Thursday, February 22, 2018
02:09 AM PST - Omaorsa says if OETV is played, for her to be physical. You can knock someone down. Omarosa said she would give Ariadna the answer if Omarosa can't do OTEV physically. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
02:07 AM PST - Omarosa says OTEV would be bad for her. Brandi says so it's made for the boys. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
02:07 AM PST - Brandi says they(Ross/Marissa/James/Mark) are not thinking big picture, they are thinking revenge. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
02:07 AM PST - Brandi says they're (Mark & James) are not thinking big picture, they're thinking revenge. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
02:03 AM PST - Omarosa says Ross should just hand Marissa the check. He is not playing big brother. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
02:03 AM PST - Omarosa said this is where outside influences come in. Like how she could not vote out Keshia, Ross can't vote out Marissa because of her following in her community. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
02:02 AM PST - Omarosa said Ross knows he can't win against Marissa. Omarosa said she can't convince Ross to vote her out. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
02:01 AM PST - Omarosa said that she would vote for Brandi to stay if the numbers were there but they are not. Ariadna said Ross would never vote for Brandi to stay. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
01:56 AM PST - Omarosa says Mark can only win against her or Brandi but Mark is being loyal to James and getting rid of Brandi. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
01:50 AM PST - Omarosa, Brandi, Ariadna together in blue BR. Ariadna asks, "Do you think we'll get ZingBot tomorrow?" Omarosa answers, "I could use ZingBot, a little humor. I think we'll get 'im." Ariadna says, "I think that because of the fact that we are recognized, they don't want to make jokes about us." Brandi says she thinks that's even more funny. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
01:38 AM PST - Ariadna says if F2 are Marissa and Ross, Marissa wins. Brandi agrees. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
01:36 AM PST - Brandi tells Ariadna that Omarosa wants James gone. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
01:36 AM PST - Brandi tells Ariadna that James knows that Ross is better at the game than she (Brandi) is who hasn't won anything in the game. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
01:35 AM PST - Brandi & Ariadna alone together in bed in blue BR. Brandi says she thinks they should wear their bathing suits to the Veto Ceremony, or maybe nothing but high heels and little tiny robes. Then they laugh. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
01:35 AM PST - Brandi says she thinking of wearing a bath suit to the veto. Suggests are do the same. Brandi and Ariadna says this can't be happening , we need to go out with a bang. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
01:24 AM PST - Brandi brings up to Ariadna what if they back door Ross? She could bring it up to Mark. Brandi says Mark would not do it. Brandi and Ariadna laugh about it. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
01:22 AM PST - Brandi says that she wants Ariadna to win. Brandi says that Ariadna has 2 people on her side, Ross and Marissa. Ariadna says Ross has already left her side. Brandi says Ross will get rid of anyone to save himself. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
01:20 AM PST - Brandi says she has pride and will not beg Mark to keep her. Ariadna says try. Brandi says she has nothing to offer Mark. Ariadna says offer him a vote. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
01:19 AM PST - Brandi tells Ariadna she will not vote for Ross in the end. Ross had promised Brandi he would never vote against her. Brandi says Ross will have a lot of people mad at him because of deals he made that he broke. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
01:17 AM PST - Brandi tells Ariadna Ross is very smart maybe smarter then James and Mark put together at certain comps like the puzzles. Ross has just made too many deals. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
01:14 AM PST - Brandi says maybe the people in the house that know the game the best are playing too much. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
01:13 AM PST - Brandi says the room is a mess, Brandi is wearing her gloves, face mask, she feel like she is a mess, jokes, Im getting a husband out of this. Ariadna says she feels bad. Brandi says I am the one going home. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
01:08 AM PST - Marissa tells James she and Ross are the same person, she is playing his game. She thinks she can beat Omarosa but not Brandi Ariadna or Ross at the end. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
01:06 AM PST - Marissa tells James she has heard Omarosa is coming for her. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
01:01 AM PST - Marissa says she will vote Brandi out. James says that Brandi is a better at comps then Omarosa. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
