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Darcey Silva may become a permanent fixture on 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days. Fans have watched her attempts to extract an engagement ring from, not one, but two men now. Jesse Meester co-starred with Darcey initially, and left such an impact on her, that she seemed emotionally unready to start a new relationship with Tom Brooks. Unless being emotional, needy, and unstable is just typical Darcey.
Of course, both Jesse and Tom used an emotionally willing and needy Darcey when they needed an ego boost. Tom, according to Darcey, would text her on and off since she left the U.K. She was left unsure about the relationship after their time together in London.
Both Darcey and Tom took to their Instagram this week to react to the latest episode. They met for lunch in New York City, and Tom broke up with her. Darcey, of course, packed an overnight bag just in case. It ended with Tom making a dig at Darcey’s weight. Callous.
Darcey mourned the relationship, but tried to rally her emotions and stay strong. Her post reflects that sentiment. She wrote, “my biggest regrets in life are being too damn nice, apologizing when I didn’t do anything wrong and making unworthy people a priority in my life. I gave my love, my heart, and my help when it was needed or asked for from the kindness of my heart and soul. I will never be played for a fool again.”
Maybe there’s a brighter future for Darcey. She seems optimistic. “A person’s true colors will show withing time. I always gave me and will stay Silva strong! No victim here,” Darcey said, “some people think it’s disrespectful when you don’t just sit back and allow them to continue to disrespect you. Bigger and better things to focus on and worry about!”
Tom also posted a statement to his Instagram stories. Reality TV blogger John Yates shared a screenshot to his page. Tom expressed frustration over his interactions with Darcey. He said, “for all those that want to hang me from the gallows, that was some of what I had to deal with so I moved on with my life..”
One issue that Tom brought up throughout the relationship is Darcey’s constant references to her ex-Jesse. Tom deflects any responsibility in his behavior. We may not know the details of their relationship, but it’s uncanny how poor Darcey keeps getting dumped in Manhattan in the middle of the day. “I’m @jessemeester in disguise apparently…Two totally different guys once common denominator,” Tom said, “same problem.”
Tom claimed that he was upfront about wanting to break up with Darcey. He said, “and is it just me or did no one see the episode where I say I just wanted to be friends. Tired of being made to look like a bad person so that someone can play the part of victim.”
Poor Darcey. Maybe she would have more luck if she pursued a fellow from her own country.
[Photo Credit: TLC]
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OG Real Housewives viewers have fond memories of Jeana Keough and her three kids, Shane, Colton, and Kara Keough. We got to witness them grow up at such a pivotal era in their lives. The fans saw Kara graduate high school and go on to college. Kara does not live in Orange County anymore.
She currently resides in Florida with her husband Kyle Bosworth and their daughter Decker. The Bosworths were very excited to welcome a second child to the family. Unfortunately, Kara shared some absolutely heartbreaking news after she gave birth. She lost her son that day.
As ScreenRant reported, Kara gave birth to a baby boy on April 6. She and Kyle decided to name him McCoy Casey Bosworth. Sadly, the baby experienced “shoulder dystocia and a compressed umbilical cord” during the birth and he passed away. This is absolutely awful.
Kara donated donated the baby’s organs and tissues. In an Instagram post, she wrote, “He joined our Heavenly Father and will live forever in the hearts of his loving parents, his adoring sister, and those that received his life-saving gifts.”
Her post continued, “May his legacy shine in the form of lifetimes aplenty – lives filled with laughter, compassion, energy, love, and most of all gratitude. May it be said that McCoy Casey Bosworth left this world in a better place, for a better place…. that he made an impact… that he was an answered prayer… that he was a hero.”
Kara included, “And Jesus said, “Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world. So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.”
The RHOC alum concluded her post with “Until we see you again… We love you, McCoy.”
Our hearts with Kara and her family. No one should ever have to experience something like this. Ever.
[Photo Credit:
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Most of the Vanderpump Rules cast members head to Las Vegas tonight for Katie Maloney and Tom Schwartz’s wedding redo. It’s not all wedding bliss though. Schwartz finds a bra in his bag and it’s not Katie’s. Is something scandalous going on? Probably not, but there’s bound to be drama anyway.
