Wednesday, February 7, 2018
09:24 PM PST - Chuck is trying to think of something, but is taking forever - Hgs start guessing random movies and laughing. Mark tells him he can pass - and he says no he's not gonna pass. It seems that if you get the question right, it's your turn next. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
09:22 PM PST - Each HG is shouting out to fam before they take their turn, to the audience's (HGs) "awwwws" (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
09:22 PM PST - Ross is on a roll. He got Mark's Goodfellas, and Marissa's Two Broke Girls - and took his second turn. After it was guessed, Brandi commented, "You're so gay!" She and Shannon laughed. Ross looked at her funny, like "well" then laughed and said "Braaandi", then sat and seemed solemn about the comment. The laughs faded to awkwardness. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
09:01 PM PST - Feeds are officially on. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
The Big Brother: Celebrity Edition Premiere Was a Surprising Amount of Fun
from E! Online (US) - TV News
06:46 PM PST - (2:44) Ari: Okay, so we have to be ready at.. what time? Brandi: Well, they said the live feed was at 9:00, so.. But I think we'll get up and get ready [about]... what time do you get outta that thing? (baby costume) Ari: I think 8:00... or 9:00... Feed ends - that's all til midnight eastern time (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:41 PM PST - (2:43) Ari: I'm tired of talking game, talking game. Brandi: I can't.. Just tell me if I'm ever going home, so we can have a party before. That's all I want. (Continues..)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:34 PM PST - (2:42) Brandi gives Ari a piggyback ride back to the TR (tiffany room) so she doesn't have to crawl on her knees. They laugh as she flops Ari onto one of the beds, after struggling to open the door. Brandi says they need to clean all the makeup off the bed so they can take a proper nap - so they both start doing so. Brandi says they have to stay up later tonight, and they have to look cute. They talk about how Ari will finally get to walk tonight! (Their punishment must be over then). (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:23 PM PST - (2:35) Marissa got loud when talking to Ari in the bathroom about Ari's body not digesting something because she's not been able to walk around. (Continues..)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
Riverdale: All the Most Important Things That Happened in "The Tell-Tale Heart"
from E! Online (US) - TV News
06:19 PM PST - (2:35) Brandi: You guys, let's be clear... if someone really, really wants to leave.. THEY can go at any time. Ari: EXACTLY. Marissa: I don't think he really wants to.. Brandi: It's just something to do.. Marissa: Yeh. Brandi: People CAN leave.. a girl left before.. you CAN leave. *Cams switch to Chuck talking to the boys about his wife being supportive of him either way with still fighting (when asked)* (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:15 PM PST - (2:34) James' singing and vocal runs can be heard into the bathroom. The girls stop talking to listen. Brandi asks who that is.. Marissa says, "Who do you think??" almost rolling her eyes... Brandi: It all sounds the same when he sings. I mean, it's not a bad thing.. he's good. *James starts talking about something, it can be heard in the bathroom* Brandi: Stop bragging! I just want to shake him sometimes and say STOP. Marissa: Mhmm. Brandi: Being humble is so much more attractive... Ari: That's why I like you. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:06 PM PST - (2:29PM) CAMS 3/4: James, Mark, Marissa, Metta, & Ari in KT. Metta's almost falling asleep. James is making espressos for people. He & Ari are in their baby costumes.. (Continues..)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:04 PM PST - (NL) Premier show has ended. Live feeds timer shows 3 hours to go. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:03 PM PST - (NL) Julie confirms tomorrow night 2 HG's will be put up for eviction. She also says the person with the new power has the 'option' to use it or not. Julie confirms Friday (2/9) will be a 2-hour LIVE show with the Veto and the first eviction. Julie confirms Celebrity BB After Dark on PopTV will start at midnight tonight EST. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
06:00 PM PST - (NL) All HG's in the LR and Julie explains that the bags are not all the same. Some of the bags have the latest BB swag but one of them holds a brand new power. The power to re-cast the HOH! The re-cast power allows the holder to overthrow the current HOH and take over the role of HOH. HG's are stunned. Julie tells them they will find out how it works soon enough and signs off for the night. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:55 PM PST - (NL) As the competition ends Julie tells the HG's that there are 11 gift bags inside the house and to pick any one they want but do not open it. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:54 PM PST - (NL) James slips and falls and Shannon is the first HOH of Celebrity BB! (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:53 PM PST - (NL) The awards starting spinning and Shannon slips but regains. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:53 PM PST - (NL) James starts to slip and tries to make a deal with Shannon. Omarosa calls him out saying he can't make a deal when he is the one slipping. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:48 PM PST - (NL) Keshia falls right away. Brandi immediately off next. James and Shannon for the HOH (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
'Celebrity Big Brother' host Julie Chen reveals house changes and celebrity "special treatment"
Celebrity Big Brother host Julie Chen admits there were some advantages to entering the Big Brother house as a celebrity versus a regular houseguest.
