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Wednesday, September 28, 2016
American Horror Story: Roanoke: A Little Explanation and a Whole Lot of WTF Thanks to Lady Gaga
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Nikki and Brie Bella grace 'Muscle & Fitness' magazine cover
Nikki Bella and Brie Bella are showing off their sculpted abs and talking about their new Total Bellas reality series in the latest issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine.
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Law and Order: SVU Puts Its Own Spin on Steven Avery and Making a Murderer With Joe Biden
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Big Brother Over the Top Premiere Recap: Meet the New Houseguests!
The Big Brother Over the Top cast was revealed a few days ago, and now we get to see them in action for the first time on tonight’s fall season premiere!! We’ve already decided on a few of the houseguests as our early favorites based on first impressions from their interviews. Like Cornbread the country boy. Yes, there is actually a player who calls himself Cornbread. You just gotta love Big Brother casting.
Overall the Big Brother Over the Top cast is quite intriguing and definitely a bit different from the usual players we get for the show in recent year. We can’t help but wonder if that might be somewhat because normal Big Brother casting director Robyn Kass reportedly did not pick out the BBOTT houseguests. Instead, it was supposedly the folks who usually cast Survivor who chose the Big Brother Over the Top cast members.
Sure, there are plenty of ‘model wannabes’ and ‘probably looks good with his shirt off’ guys, just like every season. However, there seems to be a much wider mix of so-called ‘real’ people in this cast. Although, once again, there are plenty of complaints out there on social media about the lack of diversity among the houseguests yet again.
The photos and CBS bios released in the cast reveal on Monday are all well and good, but we are always most eager for the show to premiere. That’s where you start to really get a sense of their personalities and possible game play strategies going into the house. We’re ready to get this party started, see what new twists this special CBS All Access only season has in store, and take a closer look at our new players entering the Big Brother Over the Top house tonight!
Join us for our live Big Brother Over the Top recap of tonight’s premiere episode right here starting at 7:00 PM PT/10:00 PM ET! Please be sure to refresh this page frequently during the show for the latest updates!
More coming soon… Check out our Twitter box below for even more live coverage of tonight’s show!
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Hilary Duff is Team Josh on Younger and She's Not Sorry About It
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Teresa Giudice Blames Jacqueline Laurita For Vermont Trip Drama
Teresa Giudice is carefully crafting her new zen persona, and she’d like us all to know that she had NOTHING to do with the drama that unfolded in Vermont on this week’s Real Housewives of New Jersey! She’s a peacemaker now, after all. <eye roll> Teresa is right about one thing though: Jacqueline Laurita has lost all of her surgically enhanced marbles, and is basically flying her freak flag all over this season of RHONJ.
In her blog, Teresa shares that she’d hoped for a nice relaxing getaway to Vermont. Instead, there was “drama, drama and more drama!” Having made up with Jacqueline before the trip, Teresa hoped her frenemy would behave herself. “But everything that happened with her on this episode made me start to question her again. Whenever there was drama on this episode, Jacqueline was involved,” she admits. Too true.
Jacqueline started getting messy even before the trip began by “stirring the pot when she called Kathy [Walkile] and Rosie [Pierri] to find out what happened when we met to talk things over – with Siggy and Dolores sitting right there. Really? Why is she so interested in issues I am having with my family?”
During their endless bus ride to Vermont, Teresa also took issue with Jacqueline rehashing the Kathy/Rosie drama in front of the entire group. “I mean, why does she care? She also got into it with Robyn on the bus ride. As Jacqueline sat there arguing with Robyn, I was thinking, ‘What is going on with her?'”
Teresa staunchly defends her friend, Robyn, who Jacqueline called one of her “soldiers” on the trip. “That’s ridiculous,” blogs Teresa. “She is a grown woman who can do and say whatever she likes. I would never even think to call any of my friends ‘soldiers.’ I think Jacqueline wants soldiers of her own and that’s why she said that.” Hmm. While Teresa is not the most introspective person on the planet, I think she may be onto something there.
RELATED: Teresa Welcomes A Danielle Staub Return To RHONJ
After ridiculous arguments about whose a$$ should have gotten raged on, Teresa claims she just wanted peace. “I understand that Robyn got mad, but what she did wasn’t right. But Jacqueline didn’t stop either. She just kept pushing Robyn’s buttons.”
“All I can say is that I saw sides of Jacqueline that I never have before, which makes me wonder if I even know who she really is.”
Hinting that we ain’t seen nothin’ yet, Teresa warns viewers, “If you thought this week was crazy? Just wait ’til next week! Fasten your seat belts, guys!”
Previews show Jacqueline basically spraying a whole metaphorical can of Ragey A$$ all over everyone next week! Is this the beginning of the end for these newly-reconciled friends?
