Wednesday, January 13, 2016
9Shopping task result: Who will press the button? | Day 9
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from Celebrity Big Brother
How does NBC justify its Trump hypocrisy? With annoyance.
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Review: ‘Idiotsitter,’ on Comedy Central, Skewers the Rich
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Khloe Kardashian: Rob Kardashian and Lamar Odom are recovering well
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Yolanda Foster formally files for divorce, seeking spousal support
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Gigi Hadid wears Zayn Malik-inspired necklace
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When a Celebrity Big Brother star thought another housemate died
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Cynthia Bailey Says She And Peter Thomas “Remain A Work In Progress”
Cynthia Bailey’s marriage to Peter Thomas has largely become her main storyline on this season’s Real Housewives of Atlanta. Will they last? Will they fall apart? Will Peter refrain from getting involved in womens’ business long enough to pretend to be a recommitted husband? Despite the real issues at stake (so Cynthia claims), the drama surrounding the couple’s relationship sometimes come off as manufactured at best, and boring at worst.
Much like Fetch, Cynthia is still trying to make this storyline happen, though! And in her latest blog, she breaks down both the state of her marriage and why she chooses to openly discuss marriage issues with her only daughter, Noelle. First, Cynthia shares her reaction to Peter’s “surprise trip“: “We had a great time in Mexico! I was very excited to spend some quality time with Peter. Between traveling and growing our businesses, we struggle to consistently make time for much needed date nights. Trying to balance family and career is an ongoing challenge.”
“By the grace of God we have been together for nine years and married for five. The last few months have been pretty tough,” admits Cynthia. She then goes on to recite the following four platitudes straight from The Couples Guide to Overcoming Codependence and Wayward Cheating Husbands Caught on iPhone Video: “We remain a work in progress. All I can do is continue following my heart and serve my life purpose. I am taking things one step at a time. God only knows my destiny.”
When it comes to daughter Noelle, Cynthia thinks she may follow in mama’s footsteps. Cynthia writes that Noelle “has taken an interest in modeling. Of course I am excited to show her the ropes. As a matter of fact, we have already started working on some fashion projects together. We just recently shot the cover of heart&soul magazine. It should hit the newsstands any day!”
“I have graced the covers of many magazines throughout my career, but this will be my first cover with Noelle. Although I have yet to see it, it’s my favorite already! God has truly blessed me and Leon with a fascinating child. We will support her in whatever career path she takes. We just want her to continue soaring!”
But does this close mother/daughter relationship mean that Cynthia should share the details of her marriage woes with Noelle freely? Cynthia says yes, as long as the conversation is age-appropriate. She blogs, “I am Noelle’s mother. Like any child, she just wants me to be happy. We have an amazing relationship and are very close. I strive to be as honest with her as possible and age appropriate. She is a very bright young lady. Leon and I have and continue to raise her to be an independent thinker.”
“Noelle and I are very protective of each other. She is concerned about my well-being as much as I am about hers,” continues Cynthia. “Unfortunately, there are a lot of tasteless, hurtful rumors all over social media and the internet regarding my marriage. It is impossible to safeguard her from these two powerful media outlets. I am forced to have conversations with her I would not normally have to engage her in, if my marriage was not in the public eye. Those conversations are never easy, but I do the best I can.”
Hmm. It’s interesting that Cynthia attributes her candid conversations with Noelle to the social media backlash she and Peter have been receiving about their relationship, most likely (in part) from current RHOA scenes. These scenes air months after Cynthia’s original conversations with Noelle have taken place, though. I don’t quite follow. Am I missing something?
Photo Credit: Marcus Ingram/Getty Images
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Task - Tiffany explodes over Jeremy | Day 9
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Brooks Ayers Hopes RHOC Tell-All Book Will Rehab His Good Reputation
In a last ditch effort to convince Real Housewives of Orange County fans that he’s not a liarface, Brooks Ayers is writing a tell-all book, in which he calls out producers for fabricating the “cancer gate” storyline for ratings.
Brooks continues to insist that he did not lie about having cancer. “I didn’t fake cancer,” he tells Page Six. “Who in their right mind would fake cancer?”