from Reality TV World latest news stories
'Celebrity Big Brother' host Julie Chen reveals what to expect and who to watch -- the "villain" and "dark horse!"
Celebrity Big Brother host Julie Chen is opening up about what viewers can expect to see from this season's cast and which houseguests are potential game-changers or ones to watch out for.
from Reality TV World latest news stories
05:47 PM PST - (NL) Ari goes down. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:47 PM PST - (NL) Chuck tried to adjust and get a better grip and slips off. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:46 PM PST - (NL) Ross is off next. Shannon, Brandi, Chuck, Keshia, James, Ari are left (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:46 PM PST - (NL) Mark is the next down. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:45 PM PST - (NL) Down goes Metta (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:44 PM PST - (NL) Marissa is the first HG down. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:44 PM PST - (NL) A song and dance number starts and out comes BB18 & BB19 Paul Abrahamian singing the tune. Rachael Reiley has also joined in and calls out Jody from BB14 but immediately cuts to Jody (Jessica & Cody) from BB19. Paul finishes the tune with a callout to Mr. Pectacular who does his classic pose. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:40 PM PST - (NL) All HG's are standing on the standing upright holding the statue except James who has mounted the top portion and is wrapped his legs around it as well. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:39 PM PST - (NL) HOH comp is "Award Squeezin' " HG's have to wrap their arms around an oversized HOH award, squeeze tight and hang on. When Julie starts the game, the award will raise and whoever hangs on the longest will become the first HOH (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:38 PM PST - (NL) Julie asks everyone to randomly choose a star on the ground. 1-Mark 2-Keshia 3-Brandi 4-James 5-Omarosa 6-Metta 7-Ari 8-Ross 9-Shannon 10-Marisa 11-Chuck Julie announces the winning number is #5 making Omarosa SAFE (and not competing in the HOH) (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:35 PM PST - (NL) First HOH competition starting. BY is a fancy awards ceremony type setup. HG's all in tuxedos. Julie announces an award called "The sexiest celebrity not appearing on the block" Julie is holding an envelope that contains a number and whichever HG ends up on the star that has that number will be safe from the block. And because that person is safe, they will NOT compete in the HOH comp tonight. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:32 PM PST - (NL) Shannon, Keshia & Brandi in the KT talking about needing to win the first HOH. Brandi chimes in an says "You got a bro code....we need a Hoe code". Shannon and Keshia try to hold it in without laughing (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:29 PM PST - (NL)Omarosa and Shannon have bonded and want to stick together because no one would expect it. Ari and Marisa join in the blue room and create a 4 person team. They want to win the first HOH and put up 2 of the guys. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:27 PM PST - James has a conversation with Omarosa who asks where she would know him from. After talking about his show and band, he asks Omarosa where she was from. She said The Apprentice and James asked "Who were you an apprentice to?" and she confirmed Donald Trump. James said "oh" (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:25 PM PST - Shannon and Marissa find the bar room and have a quick chat to act like they don't know each (which they do) (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:25 PM PST - Omarosa enters the house and cameras cut to Ross who is shocked. Cut to DR with Ross who says "Walking through that front door is Omarosa. When people ask me who you don't want to see in the house? My answer is is Omarosa. I can't do the toxicity and negativity. Oh my...Omarosa" (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:19 PM PST - (NL) Final 6 HG's are called out on stage. Omarosa came out, center stage, did a fancy turn in her fancy dress before joining the lineup. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:15 PM PST - (NL) Marissa's intro includes her son Zev who she said is the biggest BB fan. He gets choked up when Marissa tells him she is going on the show (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:13 PM PST - (NL) In Shannon's intro she said she is a fan in a category above a super fan who has watched every season of BB. She plans on bringing her poker read skills into the house for an advantage (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:11 PM PST - (NL) HG's checking out the house. Ross & Brandi stumble upon the room between the bathroom and kitchen which is a bar setup. Brandi shown sipping a drink in a fancy glass (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:09 PM PST - (NL) First 5 celebs to enter the CBB house are Ari, Metta, Ross, Mark & Brandi (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:08 PM PST - (NL) During MWP's intro, he was shooting baskets and out walks Los Angeles Lakers co-owner Jeanie Bus who said she is the biggest Big Brother fan (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:01 PM PST - (NL) Julie's opening - Tonight we're making history as we kick off our first ever Celebrity BB. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