Of course, Kristen Doute is flipping out back in West Hollywood because she was excluded. Again. Even Lisa Vanderpump and Ken Todd make the trip. Naturally, Lisa also uses the trip as an opportunity to publicize the Vanderpump Cocktail Garden.
Max Boyens seems to be over his short-lived romance with Dayna Kathan. Now, he’s going for a waitress who looks just like Scheana Marie. Scheana always gets the short end of the stick, doesn’t she? #JusticeForScheana
Dayna goes on a double date with Brett Caprioni and James Kennedy and Raquel Leviss. On that date, Brett talks about his crush on Lisa. He even mentions how he was hitting on her at Dayna’s birthday party during last week’s episode. That is an… ummm… interesting start to a relationship. Then again it’s probably all for show anyway.
In serious relationship news, Beau Clark calls Stassi Schroeder’s dad, hoping to get his blessing to propose. It’s fair to assume that he does get that blessing since we all know that Stassi and Beau got engaged last summer. Nevertheless, I’m sure this episode will be full of comments from Stassi about how she’s “still not engaged.”
Watch Vanderpump Rules tonight at 9 PM on Bravo. Comment throughout the episode on this post. Tweet us with your thoughts. Follow us on Instagram. Like our page on Facebook. Check our site tomorrow for our Vanderpump Rules episode recap!
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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Oh, the men on Below Deck strike again. This franchise is cursed by toxic, ridiculous men, isn’t it? And Below Deck Sailing Yacht proves to be no exception! Last night’s chief offenders where Adam Glick (duh) and Parker McCown who has the emotional reserves of a toddler and the coping skills of a drunk frat boy being told the keg is empty.
Well, at least the charter guests were lovely! Both to look at and interact with. Maisa, the primary, is a scout for Playboy Slovenia which sounds like the type of job one has as a glorified yacht girl turned trophy wife. Still Maisa was polite and charming. Most of the guests this season have been great – and even those who sucked as people were at least good tippers. Maybe sail boats put people in better moods than motor yachts?
Adam has his manties in a twist because it turns out that Jenna MacGillivray and Georgia Grobler have a shared ex-boyfriend named Johan. Jenna dated him for a couple months and finds this random connection hilarious. Her current boyfriend Adam — not so much. Adam literally rips Georgia a new one for making a joke about it. Georiga is visibly shaken as she tells Jenna about Adam’s reaction.
Adam is disgusted by the thought of Jenna with another man. But why? Jenna is 30 years old and an obvious relationship wreck whose sexual history didn’t start with hauling Adam into the master suite after a sobbing meltdown on the dock.
I want to make jokes about Adam being an arrogant asshole with an inferiority complex, but the bottom line is that this is a serious warning sign. His reaction is what’s truly disgusting! He brushes it off as normal jealously because he really likes Jenna and doesn’t want to think of her with another man, but it’s not that – it’s controlling and manipulative. Georiga recognizes this right away, and Jenna sees it too, but really likes Adam and is making excuses for him. She also hints that she’s dated men like him in the past, plus her father had a serious temper. Instead of telling Adam how out of line he’s being Jenna concocts a plan for Georiga to go into the galley and casually mention that she was joking about Jenna sleeping with Johan, because it never actually happened. WHOA – Jenna – WHOA.
Georgina knows what she’s doing is all kindsa wrong. She’s literally lying to her boss’s boyfriend about her boss’s ex-boyfriend, but she does it anyway, because unlike Parker, she is intent to please. Later Georiga tells Madison Stalker that she’s sad to see Jenna changing who she is to appease Adam, like he’s a giant Jell-o mold she has to conform to. Madison and Georiga both know Jenna’s job performance is suffering because she’s overly focused on Adam.
Adam calms down and works things out with Jenna, but she should be dousing cold water on this relationship ASAP!
Meanwhile, there are guests to be catered to and lunches to be served. The guests are blown away by every meal Adam puts out, so at least despite his funk he’s cooking at a super high level.
Paget Berry and Parker head over to start assembling a beach picnic for the guests’ lunch. They find the perfect spot, but it’s rocky. Paget tells Parker to flatten it out while he picks up supplies and Jenna. He returns to find Parker using a shovel to literally hurl rocks all over the beach. Paget is confused and when Jenna asks about the strategy Parker snaps at her to “ask Paget.”