About RHOC producers, Brooks says, “They basically pitched me as this poor guy from Mississippi preying on a vulnerable, successful, self-made woman. I’m not bound contractually by anything to not share the intel about what transpires behind production, Bravo, what they try to do, etc.” Who is going to believe this “intel” from someone who faked test results and chemotherapy bills?!?
When he’s not spending time with his children (Apparently, he’s in the Midwest, not Florida), Brooks is writing and pitching the tell-all. He claims he has gotten a “pretty overwhelming” response from publishers.
On one hand, Brooks says he wants the best for Vicki Gunvalson, but on the other hand, he vows to expose Vicki‘s lies.
“I want nothing but the best for her and she wants the best for me. I’m not doing this because she did it to me,” insists Brooks, “but she’s a grown woman and she’s making business decisions to continue earning money. I am a grown man and I want to do what I can to rehab my reputation, and you can’t do it on reality TV.”
Finally, Brooks makes it be known that Briana Culberson won’t get away with the damage she has caused over the years, “She hates my guts and got paid handsomely the past three seasons to do nothing but bring drama into her own mom’s life regarding me. I’m going to expose all of that.”
Brooks didn’t mention partnering with Real Housewives of New Jersey runt Jim Marchese this time. I hope it happens, though, because Brooks and Jim deserve each other. #MatchMadeInHell
Photo Credit: E! News
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How We Would Spend The $1.5 Billion Powerball Jackpot
Ahhhh… girls can dream right? We here at Reality Tea got to thinking about what we would do if we won the $1.5 billion dollar Powerball Jackpot drawing tonight, besides, obviously giving ourselves raises and bailing Teresa Giudice out of tax debt.
Yes, if we won the jackpot we could do many a’splendored things to better reality television, from starting our own reality shows (yes, please!), to completing Chateau Sheree!
[Photo Credit: Instagram]
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Daily Update: Day 8, 13th Jan Highlights Show [Shopping task and housemates nominate] - Celebrity Big Brother January 2016 [cbb 17]
Shown: Tonight, Wednesday 13th January 9pm on Channel 5
More pictures from CBB 17 2016 - HERE
On tonight’s show: The Strings Attached shopping task and housemates nominate.
- Housemates separated into puppets and puppet masters - puppets get basic food
- Puppet masters are required to put forward their puppets for
from ThisisBigBrother News Articles
Daily Update: Day 8, 13th Jan Highlights Show [Shopping task and housemates nominate] - Celebrity Big Brother January 2016 [cbb 17]
Shown: Tonight, Wednesday 13th January 9pm on Channel 5
More pictures from CBB 17 2016 - HERE
On tonight’s show: The Strings Attached shopping task and housemates nominate.
- Housemates separated into puppets and puppet masters - puppets get basic food
- Puppet masters are required to put forward their puppets for
from Celebrity Big Brother January 2016 [cbb 17] News Articles
Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills Recap: Bend And Snap
The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills are now holding the Hamptons hostage. Lisa Vanderpump is pissy because she’s forced to stay in a cut-rate hotel, to attend a party Farrah Abraham is crashing, to celebrate the cover of a magazine literally no one has heard of. As Bethenny Frankel said, “Is it like one of those free magazines?”
Worst of all: Lisa must pretend to be happy about this so-called honor and has dragged poor Ken along for the ride. Did Ken not look about ready to lie down under the wheels of somebody’s limo just to make the high pitched voices stop? Ken-Aged-70 isn’t over the hill, he’s over it ALL.
Still stranded at the White Party, over dinner Lisa morphs into a CIA Investigator, one step away from waterboarding Eileen Davidson with a Chanel purse and a Vodka Tonic, as she asked probing questions, carefully worded in provocative terms, about Eileen’s marriages – specifically how Eileen met Vinny and when.
Perhaps Lisa genuinely was curious about Eileen’s past, and perhaps Eileen would have been totally comfortable discussing the ins and outs of when one marriage started and the other stopped in a more intimate environment, but Lisa was literally grilling the woman over the salad course and it was rude! I am quite positive Lisa was doing it intentionally to either put Eileen on the spot, or as Erika Girardi later – astutely – observed, because LVP likes to control situations by unnerving people. While there should be no unnerving an Emmy-winning soap diva, Eileen was visibly uncomfortable. Probably because Eileen considers Lisa a friend. Or did.