05:00 PM PST - (NL) Season Premier of BB:CE starts right now! All updates during the premier will be marked (NL) as not live w/ feeds at this point. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
04:52 PM PST - (2:44) Omarosa: Keshia basically has Chuck and James p*ssd at her. Do you want to try to rally to have a unanimous vote, or just leave it at be? Shannon: I don't think it matters. (Continues..)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
04:47 PM PST - (5:42) Omarosa goes back to scenarios.. she thinks Mark wil put up her and Shannon, and whoever comes down, the other gets voted out. Omarosa: Metta.. who knoows. ... Ross? Shannon: I think Ross'll put up Chuck and Metta. I do. Omarosa: Marissa? Shannon: Chuck & Metta. Omarosa: Brandi? Shannon: I think they all would. I think they're down with that... They might backdoor Chuck, that's the other option. Omarosa: That's true.. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
Why We Need a ‘Crocodile Dundee’ Sequel
By DAMIEN CAVE from NYT Australia
04:41 PM PST - (5:42) Shannon: I won't be surprised if I'm NOT on the block [next time], because I WILL expect the back-door. Omarosa: I'll [probably] be up there with you. (Continues..)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
04:28 PM PST - (2:41) Omarosa: Let's go through each scenario... If Mark wins, he's putting you and I up - he's not backdooring. Shannon: You think so? (Continues..)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
04:22 PM PST - (2:40) Shannon: If Metta wins [HOH] he could do... Omarosa *rolls eyes up*: If Metta wins, the end of the game is over *laughs* He's gonna be the 1st HOH to ever put HIMSELF on the block. NT *both laugh* Shannon mimics him: Yeh, can I just go home? Omarosa follows: I nominate myself for eviction! Shannon smiles: That's so funnyyy. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
04:18 PM PST - (2:40) While thinking about numbers for the next potential scenario... Shannon: If I were them (the boys) I would put up Ari and Marissa, and backdoor. I'd put up two girls that are the most liked, then.. (backdoor). Omarosa: We gotta get them to not put you up... (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
04:15 PM PST - (2:38) Omarosa to Shannon: Listen... the first chance I get - I'm putting Ross up! Mark comes in asking if they want a coffee. He takes Shannon's order and leaves. Omarosa wants to go over numbers again, and how many people vote. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
04:13 PM PST - (2:38) Omarosa: Have you made any in-roads with Ross? Shannon: I told you in the beginning, and he, Marissa, and I were trying to make something. But my gut says they have a final two. NT Shannon: They're both flying UNDER the radar. *Omarosa purses lips and nods* Shannon: That's why at the meetings they don't say much... Omarosa: EVER. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
04:09 PM PST - (2:38) Omarosa: I mean, atleast you don't have someone explicitly telling you to your face - like the Ross situation *frowns*. I haven't let it bother me, but it bothered me a lot, Shannon. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
04:08 PM PST - (2:37) Omarosa: As backup, we have Chuck - if all h*ll breaks loose. If not, we stay with the girls. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
04:07 PM PST - (2:37) Omarosa to Shannon: We're just two. We need to have atleast 3 people voting our way -- at any given time, until the #s dwindle down. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
04:06 PM PST - (2:36) Shannon: The more I think about it, the more I think it'll be a "luck" kinda game (next HOH?).. Like they *points up, as if to refer to production* were talking about the blinker board, the put-put.. Ya know where it something falls into a number and someone wins. It could very well be something like that. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
Wednesday Night Tea & Reality Viewing Schedule – February 7th
Famous people need better security systems – dlisted
Gary Oldman’s third ex wife speaks out about the abuse she endured – Celebitchy
Jenelle denies the latest round of pregnancy speculation – starcasm
Bridezillas is back! – The Ashley’s Reality Roundup
Nope, Nope and Nope! – The Fashion Spot
Nicole Eggert officially files police report against Scott Baio – Dlisted
8 PM EST –
Big Brother: Celebrity Edition (CBS)
My 600-lb Life (TLC)
9 PM EST –
The Amazing Race (CBS)
Guy’s Grocery Games (Food Network)
Relative Success with Tabatha (Bravo)
Little Women: Atlanta (Lifetime)
Black Ink Crew (VH1)
10 PM EST –
WAGS Atlanta (E!) – finale
Family By The Ton (TLC)
Catfish (MTV)
11 PM EST –
WWHL (Bravo) – Cecily Strong and Whitney Cummings
Photo Credit: C Flanigan/Getty Images
The post Wednesday Night Tea & Reality Viewing Schedule – February 7th appeared first on Reality Tea.
