Thursday, March 17, 2016
How to Get Away With Murder Boss Breaks Down Annalise's Trip Home & Frank's Stunning Betrayal
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Prova do líder testa a resistência dos participantes do ‘BBB 16’
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TGIT Recap: Scandal's Presidential Race Is Starting to Imitate Real Life
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How to Get Away With Murder's Charlie Weber Talks Frank's Shocking Past Misdeed and His Precarious Future
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Top Chef: California Crowns a Winner: Did Amar or Jeremy Take Home the Title?
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Thursday Night Tea – St. Patrick’s Day
Rose McGowan better break open the piggy bank – Dlisted
It might not have been her age that was the issue – Celebitchy
June can’t get here fast enough! – After Ellen
Yeah, this is a stable relationship – IDLYITW
Tarzan in capri pants? The hell? – Dlisted
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Rory and Emily, Together Again: Latest Gilmore Girls Set Pic Reunites Alexis Bledel and Kelly Bishop
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Get Ready, Grey's Anatomy Is About to Reveal What Really Happened Between Owen and Nathan
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Ryan Seacrest Is Getting Emotional About American Idol's Finale
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ABC Cancels Drama After Just 2 Episodes
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Big Brother Canada 4: Power Rankings #1
You’ve heard about what’s been going on in the Big Brother Canada 4 house, but where exactly does everyone stand in the game? Who has the most control? Who’s the safest going into next week? Who’s at the most risk? Who should probably throw Head of Household and who should probably fight for it? We’ve got it all covered in the first Big Brother Canada 4 power rankings!
Source: Global TV Canada
What these represent is how I’d rank the remaining houseguests, including our two nominated houseguests going into tonight, and where they stand in the house moving on to next week. I am basing this on what we see from the show and from the feeds and take an objective look at how safe I think they are moving forward. It’s difficult to incorporate how safe they are versus how much control they have, so there are somewhat balanced out between those two. Read below to see more about my takes on each houseguest and where they rank within the group.
1. Joel – Would you believe that he was the safest out of this group? I wouldn’t have expected it going into this season. But he’s very well-liked, has a good grasp on the game, and is solid with multiple groups of people. He’s got something going with Mitch, Nick, and Philippe, as well as a strong relationship with Loveita. Not to mention that he’s in good standing with Cassandra and Nikki as well. He really doesn’t need to win anything at this point, as Jared/Kelsey/Raul wouldn’t target him and neither would any of the floaters or Dallas/Maddy. To me, he’s without question the safest in the house and has a great deal of control without it being obvious.
2. Mitchell – I debated ranking him lower as some people have caught on that he’s playing a very solid game and that he’s sort of being an in-between with the groups in the house. But the fact is, nobody is going to gun for him at this point. While Joel is in a similar position, nobody is pointing the finger at him as someone who is seamlessly playing all sides of the house. Mitch needs to take a step back and stop reporting details to everyone, like has has done with Jared/Kelsey/Raul this week after backdoor plans had been discussed. He’d be better off keeping his head down and letting the groups go at one another without planting seeds, they are already at odds, he doesn’t need to fan the flames.
3. Tim – Like with Mitchell, people know that Tim is playing a sneaky, complicated game. He has embraced being an irritant and keeping people guessing. But it’s going to start hurting him and it already has with the way he’s spoken out of both sides of his mouth. He had told Loveita and Nikki that he wanted to see Cassandra leave because he doesn’t want his heart to get involved, but since then he’s waffled and Loveita even confronted him about it. He’s in good with so many of them, but perhaps is talking a bit too much. Loose lips sink ships, Tim. And I can guarantee that people would be taking a stab at him before they took one at Nikki.
4. Cassandra – Despite the fact that she’s nominated for eviction and could go home tonight, she’s in a good spot if she sticks around. The fact that people are fighting for her to stay when it’s against HoH Loveita’s wishes is a good sign for how the house feels about her. She’s used this opportunity well to get in with different groups in he house, such as the brothers and Mitch, and certainly has out-campaigned Christine from what I’ve seen. If she survives, she’ll be around for a long time and could go very deep in this game if she plays her cards right and keeps her foot in the door with various groups in the house.
