Thursday, August 6, 2020
07:48 PM PST - Nicole asks Dani if she is planning on going for the HOH. She said yes, and Nicole confirms the same. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:48 PM PST - Tyler and Cody says they are relying on Christmas and she is going to a beast in comps. Tyler says she couldnt play the last time so she will play like a beast this time (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:47 PM PST - Dani said she thinks Keesha is playing the 'I really don't know what is going on in here' card. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:47 PM PST - Nicole has left. Tyler & Cody talking about Kaysar and how he went for it. They are surprised. Cody said especially since they talked. Cody says obviously he wasn't giving him he was safe as he was dancing around it so he had to go for it. Tyler says yes (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:47 PM PST - Dani asking Nicole who Cody was planning to put up. She deflects and says she really doesn't know. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:46 PM PST - Dani & Nicole in the SR talking in the SR about Janelle & Kaysar working together and how it was obvious because they both went up there (to the safety comp) (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:42 PM PST - Tyler has joined the convo in HOHR. Before Tyler came in - the possible noms are Keesha and Kevin. Cody told Nicole that he can smooth it over with Kevin (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:41 PM PST - Cody brings up Janelle being close to Dani and tells her to get close to Dani. Nicole F tells her that Janelle is not. Nicole F says she is closer to Dani than Janelle is to her bc she is friends with Dani outside. Cody says wow he didnt know that. Cody starts a history lesson of Brenchel season with Dani and how she turned on her lesson and then Tyler comes in (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:39 PM PST - Tyler joins Nicole and Cody in HOH (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
Big Brother 22 Spoilers: The Safety Suite Winners Are Revealed
The Big Brother 22 action began last night with the premiere episode that reintroduced us to the houseguests who would compete for the $500,000 prize. Today has been a day of full feeds action: alliances being made, targets being set, and lots of Big Brother gossip. We’ll get more to the juicy bits later in another post. For now, a major Big Brother prize was rewarded and we need to reveal that winner.
Earlier today, the Big Brother 22 houseguests learned of the latest twist: The Safety Suite. On last night’s Big Brother premiere host Julie Chen-Moonves announced that there would be a way for not one, but two houseguests to win safety from nominations and eviction this week.
Earlier on the feeds, the houseguests were told about the competition. Apparently, BB houseguests can choose to play this week or not. We’re just getting secondhand info from the Big Brother houseguests, so we’re not sure if this is completely true, but apparently a houseguest can only play in these competitions once. Julie said that a different room will be revealed to them each week, which means a different set of prizes and powers will be up for grab each week, so houseguests have to pick carefully which one they want to play in. This week’s Safety Suite allows someone to escape nomination and eviction and pick someone else to make safe.
The houseguests must reveal their power to the Head of Household Cody Calafiore, and then pick who else they want to keep safe. According to Big Brother Network, the players also have to pick the person that they want to be safe with them before the competition. If they win, both are safe, if they lose, both are punished.
The feeds went down earlier today and the Safety Suite competition played out. We now know who won it. So who won the Big Brother Safety Suite prize? Read below to find out!
Kaysar won and chose to make Janelle safe. Kaysar and Janelle are safe this week.
Make sure to subscribe to the Big Brother 22 Live Feeds to witness the house in HD. Subscribe here. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and check our site regularly for Big Brother 22 spoilers, exclusives, recaps, and so much more.
from Big Brother Access
07:06 PM PST - Janelle and Kaysar in bathroom. Janie says he was right and Kaysar says of course! (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:06 PM PST - Nic F. & Christmas worried about "old school" HG's working to get the newbies out. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:05 PM PST - Day leaves and Nic says that Day watches everything. Nic says she'd like to work with Day but wants Day to approach her.Nic says they worked together in BB18 but she wasn't the one who said Day should go. Nic says everything just fell in line for her to win (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:04 PM PST - As the convos are happening - it looks like it may have been Kaysar who actually won and gave the plus one to Janelle. Feeds just came back and lots of whispering still. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:04 PM PST - Day leaves Nicole F & Christmas, game talk begins again. Nic considering working with Day. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:02 PM PST - Stars again (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
07:00 PM PST - Whispering when feeds came back between Nicole F and Christmas but looks like Janelle won. Nicole F seemed upset about Janelle winning and was telling Christmas what it tells them it looks like those 2 are together. Day came in & their game talk stopped (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:57 PM PST - Nic tells Christmas that what they can take from this, is that them two are obviously together (no names) but then they mention Janelle's name. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:56 PM PST - Feeds back. Nic and Christmas talking in key bedroom. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:55 PM PST - Feeds Back! (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
Ramona & Dorinda Argue On Real Housewives Of New York Tonight
The Real Housewives of New York cast is still in Mexico tonight. Last week, Leah McSweeney blasted Ramona Singer to stop talking about her vagina and her mental health. Sonja Morgan was trashed from mixing rosé and soda, which just sounds like a gross mixture to me.
Surprisingly, the ladies didn’t argue over the room selection in their mega-mansion, but, unsurprisingly, Ramona made questionable comments about the staff at the house. She even had someone blowing out her hair. Again, not surprising.
On tonight’s episode, Ramona tells Luann de Lesseps that she thinks Dorinda Medley, Sonja, and Leah “all have issues with alcohol.” She even gets into an argument with Dorinda tonight.
Sonja gets to celebrate her birthday with a surprise night out in Mexico, which includes some dancing and tequila shots, of course.
Luann encounters a camel, giving her some PTSD to that cast trip in Morocco many years ago.
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Watch Real Housewives of New York tonight at 9 PM on Bravo. Comment throughout the episode on this post. Tweet us with your thoughts. Follow us on Instagram. Like our page on Facebook. Check our site tomorrow for our Real Housewives Of New York episode recap!
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
The post Ramona & Dorinda Argue On Real Housewives Of New York Tonight appeared first on Reality Tea.
from Reality Tea
05:17 PM PST - 5:15 PM Adorable Adoptable Animals at two hours. (NT) (IMG)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
High Fidelity Canceled After One Season: Find Out the Fates of All Your Favorite Shows

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