from Reality Tea
03:49 PM PST - (2:36) Omarosa: You have to watch the numbers... Ari, Brandi, Marissa, & Ross. We are out-numbered. Shannon: I know. NT Omarosa: Idk how we'll get them apart. We have to start- I mean they just decided who they are going to vote for, strong. Shannon: If we don't keep the girls and Ross in power, we could be in a lot of trouble. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
Celebrity Big Brother Preview: Premiere Episode Photos!
There is less than an hour before the Celebrity Big Brother premiere. For the last couple days, CBS has been going in overload mode with giving us sneak peeks, pictures, preview videos, and new details about the season. We know a lot now about Big Brother: Celebrity Edition, but we’re still in the dark about so much of it. Tonight’s Big Brother episode should answer all our questions, like who is the current Head of Household, and how did they get that way?
Tonight, Celebrity Big Brother kicks off by introducing us to the eleven houseguests who will spend two weeks and a half in the Big Brother game. It’s going to be a blink and you might miss it kind of season. With such a short time to play, we expect the celebrities to come in swinging, and to not stop taking hits until they leave the Big Brother game.
One major thing that was released this week is pictures from the Celebrity Big Brother premiere. In these pictures, we see the Head of Household competition. It’s clearly an endurance one. The houseguests must outlast each other by staying on an Oscar figurine. The pictures show James Maslow, Chuck Liddell, and a few others holding on for their Big Brother lives.
The pictures also show the celebrities waiting to enter the house, meeting one another, in the diary room, and introducing themselves to the audience, which is what tonight’s episode is all about.
With such a short time, CBS will be airing Celebrity Big Brother three nights in a row, and then another episode on Sunday. So get ready for all Big Brother, all the time. Check out the premiere episode pictures below, and let us know how excited you are for the new Big Brother season.

(Click the Pictures for a closer look)
Join us tonight for a few notes on the Celebrity Big Brother premiere episode. Then come back tomorrow morning for the first official recap of the episode and Live Feeds. Stay tuned!
Keep it here all winter for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Celebrity Big Brother . We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!
from Big Brother Access
03:47 PM PST - (5:36) Omarosa: The mental strength that it takes... like, Mark is cracking. He was the last one I'd think, but he is CRACK-ING. It takes a lot of mental toughness. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:45 PM PST - (5:35) Omarosa says she'd rather have a backup plan, because the women are so "wish-washy" *does swooshing sounds and moves arms back and forth* (Continues..)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:38 PM PST - (2:35) After Chuck leaves, Omarosa looks at Shannon for a sec, then says "He's our insurance policy." Shannon: I have so many ideas, but I'm so scared to talk to ANYBODY. Because, if that gets back to anybody... Omarosa: I was doing all the talking.. I was.. (as if not for her to worry) Shannon: I know, but just.. *she pull the covers back from Oma's microphone* Omarosa assures her again that she was doing most the talking, and that she's not afraid to talk. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:34 PM PST - (2:34) Chuck gets up and says he has to go take his medicine. Omarosa asks who they were singing Happy Birthday to earlier. It was James' dad? (to cams) Chuck exits as Omarosa says she was glad they got to talk with him. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:32 PM PST - (2:34) Omarosa: Yeh.. we've been keepin' our eye on Mark. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:32 PM PST - (2:34) Chuck talks about how Mark goes along with anything.. He gives an example of when Chuck was talking about a BB term... Mark said he'd never heard that before - and Chuck said so-and-so said it on whatever season, and Mark was like "Oh yeh, that's where I heard it before" Even though he just said he'd never heard it.. Chuck chuckles. Omarosa says "That's funny" and "wow" and chuckles. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:24 PM PST - (2:33) Shannon: Would you ever put up the guys? Chuck: Oh yeh! *chuckles and looks off* Two of 'em... I mean Metta wants to go anyway.. I wouldn't wanna give him up for free though, cause I think he'd vote for me if I asked him to *shrugs a shoulder* And Mark is up for whoever is the path of least resistance... Omarosa: Which is why he is more of a target than you are. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:21 PM PST - (2:32) Omarosa tells Chuck he's not her target today, 100%, and gives her word. Chuck says he keeps hearing he's not the target. O tells him again he's not their target, and that when he talks to them he won't get lying or weaseling AT ALL - AT ALL. Chuck: Alright, cool. Thanks Scott for correction (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:19 PM PST - (2:32) Omarosa: Have you talked to anyone else? Chuck: I haven't talked to anyone yet - I was waiting to see what happened with the (POV?) I thought it'd work the other way.. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:17 PM PST - (2:32) Omarosa to Chuck: Well you've got two girls here (her/Shannon) who play with incredible integrity. We've given our word to the women, but we're DYING .. DYING to work with you. NT Shannon to Chuck: PLEASE keep our confidence. Chuck pauses: I will. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:16 PM PST - (2:32) Chuck: In hindsight, there are a lot of changes I would've made in the game. But it is what it is, ya know what I mean? (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:15 PM PST - (2:32) Omarosa: James didn't talk to me until he got on the block. By then it was too late. Chuck: Oh yeh.. for sure.. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:14 PM PST - (2:31) Chuck says he's talked with James about trying to get a couple girls, like Shannon/Omarosa to pair up with. Omarosa says they should've came to them earlier, before they got picked up by the girls - because they (Shannon/Omarosa) needed safety. Chuck's just like "yeh" - he keeps resting his chin in his hand as if he's trying to beg but feels they're not going to help him. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
'Celebrity Big Brother' host Julie Chen reveals house changes and "special treatment" for celebrities
Celebrity Big Brother host Julie Chen admits there were some advantages to entering the Big Brother house as a celebrity vs. a regular person.
from Reality TV World latest news stories
03:09 PM PST - (2:30) Chuck tells Omarosa that the girls can pick off the guys anytime they want, but someone's going to have to attack the girls. Omarosa says she/Shannon are not betraying the girls. NT But says when rubber hits the road, they can talk when it's time. Chuck says he'll take all the help he can get. Omarosa tells him he is their favorite, but laughs that they've tried not to show their hand about faving him. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:08 PM PST - (2:30) Omarosa/Shannon on bed. Omarosa to Chuck: We gave our word to support women, but the truth of the matter is, Shannon & I are going to be targets. And we wanna work... we're not betraying our girls, I'm just saying. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
03:05 PM PST - (2:30PM) Feeds return. (NT)
from BBUSA Updates (Joker's Updates)
Celebrity Big Brother Spoilers: Week 1 HOH, POV, and Nom Results!
Celebrity Big Brother finally begins tonight. It feels like we have been waiting forever for the new Big Brother series to start, because back in September, we didn’t know what to expect or think when Julie Chen announced plans for Big Brother: Celebrity Edition. Now, we’re only a few more hours away from the start of something new and exciting. It’s going to be a quick season but hopefully one worth the wait.
CBS has been kind enough to give us a sneak peek of the season. For three days, Big Brother has shown us a little of the Celebrity Big Brother Live Feeds, which also begin tonight. In the Live Feeds previews, with the addition of some Reddit help, we were able to learn a few spoilers about tonight’s Celebrity Big Brother episode.
Celebrity Big Brother will be fast tracked, so we’ll have at least two evictions every week. The first one is likely this Friday, but there is a possibility of one Thursday and then another on Friday, or two on Friday. That means double the amount of stress each week, but luckily going into tonight’s Big Brother episode, we already know the results of the Head of Household, Power of Veto, and nomination ceremony.
Apparently, Celebrity Big Brother started intense competitions early with an endurance one. The houseguests had to hang on Oscars. Whoever lasted the longest became the new Celebrity Big Brother Head of Household. Shannon Elizabeth outlasted them all and became The Head of Household.
Later, the Power of Veto competition was played. It was the spelling won. Once again, Shannon won. She holds most of the power this week. This spelling competition also seems to have involved rewards and punishments because James Maslow and Ariadna Gutierrez have to crawl around as babies for their punishments.
We know that Shannon nominated James Maslow and Chuck Liddell. James is Shannon’s current target–due to just not being someone the women seem to like very much (also he’s probably a physical threat to them).