5. Nikki – Shocker? Not really for me, I think Nikki is keeping her head down and while she doesn’t really love everyone in the house, they either don’t know about it or don’t think much of it. She’s with Loveita who isn’t incredibly popular, but has other relationships with Tim and Philippe and many of the others. She’s in a great spot where she doesn’t need power, yet nobody is coming for her. She’s non-threatening and fun to be around when she’s not throwing a tantrum. I don’t expect to see her go anywhere anytime soon, which is great for entertainment potential.
6. Nick & Philippe – The brothers are surprising me and are playing a very good game. I think they’re a big part of keeping big targets in the game to distract from the two of them, and so far it’s working. But their names did come up this week as people that some of the houseguests wanted to see backdoored. Loveita refused to do it as she has a good relationship with them but the fact that people are still thinking about them weakens their position. To be fair however, it’s unlikely they’d ever really to be able to avoid attention. So far, so good for the brothers but they might need to start to win things soon to protect themselves.
7. Ramsey – Don’t get me wrong, Ramsey doesn’t really have any power or sway in the house right now, but nobody is feeling as though they need to take immediate action to get rid of him. He’s been licking his wounds for a few weeks now after he lost Paige and his original alliance. Despite fallout with Dallas and some strained relationships, nobody has him in their line of fire. If he can remain quiet and slowly build up some relationships in the house, I see him sticking around for a while. But he is also disposable to so many of them, so he really needs to make sure he has some protection.
8. Loveita – Oh, Loveita. I can’t help but want her to succeed but I want to shake her and tell her how she needs to play this game. She’s making the same mistakes she made in her first week all over again. I think she attempted to learn by not putting up big targets that will come at her next week, but what she needed to realize is that you do not want to push the house in a certain direction so forcefully. Put up two people you want gone and let the house decide. I think she’ll not be that surprised this time if Cassandra stays and many are okay to let her stick around as a foil to other alliances, but she is coming off as a threat to win competitions. So if power falls into the wrong hands she could have another rought week.
9. Dallas – He’s being played it fast and loose the entire time with his lie about the first eviction vote and trying to force Loveita to backdoor someone this week. People know that he’s been sneaky and played both sides and put other people in a dangerous spot. Many of them are wanting to gun for the tandem of him and Maddy this week, presumably with him as the target. But I do suspect there are detractors and more people would fight for him to stay than would seem. An HoH win for him right now would be really clutch because he needs to watch his back.
10. Kelsey – I actually think Kelsey rebounded from a rocky start this week somewhat. Sure, there are houseguests who really don’t like her and she gives off a bad vibe far too often, but she has somewhat let go of her Loveita grudge after being safe and has not been too over the top with enforcing a particular agenda. We’ll see what happens if her, Jared, or Raul get power again but it might be better for them to stay off the radar another week. Things could get sticky though if the wrong person wins as they are an obvious threesome that comes off as very threatening.
11. Jared – I would have placed him above Kelsey but I think people are getting anxious to make big moves and take out someone who can actually win stuff. Loveita was more about backdooring Kelsey this week but several of the guys were pushing for it to be Jared instead. People know that he’s the scarier player in terms of making it very far for being likable nad winning competitions. They all like him in there, but he’s made his allegiances obvious at this point and that’s not good.
12. Maddy – She could use an HoH win for sure. I don’t think she’d necessarily be a target but could easily be collateral damage for any number of people because she’s not well-connected with this group and few of them actually like her. Even though they are sworn enemies, Kelsey and her are very similar that they don’t give off warm vibes to people that they aren’t very close to. I think she’s on a lot of people’s shortlists for nominations and if she isn’t sitting next to someone less popular, she could be out next week.
13. Raul – Sort of like Maddy, he’s just not well-liked in their besides by his allies. Nikki, Tim, and Loveita have talked openly about not liking him and they aren’t the only ones. He just does not give off a positive energy to anyone but Kelsey and Jared, and he’s an easy person to put up. Of course he benefits from being seen as the third wheel in that relationship but if they go up together and one of them wins the Power of Veto, he’s up there alongside the other. And nobody would really bat an eyelash if he were to be evicted instead.