01:00 AM PST - Marissa's again trying to talk James into Mark renomming Omarosa instead of her, promising she'd still vote out Brandi. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:59 AM PST - James again assures Marissa she's safe, Marissa says, "I know." Then they say they can't let Omarosa win next HoH. James says he's choosing to believe his F4 with Marissa & Ross, and so does Mark. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:58 AM PST - Brandi & Ariadna depart to their BR leaving Marissa & James in the other BR. Marissa whispers to James that the girls were quick to try to get her to turn on Ross. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:58 AM PST - Marissa tells James that she has not talked game with Mark once. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:55 AM PST - Brandi has joined Ariadna & Marissa in Marissa's bedroom, asks, "What do you think?" Marissa says she doesn't know, she has to think of a deal (with Mark & James) so as to save themselves, but can't think of one. Then James enters so talk changes to days left. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:54 AM PST - Marissa tells Ariadna about wanting a deal with Mark not to put her on the block and she will vote the way he wants. Brandi comes in and asks what is up. Marissa says she wants a deal with Mark but does not know what it would be. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:51 AM PST - Marissa tells Ariadna not to worry about camera time for their careers since at this point they'll all be in all the remaining episodes. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:50 AM PST - Marissa's explaining to Ariadna that normally when there're still 7 HGs in the house there're 4-5 weeks left. She's telling Ariadna not to stress. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:50 AM PST - Brandi tells Omarosa she missed a laser treatment and will have to start over. Brandi says she is tired and going to sleep soon. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:48 AM PST - Brandi & Omarosa in the blue BR and Ross, Marissa, Ariadna in another BR. Ross called to DR and Brandi told to put on her mic. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:43 AM PST - Marissa says she loves Ariadna but Ariadna has spent the day with James. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:42 AM PST - Ariadna gets some laundry from the dryer, all 3 are now back inside; Brandi in the bath area, Ariadna dealing with clean clothes, Marissa with Ross in bedroom whispering. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:42 AM PST - Marissa tells Ross that she is making a deal with Mark tomorrow, if he does not put her up, she will put Brandi up. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:41 AM PST - Marissa tells Ross Ariadna will go after James and Mark next. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:39 AM PST - Brandi joins Marissa & Ariadna in the kitchen. All 3 decide to go outside for a last breath of fresh air. Brandi exclaims she can't stay out because it's so cold, and they discover Omarosa sleeping on the backyard couch. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:38 AM PST - Marissa and Ariadna go to the backyard, Ariadna doing laundry. Marissa gathering blankets to bring inside. They wake Omarosa who wants to stay outside since the Backyard will be closing soon. Marissa wants the blankets inside, says it might be cold inside (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:37 AM PST - Ariadna & Marissa whispering while Ariadna eats chips (crinkling bag makes it hard to hear), mostly Marissa further convincing Ariadna of her loyalty and talking about mistakes Brandi has made. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:32 AM PST - Omarosa is alone, appears as if she is asleep in the back yard on the couch. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:30 AM PST - Brandi brings in a new hair extension BB got for her. Ross is excited for her and wants to see it in. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:27 AM PST - Ross says Omarosa asked him what is your plan. Ross told he has no plan. he is just pivoting as the game goes along. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:22 AM PST - Ross says Brandi made it hard to stand by her in hard time. He says Brandi values loyalty above all else. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:21 AM PST - Ariadna tells Ross she knows he is having a hard time choosing sides. Ross says Ariadna is not his target. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:19 AM PST - Brandi tells Marissa that Ariadna is too loyal and could not switch teams. Marissa said that she told Ariadna to fight for herself. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
12:04 AM PST - Ross + Marissa + Brandi + Ariadna Ariadna asking who Mark is putting up for replacement. Marissa replies that it is her or Omarosa. Marissa adds that maybe he (Mark) will put up Omarosa and that she will be talking to Mark about Omarosa being the replacement. Brandi does not think that Omarosa will be the replacement. Marissa says "As a team we're f****d, one of us is going home tomorrow, we blew it." (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
Who Won Power of Veto On Celebrity Big Brother Week 3? 02/21/18
Right now, the Celebrity Big Brother week seems straightforward: a Brandi Glanville eviction. At least that’s what new Head of Household Mark McGrath hopes. But as every Big Brother fan and player knows, a Veto win can completely change the game.