We’re not sure why Chuck was nominated yet, but he seems very well liked in the house. Shannon and the women were also considering taking Chuck down, and putting up Mark McGrath in his place.
Mark annoyed many of the female houseguests during the POV competition. Mark is not their target, but they were considering making a statement by nominating him.
There was also a secret power given out this week, and Keshia Knight Pulliam won it. We’re not sure exactly how, but the power allows her to take Shannon’s place as HOH. We doubt she’ll use this power, at least this week. If it’s a multiple week power, she may use it at some point. But with such a short season, seems like it’ll only be good for this upcoming eviction.
The final major spoiler is that the house is already divided with the women against the men.
Join us later tonight for a few notes on the Celebrity Big Brother premiere episode. Then come back tomorrow morning for the first official recap of the episode and Live Feeds. We also have some more preseason stuff coming up tonight, so stay tuned!
Keep it here all winter for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Celebrity Big Brother . We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!
from Big Brother Access
Lauren Burnham was "a mystery" to 'The Bachelor' Arie Luyendyk Jr., he "had no idea" if his feelings were mutual
Lauren Burnham's first one-on-one date with The Bachelor star got off to a rough start, but Arie Luyendyk Jr. believes his patience with the bachelorette ultimately paid off.
from Reality TV World latest news stories
'BBB 18': Jaqueline garante Kaysar na prova do líder

from Extra Online - BBB
'BBB 18': Irmã de Mahmoud diz que ele precisa tirar Ana Paula do jogo: 'Não pode mudar'

from Extra Online - BBB
'BBB 18': Irmã de Mahmoud diz que ele precisa tirar Ana Paula: 'Não pode mudar'

from Extra Online - BBB
'BBB 18': Irmã de Mahmoud diz que ele precisa focar em tirar Ana Paula: 'Não pode mudar'

from Extra Online - BBB
Ramona Singer’s Ex-Husband Mario Singer Evicted His Mistress; Cops Were Called
I would love to see Ramona Singer’s reaction to this news: her ex-husband Mario Singer evicted his former mistress Kasey Dexter out of their Boca Raton apartment. I mean, they are currently filming Real Housewives of New York, so it is actually possible that this might make it into the show. It’s doubtful, but it would be great to catch Ramona throwing a little shade or rolling those infamous eyes of hers.
After dumping Kasey and kicking her out of their shared apartment, a police report was filed after an officer responded to a domestic disturbance at Mario’s apartment.
RadarOnline obtained the eviction notice and the police report from the Boca Raton Police Department from a domestic disturbance that went down on February 1.
Apparently, Mario gave Kelsey five days to leave the apartment on January 26. The reporting officer wrote, “Due to the eviction notice, Singer and Dexter were involved in an ongoing dispute over the status of their relationship.”
Yikes. Considering it’s reported that nothing went down other than a verbal dispute, this is just a breakup gone wrong and I’m sure Ramona is laughing about it. Karma.
RELATED: Kasey Dexter Remains Adamant About Her Affair With Real Housewives Of New York’s Mario Singer
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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Meghan Edmonds Consulted Her Psychic Mystic Michaela Before Quitting Real Housewives Of Orange County
On one hand, it’s pretty surprising that Meghan Edmonds left Real Housewives of Orange County. She was all about sharing her first pregnancy on the show, so I figured that she would love to talk about being pregnant with twin boys. Then again, she really hasn’t contributed to the drama after her first season cancer investigation, so it was about time for her to leave.
Not only that, but she’s basically living in St. Louis with her husband Jim Edmonds, so unless there’s a Real Housewives of St. Louis, it doesn’t make sense for Meghan to be a Real Housewife. Even so, Meghan recently admitted that leaving the show was actually a tough decision to make. She even consulted her psychic Mystic Michaela, who appeared on Real Housewives of Orange County this past season.
In an interview with Life & Style, Meghan shared, “I don’t enjoy the meanness that inherently comes with being a part of the cast. I despise mean people.” Who could she be alluding to with that one? Obviously Meghan cannot stand Vicki Gunvalson and she was at odds with Kelly Dodd when she was reaching for a story line over their text message fight, so they are most likely the “mean people” that Meghan is alluding to.