Innocent curiosity or not, Lisa should have more situational awareness.
Finally, after waiting until Eileen was exposed like an Erika Jayne costume, Kyle Richards suggests they change the subject. I don’t know why Eileen didn’t immediately stop LVP, then make a joke out of it. Interesting that Eileen has proved herself to have a little less mettle when it comes to a Vanderpump instead of a Richards. Lisa Rinna or Kyle should have interjected sooner, but let’s face it they were on the edge of their seats hoping for a juicy scoop!
I don’t know if it’s editing or Lisa is just not feeling it, but she is on a tear of bitchery lately.
The next day the ladies are doing a wine tour, then dinner at Bethenny’s. And Erika will be arriving! All the hallmarks of a lovely day! Lisa is still saying at the ghastly hotel, but dragging Nu-Giggy Ken along to the vineyard.
Over wine samples and cheese, Lipsa reveals that she googled “Erika Jayne” and is not comfortable with her softcore porn music videos and raunchy moves. Everything is getting these girls’ panties in a bunch as of late. Maybe Lipsa needs to step away from the Google and get on Pinterest instead.
Lipsa is trying not to judge Erika, but she’s can’t stop herself. Then everyone waddles off in their heels, with their maxi dresses gathered around their hips to avoid bees getting in their hoohahs.
When Erika arrives at the house, around her neck is a chainlink fence – like the kind used to secure impound lots – except it was probably made of solid gold and the congealed tears of gays who dared criticize “Painkillrz.” Lipsa is immediately unsettled by Erika’s presence. Erika is larger than life – Girardi or Jayne variety. Eileen is a fangrrrrl and wishes she could have a sexy, sassy alterego who will put even Housewives Jesus LVP in her place.
Erika, as to be expected, has absolutely no issues staying at the Capri Hotel. In fact, Erika has no qualms about being herself no matter what the situation which is entirely respectable in every way – even if she is rolling around stage in a thong and patting pusses for her supper.
Eileen, Kyle and Lipsa literally follow Erika around the house, mouth agog, as if Cher made an appearance. Erika came prepared because with women, one must always be watching and listening, A-Game on. Erika is one smart cookie, maybe because she eats cookies and in Beverly Hills that gives you an edge in brain trust? Or possibly she has big balls and an even bigger bank account, and therefore doesn’t have to bother caring what others think.
Upon leaving the Hamptons Erika and her private jet will be picking up Yolanda Foster in Cleveland. So, what? David has kicked Yo off the Cryogenic Perfection Hover Airways? I couldn’t recover while listening to elevator music ether!
Yolanda she is recovering, and because it’s Yolanda, she didn’t just have explant surgery she had the worst case of silicone leakage the world-renowned doctor has ever seen.
This is what bugs about Yolanda – all of her behaviors are so extreme: from her over-zealous smother-loving of MY LOVE David, to micro-momaging her kids (like not letting Gigi eat her graduation cake), to lecturing and directing her friends on how to behave and why, to instructing everyone on the correct way to do anything, to jetting all over the world in search of Lyme cures thus making “being ill” her defining identity.
At the same time, Yolanda seems hollow as a wooden shoe; as if she’s merely going through motions of life, but not really connecting to anything sincerely. Her passion-act seriously lacks passion.
LVP calls to check in on her favorite Hollywood Friend, and is reduced to speaking with David who compares Yolanda’s tits to Ken’s and decrees that Ken’s are nicer and bigger. UGH – DISGUSTING DAVID! Yolanda shoots David a look that says ‘I’m gonna silicone poison you with a penile implant you f–ker.’ And he deserves it. Yet she gushes over how amazingly supportive he is in the confessional.
Yolanda is hopeful that removing the corrupted implants will allow her immune system to fight Lyme. She hopes the healing has truly begun. Me too.