Once again, we witnessed this on Monday’s live Celebrity Big Brother eviction. Ross Mathews was set to leave the game, but the VIP veto saved him. Now Ross has gone from one foot out the door to most likely to win the game.
Brandi or her number one ally, Ariadna Gutierrez are hoping for a similar fate. If one of them win today’s Power of Veto competition, the game could completely flip. James Maslow and Mark really want Brandi gone, and Ariadna is just a target as sort of collateral damage.
If Brandi wins POV, the men could decide to spare Ari, and set their target on someone else, which would most likely be Omarosa. Prior to the Live Feeds going down, the Celebrity Big Brother houseguests were putting on athletic gear, which most likely means the POV would be an endurance competition.
So we knew it would be a long wait before we saw who won this week’s Celebrity Big Brother Power of Veto competition.
Ariadna Gutierrz won this week’s Power of Veto. This means Ari will come down, and Omarosa will likely go up. This could flip the vote against Omarosa. It also sounds like it was the Face Morphing competition.
Keep it here all winter for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Celebrity Big Brother . We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!
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10:55 PM PST - Omarosa says she read an article before coming in that predicted some celebrities would not be able to handle the house and drop out. Mark said that sort of happened. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
10:54 PM PST - HG wonder if CBS showed Metta trying to escape or at least how much he wanted to leave. HG say what else was there to show with him. Ross says no to escape attempts. BB would not want to encourage it. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
10:53 PM PST - Mark says Metta went back and forth about playing and going home. Omarosa says why not nominate Metta World Peace and Ron Artest and let them fight it out (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
10:52 PM PST - Ross says that 45 minutes into the house the first day Metta told him he wanted to leave. Ross didn't know what to do. Ross said day 7 Metta asked Ross to tell others he wanted to leave. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
10:49 PM PST - Omarosa says she has tried to get tickets to the live show before but could not. Wishes she could have gone once so she could understand how it worked from the other side. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
10:49 PM PST - Mark and James wonder the what finale night will be like, if the back yard will be open, if they can show loved ones the house and who will be there. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
10:47 PM PST - James said Metta and Chuck snored so loud. Ross says he remembers the first few nights thinking this is what the house is like, he could hear cameras all night. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
10:44 PM PST - Omarosa says how gross the kitchen must be when 16 young people are in the house. Marks says how gross the shower drain would be. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
10:43 PM PST - Omarosa says how much different this game because the jury goes home and can watch the show not to sequester. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
10:40 PM PST - Omarosa says if you are over 40 and on HD TV, it is brutal. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
10:30 PM PST - Brandi says you can't get through this game with integrity. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
10:29 PM PST - Omarosa says that Victoria was on the block 9 times. She had to pack 9 times. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
10:28 PM PST - Mark say that one guy walked around BB with a pink Flamingo around his waist. Omaorsa says that was Trejo. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
10:26 PM PST - James says BB is a family show. Brandi says Really? Brandi says they must have to bleep her out alot, more then regular seasons. HG say No, most seasons the BB house is full of young people swearing & CBB has way less swearing. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
10:25 PM PST - Brandi says it is cruel to keep 6 people till the day before the finale instead of letting them go this week. HG trying to guess the schedule. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
10:22 PM PST - James says the HoH comforter is super glued together, not sewn. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
10:10 PM PST - Ross asks Mark what the plan is. Mark says its still Brandi. Ross says as replacement nom. Ross asks if its Omarosa. Mark says 'Yeah' (Mark told James earlier that he is going to make everyone believe that Omarosa is still a choice as a replacement nom, but Mark wants to actually nom Marissa instead. Mark swore to God to James that he would name Marissa as the replacement nom). (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
10:00 PM PST - Ross talking to Mark outside, asks what the plan is. Hoping he will put up Omarosa. Mark says plan is still Brandi (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
09:58 PM PST - Ross talking to Mark, trying to get him to target O (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
09:51 PM PST - James asks Ross who he would want to interview that he has not. Ross says Adele . If it included dead people Bea Arthur or Michael Jackson.
