Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Survivor: Winners At War Episode 6 Recap: Old Schooled

Survivor: Winners At War Episode 6 Recap: Old Schooled

Well I don’t know about you, but this past week has been one of the most stressful and shocking of my life…I’m sure many of you feel the same. I’m certain that recent events have made us all stop and take stock as to what we DO have in our lives, and one thing that I know I am awfully proud and grateful for – following of course my family, my son, my friends, etc. – is that I get to write. Being a film critic and getting to cover Survivor, my all-time favorite show that I was obsessed with years before writing about it professionally, is truly something that I took for granted. I know that now. What a difference a week makes.

And what a week to write about Survivor. Tonight saw not one, but two legends of the game fall from grace. It’s one deadly knock-out blow after another this season, and this week was no different other than it featured TWO knock-out punches. And if anything is clear as we reach the mid-point of “Winners at War,” it’s this: New School is beating the living hell out of Old School, the latter of which who is down and stumbling around the ring looking for answers that don’t seem to be there.

As I do at the beginning of every recap, please heed the following: Remember that this recap assumes that you have already seen this week’s episode of Survivor: Winners at War. If you have not and don’t want to be spoiled, please come back later! It’s important to add that while we WILL hit on all of the important developments of the episode, this is not a linear “blow-by-blow” recap. It is more of a discussion and reaction of what we just witnessed together.


Survivor: Winners At War Episode 6 Recap: Old Schooled

If Sandra fancies herself “The Queen” of Survivor, she must never have seen Game of Thrones. People are coming for that throne, my Queen. And it’s an all-out bloodbath. As Wendell so bluntly put it, to win this season, he’ll stab you in the back, stab you in the front, stab you wherever is needed in order to come out on top. You CANNOT get comfortable. And you definitely cannot sit back on your throne and expect that these other champions are going to bow down at your feet.

I’ll get to Sandra in a bit, but she wasn’t the only legend sent packing tonight. Parvati too, saw her torch snuffed and was sent to The Edge without getting the opportunity to utilize her new “Idol Nullfier” power that she purchased from Tyson. Speaking of The Edge, with a total of eight former winners now populating The Edge of Extinction, a whopping SEVEN of them are bona fide “old school” players/legends. Only Natalie, voted out first, is from a recent season. Then you have Danni, Amber, Ethan, Boston Rob, Tyson and now Parvati and Sandra. So what’s the take-away? Why is old school old news?

Survivor: Winners At War Episode 6 Recap: Old Schooled

It’s not blanket across the board, but in general these old-schoolers have had way more time for their wins to marinate, and way more time to cement their “legendary” status within the game. Of the voted-out winners thus far, only Natalie and Danni are playing this game for the second time, the rest of them have a combined 17 seasons (!!!) in the game, 19 if you count Rob and Sandra‘s mentoring the “Island of the Idols” season (I don’t). And in fact, of the 12 players remaining “in the game,” only three of them – Jeremy, Tony and Sarah – have played multiple seasons. So while yes, past friendships/relationships is a major theme and factor in this season, I think it’s unquestionable that the real theme at play here is this whole “new school vs. old school,” or as Kim phrased it tonight, those that are threats and those that are not.

I don’t quite buy that this data means that new schoolers are necessarily “better.” I think there is something to say about how challenging it is to come into the game not only as a winner (which puts them all on equal footing), but as a legend of the game (a scale in which they are all starting from different points on the spectrum). That is partially why I have always talked about how impressive I thought that made Sandra‘s overall legacy once she won that second time…to have come in as a previous winner and win among other great players? That’s impressive, sorry haters. However, as we’ve seen week-in and week-out this season so far, these so-called “legends” have shown major weaknesses. Namely, that over and over they seem to underestimate their opponents, maybe believing a bit too much in their own statuses as being “legends.” Boston Rob said this season, plainly, that he underestimated some of these players, and that it wouldn’t happen again. The problem with the old schoolers this season is, they’re playing “Winners at War,” and well, “second chances” are for losers.

Survivor: Winners At War Episode 6 Recap: Old Schooled

From the perspective of the newer winners, like Ben, this “lack of respect” is ultimately what is costing the legends. Boston Rob thought that he could control other winners? Sandra thinks that she can somehow manipulate Denise? Of all of the old players, Parvati to me was the most impressive. Watching her “chess match” with Wendell this episode was a thing of absolute beauty and a sign that this game’s strategy is functioning on next-level territory.