Photo Credit: Bravo
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You're the Worst Renewed for Season 4 on FXX
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"Where's Security?" The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 9 Trailer Is Full of Drama, Rumors and Sheree
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Vicki Gunvalson Defines Charity ‘Kill All Cancer’ – Website Explains Change In Mission
So if you, like me, were totally confused about what exactly Kill All Cancer is about, Vicki Gunvalson is here to clarify that, no, it’s not an insurance policy, but a charitable organization that collects funds to distribute to cancer patients and organizations by selling bracelets.
Vicki describes as where “real awareness is raised” and the organization plans to “reinvent the way charities are run while building an International Cancer Killer.”
Actually, I think I’m more confused after reading through the Kill All Cancer website and the official description from the Real Housewives Of Orange County star’s publicist, which is below.
After explaining that cancer rates are “staggering” among American adults, Kill All Cancer explains their role is to be “a unique, transparent website dedicated to the fight against cancer and putting an end to the global health crisis.”
How exactly?
“ will not collect any funds but serve as a ‘pass-through’ for people to make donations without fear that the money is being used in a nefarious way. Real transparency on whom you give to, where it goes, and how the funds are being used will be available.”
“We are not in any way buying or selling anything, nor are we collecting your personal information. Initially we wanted to give you an outlet to learn how you could protect yourself from the financial devastation of cancer but we decided not to! The only thing we ask is that you check out one or more of the charity partners & maybe give them a donation!”
“I have so many people in my life that have lied about having cancer, had cancer, or have passed away from cancer that it’s something that is very personal to me,” explains Vicki, “and I am happy to offer my help.” Will Vicki bring them casseroles for the cure? What about binders? Or juice!
In the commercial featured on their website, which stars Vicki, she promises that “every dollar raised at goes straight to bringing awareness to charities involved in the fight against cancer.”
The Kill All Cancer website will raise money via bracelet sales and donations and is a totally volunteer-run organization. I suppose volunteers will help select appropriate recipients for donor money? “A separate foundation will be created to hold & disperse funds,” continues the website. “#killALLcancer will only donate to those meeting specific guidelines i.e. overwhelming majority of their funds must go to the intended people or purpose.”
“We will show every dollar raised, every dollar spent, & how it was used,” promises KillAllCancer. “This is a charity, not a business.” As of now they have submitted documentation for their 501c(3) status. It doesn’t seem as if they’re selling bracelets yet, (but you can request them?) although there is a link to donate.
Their Instagram page shows they’ve been involved with Susan G Komen’s Race For The Cure. Maybe they can get involved in Meghan Edmonds’ colorectal cancer charity?
Well for a company promising “transparency” you’d think they’d be a little more transparent about their mission statement and end-goal. Just me? I applaud Vicki for trying to help and redeem herself from the Brooks cancer scandal, but this seems a little befuddled – maybe she should have just done Race For The Cure instead?
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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Saturday Night Live Taps Alec Baldwin to Play Donald Trump
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‘Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen-X’ Episode 2 preview
I will never forget Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen-X. It was on the day of the premiere episode of Season 33, when my first born child, my son Clayton, was born. Perhaps it’s because of this that I may have watched last week’s premiere episode through rose-colored glasses. I was ecstatic, I was pumped (I was on very little sleep). But I felt excited for the premiere, and excited that I had a “Survivor Baby,” born on #whitericewednesday. Maybe one day this little dude will compete on Survivor, or maybe at least curl up next to dad to watch the Season 45 premiere. He’s already been bought a “The Tribe Has Spoken” onesie, so there is little hope that he will not become enamored with Survivor as his dad is.
But Episode 1 is now behind us, a solid episode overall that introduced several seemingly likable players, and what appears to be a pretty interesting overall theme. We now pivot to Episode 2, airing tonight, to see if this season can begin creating some momentum moving forward.
I’ve always enjoyed posting Episode Previews (not too many sites do), because I feel it helps prime us for what’s ahead, and gives us an opportunity to discuss last week’s episode after having a week to ponder on it. This season – my first writing for – I thought I would do something a little different than what many of you might remember from my Survivor Examiner (RIP) column. In addition to just previewing what’s in store, I thought I could also try addressing and answering some of the questions that were raised from your comments. I am just loving this amazing community of Survivor fans here at and while I’d love to answer all of your comments individually, time (and a new baby) just does not permit me to. That being said, please rest assured that I am reading every last one of them. And because of the enthusiasm, I’ve decided to add a new portion to this weekly Episode Preview: “The Fans Have Spoken,” a weekly paragraph or two commenting on or responding to reader comments and questions. Yeah, it’s a pretty cheesy title, but we’ll work with it for now.