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
09:48 PM PST - HG playing truth and dare using a bottle that they spin to pick the person they are asking. Brandi asking James now. James said the oldest lady he has been with was 18 years older. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
09:34 PM PST - All but Mark and James in the living room chatting, James in Kitchen. Mark probably in HOH (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
08:54 PM PST - O in the kitchen making food, talking with James. Brandi and Marissa come down and join in convo while Ross and Ariadna chill by the pool table (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
08:32 PM PST - Ariadna kicks Ross' but in CBB pool after Ross tries to make the 8 ball shot with eyes closed and missed! (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
08:22 PM PST - Mark listening to tunes in HOH (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
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Teresa Giudice Connects With Her Late Mother On Hollywood Medium
Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice has been very vocal about her grief following the loss of her mother Antonia Gorga in March 2017.
Now it seems like she might have some closure since Tyler Henry recently confirmed that Teresa connected with her mom during a reading for the next season of Hollywood Medium.
In an interview with E! News, Tyler shared, “That was really probably one of the toughest ones of the entire season because Teresa’s reading, her grief was still very tangible. It was really clear in her face.”
Tyler continued, “She was still very much grieving her mother. And I think the reading came at an important time. I think it was necessary for her to have that experience. I think it’s one of those ones where it will take time for her to really process the magnitude. Not only the experience but also of her grief. It was just a really vulnerable, emotional side of Teresa that I think people will see and be able to relate to. And I really appreciate that she put her grief so openly out there to the world because people will relate to it and also be able to heal from it who are in similar situations, just through that reliability. So that was really special.”
Tyler also pointed out that Teresa’s mother didn’t mention any of her legal issues or anything about Joe Giudice’s prison stint.
He teased, “There were messages that focused towards the future obviously for Teresa. I don’t know what will be shown, what won’t, but it was all very positive. There was nothing that came through that was any way negative and it was just very much focused on telling her what to focus on and what’s worth your energy, what’s not. Just help to provide that clarity for her so that was good.”
[Photo Credit Bravo]
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from Reality Tea
Wednesday Night Gossip Links & Reality TV Schedule – February 21st
Farrah Abraham sues Viacom for $5 Million – Dlisted
Katherine Heigl shares baby weight journey – Celebitchy
Bethenny shows off her bikini bod on vacay – The Blast
Don’t read if you’re eating dinner – Starcasm
Wendy Williams takes a few weeks off for her health – Dlisted
8 PM EST –
Big Brother: Celebrity Edition (CBS)
My 600-lb Life (TLC)
9 PM EST –
The Amazing Race (CBS)
Guy’s Grocery Games (Food Network)
Black Ink Crew (VH1)
10 PM EST –
Catfish (MTV)
11 PM EST –
WWHL (Bravo) – Van Jones and Brooke Shields
Photo Credit: Gregg DeGuire/Getty Images
The post Wednesday Night Gossip Links & Reality TV Schedule – February 21st appeared first on Reality Tea.
from Reality Tea
Dorit Kemsley Says Lisa Vanderpump Holds Kyle Richards To A Different Standard; In A Great Place With Erika Girardi
As irritating as Dorit Kemsley has been this season on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, she is the driving force behind almost every interesting story line. I have no idea why she would try so hard to stir the pot since it really isn’t a good look for her, but apparently she doesn’t even care. Ultimately, I bet that none of the other cast members are too bothered by it since anyone she offends always ends up on the “right” side of history and curries favor with the viewers.
During an appearance on Watch What Happens Live, Dorit joked about losing every viewer poll and shared her perspective on her love friendship triangle with Lisa Vanderpump and Kyle Richards.
At the start of the episode, Andy Cohen pointed out, “You caused a frenzy on Twitter recently. You posted a picture. Do you have six toes?” I hate to admit this, but I was hoping this photo would get brought up. I just couldn’t “unsee” that photo. Nevertheless, Dorit answered, “No.” Andy continued to cite the Instagram post as evidence, but Dorit insisted, “I know. It’s like this weird shadow that was cast. I’m happy to take off my shoes.” Of course, Andy didn’t object to that move and the camera zoomed in on her FIVE toes.