Take for example her interchange with Wendell at Tribal, a conversation they already had back at the beach. Wendell makes the first move, opening back up the offer to accept Fire Tokens in exchange for his vote. Parvati counters by calling his bluff. Wendell doubles-down and lets her know that he’s serious, but waits for her to name names as to who they’d be voting out. But Parvati, the chess-master (I said “chess”) that she is, was not buying what Wendell was selling. She knew that if she were to throw out a name, Wendell could quickly and easily use that to vote her out. Wendell – legend in the making – went toe-to-toe with Parvati – one of the greatest to ever play – and he came out on top. Check-mate. But Parvati never for a minute underestimated who she was up against. At least not this week on the show.

Survivor: Winners At War Episode 6 Recap: Old Schooled

It seems that the previous relationship between Michele and Wendell will be one of the other major themes of this season, and as of right now I feel like this may have been a bad move for Michele. Parvati had no one else in the game, she even said as much. Michele lost a major ally, and she herself isn’t shaping up to have too many others soundly in her corner. It seemed like the right thing to do for Nick, and for Yul, who is slowly positioning himself nicely for a deep run. The only thing going against Yul at this juncture is the fact that he’s an old schooler through and through…but his lack of pre-existing relationships with other players could continue to benefit him down the stretch, as more and more of the “bigger targets” are picked off. And I’m getting way ahead of myself, but being an old schooler at the end of the game with a bunch of old school jury members on the other side isn’t all that bad of a scenario.

Survivor: Winners At War Episode 6 Recap: Old Schooled

A word on Wendell: He’s not being given the greatest edit this season, a stark contrast to his calm, cool and collected demeanor from his winning season. If we’re to believe Michele‘s version of events (and why wouldn’t we?), Wendell is a bit of heel this season for scorning Michele in real-life, and he seems to be drinking his own Kool-Aid a bit too heavily at this point as well. Where’s the Wendell that blends in to the background and just chills? Remember Wendell, you win by being Wendell, not Dominick.  Just be you.

And Tony, Tony, Tony (not the hit 90s R&B group, I’m talking about Tony Vlachos). I started off talking about being grateful? I’m grateful for this dude. What an entertaining, great TV personality. But he’s not all laughs, Tony won by smartly positioning himself at Tribal too, and although he was totally exposed and vulnerable tonight, you’ve got to love that even three seasons into his game-play, he’s still sneaking off for long periods of time and hiding in “spy shacks,” er, “spy bunkers.” His paranoia will make him a hard guy to go far with, but here’s hoping we get more, not less, of Tony moving forward.

Survivor: Winners At War Episode 6 Recap: Old Schooled

And now for the main event: Denise. What a move. A, dare I say, “legendary” blindside. Yes, I’ve thrown the word “legendary” around a lot this week, but it’s warranted. She knocked the Queen off of her throne and showed the world and her fellow winners that her being out there this season was no fluke. For the cost of a fire token (one not two, promising to pay Sandra the other one once the move was enacted, a move that never came), Denise took down Sandra, who let’s face it, was not going to be allowed to win this time around. Nobody can take away anything Sandra has accomplished in this game, but her move tonight will go down in Survivor history as one of the biggest blunders ever. I’m talking two Idols in James Clement‘s pocket when he gets voted-out, or Erik Reichenbach (sorry Erik!) giving away his Immunity Necklace and then getting voted-out level blunder. Sandra had Immunity for one more Tribal! Instead of just using it on herself, she thought she could shake-down Denise for a couple Fire Tokens. It cost her everything.

Denise, by the way, was also smart to use her existing Idol on Jeremy, and made it an even bigger move by not letting Jeremy in on it. That’s the way you play to win. Letting Jeremy in a move that big, if discussing this in front of a jury, could be seen as Jeremy’s move, a manipulation of her or something like that. Nope, this was all Denise, a move she will own and a move that absolutely sent earthquakes through the game. The reason she needed to use her Idol on Jeremy was to ensure without a shadow of a doubt that her vote for Sandra would stick. Would if, for example, the vote was switched to Jeremy? Jeremy could have gone home, with Denise having cast a vote for Sandra, which would not have been good at all for Denise’s game. She instantly earned respect from Kim and deepened her alliance with Jeremy, all the while making one of the biggest double-crosses the game has ever seen. I mean, that’s BRUTAL, to take someone’s Idol and use it to vote them out of the game. Like Wendell said, stab them in the back, stab them in the front, just don’t get stabbed.