Jenna calls him out on his bad attitude, and in response, Parker snaps at Jenna. I’m really confused here — did we miss some things. However, Parker’s attitude and his inability to take direction is a serious problem! He’s a know-it-all mama’s boy who pouts, sulks, and interrupts. Parker needs to tuck his pacifier into his mouth and shut it.
Eventually, Paget sends Parker and his attitude back to the boat to be replaced by Ciara Duggan. At least Ciara doesn’t need constant micromanaging (although she too will bite Paget’s head off!) After lunch Maisa and her friend Barbora decide to stage an impromptu nude photoshoot and pull off the incredible circus trick of balancing seashells on their nipples. Do they teach you this at Playboy camp? Jenna is wowed and impressed. But she has her own tricks: she can balance a tray full of glasses while a boat is rocking!
Back onboard, Madison and Georgia are knocking it out of the park. No longer focused on Parker, Madison is going to bed at a decent hour, and is more focused and composed. Jenna is impressed and thanks Madison for her improved attitude, but Jenna should take note – this is what happens when one’s head is in the game, not focused on a man-child.
After the picnic, Jenna asks Captain Glenn Shephard if she and Ciara can take their break by going for a swim after cleaning up the picnic supplies. They’ve been standing in the sun all day, catering to guests and Captain Glenn is fine with it. Buying Georiga’s loyalty Jenna whispers that she’s also invited. There is a perk to corruption, as our dear friend will soon see!
This, of course, means that Madison is left alone to manage guests. Which shouldn’t be a problem since essentially all they will need is cocktails. Madison doesn’t seem bothered by this, but Parker happens to look out the window and notice the other girls swimming. He immediately decides that Madison is stressed and forced to carry the burden on her own while Jenna recreates.
Madison is not interested in making waves though. She’s finally receiving praise and compliments for her hard work. It seems that all along all Madison was looking for was a little recognition.
This is none of Parker’s business. Jenna cleared it with Captain Glenn. Although Ciara didn’t inform Paget of the plan which is a problem. Paget is all but impotent as a leader here (don’t tell Georgia about this!). Paget has no authority with Ciara, who turns into part-mean mommy/part bratty teen at every instruction or criticism, and clearly he’s incapable of leading Parker anywhere but off an emotional cliff.
Incensed by the swimming Parker finds himself exploding on Paget in front of guests. Byron Hissey observes the entire thing and pulls Parker aside to talk him down from the edge. Parker whines that everyone is picking on him and it’s not fair that Jenna complained to Captain Glenn when she’s making jokes about him being breastfed. Parker points in Paget’s face and demands to know if he thinks that’s funny, which, honestly, who doesn’t? This time, however, Paget is out of patience and tells Captain Glenn that something needs to change with Parker’s behavior.
Captain Glenn pulls Parker aside and tells him if he can’t reign in his attitude, he’s fired. Parker sulks and promises to make changes, then he attempts to call his ex-girlfriend to complain about how he’s been a “sassy sally” all day. He just wants a little reassurance and ego-stroking, but the connection is so bad Parker winds up playacting a Sesame Street episode about how to deal with being in the grumps to himself.
Parker is also having problems with Adam. Adam is simply being mean and there’s no reason for it. He complains that Parker isn’t cleaning the toilet after going No 2 and honestly, yeah that’s gross and inconsiderate, but Adam just doesn’t like Parker and sees him as low-hanging fruit. Almost the entire crew seems to be conspiring to get Parker fired. But is it deserved? After all, as Paget, Glenn and Byron have noticed Parker doesn’t even seem to have ra udimentary knowledge of the boat, even though he’s been here for 6 charters. Paget is trying to teach him, but Parker doesn’t take instruction because he’s too busy giving it.
That night Parker falls into a deep sleep and doesn’t wake up for anchor watch. He’s 20 minutes late to his 4am shift and has to be woken up by an exhausted Ciara who immediately reports to Paget about this latest infraction. Word travels fast that Parker was late, on top of already being on warning. Soon everyone in the crew is talking about this as if Parker was caught having a three-way with an Oscar The Grouch puppet and a one of the guests. What I’m saying is that yeah, being 20 minutes late sucks, but it’s not the most scandalous thing in the world.