Andy mentioned another criticism that has made the rounds on social media: “People were noticing that you fill your tea kettle from the spout. People are very upset. They’re just looking for things to be pissed at you about.” Dorit responded with, “I mean honestly at this point. You know what, I was at Teddi’s [Mellencamp Arroyave] house. I made the mistake of ever mentioning anything at one of her parties. I wasn’t about to ask for bottled water to fill the tea kettle.” Clearly that one went way over her head. No one is concerned about her source of water. It is about where she was filling the kettle. Now I just want to know if Dorit is an avid tea drinker and if that’s the case, I would love to know if she exclusively sips on tea brewed with bottled water.
Andy was really speaking his mind last night. He told Dorit, “It looks like you gave Vanderpump about 70% of what you said the table.” Dorit told him, “Well, you only saw a two minute clip. I mean we did have an entire walk in the park.” Fair enough, but the poll results are pretty telling. 94% of voters felt that Vanderpump should be mad at Dorit for what went down.
Andy told Dorit, “You lose every poll on this show.” Surprisingly enough, Dorit wasn’t even offended by that statement. She just took it in stride and admitted, “I know. Oh my god. Like 99%. 1%, I love you, wherever you are.” At least she has a sense of humor about something.
This was a very poll-heavy episode. 80% of viewers agreed that Vanderpump favors Dorit over Kyle. Dorit justified that by saying, “They have a ten year history. Lisa and I have only known each other a couple of years. So obviously there’s going to be a different standard.” If that’s the case, shouldn’t Lisa favor Kyle?
A caller asked Dorit, “Would you be angry or upset if the roles were reversed and you were in Lisa Vanderpump’s shoes?”She confessed, “Yes, I think so and we talk it out and get past it.”
It’s crazy to see Dorit throwing Lisa Vanderpump under the bus (multiple times) this season. Last year she was a loyal Vanderpump soldier who went after Erika Girardi. Now Dorit, Erika Girardi, and her alter ego Erika Jayne are getting along. A viewer asked Dorit, “How is your friendship with Erika now? How is her friendship with PK [Kemsley] progressing?”
Dorit shared, “I would say great on both fronts. Erika and I have come a long way. She’s been so great. She really lent herself immensely to help me with my performance for my husband’s 50th birthday and it meant so much to me. So we’re in a great place and her and PK, they speak the same language.” What language would that be? I would love to see these two engage in a one-on-one conversation.
Even though Dorit insisted that she and Lisa talked it out and moved on after she offended her, it looks like it’s Lisa’s turn to offend Dorit during next week’s episode. Andy played a clip with Lisa telling Dorit, “I love you mainly on the strength of loving your husband.” Damn. That’s harsh. Even Andy couldn’t help letting out a “Wow.” He turned to PK in the audience and asked, “Surprising, PK?” PK admitted, “Not really,” while he laughed. Andy pointed out, “PK loves it.” Of course.
To round out the episode, Dorit was asked the most pertinent question of the past two seasons: “What does your actual hair look like?” Instead of actually answering, she responded to the question with another question: “Wouldn’t you like to know?” Yes, Dorit. We all want to know what is really going on with that mysterious hair situation. Andy asked, “Do you ever wear your actual hair?” Dorit told him, “This is my hair. With a little extra, but it’s always my hair.” But how much extra? Which strands, Dorit? The people need to know.
Photo Credit: Bravo
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from Reality Tea
Scheana Marie’s Mom Insists That Scheana Only Kissed Summer House Star Carl Radke
We need more of Scheana Marie’s mom Erika van Olphen on Vanderpump Rules. Sure, we’ve seen her and Scheana go for manicures here and there, but based on social media, I would like her to have a recurring role on the show. With the constantly shifting cast dynamic, Scheana seems like the odd girl out these days and she could really use someone in her corner.
Scheana’s mom is livid after Summer House cast member Carl Radke discussed their hookup during a Watch What Happens Live episode. Before Carl’s appearance on the show, his costar Stephen McGee and Vanderpump Rules cast members Stassi Schroeder and Kristen Doute all claimed that Carl and Scheana had sex. Scheana and her mom denied this on Twitter, of course. After Carl’s Watch What Happens Live episode aired, Scheana’s mom is on the defensive, yet again.
A couple weeks ago Erika tweeted,”So @stephenmcgeeee Because Scheana knew where “cups” were at his apt that means they had sex? So lame…Maybe she can get you a cup…you sound a little thirsty.” After Carl’s hookup confirmation, Stephen added, “Sooooo… about that…” to Erika’s tweet and then she went off.