14. Christine – She’s probably going to be evicted tonight and even if she isn’t, she’s an easy person to go up for nomination because like many of these people near the bottom, she’s not well-integrated on a game or personal level with the other houseguests. Nobody has passionately fought for her to stay other than Loveita, who is just trying to kill her target. I won’t be sorry to see her leave if it is her because she really hasn’t brought much to the table besides being dour.
from Big Brother Access
Teresa Giudice Shoots Down Pregnancy And Divorce Rumors Again!
Another day, another dollar rumor that Teresa Giudice is getting divorced from Joe Giudice! With Joe leaving for prison in a few short days, the rumor mill is working overtime about the drama-plagued Real Housewives Of New Jersey stars.
Before Teresa self-surrendered to prison last year there were countless rumors speculating about divorce, depression, and pregnancy. Cause the universe needs more Teresas or Joews! Now that Joe is about to change his address to Ft Dix Federal Penitentiary, the rumors are here once again!
Teresa’s attorney James Leonard, Jr confirms that no, Teresa is not pregnant, nor will there be any divorce court to add to the plethora of Giudice legal woes. “Teresa is not pregnant. She and Joe have four beautiful daughters together—their family is more than complete,” he tells E! News. “They are not looking to add to it.”
Yes – lets hope the only thing Teresa and Joe add to their family is money, paid bills, and some self-awareness!
Reacting to divorce speculation, he dismisses that as well. “Teresa and Joe are not getting a divorce. Not now, not in six months, not ever. That’s another sensational story that gets floated every few months to sell magazines or get hits on gossip websites.”
Still with 41 months of prison ahead of them, plus Joe’s possible deportation to look forward to after his release, we’ll see what happens. Teresa has said her own prison sentence made her marriage stronger than ever. Although Teresa is well-known for being delusional.
However, I think it’s fair say that after calling her a c-u-next-tuesday on national television, plus the copious cheating allegations lobbed against Joe, in additional the disastrous legal and financial situation he placed his family in, coupled with his alcohol issues, all of which Teresa has steadfastly supported him through, she’s a stand by your man kinda of girl.
Teresa’s attorney echoes those very sentiments. “The truth is, despite everything they have been through, their relationship is stronger than ever and they are still very much in love with one another.” Well that’s reassuring – true love does exist outside of Disney Movies. Let’s just hope none of the fairy tale romance gets repossessed by the feds.
I, personally, am really intrigued to see how Teresa handles herself sans Joe – let’s hope she gets savvier!
[Photo Credit: Instagram]
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As season 31 starts, The Real World has become The Challenge
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Lisa Vanderpump On Her Friendship With Kyle Richards, Demise Of Her Relationship With Eileen Davidson, And Eileen’s Blog
On the Watch What Happens Live after show, Lisa Vanderpump opens up about her friendship with Kyle Richards and the demise of her friendship (err, a stretch? working relationship?) with Eileen Davidson. Also, she responds to the mean-spirited blogs written about her this week.
A caller asks if Lisa would hire Stassi Schroeder to work at SUR again. “NO.” Lisa says her presence on Vanderpump Rules is “authentic” because she’s still very much a part of that group but she will not employ her. “She’s too much a pain in the ass,” Lisa mutters under her breath. Ha.
Lisa‘s thoughts on her friendship with Kyle? And would she trust Kyle with her deepest, darkest secrets? “A reality show is a huge test of a friendship. We’ve definitely had our moments, but I really really love her. I really do. Do I tell anybody my deepest, darkest secrets? Probably not. If you don’t want anyone to know anything, then don’t tell anybody. But I do love her very much.”
Andy says he loves how funny Lisa and Kyle are together this season. “That’s why we love each other.. because we have such a bloody good time,” she says.
“The interesting thing is, and this happens with friends over the years, it seems like you can really say almost anything to each other,” adds Andy, “and you will recover.”
Lisa surmises, “It’s very much an English sense of humor – we are much more aggressive. A lot of American women, I find, are too sensitive when you’re having a laugh. Kyle is not like that. We laugh it off. I think we really love each other.”
The next caller asks for an update on the sex shop Ken Todd bought. With a chuckle, Lisa explains, “That is a complicated scenario. We still have the lease, but we sublet it. It was either that, or get a divorce.”