That morning Parker explodes on Paget over moving the tender before docking. Parker yells “THIS SUCKS!” when all the guests (and Captain Glenn) can hear. He’s not alone in bringing his personal dramas to work though! Maisa and Barbora accidentally interrupt a conversation of Paget and Ciara arguing about why she didn’t tell him about the swimming. The deck crew is a mess!
The guests leave in incredible good will and tip very accordingly. It’s nice to see that despite the crew’s issues service hasn’t been affected. Captain Glenn isn’t happy however. He pulls Parker aside for another chat and this time his frustration is evident. Glenn’s problem with Parker is his attitude and emotional instability. Parker is lashing out constantly and doing so in front of guests is completely unacceptable. Parker can’t accept that he is low-man on the totem pole and must act accordingly.
Both Captain Glenn and Paget want Parker to stay and succeed because they feel he has potential, but he must learn to work within the hierarchy, and stop the histrionics and backtalk. Basically all the things heroines need to do in a Jane Austen novel if they expect to land a rich husband.
Instead of taking the feedback or listening at all, Parker argues with the captain, then tries to deflect his behavior as being the result of Adam being a bad roommate. Parker also tries to point out what Ciara is doing wrong, as if that has any bearing on his own issues accepting authority. Parker finally just snaps that Captain Glenn is “stressing him out” As if the captain should change his behavior.
I think it’s time for Parker to go. He’s clearly not able to handle the pressures of hierarchy and working with the crew dynamics. He’s simply too immature. Who talks to their boss that way?! Especially when Glenn was being perfectly reasonable. Am I wrong?
[Photo Credits: Bravo]
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Without context, Dorinda Medley’s issues with Tinsley Mortimer make no sense. But, let’s break down the fourth wall and discuss the elephant in the room: Real Housewives of New York is a reality TV show. This is not a series of home videos. It’s a job for these people.
This isn’t just about two acquaintances who are at odds because one person won’t open up. It’s actually about two coworkers. Dorinda thinks Tinsley isn’t pulling her weight on the job and she’s over it.
In an interview for PeopleTV Reality Check, Dorinda said, “The reason why it bothers me so much is that she’s not being honest. You know, she’s kind of like playing us all.” Plus, she hasn’t really lived in New York for quite some time. This show is called Real Housewives of New York.
Dorinda wondered, “Why is it that we have to put our whole lives out here, be completely honest about it and you treat us like you’re playing some game?”
In reference to Tinsley’s secretive interactions with Scott Kluth (before they got engaged), Dorinda declared, “It’s frustrating. At the end of the day, don’t sell us a bill of goods. We know what’s going on and that’s fine. Do what you want to do, Tinsley. I think it’s great, but let’s not play this game anymore. I’m exhausted. I’m exhausted.”
Dorinda explained the true crux of the issue, “Unlike the rest of us, who are very transparent and really lean on each other for advice and guidance, she keeps her cards very close to her chest, which I don’t think makes for a good Housewife.” The woman has a point. The show does have the word “real” in its title for a reason.
Dorinda really brought her point home when she said, “If we all did that… imagine if all went on this show and treated it like a scripted show, like ‘yeah, everything’s great.’ We wouldn’t have a show.” Again, a great point, Dorinda.
She continued, “You have to be all in because it’s not fair for some people. Like, look at Luann [de Lesseps] last year, what she had to put on national television. Ramona [Singer] went through a major divorce. Sonja [Morgan] has gone through some pretty heavy stuff on TV. We put it out there, so I found it not only frustrating trying to do this constant interrogation with Tinsley, I found it unfair to the group.”
Dorinda ended the interview with one final zinger. Dorinda declared, “You’re almost in menopause. Stop acting like a child.”
[Photo Credit: Heidi Gutman/Bravo]
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This week would have been the week leading into Lala Kent and Randall Emmett’s wedding. However, just like many couples around the world, their wedding plans were derailed by the coronavirus.
Their wedding, which was originally scheduled for April 18, has been moved to July. Lala was understandably emotional about this and posted about it on Instagram.
Lala told her Instagram followers, “Today would be the day I’d be heading to our wedding location to start prepping and getting settled in with my mama and mama-in-law to-be.”
