous potential” (Uh WHAT?!), but that’s where the compliments end!
Captain Lee‘s life advice to Yachterella: “Maybe look back at some of your antics and really be honest. Sometimes you just have to let it go and stop playing the victim. Everyone in the world is not always wrong and you are not always right. It’s not always someone else’s fault. Once in a while you just have to suck it up and say, ‘You know something, I really screwed that up. I learned something and now I’m ready to move forward.’” I think Jen needs a lot more help than that.
In contrast he praised Brianna Adekeye, from a professional standpoint, and of her promotion, remarked, “One promotion I would not second-guess.” He was also impressed that Brianna never let her issues with Nico affect her work.
Lee also praised Baker Manning for being “a breath of fresh air” and totally professional. “You went about the task at hand, never complained, did your best to get along with everyone and understand when they were having difficulties and never said a bad word about anyone. I would consider you a top asset to have aboard. You did yourself proud this season.” Yes, I agree – Baker may have been low-drama, but she was chill, fun, and refreshing in her approach. Not every person on a reality show needs to be a total train wreck. Ahem, Jen Howell…
And finally another glowing review for shining North Star of his eye: Kate. “She had a bad hand dealt her and never came to me once about it, just sucked it up and got the job done. And seeing that we had a record year for tips, she must have been doing something right. So Kate, a tip of the captain’s hat to you for a difficult season and handling it like the pro you are.”
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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Exclusive Interview With The Survivor: HHH Contestant Voted Out of Episode 12 – Spoilers!
Things are starting to pick up – I told you! – as the Tribal Council we witnessed last night on Survivor: HHH was easily the best of the season. There was drama, chaos and excitement, but also a serious blunder by a fan-favorite that led to a shocking outcome.
Caution, as spoilers from this week’s episode are to follow! Turn back now! If you want to get caught up, be sure to check out the Episode 12 Recap here.
Darn it Lauren! Lauren Rimmer, the 35-year-old fisherman from Beaufort, North Carolina, became the fifth member of the Survivor jury after a sequence of crazy events led to her downfall. Lauren started the game on the Hustler tribe, and the description fit her well: She was a no-nonsense, authentic-feeling person, and a sort of Survivor throwback to the days where “normal” people populated the show.
Lauren quickly became a fan-favorite with this “realness,” but also because she proved to be a great strategic player. She admittedly was challenged in the social aspect of the game, but even in that area, Lauren made great strides over the course of the season.
After the tribe swap, Lauren and Hero (?) Ben found themselves in the minority of their new group, and the two formed a real bond. It appeared to be the sort of bond that would last to the end, but it definitely did not. The Ben/Lauren relationship eroded to the point where this week, Ben’s lone vote sent Lauren out of the game (after Lauren had cast her vote for Ben). But Lauren drew expected criticism with two big decisions down the stretch that contributed to her downfall: One, she never used her “extra vote” advantage and told the others that she had ripped it up (or did she?). Second, she entrusted Dr. Mike with one half of her Immunity Idol, a move that ended up being labeled as one of the worst in Survivor history (I don’t know about that, but it’s definitely up there). Dr. Mike threw this half-Idol into the fire at Tribal Council, as the Survivor Gods made Lauren pay for her blind trust in Dr. Mike.
Still, Lauren would have escaped Tribal unscathed had Ben not been in possession of his own Immunity Idol. By playing it, all six votes against him were nullified, meaning that his vote was the only one that would count. Staying true to his earlier word, he wrote down Lauren’s name, the latest casualty in an increasingly long line of players that have gone toe-to-toe with the Marine.
I had the chance to speak to Lauren today on the FilmSurvivor Podcast (the full audio of which you can find and download at the bottom of this article). But here were some highlights:
On why she decided to give Mike half of her Idol:
Lauren Rimmer: Basically Mike, he kind of felt like he was on the outs when it came to certain votes, and I had somewhat of a good rapport with him. But I wanted to make sure that what we had was really good. There were those few rumors that Ben was throwing my name out there, and so I wanted to try to secure me and Mike, because he swung back-and-forth, and I wanted to keep him as close as I could.
On what she thinks of Ben as a person:
Lauren: I actually enjoyed being around Ben. He told me a bunch of stories about being in the military and obviously it’s something I couldn’t do, I wouldn’t make it three days in the Marine Corp. But him as a person, I think he’s a great guy. You can tell he’s a family person but he’s had a hard life and I think we connected in that aspect because both of us I don’t think grew up easy. He’s accomplished something and he’s proud of that. Being on the show and being in the military I think that brought him back to his final objective, of getting to that Final Three, and Ben had a goal and he’s working really hard to get to that goal. Granted he got me out with one vote, but I can’t hold it against him.