But first things first: What can we expect for tonight’s new episode? Here is the official synopsis from CBS:
Episode 2 – “Love Goggles” – One castaway dons his “love goggles” when he’s struck by another’s beauty. Also, heat exhaustion takes the air out of one castaway, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, Sept. 28 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
Also, take a look at the preview video on
We saw this coming last week, the love connection between Millennials Taylor and Figgy, two pillars of the “TriForce” alliance (along with Jay). As Adam points out in the video, showmances are never a good idea strategically, but hey, easy for us to say. The heart wants what the heart wants. Nothing is more glorious than young love, and it’s such a Millennial thing to do, to fall in love and just live in the moment, even if these moments are playing out on national TV. If it’s a real showmance, than this is not a good sign for any member of the TriForce alliance this early in the game. Figgy fashions herself to be like Survivor-great Parvati Shallow, but Parvati never took things beyond flirting…she knew how to manipulate and how to get what she wanted from men, but she never became smitten or allowed this to impair her game. Time will tell if Figgy has control of her emotions or not.
Elsewhere, we see what looks to be a scary sight: When Doctor Joe shows up in an episode, it’s rarely because he’s giving health tips. He might as well wear a black robe and bring a sickle with him, because typically his presence spells death within the game of Survivor. It appears that one of those old Gen-Xers might have had a heart-attack. Let’s hope it’s nothing serious and doesn’t lead to an evacuation.
Usually Episode 2‘s of Survivor are solid, as they expand on the introductions allowed in the first episode. But it looks like tonight’s episode will show us whose hearts are in the game, and whose might cost them a chance at the million bucks.
“The Fans Have Spoken.” So again, thanks for all the great comments on last week’s Survivor Recap. Here’s some general replies to some of the common questions you all raised. First off, it didn’t seem like anyone really minded that Rachel got the first boot. But overall it seemed like most everyone liked the episode? The big question many had was regarding still trying to figure out the definition of “Millennial” or “Gen-Xer,” but as defined by Survivor: “Gen-Xers built this current world, and the Millennials just have some different ideas as to how it should be ran.” It’s not perfect, but we all get what they’re trying to do. But we all will have to just accept Zeke as a 28 year-old “Millennial,” born in the 80s, and Paul as a 52-year-old “Gen-Xer,” born in the 60s.
The other big question was concerning why the Gen-Xers decided to split their votes. Simply put, I think it was a mistake to do so, especially on their very first vote. But the reason I think CeCe got a number of votes was simply because she was not in the majority’s alliance, and she was seen as the closest ally to the target, Rachel.
And thanks to everyone for the kind wishes and comments regarding our new baby…much appreciated!
So check out Episode 2 tonight at 8pm on CBS, and then check back here for another recap!
Photo Credit: CBS/Monty Brinton/Robert Voets
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Kylie Jenner and Tyga get close in Alexander Wang ad campaign
Kylie Jenner and her boyfriend Tyga are shown kissing and partying in a new Alexander Wang campaign.
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Bethenny Frankel Appreciates Life Advice She’s Gotten From Ellen DeGeneres
With a tumultuous season of The Real Housewives of New York behind her, Bethenny Frankel seems to be traveling the media circuit lately in an attempt to show us the “real” her. Questionable motives aside, Bethenny’s message is loud and clear: Everything Is Just Great In My Life!
In a recent interview, she attributes her success, in part, to the sage advice of wildly popular talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. Some might recall that Bethenny visited Ellen on her talk show back in the day when Bethenny Ever After was filming and then helped Bethenny get her own talk show off the ground. At the time, Bethenny’s own (now failed) talk show was poised to go live, and the advice Ellen gave her then was, as I recall, to “just be herself.” Unfortunately, this advice didn’t work out so well for Bethenny in the end.
Bethenny told Business Insider that Ellen has given her plenty of other valuable life advice over the years, though. As though prophetic, Ellen once told Bethenny, “You will keep repeating the same mistakes until you actually learn the lesson.” Bethenny admits that this has, for her, rung very true.
Riding the fickle wave of viewer love and hate is also something Ellen warned Bethenny about. Bethenny shares that Ellen once told her not to “get caught up in how much people love you and also don’t get sucked down by how much people hate you.”
RELATED: Did Bethenny Frankel’s NYC Building Receive A Bomb Threat?
In an interview with US Weekly this past month, Bethenny attributed her newfound happiness (in part) to her blossoming romantic relationship with Dennis Shields, who she says is “exceptionally brilliant and funny, and a very major family person.”
Bethenny also says she’s at a good place in her life now. “I’m happy, but I’m most happy that I don’t have to depend on anyone else.”
As far as the best business advice she’s ever gotten, Bethenny sort of intimates it was, well, from herself! When told by a liquor business insider early on that she should just give up trying to break into the market, Bethenny says she trusted her gut to keep going.
She reflects that this ultimately taught her to “never assume anyone is smarter than you.” Except Tom D’Agostino! Tom is smarter than everyone, as witnessed by his slippery escape from punishment after being presented with Bethenny’s cold, hard evidence of him cheating. Tom wins the smartest reality TV idiot award. <groan>
Photo Credit: Ivan Nikolov/
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How to Get Away With Murder's Keating 5 Is Just as Upset Over Coliver's Breakup as You Are in This Sneak Peek
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Kim Zolciak Compares Brielle Biermann To Kylie Jenner & Promotes Another Cosmetic Enhancement On Instagram
In the past, a lot of people have compared Brielle Biermann to her mom Kim Zolciak, which I totally get since she looks like a Kim clone. But now that Brielle got her lips plumped up, people are comparing Brielle to another reality star. Yep, that’s right, the queen of big lips herself: Kylie Jenner.