Back in the Hamptons Kyle scampers over to Bethenny’s wearing her favorite I Dream Of Jeanie shoes. What were those things? Bethenny is wearing a designer clown costume. I presume that was her attempt at chic, but this is also a woman who has a giant plastic popcorn bucket included in the decorating scheme of her multi-million dollar home, which is done up like a Pier One Designer Imposters display. No wonder she and Kyle are friends.
Because Bethenny has known Kyle for 20+ years and also knows Kim and Kathy, she’s granted the privilege of asking about Kim without making Kyle issue threats. Kyle says her presence aggravates Kim so she’s been keeping her distance. Kyle cries. Then Kyle and Bethenny reminisce about Bethenny’s years as a cocktail waitress, Hilton child chauffeur, and dating Kyle’s ex-boyfriend.
Following that, Kyle ‘mean girls’ Erika by showing Bethenny “The Pretty Mess” instagram page so they could gawk at Erika and mock her. Bethenny doesn’t know what to make of Erika, so she insults her.
Bethenny’s rudeness only escalates when Erika arrives. Is Erika really that scandalous? Sure, Erika Jayne is, but these women are acting as if Erika Jayne is Farrah Abraham who brought her coochie mold as a hostess gift! Let’s simmer the judgement down a bit. Bethenny, a woman who talks about dicks constantly and considers herself the queen of ribald humor, pearl clutching over Erika is ridiculous.
Meanwhile LVP is liking Erika more and more.
Since Erika G looks none of The Pretty Mess and is glamorous with perfect skin and hair, Bethenny does what Bethenny does when she’s insecure – she immediately starts shading Erika relentlessly. Erika goes to use the bathroom in Bethenny’s converted shack-bar, and as she emerges Bethenny announces, “Mogul wife by day, ho by night. Bambi!” Wow – RUDE!
Erika is unfazed. Shockingly. And allows Bethenny dig her own hole.
Lipsa is suddenly feeling sick and in need of her Depends, so she excuses herself to go home. Yes, I was quite sickened of Bethenny’s shit-talking mouth myself!
Over dinner Bethenny insists on watching Erika’s video and her rudeness increases. I know, you thought, that’s not possible, right? She just called a guest in her home, whom she had met mere minutes before, a “ho” and THOT-shamed her over an instagram page.
Upon watching the video, Bethenny lectures Erika about the poor production quality – because Bethenny is the expert – She also complains it’s trying too hard and Erika’s branding isn’t cohesive. Because selling microwaved popcorn requires knowledge of performance art? Eileen interjects that the production value looks great and even LVP agrees. It was nice to see the ladies shout-down Bethenny’s criticisms even though Erika can most certainly hold her own, because as Erika explains she’s not skinny, nor is she a girl. Instead she’s a multifaceted woman confident enough for two personalities can be two personalities. Juggle that, Frankel! Plus Erika is happily married and has great skin. .
“I’m not going to tell anybody what to do with their Skinnygirl shit, so she shouldn’t tell me what to do with mine. Anybody can make a margarita,” declares Erika. Gauntlet – actually Cartier Panther Whip – thrown.
Since Bethenny considers herself such an expert, Erika challenges her to try a few Erika Jayne dance moves. Pat the puss Bethenny cannot. While attempting the EJ version of ‘the Bend and Snap’ Bethenny actually rips her shorts, which let’s be honest – they were probably Bryn’s capris that Bethenny Expert On All Things repurposed.
In my mind Erika then patted Bethenny gently on her frizzy bob, smiled, and said, ‘If you ever need any advice on sex appeal, let me know. I’m an expert at marketing that sort of thing, Skinnygirl.’
Erika and Lisa are designed to be friends. Leriska Forever!
The next day, Erika and Lisa ride to the house from their lowly hotel for a day spent shopping for things no sane person would want: a self-help book by Bethenny and a kaftan from Kyle. In the limo Lisa drills Erika about her marriage and husband. Erika confidently tells Lisa how much she adores Tom, loves playing the trophy wife at legal events, and has no problem being judged. LVP may make Eileen uncomfortable by saying the letter “A,” but Erika is a tougher nut to crack!
At the house, Eileen is still reeling from her awkward While Party conversation with LVP and confides to Lipsa that it made mistrustful Lisa’s motives. Lipsa encourages Eileen to have be honest with Lisa to deepening their friendship.