Erika tweeted, “If kissing is “hooking up” then so be it…But @carlradke Be an honest man & set the record straight that you NEVER had SEX w @scheana like @stephenmcgeeee and you have insinuated..SMH.” Aside from coming to Scheana’s defense, Erika shined the spotlight on Carl and Stephen when she mentioned their Twitter handles in her post.
Carl responded with, “I never said we had sex. I said we hooked up. Sorry for any confusion. Can we all move on with our lives now?” But what does that even mean? “Hook up” is an eternally vague term. Was Carl just trying to get Scheana’s mom out of his mentions or is he just back-tracking?
Someone tweeted Erika, “I’m sure she feels like now this is a little embarrassing….” She fired back with “No shes not all..They kissed..That’s not SEX!”
In response to a tweet that said “Oh even Stephen referenced it! We had to! I think it’s sad you can’t see the truth when stated on national tv LOL,” Erika wrote, “Because you know Scheana and you know the” Maybe she should take some advice from another Erika. Erika Girardi once said, “The more you talk about shit, the worse it gets.” Nevertheless, I don’t blame her for defending her daughter when so many people are talking about her private life in a very public forum.
Someone wondered, “But why do you care about your daughters sex life so much? and who cares if they did or didn’t…Carl’s hot!” That last part is debatable. Nevertheless, Erika insisted, “She’s a grown ass woman at 32 and can do whatever she wants..I don’t care about her ‘sex life’ But I do care about the truth!”
The next move would be to have Scheana, Carl, and Stephen as guests on Watch What Happens Live with Scheana’s mom Erika as the bartender. Now that would make for some must-see TV. Hopefully Andy Cohen (or a Watch What Happens Live intern) is reading this.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
The post Scheana Marie’s Mom Insists That Scheana Only Kissed Summer House Star Carl Radke appeared first on Reality Tea.
from Reality Tea
Eva Marcille Thinks Kim Zolciak’s Roach Text To NeNe Leakes Was Disgusting & Shamea Morton Is Extremely Messy
Days later, I still cannot get over the last episode of Real Housewives of Atlanta. I have never been more entertained by a text message and I wasn’t even a part of the conversation. Obviously NeNe Leakes has the exact opposite feelings when it comes to that group text Kim Zolciak sent to the entire cast.
Kim shared a photo of NeNe’s car parked in a handicap space and a video that her daughter Brielle Biermann took of roaches in NeNe’s bathroom. All hell broke loose and I can’t help wondering what the new girl Eva Marcille thinks about the shit storm she just signed up for.
Eva opened up about the last episode in a Bravo blog post. Before getting to the main event, she addressed Shamea Morton’s thirst for camera time, i.e. when Shamea randomly asked Eva – a person she just met – if she has dated Missy Elliot. I figured that Shamea would have a lot more social tact considering the last season of this show centered around rumors that she had a sexual relationship with Kandi Burruss. Clearly that was not the case and her desire for attention took priority over social grace.
Eva didn’t hold back: “I think that Shamea is extremely messy. Beyond being out of line, I don’t understand her motive. Per my understanding, she is recently married, making her a newlywed. She should invest more time on herself, her aspiring music/dance career, and herself as a newlywed and spend less time on me.”
In Shamea’s defense, Shamea is not a Housewife. The only way that she gets camera time is if she spends her time on other people. Maybe Shamea was genuinely curious about Eva’s history, but more likely than not, she knew that it would guarantee some screen time if she annoyed the newest cast member.
Once again, Eva emphasized that she thinks Shamea is “extremely messy”: “I know I’m just getting to know these women, but this is not how you break the ice. Maybe it’s just me, and we do things differently where I’m from, but I think she’s extremely messy.”
Eva continued, “I love gay people and the gay community, so if I was gay, what’s the problem? I’m not exactly sure what my sexuality has to do with her, especially since she should be in a committed relationship. However, I do appreciate Shamea showing me her true colors upon hello, because now I know exactly how to play her, and that’s to the left.” Shamea brings zero to this show, other than an audience for Porsha Williams’ complaints. Ultimately, Eva has nothing to worry about and if she does, it seems like she is more than equipped to put Shamea in her place.