Other than the lips, I really don’t see it. Everyone loves to hate on Kylie and I can see why, but she really does have a lot going when it comes to her personal brand. And I’m not trying to be shady or mean here, but Brielle is just a normal nineteen year old girl. Kylie is raking in millions and making headlines on a daily basis. Even Kim doesn’t get the Kylie comparisons – which I think could be a compliment depending on how you spin it and how much you like the Kardashians and Jenners.
To be honest, Kim read my mind when she told Wetpaint, “I don’t think there’s really a comparison other than reality television, and that Brielle got her lips done.” Well, yeah. I can’t really think of anything else hat they have in common, but I’m not really sure what Brielle does on a daily basis – no offense.
As much as Kim obviously loves her daughter, she kept it one hundred when she admitted, “Kylie works her ass off. As much as people want to say she was handed this career, she really wasn’t. And Brielle sees that.” And then there’s Brielle, who just seems to be chilling. Hopefully she will get her booty in gear if she wants to get on Kylie’s level.
RELATED: Kim Zocliak Copies Kyle Jenner’s Style
Kim added, “Brielle will say, ‘Kylie got a new car today,’ and I’ll say, ‘Well, Kylie was probably up at 5 a.m.” Exactly.
And so what does Kim think Brielle will end up doing? If you watch Don’t Be Tardy, you know that Brielle wants to work in entertainment news, but she’s at an impasse since she is not a college student and most internships require the people to be students and/or to earn credits.
RELATED: Brielle Biermann Talks Her Career Goals
Even without that, Kim thinks Brielle has what it takes because “she’s been in front of the cameras for 10 years, she’s been interviewed herself, and she’s done interviewing. She’s in a really good position, and I will help her whatever way I can.” Well, that’s a start, but hopefully she can actually get going on this dream and make things happen.
Aside from talking about Brielle’s lips, Kim is still very vocal about her constant quest to beautify and preserve her own looks. As per usual, Kim documented her latest cosmetic procedure on Instagram.
Kim: “Back at it again with one of my favorite treatments – @ultherapy – non surgical skin tightening! It works no downtime and doesn’t take long. Dr Chynna Steele doesn’t mess around. #SteeleDerm #DrChynnaSteele #InvestInYou #AntiAging #NonSurgical”
Kim really is open about everything she says and does, whether she is giving honest opinions about her own kids or documenting cosmetic procedures on social media. Whether you love her or hate her, at least Kim seems to tell the truth – well for the most part anyway.
[Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo/NBCU via Getty Images]
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Lifetime's Britney Spears Biopic Casts Justin Timberlake, Jenna Dewan-Tatum and More Key Roles
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Meghan King Edmonds Explains Her Reaction To Having One Baby Instead Of Twins; Shares Nursery Decor
When I watched Meghan Edmonds and her husband Jim Edmonds at their ultrasound appointment during the most recent episode of Real Housewives of Orange County, my heart was aching for them. They went from being super excited that Meghan was pregnant with twins to being devastated after they found out that only one of the embryos survived. The emotions were raw and I really wanted to leap through the TV screen and give Meghan a hug.
The only (super small) bright side was that the videos actually got to see a compassionate side to Jim’s personality – especially after he has been highly criticized for what comes off like a lack of support during Meghan’s pregnancy journey. It seemed pretty obvious to me that Meghan and Jim were happy to have a baby on the way and that they were just understandably upset that they lost one, but apparently a lot of people have come at her for being “ungrateful” that she has a healthy baby on the way.
I really don’t think that being upset over the loss of one baby takes away from having another one. It’s actually pretty unfair for people to automatically label Meghan and Jim as ungrateful after watching them receive such sad news with zero time to recover. We saw their reaction the way it happened. People need to stop looking for the negative. There is nothing wrong with being upset about not having a baby.
Meghan defended herself in her Bravo blog: “As expected, everyone has had different views and opinions on how I reacted to the news of just one baby instead of two, but knowing that two genetically perfect embryos were transferred and only one survived was really hard for me. Of course I am beyond excited and grateful for my baby girl to arrive in a couple months, but the loss of (what I now know was) the boy felt – and was and is – so real. People have said that I should be grateful I have one healthy baby and I want everyone to know that I am, but please don’t undermine my pain because I still lost my baby boy, no matter how early.”
I know that Meghan is an easy target for criticism, but it really blows my mind that people actual have the audacity to hate on her for sharing such a personal moment with the viewers.
Meghan is also very aware that she is lucky to be pregnant and be able to afford the treatments, so don’t even start with bashing her for privilege in regard to this story line. Meghan wrote, “And anyone who has undergone IVF knows that our embryos are our babies. And yes, Jimmy and I have had early success with IVF, we are pregnant with a healthy baby, and we can afford the treatments we underwent. We have a lot to be grateful for. But at the end of the day it doesn’t make our loss disappear.”