Survivor: Winners At War Episode 6 Recap: Old Schooled

A quick word on Tyson before I shift gears here. His purchase of a massive jar of peanut butter may have looked like a “Tyson thing to do,” but maybe there is more value in food than we at home can comprehend? While his competitors starve themselves to death, Tyson will be energizing himself for his eventual chance to return to the game. It may be every bit as valuable as buying an “advantage” for the upcoming challenge, and should he win it could propel him to win individual challenges once back in the game.

Survivor: Winners At War Episode 6 Recap: Old Schooled

Legacy Watch: Since the game of Survivor will forever be changed as this season rolls along, I’ve added a new segment where we’ll take a look at whose game legacy’s have taken a hit, and whose have risen, based on the actions of this week’s episode. As mentioned, Sandra‘s legacy takes the biggest hit so far, because we already know that by the end of this season, she will no longer be able to hang her hat on the idea that she’s the game’s only two-time winner. Whoever wins this season will get to compare their two-win resumé up against that of Sandra’s, and Sandra is surely going to fall short of whatever resumé that is. And let’s face it, Sandra’s not winning challenges to get back in the game, she’s hardly competed in any challenges up to this point and it would be an absolute miracle or epic proportions…in other words, only a “Queen” or a legend, or both, would be capable of pulling off such a fete…

On the flip, Denise Stapley just blew through the roof. Kudos to her and her big move. I’d also give a boost to pretty much every other winner left standing in the game at this point. They’ve made it to Top 12, they’ve survived a tribe swap and also a double-elimination challenge. I already think better of all of their legacies, for having been able to get to this point with all of those “legends” now sitting it out on the sidelines.

Survivor: Winners At War Episode 6 Recap: Old Schooled

“Hall of Survivor Villains Gets Ransacked”


Episode Take-Away: I’m still loving this season more than ever, and not just because it’s a much-needed diversion from reality. I really think this is an epic season, with tonight’s episode perhaps being the best one yet. I’ll also say that I can go on record in saying that I am a MAJOR fan of the Fire Tokens, a concept I was very sketchy about when I first heard it. Not only has the show done a good job of not confusing us with how they work, but I LOVE the added layer of the game where players are now starting to barter…not just for items, but for their own votes or actions at Tribal.


Natalie: 4 FT (Fire Tokens)

Michele: 4 FT

Yul: 2 FT

Nick: 2 FT

Denise: 1 FT

Tyson: 1 FT

Jeremy: 1 FT, 1 “leave Tribal before it begins” advantage

Sophie: 1 FT, two-halves of an Immunity Idol (does Sophie have this or did she give to Kim? I think Sophie has it? It’s unclear…)

Kim, Tony, Adam, Ben, Wendell, Ethan, Amber, Danni: 1 FT

Parvati: 0 FT

Boston Rob: 0 FT

Sandra: 0 FT

Sarah: 0 FT, a “Steal a Vote” Advantage

Survivor: Winners At War Episode 6 Recap: Old Schooled

Voted Out This Week: Parvati, Sandra

Won Immunity Challenge: Green Tribe

Vote #1: No advantages or Idols played. 3 – Parvati (Wendell, Yul, Nick), 2 – Wendell (Parvati, Michele).  Parvati gave her three Fire Tokens to Michele.

Vote #2: Denise plays an Idol on herself and a second Idol on Jeremy4 – Denise (Jeremy, Sandra, Kim, Tony), 1 – Sandra (Denise).  Sandra gives her one Fire Token to Yul.

Survivor: Winners At War Episode 6 Recap: Old Schooled

Next Week’s Episode: Yet another chapter in the relationship woes between Michele and Wendell. Elsewhere, Tony is eyeballed as the biggest threat. Honestly, this was maybe one of the lamest, must uneventful-feeling “Next Time On…”‘s that I can remember. Is next week gearing up to suck?