On if any part of her was tempted to jump in the fire to retrieve the half-Idol that Mike threw in there:
Lauren: Well I mean, if I would have thought about it, damn right I would have done it. It would have just been two seconds, you’re just going to reach in there and grab it. I mean, I play with fire every day in my own little world, but I really was dumb-founded. You don’t know a person’s thought-process until you’re sitting there. And there was so much going through my head that I was almost just blank. I was in shock and then I looked at it and I was like, damn, why didn’t I go get it? It would have been nothing. But then again, who is to suggest that I would have ended up playing it? But it would have been worth trying. But I swear to God, I no more thought about it than the man on the moon.
For much more from Lauren Rimmer, including my full interview, please listen to the latest episode of the FilmSurvivor Podcast below or by clicking here.
Be sure to follow me on Twitter – @tomsantilli – and on Facebook, for all of the latest Survivor coverage, interviews, and movie reviews.
Photo Credit: CBS/Monty Brinton/Robert Voets/Timothy Kuratek/Jeffrey Neira
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Why Survivors drew marbles for the loved ones reward challenge
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Exclusive: Lauren Rimmer talks 'Survivor' -- The truth behind her secret advantage and how she could've saved herself
Lauren Rimmer talks to Reality TV World about her experience on Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers -- including how a couple of quick game moves at Tribal Council could've changed her fate in the game.
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The Crown Shifts Focus in Season 2 as It Heads Out of the Palace
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Photos: Reality Star Roundup – Sonja Morgan, Jax Taylor, Danielle Staub and More
In our latest photo roundup of reality stars, we have Sonja Morgan and a slew of Bravolebrities, including many of her Real Housewives of New York co-stars like Luann de Lesseps and Dorinda Medley, attending a holiday party at The Magic Hour in New York City.
Returning Real Housewives of New Jersey star Danielle Staub attended the ‘Wigs and Wishes by Martino Cartier presents One Night With The Stars’ event.
Andy Cohen strikes a pose with Lisa Rinna‘s daughter, Delilah Belle Hamlin, at an UGG event in NYC. Also spotted out: Kim Kardashian at The Tot holiday pop-up celebration at Laduree at the Grove in L.A.
Photo Credit: Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images for Daily Mail
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A Fazenda – Nova Chance: reality fracassa na audiência
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Já ganhou? Theo Becker dedica vitória de Marcos a ele mesmo
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Shannon Beador Seeks Primary Custody In Divorce From David Beador; Her Outrageous Spending Revealed
Shannon Beador has finally filed for divorce from the cretin with creepy eyes known as David Beador. David was a lyin’, cheatin’ chip eatin’ kinda jerk, but at least he was a rich one!
New docs reveal that Shannon seeks primary physical custody of her three daughters, and also that her monthly expenses outweigh my yearly income. Somebody’s gonna have to slow her holistic spending roll!
The Real Housewives Of Orange County star seeks to nullify 17 years of marriage based on “irreconcilable differences” when she filed for divorce this week. Shannon is asking David for spousal support, and clearly based upon court documents of her spending she’s gonna need it!
Shannon’s only employment, to date, is RHOC, which earned her about $22,000 per month for 2016 which is A TON, but not compared with $55,355 she spends monthly. Yes, that’s FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS A MONTH.
Oh what, you ask? Well according to The Blast’s court docs, Shannon’s necessary monthly expenses included:
- Rent – $12,000
- Entertainment (including gifts and vacations) – $10,000. Dang, I need to be inviting Shannon to my birthday!
- Charitable Donations (aka buying tables at fancy parties) – $9,000
- Clothing, Laundry, and Cleaning Fees – $2,500. Um… get a washing toxin-free machine?
- Childcare – $3,225. It’s all paid to some woman named “Maggie,” whom I presume is Shannon’s nanny. I thought Archie watched the kids?! I believe their daughters also attend private school.
- In their 2016 return Shannon and David also itemized $17,274 for something called “filming preparation“. Was that The AFFAIR counselor? I kid.
As for earnings, David reported earning $179,432 PER MONTH before taxes. By comparison Shannon claims she only has about $13,400 in various accounts. But here’s the rub, she claims she has that much only in the “accounts to which I have access.” That must mean Shannon has a hefty investment portfolio and an IRA of some sort. Shannon also reported that she earned more in 2017.
David better get that check book lubed up instead of his summthin-summthin cause Shannon is seeking primary physical custody with David getting visitation. They would share joint legal custody.
Maybe Shannon does need that job at Coto Insurance after all?
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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'Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers' votes out Lauren Rimmer at chaotic Tribal Council
Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers' merged Solewa tribe voted out Lauren Rimmer during Wednesday night's episode on CBS.
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Alexandre Frota quer que Marcos Harter seja o vencedor de A Fazenda
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Kenya Moore Calls Out Kim Zolciak; Kim Implies Kenya “Lost Her Peach;” Chrissy Teigen Weighs In On Drama
Guess what guys – it turns out Kim Zolciak is mom of the year and she didn’t try to “pimp her daughter out for John Legend tickets” after all, at least according to Brielle Biermann. Regardless of all that, though, the seeds of an epic feud between Kim and Kenya Moore were already sown. The two are still going hard at each other in a twitter war, which escalated after Kenya’s recent appearance on The Wendy Williams Show, where she even came for Kroy Biermann!