Rich reality stars have problems too. Just because Meghan and Jimmy are having one baby, it really doesn’t mean that they can’t be sad about the loss.
Meghan also revealed that there’s a softer spot to Jim when she admitted, “I was overwhelmed with emotions and Jim was, too. He was so upset. Even at the next appointment, he asked them to please look again for our other baby – it broke my heart. I’d wake up crying and fall asleep crying and we had to take some time to grieve.”
It’s totally understandable that both Meghan and Jim took time to grieve the loss.
Meghan is happy to have a baby girl on the way. She shared her excitement in her blog, “I’m now seven months pregnant and I’m currently decorating my baby girl’s nursery and couldn’t be more excited to meet her!” Meghan also posted a photo of her daughter’s nursery on Instagram and I’m not gonna lie, I am very jealous of how pretty this baby’s room looks so far. Props to the decorators on this one.
Along with the photo, Meghan wrote, “Yay! The nursery has its wallpaper mural! Love how each little thing makes such a huge difference!” Clearly, she is excited about the impending arrival of her baby girl. People need to lay off – at least in regard to this story.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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Kendall Jenner on bullying: "What matters is how you feel"
Kendall Jenner is offering her best advice on dealing with bullying.
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Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life Finds Luke and Lorelai Figuring Out Their Next Move (With Lots of Fireworks)
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Big Brother Over The Top: The 5 Most Intriguing Preseason Players
Out with the old, and in with the new because Big Brother Over The Top starts tonight! Expect the Unexpected. No really, expect the unexpected because we have zero clues what’s about to happen tonight on BBOTT. We barely understand the new Big Brother Over the Top format.
Big Brother Over The Top will be Big Brother with a lot of changes. These twists revolve around the viewers having more control than ever.
Fans will ultimately pick the winner. Therefore, being a “fan favorite” is critical for Over the Top. All the players this season bring interesting elements to the game. However, a few stand out more than others.
We decided to single out five Big Brother Over the Top players and really analyze them as characters and potential players.
Scott Dennis
Scott looks like the typical Big Brother super fan. We have seen characters such as Scott almost every other Big Brother season. However, upon watching and reading Scott’s interviews, he seems a bit more devious than players like Ian Terry and Steve Moses.
We imagine that he might be more of the aggressor in terms of scheming and manipulating. Ian and Steve made it so far because they seemed harmless. Scott may try to use that stereotype to trick people, but underneath the surface, we see him playing more of an Andy Herren or Ronnie Talbott game.
Alex Wilett
Alex on paper seems like a Big Brother fan’s dream. She loves the series, has an in depth knowledge, strategic, and seems fairly likable. Alex may be the female player that we have been craving for so long.
However, Alex has a few things working against her. Her introduction video didn’t exactly scream Big Brother Over the Top MVP. Alex may have great ideas about Big Brother, and know how to play it on the surface, but she may not really have the drive to actually execute her ideas.
Alex also has a big weakness going into Big Brother Over the Top: she’s one of the twist. Playing with any family member sometimes emotionally affects your game decisions. You not only have to worry about yourself but your sister as well. Additionally, once people find out about the twist, they will immediately want Alex and Morgan Willett gone.
Michael “Cornbread” Ligon
Do not let the quirky nickname fool you, Cornbread is not some lovable simpleton. Based on Cornbread’s videos and interviews, he seems to have one of the most important skills as a Big Brother player: a great social game.
Donny Thompson had great strategic and physical skills, but he lacked the social prowess to slip by to the end. Cornbread might have the opposite problems. However, his social game should easily put him in an alliance that could protect him to the end.
We cannot wait to see what fun and surprises Cornbread might bring to the house.
Jason Roy
It has not been confirmed yet, but we would bet that Jason becomes the 13th Big Brother Over the Top houseguest.
Jason left early on Big Brother 17, so we didn’t really get to see Jason’s game skills. Before his departure, his commentary made the feeds must-see. Since leaving Big Brother, Jason continues to entertain fans, whether via his Twitter page or through post show recaps.
He has been granted a second chance to play Big Brother, a game he obsesses over and adores. Therefore, we know that he won’t squander this second chance, so we might see not only an entertaining player (if only in the Diary Room) but a good strategic one.
Shelby Stockton
We fully accept that we might be overestimating Shelby’s game potential but she seems like she might have the cutthroat ruthlessness that every great Big Brother player needs. She reminds us of a more likable Amanda Zuckerman.
Shelby’s biggest downfall could be her flirty nature. Shelby will definitely be in a showmance, but she hopefully has the ruthlessness to be cutthroat about it.
Keep up with the latest Big Brother spoilers, competition results, Live Feeds highlights, recaps and more on our Facebook and Twitter!