Lisa says she likes her stomping ground when Andy suggests she open a SUR in Las Vegas. Andy argues… but to open a third restaurant on the same strip… Lisa laughs. “Don’t worry. I got this. You do your stuff, I do mine.” Andy suggests the Hamptons, and Lisa snarks, “I did not have a good experience in the Hamptons.”
Speaking of the Hamptons, a caller brings up Eileen‘s down, down, downward spiral since last season, all because Lisa asked her about her marriage.
“I don’t understand,” admits Lisa. “Of course I regret saying it because I didn’t realize she was going to be so upset. Maybe it’s a culturally different thing as well. She had an affair and turned it into a love story, and really, I thought that it had been brought up a couple times on the show. I was just asking her how that developed.”
Andy deadpans, “It didn’t go so great.” Lisa bemoans, “No, and it went on and on and on and on for the whole season, which is just crazy.” Andy adds, “And it continues at the reunion.”
Lisa repeats that she doesn’t get it. But, at the same time, she does, because Eileen is the type of woman who will make you sleep on the couch for a week if you forget to take out the trash. <paraphrased>
In other news, both Eileen Davidson and Yolanda Foster wrote some hateful things directed at Lisa and Stop Yulin Forever in their Real Housewives of Beverly Hills blogs this week. In response, Lisa tweeted:
RELATED: Yes… Lisa Is Passionate About Dogs… But Also So Much More
Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo
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Abby Lee Miller Takes Credit For Maddie Ziegler’s Success: “I Create Stars!”
Big changes are coming to Dance Moms because Maddie Ziegler is poised to become a big star! Reacting to the news that her protege and most favorite person ever is leaving the show, Abby Lee Miller gushes that she’s “so excited” for the next season because this is what she always had in mind while micromanaging Maddie’s career.
“I create stars,” Abby crows. “It’s what I do – make these professional, working, employable dancers who can go out and get jobs!”
According to Abby, it is she who plucks such little dancers from the obscures of Pittsburgh and creates their careers. Little dancers with a dream like Maddie!
“I pride myself on that,” Abby says to ET. “I’ve taken so many kids out of Pittsburgh and onto The Great White Way in New York City; out to Los Angeles.”
Of Maddie’s success, Abby brags, “She’s just another one of those kids that I’ve proven my ‘talent’ with. I’m super proud.” Of herself? Or of Maddie?
At this point I have to ask: Is Abby hijacking on the back of Maddie’s success (which she has worked incredibly hard for); or did Abby cultivate Maddie’s success and give her the opportunity to achieve such success and deserves some credit? Abby certainly has promoted Maddie every chance she could, favoring her over other girls. I also believe many of these girls wouldn’t be in movies or on TV if it weren’t for the exposure from Dance Moms.
A video of Abby bragging about her own amazingness is below.
While Abby is celebrating all of Maddie’s successes, she’s seemingly ignoring her own massive financial woes – her bankruptcy trial has been postponed again. And yes, Dance Moms will continue on without Maddie and Mackenzie.
[Photo Credit: FayesVision/]
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Inside JoJo Fletcher's First Night as the Bachelorette--She's Already Had Her First Kiss
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Camille Grammer Compares Herself To Yolanda Foster!
Camille Grammer is getting some painful flashbacks from Yolanda Foster on this season of Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills.
No, Camille has never had Lyme Disease – thank God – but watching Yolanda try to keep up appearances with David Foster when the couple was actually having major marital issues behind the scenes, reminded Camille of her first season when she believed everything was fine with Kelsey Grammer.
After this week’s episode aired, Camille tweeted:
Camille also responded to another tweeter who commented on David violating Yolanda’s trust by pretending to be oh-so-in-love, while having serious doubts behind her back.
Hmmm… wee bit of difference. 1) Yo actually filed for divorce, not David – and she moved out. 2) She was well-aware there were issues according to all the women (corroborated by comments from behind-the-scenes). Yolanda was trying to hide them. She announced their split the night of the premiere in order to sell a Yolanda sympathy storyline. Reportedly, she refused to discuss it at the reunion, claiming it was too personal for reality TV. [eye roll] 3) Kelsey was cheating on Camille. It doesn’t appear that is what’s going on with David.
I personally think Yolanda became impossible to live with during her attention-seekingitis Lyme Journey.