Quick Note! I appreciate that you are reading this recap! Those that have followed me also know that I am also a RottenTomatoes-approved film critic, and with the current coronavirus pandemic, I’ve been putting movie reviews on hold, mainly since none are being released in theaters. In the meantime however, I encourage you to check out my past movie reviews as I am the film critic and Executive Producer of the TV show, “Movie Show Plus,” the #1-rated local program in the Detroit-market (episodes are also available online at the website, As always, the easiest way to get all of my Survivor coverage and movie reviews is to follow me on Twitter – @tomsantilli – or on Facebook.


[Photo Credit: CBS/Monty Brinton/Robert Voets/Timothy Kuratek/Jeffrey Neira/Michele Crowe/David M. Russell]

The post Survivor: Winners At War Episode 6 Recap: Old Schooled appeared first on Reality Tea.

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Kandi Burruss Thinks Porsha Williams Making Up With NeNe Leakes Was Fake; Kenya Moore Has Receipts Proving How Fake Porsha Is

Kandi Burruss Real Housewives Of Atlanta

Kandi Burruss Real Housewives Of Atlanta

That reconciliation between Porsha Williams and NeNe Leakes came out of nowhere. The two of them have barely spoken this season on Real Housewives of Atlanta. Then, Porsha pulls NeNe aside to make up, even though NeNe is the woman who fat-shamed Porsha six days after she gave birth and went crazy on Porsha in her bedroom closet.

How did this happen? Was it even sincere? Kandi Burruss and Kenya Moore don’t think so, which isn’t a surprise. Well, the Kenya part isn’t a surprise. Kandi was the first RHOA cast member to be cool with NeNe (when no one else wanted to film with her) this season and she’s stopped shading Porsha, well, until now that is.

During an episode of the Real Housewives of Atlanta After Show, Kandi joked, “And the Academy Award goes too…” This led to Kenya imitating Porsha crying while she made up with NeNe.

Kenya addressed Porsha, saying, “We got receipts, girl. What are you doing? We’ll never show those receipts.” Kandi confirmed, “No, never.” However, no one believes that. Why talk about having receipts if you’re never going to show them?


RELATED: Kenya Moore Thinks Porsha Williams & Tanya Sam Are Fake Friends


Kenya even emphasized, “But there are receipts.” If they ever film the Season 12 reunion, I’m sure Kenya will show those receipts, most likely text message print-outs.

Kandi said, “Like, you’re the main one who didn’t want to make up with her. It was just like, ‘What are you talking about?’ What?” Clearly, Porsha talked a lot of shit about NeNe in a group text. Or at least that’s what it sounds like.


RELATED: NeNe Leakes & Porsha Williams Speak Out On Their Reconciliation


Kenya added, “What show are we watching?” Kandi pointed out, “They literally live around the corner from each other and never spoke or see each other unless we’re [all] together.”

Aside from claiming they’ll never show these supposed receipts, Kenya doubled down with an Instagram post. Kenya posted a photo of paper receipts and wrote “RHOA Season 12 Reunion will be EPIC! The #TRUTH about all these #FAKE friendships will be exposed. Secrets have been kept way too long. All the snake’s heads will be cut off. My receipts are ready. #RHOA #RHOASeason12Reunion.”


RELATED: NeNe Leakes Says Kenya Moore Is Never Sensitive Toward Others’ Pain; Kandi Burruss Denies Kissing Kenya’s Ass


Hopefully, they get around to filming the Season 12 reunion. As of now, it’s postponed due to Coronavirus concerns.


RELATED: NeNe Leakes Responds To Kandi Burruss Saying She Has “Fake Friends”; NeNe Says “I Have Lots Of Great Friends”



[Photo Credit: Bravo]

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Danielle Staub Shades Melissa Gorga; Says That Opening A Boutique Is “Not That Special”

Danielle Staub finally burned all her bridges with her Real Housewives of New Jersey co-stars. We saw Margaret Josephs pour water over Danielle’s head in a boutique during an argument. Danielle then retaliated by pouring the contents of Margaret’s purse into a large lit candle. Then, she gave Margaret’s ponytail a good yank. Of course, RHONJ viewers learned that Teresa Giudice encouraged Danielle to pull Margaret’s ponytail. That was a shocker!