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Teresa Giudice Welcomes A Danielle Staub Return To RHONJ; Melissa Gorga’s Store Manager Quits After Criticism In The Most Recent Episode
The Real Housewives of New Jersey has been super dramatic, but there is definitely some dead weight if I’m keeping it real. You can fill in the blanks on this one, but in my opinion Teresa Giudice, Melissa Gorga, and Jacqueline Laurita, all make great TV, and then there are the other ladies…. I mean, people actually attacked Melissa’s 21-year-old store manager Derek Zagami, who was not even present, to get a story line. And now he is not working there anymore, is that a coincidence?
Really though. As much as I love this show (and I’m obsessed) the casting is just not 100%. Sure, I like the other cast members as people, but that doesn’t mean that they have what it takes to be entertaining on reality television. So I would actually love it if Danielle Staub returned. And believe it or not, Teresa actually agrees that Danielle should make a comeback. Wait. What?
I’m not at all shocked that the infamous Kim DePaola was doing whatever she could to be back on this show and promote her store. It was so obvious that she had zero concern over Melissa or Teresa when she told Jacqueline and Siggy Flicker gossip about Derek. If she was really concerned, she would have sent a message to the sisters-in-law, but that would not get her camera time, so Kim D knows better than to do that.
Right after that episode aired, Derek posted on Instagram that he is leaving Melissa’s store Envy. I have no idea if it has to do with Kim D talking shit or if he is genuinely ready to move on to another phase in his career, but Derek wrote, “Today I am announcing I will no longer be working as the Store Manager at Envy by Melissa Gorga. I have decided to move on in my career. Building Envy with Melissa and Jackie was an incredible experience, I wish Envy and the team behind the scenes who make it happen nothing but success on the journey!”
There’s zero indication of bitterness in that post, so I’m curious about Kim D’s allegations and if Melissa ever investigated them. I hope not. Kim D cannot ruin another thing. Hopefully this kid just found another career opportunity that suits his interests.
RELATED: Siggy Says She Felt “So Uncomfortable” On The Vermont Trip
But anyway, this should not have even been a story line. Kim D, Jacqueline, and Siggy stirring the pot is way too desperate. They need to have someone who really knows what she’s doing when it comes to riling people up on reality TV and that would be Danielle Staub. Her words and actions during the first two Real Housewives of New Jersey seasons were iconic reality TV. Let’s bring her back.
I mean, even Teresa (Danielle’s nemesis back in the day – aka the reason Tre infamously flipped that table back in season one) can get behind this idea. A Twitter user asked Teresa, “What do you think about bringing Danielle Staub back on RHONJ?” Surprisingly, Teresa quoted the tweet and wrote, “Sure, why not. I would love to see @daniellestaub come back to #RHONJ if she wanted to.” Wow. Hell has really frozen over.
But wait, it actually gets better. Danielle quoted Teresa’s reply and wrote, “Thank you @Teresa_Giudice I would love to return to RHONJ. I would great to come home to @Bravotv.” She even threw a red heart emoji in there! But yes, once again, I’m not done with this one. Teresa actually ended up retweeting Danielle’s post. All of the fans who have watched this show from the start know that these two agreeing on something is a BIG deal.
Let’s get rid of the filler and add someone – Danielle Staub – who is actually entertaining to this show – cough cough Andy Cohen.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
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Gwen Stefani raps in preview for upcoming 'Kuu Kuu Harajuku' Nickelodeon series
Gwen Stefani has shared a preview video for her upcoming animated Nickelodeon series, Kuu Kuu Harajuku, which follows the fictional HJ5 band.
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Kelly Dodd’s Husband Michael Didn’t Like Their Marriage Issues On RHOC; Photos – Kelly Celebrates Her Birthday
Well there’s one positive to Kelly Dodd – she isn’t afraid to put it alllll out there; all her bad behavior, boozy outbursts, and bad marital problems. But does her husband Michael Dodd agree with his wife’s portrayal of their marriage on the Real Housewives Of Orange County?
“He did not like how I told everybody about our business right off the bat,” Kelly admits. “You know, I aired the dirty laundry straight [out] the gate.”
However, just like his feelings towards loving Kelly, Michael had a change of heart. Not because it showed their marriage as real, or to help other couples struggling, but because it’s Shannon Beador‘s fault.
“Now, in hindsight, he’s glad I did do that because Shannon tried to throw some crap out there about me that was untrue,” Kelly defends, “and I’m glad I did get ahead of it and said the truth first before having rumors and vicious lies spread about me.”
Kelly promises to bring proof of Shannon‘s lies to the reunion, which films next month.
On the positive, Kelly and Michael have made a lot of progress in their marriage since filming ended. Perhaps having all their dirty secrets play out on TV brought them together? Where have we heard that before? She’s also made it clear that if Michael reverts to his controlling ways, she’ll absolutely be pursuing divorce again.
“There’s just so many reasons of why I went back. There’s not, like, one thing,” Kelly tells Bravo’s Daily Dish, but the ultimate goals were to “keep our family unit together, keep our finances together.”