Well, Kim says she can’t cook, and she’s right cause girl sure can stir a pot full of crap no one finds appetizing!
Kim got a lot of – deserved – flack after Kenya uncovered the Don’t Be Tardy star had tweeted Chrissy Teigen asking whose d–k Brielle needed to suck for John Legend tickets because Kash, recovering from a dog bite injury, is such a huge fan. Kim only wants to play a pimpmomager on twitter, not on TV, though, and was furious at Kenya for mentioning her kids. Kim probably shouldn’t have started crap by mentioning Kenya’s husband then…
Brielle has since admitted to stealing Kim’s phone to make that tweet about herself, yet Kenya explained why she still finds the situation disturbing. “You know, listen, I don’t have any children, but I certainly wouldn’t raise my children that way. I wouldn’t pimp my daughter out on a global platform for John Legend tickets. It’s not funny. It’s not to be played with. Especially in this climate when people are claiming to be sexually harassed or abused.”
Kenya adds that she has no idea where Kim’s issues with her started, but with the epic levels of sass Kenya heaps upon Kim’s already wigging out head, I think Kenya knows where these issues are gonna finish! “Clearly I might have just something that she wants. I do still have my original face,” Kenya smirked to Wendy.
Stepping over to twitter where the nastiness took it way to the left, Kenya and Kim argued over Kim’s allegation that Kenya mentioned her “injured son.” (That would be Kash).
“I never said anything about her son as u all saw. @Kimzolciak nothing but a LIAR,” exclaimed Kenya. “She tried to spin the truth so she can justify poking at me all night. #RHOA”
“Come on @IamSheree,” Kenya continued. “If you didn’t hear it it was because it wasn’t said. You carry all the bones make sure they are the right bones. #RHOA #KimIsALiar #Trash”
Since Kim and Brielle are in a clarification kinda mood (and not with their Clarisonics), Kim kind of admitted that Kenya never said anything about Kash, but then she also blamed editing and insisted viewers weren’t privy to the entire exchange. “Your only seeing 10 minutes of a party,” she tweeted. “My hearing might be as f–ked up as my aim.” Is that kind of like an apology?
Kenya also claims she was justified in mentioning Brielle because Kim was trashing her marriage. “Repeated what [Kim or Brielle] said to the world. Leave my family alone. #RHOA #trash,” Kenya asserted.
“These girls don’t want me to have a husband, don’t want me to have a friend, don’t want me to have love. Unbelievable,” Kenya complained. “What a nasty woman @Kimzolciak is to talk about another woman’s eggs and journey to have a baby. #trash.” Well, we all can’t reproduce like rabbits!
Kim fought back by accusing Kenya of being bigoted and racist for calling her white trash. “Sounds pretty racist to me,” she tweeted, “but then again it’s coming from the same person who made offensive comments to the trans (LGBT) community.”
RELATED – NeNe Leakes Says Kim Is The One Who’s Racist!
The nastiness escalated even MORE when Kenya went in for Kroy on Wendy Williams. “He wears makeup to match Kim’s makeup,” she laughed. Then made a crack about Kroy’s professional football career ending. “Hopefully he can live on his savings. What?! That’s not shade,” Kenya cackled.
Kim shot back, “My hubby made more in one year than she made in her lifetime! #She’sUnemployed hope she can live off her savings. Don’t come for my hubby or kids,” Kim reiterated. “@WendyWilliams didn’t talk to her about anything else cause their [sic] isn’t anything to talk about but ME.” Well, Wendy actually spent most of the interview discussing Kenya’s marriage and IVF, but OK Kim.
To ‘prove’ that she’s not just wildly spending all Kroy’s non-money, Kim retweeted a statement of some sort that ‘verified’ how much money she earns from her various ventures and seasons of DBT. She claimed it’s “our investments.” You can peruse that here.
Kim then implied that Kenya may be on the Real Housewives Of Atlanta chopping block with a cryptic tweet about losing a peach. (Does she mean “marbles”? As in losing marbles?). There is a rumor that Kenya is on probation unless her husband Marc films; Kenya claims Bravo never made that stipulation and says Marc will support her publicly when the time is right?
Of course, since a picture is worth a thousand words, then came Kenya with another dig at Kim’s, uh, maturing facial features.
“#originalface #blackbarbie #blackdontcrack #kenyamoore #kenyamoorehaircare #RHOA,” Kenya captioned.
Kim has even dragged Chrissy into the messy drama. “I can just text Chrissy FYI but it was all in good fun clearly! I have show based on my sense of humor 6 yrs in,” she argued. That’s when Chrissy asked if she could come to the RHOA reunion. Oh, let’s hope! Talk about epic!
They’re still going back and forth sporadically, and I’m sure we haven’t heard the last of this really low-down dirty drama, but this is about all I can take.
[Main Photo Credit: Alex Martinez/Bravo]
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