Imagine how Yolanda reacts if David questions her about her illness, or the many bizarre ‘treatments’ she’s spending a staggering amount of money for (fetal stem cell injections in Tijuana!), all which seem to have no effect? She apparently refuses to see real doctors. Remember it was David who insisted – finally – she get the body scan which revealed the leaky silicone! Then moving in Daisy, the health advocate, making lattes for Lyme recovery – on David’s dime. Just no.
For me the most illuminating scene with Yolanda and David was the yacht through Canada. David asked if she wanted to take a walk. In response, she snapped at him that he should know she can’t walk and hasn’t for 2,000 years. She was disgusted he would even suggest such a thing.
Honestly, David makes a fair point: How do you rebuild a marriage when the other party refuses to participate? David is stuck in the middle of all Yolanda’s crazypants (errrr… I mean crazy bathrobing). Although he’s pretty slimy himself, I still feel bad for him. I think he finally started to recognize just how detached from reality the whole Journey actually was and started questioning if any of it was actually real.
[Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo]
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Which Is Crazier, Scandal's Fake Election or America's Real One?
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How to Get Away With Murder's Charlie Weber Wants You to Be Ready for a Show-Altering Season Finale
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Lisa Vanderpump Breaks Down The Vanderpump Rules Finale: “Kristen Will Always Rub Me The Wrong Way”
Am I the only one who hoped that Jax Taylor, as douchey as he is, would have just pummeled James Kennedy on the Vanderpump Rules finale? For the love of SUR, Lisa Vanderpump, please don’t allow that hot mess back in the DJ booth next season!
It’s safe to say that Monday’s episode was deliciously predictable, with Stassi Schroeder and Kristen Doute crashing Villa Rosa to attend Katie Maloney and Tom Schwartz’s engagement party. Jax’s girlfriend Brittany Cartwright proved once again that she has more patience than the entire cast combined (times a million), and Scheana Shay and Adriana Madix are once again biffles…even if their reconciliation was a product of Scheana’s insecurities about being ousted by Stassi. All is right with the world.
Basically recapping clips from the finale in her Bravo blog, Lisa pretty much says everything we were thinking. Watching Jax’s tantrum about feeling smothered by Brittany, Lisa snarks, “What planet is Jax on? Of course it could’ve gone worse. He could’ve been imprisoned. Instead, he’s back in L.A. with his girlfriend. I would say things are going pretty well right now.”
As she witnesses the clip of Stassi and Kristen’s party crashing plans, Lisa quips, “Oh, so the bravado seems to be slowly declining. Just a couple of weeks ago, they were like ‘Oh screw Lisa, we’re just showing up!’ And now they’re like ‘Oo Oo, I wonder if she’ll let us in.’ Yeah, come on,” adding, “Kristen will always rub me up the wrong way, but it’s Katie’s party, so, whatever I feel, I have to put aside.”
RELATED: Lisa Vanderpump: Stassi Schroeder Has Not Changed
Like the rest of the viewers, Lisa cringes at Kristen’s drunken, rambling toast to the happy couple, noting, “Yeah, she won’t just crash the party or walk into a party where she’s not that welcome by me, but she wants to take over the event. She wants to follow me making a speech, by her suddenly becoming the center of attention. That’s what Kristen Doute does. She always wants to be the center of attention. So, she’s not creating a problem, guess what, I’ll make a speech.”
While some of her Real Housewives of Beverly Hills co-stars may think differently, Lisa does have a sensitive side under all her glamorous snark. Viewing the scene where Scheana and Ariana finally make up, Lisa explains, “Scheana didn’t handle everything perfectly this year, but she was open and honest about her relationship. And I think she really would have benefited from having Ariana on her side. So, I think they both made mistakes. I think really Ariana should’ve been Scheana’s biggest support while she’s been struggling with Shay this summer.”
She continues, “When I watched this, I actually had tears in my eyes. Nothing makes me happier than seeing Scheana and Ariana reconcile right now. They found their way back to each other and I’m really happy about that.”
RELATED: Lisa Vanderpump Continues To Defend James Kennedy
Neglecting to comment on James’ decision to celebrate his hiatus from drinking by getting high as shiz, Lisa does address his atrocious behavior at the after-party. She notes, “James is absolutely salivating over the fact that, really, Jax is kind of confined by the probation. James is goading him. It’s like a matador with a bull, kind of waving the thing, ‘come on bro, come on’ because he knows that if Jax puts one foot wrong, he’s in deep trouble.”