Kelly insists Michael is no longer “very controlling” and “because he knows I’ll bounce if he does.”
In other news, Kelly celebrated her birthday this weekend with some lovely former and current faces from Real Housewives Of Orange County. No, I don’t mean she went back in time to hang out with Vicki Gunvalson with her old face. Actually, Gretchen Rossi and Lizzie Rovsek showed up to fame whore all over Kelly’s surprise birthday luncheon. Of course Vicki, Kelly’s bossom buddy, attended. None of Kelly’s other co-stars made an appearance.
Kelly‘s birthday inspired Vicki to dispense more life lessons on Instagram: “Be happy, kiss a lot, be kind, inspire one another. #girlsluncheon #birthdaygirl #rhocpastandpresent”
Kelly also went to Disneyland with her family. See the photos below.
[Main Photo Credit: Instagram]
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Below Deck Recap: That Tuna Is F@#!ed
Is the glass half empty or half full? In Trevor Walker‘s case, the glass totally missing. Last seen, Trevor was left with no drink in hand, courtesy of Ben Robinson flinging it away from him after a crew night out that saw Trevor turn into a drunken, slurry fool. But will the crew of Below Deck even be able to handle Trevor for one more charter? Answer: No.
When Captain Lee Rosbach gets wind of Trevor’s latest antics (and his awesome hair modeling #skillz), the tides shift. But – wait – there’s suddenly a new crew member to hate on now! Sierra Storm, who has been flying under the radar thus far despite her increasing ineptitude as second stew, butts heads this week with Ben when she can’t seem to scrape a simple salad together. Ooh! And there’s a love triangle taking shape as well. (Finally!) And it’s not the trio I expected. (Was it yours?)
After Ben shut Trevor down at the tiki bar, Trevor douchebags his way back to the bus, but not without insulting everyone along the way. It’s to the crew’s credit that they don’t toss his sorry a$$ out of the bus on the ride back, especially after Trevor calls his boss, Kelley Johnson, a “PTSD motherf–ker!” – apparently referencing Kelley’s time in the marines. Kelley does finally draw the line at the ride’s end, ordering Trevor to get a hotel room for the night. He is persona non grata on Valor tonight.
The next morning, Captain Lee gets the lowdown on Trevor’s behavior from Kelley. After he’s briefed, Lee says he wants to hear everyone else’s side of the story. Which he does, one by one. Lauren Burchnell, Nico Scholly, and Ben all sing the same tune: Trevor is an immature idiot who cannot control his liquor. Ben delusionally believes Trevor deserves one more chance though, to which Kate Chastain snarks, “So you want to wait until he kills someone!?”
Next, it’s time for the man, the myth, the millennial himself to share his version of events. Trevor schleps up to the bridge, looking like he was rode hard and put away wet, to face Captain Lee. He doesn’t know what happened last night, he sighs. But he thinks it has something to do with being a hair model. Lee’s like: WHAT THE SH–T!?
Trevor whines that people just don’t understand him! He is a very special boy with very special feelings! He lamely asks Captain Lee for guidance. But Lee doesn’t buy it, so he calls Kelley up to the bridge to deliver his final word. With Kelley present, Lee does what he does best: lays the smack down on Trevor. He says once is a mistake, twice is a pattern, and he knows in his gut that Trevor will screw up a third time. So it’s time for Trevor to pack his stuff and go!
Trevor’s beady eyes, which are even beadier (if that’s possible) due to his massive hangover, seem to slowly register the fact that he’s being fired. Lee suggests that he apologize to the crew on his way out. “That’s bullsh*t, man!” reflects Trevor later, who feels like HE is the one who deserves an apology. And with that, Trevor is set free to wax poetic about his yester-years in Paul Mitchell’s good graces. He packs and scatters faster than Kate can say, “Here’s your laundry.”
At crew breakfast, the deck crew regroup. They are a 3-person team now, but they sort of always have been, so it will be fine. Sierra is the only one who seems sad to see Trevor go. Maybe she was a little sweet on him? Hmm. Speaking of crushes, Nico’s got one on Emily Warburton-Adam.
Time to take a look at the next charter guests! Lee tells Kelley, Kate, and Ben that they are a group of entrepreneurs who became friends through internet connections. One member of the group has food issues. By issues, I mean homegirl only eats air molecules and dust motes. She is literally a chef’s worst nightmare. Even her water must be served at a “pH above 7.5.” Also, the group would like a 12-course meal for their first dinner! Ben is stressed. Kate is too, so she takes off to Skype with her girlfriend, Ro.
Kate also gets to know Sierra a bit better as they turn the boat around for the next charter. Sierra is apparently trying to start a juicing business…because that’s an untapped market. <side eye> Sierra is actually a perfect match for the super picky eater (Carolina) coming aboard, though, so Ben suggests she be her personal chef! Sierra is vacantly agreeable to this proposition. She’s all about that gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, macrobiotic, paleo, juicing, vinegar-and-lemon-rinds life.