When Lisa arrives Eileen pulls her aside for a girl chat, but it does not go well. All LVP had to do was apologize for making Eileen uncomfortable and explain it was accidental. Instead they ended up in some circuitous tangental conversation in which Lisa blamed Eileen for not asserting herself, then found herself compared to Brandi who threw wine in Eileen’s face last season thus representing scorned women everywhere.
Needless to say Eileen went out feeling worse than when she went in, and Lisa certainly didn’t behave like a friend would. Lisa and Bethenny need some sensitivity training seminars.
[Photo Credits: Bravo]
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Khloe Kardashian's plane makes emergency landing in Las Vegas
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Christopher needs Darren to smell his armpits | Day 9
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from Celebrity Big Brother
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Star Yolanda Foster Officially Files For Divorce From Husband David Foster
The recently ailing Real Housewives of Beverly Hills‘ Yolanda Foster has officially filed for divorce from her husband of four years, David Foster. The Dutch former model’s documents were filed at the Los Angeles Superior court yesterday and the grounds for the decoupling, ‘irreconcilable differences.’ The marriage is Yolanda’s second and David’s fourth.
News of the Fosters’ divorce came as a shock to viewers of the reality show, as the pair always appeared so loving and caring towards one another. On December 1 of last year, the Fosters made the decision to release a statement explaining why chose to part company:
“Sadly we have decided to go our separate ways. We’ve shared nine beautiful and joyous years together and during that time we experienced love, friendship, and the inevitable challenges that come with managing a marriage, careers, blended families and health issues,” the exes said jointly. We are grateful for the years we’ve spent together and believe wholeheartedly that we did our best. I hope that we can pave the road ahead of us with all we’ve learned and with the love and respect we will always have for one another.”
Yolanda has three children from her former marriage but she and David, a Grammy-winning songwriter and music producer have none together, so the there will be no custody battles or child support entanglements. The celeb news outlet E! states that Yolanda is seeking spousal support and all attorney’s fees with regards to the case. It is also being reported that David has already plopped down a cool $5 million for a posh West L.A. condo for his soon-to-be-ex lady love.
The couple, who dated five years before walking down the aisle have folks wondering, why they are calling it quits on their marriage. Could Yolanda’s three-year battle with her seemingly all-engulfing Lyme disease battle be at the root of their divorce? Well according to David, he has stayed true to his marriage vows and has been his wife’s support throughout the hellish nightmare of her ongoing illness telling E! News:
“Over the past few weeks, a great deal of inaccurate or baseless information has been reported claiming to represent my thoughts and feelings. It is painful to watch this happen repeatedly— especially while trying to cope with the personal nature of the challenges surrounding the breakup of our loving marriage. I have been by Yolanda’s side over the past four years to the best of my ability as she battled with the complexities of her Lyme diagnosis.”
So don’t get it twisted, the love is real but sometimes, it is just not enough to sustain a marriage.
(Photo credit: Instagram)
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'The Bachelor' Ben Higgins: I came up with an excuse to justify stealing Olivia Caridi away, I make mistakes
from Reality TV World latest news stories
Dance Moms Recap: Hungry Like The Wolf
After a mediocre first week of Dance Moms, Abby Lee Miller is trying to keep her crazy in check, but she’s really just in major denial.
After lectures on punctuality and dedication, Abby is running late. She needs her make-up artist to make sure her eyebrows look better. Jill recognizes this behavior as Abby being on the verge of a breakdown. When the ALDC convenes for the pyramid, Maddie and Kalani are on the bottom due to their absences. MacKenzie and Kendall round out the bottom row. Nia is in the third spot for managing JoJo’s hamster ball, and JoJo places second for actually dancing in the ball. Brynn is in the top spot for winning her solo. Abby grants her solos to Kendall, MacKenzie and Nia, snarking that their mothers think they are good replacements for Maddie. Melissa sticks up for MacKenzie at every turn (for the first time), and Abby doesn’t appreciate her new stance. In a twist, Abby makes the announcement that she’s going to start training a mini team of young girls who she hopes will redeem her name with her sub-par competition team. The mothers are less than thrilled with this news.