Lisa reminds us that while VR is highly entertaining, it’s also based (partly at least) in reality. She asserts, “Some of these kids have been incredibly vulnerable, they’ve been very open with their lives. So, it’s easy to sit back and to judge them, but they’re brave enough to have actually opened the doors to let us all in, including myself. And for that, I do commend them,” concluding, “Thank you for watching the season, it’s been a long and, as I say, a tumultuous season, an arduous season. Full of laughter and giggles, but also a lot of tears. I hope you’ve enjoyed it and as much as we’ve enjoyed making it. Thank you.”
I, for one, cannot wait for the Vanderpump Rules reunion!
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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Little Women: Atlanta Finale Recap: Daddy Issues
On last night’s season finale of Little Women: Atlanta, Minnie Ross turned over a new leaf and Amanada Salinas took the first step in independence from her twin.
The trip to Savannah was anything but relaxing for the ladies, who had to endure an entire weekend of Monie Cashette arguing with Minnie. Now back in Atlanta, everyone realizes they need to make positive changes in their lives. For Amanda that means moving out with her boyfriend Jordan, who finally got a job (in a tire shop!). Amanda is afraid to tell Andrea Salinas that, for the first time in their lives, she wants some space.
After having serious doubts about her relationship to Chris, Andrea had a change of heart and realized he was the one – they celebrate with matching name tattoos. Love. Classiness. Andrea’s happiness makes it all the more difficult for Amanda to break this so-called awful news. Luckily they are able to distract themselves by focusing on fixing Monie and Minnie’s friendship by secretly inviting the ladies over so they’re forced to talk face-to-face. The twins hope it will work!
Minnie is still very upset over the situation with Monie, especially since she’s made a huge decision that will seriously impact her future: She contacted the man who she believes is her father and asked him to submit to a DNA test. She’s done this in the past but he’s always refused – this time he finally agreed. TV is a powerful allure! Minnie recounts her painful childhood of him denying her and never being involved, which also deeply hurt her mother who raised Minnie by herself, with zero support from Minnie’s dad.
Minnie tells her mother and her aunt about the DNA test. Her mother takes the news stoically but is extremely supportive of Minnie’s desire to learn the truth – she’s also surprised her father finally agreed. I love her mom and I think they have wonderful relationship.
The Cheeks are also making big changes. Bri Barlup has decided she must handle the situation with Wooda. She’s been hiding out at Emily Fernandez‘s house while Wooda remains in their old apartment, but it’s time for Emily and Malik to move back home and for Wooda to get his own place.
Emily is excited to learn whether or not she’s having a boy or a girl, and if the baby is average or little. First good news from the doctor – Emily has only gained 1 lb since her last appointment, plus her blood pressure is normal. Emily stopped drinking soda and is eating healthier – funny how that works! Bri is there in support since Lontel is working and can’t make the ultrasound. Suuuuure.
The other good news – it’s a boy! Emily is overjoyed. Then the doctor takes measurements. She determines that at this point the baby is average-sized, going by the length of his legs and the size of his head. Emily acknowledges this is probably better in the long run since little babies often have significant health problems.
With Monie feuding with Minnie, Monie is staying close to home and focusing on her relationship to Morlin. She surprises him with a homemade taco dinner and wine. Morlin is pleased she’s making the effort and the food is actually good! She mentions that if this whole voice over career doesn’t work out, maybe she’ll just become a full-time housewife! Monie is as Monie wants (but does not do!). Morlin threatens that she’ll need to have a baby to accomplish that goal. “He better put a ring on it first,” snaps Monie. I think we just found next season’s storyline: Monie & Morlin: The Wedding.
Over dinner, Monie confesses that the situation with Minnie is bad – she’s still hurt that Minnie, of all people, would lie to her about Pastor Troy. Morlin agrees it was not right. Still, Monie misses Minnie and their friendship, so she wants to mend things.
Which is why the twins secret meeting is perfect! Minnie arrives first. She confesses to being very upset about Savannah and really wants her friendship with Monie back. By the time Monie arrives, Minnie is more than ready to fix things.