But when Melissa Gorga decided to meet Danielle to tell her that none of the Jersey Housewives wanted her around, Danielle spilled her secret about Teresa’s role in Margaret’s hair pull. When Melissa told everyone what Danielle had said, Teresa was shocked that Danielle would sell her out. That was the final straw in their relationship, and Teresa dumped Danielle over the phone. That is so high school.

It is obvious that Danielle wouldn’t be making any more appearances on RHONJ after she lost Teresa, her one ally. Did anyone think that Danielle would gracefully exit the show? Puhlease!

In an interview on The Real Housewives of New Jersey After Show, Danielle tossed some shade right at Melissa. When an off-camera producer asked Danielle about Melissa’s reaction to finding out the whole story behind the hair pull, Danielle responded, “It’s so funny. I don’t give Melissa a second thought anymore.” Seriously, Danielle? No one believes that for a second.


RELATED: Danielle Staub Says Ashlee Malleo’s Hair Pull Was More Severe Than When Danielle Did It To Margaret Josephs; Melissa Gorga Disagrees


“Another person that I’m the reason that she’s there, and anyone even knows who she is,” Danielle added. During the Season 2 reunion, Danielle mentioned that Teresa hadn’t gone to the hospital to meet her brother, Joe Gorga, and Melissa’s new baby boy. Teresa went ballistic and pushed Bravo’s national treasure Andy Cohen like he was a rag doll. Of course, Melissa and Joe joined the show in Season 3, infuriating Teresa.

But Danielle wasn’t done insulting Melissa and her boutique, Envy By Melissa Gorga. “Your greatest goal and achievement in your life is opening a boutique,” Danielle said. “Congratulations. Thousands of people do it all the time. It’s not that special.”


RELATED: Marty Caffrey Says He & Danielle Staub Will Never Get Back Together; Danielle Says “Never Say Never”


So, what has Danielle achieved lately in her life? Danielle is getting her own podcast, Absolutely Danielle. If there is one thing that we need, it is another reality star podcast. I wonder how often Danielle will discuss RHONJ and her former co-stars that she no longer thinks about? I must admit, I am a bit curious about what Danielle will say.


RELATED: Marty Caffrey Says Real Housewives Of New Jersey Owe Danielle Staub Their Paychecks & Careers



[Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo]

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Vanderpump Rules Mid Season Trailer: Jax Taylor Questions Marrying Brittany Cartwright; Beau Clark Proposes To Stassi Schroeder

Vanderpump Rules Mid Season Trailer: Jax Taylor Questions Marrying Brittany Cartwright; Beau Clark Proposes To Stassi Schroeder

We are officially halfway through this season of Vanderpump Rules, and so far it has been feuds galore. We’ve had Dayna Kathan feuding with Scheana Marie over Max Boyens. Then Scheana tried to feud with Charli Burnett over Brett Caprioni. Which lead to a feud between Brett and Scheana because he didn’t want to come over for her famous enchiladas. Don’t you ever change, girl.

Stassi Schroeder and Katie Maloney have banished Kristen Doute from their coven because of her on again off again relationship with Brian Carter. Lala Kent and James Kennedy made up, but James’ relationship with Raquel Leviss is hanging by a thread. Tom Sandoval almost got “Jaxed” from Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright’s wedding for saying their heads were in the sand about their pastor. So, is the rest of the season this tumultuous, or does Lance Bass step in and save the day for everyone?

People shared the midseason trailer, and it doesn’t look like anyone is making up anytime soon. Katie and Stassi continue to have it out with Kristen, but Beau Clark ends up in the mix. Stassi yells at him that he can go home with Kristen or with her. What the heck did he do? Still, Stassi doesn’t stay mad at Beau for long. They show a quick clip of him proposing to her in a graveyard. Points to Beau for knowing his lady so well. 

Tom Schwartz and Katie continue to trade barbs about how terrible their sex life is. At one point Tom shouts, “Katie, you’re an idiot!” Tom 1 intervenes, but Tom 2 adds, “That’s why I don’t have sex with her.” I’m pretty sure Tom losing their marriage certificate was no accident.


RELATED: Vanderpump Rules Recap: Finally Maaaaaaairrrriiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddd!