Then Meghan got into it with Lydia McLaughlin over her religious beliefs during the Season 12 reunion, so it felt like Meghan was setting herself up for some drama next season, but filming that reunion actually had the opposite effect on her. Meghan admitted, “Going into the Season 12 reunion I wanted to come back for Season 13, but by the end of the reunion I knew I was going to leave.”
Meghan revealed, “My husband urged me to sit on my decision for a while so I went back and forth for about a month before coming to my final decision.” Consulting a spouse about a major decision is pretty standard, but Meghan also turned to Mystic Michaela. Meghan shared, “She said I could stay or leave and it was completely up to me.” I’m not a psychic, but I could have told Meghan that as well. If she’s looking for a new adviser, I’m on Michaela’s level. Meghan added, “She could see my life outcomes with either decision.” So could I, Meghan.
RELATED: Vicki Gunvalson, Andy Cohen, & Jim Edmonds React To Meghan Edmonds Leaving Rea
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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Bethenny Frankel Gives An Update On Luann de Lesseps; Kyle Richards Wasn’t Jealous Of Lisa Vanderpump & Dorit Kemsley’s Relationship
Even though Kyle Richards and Bethenny Frankel have been close friends for decades, last night was the first night that they both appeared as Andy Cohen’s guests on Watch What Happens Live.
The Housewives discussed the drama on their shows. Kyle was fresh off of the episode when Lisa Vanderpump ditched Dorit Kemsley in a restaurant and of course, Bethenny had to answer some questions about her costar Luann de Lesseps following her arrest and rehab stint.
Andy asked Bethenny about her show with Fredrik Eklund. He wanted to know, “Who do you think is running the show more between the two of you?” She answered, “I am. I don’t want to say that, but Fredrik would say that also. I run the show. Happy wife, happy life. You know what I mean?” That sounds about right.
Kyle was asked, “What was Bethenny like when you first met?” She joked, “The same. Only poor.” God, I wish they had reality TV back in those days. Kyle and Bethenny on the rise would be some entertaining content.
A viewer asked Bethenny, “What is the status of your friendship with Erika Jayne? I know in Season 6, you had a beef.” Bethenny shared, “Oh god. That was so long ago. I may make an appearance on Beverly Hills this season and you might see Erika and I interacting. We ran into each other at Christina Aguilera’s birthday where she performed. We know people in common. I know her husband, so we’re good.” I love a Housewives crossover. I cannot wait for that.
A caller wanted Kyle and Bethenny to name the person who is the “most exhausting” to be friends with on each of their shows. Without hesitation, Bethenny said, “From mine, Ramona [Singer]. She didn’t even have the verb out yet, and I was like ‘Ramona.'” Once again, that sounds about right. Kyle told Bethenny, “I don’t have anyone.” Really, Kyle? It doesn’t seem “easy” to be friends with most of the Beverly Hills ladies. Then again, Kyle is the only one who consistently gets along with everyone, so maybe it is just easy for Kyle. Bethenny responded with, “Oh, I know. You’re so political. I’m not.”
A fan asked Kyle, “Did you feel jealous when Lisa Vanderpump left the table because you felt that if Dorit were crying, she wouldn’t have left?” That is what Kyle said in the episode, minus the word “jealous,” so it’s really not surprising that Kyle answered, “I didn’t feel jealous. I thought it was strange that Lisa would walk off like that. By the way, we did acknowledge her lawsuit being dropped. We talked about it and we toasted to it. I thought it was weird she walked off and later I thought ‘She wouldn’t have done that with Dorit.’ It wasn’t jealous though. It’s more like, let’s level the playing field here.” Lisa walking out of that restaurant was so ridiculous and unnecessary, but those reaction shots of Dorit and Kyle looking shocked outside the restaurant are premium content for GIF’s and memes so it was definitely worth it.
Bethenny had nothing but positive updates about Luann. She shared, “Luann’s great. I can’t say I’m surprised. We’ve talked about this. Luann is the most resilient strong woman I’ve ever met – maybe. And you know, she hit the wall going 90 and the way you handle something when something bad happens is very character building. It shows a lot about a person. She’s taking care of herself. She’s taking it seriously. She’s not delusional about where she is. She is sort of on a path and she’s in a good place. She’s very honest about exactly where she is and about what happened and about what her goals are. We spent time in a spa and I’m honestly impressed.”
Later in the show, Bethenny clarified her relationship status, saying, “I am single. I did reconnect with someone very recently that I may begin to date. Very recently, but I am single. Don’t believe everything you believe.” Very interesting.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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