Minnie hopes they can put the past behind them. She apologizes, again, for lying. The twins encourage them, because if they can learn to get along with The Cheeks, then Minnie and Monie can do it. Minnie agrees – she and Monie were the ones encouraging the Cheeks and The Twins to get past their differences, now they have to practice what the preach!
Monie admits to having reservations, but realizes their friendship is more important. She wants to move on too. Everyone hugs and then Minnie announces that she’s having a “Minnie’s Turning Over A New Leaf” party to unveil the results of her dad’s DNA test. Monie is shocked, but encouraging. She’s also worried about what Minnie’s mom really thinks.
Minnie realizes she needs to double-check that her mom is OK with the process, but Minnie’s mom is incredibly supportive. She really wants Minnie to find closure. Minnie believes that growing up without a father has led her down the wrong path in relationships – ya’think! – and she is deeply sad that he missed out on so much of her life. Minnie is hopeful that if the results confirm he is her father, he’ll want that relationship with her. Her mom is wary and reminds Minnie that if he doesn’t, it’s his loss. They hug and it’s very sweet.
Emily drives Bri to her apartment to confront Wooda. Emily waits outside to make sure Bri is OK. I guess just in case it went badly? Bri tells Wooda he needs to move out because things cannot stay this way. If he doesn’t want a relationship with her, she is not going to let him live here, stringing her along. She gives him one week. He agrees to be out before then and to share custody of Malik. Wooda will get him every other weekend. In the meantime, he’s on the couch. Emily is sad, but realizes it’s the best thing for Malik to see his mother be strong and independent than waiting on Wooda. Good for her!
Later, Emily gets a visit from her dad and her daughter Ava. She shares the news that Ava is going to be a big sister by wrapping up a bunch of baby items, including a shirt that says “Big Sister” on it and giving it to her. So is Ava going to actually live with Emily now?????
Amanda and Andrea go to SkyZone with their boyfriends, where they wear matching “Legit” hats. Why? What? Horrible. This where Amanda finally breaks the news that she and Jordan are moving out. Cause that’s the perfect location for life-changing talks. Is this 16 & Pregnant? Andrea tears up a bit, but accepts it’s the best thing for both of their relationships. Still – she wants Amanda to text her before she goes to the bathroom or straightens her hair.
That weekend Amanda and Jordan move out while Andrea becomes hysterical.
Minnie does her DNA test with Monie there for support. Minnie is anxious about the results, but decided she needs to know.
Minnie isn’t opening the results envelope until her party in front of the group. Her mom does not seem nervous – she obviously knows emphatically who Minnie’s father is – but is worried for Minnie that things won’t turn out the way she hopes.
All the Littles arrive, plus Pastor Calvin and his wife from ReBoot Camp, along with other other friends and family. And, in walks a surprise guest: Pastor Troy Miss Juicy Baby! Juicy is not here to make ill-will, however. She says hello to Monie, then cuts through the awkwardness by apologizing for saying anything offensive that instigated their fight. It was a backhanded apology done with the intent of getting Monie to apologize, but it worked! It seemed like Monie was planning to apologize anyway. It was nice to see these two work through it incident-less. Clearly they haven’t been on reality TV long enough!
Then, with everyone gathered, Minnie opens the envelop and is relieved to learn it is 99.99% positive that her father is biologically her father. Her mother is glad it’s finally confirmed. They call Minnie’s dad, but instead of him being happy or excited, he wants to see proof the paper is real and sounds disappointed! What a complete and awful jerk – he does not deserve Minnie!
A shocked and hurt Minnie bursts into tears. Her mother and Bri comfort her. Then, looking at all her friends and family surrounding her, Minnie realizes she has a lot of love in her life so it’s time to move forward.
Next week is the reunion where Pastor Troy appears and Juicy challenges Minnie to take a pregnancy test. Oh goody!
[Photo Credits: Lifetime]
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Vanderpump Rules Reunion Schedule And Sneak Peek
The Vanderpump Rules three-part reunion kicks off Monday, March 21.