Meanwhile, Scheana sobs about how hard it is to be mid-thirties, divorced and single. She should consider herself the winner in this group. The dating pool of men on the show is slim to none. Dayna might disagree though. In the trailer she’s moved on from Max to Brett. Too bad things didn’t work out with Peter Madrigal, they would have been cute together.

That leaves Max open, and maybe more will be revealed as to why Danica Dow sent her minions to break up Dayna and Max in the beginning of the season. In one scene, Danica schools Max and says, “Congratulations, your plan isn’t going to work.” I don’t see Max thinking too hard to craft a plan, so I’m interested to know what goes down between the two of them. 


RELATED: Vanderpump Rules Star Lala Kent & Randall Emmett Asked James Kennedy To DJ Their Wedding


And of course, we have the obligatory scene of Lisa Vanderpump telling James he needs to get his act together. There’s also the old stand by of Lisa telling Jax he has “a habit of self-destruction.” Lisa does have a soft spot for those two. Maybe they’ll learn the error of their ways this time? James might, but it seems that Jax does not.

In the trailer, Stassi tells Jax he’s not The Hulk (at least it’s not a Game of Thrones reference), and he has the ability to control himself. Jax denies it, and says, ”I don’t. I’m thinking about my wedding, it just was so quickly and I feel like, did I do the right thing?” I think we all know the answer to that question, so instead, I’ll comment on the fact that I really like the friendship between Jax and Stassi. It seems very genuine. 


RELATED: Are Tom Sandoval & Ariana Madix Invited To Stassi Schroeder & Beau Clark’s Wedding?


Later, Brittany cries to Jax and says, “I just don’t want you to start going back into your old ways!” Sorry Britt, but you know what you got yourself into. As Kristen astutely says at the end of the trailer, “Jason is gone, and Jax is back.” And I am here for that!


RELATED: Vanderpump Rules Star Lala Kent Says She Would Only Get Coronavirus If God Wants Her To Get Publicity For Her Wedding



[Photo Credit: Gustavo Caballero/Bravo] 

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Vanderpump Rules Recap: Finally Maaaaaaairrrriiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddd!

Brittany Cartwright Vanderpump Rules

Brittany Cartwright Vanderpump Rules

Jax Taylor finally got married on last night’s Vanderpump Rules, metamorphosing from Jax to Jason. Even so Tom Sandoval was the true knight in shining armor. Tom had tampons, tissues, White Claw, vodka, an endless supply of giving and support. What did Jax have besides patchy sideburns and a mistaken understanding that getting married does not allow one legal ownership over your spouses breast implants.

Although how fantastic would it be if Brittany Cartwright threw the removed implants on the table at their inevitable divorce trial?! Which from the mid-season preview seems like it’s coming sooner rather than later. The shelf life of an implant is what – max, 10 years? The shelf life of a marriage to Jax Taylor has to be more like 2.2 years. Maybe 2.4 if there’s an extended separation. And probably more like 1.4 if Vanderpump Rules cameras turn off. Marriage Bootcamp only films for 5 weeks.

Anyhoodle, yes, Jax and Brittany finally finally finally made it down the aisle in the unrelenting sun of a Kentucky summer, leaving their guests to wilt and melt in 96 degree weather without any shade. Except for Tom 1 running around holding out parasols. Add that to his list of positives! After all this Jax only gives Tom 1 a B- or C in the best man performance grade.

Jax Taylor Vanderpump Rules

Meanwhile Tom 2 who made a 20 minute best man speech in which he dropped the f-bomb, outed Brittany for being a pot head and reminded everyone that Jax was as womanizing ho and drunk was given an A+? That grading curve is faaaar too steep! Brittany’s parents defined southern manners (shocking, I know) when they mostly kept their facial expressions to a bare minimum of disgust for their new son-in-law and his liberal friends.

Lisa Vanderpump Vanderpump Rules

So this wedding! Lisa Vanderpump dressed like an extra from Gone With The Wind and praised Jax for truly transforming into a man. Jax ate a cheeseburger because he saw a vision of his dad in the sesame seed bun which is a sign that heaven exists, and heaven has a southern accent and a gay pasture. Oh yeah, Lance Bass arrived, attempting dapper with grey hair and glasses, but honestly is this guy trying to resuscitate his career by hosting celebrity weddings (or reality shows)?