She admitted, “I know people have been affected by this in much bigger ways. I do feel sad today, though.” She revealed, ” I haven’t experienced anything that I should have. Bachelorette party, bridal shower. It’s just all very weird.”
Lala concluded, “I know I’ll get to, but my heart was set on April 18th. I hope it rains that day. Then I’ll be saying ‘thank god we didn’t get married today’. That would make me feel better.”
The original plan was to get married before Vanderpump Rules starts filming Season 9. The show films every summer. Now that Lala and Randall’s wedding has been moved to July, there’s an obvious question: will the wedding be filmed for the show?
After all, there are cast members involved in the big day. Stassi Schroeder, Katie Maloney, and Brittany Cartwright are bridesmaids. Lala and Randall asked James Kennedy to do a DJ set at the reception. Randall was a groomsman in Brittany and Jax Taylor’s wedding, so it’s pretty likely Jax will be a part of the wedding party. It makes perfect sense for a camera crew to be there.
Reality Tea recommends that all readers comply with CDC guidelines and remain as isolated as possible during this urgent time. Visit the Centers for Disease Control at CDC.gov or the World Health Organization at Who.int for the latest information on the coronavirus and learn what you can do to stop the spread.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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Sometimes, life is a matter of perspective. Instead of being “stuck” at home because of the pandemic, it might feel better to view the situation as being “safe” at home instead.
Of course, what’s going on the world right now should not be minimized, not by any means. Nevertheless, a lot of people with “non-essential” jobs are at home. Some are homeschooling their children. Others have turned their living rooms into an office. Most of the people who are reading this have been watching a lot of reality TV shows- in the background, while fulfilling responsibilities, of course. Well, Bravo knows that fans are looking for premium programming. And, no, I’m not trying to re-watch an episode of a show that I just watched last week.
Bravo has come through with a line up of throwback Bravo marathons. On Tuesday, April 8, there’s a Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 8 marathon. This is Teddi Mellencamp’s first season; i.e. when she was up Lisa Vanderpump’s ass instead of Kyle Richards‘. LVP even called her “Teddi Bear,” which annoyed the shit out of Lisa’s previous pet Dorit Kemsley and made her extremely jealous.
Then, the next day is basically an RHOBH Season 10 prep session. Season 9 episodes are on all day. We will get to relive Ken Todd’s infamous “Goodbye, Kyle” moment.
Thursday, April 16, is a day to look forward to. There’s a Real Housewives of New York Season 7 marathon. This season marked the return of Bethenny Frankel and the introduction to Dorinda Medley. This is an ironic choice considering that Bethenny just slammed the show as “uninspiring content.”
On Friday, there’s a Real Housewives of Miami Season 3 marathon. They need to reboot the cast and bring this back.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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We can’t cover every news story ourselves. Fortunately, there are a lot of great sources for reality TV news and gossip. Check out these links from some of our favorite sites in the April 14 edition of Tuesday Morning Tea.
A Drunk Brandi Glanville Made A Denise Richards/Pussy Joke In A Cameo-Dlisted
Rob Kardashian Claims Blac Chyna Once Pointed A Gun At Him-Dlisted
Heidi Montag’s Time-Traveling Christian Movie-Dlisted
Tiger King’s Rick Kirkham, during the reunion: Joe Exotic was terrified of big cats– Celebitchy
‘Jersey Shore’ Stars Snooki, Jwoww & Deena Cortese Say They’re Not Close to Sammi Giancola & Probably Won’t Be Invited to Her Upcoming Wedding– The Ashley’s Reality Roundup
Mama June Shannon Resurfaces in Weird Video to Promote Her Cameo Page; Encourages Fans to Buy Video to Wish People a “Happy Coronavirus”– The Ashley’s Reality Roundup
Karlie Kloss: ‘I really followed my heart on choosing to be with the person that I love’– Celebitchy
Gucci Mane Made The Genius Decision To Wish COVID-19 On His Enemies-Dlisted
Prince William: ‘I think Britain is at its best, weirdly, when we’re all in a crisis’– Celebitchy
Gal Gadot: The pandemic is ‘horrible, frightening’ & a ‘blessing in disguise’– Celebitchy
[Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo]
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