The charter guests climb aboard, take the tour, and relax into their gorgeous new digs. Kate gets a strange vibe from the group, describing them as “D-list Quentin Tarantino characters.” Spot on, Kate. Slow clap to that. “Internet friends” seems to be the super sketchy theme of the season, no?
Valor sets sail while the guests lay out on the sun deck, gloating about how rich they are. Ben is in the galley cranking out lunch as fast as possible so he can concentrate on the 12-course menu ahead of him. As Emily serves lunch, she’s hit on by one of the head charters, who says that if his wife dies, he’d love to get with Emily! Obviously creeped out, Emily disappears below to warn Kate about these slightly deranged people.
But before they can concentrate too much on guest smarminess, there’s another emergency afoot! The hot tub is overflowing! And Sierra’s “special” lemonade sucks! Kelley and Nico take care of the hot tub situation, but Ben still needs Sierra to be his wing woman on tonight’s dinner prep, so he has no choice but to stick with his plan.
The deck crew haul out 64 pool toys for the guests, realizing that being a man down is actually hurting them. But having Trevor off the boat is worth it. #SacrificeForSanity
As Ben plans his menu, he proposes a “really nice salad” with sauteed tuna for Carolina. She can eat that while the other guests are partaking in courses she refuses to eat. Sierra agrees to salad duty, but Kate is afraid that sending Sierra in to help Ben is “like sending a cute little bunny into a rabid lion’s den.” She may be small and cuddly, but she may also be devoured.
As the kitchen gets more chaotic, Ben gets more annoyed with Sierra being, let’s say, a bit slow on the uptake. She can’t differentiate between fish in shells and fish in fins, and she pulls something vaguely looking like flour out of the cabinet at one point, to which Ben barks, “That has GLUTEN in it!!” Essentially, Ben needs someone smarter by his side right now. But he’s stuck with Sierra, so he must make do. He sends her off to make a salad just to get her out of his hair.
Upstairs, Kate begins dinner service for the pack of weirdos aboard while Kelley and Nico chat on another deck about their boat crushes. Uh-oh. They both have the hots for Emily! Kelley admits that while Sierra is very pretty, she’s got the crazy eyes. And the crazy smile. And the crazy brain. He don’t want no cray. Thus, a love triangle has taken shape, and it will be up to Emily to determine who – if either – of these two boys she wants to pursue. Something tells me she’ll pick neither, instead setting her sights on Ben. Maybe we’ll have a quadrangle! (Is that a thing!?)
Lauren is also helping Ben in the kitchen, and is holding up valiantly under pressure. But that salad is juuuust getting started. This salad takes a century for Sierra to assemble. Sierra is in fact making this salad so long, she cannot even remember a time in her life when she was not making this salad. The salad is her Versailles. The salad is LIFE!
Finally, the mythical salad is delivered to Carolina. But she wants to take part in the courses now too! “What the actual f–k?” thinks Ben. What part of “I won’t eat shellfish” did she not mean? Because now, girlfriend wants some conch. Which she gets. To sit idly next to her huge salad.
Down in the galley, Ben prepares course after course, but isn’t happy with his ahi tuna. “That tuna is f–ked!” he rants, refusing to serve it at the last second. Sierra tries to help Ben out, but Ben’s level of grouchiness is a solid 10/10 at this point, so he’s openly snapping at her now. Sierra, to her credit, does seem like she’s really trying her best. It’s just that her best isn’t quite good enough in this high pressure scenario. And Ben’s needling doesn’t help matters.
Upstairs, Carolina tries more actual food! Like food that other people eat! “I’m not picky,” she claims, as if totally unaware of the incredibly picky preference sheet she provided.
In the laundry room, a shirtless Kelley flirts with Emily, who doesn’t seem to pick up on his hints. Kelley is batting zero with this chick. So he pivots to new tactics! But even helping Emily fold laundry (still shirtless) doesn’t seem to do the trick. In the crew mess, Nico is part of the action now too, attempting to win Emily over with his theories of positive vibes. Emily appreciates the male attention, but doesn’t seem to take either of these panting puppies seriously. “It’s very sweet,” she admits.
Despite the drama of the 12-course menu, dinner winds down uneventfully in the end, with the crew cleaning up and the guests leaving full and happy. The only one not happy is Sierra, who’s reached her breaking point. As she washes glasses, she tears up over the stress of the night.
Kate tries to talk her down, and even Ben chimes in that a 12-course meal is brutal. Stress is expected in these scenarios. “If you’re sensitive, stay out of the f–king kitchen!” thinks Ben, who is used to intense kitchen throw downs. What he fails to realize is that Sierra is not used to them – or him – in the slightest. If he expects every woman to spar with him like Kate expertly does, he’s in for many more crying jags in the future.
Photo Credit: Bravo
The post Below Deck Recap: That Tuna Is F@#!ed appeared first on Reality Tea.
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