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Brittany Cartwright Vanderpump Rules

Lance was fine. Also Jax and Brittany were fine at pretending they were overjoyed that their original pasture was kicked out. Their vows seemed like they were written by 6th graders on wide rule notebook paper with a color change pen. Pledging to not forget each other over summer vacation.

Meanwhile Brittany told us at least 42 times that she’s dreamed of getting married ever since she was a little girl. Call me judgmental, but isn’t it a little bit pathetic for marriage to be woman’s ONLY goal in the year 2020?

Rand almost missed the entire thing because his personal assistant wasn’t there to remind him to get dressed. Lala Kent really needs to stop pretending she’s marrying Spielberg. Stassi Schroeder and Katie Maloney spent 2 hours steaming Brittany’s dress because as part of Jax’s budgeting he decided to skimp on dry cleaning. Kristen Doute loves Carter, she loves him not. She wants Carter in her bed, she wants him in Scheana Marie‘s. She wants him in the castle, she wants him in the Holiday Inn.

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Tom Schwartz Katie Maloney Vanderpump Rules

The shade appeared for the reception where there was a tent. And, according to Beau Clark, air conditioner. Lisa lectured Tom and Katie on living a lie about their marriage license and questioned if Tom sabotaged intentionally. That’s a rhetorical question, right?

Stassi Schroeder Beau Clark Vanderpump Rules

Beau and Stassi discussed getting married. Despite Beau not dropping down on one knee in the middle of the tent to propose, Stassi kept the Dark Passenger tucked away in her Chanel bag and focused on hating Kristin and catching the bouquet. Kristen cried over Carter and tried to decide if she believes he loves her, and wondered how she wasted 4 years on another Mr. Wrong. Um, because Kristen you are Ms. Wrong. And two wrongs do not make a [Cart]Wright.

Kristen Doute Vanderpump Rules

As Brittany chucks her bouquet over the balcony she decides she doesn’t want Kristen to catch it because that obviously means she’s stuck marrying Carter. But Kristen always fights for the bouquet at the wedding. Of course she does. That’s the type of superstition she would go in for. Believing that she’ll be doomed and eternally single if she doesn’t get whacked in the face with this 4 pound sweaty shrub; grubby with another woman’s hopes and expectations. Already wilting and a little worse for the wear, like marriage the day after the wedding is over. But nonetheless of course Kristen will fight for it. Thinking catching it will transform her into Mariposa. She’ll be able to emerge from her cocoon of dysfunction and flutter into the waiting arms of the perfect man. It turns out Brittany’s teenaged cousin Amanda catches the damned thing so hopes dashed again!

Tom Sandoval Vanderpump Rules

After the reception, Jax and Brittany welcomed their inner circle back to the castle where a huddle of Hooters girls let them dance through a tunnel of chicken wings and ranch. Then Jax threw a tantrum because the castle charged guests for the drinks from the bar, even though he spent $100k on the wedding and had a case of vodka for his friends to drink. Um, what if people want wine? Or whiskey? Or White Claw? Better call Tom 1! Once again he saved the day by locating the vodka and setting it up.

Tom 2 got wasted. Scheana made out with a random groomsman after twerking on him in hot pants, post reception. Cause of course she did. The next morning Jax sat straight up in bed at 10am, one hour before their 11am checkout, after having an unsettling nightmare that he was married. And not to a giant pair of inflatable tits (Well not officially) either!

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Not wanting to be charged for late checkout, Jax ran around waking people up and throwing them out. Brittany just threw open the balcony doors and yelled to the cows below “WE’RE GETTING MAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIRRRRRIIIIEEED!” Over and Over. One man’s nightmare is another woman’s dream.

Dayna Kathan Danica Dow Vanderpump Rules

Back in LA the world turned as usual. Actually less tilted than usual. After abruptly dumping Max Boyens for cheating Dayna Kathan has had a change of heart. See there are two restaurants named Jones in LA. One a romantic Italian place, the other a causal brunch spot. It turns out Max and his ex were at the latter, but Dayna jumped the gun after being fed a pack of baloney by the SUR girls that he’s a habitual cheater, and his alibi is moldier than last weeks’ lunch meat. Now Dayna wants him back. I was all like YES – now here’s the drama we’ve been seeking from these new slumps. Who, sweet and vapid as they are, really lack the organic chemistry and propensity for high drama of the OG cast in their early days.