The following day before rehearsal, the mothers are clucking over Abby’s legal drama going public, and they prepare for the worst. However, Abby pretends like nothing has happened, even when Jill halfway references Abby being in the news. Instead of being the crazy wreck the mothers had anticipated, Abby is ready to dive in to the solo routines. Nia is channeling the character Cookie from Empire. While Holly is happy that Nia will be dancing a solo, she doesn’t really see any choreography competitive enough for the teen competition. Abby wants sass and twerking and an embarrassed Nia is hesitant to become the next Miley. Without the twerk, Abby grows tired of working with Nia and summons MacKenzie.
After complaining about her technique, she quizzes MacKenzie on the name of her dance. MacKenzie proudly states it’s “I Just Want to Stay Home and Eat Chips.” WRONG! Abby rails her for forgetting that it’s “I Just Want to Sit On the Couch and Eat Chips.” Can’t she remember anything? When MacKenzie simply states she believed the name of her routine to be the actual quote she said, Abby bellows that she’s contradicting her teacher who clearly recalls MacKenzie’s quote about sofa-surfing at eating Lays. She calls the poor girl a smart ass before banishing her from rehearsal. Melissa is livid at Abby’s name-calling as JoJo and Kalani try to comfort a sobbing MacKenzine.
Kendall’s solo is called meltdown, and Abby kisses up to Jill in an effort to unnerve Melissa. As Abby praises Kendall while bashing MacKenzie, Melissa seethes about what a loyal friend and confidant she’s been to Abby. Holly is a bit too pleased that Melissa is finally getting a taste of the Abby their girls are forced to deal with on a regular basis. As Melissa sticks up for MacKenzie who is being constantly compared to Maddie, Abby realizes she doesn’t like when Melissa pretends to be Mother of the Year. Jessalyn is concerned that if Abby keeps acting like nothing is wrong, she’s going to blow up with the crazy when they least expect it.
At the competition, Holly recognizes that Nia probably doesn’t have a chance with her solo. Kendall has been given amazing choreography and professional make-up, and Abby has all but ignored Nia’s routine since she refused to twerk. Abby believes that Kendall has been relying too much on being just another pretty face, so she’s made sure that Kendall’s make-up does the exact opposite. She tries to keep her tears at bay as Jessalyn hypes up her ability, assuring her that the “ugly” make-up will make such an impact on stage. Abby then does the unexpected. She tells a tearful Kendall to wash off the make-up and dance without it. Holly is in shock. Abby is certainly going to great lengths to get under Melissa’s skin by favoring Kendall!
In the teen competition, Nia is the first of the ALDC to dance. Nia showcases her sass even in a dance that doesn’t have much substance. She does an amazing job, and the judges agree with her rocking her facial expressions. Abby sits stone-faced as Nia beams at the praise. Conversely, Kendall’s dance is filled with difficult technical aspects, and she preforms flawlessly. However, the judges cite that such a pretty girl doesn’t need to plaster on sweet smile. They want to see Kendall convey her dark side. Maybe washing off that make-up wasn’t the best idea. MacKenzie dances next, and I wonder why Abby complains that MacKenzie needs to grow up but then always has her dancing dressed like an eight-year-old. Abby cheers hard for MacKenzie, but when a judge notes MacKenzie’s soft ankles, Abby expresses her disappointment in Maddie’s kid sister. After the girls head out for the group number, Jill tries to broach the subject of Abby’s recent woes, but Abby assures her that just because she broke up with her boyfriend, everything is fine. Um, what? The mothers are as confused as I am.
The costumes for the group routine, and while the dance is great, Kendall slips early on in the number. The judges love the routine, but Jill is concerned with Kendall’s flub. At the awards ceremony, MacKenzie lands fourth place in the junior solo division with Kendall getting third. Nia places second in the teen solo division. Let’s see if she gets the promised solo next week. The group places second in the group number by mere fractions of a point. Kendall is granted the solo next week as her dance had the most points. Holly tries to remind Abby that the mothers are there for her, but she basically snarks at the mothers, warning them they could be joining her in jail. Jessalyn is convinced…Abby is off her rocker.
[Photo Credit: Lifetime]
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