When I found out that the Real Housewives of Atlanta reunion was going to be stretched out over three episodes, I was like, Seriously? Nothing happened! But I honestly didn’t have that reaction when I read the “drama-filled three part reunion” press release for Vanderpump Rules. This season, which is on track to be the highest rated season, did not disappoint this hopelessly addicted fan.
About the ratings, Bravo shared, “On track to deliver its highest rated season ever among all demos, Vanderpump Rules season four is averaging 1.5 million P25-54, 1.4 million P18-49, and 2.2 million total viewers, up 17 percent, 8 percent and 13 percent respectively versus last season.” Look below for the schedule, as well as a sneak peek, for the Vanderpump Rules reunion.
Part One airs Monday, March 21 at 9 PM ET/PT – James and Ariana confront Kristen about all the, um, kristen-y things she did this season, Lala bemoans the difficulties of being the new girl, and Jax, Schwartz, and Sandoval dish on their Vegas trip. Also, Shay opens up about his struggle with being married to a narcissist addiction and shares “a surprising resolution with an unlikely source.”
Part Two goes down Monday, March 28 at 9 PM ET/PT – Scheana and Ariana discuss their troubles, Katie and Schwartz get “grilled about their sex life,” and Stassi and Brittany join the reunion.
Part Three airs Monday, April 4 at 8 PM ET/PT – Katie addresses the return of Tequila Katie, Kristen and James rehash their parking garage sexcapades, Lisa addresses concerns over the handling of Stassi‘s sex tape, Ariana disses Kristen‘s sketch comedy career, and White Kanye and Grandpa Jax get into a heated near physical argument. It’s time to just let them knock each other out.
Finally, last but certainly not least, the Secrets Revealed special airs Thursday, April 7 at 10 PM ET/PT.
Photo Credit: Nicole Weingart/Bravo
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Trip To Dubai: Eileen Davidson Jokes, “I Wonder If There Are Any Dogs There I Can Murder?”
Eileen Davidson channeled her inner Yolanda “Stone Cold” Foster when she wrote her Real Housewives of Beverly Hills blog this week.
“I kind of took a backseat to all the other issues this week. Clearly there are still a lot of problems brewing with everyone, but the real important issues were the causes being supported,” shares Eileen, who goes on to write a mean-spirited blog influenced by her “other” issues with Lisa Vanderpump. Sad.
Eileen says she was happy to support Camille Grammer and The Foundation for Women’s Cancer, adding, “The jewelry was nice, but even better was seeing women getting together to raise money to help other women.”
“You’d think that the spirit of the evening would carry over and inspire people to get along… but it didn’t,” adds Eileen. Here, she bemoans the fact that there was drama at the charity event. On the show, she chastises Lisa Rinna for not confronting Lisa Vanderpump, at said event, about her super manipulations.
Eileen hopes Yolanda Foster‘s speech at the Global Lyme Alliance gala will open our minds and our hearts to Yolanda’s journey. Yeah. NOPE.
“Also, this week we saw Yolanda prepping for her speech for the Global Lyme Alliance gala. I couldn’t make it to New York, but I’m glad she had the support of Erika, Kyle, and Kathryn. I hope this will help Yolanda not just raise awareness of Lyme disease to the public, but maybe help ladies in our group have a better understanding of what she’s been through.”
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Eileen turns nasty when she addresses Lisa Vanderpump and the Stop Yulin Forever march. Sadly, she stoops to YoFridgedAire levels of cold-hearted bitch and mocks the Stop Yulin Forever march.
“Lisa V.’s support of the Stop Yulin Forever is wonderful. I was invited to the protest, but I couldn’t go. Obviously, it was because I’m a total sociopath who wants all dogs, even my own, to be tortured, then murdered, then eaten for my own entertainment. Or at least that’s what it seemed Lisa V. was insinuating at dinner,” says Eileen. “I’m not going to apologize for being a working mother of a twelve-year-old who made the decision to spend a day at home with her son. Should I have to?” No. But she didn’t mention her son when she declined Lisa’s invitation.
Let’s recap: The Foundation for Women’s Cancer – excellent. The Global Lyme Alliance – good. Yulin – okay to be mocked. Eileen – no longer my favorite.
A new low, Eileen concludes, “Next week all of us, and our issues, are packing up and headed to Dubai. I wonder if there are any dogs there I can murder?”
Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo
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