Danica Dow tries to warn Dayna that the number of dollar signs on a restaurant’s Yelp profile does not preclude its cheatability. That it’s entirely possible that Max and Rando were getting morning-after brunch following a night of hooking up. I think Danica has the right idea, but Dayna chooses not to believe her because Danica got a DUI and has to blow into a breathalyzer every time she starts her 2004 Toyota Corolla. That’s the most SUR thing about these new SURvers. Danica doesn’t seem bent out of shape about endangering the lives of others, because her DUI was for a good cause: she was driving 5 friends to an afterparty in the Hollywood Hills. And you know… Uber doesn’t go up that high?? What??

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Raquel Leviss Vanderpump Rules

Speaking of drinking problems, there is James Kennedy and his perpetual promises to get sober. Raquel Leviss is giving him another another (another) chance but this time she thinks like maybe perhaps kinda possibly he means it. Like he drives her to work in his car then heads to a party in the Hollywood Hills and he definitely super positively will not be drinking because, like, he drove. One can’t drive there, Lyft back? Raquel-logic is often flawed. James-logic is often intentionally demented. These two are each other’s own worst enemies. Raquel’s friends smile vacancy and nod while her eyes fill gently with tears as she swears this time James means it. Same pasta, different sauce.

Before heading over to Tom Tom to ask Max for another chance Dayna consults Charli Burrnett about what to do. Charli is the only one asking the obvious: what the hell is it about Max that all these girls want because he seems like kind of a dud. Is Charli our  newest idiot savant? The Raquel to our Raquel? She’s right though. I mean Max is a’ight, but he’s sort of scrawny and overly intense, and also very disengaged. His personality seems contrived to convey maximum disinterest. According to Dayna none of that matters because he has a big dick. Girl — do not do that man a solid by announcing that on TV after you know deep in your heart that he really did cheat and is kinda secretly relieved he got caught so he can avoid things becoming a bigger and nastier deal down the road when he does it again after your exclusivity has lasted more than 4 days.

Sure enough when Dayna strolls into Tom Tom to ask him for another chance Max doesn’t even pretend to think it over. I mean even Jax would muster up some phony emotions to bilk maximum drama. This is exactly what’s wrong with these new people. They lack the effervescent drama and intensity of the originals. Who were the type of people who could turn any old thing, like lunch at a basic restaurant, into something palpably messy. The new people are all sane-ish conversations and controlled emotions. They lack the passion and fervency. They lack the unhinged unpredictability. They lack the drunkeness.

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No one wants to see two adults reasonably decide their relationship didn’t work. We want to see Dayna learn Max cheated, dredge his necklace through the kitty litter box, then throw it on his face screaming that he’s a piece of shit. We want to then see Dayna discovering that Max was at the wrong restaurant. Or actually that a totally different Tom Tom employee who was having lunch with a different girl. We want to see Dayna freaking out on Audriana behind the SUR dumpsters because she ruined her one chance of happiness. Then we expect to see Dayna throw off her apron, bail on her shift at SUR and storm into Tom Tom to confront Max in front of customers, demanding he give her another chance or she’ll tell everyone he has a small dick. We expect Max to throw a huge tantrum back (a meltdown that includes swiping glasses off the bar and crying), because Dayna accused him of being a liar and he would NEVER lie. Then he’ll stomp out of his own restaurant to call Danica on the phone and yell at her for being a meddling bitch while Dayna chases after him. Of course we want to see Tom and Tom finding out about Max’s freak out, and deciding whether or not to fire him (ultimately they won’t blaming Dayna and the dramatic girls of SUR). And ultimately Max will go over to Dayna’s dumpy apartment to agree to getting back together if she disinfects his necklace. Or possibly he’ll show up at SUR where he’ll confront Audriana in another scene, then take Dayna back. This is because they are bonded by everyone being against their love and mutually screaming at Audriana together. Finally, 3 months later, we’ll learn that Max had cheated. That he actually had a threesome with the ex and Audriana. Because this is 2007. Or at least 2012 when the SUR drama wasn’t reheated goat cheese balls fried a second time in yesterday’s oil.

What I’m saying is that these new people really need to step up the heat.


[Photo Credits: Bravo]

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