Unlike the other women, Eva didn’t take issue with the accommodations in Barcelona. Eva wrote, “So once we first got to Barcelona and arrived at the villa, I thought it was beautiful. I didn’t plan on moving in permanently — it was only a few days for vacation — so personally, I didn’t have a huge issue with the villa.”
I never understood why a person who is sleeping alone needs a giant suite for these Housewives vacations. How much time are they really spending in their bedrooms when they’re filming this vacation for most of the day? It just seems like such a trivial concern, yet it has become a major staple in the Real Housewives franchise.
Eva added, “I think that the drama about the room assignments was quite petty. It’s really not that deep to me. I was happy to be on the trip, and I had a room that I didn’t share with anyone, so the ladies can miss me with the whole room issue. I guess I just happen to be a lot more easygoing when it comes to things like that.” Thank God. The room selection drama is just way overdone at this point. We don’t need any more of that.
And then Eva got to the craziest part of the episode – Kim’s text to NeNe. This text caused more drama than the “low budget bitch” text Kim sent via flip phone during Season One. As a complete outsider, I was entertained by the drama, but as NeNe’s good friend, Eva was not having it.
Eva wrote. “Kim’s text was disgusting. To accuse someone of having a nasty, roach-infested home is pretty low. I’m not really privy to all of the history and drama that’s happened between Kim and NeNe, but I do know that this was quite low. To add insult to injury, learning that the video was captured by Kim’s daughter was really whack. I know I’m the youngest of the bunch, but there’s absolutely no way I’d involve my child in this kind of drama. Seems quite ratchet to me.” Very ratchet, but Eva has seen this show before she signed on, right? What was she expecting?
RELATED: Shamea Morton Tells Eva Marcille To “Toughen Up”; Both Address The Lesbian Rumors
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
The post Eva Marcille Thinks Kim Zolciak’s Roach Text To NeNe Leakes Was Disgusting & Shamea Morton Is Extremely Messy appeared first on Reality Tea.
from Reality Tea
Report: Real Housewives Of New York Cast Might Sue Bravo; Bethenny Frankel Tweets About Boat Incident
The expectations for the next Real Housewives of New York season are sky high. We will (hopefully) get to see the fallout from Luann de Lesseps’ arrest, Bethenny Frankel’s hurricane relief efforts, Tinsley Mortimer’s on-again-off-again relationship, the whole cast taking fake mug shots at a workout class (and possible shading Luann), and all of the other shenanigans we’ve heard about in between seasons.
Now there’s a very serious situation that sounds like way more than an epic story line. It has been reported that the Real Housewives of New York stars thought they were boarding a luxury cruise ship in Cartagena, Colombia, but it was anything but. Apparently they almost drowned and they were all convinced they were going to die. Now there are reports that the cast is going to sue Bravo after the traumatic experience.
According to an article from Page Six, the Housewives were so distraught from the incident that Bravo has offered them counseling- as if they couldn’t afford their own therapists and don’t already have them. That just sounds like too little, too late in my opinion.
Apparently the women want to sue the network, but their contracts “make it very difficult to sue the network.” Of course.
According to a spokesperson from Bravo, “On the return trip to the mainland, the boat encountered turbulent water, which caused the anchor to deploy unexpectedly.” That same spokesperson also said, “At no time . . . was the vessel in danger of sinking, nor was a rescue required. Thankfully, everyone is fine. The safety of our cast and crew is paramount and, to that end, we are still reviewing the situation.”
Meanwhile, Bethenny tweeted, “One thing about the housewives…we never let the truth get in the way of a good story. There was a boating incident. That said, the details being reported are false.”
Other than that, I doubt that anyone is going to officially confirm anything until this part of the season airs, but there is a photo of the cast at the airport circulating on social media that looks ROUGH. Luann, Sonja Morgan, and Dorinda Medley are sitting on the ground and Ramona Singer is in a wheelchair.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
The post Report: Real Housewives Of New York Cast Might Sue Bravo; Bethenny Frankel Tweets About Boat Incident appeared first on Reality Tea.
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